Revolution of Rivelle

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Glen, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    She may have been distracted for a brief moment when Trois was sneaking out of there, but afterwards she had everything under control. She had enough attention where she was able to hold the conversation Jackson had started. She looked up and gave as a warm a smile as she could, "Hello Blue."

    Jackson had offered her an orange, which she accepted, but Canna clearly had the inability to peel the orange at that moment, so she took a huge bite of the peel and spit it out, then she started to suck out the juice.
    "I'm working, but I'm just finishing up... only g-"

    Trois was on the roof and trying her best to slip off and out of there. Dos had managed to leave the house so the distraction was gone. Dos disappeared after walking down an alleyway. So Trois became Dos.

    Dos slipped on the roof when Canna's focus shifted on Jackson, and she slid down a few feet. A scraping sound was heard and she did her best to stop the sliding. As a result, Dos felt the pain of the huge gash now on her arm. But that wasn't her main concern at that moment. She needed to get off the roof.

    She alerted those inside, and Canna hoped to whatever deity above that there were no guards inside. Dos ran as fast as she could and jumped across the street onto a more flat roof. She rolled and hid behind a bunch of crates someone had there ready.

    Main Canna, the one talking with Jackson, moved the sleeve of her shirt to analyze the cut she had now. That was one of the side effects to multilocation: whatever injuries she sustained happened to all versions. However, his wasn't true of writing. She couldn't write on her arm and have the writing appear on her, which is why she needed Dos to write down the information on her arm, but if Dos was getting injured she had no idea how long they would last.

    Canna opened up a bag she had next to her and she began to casually bandage her arm as she spoke quietly,
    "Hey Blue, wanna earn 25% of my pay for this job?"
  2. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Oh the lovely battle that was about to occur. Precious could use a little extra fun nowadays. "Oh you big brute. You look like you could hold your own. I accept your challenge. Just know that I want to throw you in a prison afterwards." He was excited to find a worthy opponent.

    Now there was another worm that wanted some attention. "Now now honey, don't play with snakes when you are just a mouse." He cast a physical and magical attack weakness towards him and flicked him away with his whip.

    He smiled at Vex. "Now, pretty boy, Play with me."
  3. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    This man was a little pushy. Although, if he were like that then he probably tried to talk to a lot of people, so he may have seen someone that knew Gaius' mother. "I'm here to ask him about someone. A woman went missing a few years ago, her name was Samantha Ryan. She was a Historian, and I know she was one of the people that helped the king with a few important matters, so I figured he probably knows. Have you heard of her?" Gaius asked, almost desperate for information.

    Amongst the various people fighting, Vex noticed a newcomer enter and help Xera. That was good, it meant he wouldn't have to watch her back, not that he was particularly keen on doing so anyway. He ducked underneath a punch thrown at him by a stranger next to him, and turned and placed his axe on the ground. Using such a large weapon in close quarters with so many people around would get bloody quick, which he was completely fine with, but it could severely limit it. With his magic he'd be fine fighting without a weapon anyway. Launching a swift jab to the stranger's stomach, he winded his foe before hitting him in the jaw with a fierce uppercut, knocking him unconscious. Turning his attention back to Precious, Vex let out a slight chuckle. "You aren't the first guy to try to arrest me, plenty have tried. Every one of them failed, as will you" Vex said, dashing forward. Sparks began dancing along the mercenary's body as he used his magic to strengthen his punch aimed towards Precious' skull.

    Oscar smirked a little bit as Samuel mentioned the book and, more importantly, Moredoor. "Moredoor huh? Sounds good to me" he responded. He could hear plenty of angry cries and shouts behind him now, the guards must have gotten up already. Oscar had no doubt he could hold them off if he tried, but would Samuel be able to? Even if they could, more would surely come after them, it was only a matter of time. He rushed past Samuel and began running towards the northern exit. The path that it led to would eventually take them to Moredoor, as Samuel no doubt knew, but the guards would never think that they would follow the path all the way would they? It had plenty of dangers associated with it, and even without the dangerous creatures thrown into the mix the walk was still quite lengthy. It was sheer insanity to attempt to get there from where they were. And that was why it was the perfect escape route.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Xera rolled her eyes as a new person came to help her. She so didn't need the help. "Thanks for the offer..." Xera said as she trailed off stabbing another man. From there she turned and elbowed a man in the stomach before she brought her fist up and punched him in the face. From there she turned around and stabbed him in the stomach. "...but I don't need the help." She continued as she turned to another guy ducking under the punch and kicking his legs out from under him. She didn't take kindly to being attacked. "This isn't my first fight." She stated as she slashed at the same man she tripped arm keeping him at bay. She started to feel slightly tired, something that was not normal, but she could keep going. There was no way she was about to stop now, this was far too entertaining.
    Samuel gave a bit of a smile to his brother seeing as he caught onto what he was saying as they adjusted their path slightly towards Moredoor. It was then that the guards started to yell, they seemed to be getting back on their feet, however this didn't mean that they could run very well. Due to the placement of the throwing stars that Samuel threw it would be difficult to even walk. That wouldn't stop more guards from coming though, Samuel knew that. It wasn't the first time that they got chased down.

