RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    Flintheart-17.png hack.png slash.png gabby.png

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    "Of course! A wonderful idea! I can imagine the look on McDuck's face when he sees me become the new richest duck in the world!" Glomgold gave a loud laugh. "You have a deal, Mr. Taco Bell Dog! I'll make preparations! That way, the moment the time comes, we can set off as soon as the time is right!"


    ~ Toyko Streets ~

    Pauline nodded in agreement. "It's definitely not the best idea to stay out here for long. Especially given everything that's happened as of late."


    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    Mileena ran and ran, her face blotched red and wet with tears as she let out primal sobs.

    Gone. They were gone. Kitana, Jade, Heishiro...all gone, taken from Mileena by a surprise attack on the Lin Kuei Temple. Kuai Liang had told her to run, and she did, so she had no idea if he was even alive now. It didn't matter to the half-Edenian though. In this moment, she was alone. Alone again, just like she had started.
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Glomgold Ice Cream~


    "Excelente!" the Taco Bell Dog exclaimed as he placed a business card right in front of Glomgold, "Here is my card in case you need to contact me. I'll be sure to give you a call once the time is right. Adiós, mi amigo!" The Taco Bell Dog then left the ice-cream shop, looking forward to meeting Glomgold again so they can go to Atlantis.


    ~Moon Palace~


    As Thrax teleported to the Moon Palace with Zordon, he called out to his parents, "Mother, Father! I have something for you!" Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa then arrived to see their son, surprised upon noticing that Zordon was his prisoner. "So it's true, we finally have Zordon!" Zedd commented. "Hahahaha, at last!" Rita cheered, "Who's mighty now, Zordon!" "I knew you two would like this surprise," Thrax told his parents, "I believe this calls for a celebration." As Thrax and his parents were ecstatic, Zordon quietly watched them, full of sorrow over what had happened, and feeling just as guilty as he did when he lost his homeworld.


    ~Calcutta, India~

    Arriving to Snape's apartment, several J.I.A. agents noticed the body of two deceased J.I.A. agents, apparently killed by Snape when they tried to kill him. "He must have escaped," one of the J.I.A. agents commented, "Search for him throughout the entire city, assuming he hasn't apparated away. And remember, kill him on sight." "Yes, sir," another J.I.A. agent responded as they left. Unbeknownst to them, Snape was on the rooftop of the apartment building, eavesdropping on them...


    After hearing what they said, Snape apparated away from the area.


    ~Lily Potter's Home~

    Teleporting with Harry and James, Lily detransformed as she was panting while lying against the wall, thinking back to the attack in Madagascar...

    ~Madagascar - Cliff~

    "Hiccup! Katniss!" Ron cried as he saw what happened to the two Riders. "We can't stay here!" Fang told Ron as the gunfire from the Helicarrier continued. "I don't know about all of you, but I'm not going down without a fight!" James announced, "Mastadon Dinozord Power!" However, James's Zord did not appear, surprising him. "I-Impossible," James said to himself as Harry dragged him away from the gunfire. "Not now, Dad!" Harry cried. Noticing how James couldn't summon his Zord, Thomas tried summoning his Dragonzord by playing his Dragon Dagger. Just like the Mastadon Dinozord, the Dragonzord didn't appear. "Our Zords aren't appearing!" Thomas cried as he dodged gunfire. "Alpha, come in... it looks like we can't summon Zords," Nala said, trying to contact Alpha with her communicator, but never got a response, "Alpha... Alpha?" "Even our communicators aren't working!" Noah cried. "Today just isn't our day!" Shotaro added. As the Rangers and Riders continued avoiding the gunfire, they received Alpha's emergency transmission. "Alpha, Alpha!" Philip cried, trying to contact Alpha after hearing the emergency transmission the robot sent, but it was no use. The Rangers and Riders figured that this was a losing battle, and every single one teleported to random locations across Earth. Where they each teleported to... that is a story for another day. Lily, on the other hand, grabbed James and Harry, teleporting herself and her family back to her home in Tokyo.

    Despite Alpha's warning, Lily still came to her home with her family. 'What have I done?' Lily thought to herself, wondering if she put her family in danger by teleporting them back to her home. "Why did Alpha say that going back to the Command Center would be dangerous?" Harry wondered out loud as he detransformed. "I don't know. And who is this strong enemy that he mentioned is hunting us down?" James added as he too detransformed. "I don't know, but I think we shoul-" Lily replied before a large blast destoyed her front door. Turning their attention to the area of the blast, Lily, Harry, and James gasped as they noticed Cybermen marched inside...


    Before any of them could do something about the Cybermen, a voice familiar to Lily shouted, "Stopza!" Lily then noticed everyone around her freeze, as though time had stopped for them. "What?" Lily wondered out loud to herself. "Lily," the same voice from earlier said. Turning around, Lily was surprised to see none other than Severus Snape walking towards her while carrying his Keyblade...


    "Severus? I-I don't understand," Lily told Snape. "Lily, there's no time to explain," Snape responded, "You must hurry to safety." "Snape, what are those things? And what did you do? And... what is that weapon you are holding?" Lily asked. "Lily, I promise to give you all the answers you need," Snape replied, "But right now, you must get out of here. It's too dangerous for you and your family. Go to the same town in Scotland where I was not too long ago, and ask for help from the leader of the town, Fergus, the man who I told you I befriended during my time there. He'll help you in anyway he can." After listening to what he said, Lily nodded in response, saying, "Alright... but I must also get WilyKit and WilyKat... they're at Remus's place." "You first take care of Harry and James. I'll go ahead to Remus's place and meet you there," Snape responded. "Very well," Lily said as she grabbed the hands of James and Harry, apparating herself and them away from the place. And just as the Stopza spell was losing its effect, Snape too teleported away to get the Wilys.


    ~CNN Live Broadcast~


    "Ladies and gentlemen, if you're just joining us, we have some major breaking news on this already hectic day for news," Wolf Blitzer said as he faced the camera, with the bottom of the broadcast stating:


    "In a day when we're getting reports that J.I.A. airships are targeting certain individuals around the world, nuclear missiles flying far away from us towards space, militaries around the world getting decimated, we have yet another bombshell, as it has been revealed by the office of the new Japanese prime minister, Harold Saxon, that there was an apparent assassination attempt on his life by other ministers of the government a day after the death of Harriet Jones," Wolf announced, "The statement by the prime minister's office also reveals that the attempt has been successfully thwarted, and the ministers responsible have been killed. More details are expected to be shared by the prime minster during his televised speech, so please, stay tuned."


    ~Team Rocket Hideout~


    "Alright, we've done as you asked," Jessie told Xigbar as she, James, and Meowth had all placed their hands (or paws in Meowth's case) on their hands and backed away, "Now leave the boss alone." "Oh wait, you thought... hahaha. How naive," Xigbar responded as he pulled the trigger on both of his Arrowguns, instantly killing Giovanni and his Persian, "As if! I never said I wasn't gonna kill them." Jessie, James, and Meowth gasped at the sight of their deceased boss, whose body lay on the floor with blood coming out of his head. "You monster!" Meowth yelled. "You'll pay for this!" James angrily added. "Oh, enough of this," Cassidy scoffed as she turned her attention to Charizard and Blaziken, who have just devolved back to their regular state, "Charizard, Blaziken, finish those three off with your Hyper Beam attack." As Charizard and Blaziken prepared to attack the three with a powerful Hyper Beam attack, Jessie used her quick thinking and sent out her Wobbuffet, yelling, "Wobbuffet, come out!" Jessie's Wobbuffet then came out of its Pokeball and landed in front of Jessie, James, and Meowth...


    "WOBBUFFET!" Jessie's Wobbuffet said as it landed, with Charizard and Blaziken finally delivering their Hyper Beam attack, sending a powerful beam towards the team. "Wobbuffet, Mirror Coat, now!" Jessie ordered her Wobbuffet. "Wobbu!" Wobbuffet responded as its body became surrounded in a white reflective color in order to use its Mirror Coat move and send the Hyper Beam attack back. However, Wobbuffet was slightly a bit late, with the Hyper Beam attacks causing an explosion when they hit Wobbuffet instead of reflecting back. Jessie, James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet were then shot straight towards the sky as they cried, "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off one last time!" Once they disappeared in the sky, leaving a blinking star behind, Butch commented, "Well, that's that." "The Team Rocket organization is officially dead," Hun commented. "And good riddance," Attila added.


    ~Castle Oblivion~


    "Wait, wait... let me get this straight... that weird silver haired kid Xehanort is the one responsible for this dark future I keep hearing about?" Discord questioned Mewtwo. "That is what Rini said," Mewtwo responded. "And what about the 'Master' title before his name? What's with that?" Discord wondered out loud. "'Master' or not, I trust what Rini said about him," Mewtwo responded, "If he is indeed the one responsible for what happens in the future, then he must be stopped." "Look Mewtwo, I get where you're coming, I really do. But... don't you think we should think this through before we go off and do something rash," Discord said as he snapped his fingers, with a television appearing next to them, and a TV remote appearing in Discord's paw, "I mean, it's not like things are getting chaotic right now." As Discord switched the television on, and put on news channels, they were all discussing the chaotic state of what was going on, such as the Helicarrier attacks and the world's militaries getting decimated. Noticing Mewtwo giving him a snide look, Discord said, "Don't you say a word."


    ~Outside Kai's House~


    "Star Road... what the hell is that?" Erron wondered out loud. "Who knows?" Dean replied, shrugging. As for Kotal Kahn, he listened to C.C. calmly before saying, "I accept. I'm not sure if the J.I.A. is willing to let the others go free, but I'll try to convince them on your behalf." Just then, Kotal noticed a large wasp-like insect flying straight towards C.C., ready to sting her. "Look out!" Kahn cried as he got in the insect's way, getting stung, "Aaah!" Grabbing the insect, Kotal Kahn threw it into the ground, with Reptile commenting, "Looks like one of D'Vorah's." "Big mistake," D'Vorah's voice commented as Kotal and the others noticed her approaching them...


    "D'Vorah... what are you doing here?" Ermac asked. Ignoring Ermac, D'Vorah asked Kotal Kahn, "Tell me Kotal... do you feel weaker after that sting." "A bit... why?" Kotal Kahn responded. "When you were stung, you were injected with a strong venom. Unfortunately for you... it means you'll die within an hour. No cure for it. Sorry," D'Vorah said, "Not that it matters. You're all going to die pretty soon anyway." "What are you talking about?" Dean questioned. As she laughed, D'Vorah replied, "Did you guys really think you were coming here to apprehend the Rising Tide? On the contrary, it was just an attempt to get you guys together with the Rising Tide in order to finish you all off once and for all. And I'm going to enjoy watching as each one of you is vanquished." "Traitor!" Reptile yelled as Erron Black quickly shot her. As D'Vorah collapsed, Kotal Kahn rushed to her side, asking, "Why D'Vorah, why did you betray us?" "You're asking me why? I'll tell you why," D'Vorah responded as she was getting closer to her death, "It's because the world in its current state does not even care for my kind. During the Holocaust, my species was almost wiped out. But even long after Hitler was history, my kind was still looked at as lesser citizens all over the world. But then... Astral referred me to its allies, who showed me what kind of world they were planning to achieve. It was beautiful... a world where all species can live in harmony side by side. It was exactly what my species needs in order to survive. Unfortunately, to bring about such a world, elements of the current world need to be eradicated, such as our group, and the Rising Tide." D'Vorah and the others then noticed Cybermen flying high in the sky, and then landing about a mile and a half away from them...


