Full Chorus: Simple and Clean [KHV Chorus]

Discussion in 'KHV Chorus' started by Jayn, Oct 17, 2011.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Simple and Clean

    5/5 Solos TAKEN.
    7/7 Duets TAKEN.
    3/3 *'s (I don't know what to call them. Oohs? Ad-libs?) TAKEN.
    15/15 Quartets are TAKEN.

    (Chorus is currently Full. Please post in the thread if you'd like to be alerted in the case of a drop-out.)

    What is this?

    Yup. Shooting them out one by one. It won't be so hectic after Halloween (and before Christmas). So, pretty much, it's just a collaboration type musical thingy with KHV members. Anyone can join. ANYONE. All you have to do is post the lines you want, record them, and send them to me on time.

    We have a deadline here. After this one, we'll do This is Halloween and then take a voting break, haha.

    If you weren't in the Make a Man out of You chorus, I need you to find a picture for me to edit for you. High quality anime pictures can be found here: http://www.zerochan.net

    It doesn't have to be anime, it can be anything. It just has to be HIGH quality, and LARGE enough for me to work with. Not giant. But a nice size. Bigger than our avatars. I need a picture for future ones. Once you turn in a suitable picture, you'll never have to again unless you want to for future chorus stuff.

    So yeah, if you want to find another picture for me even if I have one, let me know. Otherwiseeee, for anyone who -hasn't- given me a picture yet at all, please do so.

    There are no auditions, no microphone restrictions. It doesn't matter if you think you're an amazing singer, or if your mic is fuzzy, all I ask if that you have fun with it and turn your parts in!

    Soooo... Feedback on the last one (so far) was that not a lot of people could hear their individual voices because our voices melded together usually. I'll let you know this isn't a matter of mic volume, it's more of the fact that you're singing with four people to essentially form one voice.

    AHEM. Because of the feedback on the last song, I've split this one up into more individual parts and utilized Duets. So we can hear each other more, as individuals and then come together as one voice for the black lines. Let's see how we like this.

    BECAUSE of this, I ask that when you pick your parts, you pick variety. A great example would be to pick one duet, one solo and two four-parters. Or to space out what you pick so that you're not singing in one part, and then disappearing for the rest of the chorus because you picked all of the lines you saw first, or something. Spread yourself out.

    The Song.



    Stream: http://www.box.net/shared/9it6nqsl8rrdjv9d4m3z

    How to record.

    For those of you who aren't sure how to go about recording yourself singing it, there are several different programs you can use. Audacity is a free program. I use Reaper, which is also free for evaluation.

    What I'd like to ask if that you sing along with the instrumental/main track for timing, but your finished track not have the instrumental. For example, if you make two different tracks in a program, and record yourself singing on one track and have the instrumental on another track or playing on youtube or something while you sing your part, when you send it to me I would like to just hear your voice and not the instrumental. It is MUCH better for you to be too quiet than too loud. If you're quiet, I can turn your volume up. If you're too loud and your mic peaks, I have to turn your volume dowwwn.

    What I'll take from this is that it's much better to have the voices louder than the music than the other way around. Eh, this is a learning process, hah.

    You can sing along with the instrumental, and it's okay if the instrumental/main song is heard faintly in your recording, so long as it doesn't overpower you. For those of you who decide to use Reaper, I can show you a detailed tutorial on how to do it.

    Here's an Audacity tutorial written by P for Mulan, but whatever;

    How to Use Audacity

    Getting the Stuff

    Go here and download the version for your computer. (Use the 1.3 series.) Install it in the manner appropriate for your OS.

    Go here to download and save the Mulan instrumental to somewhere on your computer. (Or whatever instrumental you may be using.)

    Opening the Instrumental

    Open Audacity. You'll should see this.

    Open the Mulan instrumental with Audacity. In a Mac, it's File>Open. Navigate to where you saved the Mulan instrumental, and open it.

    You should now see this. There are two tracks, for the two stereo tracks.