    Samuel took off in a sprint towards the exit that lead down the long path to Moredoor and eventually to Corvus. If they could survive that path then possibly they would be free, even if the guards followed them those blokes wouldn't be smart enough to survive down the path. However with his brains and Oscars fighting ability they would be fine, he knew it. The first major problem would be passing by the happy mountains. There where mercenary villages at the base of them and those people where never pleasant to deal with. However yet again these people where not the brightest usually, once in a while you find one that is more brains then brawn but not very often. Samuel was sure he could find a way to fast talk them.

    However this wasn't the first thing that Samuel needed to think of however. He had some extra food tucked away but not enough for that length of journey. The following day he was planning to get some more food and stock up for whatever may come but the guards where to quick on finding them. "I will be back." Samuel said with a small smile as he took off down another path towards the main town area. They needed some food, he was short on cash and he was already in trouble with the law, what was one more offence to add to that? He was thinking this as he dodged in and out of people grabbing small bit of food off of stands and stuff. As he ran by shouts for guards echoed as he ran by, yet know one got enough time to see the face of the boy stealing there stuff.
  5. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Oh a love bird had come to tackle down Precious. As flattered as the commandant was, he turned away and sliced the man with his whip. "Now darling, you have to be sure its mutual first." He turned away and noticed an incoming fist coming towards his face. Oh what a Brute he was trying to sucker punch him like that. Thankfully, that magic had already been well in affect. It was an added bonus that his own physical abilities were top notch. How else could he make such a gorgeous commandant anyway if naught for that?

    Precious grabbed onto Vex's punch with his hand. Now something new was happening, something he quite liked. "Well, you've managed to hurt my hand a little. Not many can do much to my pretty self after being seduced by my magic. I must say I quite love the tingling sensation though. Give me more big boy!" He spun away and gave out a lash towards Vex. His whip was enchanted with poison. Any form of touch would at least give the person who touched it, even a block, the faint hint of venom. Ah, what a beautiful way to die, the blood glowing from the venom of another mans strike. The suffering, the anguish. He wanted Vex to feel it all. He wanted to feel it all himself! He was simply giddy and gay from the entire feeling!

    Eldridge and Zita walked along the path towards the castle. However, within the journey, a fight began to set off in a nearby bar. Sure things were a little rough in this city but there was no need for a fight. Coming closer, Eldridge could feel the negating effect of magic coming towards him. He looked up to Zita and then put her down. "Now listen, Zita, there are strong people causing trouble. I'm going to need to stop them. Be a good girl and stand watch for me." He stood up and put a magic barrier around the girl. This was to temporarily make it so her magic wouldn't go loose. It would only last for a short duration however.

    "Okay, Eldwidge. Be safe!"
  6. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    Kyle listened to Franco intently, considering the words spoken. Is it possible to do this? I suppose it's not as exhausting as it was, so I guess it may be possible to hone this power. But then again... Where is the harm in trying? If I can find myself a place to practice in safety then surely there will be no problems? Then I can train, master my power and then... Then I'll be his most useful, most powerful soldier in his service. With my powers improved I could defeat any that dared come against my liege! Not even other magic users could stop me! Combined with my skill with the blade I would be an unstoppable force upon the battlefield. My family would be safe, my employer would be safe... There's only advantages to trying. Maybe I'll even earn something from it, somehow, in some way.
    "Difficult, to be sure." Kyle assessed. He looked up at Franco and slammed his fist against his heart. "But it shall be done!" That was a touch overdramatic Kyle... He sighed inwardly. Is being around the nobility inspiring me to new feats of ridiculousness? Maybe. I guess I'm just trying to fit in with the crowd, but I'm not a noble so I don't need to be that way.
    "Sorry, I got a bit carried away I guess." He said somewhat sheepishly, smiling a little nervously.


    "Didn't think it was!" Kari said, darted nimbly to the side and skirting around a table to draw up the axe. Hefting it over her heard she twisted into the strike in a graceful, yet deadly spin with the steel head burying itself neatly into the back of one of the more inebriated people that they were fighting. She grimaced a little at the spray. So much for my new clothes. However, this wouldn't stop her for long. Narrowly sidestepping a poorly aimed punch, she brought the axe around and slammed the offender on the temple with the back of the axehead causing him to stagger. She wasn't the heaviest, but already stumbling her figure rushing at him and jumping into the man tipped him neatly off balance sending him sprawling to the ground in a beer soaked mess. Ducking away from another assailant, she kicked him in the head and gave him another strike with the side of the steel axe to render him fully unconscious. Another man stepped up. Are these people stupid or something, and how many of them are there in this tavern? There can't be that many willing fighters left we've killed or knocked out most of them. And there's still Him. She looked at the man with the whip. I'll get you later, *******! The next victim stepped up to the plate. She gripped the axe in both hands, holding it levelly above her head, waiting for the right moment. Clearly, he was a little wary of the shorter girl with the lumber axe in front of him. She took one short step forward and danced backwards just as quickly. The feint was enough to fool the main who tried to grab her, leaving a failed grasp culminating in his arms and more importantly, his head exposed right in front of her. There was a sickening crunch as the man's skull was caved in by the heavy axe. With no opponents on her end, she left Xera to her own devices and instead watched Precious intently, waiting for the right moment to leap into the fray.
  7. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Scott's pov:

