Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 2]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by venster, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the Two Pokemon directory

    Chapter 2- Axel is soo cute! xD

    “…I don’t know what happened and I don’t like it at all. Exactly…What am I!?!?!” The little pokemon (AKA Axel) jumped up and down.

    “I’m not sure.” Suddenly, something hit Roxas's head.


    “Ow!” Roxas rubbed his head. “What was that?”

    “It’s a backpack.” Axel examined the black backpack. “Must’ve fell from somewhere. It has your name on it.”

    There was a metal nametag attached to the backpack, it read ‘Roxas.’

    “Okay…?” Roxas picked up the backpack. He searched inside and pulled out a red device. “What’s this?” He opened it up where there was a slip of paper. The paper read:

    This is a pokedex. It is used to learn about different pokemon. For example, to help you learn what pokemon your friend is. This will also be a big help during your journey.

    Directions on how to use the pokedex were underneath the note.

    “This sounds suspicious.” Axel crossed his short arms. “I didn’t like it how it, whoever gave this bag to you, knew about my transformation.”

    “Let’s see.” Roxas pointed the pokedex at Axel and pressed a button. The screen showed a pokemon, just like Axel.

    Cyndaquil, the Fire Mouse pokemon.

    A fire-type pokemon, which is recommend for beginners. As it sends out fire from it’s mouth it also produces flames on its back.

    “It said that you can have flames comes from your back and shoot fire from your mouth.”

    “That’s odd…” Suddenly, Axel sneezed. Some flames burst from his back and a stream of fire hit the ground.

    “Ok, I believe it” Axel changed his mind as Roxas looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

    “Maybe there are other things in this pack.” Roxas dug in the backpack. He found an envelope. He opened it up and read the letter inside out loud.

    “Hello Roxas and Axel,

    I bet you noticed that you are in the game already. If you want to find me you have to obtain eight badges and find me in the Kanto region. I suggest that you find Demyx to help you. He knows how to play the game well. Good luck on your quest. Here’s a hint: Click the help button of your pokedex for hints.”

    “There’s no signature.” Roxas put the letter in the backpack.

    Suddenly there was buzzing. “What’s that?”

    A swarm of bee-like pokemon appeared. There was anger in their eyes. “Get out of our territory!” One of them commanded.

    “We better listen to them, Roxas.” Axel started to zip up the backpack.

    “What did they say?” Roxas was confused.

    Axel dragged the backpack to Roxas. “Didn’t you hear what the beedrill said?”

    Roxas shook his head.

    “I guess that only pokemon could understand pokemon.”

    The beedrill leader became impatient. “I’ve got enough of this. Get’em men!”

    “Run!” Axel started to run away on all fours.

    Roxas picked up the backpack and ran after Axel as the beedrills swooped down. The swarm was only a few feet behind Roxas.

    “Wait a minute! Why am I running?” Roxas stopped and turned. He shot his hand to the side. “What?” He tried again and again. “How come I can’t get my keyblade?!”

    He turned to run, but tripped over a root. “oof!” He fell to the ground. He heard the buzzing right behind him. He tried to get up, but his foot was stuck between the root and the tree. “AAAHH!” A beedrill was about to stab him.

    Suddenly, the beedrill was blown away b a stream of fire. Axel jumped in front of Roxas, his back ablaze. “Don’t even think about harming my best friend. Got it memorized?” He shot out another flamethrower at the beedrill. A few fell down. “Retreat!” The leader yelled. The beedrill flew away.

    “Thanks, Axel.” Roxas got his foot free. “I have a question though. How did you know the name of the pokemon?”

    “I played a little bit of the Red Version Pokemon game before.” Axel muttered.

    “It doesn’t seem like we can use our normal abilities.” Roxas remembered his failed attempt to draw the keyblade.

    Axel’s flames settled. “I guess I gotta protect you.”

