RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Vector Building~

    "Damn..." Kallen cursed as she fell to her knees, the waves of S-Types having been defeated by the girls, but they had seemingly reached their limits as they were falling to the floor using each other as a support. Dawn looked at the redhead before she said. "I hope that was all of them..." Ryoko looked at Dawn before she mumbled. "It better be, we almost died." Meiko merely scoffed. "Died? I'm just fine." Hikaru then added with a bit of snark. "Yes, but you're also drunk too." Before anyone could continue, a loud clapping was heard as the girls saw the Red Testament on a higher deck, his words echoing. "So, this is the ragtag group of misfits that she has brought along. She has trained you well to come this far. But how would you handle against our greatest project?"

    Pyrrha looked around not seeing anything before pointing her finger at the Red Testament telling him. "Hey jackass, we don't see this greatest project of yours anywhere." He merely smiled and snapped his finger causing a arrow made of blue icy energy to shoot out from the shadows right at Pyrrha. Samus bolted quickly in front of the blonde and summoned a portion of her power suit over her left arm and shoulder taking the blow and flew backwards. Neru seeing Samus flying ran over and quickly caught her, her eyes noticing that the portion of the power suit that she had summoned was now covered in ice. Samus scoffed. "It's just ice..."

    Multiple sets of green eyes began to appear around them, bodies coming forth out of invisibility as it meshed S-Type anatomy with machinery and an overall green and dark green alien look. The unnatural feeling coming across the girls as something that shouldn't exist. Haku shook her head with a smirk. "So you have more S-Types...big deal." The silver-haired woman soon ran in shouting. "We'll beat you all down ourselves!" She swung her leg at the head of the S-Type only for it to vanish making her eyes widen in shock, the S-Type quickly appearing behind her and delivering a swift kick to her back sending her flying high into the air only for Zone-Tan to catch her before she collided with the ceiling. The S-Type remarking. "Those moves...I've seen them before." The Red Testament chuckled. "You seem to be aware then. These S-Types are based upon Nexosporidum Warriors. We gathered DNA from their fights with the Furon Empire in the 1970s. They were given knowledge on how to use the 64 special techniques from Wilhelm himself...and now they will be your undoing." Izumi merely remarked. "I always knew C.C. was weird...but this takes the cake." Kallen stood up. "Well we're sure as hell not going to give in that easily." With that the girls stood ready to fight the enemies that stood between the lines of S-Types and Star Road itself.

    ~Abandoned Mansion~

    Kai placed her hand on Namine's shoulder, a lot going through her mind as she looked at the images in the room and said. "Even if things are going to change forever, I will not give up my resolve and keep moving forward...that is justice for the world and safety for those I care about, their happiness basically. You'll be okay're one of us...and we're not going to let anyone harm your tranquility."

    ~Gadd Science~

    Colress was looking over the computers in the lab when his eyes noticed something off. He quickly looked it over again and ran into E. Gadd's office telling him. "Professor, someone's deleted the files for the Anti S-Type project. Where is Ms. Uzuki?" E. Gadd calmly said. "I sent her home early, she had been overworking herself to death. And do not worry...a project like that is kept on a secure server with multiple backups, the files just need to be downloaded again. I mean what kind of fool would only have one copy of a government-sanctioned weapon to use against the S-Types?" Colress was stunned by E. Gadd's response before he said. "You...make an excellent point. I shouldn't have doubted that." Colress soon left the room before E. Gadd sighed in relief whispering. "Peppy, old friend...I hope your plan works..."

    ~Sora and Roxas' House~

    "Well I figured nothing would be on." Kairi said as she rose up watching Animal Planet and stretched. "But you're right Sora, we do have the nature shows to entertain us." She then looked at the spiky-haired brunette rather sweetly.​
  2. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Cathedral ~

    Lusamine stepped into the cathedral, a somber expression on her face as she looked around. She had been handling a few things, but felt it right to make a stop to pay respects to the lives recently lost.


    ~ Tokyo Streets: Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    Flintheart Glomgold looked out of a window, glaring across the street at the ice cream shop of his rival, Scrooge. He was completely unaware, and very unconcerned, with the recent events. The incident at the school? Didn't care. The death of Harriet Jones? Pah!

