RWBY: Guardian's Saviors

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by LadyAzura, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    There was a small tentative smile on Auburns lips as she looked between the two boys. "My father is great, though I don't know if I am on the path to greatness. I couldn't even keep an eye for that Ursa... I don't know if I am quite cut out for all this. I might have to leave the hero work to my dad." Auburn told them hinting at her nearly leaving not long before. That being said now that they had gotten her to open up a little bit, she was already feeling a little more comfortable and a little more confident. She didn't like starting conversations, or talking much, but she realized that she hated being ignored equally as much. "So... I don't know about this hero work, but I think we are supposed to be meeting with the crazy lady. I am sure Qrow won't mind if we leave now, he has done what my father asked I am sure and now can't care less." Auburn laughed a little bit knowing a bit more about Qrows demeanor from his occasional visits to see her father and just stories that she was told. While she wasn't close with him she felt like she knew him well enough to make that call.

    Lingering around Arian started to wonder what was taking the other team so long to get back. He thought they were supposed to meet back pretty quickly and here he was waiting around, avoiding Noire while he was at it. While she tried to apologize and Arian tried to move on, it didn't mean that he wanted to deal with her any more than he had to. Looking over he noticed Lloyd giving a talking to to one of their members. Vice had seemed distant so far and while there is a part of Arian who wanted to say that it didn't matter, he also knew that wasn't true and that they would need to work better, he was sure he was guilty of that as well but chose not to think of it as he leaned back against the nearest wall. Flipping a coin his tail swished behind him, keeping himself a little more content than he had been so far. Perhaps it was just the fact that someone besides him was in trouble that made him feel better, he wasn't sure but didn't care much to question it as he waited for the point in which they were allowed to leave.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "None of use had an eye on that Ursa, no use in trying to take the blame all for yourself there." Lazuli corrected. He knew for a fact that he had tried to shoot the grimm before it had gotten to far away, but by the time he had gotta a lock on it, it had already gotten out of his range. He figured that the crazy lady had to be Noire, a statement that he did agree with to some degree, and nodded. "Might as well, we actually talked like he wanted us to." They did what he asked and thus he had no reason to be upset at them.

    The reason behind his lack of communications was simple, he saw no need for it. He was plenty strong himself and if he could take down Grimm by himself then why should he waste time 'communicating' with others. From the look that Lloyd had given him, he supposed that he actually had to say something back. "I've never been one for the mushy 'teamwork', just point me in the direction of an enemy and I'll deal with it my way. Shouldn't that be enough leader." In the same vein, none of them had really given him any thing that shows he would be able to rely on them either. Not to mention that relying on others was something that could be used against oneself, as he's witness firsthand.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  3. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Qrow looked at the message Ozborn had sent him earlier, detailing his new order. He sighed for a moment before standing up from his seat. He walked back toward the room where BLAU was still communicating with one another. He knocked on the door and walked into the room. "I hate to break up this team bonding but you guys need to get a move on. Noire's gonna be leading you guys the rest of the way. So get your stuff and meet her in townsquare." He pointed his thumb at the door as he addressed the team. He walked out of the room and pulled out his scroll. "Hey. I'm sending them back to you. Ozpin should've told you about the plan now. Lead the way for them kid. And keep 'em safe as well as yourself." He went outside to take the call and hung up as he wrapped up the conversation. He started to walk toward the airport as he put the scroll in his pocket.