    "It's starting. They won't stop until everyone that Astral and its allies consider an enemy is a thing of the past," D'Vorah continued, "If it's any consolation... it was nothing personal." Eventually, D'Vorah ran out of breaths, and died in Kotal's arms. Sighing, Kotal Kahn closed D'Vorah's eyes, feeling sad for her despite what she did. As he got up, he noticed the Cybermen from earlier slowly marching towards his location. "What do we do?" Dean replied. "I will fight," Kotal Kahn replied, "Seeing as how I don't have much time left." Turning his attention back to C.C. and the others, Kotal said, "It seems we were all deceived by a lie. D'Vorah said that the enemy won't stop until everyone they oppose is dead. Listen to me. Take your group. Run away, as far as you can. And hide. I cannot speak for my own group, but intend to hold off those metal men to give you a chance to get out of here. Consider it my apology for what I did to you." Dean, Reptile, Erron, and Ermac all looked at each other, and they all nodded to indicate they were thinking of the same thing. "Kotal, we will all fight alongside you," Reptile told Kotal. "You don't have to do this alone," Ermac added. "We'll fight with you till the end," Erron added. Smiling as he summoned his Macuahuitl weapon, Kotal replied, "Thank you, my friends." As Kotal and his friends got ready for battle, Dean threw C.C.'s lightsaber back to her, saying, "You might need that."


    ~Tokyo University - Dr. Hank Pym's Office~


    As Dr. Hank Pym was busy taking care of paperwork, he saw Professor Callaghan enter his office...


    "Robert, didn't expect you here at this time," Pym commented. "Sorry if I was interrupting something," Callaghan replied as he took a seat in front of Pym's desk, "How're things?" "Oh you know, same old, same old," Pym answered, "So, what brings you here?" "Oh nothing important. Just this," Callaghan responded as he put a photograph from security footage taken yesterday, showing Pym drinking from a water fountain in the Student Union building with Hiro covering his face with a hood in a dark corner of the hallway. "Hmm, so you have a picture of me drinking from the water fountain at the Student Union," Dr. Pym said, "What about it?" "Well, upon further examination, it was determined by security that the boy here is Hiro Hamada," Professor Callaghan replied, "And I'm sure you're aware that Mr. Hamada is currently a wanted fugitive." "Of course," Hank said. "So... did you know that kid was Hiro?" Callaghan asked. "Nope. He was just some kid in the hallway that I ignored," Pym lied, "If I'd known it was Hiro, I certainly would've reported him to the authorities." "Hmm, I see," Callaghan commented, "So then... how do you explain this?" Callaghan placed another photo on Pym's table, showing Hiro picking up a crumpled piece of paper from the floor after it was thrown by Dr. Pym. As Pym remained silent, Callaghan said, "Hank, I'm only going to ask this once... where's Hiro and his friends?" "Before I tell you, I wanna ask you one thing, Robert," Pym responded, "Why are you the one who's asking me these questions? If it really is a matter of security, shouldn't I be talking to the police?" Grinning, Callaghan got up from his seat, asking Pym, "You remember my daughter, Abigail, correct?" "Yes," Hank replied, "And I have always been sorry for how you lost her. Reminds me of what I went through when I lost my wife, Janet." "Yes, but there is a difference though between those two losses," Callaghan said, "Janet willingly sacrificed herself out of her her own free will. Abigail, on the other hand, was part of an experiment that the late prime minister, Harriet Jones, pushed for. Even when it was apparent that the experiment was failing, Jones still pushed for it. I remember arguing with her, telling her to stop. But... it was too late, and my daughter was gone, because the prime minister got too arrogant. From that day on, I lost faith in our government's ability to make wise decisions, regardless of who's in charge. You see, I had no ill feelings towards Harriet Jones, but rather, towards the current system. So... after that day, I vowed to make a change, and I was welcomed by a group that promised such changes." Pym was beginning to realize what was happening, and he couldn't believe it. "It can't be," Pym said as he shook his head, "You're... with the Crystal Order??" Grinning, Callaghan removed the glove from his right hand, revealing the Crystal Order logo on the palm of his right hand...

    "Hail the Crystal Order," Callaghan commented, "I know it's a bit of a shock for you, Hank. And trust me, I don't want to hurt you. So, please make this easy for me. If you're not gonna tell me where Hiro and the others are, at least tell me where you've got some of your Pym Particles stashed away." "Over my dead body," Pym angrily replied. Sighing, Callaghan took out a neurotransmitter from his pocket, which Dr. Pym recognized as the same neurotransmitter that Hiro used to control his microbots. "I'm sorry it had to be this way, Hank," Callaghan said as he placed the neurotransmitter on his head, with millions of tiny microbots rising behind Pym, forming into a structure with a pointy end that instantly impaled Dr. Pym from behind. Blood then came out of Dr. Pym's mouth in the form of a spit as he died. Turning around, Robert Callaghan walked outside, where Cybermen were waiting for him the hallway...


    "Nothing on the fugitives or the Pym particles," Callaghan told them, "But we'll find both. It's just going to take us a bit longer."


    ~Rose's Home~


    As Rose opened her door to leave, she was surprised to see her TA, Ahmet, waiting outside, guessing that he was just about to knock...


    "Miss Tyler," Ahmet greeted Rose, noticing that Rose had travel suitcases with her, "Going somewhere?" "As a matter of fact, yes," Rose replied, "I was just goi-" "Oh, I'm sure this can wait. I have something more important to discuss with you," Ahmet said, welcoming himself inside Rose's home, closing the door behind him and locking it, "So, have you been hearing the news?" "Yes... pretty chaotic, I have to say," Rose replied. "Right," Ahmet commented, "So you decided to go away all of a sudden because of what's happening. Perhaps because you feel like you're... a target?" "Oh, no, no. It's just a family emergency, that's all," Rose lied. "Ah, I see," Ahmet replied as he took out a gun and pointed it at Rose, "I wonder if this 'family emergency' has anything to do with you, Rose Tyler. Or should I say... Agent Bad Wolf of the MI6?" "So... you know about me then," Rose commented. "Indeed," Ahmet replied, "We in the Crystal Order make it our business to know as much as we can about our enemies. And to think, the MI6 sending an agent like you, pretending to be a teacher here in Tokyo so you can find out information on the Crystal Order. Well unfortunately for the MI6, it no longer exists. M, and every other MI6 agent has either been killed, or is currently being killed at this moment. And to top it all off, the MI6 headquarters has been destroyed minutes ago due to a virus we sent out. I wonder if that's why you were in such a hurry to leave. Either way, it's time for you to join your MI6 friends." As Rose angrily stared at Ahmet, they heard a knock on the door...


    "Rose, are you there?" John Smith asked outside the door. As Ahmet was distracted by the knock on the door, Rose took advantage of this opportunity, kicking Ahmet's gun away, and getting into a brawl with him. Hearing both Ahmet and Rose struggling, John cried, "Rose?!" As Rose and Ahmet continued to try and get the upper hand over the other, John Smith was able to break the door down, and rushed towards Ahmet, grabbing him from behind. Rose watched as Smith grappled with Ahmet, and knew she had to end this quickly, so she jumped towards Ahmet's gun on the floor. Ahmet, meanwhile, punched John Smith, knocking him down. But as he turned around, the Crystal Order member saw Rose pointing his own gun at him. Rose then pulled the trigger, immediately killing Ahmet with a shot to his chest. Seeing what happened, Smith asked, "Rose, are you okay?" "Yeah," Rose replied as she helped John up, "We have to get out of here. I'll explain everything to you on the way." "Alright..." Smith replied as he stared at Ahmet's corpse for a brief moment before following Rose outside.
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kai's House~

    C.C. looked at the others as they started to run away from the area before she took back her lightsaber mentioning while looking at Kotal Kahn. "Thanks, just kick some ass for us as well, if you're going to die...go out with a bang." With that the green haired woman ran after the others. As they ran away Kai asked. "Any clue on where we are going?" C.C. shrugged. "No idea, just run and follow me." C.C. then darted ahead of everyone else.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    "Um...Mario?" Rosalina asked looking up at the sky. "What if I told you there are a bunch of metal weirdos in the sky overhead right now?" Mario and Luigi soon looked up before they saw the Cybermen flying above them and Luigi stood shocked asking. "What is this world coming to?!" Before he could answer, Sonic came running up to them and looked up along with the brothers before he said. "I don't know about you, but Peppy has told everyone to start moving to the spot we were supposed to go to." Mario looked up at the sky before looking at Sonic and said. "If everyone else is moving there now, then this is really bad. Listen, take the girls and run for the location." Sonic smirked before grabbing Pauline and Rosalina's wrists and ran quickly in a flash of blue. Once gone, the brothers went into an alleyway and pulled out their controllers pressing the apple button to go into their gold and silver forms. Mario looked at Luigi and told him. "Stay on the downlow, if we have to fight then we will have to make a break for it...we can't have those things above or anybody know we're still alive." Luigi nodded before the brothers ran out onto the streets.

    ~Outside of Tokyo~

    Peppy, Shion, and KOS-MOS were driving through the outside of Tokyo itself before arriving at what appeared to be an empty, forested area. Shion soon asked. "So where is the place you were talking about?" Peppy got out of the car before approaching what appeared to be an empty spot and said. "It is right here..." The hare soon opened an invisible door leading to what appeared to be a lobby leaving Shion speechless as she ran in asking. "Just what is this place?" Peppy smiled. "This is what I call Star Haven, it was the codename for this project that had occurred with my father and Gadd Science that in the event of a major S-Type attack occurring and we have gone inactive to teach the method to stop them, that we would use this place to hide and recooperate as it is cloaked and undetectable by most common radar software." Shion nodded. "I see..." Peppy soon flipped the switch causing the systems and screens within to come online. Sonic soon arrived with Rosalina and Pauline in tow before he said. "Yo, we're here. But Mario and Luigi will be a bit late to the party."

    Peppy nodded. "I see, I just hope they don't end up being reckless and endangering themselves." Rosalina then said. "It's Mario and Luigi, I think they know what they are doing." Soon other familiar faces like Peach and Bowser started to arrive confused by the place.