    Roxas nodded. “And I got your back.” He smiled. “Now let’s find a way to the nearest city.”
    Hehe, In my silver game I also got a cyndaquil and named it Axel. I didn't know what I was thinking. xD

    Demyx is not there with them, so where can he be? ooOoOh! Well, he's not coming next chapter, but he's coming soon!
  2. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 3]

    Roxas, Master of the Two Pokemon directory

    Chapter 3: The first Pokemon Battle

    “A pokemon battle is when a trainer and his/her pokemon work together to defeat an enemy. The trainer tells the pokemon what to do and the pokemon hast the trust the trainer. Two trainers can battle each other.â€

    Roxas read the pokedex out loud, as they walked through the forest. “Let’s practice battling.â€

    Axel sighed. “I don’t like that part that I have to obey you.â€

    “It’s okay,†Roxas assured. “I’ll just be helping.â€

    “Hey you!†Roxas and Axel turned their head to see a kid around 13. “I’ve never seen you before.†The kid acted tough. “I just caught a pokemon and so I wanna fight!â€

    “Uh…ok.†Roxas didn’t know what just happened, but hey he was going to battle.

    “Go, Rattata!†The boy threw a pokeball and a rat-like pokemon popped out. “Let’s do this!â€

    Roxas didn’t know what to do. “Uh…so I send out my pokemon, right?â€

    “Yeah.†Axel ran to the front of Roxas.

    “Rattata, do tackle!†The rattata charged at Axel.

    Axel jumped out of the way. “This is too easy†Axel turned and tackled the rattata.

    The rattata was knocked out. “Return.†The boy zapped his pokemon back in to it’s pokeball. “You think you’re so tough.â€

    “…†Roxas didn’t even do anything to win that battle.

    “Go, Sentret.†The boy threw a pokeball and popped out a sentret. “This is my first pokemon. I don’t think you can beat him.â€

    Axel charged with another tackle, but the sentret dodged it.

    “Sentret, use quick attack.â€

    Axel barely dodged it. “It’s too quick.â€

    Sentret went behind Axel and grabbed him. “Now Sentret, do our special move. Seismic Toss!†Sentret jumped into the air with Axel.

    “Axel!†Roxas thought about a plan of what to do.

    Sentret was going to slam Axel on the ground, headfirst.

    “Axel! Do flamethrower to the ground.â€

    “What is he…crazy?! Ok, then†Axel let out a flamethrower attack. As it hit the ground the hot air of the fire was slowing Axel’s fall. The fire coming from his back burned the sentret and forced it to let go. Axel fell on his stomach as he hit the ground. “Oof…â€

    Roxas looked at the pokedex for a list of Axel’s moves.

    “Sentret, Quick attack!â€

    “Axel! Do quick attack too.â€

    Axel sped forward as the sentret sped forward.


    They both hit each other head on. The two pokemon were knocked back. Axel and sentret were barely able to stay standing up. Finally, the sentret fell over.

    The boy fell to his knees. “Return. You did good.†The sentret was zapped back into its ball.

    Roxas went over to Axel. “Hey, you okay?â€

    “I’m fine. Just need some rest.â€

    Roxas picked Axel up. The boy went up to Roxas. “Here’s some money for winning. Good Battle for cooling me off.†The boy gave Roxas 100 pokemoney (whatever you call their money) . “You’re good. You treat your pokemon like a true friend.â€

    “Uh, thanks.y, do you know where the nearest city is?â€

    “Violet City? You’re not too far. Just head that way.†The boy pointed to his left.

    “Ok, thanks again.†Roxas walked in that direction.
    Yay! My personally favorite chapter is next!
  3. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 4]

    Roxas, Master of the Two Pokemon directory

    Chapter 4: Something attacks

    "You know, I think I feel stronger after winning that battle." Axel was well again. "But it sure makes you thirsty."
    Roxas spotted a nice sparkling pond, supported by a water spring. "Let's take a break."

    They both settled near the pond and drank the clear water with satisfaction. Roxas was able to find some rice balls in the backpack, which they both shared. Axel went to the pond again to take another sip, but something popped out of the water and splashed him. "Ah! What the-?!" Axel looked around for his attacker, which he didn't see go back into the water. Cautiously, Axel went next to the water again. The same 'thing' popped out of the water and shot a stream of water at Axel, which washed over him. When the water pokemon stopped shooting water, it started to laugh at soaking Axel.