    Scott baner.png

    "A woman gone missing years ago. cant say I have You know what they say about missing people there not found for a reason. Peharpes this Samantha Ryan want to stay missing."
    He stood there thinking for a moment. "If I
    were you I would look some were there is history. people tend to be were you lest expect them to be. This woman if there a reson why she has not been found it is because she probably not to far from what she loves."
    This man wanted help from a king? he seemed more like the type to solve things with his fist.
    "I think I have took up enough of your time."
    He turned to leave. Were would he go now he asked himself.
  8. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    After Jackson handed off the orange to her acquaintance, she continued to listen on to what the details of Canna's good old job was. It was good that she seemed to come in towards the tail end of the job, however, she seemed to stop speaking as her focus acted as if it were in a completely different place. As she waited for her focus to readjust back to her, she started going over the contents of her fruit bag. Lots of oranges and apples, really. Looking out, she wondered if these two fruits compared in anyway, when she noticed that Canna had a nice scrape on her arm. Wondering if there was anything she could offer for it, Jackson realized that the only real thing she had to offer was fruit, and that was probably about as effective as salt. It was then that Canna said something about getting paid, and Jackson's eyes lit up as she bounded out of her seat. Taking a gentlemen's bow and speaking with as formal as voice she could muster, she said, "Well M'lady, point me in the direction, give me my task, and I shall gladly carry it out with as much haste as possible." Taking a side glance she quickly said, "property damage may or may not happen in the act." Standing back up straight she then returned to normal and said, "but actually, whatcha need Red?"

    Here, within the rafters of the bar stood a being of sheer excellence. A being who had been simply waiting, watching, observing the scene that had occurred. There were people flooding into the bar, people who were bad mouthing each other, people who seemed to be ready to fight. He would simply wow them with his sheer brilliance and then they would be too captivated by him to simply worry about each other. Yes, this was a perfect plan. Nodding to himself at the intelligence behind it, he was about to belt out his speech to notify the people of his existence...but uh...they were already fighting. Well, that was a bit of a let down. Hm, well the situation was certainly taking a turn for the worse. But not unsalvagable! No, this was merely a minor set back to his fool proof plan. While the people were punching and stabbing others, a smaller lasers streaked across the room as windows shattered and small holes were made in the walls. A deep, low voice could be heard echoing across the room as he said, "all you mortals, cease this useless prattle this moment! And instead, divert your attention towards me. Your god. Your lord. The man who you should be thankful for for all of your lives. That's right, instead of fighting you should all be bowing and kneeling, simultaneously even. Yes, that would be good. Now swear fealty to the master of all who draw breath and even those that have no life left within them. Bowkneel before me, -"

    Credits to Cstar for the banner. ​
  9. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gaius shook his head at Scott's response. "Mom may not have had the best life, but there's no way she would have abandoned us. Dad, maybe, but not her. She wouldn't leave me and Suzy behind. She's missing, and I'm going to find out why. If the king can't tell me, then I'll find someone who will" Gaius stated. Needless to say, he was determined to find his mother. He had been since he left home, and after coming all that way there was no way he was going to go back on his promise now. He glanced over to see Caleb standing there looking rather impatient. It seemed the guard had decided to let them through after all. Turning his back to Scott, the boy continued into the castle, ready to see the king.

    Oscar didn't say too much as Samuel went and pickpocketed people. There wasn't much to do or say aside from follow his younger brother and watch out for guards, so that was exactly what he did. As he got to the exit, he thought about the path they were going to take. It was exceptionally dangerous and he knew it, but if they made it all the way to Moredoor..there was no doubt they would have lost their pursuers. If they lost their pursuers, then perhaps they could make it all the way to the castle undetected, then just maybe they could sneak inside and see the king. And then it was possible they could get forgiveness if they explained things. It was a slim possibility, but it was all they had to cling onto.

    Vex's fist connected, but it didn't have the effect he had desired. He'd certainly felt the impact, but the man barely even flinched. Who was this guy? As the whip came at Vex, the mercenary tried to avoid the attack, but he hadn't gone against many whip users in his lifetime. Holding up his arms, he tried to protect himself as best as he was able, causing the whip to avoid any vitals but cutting his forearm a little. It stung pretty badly, which was unusual for a man who had been through a great deal of physical pain.

    Taking a couple of steps back, Vex decided he needed to re-think his strategy. Which wasn't helped in the slightest by a small hamster thing leaping up and declaring itself god of everything and demanding they bow. Some god. Maybe the hamster wasn't a problem though, maybe it was a solution. A sly smirk appeared on Vex's face as he jumped behind the bar. Unleashing a blast of his lightning magic, it crashed into Johnis, sending the small creature flying straight towards Precious along with a bolt of electricity. "Shove that up your ass!" Vex shouted.
  10. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Precious merely chuckled at the idea of a little Hamster talking so loud and proud. His nature was so dominant. If only he were human, he'd like to see how dominant the little rodent could be. Watching Vex leap behind the corner and launch the hamster towards him as well as a bolt of lightning, which mind you was highly reduced in damage towards him, landing between his legs, where he pressed against the hamster before it could go to any unnecessary areas.. "Well isn't this a shock. You have blessed me with your little ball of hair. I'm homered you big brute. I'd love to return the favor.

    He picked up the hamster by its whiskers and gave an evil smile. "I'd love to play with you and see what makes you tick. Its a shame though. I have a real man to deal with. My he is stimulating!" He tossed the Hamster back to the front of the door.