    ~Histore's Residence~

    The group had their eyes on the TV when Deco then said. "Hey, I looked out the window and there's a bunch of machines in the sky outside. I think we need to now." With that Jumpman, Ruiji, Fujiko, and the rest began to scramble out of the home as fast as they could.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  4. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    Flintheart-17.png hack.png slash.png gabby.png

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    "Lookin' forward to it!" Glomgold exclaimed as he took the business card, taking note of the number on it. As he began thinking over his new partnership, Hack came back into the room with the two ice creams. Noticing the Taco Bell Dog had gone and being given a dismissive wave by Glomgold, he growled and took the ice creams back to the kitchen for him, Slash and Gabby to handle. "Stupid, wasteful little..." He grumbled to himself. "We would be better off working for McDuck..."


    ~ Star Haven ~

    "Yes, they should be alright. I hope." Pauline added, as she watched all of the other students arrive. Whatever called them all here, it was major.


    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena looked around, finding herself in an unfamiliar town. It didn't matter to her though. At this point she just wanted to find someone. Anyone. "Kuai...please, please be okay..." She whispered as she drew her sais, noticing the overwhelming sense of danger in the town.
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Streets~

    A slick black car began to slow down as it approached Mileena. Once it stopped, the window in the backseat lowered to reveal Vito Corleone, head of the Italian Mafia in Tokyo...


    "Are you alright, young lady?" Don Corleone asked Mileena, noticing she looked troubled, "Why don't you put those weapons away and come with me? You look like you could use a place to rest."


    ~Celestia's Office~


    Panting after rushing to her office all the way from the NATO headquarters, Celestia was trying to figure out what just happened, and what was the Cybermen's connection to Harold Saxon. Just then, her phone rang, which the pony answered and put on speaker mode. "Celestia speaking," Celestia answered the phone. "MP Celestia," Coriolanus Snow, the speaker of the Japanese Parliament, replied through the phone's speaker...


    "The prime minister requests your presence for a special session of parliament." "I will be there," Celestia reassured Snow. "He'll be expecting you," Snow responded as he hung up. 'Well, I better go,' Celestia thought to herself, wondering if Saxon will address what's happening in his speech.


    ~The United Nations Building - General Assembly Hall~


    "... thank you," Meow Zedong, leader of China, said, concluding her speech to the United Nations as she went back to her seat as the world leaders in the hall applauded her. "And now, please welcome Demande, prince of Denmark," an announcer's voice stated throughout the hall. "Well, wish me luck," Demande told Hans, Elsa, Anna, Saphir, Regis, and T'Chaka as he got up. "You'll do great," Elsa reassured Demande while Anna gave him a thumbs up. "She's right," Saphir added as he watched his brother take a deep breath and walk to the main podium facing the general assembly hall. "Ladies and gentlemen..." Demande said, beginning his speech.


    ~Prime Minister Harold Saxon's Office~


    Entering his office while carrying a book, the prime minister found Al Mualim seated, waiting for him...


    "Master Xehanort has completed his task in dealing with NATO and the rest of the world's militaries," Al Mualim informed Saxon as the prime minster closed the door behind him, "He is on his way to the United Nations building in Castelia City to deal with the world's leaders." "Hmm, then I suppose now's a good time to go and deliver my speech to parliament," Saxon replied as he handed Al Mualim a book titled 'The Crystal Order Commission Report', "This was finally published today. I'll make an announcement about it today and have it distributed worldwide for free." "Perfect," Al Mualim commented, "Pretty soon, the entire brotherhood will be exonerated for all of its actions since its inception, and the public will be convinced that our enemies are the real threat."


    ~Watterson Household~


    "Wow, you see that, Darwin?" Gumball asked Darwin as the two stared out the window, watching a Helicarrier flying over Tokyo in the distance, shooting at a target while many Cybermen were flying in the dark and rainy sky. "Yeah," Darwin responded, "It's kinda like the dark final chapter of a book that ends with a cliffhanger and makes you wait impatiently for the sequel to find out what happens next." "Yeah..." Gumball concurred as he nodded. "Do you guys mind?" Anais said as she was seated on the floor next to them while watching something on a tablet, "The prime minster's about to speak, and I need to listen."


    ~Remus's Home~

    Apparating towards Remus's place after leaving Harry and James in Scotland, Lily found Snape alone, seated in a sofa while holding his Keybalde...


    "Don't worry. Remus came earlier. I told him where in Scotland you'd be, and he apparated there with the two children," Snape reassured Lily. "Guess I must've just missed him," Lily responded as she sat in a couch, facing Snape, "By the way, I met Fergus briefly. He seems like a nice man. Harry and James are with him right now." "Then I'm sure they'll be safe there," Severus said, "I assume you have many questions." "I do," Lily replied, "Let's start with that weapon of yours." "It's called a Keyblade," Snape told Lily, "It can open any lock, and can do things that not even our magic can do. As far as I know, the ability to wield a Keyblade is passed down from a parent to their children." "So, if I tried to use it right now..." Lily wondered out loud. "It would return back to me," Snape replied. "I see. And are there others who can wield a Keyblade?" Lily asked. "Supposedly, yes. Though I've never met any," Snape responded, "Admittedly, there is so much about the Keyblade that I do not understand. But... perhaps uncovering its secrets should be done by someone other than myself." "I see. By the way, I thought you were in India," Lily told Snape. "I was. Until some J.I.A. agents tried to kill me," Snape responded. "The J.I.A.?" Lily wondered out loud. "Yes. Just like you, I am an agent. Or at least, I was one," Snape responded as he took out his J.I.A. badge and handed it to Lily, who observed the badge. "Level 8?" Lily asked. "I was conducting missions under the supervision of Fury," Snape responded. "Why didn't you tell me?" Lily questioned. "It just... didn't feel right," Snape answered. "What do you mean?" Lily questioned. "I'm not sure how I can describe it," Snape responded. "Well... let's move away from that for a bit," Lily said, "Okay. So we're both J.I.A. agents. Why are we being targeted by the very agency we work for?" "I'm not sure," Snape replied, "But if I had to guess, there has to be a connection to what happened yesterday when Director Stewart was killed." "Is it also possible that Harriet Jones's death could be related?" Lily asked. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was," Snape responded, "So much is happening out there that we do not understand. The best course of action now is to go into hiding, find out whatever we can, then plan our next move." "Right. Well, I suppose we should be heading back to Scotland right now," Lily commented. "Lily... regarding why I never told you I was with the J.I.A.... I feel like I should tell you something," Snape told Lily. "Yes, Sevy? What is it?" Lily asked. "The reason I never told you... was because... it would have felt awkward," Snape responded, "You fell in love, and you married. It wouldn't have felt right for me to be around you... not with the way I feel." It took Lily a couple of seconds to finally realize what Snape was indicating, causing her to immediately raise her eyebrows. But before Lily could even respond, a large blast destroyed one of the walls. Turning their attention to the area of the blast, Lily and Severus saw Cybermen marching inside...


    One of the Cybermen pointed its blaster towards Lily, ready to fire. "Lily!" Snape cried, immediately getting up and running towards Lily as the Cyberman fired, getting shot from the back as he protected Lily, "AHHHH!" "SEVY!" Lily cried as she grabbed him, and apparated herself and Snape away from the area.


    ~Outside Kai's House~


    Kotal silently nodded to C.C. as he joined his group, and watched as the Cybermen slowly neared them...


    "Well, this is it..." Dean commented. "If it's any consolation, I think we've all had a great run," Erron commented. "Indeed," Ermac concurred. Once the Cybermen finally got close enough, Reptile said, "I'll go first." Reptile then spit acid at one of the Cybermen, but the acid had absolutely no effect on the Cyberman that was hit. "I-impossible," Reptile said as the Cyberman he hit with an acid spit raised its arm, and shot Reptile with its blaster, instantly killing the first of Kotal's group. "REPTILE!" Dean cried as he knelt down next to the deceased Reptile. "That's it! My turn now!" Erron commented as he started shooting at all the Cybermen. However, the bullets from Erron's guns didn't even cause a dent to any of the Cybermen. "Uh-oh," Erron commented as one of the Cybermen shot him with a blaster, instantly killing him as well. Angry, Ermac yelled out a battle cry as he used his telekinetic powers and lifted a couple of the Cybermen into the air before slamming them hard on the ground. However, that did not do much, as the Cybermen quickly got up, and one of them shot Ermac with a blaster and killed him too. "Those metal bastards!" Dean angrily said as he got up. "Dean, you don't have to prove anything," Kotal told Dean, "Please, run. I will try holding them off myself." "I'm sorry, Kotal. But... these punks killed my friends. I won't go down without a fight," Dean replied as he got up and rushed towards the Cybermen. "Dean, NO!" Kotal Kahn cried as he watched Ambrose try to punch one of the Cybermen. However, the Cyberman Dean was about to punch grabbed his fist, holding it tight as the Cyberman electrocuted Dean, killing him as well. Kotal was stunned to see that his entire group was killed off so easily. He never anticipated the Cybermen to be this strong. Grabbing his weapon tight, Kotal was ready to do whatever he could, even if it meant certain failure. Letting out a battle cry, he rushed towards the Cybermen. The Cybermen then shot their blasters towards Kotal, who was able to dodge most of the incoming attacks, but was still hit in his left knee and right hip, causing him to cry in pain as he collapsed. "It is useless to fight us," one of the Cybermen told Kotal Kahn. Looking up at the Cybermen, Kotal began to think of his father, Ketz, and why he wanted to fight evil in the first place. 'For you, Ketz... my father,' Kotal thought to himself, 'I'll be reuniting with you very soon.' Kotal then grabbed his weapon, and yelled out once more as he jumped towards the Cybermen, but was instantly shot in the heart by one of the Cybermen, causing him to collapse to the ground, finally dead.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Star Haven~

    "Well, we should get inside then. Who knows what would happen if we stand outside for too long." Peppy explained before he started inside the building with Sonic and Rosalina following behind him. Sonic soon ran off before Peppy said to Rosalina. "This is going to sound strange, but...I am actually glad you came to earth." Rosalina was seemingly surprised before she closed her eyes nodding and walked with him.

    ~Kazue Residence~

    The girls and Aoi had managed to make it back to Kai's old place before Aoi looked at the building and smiled. "Just like old times..." He looked at C.C. and asked. "Do you all mind taking a breather for a moment?" C.C. sighed before she said. "Okay, but we can't rest for long...besides, we can get a grip on our current situation here." They all went into the house before Aoi, C.C., Cynthia, Zone-Tan, Robin, and Rose all went down to the Lab. Kai and the others remaining upstairs.