    Open the Audacity preferences and look under the 'Recording' tab for the Overdub option. Make sure it is ticked, so you can hear the instrumental as you record. Mine looks like this, but yours may be slightly different.

    Press the red button up top. A new track will begin to record, as can be seen here

    Listen through the instrumental until you get to the part with the lines you need to sing, at which point, sing them. When the song is finished, press the yellow, square stop button. You should end up with something like this.

    Fixing Errors

    Of course, you'll probably screw up somewhere. That's why you can do it multiple times. Click mute on the mistake'd track, as in here. Next, click before the area where you made a mistake and press the record button. You can now sing the part again. When you're done, press the stop button. You'll end up with this. You can do this procedure as many times as needed, until all lines are correct on at least one track.


    Now we have to delete everything except the lines you're gonna use. (You can now unmute any muted tracks.) We want to use the Split Delete tool. You do this by selecting the unwanted lines, as in here, and using Split Delete on it. On a Mac, the shortcut for it is Option+Command+K, but on a PC, at a guess, it would be Alt+Control+K. It will yield this result.

    Continue doing this until you've only got your lines left. Mine looks like this.

    Now we remove the instrumental track too, by pressing the X on the top-left of those two tracks. We're left with this.

    Sending to Jayn

    Now the hard work is done, we just need to export it. Go File>Export, and choose where to save the file. Make sure it is in WAV format. It'll look somewhat like this.

    Ignore this metadata thing that pops up. Just hit 'OK'. Likewise, hit OK on the Mono Channel warning.

    You're done! Now go and upload your file to some filehost, or email it to Jayn.


    • Have fun!
    • Send your lines to klairecross@gmail.com in MP3 or WAV format OR provide a download link for me in this thread, PM or VM.
    • You may have FOUR parts (four lines), and a maximum of FOUR people can sing one part together--EXCEPT for the lines in [brackets]. Those are solos, so only one person can claim those. This rule may be changed depending on how many people are interested. There are a lot of parts, to give people more opportunity to join.
    • These Kawaii Desu things here --> { ♥ } <-- are for duets. Only TWO people can claim those.
    • The lines in black should be recorded by everyone.
    • First come first serve for lines, but the deadline is October 23th. That means turn in your lines BY then. The video goes up on that date.
    • Once a line is striked out, it means it's not available anymore.
    • Please RESERVE your lines before you record. You can post here with what lines (FOUR max, but not four solo parts) you want. I will update the thread with who's singing what part, and what lines are all reserved out.
    • When you send your lines to me, you can either have your lines timed to the instrumental in ONE long file, or you can record all of your lines separately and send them to me that way in a ZIP or RAR file.
    • Once again...TIME your vocals. Sing to the TIMING of the song. Sing to the song.
    • Remember that I don't actually want to hear the song behind your vocals. If you sing along, wear headphones so your mic doesn't pick it up OR have the song really low while you record. If I hear it, the audience will too and that makes it sound bad.
    • Please help fill out the song. If you have the time, please pick four parts. REMEMBER to record the BLACK LINES. Otherwise, when the chorus sings together, your voice will not be included.
    • Anyone can sing the black lines, but I'm less likely to fit you into the video if the only thing you sang were the black lines. (When it's much harder to fit everyone in to begin with.)

    • I need a few different people to do some of the random oohs and ahhs Utada does, for funzies. Those will have an *asterisks by them and can be claimed by ONE person.


    Black = Everyone records that part.
    Different Colors = Different parts.
    * = Claimable by one person outside of who sings that part, not to be sung by the people who pick that part.
    { ♥ } = Duets. Two people can claim it.

    { ♥ } When you walk away, [Dr_Wigglz, Forsaken]

    { ♥ } You don't hear me say, [Heart, Krowley]

    { ♥ } "Please, oh baby, don't go." [Anti-Sora, Andrew]

    Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight. [~Ryan~, Noroz, Fearless, Sforzato]

    { ♥ } It's hard to let it go. [P, Christhor]

    You're giving me
    Too many things
    [Llave, Forsaken, Clawtooth, Defender of Light]

    You're all I need. (*Oh, Oh -Clawtooth)
    You smiled at me,
    And said,
    [Fuzzy Blue Lights, Forsaken, Noroz, What?]