    "Oh you wanna mess?" Axel shot a flamethrower attack at the water pokemon, but it dived back into the water. Then the pokemon jumped out of it's hiding spot and landed at a spot next to the pond. It looked like a small blue reptile. Axel shot another flamethrower attack at it, but the water pokemon jumped out of the way. The pokemon laughed and ran away.

    "Get back here!" Axel chased after the water pokemon shooting fire at it. The pokemon continued to laugh as it ran, dodging all of Axel's attacks with ease.

    Roxas saw Axel chasing another pokemon. "What pokemon is that?" He took out his pokedex

    Totodile, the big jaw pokmon.

    This water pokemon is another starter pokemon for the beginning trainer. It has powerful jaws that can crush almost anything. Even the trainer has to be careful.

    The totodile ran over to Roxas and clung on to Roxas leg, protecting itself from Axel.

    “Ah! Get off!” Roxas kicked his leg to shake the totodile off. The totodile flew off, hit a tree (ouch…) then fell to the ground, rubbing its head.

    Axel and Roxas cornered the troublesome totodile. Axel flared his back. “This is revenge.” He was about to shoot a flamethrower attack when…

    “Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!” The totodile made a time-out sign with his arms. “Time out! Time out! Is this how you treat a good friend?”

    “ . . .” Roxas and Axel couldn’t believe it. “Demyx!?!”

    The totodile nodded. “Yup! I was quite surprised that Axel also changed in to a pokemon.”

    Axel shot a small stream of fire at Demyx. “Hey!” Demyx had burnt marks. “What was that for?!?”

    “For soaking me you idiot!”


    The sun was starting to set. The trees produced long shadows and the sky became orange. Roxas built a fire, with the help of Axel, where they cooked some fish Demyx caught.

    “Roxas, do you know what pokemon you saw before this all happened?” Demyx took a chomp out of some fish.

    “Hmm…” Roxas tried to think back. “Well, It was light pink, had a long tail, and was able to float/fly.”

    “That must be mew then.”

    “Mew?” Axel threw his fishbone away.

    “A legendary pokemon with incredible power. It seems reasonable enough.”

    “So all we have to do is look for mew then.”

    “Don’t forget about collecting the 8 badges first.”

    Roxas sighed. “So this is the plan. Get 8 badges, find Mew. Simple enough.”

    “Easier said than done, dude.” Demyx yawned. “Easier said than done.” He fell back and went to sleep.

    “K, then night.” Axel curled in to a sleep.

    Roxas studied Demyx’s attacks before he fell back. “Hope we can do this.” He closed his eyes to sleep.
    End of Chapter 4! Hope you guys like it how Demyx is a totodile. xD
  4. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 9]

    Roxas: Master of the two pokemon Directory

    Chapter 9: Roxas's Rival (Who is very sadly NOT Sora. sorry :( *begs for forgiveness* )

    They camped for the night and continued on to Azelea town the next day; and finally made it to the pokemon center, where everyone was healed to full health and ate lunch.

    “Hey, we didn’t really get to introduce each other yet.” Kiki said, while they were eating at a cafeteria table. “My name is Kiki Suta.” She sent out her two pokemon. “This is Pike.” She pointed to her Pichu, who hid behind her. “He’s shy. Now this is Eevee.”

    “Hello!” The eevee smiled.

    “. . .” Roxas, Demyx, and Axel couldn’t believe it. “Your pokemon can also speak human?”

    “Sorry, that I didn’t say anything before.”

    “So that’s why the Rocket’s captured you guys.” Roxas crossed his arms. “Well anyways, I’m Roxas, he’s Axel, and he’s Demyx.”

    Axel and Demyx waved hello.

    “Hey, Roxas.” Demyx tapped Roxas’s shoulder. “You know that there’s a Gym in this town.”


    Demyx sweatdropped.

    “I’m exhausted because of yesterday.” Axel sighed. “Let’s not fight yet.”

    “He’s right.” Kiki agreed. “Yesterday was a lot of fighting. I think we should award ourselves with a day off and ice cream.”

