This thread is started due to a great serggestion of Aqua_Heart she wanted a thread where people could ask for pics and people find them. The rules are: 1. post the exsact picture you want on this thread 2. anyone veiwing this site can find the pic for you 3. when the person has found it post it on this thread 4. you can ask as many times as you like 5. you cannot ask for rep in return it's up to the one resiving there "gift" to deside 6. HAVE FUN!! LOL!
I want a picture of a monkey fuucking a coconut. It could look like a melon but I'm pretty sure I want it to be a coconut. :lolface: I Kid ya all.
Well actually I wanted a GIF (moving pic) but that's ok ^^ MS: This? or this? or even this? Rhian: Close enough?
All I want is for people to send the location of this thread to everyone they know (on KH-vids) of course