    "Say, handsome, have you ever felt like the world just slowed down all around you? I'd grant you that pleasure, but you are a rare fellow. I've never encountered such a man that could counter my magic so well. I think I'm in love. How about we forever this fight and you come home with me." He flicked his whip then blew a kiss towards Vex.
  11. Frosch Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 20, 2014
    In your cereal box
    Listening to Kyle, Franco couldn't help cheering up. When the soldier apologised for his fervour, Franco laughed quietly for a few moments, for just a little while forgetting his cares.

    “Forgive me Kyle,” Franco smiled when he had finished, “I'm not laughing at your determination. In fact I admire it. Your enthusiasm, it's a breath of fresh air for me, something I've needed for a while now.”
    Now what? Kyle had been successfully recruited and introduced to the household, and from what Franco could tell was already firmly dedicated to the Bertram family's interests. The nobleman was pleased with this acquisition, it had turned out better than he could have hoped for. At most, he had expected someone without prior loyalties, simply looking for an easy placement. At worst, it could have been someone sent to spy by another aristocrat, to whom Franco could feed false information.
    Kyle, however, was neither of these. And that suited Franco just fine.

    “You may want to rest for a while now,” Franco told Kyle, as he got up off his seat and wandered over to his desk. “It's down on the first floor where I showed you, and there'll be a servant around to lead you to your rooms. Get a big meal, and some rest. We'll be heading out either this evening or early in the morning. It depends on my mood.”
    A paper document then caught his attention on the desk, and he seemed to forget Kyle was here, his brow furrowed in deep thought. ...get the attention of the royal family... somehow. Then move on to the bigger plan. It'll grant us great influence, but I'll need gold... hmm, soldiers maybe... Linhaven is quiet, I could get some from there. But there should be another way...
    He suddenly turned back to Kyle, evidently not having forgotten him.
    “If you don't need a rest, however, feel free to wander about. It would probably be good for you to get to know the layout of the place, and meet some of my other people. Or just stay here, if there's anything else you'd like to talk to me about.”
    Giving Kyle a friendly nod, Franco turned back to the document. The furrow in his brow returned, and he tapped the desk thoughtfully. The other families, what are they up to? How will they react to my manoeuvres, if they're not too busy paying attention to Vex... I should see the King soon, start things now while it's quiet...
  12. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    As they walked through the castle toward the entrance, Quinn looked to see a man with dark red hair at the entrance. Likely a citizen there to see his father. Most people would've been curious as to what their business was, but Quinn wanted as little part of politics as he could. His father could handle it just fine. His father was a good king, and a father he could be proud of. Although, there was a problem. Everyone had always looked to him to follow in his father's footsteps as the king. They expected him to be as great a king as he was. He didn't want to be king in the first place, let alone have the pressure of being great. Sometimes he wished he could just hand the throne to Osric. He'd do well with it. He knew all about politics, and he was smarter than anyone he'd ever met to boot. He would make a nice king, but he couldn't very well just pass the throne along, as much as he wished he could.

    He sighed, and continued to walk. He didn't have any real destination. He just wandered into the town, purely for the sake of getting out of the castle. And so, Into town he went.

    Balthar knelt down and put his hand on the sniffling girl's shoulder as she asked him to play with her. "I'm sorry Thea, but my duty is here. Wait just a bit longer, until i've been dismissed, then i will play with you all you like." The man said apologetically. He cared for the girl as though she were his own daughter, and didn't want to upset her, but his duty was to the family, not her alone. He had to continue to stand guard in case of intruders. He couldn't simply abandon his post, no matter what the reason. Still...he felt sorry for the girl. She must have been so lonely.

    Taliesin smirked at the oath he was told to swear. Osric wasn't quite as clever as he thought. "I see. Then i shall be bound by this oath so long as i live, unless you release me? So be it." He bowed his head, and began to repeat the oath. . "I, Tallesin solemnly swear my service to Osric of House Lelande. I shall act in his interests. His foes are my foes, his friends are my friends and his liege is my liege. I put myself at his disposal and shall live my life in the interest of serving him, until such a time that I am released from my oath. This I swear upon the Gods old and new, and the Gods before and to come." He said, before rising to his feet. "May our endeavors together bring us both good fortune in equal shares. I believe i shall find what i am searching for in the way of helping you live out your goals, so simply lead the way and i shall shadow your footsteps, Osric Lelande."
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Thea just looked at Balthar as he denied her request and then put a smile on her face. "That's okay Balthar. Later." Thea said as she turned around and skipped off. Little did he know the young eight year old girl had another plan up her sleeve. She was tired of being stuck in the house all the time. Tired of no one having the time to play with her. She was bored of all her books too. Thea got out of the line of site of Balthar and her parents. Since she was dangerous her parents didn't employ many staff. They had a cook, a maid, and Balthar that lives there, and her tutors that came in and out. So it wouldn't be that hard for her to sneak out.

    She ran to a random spare room in the house and opened the window in there, this particular room was on the ground floor, so it was easy to sneak out of. The window made a slight screech as it opened, but hopeful no one would notice. Thea crawled out the window and let her bare feet touch the short grass below. She enjoyed the feeling of grass between her toes. Thea tried not to giggle as she ran across the yard. Soon enough she was sneaking through the front gate.