    All of that was less important to Flintheart than outdoing his self-proclaimed enemy. "Look at Scrooge's little ice cream shop." He growled. "Like it's laughin' at me! He thinks he's soooo much better than me!"


    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    As Pauline was hurrying home, she heard her cellphone go off. Answering, she found a message from Peppy Hare. He wanted her to come to his place as soon as possible, though no reason was given. Though cautious, given the recent events, Pauline kept the message in mind and agreed to go.
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Arena~

    Unknown to...well a lot of people, Astral had appeared right within one of the hallways waiting for something to occur. Fortunately for the S-Type warrior Edge had just happened to walk out of the locker room before he was staring right at the S-Type commander. Confused as to what he was looking at, the Canadian man looked at Astral preparing to fight before asking. "Just what are you and what are you doing here?" Astral looked at the man before vanishing and reappearing behind Edge only stating in a low tone. "I am the one who will show the world the truth of the absolute..." It took a second before Edge soon felt a massive pain and collapsed to the floor, a large slash having appeared on his chest yet to him he only saw the S-Type vanish. Bleeding on the floor had made Orton also come out at he sound of flesh hitting the ground and saw Astral standing there with a glare. Seeing Edge on the floor made Orton run over to him and quickly attempted to call for an ambulance only for Astral to raise its hand and charged up a sphere of energy blasting him full force and knocked him to the ground. Astral walked over and stepped on the phone destroying it mentioning. "These men were weak..." shortly before teleporting away.

    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    Jumpman Sr.'s eyes shot open as a chill went down his spine, his body shaking as he felt something bad was about to happen. He stood up from his chair and told Mario. "You, Luigi, and Rosalina have to get out of" Jumpman looked at his father before asking. "Why? What's wrong?" Jumpman Sr. looked at his family before he said. "I have a bad feeling that Astral's going to come here..." Knowing what could happen because of Astral, Fujiko looked at Jumpman who nodded before Fujiko told Mario. "Listen, you three need to get out of here...there is a girl who looks just like me...her name is need to find her and stay safe for now." Mario noting the concern with his mother nodded before he, Luigi, and Rosalina quickly ran out the door and down the street on the hunt for Pauline.​
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Tsukino Household-

    "But my friends got caught up in that." Serena said, looking at her family. "Luckily, they made out cause the Scouts appeared, but they weren't enough to stop what happened." She sighed and stretched. Luna mewed for more milk, Serena got up and went to the fridge, pouring more milk in her saucer. Luna simply licked and kept quiet.

    -U.S.A - Limo-

    Elsa kept a calm composure and waited for the door to open. When she opened, Elsa brought out Saphir with her, holding his arm and smiling, walking with him to the hotel door. Anna waved, smiling as she stepped out with Hans.


    Harry stretched and made sure he had everything, hooking his Lockseed on his pants and hiding it. Then he headed out, going to the flower shop, hoping to meet with Harold and talk about stuff. He wanted to get and know him better and not feel so awkward, maybe things would be better since there was no school today but he knew that he still had face to Hermione's wrath for missing classes. 'Whatever deity is out there, have mercy.' He thought, pleading.

    -Abandoned Mansion-

    Namine looked at her and nodded, gripping her sketchbook and taking a breath. She set it down on the table and said, "So is there anything you would like to do?"
  5. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Abandoned Mansion~

    "Well, considering that the other girls are busy today and stuff, I thought you and I would go out on the town...just the two of us." Kai said looking at Namine with a smile on her face.

    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    Once the brothers and Rosalina had left the area, the elderly man went upstairs quickly as he said. "It's best you three prepare for battle quickly, this will require everything we have to even stall Astral." Jumpman looked at his father before he heard the sound of a thundering clap in the sky. The trio turned their heads to see Astral standing in the middle of the rain, its head looking straight up. The three soon came running out to meet Astral as Jumpman asked sternly. "You have five seconds to explain why you're here on our property."

    Astral merely laughed before looking at Jumpman and told him. "Considering your children are dead...I figured it was time that we settled this and ended things before the new world comes to fruition." Ruiji glared and transformed, purple embers radiating from his hands as he said. "Astral...we will not succumb to your judgment!" Fujiko focused as she transformed in a flurry of blue fire adding in. "Did you really think that the game is over?" Jumpman then transformed finally ending it with. "We're a lot tougher than you let on, Praenunitus." Astral glared at the trio before transforming into its battle form and began to fly telling them. "Bring everything you have..."