    Everyone cheered in agreement and Roxas stood up to go to the ice cream vending machine to get 6 popsicles.

    “Guess, I’m lucky to get the last six sea-salt ice creams.” He inserted enough money and the ice creams popped out. He took them out and walked back to the table everyone was at until…

    “Hey, Blondie! You took the last ice creams!” The voice sounded angry.

    “?” Roxas turned to face an angry teen around his age.

    The teen was wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt, a black short-sleeved jacket, and a necklace with a black and white pendent. He also had dark brown spikey hair, swept to the right.

    “I declare that we have a competition for one of your ice creams.”

    “???” Roxas didn’t know what the heck he just got himself in to. “What are you talking about?”

    “You took the last ice cream, now I’m challenging you for one.”

    Roxas had a “. . .” expression. “Don’t tell me that it’s a pokemon battle.”

    The boy shook his head. “No, I want to make this quick before the ice cream melt. Rock, paper, scissors shall be the challenge!”

    Roxas was not really allowed to refuse anyways, so he agreed.

    The boy did the count off. “Rock…Papers…scissors!”

    Roxas had papers.

    The boy had papers.

    “Rock, papers, scissors!”

    Rock, Rock

    Scissor, Scissor

    Rock, Rock

    Paper, Paper

    Scissors, Paper

    “You beat me!” The boy made his hand into a fist. “Fine! What is your name?”


    “Roxas! My name is Saxor. I now declare myself…as your RIVAL!!!”

    “What…?” Roxas couldn’t believe that he got a rival over ice cream.

    “I will see you later, my rival.” Saxor declared. “Where we will fight in a pokemon battle!” He went away.

    Roxas shrugged about what happened and went back to the table where he distributed the ice cream.

    “That took a while.” Kiki unwrapped 2 ice creams for her pokemon.

    “What happened?” Axel asked.

    “I got a rival.”

    “What!?!” Everyone gasped.

    “How?” Eevee asked.

    Roxas told everyone his story about the ice cream, Saxor, and how Saxor declared himself as Roxas’s rival.

    “. . .” Everyone exploded into laughter, while Roxas blushed in embarrassment.

    “Nice…way…to…get...a rival, man.” Demyx said between laughs.

    “Wow! Did that totodile just speak human?” A passerby stopped and asked them.

    Everyone, who was a pokemon, shut up to not reveal his or her secret.

    Kiki returned her pokemon into their pokeballs. “Uh...of course not!”

    “Yeah, um.” Roxas thought up a stupid excuse. “I was…practicing ventriloquism with my totodile. Yeah, that’s it.” He and Demyx did a lowsy ventriloquist act.

    The passerby smiled. “That’s pretty good. Sorry for your time.”

    As soon as the person left, everyone sighed in relief.

    “Let’s get out of here.”

    They walked out of the pokemon center. “That was waay too close.”

    Axel looked around. “Hey, where’s Demyx?”

    “What?!” Kiki and Roxas looked around too. “This is bad…”
    OMG! Where can Demyx be <_< >_> Well, next chapter is going to revolve around him so don’t worry.
  5. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    You know,for I moment I was thinking that was Seifer!*notices something*does anyone besides me notice that Saxor is backwards for Roxas?
  6. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 10]

    Roxas, Master of the Two Pokemon directory

    Chapter 10: A Demyx Chapter

    Demyx heard it again. The music of a guitar! Not a radio, but the real thing. “/Where is it?/” He thought as he searched for the source of the melody. His passion for music sent led him to the corner of Azelea town, where he stopped at an old cabin. The rich music coming from it filled his ears with joy.

    Demyx ran to the front door and knocked on it. The guitar music stopped as it was replaced by the sound of footsteps. The door opened to an elderly man with grey hair but a kind face. He held a guitar in his hands. “Huh? A totodile?”

    “Totodile to..di!” Demyx made up some pokemon speech.

    The old man asked. “What are you doing here, totodile?”

    “dile.” Demyx pointed to the guitar in the man’s hands.