    Noire crossed her arms as she paced around the fountain, waiting for the two teams to be ready. With each passing second, she started to get irritated. "How long does it take for a team to get ready at Beacon? It feels like they're getting ready to move houses, not themselves." She kept pacing around while growing more and more impatient. As she was about to yell, her scroll had ringed for a moment, alerting her about incoming call. Noire picked up the scroll and answered it. "What's up? Where's the other team?" As Qrow began to speak, Noire went quiet and listened intently. "Yeah I know. I'll do my best to guide them as much as I can. There's only so much I can do. I'm not gonna hold their hands throughout this whole thing. Just worry about yourself, Ozpin, and the students. Got it? Alright." She hung up the call and put her scroll back in her pocket. She turned to VLAD and spoke up. "Alright! Listen up!! Get your stuff ready! We're gonna be heading out soon!! Once we leave, there's no turning back! Got it!?" She put a hand on her hip as the cloth covering her nose and mouth moved slightly.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As they were wrapping up the conversation, Qrow entered the room again and told them that it was time to go. Sighing a bit she knew that they needed to go but didn't quite want to, still struggling with her confidence. Either way she could get over it if need be, well she had to, there was a mission to do and she couldn't really just walk away from it now. She may have tried but got stopped and now here she was. Slinging her pack across her shoulder, and ensuring that her weapons were strapped tight to her, Auburn got ready to head out and meet the rest of the group.

    Upon appearing with the other group, Auburn sunk into the background again. Sure she was doing a little bit better with her own group, but given the big group, she still was shy. She didn't know what to do about this. At least they were moving on soon, as soon as they moved on and started doing something, she could be distracted by that instead.

    "Who knows." Arian brushed of Noires question on how long it took people to get ready. "I am sure they have their reasons." Thankfully those reasons didn't take them too long before the other group started to file back and meet up with them, not long after a conversation Noire seemed to be having with who could only guess would be Qrow. Rolling his eyes at the next comment, Arian was truly getting bored with the woman more than intimidated. "We know, you said that already. Can we just go now?" He pushed not wanting to stand around any longer.
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Qrow's timing was a little late as they had already decided it was time to go before Qrow had walked in to tell them just that. Oh well, the end results would still be the same regardless. With his hands in his pockets Lazuli walked out of the room behind the others. He headed back to his room, Lazuli made a quick check to see if he still had everything accounted for. It was and so he grabbed his bag and left to rejoin with the others. The walk there was relatively short and left Noire leading them as the last thing that needed to happen.
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Dubhán just sat down and waited when Qrow took a moment to sort out something with the other team and Lloyd was having a talk with Vice who didn't seem to be preparing very well as Lloyd had pointed out, Dubhán wasn't going to bail him out of the problem that he would get himself in by underpreparing by say sharing his rations. He had half a mind to ask Noire some things about the technique she used to dispatch the Ursa so easily, whether it was something special that would be worthwhile to learn, but he felt like it also came down to experience and physical strength. Dubhán heard Lloyd mention something about communication problems, sure Dubhán wasn't one to really talk about anything but in combat he would at the very least help direct their efforts to be more efficient. He wasn't the only person that was on his own as Arian was simply watching and waiting just like he was and if Dubhán was being honest the amount of time it took for the other team to do whatever they had to do was bothering him a little bit.

    Dubhán smiled a little noticing that Noire was getting agitated by the other team taking their sweet sweet time to prepare as well he couldn't answer her question as he had arrived late to Beacon and not attended any lessons yet, but they were taking too long that was for sure. He observed her as she paced the agitation seemed to worsen until her scroll rang. She mentioned not going to hold their hands through this entire thing which was perfectly fine by Dubhán he didn't expect it to be that way, even if Noire wanted to it would be hard to do so when they were out there and things got tough. Everyone needed to pull their weight now. As Noire calledfor them Dubhán grabbed the backpack he had set down slung it onto his back and headed over. "
    I am all ready, have been for a bit actually, let's get going." Dubhán said, not beating around the bush too much.
  7. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Braden rose with the others as they all turned to leave. He had remained mostly silent the whole time, listening with only the vaguest signs of interest. Most everything that had to be said about their conversation had simply already been said by the others. It seems Qrow was more right in his observation than Cadoc had originally thought: he was being incredibly anti-social. Granted, it was simply a byproduct of circumstance more than anything else, but the fact remained that even now he had little to say. He never did really; most of the time he just gave a cheerful anecdote while keeping his true thoughts to himself. Which begged the question of whether or not he had anything worth saying.