    "Okay...I know everyone is in a bit of shock. But...let's try and piece things together..." Kai calmly started before looking at Neru and asked. "What do we got?" Neru slowly brought out her phone and started to look into it with her hand shaking. "Well, based on what has happened...the Government believes that we are a threat to everyone, also that bug woman exposed herself as an ally to Astral...and Astral as we know is sided with the Crystal Order." Pyrrha also added rather seriously. "She mentioned that elements of the old world needed to be eliminated, including all of Astral's enemies. To be real I don't think our odds of survival are much considering we know it has thousands if not more S-Types at its beck and call." Neru nodded. "Indeed, we should be thanking our luck that we've managed to run away and not end up dead. However, now comes the problem of trying to fight back. With the S-Types, Crystal Order, and Government at our necks, we cannot afford to mess things up."

    "Well, what if we tried to recruit more people?" Hikaru asked thinking before bringing up. "I mean we fought alongside all those people when all those S-Types tried attacking Mario and Luigi." Kai's eyes widened. "You all may be onto something..." Kallen then mentioned. "We also received text messages from one Peppy Hare, if he's aware...he may be rallying forces." Kai crossed her arms. "Then we will need to meet with the Hare himself."

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    The brothers were quickly running through the chaotic streets of Tokyo when something landed in front of them with a loud thud making them stop in their tracks. Within the small crater and smoke, a pair of glowing eyes broke through as a metal robot looking like Mario coated in silver. Mario and Luigi stood firm as the Metal Mario copy looked at them and got into a fighting stance. However the brothers quickly rushed in sending their fists into Metal Mario's face immediately blowing his head to smithereens as they ran.​
  7. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena kept her eyes on Vito, not putting her sai down...though she lowered them a bit to come across as non-aggressive. "I'd rather keep them held, if it is fine." She answered. "After what I've been through, I'm not exactly trusting of strangers..."

    Flintheart-17.png hack.png slash.png gabby.png

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    As Gabby mulled over what Hack had muttered, an idea came to her. "Maybe..." She started to say. "Maybe I have an idea to free us from this awful employment." She beckoned Hack and Slash closer, so Glomgold would not be able to hear. "You two will go out on a 'supply run' while I stay here and make sure Mr. Glomgold suspects nothing. Find Scrooge McDuck, and tell him about Atlantis and the storms on the Drake Barrier Reef. I'll explain the rest once our expedition begins."

    The plan put into action, Hack informed Glomgold of their supply run. After being told to keep it 'as cheap as possible', he dismissed them. Hack and Slash immediately ran out of the shop, searching for Scrooge.


    ~ Star Haven ~

    Pauline followed behind the three, smiling at the kind words Peppy gave Rosalina. Then, she remembered something. "Ah, Mr. Hare?" Pauline spoke up. "When I met with them earlier, Mario and Luigi told me they were told by their parents to look for me. Would you happen to know anything about that?"
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Streets~


    Lighting up his cigar and taking a puff from it, Vito calmly replied to Mileena, "Fair enough. You can keep them. So, do you want to tell me what happened to make you so defensive? Or would you rather keep it a secret from me?"


    ~The United Nations Building~



    A Corridor of Darkness appeared inside the United Nations building, with Master Xehanort stepping out of it, looking at the area around him while the Corridor of Darkness behind him disappeared. As he proceeded to go to the building's general assembly hall, he noticed all the protesters outside the building's premises, still protesting. Rolling his eyes, went back to looking for the general assembly hall. Meanwhile...



    In the General Assembly Hall, Demande was still giving his speech to world leaders. "Furthermore..." Demande said before he stopped upon noticing Master Xehanort arrive to the hall, causing murmurs among the world leaders. "Who is that?" Anna wondered out loud. "Welcome, Lord Xehanort. I've been expecting you," Prince Demande greeted Master Xehanort, grinning. Xehanort then snapped his fingers, and a bunch of Neoshadows appeared, blocking any exits in the hall...



    ~The Japanese Parliament~


    "... and the foreign plot against us has been foiled," Saxon announced to the parliament during his speech, which was met by applause by members of the parliament.


    "What's happened?" Celestia asked Kuzco as she joined him, having arrived late, and noticed Saxon had already begun his speech, while accompanied by Al Mualim, Wilhuff Tarkin, and Coriolanus Snow by his side. "Oh, quite a bombshell," Kuzco replied, "The prime minister's been elaborating on a plot by other countries to overthrow the Japanese government, including an attempt to kill him and his step-dad. It all appears to be connected to Harriet Jones's death. Apparently, it goes real deep." Kuzco then showed Celestia a book titled 'The Crystal Order Commission Report' that the Prime Minister distributed to all members of parliament, continuing, "There's so much to take in. Might need a day or two to fully go over the details. But the main point is that the Crystal Order... it was a hoax all these years." "What?" a visibly confused Celestia questioned. "Saxon revealed that the Crystal Order... everything we thought was being done by a terrorist group, appears to really be the work of foreign countries working together to try and bring down Japan. It seems that when the Cold War ended, and Japan emerged as the world's only superpower while the Soviet Union collapsed, the rest of the world was afraid of Japan having so much control over the world's affairs. So, many countries joined together and decided to create a bogeyman for Japan, and called it the Crystal Order," Kuzco replied, "So anything that the Crystal Order was accused of, bombings or any other attacks... they were all actually committed by foreign agents." "B-but that's impossible," Celestia said, "There were many who said they were part of the Crystal Order after committing evil acts." "Yeah, about that, also a bunch of lies apparently," Kuzco replied, "Many of those who claimed to be with the Crystal Order weren't telling the truth. The book actually lists a ton of those alleged Crystal Order members, explaining how each one was innocent. For example, Yzma, who you know I had a problem with not too long ago, was captured and brainwashed by Russian agents shortly before she started working for me. They even got photos and confessions by Russian agents to prove it. And Haytham Kenway, the scary number 2 in command of the Crystal Order who keeps sending all those video messages to the world... well, that guy was just an actor named Trevor Slattery who was pretending to be Haytham Kenway. The real Haytham Kenway was an innocent man who was hiding because he was framed." "I... I... I'm having a hard time believe all this," Celestia said, trying to wrap her head around what she was just told while browsing through the book. "If it's any consolation, I'm being skeptical myself," Kuzco replied, "I still wanna read the whole thing before deciding what to believe. But, if the massive applause in here is any indication, pretty much everyone is believing it without question. Anyway, if you want a copy of the book for yourself, you may keep that one. The book's available in bookstores for free and as a free PDF online download." Kuzco and Celestia then shifted their focus back to Saxon, who continued with his fiery speech to parliament, stating, "The remaining Rangers and Riders, as well as the Sailor Scouts and any other enemies, will be hunted down and defeated!" As members of parliament applauded for the prime minster once again, Celestia was surprised by what Saxon just said, asking Kuzco, "Wait, what was that about?" "Oh yeah, forgot to mention something else Saxon mentioned, and this is all in the book by the way," Kuzco replied, "Remember when I said it goes real deep? Seems that the foreign countries who created the Crystal Order were in cahoots with the Power Rangers, Riders, Sailor Scouts, and several other individuals, as well as companies like Gadd Science, and even parts of the Japanese government, like the military and around half of the J.I.A." 'So that explains what was going on at the NATO headquarters...' a stunned Celestia thought to herself as she continued listening to Harold Saxon's speech.


    ~Goofy's Home - Max's Room~


    Max was in his room with his ROTC buddy from school, Bulk Biceps, as the two were listening to Harold Saxon's speech online while they were browsing the PDF version of 'The Crystal Order Commission Report', shocked at what was revealed in the book, especially at the fact that some fellow students from Nintendo High were now considered enemies of the state. "Unbelievable," Max commented, "The rest of the world was playing us Japanese for fools. All these years I thought we as a planet were united against the Crystal Order. And now it turns out the Crystal Order was nothing but a lie. And to think that some people we knew from school, like Mario and Luigi, were secretly plotting with those foreigners against Japan. It disgusts me." "YEAH!" Bulk Biceps concurred. "I'm so glad we got a leader like Harold Saxon who is tough enough to stand up to those bad guys," Max continued.


    ~Ami Mizuno's Home~

    As she was listening to prime minister Harold Saxon's fiery speech on the radio, Ami Mizuno was printing out pages of the pdf version of 'The Crystal Order Commission Report', browsing through the pages focusing on the Sailor Scouts. 'It can't be... it can't be...' Ami thought to herself, reading what she knew without a doubt was a lie about the Sailor Scouts, who were described in the book as being enemies of the state, allied with foreign countries against Japan.


    ~Outside Bookstore~


    As it continued raining, Scrooge McDuck was covering himself from the rain with an umbrella while waiting in line to get a free copy of 'The Crystal Order Commission Report'. "Ugh, how long is this line?" Scrooge complained. An old man coming out of the bookstore overheard Scrooge McDuck, and looked at the duck...


    "Oh, you can have my copy instead," the old man said as he handed his copy of 'The Crystal Order Commission Report' to Scrooge. "Why thank ye," McDuck thanked the old man, "But, are you sure?" "Oh, don't worry about it. Read a couple pages, quickly got bored. Surprised I didn't fall asleep," the old man replied as he left. "I see..." Scrooge commented as he began to read the book while walking away.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Alexander Pierce's Office~


    As the director of the J.I.A. was listening to Harold Saxon's speech, Alexander Pierce noticed Arnim Zola/The Master Control Program appear on his computer screen...


    "Ah, Zola, how can I help you?" Pierce asked. "I wish to discuss something relating to Gadd Science with you," Zola replied. "Well I'm sure you've heard, but right after Saxon declared Gadd Science as an enemy entity, Cybermen were sent there and forcefully shut the place down," Pierce replied. "Yes, I know," the MCP replied, "But upon the closure of Gadd Science, I was able to infiltrate their servers, and discovered an interesting file hidden deep in their archives detailing a location belonging to Gadd Science outside of Tokyo known as 'Star Haven'." "Huh, that's interesting," Pierce commented, "It might be nothing, but it wouldn't hurt to check it out." "I will transmit the coordinates to Cybermen. They will then see if this location is of importance," Zola responded. "Understood," Pierce said as Arnim Zola/the MCP disappeared from his computer screen.