    Thea found her way into town. And soon to her favourite place in town, the library. Thea liked her dresses and dollies but she didn't care for the stores, but she loved to read. Thea walked in the library, slipping past the front desk quietly without anyone noticing and found the children's book section. Thea picked up books meant for a reading level far above her age and sat down to read without a problem. Soon a librarian approached her.
    "Excuse me young lady, where are your parents? You aren't allowed to be here unsupervised." He spoke calmly.
    "They are at home. I am old enough to be here by myself."
    "I am sorry rules are rules."
    "No! I want to read. I don't care if my parents aren't here!" Thea raised her voice and the book in her hand went up in flames. The librarian soon backed off a bit calling for help as another spurt of flames lit a small section of the library on fire. It wasn't long before the fire brigade was called. Meanwhile Thea simply stood there not sure what she had just done.
    Xera soon finished fighting off the stupid goons that attacked her. For the most part they where not dead, most just inured, some where close to death however,. Xera then turned her attention to help Vex. Damn this man was creepy. Xera's muscles ached slightly but she wasn't going to stop, not yet. Vex might have magic, but she had agility and plenty of skill to make up for her lack of magic. While Precious was focused on Vex, Xera cautiously moved around the side of Precious, keeping an eye on the movements around her. As Precious cracked his whip telling Vex he should come home with him, Xera made her move. She attacked from his right side, going to stab him in his side, hopefully this would work. If she could at least keep him busy then Vex could take care of the rest.
    Sasha followed her prince as they strolled through the halls. They soon came across a couple of gentlemen in which she gave a small bow to as the passed. On their way out Sasha spotted her mother working in the garden, though getting older now Sasha's mother kept a fair completion, one that she had been gifted with as well. She kissed her mothers cheek and waved off as she walked back over to Quinn. She had known the prince for long enough that she knew he didn't mind when she stopped to say a quick hello to her family. They worked in the same place but the castle was so big and busy there was often she would go a week without seeing her mother at all, just get the occasional note left from her when they missed each other.

    She flanked Quinn as they left the castle grounds and headed for the city. She was aware that heading into town meant that they would get a lot of attention. Sasha wished hat the prince would at least take a couple guards with him. She was not very good at protecting anyone and just being a servant there wasn't much she could do. However it also wasn't her call if guards came or not, so there really wasn't much to be done at this point.
    "Your highness, where exactly are we headed. Not far I assume since we passed the stables already." Sasha said as something to break the silence between the two of them.
    It took Samuel a few moments before he clued in that his brother had followed him. Samuel sighed slightly, as this was not as he intended. He meant for his brother to continue towards the exit while he did this. It would draw less attention from the guards that way, Samuel might not like violence or hurting people, and blood made him wheezy but he also didn't really feel like going to jail or being killed, so with that said he knew how to protect himself well, he didn't need his brother always following him. Oh well what was done, was done.

    Samuel soon finished his run with a few gold coins, about six silver ones and a small sack of copper coins, as well as a bag that he was able to fill with food. Samuel had undoubtedly been seen by people calling for guards however he did not care so much. He had got the items that they needed and now made his way into some of the back streets. After taking a maze of turns that would surely slow down any pursuers, he started to climb a pipe to a roof tom where he could run along as a means of escaping. When he first arrived to the town he looked through several maps as well as walked the streets studying as many back allies as he could, side roads, anything that might aid in an escape. He memorized it all and it certainly came in handy now. Samuel could see the small gate leading to an old untouched dirt road ahead, that was where he was heading.
  14. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Scott's pov:

    Scott baner.png
    so this man was related to this woman he was looking for. So he now knew the mans last name. He stood outside the castle for some time. then after away went in longer after the man was gone.
    He was not sure were to look for the king so he just walked around no one seemed to bother him yet, but he was unsure how long that would last. just get the information you came for and get out.

    Flint's pov:

    Flint Mrtlin (old).png
    He arrived at a unknown location it was time to get Eric on a job to get to Corvus to fide this vex. So that was were Eric would head next. After getting everything to head out he found a horse and it was time to head out. With that done it was to Corvus.

    Sara's pov:

    Sara banner.png

    Table were thrown everywhere. Just head for the door and run she thought. She was always finding herself in these types of situations how this always happened to her was unknown but it did. She always got out. It was ether time to turn on the charm or get out. She turned to the door thinking about her options. The chance of getting to that door unharmed was not good. She stood next to a table ready to run to that door should the chance happen.
  15. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    Canna finished up wrapping up her arm and closed her eyes to put her full focus on Dos, then after a minute or so she turned to Jackson with a slight smile on her face and spoke quietly so passerbys didn't hear her, "So I'm also on the roof of a house across the street from the Zastia mansion. It's on Elm street, you really shouldn't miss it, the mansion is really big and has a red roof. I'll get your attention if I see you. Anyway, I am stuck on that roof and unable to leave because I accidentally alerted the Zastia guards..."

    Canna pointed to her left arm and spoke,
    "I have information on my left arm I need to get to my client. I need you to either copy down the information somehow, or get me out of there. I'm sure you can distract the guards somehow, you've got such an explosive personality after all."