    It was a good question really, one he had never really thought about. However, he wasn't going to just start up a random new conversation and pour out his life story or anything. He supposed he would just have to make sure that he took a more active role the next time conversation came his way. In the meantime, he simply accompanied his team to Noire's location.
  8. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    There was a sense of relief and happiness in him seeing that him and his teammates were finally getting along. They'd even managed to get a laugh out of the shy Auburn, and Blaine could see that Qrow couldn't have been more right; the key to having a good team was having good communication, and it truly felt like they had begun to connect with each other, not as teammates on the battlefield, but as comrades, as people facing catastrophe together. And it seemed that their time was to be cut short, as they had just been called for. The big bird had come knocking, and they were to move out soon to their next destination.

    As they joined the others, Blaine took a quick glance at his team to see how they were doing, giving Auburn a reassuring smile before looking back at Noire. Hearing the comment from Dubhán, he laughed nervously. "Apologies! We were held back, but there is nothing to worry about now." He was ready to move on, to face his next task in a journey that's barely begun.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Noire looked over as the other team had finally arrived. She looked over at both groups and cleared her throat. "Alright listen up! Before we head out, there's something you guys gotta know. Now I'm sure you've noticed that Qrow's not here right now. That's because there's been a change of plans for him. So for now, I'll be your guide for the rest of the journey. Glad we understand." Noire turned around and faced the forest. She cracked her knuckles and spoke again. "Alright let's head out!!" She walked into the forest with the two teams. "Make sure you stay close to your teams. The forest can get a little confusing to navigate through!!" After awhile, the group comes up to a fork in the road. Noire stopped and faced the two groups. "So here's the deal. These two paths lead into a part of the forest we're looking for. One group is going to go on the left path and the other group goes on the right. The temple of Caspian is nearby and from here there will be trials to get to it. So decide amongst yourselves on which team goes on which path. As for me, I'll be taking the right path." Noire crossed her arms as she spoke to the teams about the road ahead.
  10. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Auburn was a little choked to hear the Qrow was leaving to do other things. She understood but at the same time he was arguably the one that she knew the most out of everyone here. At least she had met him before arriving at the school, even if he rarely looked her way when he was over at the house visiting. She supposed that was why he made them talk it out and get along if he wasn't even going to be there to look out for her. Auburn couldn't help but wonder what her father would think about this, since Qrow was supposed to be looking out for her. That being said things had changed and it was only a matter of time before he was needed else where, and given that her father had yet to come for her, she assumed he was busy as well and understood.

    As they walked on and started into their mission, they arrived at a fork in the road where the two teams were supposed to split up. Auburn looked to both paths and then she looked to Blaine, he was their leader after all, so she was sure that he should have an idea of which way that they should go, and if the other team wanted to argue over path choices, she was the last one willing to stand in the way of that. This was a decision for her leader and she stood by that belief firmly.

    At least Arian was not the only impatient one. The newer member of his team, one that he had not spent all that much time talking to, also seemed ready to go. Noire soon obliged after telling them that Qrow was going his own way. "Guess he needed to refill his flask." Arian leaned over to Dubhan and joked lightly. He didn't put it past the old man to be going for another drink over staying with them. Heck at this rate they were probably driving him to drink more. Either way the finally got on the road and got the choice of directions that they could head. Seeing no one else speaking up yet, Arian started towards the path on the left. "We should go this way." Of course he would go left, all good adventurers went left.
  11. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Blaine listened carefully to their new instructions, and upon Noire finishing her explanation, he looked carefully upon each path. He felt rather despondent that their huntsman friend could not be there to join him, but he reminded himself that whatever business Qrow had to take care of, it had to be extremely important for him to just leave them there with a single guide. And he felt like he was being entrusted with a heavy task to make sure that he could lead his team to their victory.

    Speaking of leading...He needed to choose a road. Knowing that just staring at both paths wouldn't get him anywhere, he opted to think of something else. Instead of trying to figure out which he should take based on just observing them, he decided that the better way would be to judge which group would be better suited on taking the road with Noir--

    "We should go this way."