    The man laughed a warm laugh. “You really liked my playing, didn’t you.”

    Demyx nodded.

    “Come on in then. The old man let Demyx inside.

    Demyx was amazed by what was in the small cabin. It was quaint, with a small kitchen, a single bed, and enough space to walk around. Along the walls were various guitars, or any other instrument similar to it. Demyx scanned over the instruments, until he found it. A sitar! Even though the sitar was way too big for him, Demyx tried to play a few scales on it, until he heard the old man’s warm laugh. “Seems like you know how to play.”

    Demyx looked up to the man and nodded quickly.

    “I made all of these instruments, you know?” The old man cradled his guitar and put it down gently against the wall. “I hadn’t had company in a long time. Do you want to play something together?”

    Demyx smiled and nodded. “Totodile!”

    The old man grinned back. “Just a sec then. Be right back.” He went outside to go to his basement door.

    Demyx went to the large sitar again and played a few notes. “If only I could play with MY sitar.” Demyx wished. He tried to summon it, but failed. He couldn’t get it without his Nobody powers. Sighing, Demyx went back to the large sitar.

    The old man came back in to the cabin with a box in his arms. “I made this a long time ago, when I was just beginning to make instruments.” He placed the box on to his bed and took out a small instrument case from it. It looked almost like a violin case. He took out a small sitar, just right for Demyx to play on. “I think that you will like this.” The kind man handed the sitar to Demyx.

    Demyx placed it in a comfortable position and played a little melody with ease. “Totodile!” He couldn’t believe it.

    The old man got out his own sitar. “Let’s play then, shall we?”

    The two started to play a beautiful duet.


    While Demyx was safe at the man’s house, the others were trying to find him. “Demyx!” They called “Where are you?”

    They soon decided to split up; Kiki and Eevee in one group and Roxas and Axel in the other.

    “Demyx!” Roxas called again.

    Axel suddenly heard some music. “/Demyx is sure to be there./” Axel motioned Roxas to follow him and lead them to an old cabin.

    “Yeah.” Roxas heard the music coming from the cabin. “He must be there.”

    They went up to the door and knocked on it. An old man opened the door. “Hello, May I help you?”

    “Is a totodile in there with you?”

    “Oh, so he’s your pokemon? I’ll tell him that you’re here then.”


    “/Aw man…/” Demyx whined in his head when he heard Roxas and Axel were outside. He would have to be separated from the lovely sitar he just acquired.

    The kind man saw Demyx’s sad face. “Hm…How about this, then. I’ll give you that sitar.”

    “Toto!” Demyx cheered as he jumped in to the man’s arms to give a hug of thanks.

    The old man smiled as he put Demyx on the ground and attached a small strap on the small sitar case. Demyx put the sitar inside its case and the man put the strap over Demyx.

    The man opened his door to let Demyx out. “Your totodile was great company.” He told Roxas. “I gave him one of my old instruments for him to play on.”

    “Oh, thank you. Is there any price for it?” Roxas went in to his backpack for any pokemoney.

    The old man raised his hand, telling Roxas to stop. “There’s no price at all. His passion for music is good enough.”

    “Thank you again, then. Bye.” The three waved good-bye and walked away.

    Soon they met up with Kiki next to the pokemon center and told her about where Demyx was.

    “Thank goodness!” Kiki was relieved. “At least Team Rocket didn’t steal him.”

    Roxas dreaded at that thought.

    “We should go to sleep soon.” Eevee piped. “With a Gym Battle coming up. You guys should be full of energy for it.”

    Everyone agreed as they walked inside the pokemon center to rent a room to sleep in. When everyone fell asleep, Demyx crawled out of his sleeping spot and took out his sitar. He snuck outside of the pokemon center. Sitting on a bench nearby, he looked up. The full moon shone brightly like a spot light and the night sky filled with stars watching from above. Demyx adjusted his sitar. Then played a slow and sweet melody that gently flowed throughout the town.

