Should Square add more FF in KH?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Dawn, Apr 29, 2007.

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  1. Dawn King's Apprentice

    I've heard someone wants Vincent from VII. In my opinion, he's a great example of someone dwelling in darkness but living in the light realm. Almost like Cloud except he's got worse issues than Darkness.
  2. Hakumi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 22, 2007
    I think Square should still limit the appearances of characters from other games, just so that it is always somewhat of a bonus to see them. The characters I think that would work best that we haven't see so far are:

    Vincent teamed with Cait Sith - Cait Sith already even has a crown, he fits perfectly, and would counter balance Vincents Darkness by teaming them together. Perhaps if Sora and co travel to the world of Darkness they could serve as Leon's Counter part.

    Zack - Also would work if it is set in the World of Darkness, I think it's important to atleast start him out apart from Cloud. Maybe have them once from the same world, split between Dark and Light, and Zack was left behind. I Don't think it was ever stated that Cloud was from Radiant Gardens, just that he lived there at some point.

    Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz - I thought this would be cool. Instead of fighting Sephiroth, In the world of Darkness you would fight his Remnants. I think it would be awesome to fight all three at once, in a level that resembles the Forgotten City, like in Advent Children, maybe allowing you to jump on the trees and stuff too. Maybe after you beat them a Sephiroth fight would be avaible.

    Kefka - Would be very interesting to see what his Kingdom Hearts counter part would look like. I would love to see him teamed up with Maleficent. I also could see him having Final Fantasy IX's jesters Zorn and Thorn as henchmen.

    Kuja - I think Kuja would fit in with Kingdom Hearts really well. Having him create a new type of Heartless Black Mage, called "The Black Waltzes" that you could battle throughout the game would be interesting.

    Chocobos - Have we even seen these in Kingdom Hearts yet? I think they should have some sort of Chocobo somewhere, maybe a cute little Chocobo Tales verison.
  3. Arctic Rush Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 27, 2007
    The Station of Calling
    If Vincent was in KH, he'd need a melee weapon. Like DW Knives.
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    I think they should add more FF characters but they would have to choose wisely who they put in it. Hopefully not any of the charaters from FFXII, i didn't really like them.
  5. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    I have to agree with Hakumi about Kuja - he could certainly have a pretty crutial role with the ability to create black mages, somehow being linked with the Heartless.

    If there's already *Cloud*, I don't see why we'd need another waddling angst muffin. :/ No thanks, I've just about had enough of it.
  6. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I agree with those in the quote. Those would be awesome to have. ESPECIALLY, the chocobos. I want them so badly. T_T
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I was thinking about FF worlds in KH? And some of the characters in that world as partners?
  8. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007

    Well, KH does have plenty of Disney characters, so some more FF characters would probably balance it out more. They'd have to be careful who they chose, though, because we don't want a lineup of angsty Cloud-and-Squall-wannabees lined up leaning against a wall in Hollow Bastion (That made wayy more sense in my head >.>).
  9. Dawn King's Apprentice

    True, Riona should be in there. I think I read from one of Xaldin's "reports" that they were working on VII and VIII. How did X get in there, I do not know. I would guess if Riona was in there he wouldn't have any teamwork and more relaxed.
  10. RoxasAWanderer Moogle Assistant

    Jun 2, 2007
    I think they should.

    It would show people who haven't played Final Fantasy before a new game that they can experience.

    In my opinion though, they shouldn't have added Auron. Everytime I heard the line "This is my story and you're not part of it." I felt my stomach drop. They should add Zell and Irvine. They can be the new "immature squad" of Kingdom Hearts.

    It was a lot of fun to watch Irvine mess with the girls and to watch Zell try and get a hotdog. They can really expand on those two characters and make them even better.
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