    Or that. Though if he were to be honest, Blaine did feel that him and his team should've been the ones to go with Noire. Thinking back on their first battle, he felt that the other team did better than BLAU did, so perhaps it was best that they gain some more experience working together while being able to work with a much more experienced huntress at the same time.

    "Then my team shall go right!"
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The instructions were simple enough, but the kicker was learning that Qrow wouldn't be joining them for this expedition. Lazuli took a moment to try and think of what could cause one of the more experienced huntsmen that they had to leave. Perhaps something urgent? If so, would be it something for them to deal with later on down the road. It certainly was possible. Lazuli had settled on that thought for the time being however. Trailing further on this thought track would lead worry and being over cautious. Not that there was anything wrong with being just cautious.

    At the fork in the road, Blaine had elected that their team take the right path. "Lead on then." He said fairly casually in fact.
  13. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Cadoc didn't really mind much which way they went one way or the other.

    "It's all the same to me. I'd be happy to go either right or left. So if there aren't any objections, right sounds like a perfectly acceptable direction to go in!"

    ... Maybe he was overselling the 'cheery' bit too much. Oh well. He had piped up to say... something, at least. If he was going to start speaking more often, he had to start somewhere. Cooperative two cents wasn't a bad place to start on that either.
  14. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Noire nodded her head as the two teams had decided on the next path. "Alright then. BLAB just keep following the path and both should lead to the temple. But be warned, there are grimm around. It's not as if the guardian is going to let us walk into their temple casually." She shrugged her shoulders as she gave her warning. She then turned to the other team. "You guys are going to be following me. Keep your eyes peeled for anything unusual."


    Noire started to walk ahead of VLAD. She pulled out her scroll to check a small map that Ozpin had sent to her earlier. "
    Alright...we're on the right track." As the five were walking, small sounds could be heard from the bushes and trees. Noire looked around a little bit before turning her back to the front. The sounds grew louder and louder with each step they took. Noire immediately placed her hands on her sickles. "We got company..." She whispered to the team behind her. From the trees and bushes, people emerged from it. Their faces were covered by masks that had resembled the faces of Grimm. "What in the-?!" Before anybody could move, the whole group was surrounded by them. "The White Fang?!?! How?!" Noire held her sickles up in defense. The person in front of her had spoke up. "Leave now and there will be no problems."


    BLAB walked along the path for a little bit. After some time, small sounds could be heard from the bushes. It might've been some bird or small animal. As they continued to walk, the sounds continue to occur.

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Wait so no one was going with them? That was unsettling. Why did Qrow have to return? Why couldn't he lead them, or her father be there, or something? She didn't like the idea of having to go on this adventure on her own. Well she had her team with her, but they were as inexperience as she was with this and to be doing stuff on their own when there was so much on the line, she didn't feel comfortable going on their own. Still there was no one else around to guide them and she couldn't possibly ask Noire to forgo helping the other team to help them instead. Glancing to her teammates, she nervously followed behind them as they started to head down the path that they were supposed to go.

    As they walked down the path, Auburn started to hear noise in the bushes. Drawing her weapons she prepared herself for whatever might come. It could just be a small animal or something, but she could never be too careful. There were grimm around, they had seen that grimm were in the town earlier. They could really be anywhere. She kept her eyes peeled, slowing down and glancing around.
    "Be careful there might be something out there." She warned her party, falling back into training her father had given her.

    So Noire was to join them. He didn't particularly get along with the woman, but Arian didn't grumble but instead putting on a cocky grin as he walked forward. "I knew that you couldn't resist being around me." He winked at Noire lightening the mood slightly, or at least attempting to, really hoping that Noire wouldn't turn around and try to murder him. He started marching forward his tail swooshing behind him happily as they started moving forward down the path.