    Dos listened to the commotion around her. Someone had pointed in her general area when people were asking about people running. A crazy old man mentioned something about someone "flying through the air" so they were checking out roofs. Dos quickly searched through her bag to see if she had some rope to get down from the roof.

    This particular area was complicated to get down from because it was not a slanted roof. She would have to walk right to the edge which would give away her location almost instantly. She wouldn't do that until she was sure someone was covering for her.
  16. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    The way this opponent talked was more than a little strange, and kind of creepy. "I think I'll pass. If you liked that, you'll love this though" Vex stated simply as he realized what Xera was trying to do. Taking advantage of the fact that she was attacking from the side, Vex decided he needed to distract Precious. He reached down next to him and grabbed his axe, using his magic to send small sparks of electricity bouncing along it. Dashing forward, he swung the axe with tremendous force, slamming down towards Precious at an alarming speed. Hopefully this would work, but if not then he had another plan in mind.
    Oscar followed his little brother, keeping close behind him. He wasn't quite as quick, but he wasn't far off. Once he had made it on top of the roof, he turned around to check whether their pursuers had fallen behind or not; they had, but not by much. He took off quickly, leaping from rooftop to rooftop as he made his way over to the wall of the northern exit. Not slowing down, he leaped off of the wall and landed on the ground, rolling to break his fall slightly. "Samuel, come on!" he shouted. However, they had a new problem; their pursuers hadn't gone after them on the rooftops, they had instead just gone directly to the gate in an attempt to cut them off.

    Shrugging his shoulders and looking to his brother, he gave a slight smirk. This was what he was good at, this was what he enjoyed. "Gimme a minute, I'll take care of this" he stated. He tapped into his magical energy and in his hand materialized a mask. However, this was no ordinary mask. This mask was in fact a rare and powerful artifact. Oscar had found it in his time as a mercenary, and this mask among others had come in handy quite a lot. Placing the mask on his face, Oscar immediately felt its magic merging with his own. This mask in particular was that of a monkey, and with it he gained an enormous amount of agility and speed.

    In an instant, he was off. Racing towards the pursuers in leaps and bounds, he reached them in seconds. Drawing his blade, he began his assault. Sword strikes in every direction, along with the occasional punch and kick, flew at his enemies at an incredible speed. The pursuers put up a valiant effort, but they went down in about a minute and a half, each of them knocked unconscious. As the last one went down, Oscar hurried back to his brother's side, sheathed his blade, and took off the mask. Instantly, the magic stopped working. Giving a small smile, he gestured towards the path ahead. "Alright little brother, you're the smart one, lead the way" he said simply.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2015
  17. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    A pity it was to hear Vex decline his offer. How badly he wanted a new playmate to share an evening with. Nothing could be done about such matters though. He was ready to attack until he felt something jab into his side. He looked over at the girl. His face instantly turned to disgust as he was the creature that attempted to stab him. "Another filthy woman trying to take a stab at me. I have no room for your kind darling." He said as the knife hit his clothes, only acting like it were made of rubber.

    "I will admit though, I enjoy the sensation you grant me. The tingling from that brute of a man is quite intoxicating as well. He is the generator that just turned this light on." He grabbed Xera by the neck and began to squeeze her rightly. "So, handsome, how about you come with me now?" He gave a lash from his whip onto Xera's leg. Before he could go any further, a dagger was thrown over at his hand, forcing the whip to leave. Precious looked over to see a man in blue. "Another specimen. Oh and he is even more gorgeous than the last. I must ask you to leave though. Unless you can provide a good enough reason to say other-" Before he could finish his phrase, the magic he cast, in fact all the magic around just stopped, his hand losing its tight grip on Zera. "What did you just do!"

    Eldridge walked in. He figured things were rough. Earlier while walking to the bar he heard people running saying something about the commandant threatening somebody of being a rebel, the leader in fact. He had heard rumors before of such a case but never took much liking to the idea of needless conflict. "I quite apologize for ruining your little game of combat. However, I come to clear something up. You are fighting an impostor!"

    He pointed over to Vex. He was just acting in the heat of the moment. "I am the leader of the rebel alliance. I shall not allow such scum to take my name and cause needless violence with such title. I only wish for peace."

    Precious looked at him with confusion. He just openly admitted to it? The fool. "Very well. You are coming in for conspiring against the royal throne." He looked back to Vex and winked before blowing a kiss and tossing a small bag of money. He tossed another bag to the bartender. "Well handsome, that should pay for the trouble I caused you. The bag to you bartender is the royal army funds that should assist you in repairs. Tootles!"

    Eldridge and Precious left the bar, handcuffs going around Eldridge's wrists. He knew he lied, but it was only to create peace and end a conflict. If there truly was a rebellion, it looks like he may have accidentally joined. "Oh, sir commandant, the girl over there, she is with me. I am her caretaker."

    "Is she also a rebel scum like yourself?"

    "Negative. I was taking care of her as a favor. Zita, I apologize, I took longer than expected. We are being escorted to the castle now." Eldridge smiled to end her worries if she had any. "Commandant," he whispered, "The girl is dangerous by herself. Please keep her with me or the events that transpire could be catastrophic."

    "Wut did you say Eldwidge? Is the funny man pwaying powice with you?"

    "That is right, Zita. We are playing a little game."

