Have Americans distorted the Christian's belief? I want your opinion. This thread is not to offend anyone but to discuss people's views on the subject. Please refrain form saying anything that might offend someone else's beliefs.
I do not know personally about what Americ does towards Christianity, but if it is distorted than I would not be surprised. Since the dawn of Christianity, people have used it for thie own personal means to start wars, influence the public or fool high-ranknig officials. I can not think of any in detail but I do remember a story in an Relegious class about how a Pope used the relgion to start a war because it was to his benefit and safety, a classic tale in how someone can manipulate others because of what they believe in.
To be honest, religion isn't being distorted, it's actually fading away.Religion, for alot of people was there to explain the unexplainable but now that science is starting to explain it all, religion is fading away.It will stay alive forever but with a minimal amount of people back the religion.
Definitely America is not responsible for how Christianity alters. Christians change it from any nation to reflect how they want it to be. There are different schools of Christian thought. Religion changes and adapts to demands of people as they change or it is no longer sufficient to exist. Christianity has had little choice but to change from the way it originally was since we do not stand by some of the morals and ethics declared in the Bible. Other things have endured because perhaps they are timeless human lessons towards bettering oneself or dealing with a society. Some Christian groups fair better than others do even today. Some are more fanatical and nutty than others. In the end though, changes to any religion must happen if it is to remain present in any society because no society stagnates. Any of the older religions also show signs as cultures changed that they too altered, such as Egyptian, Norse, etc.
This manipulation with Religion has been going on for centuries and centuries. Especially in the middle ages. It is not just Christianity, but many other religions too. I do not live in America myself, but from what I can tell, religion still survives in some parts of the country, while it is plentiful in other parts.
Yep. That's right. Religion has been going on for centuries. In my opinion Americans haven't exactly distorted it, but it somehow just started to decrease in the majority of people with religion.
Relegion doesn't manipulate people, people manipulate people. Relegion is but a tool in which to win people's trust, gain their confidence. You can't blame relgions of being manipulative, all it is, is a way to explain what all of this is while manipulative people pray on people who wish to know.
Actually you can blame religions of being manipulative. Most, including the Judeo/Christian/Islam religions were founded to control society. That is how each book is written up. It is a guide on what to eat, wear, what is acceptable between couples, what you cannot do and what is called a sin, which would also be against what the societies want. Bad people of course use it as more of a controlling tool than even that to make people do things that would be considered 'sins' if done to 'believers'. However, the religions themselves often are designed as ways to structure societies and that really cannot be denied.
sigh why is it that everyone always blames America for stuff like that?! in my personal oppinion religion has distorted itself with constant contradictions, i mean there are people who kill the meaning of religion, but they dont reside in only America, they are everywhere and always will be. religion was meant the be distorted, if it wasnt why is there never a single one that is coruption free.
I really should have put this in more detail.. I really meant most Americans aren't living for Christ like they should.. other countries look at Christians like they do what ever they want with no morals... and I'm not saying there aren't people try their best to lead a Christian life.. but most American view Christianity as do what ever you want and you'll be forgiven..
dude you really should choose your wording more carefully, ya see cause that last post makes it looks like you are saying all other religions are wrong, i mean this right here "I really meant most Americans aren't living for Christ like they should" touches on a lot of other raw nerves.
There are many Christian groups in America and well, some are extremely fanatical about following the Bible word for word. Others aren't. Many Christians in Europe and America are moderate Christians and do believe that they can lead their lives and so long as they believe in God and Jesus and try to do the right thing they will get to Heaven. If they screw up, they still can. That is seen in Catholics as well as Protestant groups. Really, religion is religion and it depends on the person. America certainly isn't corrupting Christianity. It's been corrupted for several years which is why there are now so many factions of it. Also, people have a skewed view of what the U.S. is like and think we just do whatever. 'Some' people do but so do some people in other countries. We aren't all George Bush born again Christians.
I'm not an expert or familiar with many relegions but I will take your word for it. Though again the relgion seemed the tool in which to manipulate. I mean, think of some relgions like a gun, it was designed for destruction, effective and easy to use, but the gun is a weapon, it is not evil, it does not shoot people randomly, the person who holds the gun and pulls the trigger, that is the evil one, relegion is the same, unless someone uses it, it is but a bunch of words made up by another person to persuade others to belive.