I thought all the copies of that game were burned. EDIT: Wait no, curse my ignorance. Pay me no heed.
You bought an Atari 2600 and took a detour to that giant pile of E.T. games? You should have retrieved Pac-Man instead.
I have E.T., Space Invaders, and 3D Tic-Tac-Toe. I decided to play E.T. first; a bad decision on my part, since I'm now heavily considering burning my Atari 2600.
Wait, is that Tic-Tac-Toe in a cube? Because that sounds like an awesome nerd game. Or is it just 3-d graphics?
I was actually going to get it, but I need to keep SOME money. I haven't played it yet actually. If I see 3D graphics on the 2600, I will shit bricks.
It's a pile of f**king ****. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sheeeeeevvveeeeeenteeeeeeeeennn Booooooooommmmmmbbbeeeeeer!!