    Whoot! Chapter 10 is done! There was a different mood to it compared to the other chapters, but I hope you guys liked it how Demyx got his sitar. =D Prepare for another gym battle next chapter!
  7. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    AWWWW How cute!this is why Demyx is my 2nd best favorite Organization member.(next to Roxas)
  8. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Roxas, Master of the two...Pokemon?! (KH2/Pokemon Crossover) [Chapter 11]

    Roxas, Master of the Two Pokemon directory

    Chapter 11: Start the Battle Music, again!

    The Azelea Gym. It wasn’t as big as the Violet City Gym, but still big. They walked inside finding themselves in a woodsy setting. “This is a gym, right?” Kiki thought it was an arboretum.

    “Look out!” The group heard a call before noticing a venomoth swoop at them.

    “Ah!” Roxas and Kiki ducks as the bug missed the top of their heads.

    A teen, around 13, ran towards them with a bug catching net in his hand. “Sorry about that.” The teen had light blue hair. He wore clothing that an explorer would wear, just not the hat. “I was putting a tag on that venomoth, but it got a little angry and started to attack. But soon it stopped and flew away. Well, at least I got the tag on.”

    “. . .” Roxas, Axel, Demyx, and Kiki didn’t know what the guy was talking about.

    The teen saw their confused faces. “Oops. I guess I didn’t introduce myself yet. I’m Bugsy, professional bug catcher and researcher. I’m also the leader of the gym.”

    Roxas was surprised that a 13 year old was a gym leader.

    “Welcome to my gym/bug habitat research facility.” Bugsy saw Axel and Demyx. “I guess you’re here for a battle then?”

    “Yeah.” Roxas felt sure about this battle.

    “I’ll..I’ll stay outside while you…b-battle then Roxas.” Kiki stood there shivering with fear.


    “Never liked bugs and never will. See ya soon and good luck.” Kiki zipped out of the gym.

    Bugsy sighed. “Some people can’t understand the greatness of bug pokemon. Anyways,” He became serious. “Let’s battle.”

    “This gym battle is between Gym leader Bugsy and Trainer Roxas. Each trainer will use 2 pokemon in 1 vs. 1 combat.” The judge raised his flags. “Now, begin!”

    “Beedrill, I choose you!” Bugsy threw a pokeball containing a beedrill.

    “I hate beedrill.” Roxas muttered remembering his first encounter with a swarm. “Ok, Demyx. You ready?”

    “What?” Demyx put his arms in to an X. “Not me. Axel can easily beat them since he’s fire-type.”

    Axel flared his back. “This should be easy then.” He ran on to the field.

    “Beedrill, poison sting!”

    Beedrill shot out multiple poison needles out of its stinger.

    Axel shot a flamethrower attack to knock the needles down.

    “Now tackle it, Beedrill.”

    Axel couldn’t see his attacker anywhere. Beedrill must’ve flown somewhere else when he was busy shooting down the poison sting attack. “Behind you, Axel!”

    The cyndaquil whipped around and did flamethrower at Beedrill. Unfortunately, Axel still got tackled as he attacked and was knocked back. A good thing was that Beedrill still got severely damaged from the fire attack and was blown back. Axel got up quickly, while Beedrill struggled.

    “Quick attack!” Axel fully landed the attack, knocking the Beedrill out.

    The judge raised one of his flags. “Beedrill is unable to battle. Cynaquil wins!”

    Demyx took out his sitar and played a very familiar victory melody. (I dunno what’s it called but it’s the Final Fantasy one.)

    “Return, Beedrill.” Bugsy zapped back his pokemon. “Ok, take this! Scyther!” He threw another pokeball and there was a tough-looking scyther.

    “Axel. Flamethrower!”

    Axel shot out a flamethrower at Scyther.

    Bugsy smirked. “Now, sword dance!”

    Scyther spun around quickly and the flamethrower attack was simply blown out of the way.

    ”Don’t think I don’t know how to fight against fire-types. Now Scyther, counter with quick attack!”

    Scyther zoomed and tackled Axel before the cyndaquil could even react. Crash! Axel flew several feet before hitting the ground. He struggled to get up.

    Kiki was waiting just outside the doors of the Gym. She wondered if the battle was going well, because all she was able to hear was that Axel beat the first round. Eevee popped out of her pokeball. “How come you’re not inside cheering our friends on?”

