I do believe you mean what. It's a manga series =P. The who would be Peach-Pit. Also Rissy, you like Higurashi amirite? The creators of Zombie-Loan and Higurashi did a collab for a PSP videogame :lolface: ~
See I'd totally be all YEAH ME TOO and suchandsuch but I have yet to read Zombie-Loan actually >: . Just know a little about it. I'm supposing I should? && Yes they did, it's called Ookamikakushi.
OMG OKAY xD ~ Is it available on like mangafox or something? And just the basic plot and who made it. It sounds really awesome ;o.
Yeah, I actually watched the anime first, a long time ago, and I had the sudden need to read the manga And I finished it in like three days. :L But there is some Yuri/Yaoi action in it, but it's not too bad.