He's looking at trading cards of some sort, has a marvel strap bag on and is carrying a box which has the words 'Leila's Loving Touch' on the top of it. Confirmed for geek or not?
is he one of those geeks that seems pretty cool, but doesn't have many friends and doesn't know how to act in social situations? or is he one of those geeks that doesn't shower and is mean to everyone? (my school is littered with these)
Talk to him? He had a box with 'Leila's loving touch' on the top of it. The only thing i'd ask is what's in it and i'd actually rather not know! And I would say he's a mixture of the two extremes.
He's one of those people who don't give a sh*t, which is perfectly fine if you do it right, ie. not wandering the streets naked.
Oh no, I'm having elementary school flashbacks.[DOUBLEPOST=1359734878][/DOUBLEPOST] Maybe even the Necronomicon or Thesaurus.
I had next to a fat guy on a plane who was reading X-men. And not a comic. a novel. **** sucked because i could barely breath the whole flight.