    Apparating herself and Snape all the way to field in Scotland, Lily lay Snape on the ground while he was still holding on to his Keyblade, noticing he was badly in the wounded in the back from their earlier encounter with the Cybermen. "No, no, no, no," Lily said as she was desperately trying to figure out what to do, "Hang in there, Sevy. I'll think of something." Snape, however, silently looked around the area they were in, and then smiled at Lily as he said, "This place is peaceful. I look forward to resting here." "Don't say that, don't you dare say that," Lily retorted, trying to fight off tears, "I'll... I'll find a doctor, and you'll be alright in no time. Okay?" Ignoring what Lily just said, Snape continued, "Lily. My dear Lily. I truly am happy that I'll see your eyes one last time." As she was shaking her head, Lily considered crying out for help, yelling, "HELP! SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE!" "Lily," Snape told Lily as he placed his left hand on her cheek, trying to silently indicate to her that it was over for him, and that he was dying. "S-Sevy... you mentioned that you couldn't be around me because of the way you feel. Do you... love me?" Lily asked Snape. "Y-Yes," Snape replied. "Always?" Lily asked. Nodding in response, Snape answered, "Always." Lily then watched as Snape's eyes closed for good, and the left hand he had on her cheek fell, indicating he was dead. "No..." Lily said to herself as she shook her head, "Sevy? SEVY?! Please, don't go!" However, as she watched Snape's Keyblade disintegrate and fade away, Lily began to weep, distraught at seeing someone she cared for die in her arms, and guilty that Snape died protecting her. As she continued to cry, Lily kissed the deceased Snape on his forehead as she said, "I am so sorry, Sevy. I am so sorry." And as Lily continued to weep, Harry, James, and Remus arrived to the area after hearing Lily's cries for help, accompanied by Fergus and his daughter, Merida...


    The others were all stunned by what they saw. Merida gasped, covering her mouth as she began to cry while the others stood motionless. Walking over to her, James and Harry tried comforting Lily as the three shared a hug, while Fergus walked over to Snape and picking up his deceased body. "He will get a proper burial. I promise," Fergus sorrowfully told Lily. Wiping away tears from her face, Lily replied, "Thank you."
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  9. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kazue Residence: Lab~

    "This is insane..." Aoi said as he was looking through the PDF files on the Crystal Order Commission Report. C.C. standing beside him as their eyes darted the pages in disbelief. Cynthia took one look at the pages and scoffed. "What a load of bullsh!t." This made everyone look at the blonde before she said. "I mean really now, the Crystal Order being a boogeyman for Japan cause of the Cold War and the fact that S-Types are rampant in Japan...not to mention the views being completely biased and making innocent people turn into the enemy in peoples' eyes." Zone-Tan then responded. "As much as I want to give those writers a fate worse than death itself, the fact is that we, along with the rest of Japan are in for a nightmare." C.C. made a quick nod. "Indeed, and we can't even fight back and people are dying out there." Aoi then mentioned. "I would hold your opinions if I were you three, if what I am reading is to be believed then the Crystal Order is trying to make sure nothing can oppose them...a purge of the old world if you would." Rose then tapped her foot commenting. "Still bullsh!t." Aoi looked at C.C. before he said. "Listen, take your girls and get out of here. I will stay here and work with Rose. As much as the Crystal Order thinks they know everything, they know nothing about Vector Industries." C.C. looked at Aoi and asked. "Are you sure about that?"" Aoi nodded. "Vector Servers are more secure than the Gadd Science servers, that was partially how we made T-Elos based on the KOS-MOS data." The green haired woman nodded. "I see..."

    Moments later the girls minus Rose came back upstairs as Cynthia said aloud. "Alright, for now we should be fine here. Since the place was abandoned for a while I doubt the government will find us. However we cannot return to our homes right now...we're deemed enemies of the whole country." Kai sighed sitting back in her seat sarcastically remarking. "Just great...just fabulous." Namine quietly went outside through the back with Kairi following her. A lot going on inside and outside in terms of a tense feeling.

    ~Star Haven~

    Peppy stopped and looked at Pauline as others arrived before he said. "Follow me and I will tell you." Peppy then led Pauline to a private building and pulled out an old photobook. "As you know, the Jumpman Family has had quite a history with the schools here...however there was one thing that the family kept a secret from Mario and Luigi..." Peppy turned to a page showing Jumpman, Fujiko, Ruiji, Jumpman Sr. and the baby Mario brothers, however what stood out was that a young girl was also present. Peppy pointed to the girl and said. "The brothers for a long time believed that they could finally have a normal life, their parents didn't tell them that they had an older sister because they were raised not even knowing of their powers." Peppy looked at Pauline and said. "That little girl in the you."

    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    Jumpman and Ruiji were busy packing the essential things up as Fujiko got a call. The brunette looked at the caller ID and said. "Hey, something wrong Compile?" Compile's voice came through sounding angry. "Well yes! Deco showed me this PDF file she downloaded and our children are being made to look like they're working with terrorists!" Fujiko looked worried as Jumpman carefully packed the secret formula onto the Vespa as she asked. "Were they all on there?" Compile shouted. "Yes, including your children!" Fujiko's eyes widened as she said. "I refuse to believe that, I did not raise my children to be like this, meet us at the place." Fujiko soon hung up as the Jumpman family left their place and sped off out of Tokyo.

    ~Tokyo Outskirts~

    Mario and Luigi stood against a tree looking out over Tokyo as Mario said. "Take one last look while you can Luigi, we won't be back for a while..." Luigi looked out at the city in the distance asking. "Mario, aren't you going to miss it too? Our school, home, eating and making delicious food and being with friends, even sitting at home with our folks watching Captain Blue on TV. Doesn't that bother you?" Mario sighed before he admitted. "Yeah, it does bother me actually. I mean it's our home and look what's being done to it. However...we have something a bit more important to deal with that could end up badly for everyone, it's for the sake of the world...not us." Mario and Luigi then walked over and hugged one another, Luigi trying to hide the sorrow he felt before he said. "Alright, for the sake of the world...let's go." The two brothers then ran off away from the city.​
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  10. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena stared at the man for a moment. She was still very much wary of the man...of anyone, really. But...she felt, in an odd way, it might be good to get it off of her chest. " sister. She's dead..." Mileena finally spoke, lowering her weapons. "She, and her bodyguard and her bodyguard's husband were killed. We were staying with a family friend on the outskirts of the city. Some...things showed up and attacked everyone. They...killed everyone but me and the family friend, Kuai." She looked down. "And...I don't know if he's still alive now. He stayed behind to fight them off..."

    hack.png slash.png

    ~ Outside Bookstore ~

    Hack and Slash arrived at the bookstore just as Scrooge had started to leave. While Hack, who spotted the old duck leaving, started to go after him...Slash stayed behind. He spotted a copy of the 'The Crystal Order Commission Report' someone had apparently left around. The henchman, curious, picked it up and began to read through it. As he did, his expression became more and more suspicious.

    As much as he came off as a mindless henchman, Slash had always prided himself on his intuition. And now it was telling him that something about this book


    ~ Star Haven ~

    There was silence for a brief moment, before a stunned Pauline found her words. "...Me?" She asked, utterly shocked at this revelation. "I'm...Mario and Luigi's...sister?"
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Streets~


    After hearing what Mileena said, Vito was reminded of how he lost his entire family when he was boy living in Sicily, when he witnessed his entire family get killed by a mobster. "Here is what I'm going to do," Corleone told Mileena, "You see that STOP sign up ahead. I'm going to ask the driver to drive there very slowly. If you want protection from whatever it is that is trying to kill you, you will rush to the car, and I will let you in. But once the car turns at the intersection, I will forget I ever spoke to you. You have about, eh... ten seconds to make a decision." And just as Vito said, the vehicle started to drive away very slowly towards the STOP sign up ahead, while Vito wondered if Mileena will accept his offer.


    ~Outside Star Haven~


    About a mile or two away from Star Haven, the Winter Soldier, accompanied by dozens of Cybermen, was looking through his binoculars, trying to see if the coordinates he got really did correspond to a location. Once he noticed a building of some sort, he told the Cybermen, "We have a confirmed target. Move out." The Cybermen then started to slowly march towards Star Haven.


    *Montage Sequence*


    ~The United Nations Building - General Assembly Hall~


    Master Xehanort swung his Keyblade left and right, killing leader after leader while those that were still alive were scrambling, trying to find an exit that wasn't blocked.


    ~The Japanese Parliament~


    After another round of applause for the prime minister, Harold Saxon told the members of parliament, "The attempt on both my life and my stepfather's life has left me scarred... on the inside. But I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!" Members of parliament then applauded him once again as Celestia silently watched them do so.


    ~The United Nations Building - General Assembly Hall~


    "Stop... NO!" the Indian prime minister pleaded as Xehanort killed him by slashing his Keyblade at him. Just then, the Chinese leader, Meow Zedong, decided to fight back, lunging towards Xehanort. However, Master Xehanort noticed what Zedong was about to do, quickly casting a Blizzard spell at her with his Keyblade, completely freezing her. Xehanort then swung his Keyblade at the frozen Meow Zedong, killing her as he shattered her into many pieces. A dark aura momentarily surrounded Xehanort as he glared at the remaining leaders in the hall.


    ~The Japanese Parliament~


    "In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the rest of the world shall be annexed by Japan, and the entire globe will be reorganized into the first NEW WORLD ORDER!!" a fiery Saxon announced to parliament, with his announcement being met by applause while Celestia was stunned by what she heard, "For a safe, and securer society!" Almost all of parliament then gave Saxon a standing ovation. As for Celestia, she was upset to see that, besides herself, Kuzco, Cosmos, and about two other members of parliament, all 400+ members of the Japanese parliament were seriously accepting a worldwide totalitarian dictatorship called the 'New World Order', all for the sake of security. "So this is how liberty dies..." Celestia told Kuzco, "... with thunderous applause."


    ~The United Nations Building - General Assembly Hall~


    With only a handful of leaders left, Master Xehanort confronted both T'chaka and King Regis. "Whatever it is you're trying to achieve, killing us won't do it!" Regis defiantly told Xehanort. "You will never win!" T'Chaka added as Master Xehanort swung his Keyblade, killing both Regis and T'Chaka with one strike. Saphir sorrowfully sighed as he watched what happened. As for Xehanort, he turned around to see the remaining leaders... Torres, King Candy/Turbo, Anna, Elsa, Hans, Demande, and Saphir. "Heh, nice work there," Hans commended Xehanort, shocking both Anna and Elsa, who were both already stunned by what they just saw. "H-Hans... what are you...?" Anna questioned Hans, trying to properly form a sentence. "Oh, plot twist," Hans replied as he removed his right glove, showing Anna and Elsa the Crystal Order logo on the palm of his hand, "Surprise... I'm with the Crystal Order. And so are the other guys in here. We're overthrowing the world's status quo, whether you like it or not." "I-I... I don't believe it..." Anna commented as King Candy/Turbo began to laugh hysterically and change to his true form...