    “There are bug pokemon in that place!” Kiki pointed to the Gym doors.

    “So bug pokemon are preventing you from being a friend!?” Eevee was giving Kiki the guilt talk. “What if Axel is getting beat right now, huh? It would really suck if you can’t be there to cheer him on.”

    “But Roxas and Dem-“

    “Epp, epp, epp!” Eevee cut her off. “Didn’t you ever hear about the more the merrier?”

    “Fine!” Kiki sighed. “But if I get touched by a nasty bug, don’t expect to sleep in my bed as you always do.”

    “ ’k, ‘k” Eevee smiled.

    Kiki sighed as she went back in to the gym to watch Roxas battling.

    Demyx noticed Kiki right there. “I though you were afraid of bugs.”

    “I can’t just leave you guys alone when you battle, right? Plus…Eevee persuaded me to.”

    Now let’s get back to the battle!

    “Do a quick attack, Axel.” Axel charged at Scyther.

    “Scyther, double team.”

    Scyther suddenly multiplied. Shoom… Axel hit an illusion of Scyther. He then found himself surrounded by scythers. He couldn’t tell which one was the real one.

    “Use flamethrower to hit them all.” Axel shot flamethrower and tuned in a circle to hit the scythers. The images disappeared one by one, suddenly the next one that was about to hit used swords dance to avoid getting hit. Axel charged at it with quick attack. Scyther jumped up to dodge it with ease.

    “Fury cutter!” Scyther swooped down.

    Slash! (Since this IS pokemon, no blood included. xD)

    Axel was on the ground, really hurt from the last attack. He struggled to get up.

    “toto di!” Demyx yelled, cheering for Axel. (Half the reason why was because he didn’t want to battle)

    “C’mon!” Kiki and Eevee cheered.

    “You can do it!” Roxas called out for his best friend.

    Axel struggled to finally stand. Suddenly, he shined white. It was like he was made of light. Everyone gasped in surprise. Bug pokemon living in the gym gathered close to the field to watch the phenomenon on the battlefield. “Axel is…” Demyx and Kiki were both wide eyed. “He’s evolving!”

    Everything became still as the illuminated form of the cyndaquil morphed into something larger and more powerful than what it used to be. Soon the brightness settled down. There, on all fours, was a pokemon similar to what Axel was. It had sharp green eyes and familiar marks under the eyes.

    “Whoa…” Roxas was amazed about what just happened.

    “Congrats! Axel evolved in to Quilava!” Kiki jumped up and down, while Demyx played a quick celebration tune.

    “Congratulations, Roxas.” Bugsy motioned the judge to restart the battle.

    “This battle will continue with Quilava vs. Scyther. Begin!”

    “Axel, use quick attack.”

    “Use quick attack to dodge, Scyther.”

    Scyther flashed away, but Axel zoomed after it. Pow! With his new evolved strength, Axel slammed in to Scyther.

    Kiki gasped. “That was fast!”

    “C’mon Scyther.” Bugsy supported his pokemon. “Just because the cyndaquil just evolved doesn’t mean that we’re going to lose.”

    “Scy!” Scyther sprang up.

    Axel flared his flames, which now appeared from the bottom of his back and the top of his head. He shot out a flamethrower attack.

    “Double team!” The flamethrower attack went through an illusionary scyther.

    “/Not again./” Axel thought as he saw more scythers appear around him.

    Roxas checked the pokedex for Axel’s different attacks. “Smokescreen over the stage.”

    “/Not a bad idea/” Axel shot out dark black smoke to block out any clear view on the field.

    “Scyther, clear the smoke away.” Scyther started to blow the smoke away with its wings.

    Axel saw where the air was coming from, meaning that was where the real scyther was. “/Gotcha!/” He threw a massive flamethrower attack at it.

    Scyther was too busy getting rid of the smoke and was hit.

    “Ah, Scyther!” Bugsy went to catch his pokemon as it fell down.

    “Scyther is unable to battle.” The judge pointed his flag to Roxas. “Quilava and Roxas win!”