    "I will not allow you two to be together. I can only assume you are lying and using her as bait. I will introduce her to the princess. I'm more than certain the girl is longing for a playmate. Besides, I have to look good in front of the royal family. The girl looks of a high class so surely she'll do just fine among them royals. Now pretty boy, I'll play along for her sake, but you are going to have a rough time." Precious turned to the little girl. "How would you like to meet princess Thea. She's around you age."

    "A pwincess! That would be so amazing. Thanks mister powiceman!" Zita happily followed along behind the two, only believing this to be a friendly game. Little did she know. Meanwhile Eldridge was breathing heavy trying to figure out a way to break free. He couldn't let Zita leave his side. The girl had no control
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Standing near the counter of the local Blacksmith's shop in Corvus, a blue hair girl stood there gazing out in the distance. To any passerby they might think she was just watching the stop or a small few might even think that she was the over of the shop and that she was waiting for any kind of customer to show up. The reality of what she was doing was that she was waiting for someone to show up. He was suppose to be here a couple of days ago, but he was late. A first she thought nothing of it, but eventually she started to get worried for the well being of her friend.


    "Yo Ethel!"

    Familiar voice called out to the girl, breaking her free form her thoughts and caused her to look towards where the voice had come from. That was when she noticed that the voice had come from her blond and black haired friend, Zephyr. A smiled graced her face to see that he was unharmed, well aside from the gash on his cheek. The smile that had briefly appeared on her face had turned into more of a disapproving look on her face as Zephyr got closer.

    The look that she was giving him was definitely confusing him. Which was why he asked, "What's wrong is there something on my fa-"
    Shit. There was indeed something on his face. He'd forgotten to cover up the cut he'd gotten while fighting those bandits. In his defense, he'd forgotten about for after he'd wiped away the blood from when it was dripping down the side of his face, the blood had stopped all together. So it went to the back of his mind. Of course so did the fact that she would react like the way she was right now.

    Well now he knew why she was looking at him like that and the only thing that he could think to do in a time like this is to stall for time. He was hoping that some kind of distraction would happen and take her attention off of him and in a way, he got his wish.

    "You know its rude to keep a lady waiting when she clearly expects an answer." From the back of the shop a man with brown hair had emerged. Both Ethel and Zephyr knew him as Fang as well as the owner of the shop. "Go on, I'd like to hear this too." The hopeful distraction had turned against him as Fang spoke in his usual calm tone. Zephyr sighed, there wasn't much that he could to get out of this situation, so he simply started to explain to them what had happened.

    As he explained everything that had happened with the bandits, the cut on his cheek, he also threw in how the sword that Fang had given him was damaged and that he needed it to be repaired. His explanation did managed to calm Ethel down a bit, but Fang on the other hand. He wasn't all too happy about his sword being damaged again. In fact the first thing he said at the end of Zephyr's explanation was. "Do you remember what I said last time you broke the sword."

    Next time I have to repair this sword for you, it won't be cheap. Zephyr definitely did remember those words, and he thought he was prepared to handle any price that was thrown at him. That went out the window when he heard just how much it was. Hell he might as well leave the sword there for there was not way that he was going to be able to pay off the price.

    Following the declaration of the price, the two got into a argument. Which ultimately ended with Fang giving Zephyr three options. 1) He leaves the sword here. 2) He pays him (Which wouldn't happen at all) or 3) He can use the sword, provided he works off the price. Zephyr didn't like that he could just avoid paying the price all together, but in the end he went with option 3. Though the thing was, before he could actually have the sword on a loan, he had to run one quick errand, which wasn't told to him at the time. So with a frustrated sigh, Zephyr walked off further into Corvus, only to be followed moments later by Ethel.
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As Xera's sword hit Precious it seemed just bounce off. What the hell was this? Before Xera could do anything Precious grabbed her by the neck forcing Xera to drop her sword. She clawed and grasped at Precious' hand as she tried to catch her breath to no avail as he was stronger than he seemed, his hand crushing her wind pipe. As Precious' whip connected with her leg she wanted to let out a scream but a mere grunt was all she could manage. Damn it hurt a lot more than any whip should. She had been whipped before, this was no normal whip. Her teeth grit as she just focused on getting Precious to let her go.

    It was around then when another man walked into the room. As he did Xera could feel a shift in the room, she herself didn't have magic but she was used to being around people who did and something changed with them, it just stopped. Precious' grip loosened allowing Xera to take a deep breath, it wasn't long after when Precious released her. Xera fell to the floor in a crumpled mess, coughing and gasping for air, trying to gain all the air lost from Precious choking her. Her leg was in a good amount of pain but she tried not to focus on it. As she forced herself to her feet blood began to drip down her leg.

    "That's new." Xera said with a faint chuckle. "Never seen you get paid for a bar fight." Xeras voice sounded a little raspy as she was still recovering from her experience with the creeper known as Precious She bent down and picked up her sword, wiping the blood off on her shirt she proceeded to put it back in her sheath. She then turned to Vex. "So what now?" She asked seeming like nothing had happened, she wasn't hurt and she could move on. If she acted any different Vex wouldn't be happy and he would see her as weak. She wouldn't want that.