    "Ah, Turbotastic!" Turbo exclaimed, "Feels so good to change back to my old body, now that there's no reason to pretend to be a king." "What?" Elsa wondered out loud as she and her sister were wondering when the shocking events would end. As for Master Xehanort, he shifted his attention to Anna and Elsa, the only two individuals in the hall who weren't members of the Crystal Order, and slowly marched towards them. "Stop!" Saphir ordered Xehanort as he got in his way, taking out his right glove and showing him the Crystal Order logo on the palm of his right hand, "Elsa and Anna are under my protection! Understood?" "Very well," Master Xehanort responded as he walked away, leaving the general assembly hall while his Neoshadows vanished. Elsa, on the other hand, was distraught that Saphir as well was with Xehanort. "Saphir... no... it can't be..." Elsa said as she shook her head in disbelief. "I'm sorry, Elsa," Saphir replied, "Please... forgive me." Just then, Cybermen entered the hall, ready to escort those that were nside out...


    "Ah, perfect timing," Torres told the Cybermen, "Please escort Anna and Elsa outside as we join you." Two of the Cybermen then started walking towards the sisters, with Elsa angrily declaring, "I don't think so..." Using her ice powers, Elsa froze the two Cybermen walking towards her and Anna. However, the Cybermen quickly broke off of the ice that they were covered in, receiving no damage whatsoever. Elsa was now feeling powerless after seeing that her powers couldn't stop the Cybermen. "A little advice, Elsa... don't do that again. Otherwise, they won't hesitate to kill you," Hans told Elsa, who was now fuming at him. "Elsa... please... it's not worth it," Anna pleaded to Elsa, not wanting anything to happen to her. Sighing, Elsa replied, "Fine." The two Cybermen from earlier then approached the sisters, with one of them telling the sisters, "Move." Anna and Elsa then silently walked towards the exit, being escorted by the Cybermen, while the rest of those inside the hall followed them.


    ~Outside Electronics Store~


    Scrooge McDuck watched as TVs being displayed in an electronics store were showing Harold Saxon's fiery speech to the Japanese parliament, declaring the beginning of the New World Order. Scrooge then noticed as groups of Saxon supporters gathered in the street, chanting in support of Harold Saxon and all his proposals. 'Guess the people support it,' Scrooge thought to himself.


    ~Hino Family Shrine~

    "Rei! Rei!" both Mina and Lita cried as they rushed towards the Hino family shrine, and found Rei, along with her grandfather and Chad, watching Harold Saxon's speech on television...


    "So... you saw the news, huh?" Lita asked. "Yeah, I'm seeing it," Rei responded, "Still working on believing."


    ~Tsukino Household~


    As Darien and the Tsukino family watched Saxon's speech, Rini was beginning to have worrying thoughts. 'Is this... could this be leading towards the dark future I came from?' Rini thought to herself. 'Sailor Scouts... enemies of the state?' Serena thought to herself, 'But does that mean... my friends and I can't be Sailor Scouts anymore?' "This is bad... this is really bad," Darien commented. "Darien, what do you think is going to happen," Kenji asked Darien. "I'm not sure," Darien replied, "But I don't have a good feeling about it at all."
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2018
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    Mario and Luigi were jumping through the trees heading for Star Haven when Luigi stopped at the sight of the Cybermen. Mario soon stopped as the brothers looked over them from a large tree branch. Luigi commenting. "Mario, there's more of those things and they're heading towards you know where. What do we do?" Mario looked over the Cybermen before he said. "Their numbers are huge, even with our powers and the speed they are going, they would eventually outnumber us." Luigi then suggested. "Why don't we get to where we need to go and warn everyone?" Mario shook his head. "They would either spot us and attempt to go after us or we would be unable to fight them off. Whatever they are...they ain't S-Types." Luigi kept thinking before he said. "We could ask Missingno to hide everyone." Mario blinked recalling their first meeting with Missingno. before he said. "Luigi, that's a good idea." Mario looked up before making an odd noise causing Missingno to appear near them telling Mario. "Your bird call needs work..." Luigi looked at the S-Type before asking. "Could you hide us from those things down there?" The S-Type looked down at the Cybermen before he was stunned. "If it's from those things...then yes." Missingno's body shifted from the bird form to his original glitch form, he grabbed Mario and Luigi before seemingly absorbing them into him and darted towards Star Haven.

    ~Glitch City~

    Mario and Luigi landed within the distorted city that they were brought to before. Mario shouting. "Hey, could you head out and try to grab those who may be in danger and hide them too? I don't think they could fight those things." Missingno boomed from inside. "Sure, I was heading to that place anyway."

    ~Star Haven~

    "Yes." Peppy told Pauline nodding. "Much like Mario and Luigi you were raised believing you would have a normal life compared to your parents. They fought against the S-Types and Astral time and time again, one time even while your mother was pregnant with your brothers." Shion's voice soon came through a speaker in the room. "Um, Peppy...sorry to bother you, but Eggman wanted me to tell you that he's detected multiple things coming right for us. Most being machines." Peppy shook his head thinking. "We're not prepared for this, someone must have found this place..." Missingno soon came up from the floor before Mario's voice came from the S-Type. "Peppy! It's us, we need you to let everyone get absorbed into Missingno." Luigi then said. "Don't worry, we have an idea." Peppy looked at the mass before he said. "Okay, as strange as it it." Missingno. soon grabbed Peppy and Pauline before absorbing them like he did with the Mario Brothers and left the room proceeding to absorb anyone he saw.

    ~Glitch City [Again]~

    Peppy, Pauline, and others would soon start to show up within the odd distorted area. Mario soon waved. "Hi everyone!" Peach walked up and punched Mario in the face with tears in her eyes. "Mario, everyone was worried sick about you! I was afraid you died out there with those things." Mario rubbed his cheek before hugging the blonde girl. "Well, I'm alive and wipe those tears." Peppy looked up as he said. "I never figured I would end up in here..." Missingno then said. "Hey, I got everyone that was inside. I'm heading out to get anyone who may still be out there. Once I get everyone and it's all clear I'll get you out." Luigi nodded and looked up. "Thanks Missingno!"


    Missingno. had left Star Haven proceeding to move about the area without being detected by the Cybermen. He was moving towards Tokyo quickly.

    ~Kazue Residence: Upstairs~

    The girls sat together watching the TV and in turn Saxon's speech, what they heard made them all silent, none of them saying much. Izumi broke the silence with a smirk. "Looks like we'll be seeing paid sponsors by this New World Order now." Samus looked at her before she said. "You do realize that liberty and freedom just died there, right?" Ryoko then added sternly. "Well I refuse to live in a dictatorship." Hikaru adjusted her glasses as she said. "Well if we're going to hell, then we'll make sure this dictatorship burns." Dawn looked at the brunette in glasses before she said. "Damn, that's dark." Kallen looked at Dawn and told her. "That's what they get for their actions against our family, if it means us against the world...then so be it." C.C. looked at Kallen before she said. "I wouldn't go that deep, some of us still have people we know in Japan. This is why we need a plan of action before one of you rashly goes out and gets killed." The green-haired woman looked at Zone-Tan and said. "In the morning I need you to head over to the old base, the area below ground is fireproof. Recover and move everything that is down there and activate the auto repair for the house. Tomorrow we will need to find a new base of operations since the government is more than likely aware of our prior location."

    ~Kazue Residence: Outside~

    Namine had sat down outside and slumped over, she looked stressed and a bit down. Kairi had walked out and sat beside her cousin and looked at her asking. "Hey, what's wrong?" The blonde looked up and simply said with a sad tone. "I...didn't think everything would happen so fast. I minute it's fine and then I'm told I can't go home and I'm considered an enemy of Japan. It just...hurts me." The redhead looked at Namine closely, she soon started to do her hair in a sort of lazy bun. "Listen Nami-chan, it hurts me as well. I mean my family and friends are worried sick, I'm worried for Sora's wellbeing, and I have powers and things I have to contend with. But I do what needs to be done...that is why I joined Kai, to protect them." Namine looked up at Kairi as she placed her bag on the table as Kairi remarked. "Kai and I thought that you had the potential to be able to fight." Namine told her. "I'm not like you and her, I've seen you two fight." Kai soon came out joining the two as she said. "Geez, it's gone crazy inside." Kairi looked at Kai asking. "What happened?" Kai looked at them before she said. "The NWO happened, that's what."

    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    Inferno Obitus soon appeared in the empty restaurant, his eyes looking around before spotting Jumpman Sr.'s body on a table and moved over it. He picked it up with one of his hands and said. "This shall prove useful..." Inferno Obitus soon sunk into the ground taking the body with him.​
  13. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mileena thought over Vito's offer, her eyes watching the car as it slowly drove toward the STOP sign. She still found herself not completely trusting the man...trusting anyone in the state she was in. Part of her was tempted to let them go...but she sided with the other part of herself. Being around someone she didn't completely trust was better than being alone. And maybe...maybe he could help her get revenge on whoever took everything she loved from her.

    So, when only 3 seconds remained, Mileena approached the car and tapped at Vito's window. "I...accept your offer." She spoke.

    Flintheart-17.png gabby.png

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    Glomgold and Gabby watched Saxon's speech about the New World Order, the former clapping with approval. "Now ya see that, McStabberson?!" He pointed at the TV, looking at the henchwoman. "That's how you run a country! I can't wait to see this in action! It's about time someone showed the rest of the world who's boss! Am I ever glad I voted for a genius like him!" Gabby seemed less enthused about the idea. "Are you not worried this could lead to the rest of the world uniting to retaliate against Japan?" Glomgold simply gave her comment a dismissive wave. "We're a world superpower! What could a bunch of lowly clumps of dirt like the rest of the world do to us?" He asked, giving a taunting laugh at the thought. Gabby sighed and responded. "Maybe so. I still think this is a very, very foolish idea...that'll likely lead to serious consequences."

    hack.png slash.png

    ~ Outside Electronics Store ~

    Once Hack had finally caught up with Scrooge, his brother rejoined with intently watching the speech about the New World Order.

    "Haaa....H-Hey you! Mc...McDuck!" Hack called out to Scrooge, out of breath.


    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline was stunned by everything happening. The truth she learned, the appearance of Missingno. And now this. When she saw Mario and Luigi return, like Peach she immediately ran over and pulled both of them into a hug. "I'm glad you guys are okay." She greeted them, before turning toward Peppy. "Mr. Hare...should we tell them what you told me?"
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Streets~


    Lowering the window near him, Vito smiled at Mileena as he told her, "Good. Good. Get inside the car. Oh, and I realize that we never properly introduced each other. My name is Vito Corleone. And your name is?"


    ~Outside Electronics Store~


    "Huh? And who are ye?" Scrooge asked Hack, "Wait... hold on a second. I... I know ye. Yes... that's right! I have seen ye before. You are one of Glomgold's employees at his ice-cream shop, aren't ye? What do ye want?"


    ~Star Haven~


    Arriving to Star Haven, the Cybermen and the Winter Soldier noticed the entire place was deserted, yet there were signs indicating someone was in here recently, particularly fresh-looking muddy footprints on the floor. "Hmm... empty. But it looks like they didn't leave too long ago," the Winter Soldier told the Cybermen, "Gather anything that might be useful, whether it be data in the computers here, or any physical items of interest you may come across. Once you're finished, burn this entire place to the ground." The Cybermen nodded in response as they began searching the place.


