Room 213 (A Lit. Mystery RP)

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by BHK (Unknown), Oct 15, 2006.

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  1. BHK (Unknown) Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 8, 2006
    Two people walked into a small hotel on the east side of San Fransisco. The man asked for a room for two. They went upstairs. From downstairs they heard the two talking until around 2 AM. Then it stopped. Whatever they were doing up there stopped. Neither of them came down until the morning. The man had dissapeared... out the window and onto the pavement outside. The woman came down in a bodybag. Nobody was quite sure what had happened. Some say he killed her, some believe they were both murdered. But whatever happened, no one has stayed in room 213 since. No one has been able to solve the case and it is getting out of hand. Another murder was discovered. In a small town a few miles west of LA another member happened in a room with the same room number, 213. What is happening?

    This is where you come in. You are a person caught in this story. You are either an inspector trying to find the truth, or your a friend being a witness to the couple. One of you is the killer. Either way you got yourself into the strangest mystery since The Black Dahlia.


    Weapon (Inspectors, law enforcement, or killer only):

    No God-modding
    No Power-playing
    Pg-13 Romance
    Post at least 1 paragraph a Post
    Literacy is a must
    This RP is Reality Rp so be very creative and detailed, (this also means no super fancy guns unless they're actually real, remember set in San Fran in the 80's.)
    Have Fun
    We can start after at least 3 normal people and a killer join.
  2. Drunken Roxas Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
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