    As they were walking Noire got on edge, warning them that they were not alone. Arian's ears perked up as he scanned around and listened for whatever might be around. It didn't take long before a faunus stepped out of the bushes warning them to turn around. The White Fang, why did they have to be here? Arian let out a long sigh and while he knew he would have been better to put up his hood and sink into the background, he was not going to back down.
    "That is not going to happen. I suggest that you back down instead." He warned holding his head high. He didn't know if they would recognize him, but he would not dare speak his name here, instead hoping they thought of him as just a, as they would put it, tame faunus. Slowly be brought out his bow, but being closer to the faunus he had it split into it's blade form as he stared them down sighing a bit. "I would rather not kill one of my own." But still he looked like he was ready to fight if the other faunus didn't back down.
  16. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The splinting up didn't faze him as much as the Noire had gone along with the others. Certainly an unintentional advantage that they would have should she assist them with the trials. Then again, she wasn't quite the most friendly person or cooperative with them. Somehow the idea of her getting past the trial with easy and just waiting didn't surprise him.

    Lazuli kept one of his hands resting near his weapons as they walked as a precaution. It turned out to be the right move when they heard the rustling, he stopped slightly and moved his sword slightly from its hilt. Should it be a small animal then this would be an over reaction, should it be a grimm and this might not even be enough. He said nothing and remained on guard for what might happen next.

    The Grimm shaped masked had immediately caught the attention of Vice. A cheap way of trying to look intimidating. They certainly weren't going to go back so a fight was likely to occur now, which was perfectly fine by him. A good fight could prove to be helpful right now. Vice couldn't help but to scoff at what Arian said, doubting his capabilities to actually kill one of his own then drew out his contained weapon before turning it into its hammer form.
  17. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Team BLAU set off alone on their path, Blaine making sure to stick out all of his senses for any possible disturbance, his aura ready to activate at a moments notice. As soon as he heard a noise, his hands curled into fists from reflex, but he quickly calmed himself down. No use in getting so worked up if it was just a harmless animal. But the noises kept coming, and Auburn voiced his thoughts aloud. Blaine, too, slowed his pace. "Yes, though I believe that 'something' has already found us..." His hands reached back, and within seconds, he wielded his tonfa, ready to fight at a moments notice, his aura flaring up to protect himself. "Everybody ready, we don't know what'll come!"
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Happy 1st Anniversary to RWBY: Guardian's Saviors!!

    As a reward for this milestone, everyone gets a BP bonus of 2 and an HP bonus of 5!!

    All Members now have a BP of 7 and 20 HP!

    Thank you for sticking with RWBY for an entire year!



    Noire looked over at Arian as he had addressed the White Fang. She was a little confused as to why he had this confident air around him as he told them to back down. She wasn't going to question it for now. The White Fang, however, were still aiming their weapons at the five. The captain of the group had then spoke up. "Sorry kid but these orders come from a different boss. I'm afraid I can't let you go any further." The captain crossed his arms as a smug grin crossed his face. The other White Fang members chuckled a bit before putting their weapons up again. Noire got her sickles up immediately before talking to Arian. "Don't know what you're game plan was but doesn't look like it worked." The captain took out a steel club and prepared himself for the fight impending. "Alright guys, let's get this job done quickly. It might impress the boss...Now..Attack!!!!!" The members nodded their heads before launching themselves at the group of five.


    16 White Fang Members - 3BP
    1 White Fang Captain - 4BP

    Lloyd: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows
    Arian: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows
    Vice: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows
    Dubhan: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows

    Noire: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows


    The bushes continued to rustle around Team BLAB until low growls could be heard. Before the team had a chance to run, several grimm had appeared in front of them. They launched themselves into battle against the team. It appears that they were trying to stop them from advancing any further toward the temple.


    16 Beowolves - 3BP
    1 Ursa - 4BP

    Blaine: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows
    Lazuli: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows
    Auburn: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows

    Braden: 20/20 HP, 7/7 BP, 3/3 Bullets/Arrows


  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Already on her toes and ready for whatever was to come, Auburn had her sword swapped to a gun in an instant, and an instant later it was fired at the Ursa who had popped out of one of the bushes. Looking around they were surrounded and there was not a hole lot they could do but fight their way out of this situation. Letting her mind go blank, Auburn let her training take over as she prepared herself to go on the offense. Defense was a good strategy when trying to protect someone else, but it was also easy to get overwhelmed if you were too passive with attacking. Under her breath she whispered some instructions that her father had taught her. "Left foot in front of right, right hand back. Breath." She told herself as a Beowolf launched itself at her, so she launched back, keeping herself small and lower to the ground as she jammed her blade up through it's heart and watched it drop to the ground beside her.