    ~Harold Saxon's Office~


    Returning to his office after the speech he gave his speech to parliament, Saxon noticed he was getting a call on his cell phone from J.I.A. Director, Alexander Pierce. "Hello, Alex. What news do you have for me?" Saxon answered his phone...


    "Ah, Prime Minister... or, I goes I should say... Supreme Leader Saxon... the Key is being launched as we speak," Pierce replied, "Once in orbit, it'll activate, freeing any S-types in the world stuck in their crystalline form. And after that, the Key will be destroyed. Thus, S-types will no longer have to worry about it being used on them anymore." "That is brilliant news, Director. Thank you for letting me know," Saxon thanked Pierce as he hung up.


    *Montage Sequence*


    ~Crystal Order HQ: Dungeon~


    As Romulus Thread entered the real King Candy's cell, he told the king, "Good news. Turbo isn't pretending to you anymore, so we no longer have use for you." "Really? So, what're you gonna do?" Candy asked before noticing Romulus taking out his gun, figuring out what was going to happen, "Of course... could you at least let me say a quick prayer before you do it?" "Sure," Romulus replied as he stood behind Candy, pointing his gun at the king's head. "Ashhadu an la ilaha ila Allah, wa ashahadu ana Muhammad rasul Allah," King Candy whispered to himself, quoting a Muslim recitation, feeling fully prepared for his end. And just like that, Romulus pulled the trigger, instantly killing King Candy as blood was splattered across the cell.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Outside the United Nations Building~


    "So all this time... you were never in love me. You just wanted Arendelle," a frustrated Anna told Hans as she and Elsa were escorted outside by Cybermen with Hans's allies. "Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you," Hans replied, "I never wanted Arendelle. Only certain crystals located there. Remember the excavator and bulldozer that started working there after the free trade agreement with Japan was signed? Well, now you know what they were really doing in Arendelle." "Crystals? What's so important about these crystals?" Elsa questioned, "And what does this have anything to do with what just happened?" "In good time, you'll find out," Hans replied, "By the way, there's gonna be a great view from where we're standing for the fire show!" "Fire... show?" Anna asked. "The burning of the United Nations building," Torres answered. "Yeah, we're gonna watch as the building slowly burns to the ground! It's gonna be Turbotastic!" Turbo added. Anna and Elsa then gasped as they watched the United Nations building being inflamed by Cybermen.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Building Rooftop~


    With his hood covering his head and his arms crossed, Master Xehanort silently watched from a distance as the United Nations building burned, noticing Cybermen flying across the sky and landing throughout the city, effectively taking control...


    It was a similar sight seen in the rest of the world. London. Washington D.C. Moscow. Beijing. No place was safe. With the world's militaries and leaders gone, the New World Order was doing as Harold Saxon promised in his speech, forcefully taking over the world with the Cybermen. It was over. The world was never going to be the same again. And as his eyes gave a glare, Master Xehanort nevertheless was still thinking of his two deceased friends, Trixie and Gaston, causing him to shed a tear from his eye.


    ~Diagon Alley - London, U.K.~


    As she was standing on a levitating sorcery unit high above Diagon Alley with her arms crossed, Croix watched as Cybermen landed throughout the area, with the intention to take control of the area. While some tried to fight back against the Cybermen with magic, their magic ended up being very ineffective against the Cybermen. "You see, this is what happens when you hold back the magic community here and don't allow them to advance like the rest of the world," Croix scoffed as she watched what happened, "You reap what you sow."


    ~The British Ministry of Magic HQ - London, U.K.~


    Dolores Umbridge calmly drank a cup of tea as she looked outside her office's window, watching as Cybermen arrived to the Ministry of Magic, and were killing those that were trying to stop them...


    "Ma'am, MA'AM!!" one of the ministry employees cried as he stormed into Umbridge's office, gasping for air, "S-some metal men... they just arrived... and they're unstoppable!" "I know, right?" Umbridge responded as she smiled, "Beautiful sight, isn't it?" Not expecting the reply he got from Umbridge, the man said, "I would hardly call what's happening out there 'beautiful'. Have you lost your mind?!" "Hmm, I see..." Umbridge replied as she placed her cup of tea on her desk, grabbed her wand, and pointed it towards the man, "Avada Kedavra." The man was killed in an instant by Umbridge's killing curse. "Hmph, what a shame. He seemed like a nice man," Umbridge said to herself as she continued drinking her tea while chuckling.


    ~Celestia's Office~


    Returning to her office after Saxon's speech, Celestia started going through the copy of 'The Crystal Order Commission Report' that Kuzco gave her. However, something truly didn't seem right to her. Not because of what was in the book, but rather what was NOT in the book. 'That's strange,' Celestia thought to herself, as she couldn't find any section of the book talking about Discord or Mewtwo. "Celestia," Discord's voice said as Celestia noticed Discord suddenly appeared in her office...


    "Discord!" Celestia cried, gasping, "Don't scare me like that." "Sorry," Discord apologized, "Had to see you with what's been happening. So, you got that book then, huh?" "Yes... though there's nothing here on you nor on Mewtwo," Celestia replied. "Figures," Discord commented, "We are traitors to the Crystal order after all." "Did you know that all this would happen?" Celestia asked. "Sorta. Didn't know all the details," Discord answered, "But I never expected it this soon. Not at all. Still, it may be too dangerous for you." "Me?" a surprised Celestia asked. "They're gonna come after anyone they suspect of being against them," Discord replied, "Celestia, please, you have to trust me." "I-I can't just leave, Discord," Celestia said, "I need to take care of Luna." "Then go to her," Discord replied, "Let her know of the severity of the issue. I'll come later to take you two somewhere safe. I promise." As she pondered over it for about a minute, Celestia sighed, telling Discord, "I guess there's no escaping the fact that things will get worse. Maybe I should go dark. I'll go home and tell Luna. We'll be ready soon." "Thank you, Celestia," Discord thanked Celestia as he disappeared, while Celestia continued to wonder if all this was just one really bad dream.
    Last edited: May 1, 2018
  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Outskirts~

    Missingno was slinking around on the ground moving akin to a shark as he jumped out and seemingly attacked people causing them to vanish. His eyes quickly spotting the familiar speeding yellow Vespa belonging to Jumpman and quickly went after it. Jumpman turning his head towards the glitch mass and asked. "What is THAT!?" Before anyone could answer, Missingno. slammed himself into the trio and the Vespa making it vanish, he set a course somewhere else and began to move quickly.

    ~Kazue Residence~

    "NWO?" Kairi asked looking confused by Kai's wordings before the redhead said. "Yes, New World Order. There's stuff going on TV regarding it and everyone's all freaked out over it. Mom's trying to calm everyone down before someone goes and gets their dumb ass killed." Kairi blinked again before Kai said. "By Mom I mean C.C. You know." Kairi closed her eyes sighing. "Well, the world's certainly going down the toilet..." Kai closed her eyes. "Indeed, makes me just want to run away and relax on the beach...but that's not happening any time soon." Their conversation would soon be interrupted when sounds of screaming and glass breaking was heard and Missingno. slammed into the three.

    ~Glitch City~

    Peppy nodded before he said. "Mario, Luigi...your parents didn't tell you this, but Pauline is your big sister." The brothers were frozen in shock, their transformations disengaging before Mario said. "Mama-Mia..." and seemingly fainted, Luigi asking. "How? We never knew her before." Peppy sighed before he said. "It is because much like you two, your parents were trying to give her a normal life without having to deal with their own problems. Of course we all knew eventually you would start dealing with the S-Types as well..."

    "Yes, it seems as though we are all in the same boat now." A familiar voice remarked as Mario and Luigi turned their heads to see Wilhelm, T-Elos, and the Red Testament nearby looking at them. Shion noticed T-Elos before asking. "Why are you here?" Missingno. then added. "Yes, I don't remember bringing you three here." Wilhelm looked up as he said. "I am aware of that, S-Type. However this New World Order is a threat to the whole world." E.Gadd also came out of hiding and remarked. "Yes, they proceeded to shut down Gadd Science and deem us a threat." Peppy looked at E. Gadd before asking. "What happened?" E. Gadd adjusted his glasses as he said. "Colress turned out to be working with the Crystal Order and attempted to kill us to make sure we were unable to go against the New World Order. Luckily as strange as it seems, Wilhelm and his team helped get us get out alive and we all ended up here."

    Shion looked away before she said. "Damn...if they shut down Gadd Science, they would have access to everything stored on the servers...including our safe Haven and our software." E. Gadd nodded. "Yes, we were all duped, but don't beat yourself over it. We're thankfully still alive to fight another day." Wilhelm nodded. "Indeed, but there are more pressing matters to attend to." C.C then walked up to them after showing up remarking to Wilhelm. "As much as I find it strange to be smacked by a blob and then having to deal with you again. You're right, we have a New World Order to deal with." Wilhelm looked at the green-haired woman before he said. "And that white S-Type as well..." Jumpman's voice soon echoed as he walked up with Fujiko. "Don't remind me...that thing tried to kill us..." Fujiko looked at everyone before she said. "I couldn't even lay a punch on Astral once it turned white. It smacked me into a brick wall...hurts like hell."

    C.C. and Wilhelm looked at Fujiko with widened eyes asking. "The white S-Type was Astral?" Mario blinked as he said. "That...isn't good." Fujiko nodded. "Astral wanted me and my family wiped off the face of the planet. My father in law...sacrificed his life just so we could be safe." C.C. rubbed the back of her head. "Geez, sorry about your loss Mrs. Jumpman..." Wilhelm looked at C.C. before he asked. "Considering your adjustment to Earth life and the situation at hand. Do you know anything about Astral's sudden shift, Cecilia?" C.C. glared at Wilhelm before she said. "First, you're not allowed to call me by that name. I don't." Mario then shouted. "Astral stepped on the Relic!" This made everyone look at Mario before he said. "Luigi and I were there when it happened. Astral was deadest on getting to the Relic talking about how it was going to flip everything Lady Etoile did on its head." Peppy shook his head. "This is bad...very bad considering Astral survived that."

    "Indeed, we don't even have a Harbinger if Astral's gained the power." Wilhelm remarked in thought before Peppy said. "But it is still an S-Type and thus we can still use the 64 special techniques on it and all the rest." E. Gadd then added. "Indeed, all of us together could save Japan and the world. We just need to train and be ready." Jumpman clenched a fist. "After all, we can't let those who've died sacrificed themselves for nothing!" C.C. then started to walk away remarking. "Well, I need to find my girls. They're somewhere in this weird place."​
  16. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Mlieena climbed into the car, though still with slight hesitation. However, she had to trust these people. Right now, it was all she could do. "Mileena." She spoke. "My name is Mileena..."

    hack.png slash.png

    ~ Outside Electronics Store ~

    "That is right. Unfortunately." Hack muttered, before speaking up again. "Listen, we are not having much time. Do you know anything about storms in some place called the Drake Barrier Reef?"