    The three soon jumped at Astral with firey punches and kicks meeting with Astral's arms and legs, the force shattering nearby glass windows of cars and horns were blaring as the rain picked up in fury. Astral raised its arms causing everything that wasn't nailed down to be lifted into the air and thrown at the trio with the full force. The trio quickly dodged this as a window on the second floor opened up and Jumpman Sr. came jumping out of the window clad in his armor and slammed his fist into Astral's face with a fist infused with white hot fire sending it down to the concrete making a small crater. Jumpman Sr. laughed as he landed on the ground. "S-Type...I don't know why...but you're a menace to everyone."

    Astral remained motionless on the ground for a moment before its eye shot open, it had turned jet-black as it motionlessly floated into the air. Jumpman and Ruiji looked confused as to what Astral was doing. Astral then spoke up in a low growl. "I've been dealing with the lot of you for generations...every time...I would always lose because of you..." The pressure around the Jumpman family began to increase as Astral was covered in a aura and flashed with a white blinding light as it shouted. "No more games...I am ending this with your lives!"

    The Jumpman family fell to their knees at the flash of light, the realization and horror coming across Jumpman's face as the light faded and a white S-Type stood before them with black wings and glowing bits of rainbow. Jumpman was afraid as he said. "T-this...this was from my nightmare!" Astral looked at its hand before looking at the Jumpman family and said. "I have become the harbinger that will bring forth the new world...and the old world as you know it...will cease to exist." Fujiko screamed and ran at Astral with her powers active shouting. "Like hell you are!" Astral merely smacked Fujiko sending her crashing through the glass wall of a building. Jumpman and Ruiji were about to fight when their father stepped in front of them telling them. "Don't, it's too risky. I will handle this." Ruiji shouted. "Are you daft!? Astral knocked Fujiko like she was nothing! What will you do?!" Jumpman Sr. closed his eyes as he said. "I'm going to use all my remaining power to send Astral straight to hell!" A burning white aura appeared on the elderly man as his eyes started to glow. Astral merely laughed before it said. "You can try...but it will not work" a rainbow aura appeared across Astral's body as the two charged in and collided in a mighty explosion of white light. Jumpman and Ruiji's eyes widened as they tended to Fujiko.

    The explosion cleared as Jumpman Sr. stood in the middle, Astral seemingly having been killed by the explosion as there was no traces of it. The armor he had on soon fell as he collapsed to the ground. The trio soon ran up to him as Jumpman said. " did it...Astral's not here..." Jumpman Sr. looked at his son before he said. "No...whatever Astral's beyond an S-Type...I've only managed to make it retreat." Ruiji shook his head. "Atleast Astral isn't saved us." Jumpman Sr. looked at Ruiji before he said. "Yeah...but...I don't have much time left..." Fujiko shook her head with tears in her eyes and said. "No...please..." Jumpman Sr. smiled and slowly wiped Fujiko's eyes as he said. "You three are good kids, I've watched over all of you as you grew and honed your skills to serve and protect the weak. If she were alive...she would be proud of her boys and how they have grown." Jumpman and Ruiji held their father's hands as Jumpman Sr. said. "I'm have at least see my grandchildren grow as well. Just do me one favor..." Jumpman nodded before the elder said. "Keep the love in your heart...and keep that passion that future generations can be happy and our legacy can keep going..." Jumpman Sr.'s eyes slowly closed as he managed to say. "I love you all....good...bye..." The old man soon breathed his last and the trio burst into tears falling to the ground.​
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Glomgold Ice Cream~


    Walking down the street with his cane on his right hand, and carrying an umbrella on his left hand to protect himself from the rain, Scrooge McDuck passed by his rival's ice cream store, glaring at Glomgold for a moment before continuing on his way. 'Opening his ice-cream store on a day of mourning?! The nerve of that duck!' Scrooge thought to himself, 'The now former prime minister is dead, and he's more concerned about making a profit? Bah! At least I have honor and respect... something Glomgold will never have.'


    ~Outside the United Nations Building~


    Blushing as Elsa led him outside the limo, Saphir watched as King Regis and King T'Chaka stepped out of the U.N. building to greet them...