    Kik and Eevee cheered and Demyx played victory music. Axel went back to his friends where they congratulated him on winning and evolving.

    “Return, Scyther.” Bugsy zapped his pokemon back in to its pokeball. He walked over the celebrating group and held out a badge to Roxas. “Here. You and Axel deserve the hive badge.”

    Roxas put the badge into his badge case, where his other badge shined. “Thanks.”

    “Can we get out of here, now?” Kiki still didn’t like the bug-filled habitat.

    “Ok, bye then.” Bugsy waved. “It was fun.”

    Everyone waved good-bye and quickly (thanks to Kiki) got out of the gym.

    Ha! I bet you guys were suprised that Axel evolved right *hears crickets* Sigh...Anyways, to say sorry for the long wait there's a bonus mini side story for you guys! ;D


    A Mini Side event

    Outside of the pokemart, Axel was curled into a nap, while Roxas and Kiki were filling up on supplies. Demyx was bored to death; he didn’t like to wait too long. “/Hurry up./” Demyx played a few quick melodies on his sitar. Ding! Demyx sprung an idea to get himself out of boredom. He snuck up behind napping Axel. “Hey, Axel.” Demyx whispered and poked the quilava.

    Axel groaned a little bit and scratched the spot Demyx just poked, but didn’t wake.

    The totodile grinned and grabbed his sitar. “Dance, Water, Dance!” Demyx struck a loud note right next to Axel’s ear.

    “AAHHH!” Axel jumped up high in to the air in surprise.

    Demyx started cracking up, as Axel thudded back down on the ground with his poor ears still ringing.

    Axel shook his head out of shock and glared at the totodile. He flared up his flames. “Dem-yx!!”

    Demyx noticed angry Axel. “uh-oh.” He quickly put his sitar in its case and put the case against the pokemart wall. “Run! Run away!” Demyx zoomed away, just as a flamethrower attack missed him by centimeters. Axel chased Demyx shooting more fire attacks.

    “Hey, I think something like this happened before…” Demyx thought before getting tackled over by Axel.

    Demyx tried to struggle against Axel’s strength as he was pinned down, but failed. “No fair!” Demyx whined “You’re stronger now that you evolved.”

    “Can’t you evolve too?” Axel growled.

    “Yeah, I suppose..” Demyx sighed. “I’ve been thinking about it, but…naah. I don’t think I want to evolve.”

    “What?” Axel was confused. “Why?” His flames settled down a bit.

    Demyx shrugged. “Sure, being bigger give you more strength and abilities, but I’m not really the fighting type. Being small also has benefits,” He slipped out of Axel’s not-as-hard grip and continued to explain. “ not taking up as much space and hard to catch. Plus…” Demyx went to get his sitar and came back doing a cute pose. “A totodile is a lot cuter than a crocanaw with a sitar.”

    Axel fell over with a sweatdrop.

    There! I answered the question of whether Demy was going to evolve. I can't picture a crocanaw with a sitar, especially when the sitar is going to be too small for it. :D
  9. Storrini Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 30, 2006
    Feraligatr would be even weirder. D:

    Nice chapter. Are you writing this as you go along with it?
  10. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Nope, My cyndaquil in my game evolved around Violet City. Right now, I'm at the Rage lake what ever place. Unfortunately, I can't even find my game now. O_O
  11. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    so something tells me the next chapter is gonna take a while.Hey I lost my Crystal version 5 years ago and I still can't find it!I know,not helping.
  12. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Very Interesting! Can't wait for next chapter!
  13. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Lol! Their first battle! Can't wait to see next chapter!
  14. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Perfect Pokemon type for Demyx! Can't wait to see next chapter!
  15. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Hey nice discovery AnimeGirl104! Doesn't sound like a normal councident. That Saxor guy seems like a mixture between Sora and Seifer. Can't wait to see next chap!!
  16. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Nice chapter, thats Demyx for ya!Can't wait for next chap!!
  17. Soku Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 25, 2007
    Heaven's Dawn
    Awsomw! And funny side story! Can't wait to see next chap!!