    Samuel reached the edge of the roof and fell back as his brother jumped off rolling to break his all as they hit the ground. Samuel looked on ahead instead of jumping off. Before he could do anything to help his brother against the guards Samuel was stopped by a vision. The man who rented them the hotel room being interrogated brutally for any information about where they might go. Then someone receiving a call saying something about the gate. The guards left. "Oscar!" Samuel called out as he took a few steps back to give him distance to sprint and jump off the roof. As Samuel hit the ground in a roll he heard a pop, that wouldn't be good. He knew exactly what he did but luckily he also knew exactly how to fix it once they had a moment rest.

    Samuel stood holding his shoulder as his brother knocked out the last of the guards and returned to him telling him to lead the way.
    "We need to move and quick." Samuel told his brother as he started heading towards the gate. Trying to keep quieter instead of opening the rusty and squeaky gate Samuel started to climb it with one arm. It wasn't a far climb so it wasn't too bad, but his other arm was in a fair amount of pain. Samuel jumped off the other side landing light on his feet, barely a sound made and continued to sprint down the path a little before taking a sharp turn into a wooded area where he found a spot to hide for a moment. He turned to Oscar who had followed close behind. "We are in trouble." He whispered as he stopped for a moment to pop his dislocated shoulder back into place. It hurt a lot, Samuel bit down on his lower lip to keep himself from screaming or making any noise really from the pain. As he loosened his jaw some blood dripped down his lip, but Samuel shook it off.

    "Oscar they are stepping up their game. No more silly local guards. I saw them interogating the man at the hotel. It didn't look plesant. Whoever these men are, they are more highly trained, they are smarter, and stronger, and from what I could tell the guards that where at the gate contacted them with were to go before we got there. They won't be far behind us now. Now that my shoulder is back in place we have to move and can't stop for a while." Samuel explained, voice was calm but the fear seen behind his eyes was all that anyone needed to know. Samuel was struggling with always being on the run but now it was more dangerous. He would have wanted a little more rest than this but didn't get that choice. Samuel wiped the blood from his lip before starting to stand back up.
  20. al215 Kingdom Keeper

    May 29, 2013

    "There's nothing else I want to ask you my lord. With your permission, I shall withdraw." Kyle turned around and began to walk out the door, He was smiling. I've done it. I've been accepted. There's no secrets of mine between he and I and that means I'm safe. My family is safe. I'm all clear. And in a far better position than I ever thought I'd be in. I'd best make the most of this. First things first, the dining hall. Maybe there'll be some people in there that I can get to know a bit. That would be nice. He took one last look around at his employer before he left the room. Placing his hand on the doorway, he spoke a final time. "Again, thank you. You've done so much for me and my family. If there's anything I can do to repay the debt I owe you, tell me." With that, he walked down the stairs of the tower carefully, trying not to fall down and break his neck on his first day at the job. He was in a good position and dying would certainly ruin everything he had managed to accomplish.

    Kyle entered the dining hall. There were a few of Lord Bertram's various servants and soldiers in here, off duty and probably hungry. He sat down with them and introduced himself as he ate, trying to establish himself within the House walls. They seemed friendly enough and they didn't get on too badly. Once Kyle had finished his food, he got up and found someone to lead him to his room. He took two steps into the room, made a beeline for the bed and was sleep within moments of hitting the covers, the day's excitement finally having caught up with him.


    "Damn it why did we let him go?" Kari exclaimed as Precious was simply allowed to just walk out with someone claiming to be the resistance leader. She scowled, watching the door he had left from and looked at the two fighters in the room. Who the hell are these two anyway? Why were they having a fight with that creep? She strode over to the pair and put her axe on her back and her left hand on her hip. "What's the deal with you two then? Any particular reason you're scrapping with one of his majesty's royal dickheads or do you just like fighting people?" She made herself appear as tough as possible to the two of them. Sure she was young but she was as good as they were despite her age. That said, the hooded girl didn't look any older than her. If anything, maybe a bit younger. What was she doing then, trying to impress the blond guy? Maybe. She wasn't going to have him assume he was less than her just because of her age. Besides, she might well be older than the other girl. She could handle herself. She'd killed men before. Bastards like that guy they were just fighting. What was his problem anyway?


    "I have no doubt that in such an instance, my father Eric Lelande will not fail to take part in such a conflict and try to take his own control over the realm using his political connections and perhaps more importantly, our sizeable army available to the house. Considering this will be the attitude of many a noble house I would not be at all surprised to observe this tear apart our infrastructure and cause an almost total recreation and refurbishment of our present holdings by method of rebuilding that which was burned down during the systemic infighting that invariably occurs, much to the lamentation of all parties involved."

    "Most excellent. I shall look forward to seeing what you and I may achieve together." Osric smiled. This was power. Swearing someone to your service, the ability to command that much authority. That was what he lived for. Control. Control in all matters, that was of the utmost importance. Now he had control of another pawn. It was time to see what this pawn could do of course. There was a chance his magic might have it's own uses, not to mention any other talents he may have neglected to mention. "Now then, master bard, you are a man of skills. You have your music, which is most excellent. I'm more interested to hear about your magic. What can you do with it exactly, and have you any other skills? Perhaps you are skilled with a weapon of some variety? I would be most interested to hear. And perhaps you can tell me what it is you seek. House Lelande is powerful and we have connections in all corners of the land- Perhaps we may be able to offer you some assistance in this search of yours. I believe in paying back services rendered you see."
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2015
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