    ["Don't get me wrong I love you, but does that mean I have to meet your father?"] [Dr_Wigglz]

    [When we are older you'll understand What I meant, when I said "No"] [~Ryan~]

    { ♥ }I don't think, life is quite that simple.~ [Llave, P]

    When you walk away
    You don't hear me say.
    "Please, oh baby, don't go."

    Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight. [Krowley, Christhor, Heart, Andrew]

    [It's hard to let it go.] [Krowley]

    *So simple and clean.~ - Jayn

    The daily things
    Like this and that and what is what.
    [P, NemesisPrime, Maka, Nekoki]

    That keep us all busy
    Are confusing me.
    [Krowley, Cookiie, Maka, Nekoki]

    That's when you came to me.
    And said,
    [Cookiie, Aqua, Maka, Nekoki]

    { ♥ } "Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water?" [Midnight Star, Llave]

    When we are older you'll understand
    It's enough when I say so.
    [Smeen, Heart, Defender of Light, Clawtooth]

    And maybe
    Some things are that simple.
    [Midnight Star, Fuzzy Blue Lights, Heart, NemesisPrime]

    [When you walk away
    You don't hear me say...]
    [Fuzzy Blue Lights]

    "Please, oh baby, don't go". [Llave, Noroz, Defender of Light, What?]

    Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight.
    It's hard to let it go.

    Hold me!

    Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on. [Fuzzy, Cookiie, Maka, Andrew]

    [Regardless of warnings
    The future doesn't scare me at all. ]

    Nothing's like before.

    When you walk away
    You don't hear me say
    [Midnight Star, Christhor, Anti-sora, Defender of Light]

    "Please, oh baby, don't go".

    Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight
    It's hard to let it go.

    { ♥ } Hold me. [~Ryan~, Jayn]

    Whatever lies beyond this morning
    Is a little later on.
    [~Ryan~, Christhor, Clawtooth, Anti-Sora]

    Regardless of warnings
    The future doesn't scare me at all.
    [Dr_Wigglz, Cookiie, NemesisPrime, Forsaken]

    Nothing's like before. [P, Anti-Sora, Noroz, Andrew]

    Hold me
    Whatever lies beyond this morning
    Is a little later on
    Regardless of warnings
    The future doesn't scare me at all
    Nothing's like before

    *Insert lots of whoo's* !!! If you KNOW what I'm talking about, anyone can claim these. Listen to the ending of the song. It's the...Um. She does lots of ahhs and whoos at the end. Do them if you want/can. **

    ...Okay. Just trust me guys, it'll sound awesome. >>; Anyway. Please specify the color of the part you pick.

    Lines In! (the over achievers)
    Silver = Backup.~

    • ~Ryan~
    • Jayn
    • Midnight Star
    • Smeen
    • Heart
    • Clawtooth
    • Cookiie
    • Andrew
    • Dr_Wigglz
    • Defender of Light
    • NemesisPrime
    • FuzzyBlueLights
    • Christhor
    • Krowley
    • Fearless
    • What?
    • Maka
    • Forsaken
    • Nekoki
    • Llave
    • Noroz
    • Anti-Sora
    • P
    • Sforzato

    Mixing Progress

    • Jayn, Midnight Star, ~Ryan~ and Smeen's vocals are mixed.
    • Heart, Clawtooth, Cookiie, Andrew, Dr_Wigglz, Defender of Light, NemesisPrime and FBL's vocals are mixed. -10/18/2011
    • All received vocals are MIXED. -10/19/2011

    Video Progress

    • Static images places. -10/17/2011
    • All received Images are finished in Photoshop except for Maka, Noroz and Krowley's. -10/19/2011
    • All received and edited images are placed. -10/19/2011
    • Solo animations are finished. -10/19/2011
    • Background effects are placed. -10/19/2011
    • All pictures are photoshopped. -10/20/2011

    Pictures Needed From...