    It was a good start but there was still more to deal with. She had just taken out two, but 15 still remained. Alone Auburn didn't know if she could handle this, but she wasn't alone, she had a team, a team that she hoped would have her back. She might not be as good as her father, but she still knew what she was doing enough to hold her own, as long as everyone else could say the same, they should be fine.

    He had hoped they would back down, but Arian smiled a little bit as they clearly weren't ready to back down. "Impress the boss. I would look forward to seeing the reaction when they find out who you almost killed, but you won't be living long enough for that." Arian pulled his bow out, parting it into two blades. "I don't know who is holding your leashes now. But you have lost the true meaning of the White Fang, I don't feel bad for you." He stated before launching himself at the man who seemed to be leading. Arian didn't waste time taking him out before turning to one of the near members and going for his neck. Stepping back, Arian bared his elongated k-9's at them, his ears tucking back for a moment. "Are you sure you want to do this." He had taken out two already, but he didn't want to continue if he didn't have to, Arian hoped that this was enough of a scare to chase them away.
  20. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Dubhán merely looked in Blaine's direction when he apologised and assured there was nothing holding them back now. With the other team returned they could finally get going now. Noire told them that they wouldn't be lead by Qrow from now on but by her, he had already noticed that Qrow wasn't among them anymore and simply assumed the change in leadership. Arian joked he probably had to go refill his flask which got a bit of a chuckle out of Dubhán. As they headed out he remained near the back of his team, providing rear-guard it also provided him with the excuse to be on his own a little more, he wasn't nearly as talkative as Arian was and wasn't very good with small talk anyways so he focussed on his surroundings and remained sharp.

    When they hit the fork, Arian suggested going to the left, it was fine with him either way. With the other team going down the other path they were left with Noire. She seemed to insinuate something strange, but he wasn't going to question it. He also wasn't going to speak up that he was already doing exactly what she had asked of them to keep their eyes and ears open, figuring pointing it out one time that day was more than enough and he didn't want to be on the receiving end of the power she had displayed in front of them. Dubhán heard the sounds around them in the bushes and as Noire grabbed her weapons Dubhán had already drawn his.

    He was however not expecting to see people here wearing masks in imitation of the Grimm, were they bandits? Noire seemed to be more familiar with them. However the message was clear, they were told to leave now. Dubhán patiently awaited word from the leadership on their decision, even if they didn't have much of a choice. Arian mentioned not wishing to kill any of his own... these people they were faunus too, if they hadn't been Dubhán might have questioned what he meant exactly with that. If Arian had been a bandit himself Dubhán would have a problem with him. Vice too now looked ready for a fight. They were on a collision course and there was no avoiding it. With Arian's plan failed they called the attack, Dubhán was already waiting.

    Holding the twin blades in a guard he waited for the inevitable attacks that came his way. The first White Fang Member that came his way lunged with a blade. Dubhán parried the blow off to the side, opening up the White Fang member for an attack, which Dubhán made a use off first attacking with his free hand, using the blade of the golok to slash at his enemy's exposed torso, then following it up by a second slash from his other golok, running all the way along the arm to the torso before kicking the man away, falling over onto his back. Dubhán then whirled around blocking a downwards strike with his left hand golok and intending to slash at his foe but his blow was parried so Dubhán spun out from under the blow freeing up his blade and going directly for another slash this one hitting home. Dubhán took up a low crouch with both weapons at a guard waiting for his foes to come at him, remaining wary of his surroundings.

    Enemies Defeated: 2 White Fang Members
    Enemies Remaining: 13 White Fang Members

    BP: 1/7 remaining
    Bullets: 3/3
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2018