    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline took everything in, before nodding. "Then...I want to help too." He spoke with determination. "If there's anything I can do to help everyone, then I want to do it."
  17. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Glitch City~

    "Then it is in agreement. We shall begin to work on a plan." Peppy said looking at those in front of him. "Considering what we know, they have already located Star Haven and it will probably have been compromised." E. Gadd nodded. "Yes, they know of my company's secrets as well. They will probably work on countermeasures against us and we can't hide in this S-Type forever." Wilhelm was in thought before he said. "In addition, they probably knew and anticipated other details as well." As the three talked, Jumpman and Fujiko walked along with their children and Peach through the glitchy area. Fujiko remarking. "Listen to me very closely, Pauline. As much as I had wanted you and your brothers to have a normal life, it seems like that was the wrong thing for me to say considering what has happened." Mario smirked. "Oh please, this New World Order is nothing considering what Luigi and I have been through." Luigi looked at his brother before he said. "Mario, I don't even know if our big sister can just smack people around like everyone else in this family." Mario blinked. "Luigi...our mother is a hot-blooded chef and our father is into justice and stuff. Clearly it runs in the family." Ruiji soon ran up to them and panted in exhaustion. "Thank goodness I found all of you. Also looks like my niece is okay too..."​
  18. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Glitch City ~

    Pauline looked over her family, before nodding with determination and speaking up. "If the rest of my family is going to help out, then I want to as well." She said, looking at Peppy, then at Jumpman and Fujiko. "I can't just sit by and do nothing. If I need to fight alongside my family, then I will."
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Outside Electronics Store~


    "Storms?" Scrooge wondered out loud, "There are storms all the time in the Drake Barrier Reef. Nothing special about it. Now if ye were talking about snowing over there... then that would certainly be something worth discussing. As a matter of fact, it hasn't snowed there in 50 years. When it does snow there, a pathway to the legendary city of Atlantis should show up. I think I heard meteorologists recently say that they expect it to snow there. Wait... hang on a minute..." It was then that Scrooge McDuck figured the reason Hack wanted to speak with him. "Don't tell me that Glomgold plans on going there himself to seek out the city's treasure..." Scrooge told Hack.


    ~Inside Vito's Car~


    "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Mileena. Now that we've introduced each other, allow me to introduce you to the driver of this car, my nephew... Ezio Auditore," Vito replied to Mileena as the driver turned to face the two...


    "Buongiorno," Ezio greeted Mileena. "I'm sure that with time, you too will be considered part of our family," Vito told Mileena.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A.~


    "Get in," Hans ordered Anna and Elsa as the limo they rode to go to the U.N. building returned for them, "We'll be going back to Arendelle soon. And don't worry, someone's picking up Olaf as we speak. No harm will come to him, promise." Elsa and Anna remained silent as they got in the limo, not wanting to talk to Hans. "Hans," Saphir said as he approached them...


    "Allow me to take it from here," Saphir continued. Grinning, Hans patted Saphir on his shoulder, replying, "Be my guest." As Hans left, Saphir looked at the two sisters, asking Anna, "May I have a minute with Elsa?" As Anna looked at her sister silently, Elsa told her, "It's alright." Nodding, Anna stepped out of the limo, and was escorted away by a Cyberman. "What do you want?" Elsa asked. "I want to explain," Saphir replied. "Explain what?" Elsa questioned, "That you were secretly going along with all of this?" "I admit... keeping this from you wasn't easy," Saphir responded, "And seeing Regis die right in front of me was one of the hardest things I had to watch." "So why did you go along with it?" Elsa asked. "For you," Saphir replied. "Me?" a surprised Elsa wondered out loud. "Think back to the fear that you felt in Tokyo, when it was discovered you had powers, when you were afraid of how others would look at you," Saphir replied, "What if you could live in a world where no one had to fear for how they looked or what powers they had. You were lucky that your powers were revealed in a place like Japan, which is pretty tolerant of those who are different. But what about those less unfortunate living in places that aren't so tolerant? That is ultimately why I did what I did, for those who can't stand up for themselves." "Didn't you ever consider the consequences of such actions?" Elsa asked, "That there was surely another way to solve the world's problems than all this killing?" Saphir remained silent, unsure of what to say in response. "I don't think I even know you anymore, Saphir," Elsa sadly said as she turned her head, "I want to go home." Sighing, Saphir turned and walked away, unsure if things between him and Elsa will ever go back to being normal.



    Once it reached orbit, the Key, an object that can trap or free S-types from their crystalline forms, was activated while inside a rocket, freeing any S-type located on Earth from their crystalline forms within a few seconds. After that, the rocket exploded, destroying the Key, and any chance of it using it against S-types.


    ~Muppets Theater Japan~


    As Sam the Eagle was walking around the Muppet Theater, he noticed the ground began to shake. "What in the world?!" Sam wondered out loud. He then noticed S-types emerging from underground, creating holes all around as they smashed their way to the surface. "What is the meaning of this?!" Sam angrily questioned as he approached one of the S-types, "Now I don't know who or what you are. But you have no business intruding ou-" Before he could finish, Sam was beheaded and killed by the S-type's razor-sharp arm. After it killed him, the S-type simply giggled in response as it joined the other S-types in the theater and proceeded to the exit.


    ~Shibuya District: CAT Headquarters - Living Room~


    As he looked out the window, noticing a Helicarrier flying high above Tokyo, Megumi Kitaniji noticed something weird happening to a crystal that he kept on display at a table after it was almost stolen from him about two months ago. The crystal was glowing very bright until it transformed into the S-type, Azog...


    Kitaniji gasped at the sight of Azog, who simply turned and growled at the frightened CEO.


    ~Television Broadcast~


    "Greetings, citizens of the New World Order. This is an important public service announcement," Malva announced to those watching the broadcast, "You may find creatures emerging in random places during the past few minutes. Rest assured, these are friendly creatures called S-types, whose presence had been purposefully hidden by those that wished to destroy them simply because they are not of this world. Now that the New World Order is in charge of the Earth, we will welcome these creatures with open arms, and allow them to thrive in our world, peacefully living side-by-side with us. More information on the S-types and the plight they endured will be provided in the coming days."




    Jessie, James, Meowth, were all groaning as they woke up to find themselves hanging from a tree branch. "We're... we're alive?" James wondered out loud. "Looks like it," Meowth replied, "Live to fight another day, guys." "Wobbuffet... if it wasn't for you... who knows what would've happened to us. You have our thanks," Jessie thanked Wobbuffet as she patted him on the back. "Wobbu..." an exhausted Wobbuffet replied. "Here, you've earned your rest," Jessie said as she returned Wobbuffet to his Pokeball. "So we survived... but... the boss," James sadly commented. "And Team Rocket as a whole... it's gone," Meowth added. "Without a leader or an organization to follow... what do we do?" Jessie questioned. "You know, Jessie... I really don't know..." James replied. "At least... we still got each other," Meowth commented as he, Jessie, and James each smiled at each other, thankful that they're still with each other.


    ~Shoreline Somewhere in Africa~


    It had been a few hours since Katniss, Hiccup, Haymitch, and Toothless were blasted from a cliff in Madagascar and fell into the ocean. As she slowly woke up, Katniss found herself and the other three had been washed ashore... somewhere. Though if Katniss had to make a guess, it was definitely somewhere in Africa. However, it was completely empty. No one other than the four were there. "Ugh..." Katniss groaned as she got up. Turning around, she found Haymitch and Toothless were slowly getting up as well. While relieved, Katniss's heart sank upon seeing Hiccup. He was still unconscious, and his left leg was wounded badly, evidenced by the heavy bleeding. "Oh God... Hiccup!" Katniss cried as she rushed towards him, while Toothless gasped at the sight of Hiccup and rushed to him as well. "Hiccup, please, wake up... Hiccup..." Katniss desperately said, trying to wake her friend up. "HELP! ANYONE! PLEASE, I NEED HELP!" Katniss cried out, hoping that there would be someone, anyone out there who can help.
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Atop a Building~

    Astral and its legion of S-Types watched as their companions were coming out onto the streets of Tokyo. E. Tempura Wizard jumped for joy, a grin on his face as he shouted. "Lord Astral! We've finally freed our race from their imprisonment! They roam free again." Inferno Obitus looked up at the sky smiling as well asking. "Lord Astral, how do you feel about the occasion?" Astral merely closed its eye and took a deep breath stretching its arms before starting to twirl.

    "Look at the faces of those down below."
    "The return of our race on this blue little world."
    "The people run as their old world falls before them"
    "These are a few of my favorite things"

    Inferno Obitus and E. Tempura Wizard looked at one another and then at Astral before both of them asked. "Lord Astral, are you okay?" Astral merely stopped and said rather calmly with its eye on the two. "Of course I am fine, I just intend to kill any remaining pests that still resist the new world before them..." Astral's eye turned jet-black. "...even if it means having to wipe them from existence completely..."

    ~Glitch City~

    Mario and Luigi nodded before Mario smirked. "That's my sister!"

    Sometime later, Peppy had managed to assemble everyone that he could find within the distorted world into one spot and took a long look at everyone. He started to speak up. "Everyone, I know all of us come from different parts of life. Some of us just living normal lives, some of us being rebellious youths, even some of us being teachers and superheroes and things like that. things have changed, and our very way of life is threatened by creatures who have aligned themselves with people of our own planet. Our own planet is at risk because of this New World Order." Everyone was intently watching Peppy. They knew well on what he was referring to. Peppy soon continued. "This is why we have banded together. People from all walks of life whether they come from this planet or even if they are our rival school or even are S-Types themselves breaking the mold of their race. You all might be thinking that this is too risky and I don't blame you since fighting against the government is a crazy plan in itself. So, if you wish to leave and return to your homes without incident...please step to the side."

    Nobody seemed to move from their places as Bowser shouted looking at everyone. "Looks like nobody is leaving, we all want to save our planet!" Peach then remarked. "Well, it'd still be hell outside no matter what with a dictatorship rule." Mario then stepped up next to Peppy and shouted. "Well then, if we're all in agreement...then let's show Astral and the NWO not to mess with our home! And if they're not down with that, we have two words for ya!" Before Mario could say the next two words, Triple H walked up to Mario and said in a low tone. "Not in front of the little kids, man." Mario laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about that, it's just I got excited and the NWO sucks." Peppy coughed before he finished with. "Okay everyone, be ready...we got some work to do." Everyone soon cheered loudly.​
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