    No one.

  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    I'd like the first "When you walk away" (in pink)
    Also "Don't get me wrong i love you, but does that mean i have to meet your father?" (in a yellowish colour that's difficult for me to read :P)

    And if it's okay.... "Regardless of warnings, the future doesn't scare me at all" (in blue)
  3. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Updated. [noparse]:D[/noparse]

    @Thread: I know this looks daunting. Staring at it kind of intimidates me, but don't worry. The duets/adlibs indications and such are more for me. You guys just have to sign up, sing it and send 'em. c:

    Also, make sure you check your microphone volumes before you record. A couple of you were super loud last time. D;
  4. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    Could I get these parts?

    Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight.

    [When we are older you'll understand What I meant, when I said "No"]

    { ♥ } Hold me.

    Whatever lies beyond this morning
    Is a little later on.

    I'll probably end up sending you te entire song anyways xDD
  5. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Was i one of them?
  6. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Okay, 90% of this is too high for me to attept without strangling cats but regardless I'll take:

    { ♥ } "Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water?"

    And maybe
    Some things are that simple.

    When you walk away
    You don't hear me say (the non-solo one)

    Advance warning, I may not record some of the black lines.
  7. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Dear Jayn,

    All I want for Christmas is my two front tee-*shot* xD

    I would like to request the following if that is ok:

    "You're giving me
    Too many things
    Lately." (Orange)

    { ♥ }I don't think, life is quite that simple.~ (Dark Grey)

    { ♥ } "Wish I could prove I love you, but does that mean I have to walk on water?" (Silver)

    "Please, oh baby, don't go". (Charcoal)

    Thank ye much.
  8. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    ^This >.<

    Also, do you have a link to the video of the instrumental? I can't download mp3 files unfortunately...

    EDIT: Could you use this image for me in this vid?
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Yes, lolol.

    @~Ryan~ You weren't. c:

    I don't have a video of it because I rearranged it myself. But I'll upload it to box.net right now so you guys can stream it there.

    Edit: Streamable-version is up there. v:

    Also, more feedback. This isn't as peppy a song as Be a Man, but try to put some emotion behind your singing. FEEL ETTTT. It's emotional, sing with your spirit. Try not to sound monotone and dead, we're supposed to be having fun. xD You guys make me feel like a slave-driver--*shot*
  10. FuzzyBlueLights Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 20, 2009
    Owl City
    You're all I need. (*Oh, Oh)
    You smiled at me,
    And said,

    And maybe
    Some things are that simple.

    Whatever lies beyond this morning
    Is a little later on.
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    This looks interesting... (So disappointed I missed the Mulan one)

    If possible I'd like to request:
    Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feel tonight.
    [It's hard to let it go.]
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Link to the stream-able version is in the OP. ~
  13. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Wait Jayn, isn't the Japanese version and the English have slightly different quirks in them? I know Passion does. (Sanctuary)
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    My lines.
  15. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    I sang the whole song through with no problems in English. Utada is in the background at some parts, but the instrumental is still fine. c:

    Updating with P's lines.
  16. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Yeah I did too, it seemed a bit off, but that was probably me. The only obvious thing is the Japanese here and there but I think that'll spice it up.

    Alright then, was just checking.
  17. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
  18. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    I sang a reference just now here. It's bad on purpose, don't worry. I won't sound like that in the actual chorus. xDDD

    @Ryan; Got your new pic. ;D
  19. smeen Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 18, 2011
    Can I have...

    When we are older you'll understand
    It's enough when I say so.

    (And if you need me to sing more I can sing more...)

    And is this picture ok? http://www.zerochan.net/362317
  20. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    That picture will work fine.
    And alright. Updated. :] If you change your mind and want more lines, let me know.~
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