WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ENDING. Seriously. I feel like my brain just melted. What a mindscrew. Fix me khv. >:
Uh, no, I guess I don't want to be dead, I feel like I already died. D8 I'd rather not do it again. But yes fix my head pretty please. [video=youtube;E28WrhpTzQA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E28WrhpTzQA[/video]
How'd you get it anyway? Can you please gimme a link so I downoad it to my comp? I'm bored outta my firetruckin' mind. BTW what's the rating? Just a random question.
I downloaded it. I'll PM you. The rating for the remake is "Everyone 10+ [for] Animated Blood, Comic Mischief, Mild Cartoon Violence, Mild Language, [and] Use of Alcohol," (woooo ESRB copypasta) but the original came out before there were ratings so there's a fair amount of crap that gets past the radar, so to speak.