Sabby - Ultimate Keyblade Wielder

Discussion in 'Staff' started by Sabby, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Name: Sabby

    Real name: Sabrina

    Age: 19

    Rank: Super Moderator

    Specialties: Eating babies

    Interests: Video games, stealing misty's pokemon, harassing RVR and poking children (with my penis)

    Personality: I'm a very tolerable person, people say I'm nice, I can listen if you need to talk about something. i also like long walks on the park and eating footcheese.

    History: I joined in 2006, because I had no life back then. Between years 2006-2008 I was a pretty active member. In 2009, I became more active on KHV. 2010, I got hired on staff and created the KHV Podcast that is already a year old. One accomplishments that I am very proud of.

    Goals: To take over KHV and be the supreme ruler of it all with Misty. I want to help members of the site with anything they need help with. Make this place wonderful to be at. I also want this place to have zero tolerance on bullying. I believe the reason people come to KHV but also want to be here is to feel a sense of community, I just want them to feel welcomed. I run the KHV Podcast, so anything and everything I put together with the help of the staff team.

    To Members: So if you need any help with anything, gimme a VM, PM or add me on msn. I'd be glad to help. If you want help but you don't want to tell me who you are, you can ask me on my Tumblr: HERE. I'll reply as fast as I can. :D
  2. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    First *shot*
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    B| But we all know I am the real first poster here IN OUR HEARTS.

    Welcome to the staff Sabby bby~
  4. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Tank you Mistehh.. and RVR.... -blows steam off gun- I hope you learned your lesson D:
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Welcome to the Staff Sabby! Great to have you on board! :]

    I'm sure you'll learn a thing or two from me. : P