    "Welcome to the United Nations," Regis greeted the group as they all got out of the limo, "Demande, Saphir... it is so good to see you once again!" "The feeling is mutual," Demande replied as he and Regis shared a hug. "How is your father?" Regis asked as he then shared a hug with Saphir. "He's fine, thanks for asking," Demande replied, "He sends his regards." "Well, I look forward to seeing him once more," Regis commented. "King T'Chaka," Demande greeted the king of Wakanda, "It's a pleasure to meet you." "The pleasure is all mine," T'Chaka replied as he shook hands with Demande, "And you must be Prince Saphir." "That's right," Saphir responded as he shook hands with T'Chaka. "Regis, T'Chaka... allow me to introduce our guests," Demande told the two kings, "Over here, we have Prince Hans of Norway, and King Candy of Kuwait." "Yes, I know who they are," Regis replied as he shook hands with King Candy/Turbo. "How're you doing?" Hans asked as he shook hands with T'Chaka. "Very good," T'Chaka replied as he shifted his focus to Candy/Turbo, "Ah, Candy. I haven't seen you since April." Guessing that T'Chaka was referring to a meeting he had with the real King Candy, Turbo smiled and shook his hand while replying, "Yes... been a while, hasn't it?" "And last, but not least, we have..." Demande continued before being interrupted by Regis. "Princess Anna and Queen Elsa... of course," Regis interrupted Demande as he approached the two sisters, "Oh, how I've wanted to meet you two for so long. I wanted to come to your parents' funeral, but was sidetracked by other things. Umm, how about we go inside, and then we can continue our discussion." "I agree," Hans concurred, "Let's go, Anna." The group then proceeded towards the entrance of the United Nations building.


    ~Japanese Government Building~


    "Don't worry about it. I'll be sure to have someone send you all the main points that were discussed," Saxon told Wilhuff Tarkin on his cellphone, trying to convince the Justice Minister to skip the important meeting Harold would be having with the rest of the ministers to discuss the emergency situation following Harriet Jones's death, "Alright... alright... I'll see you right before I deliver my big speech. Thank you." As he hung up, heading towards the meeting room, he passed by Michael Scott, who was at his desk with tears in his eyes, still mourning the death of the prime minister he used to assist...


    "Oh, dear Michael..." Harold commented upon noticing Michael Scott, "I miss her too." "It's just... before I got this job, I got laid off from Dunder Mifflin, and couldn't find a job for months," Scott replied, "Until I got this one. Harriet believed in me, and made me her personal assistant for all those years. Disagree with her politics as much as you want, but you know what she had? A pure heart. Something I don't see a lot of these days. And sadly, the world has lost one of its best citizens. And I doubt any future prime minister can replicate her kindness... no offense." "Don't worry, none taken," Harold Saxon said as he patted Michael's shoulder, "Rest assured, you have a spot in my government too." "Thank you, sir," Michael thanked the new prime minister as he wiped away the tears from his eyes. "Listen, how about you take the rest of the week off," Saxon told Michael, "Relax. Then come back to work next week once your spirits have been lifted." "Sir, are you sure?" Michael questioned Saxon. "Sure," Harold replied. "Well, if you say so," Michael said as he got up, "Thank you." "No problem," Saxon replied, smiling as he continued on his way to the meeting room.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "Why hello, sister," Yang Fang Leiden greeted Lusamine as he approached her, "I don't believe I've seen you come here before. What brings you here this morning? Praying for those whose lives have been lost last night?"


    ~Tsukino Household~


    Sighing as he was about to begin telling the Tsukinos his story, Darien said, "Here goes. My story begins in the South American nation of Colombia, the country of my childhood. When I was 6, my parents and I were in a car crash. Sadly, my parents died. And while I survived, I got a bad case of amnesia from the impact, unable to remember anything before the crash." "So you were an orphan, just like Rini," Sammy commented. "That's right," Darien replied. 'Darien lost his parents too?' Rini thought to herself as she looked at Darien. "Anyway, the doctors tried to find if I had any family members, but they couldn't," Darien continued, "So... I was sent to an orphanage. And while I was there, I discovered I had a power." Darien then summoned one of his sharp roses into his hand to show the Tsukinos. "Impressive," Kenji commented. "One of the nuns in the orphanage, Sister Encarnación, told me that my powers were a gift given to me by our Lord, and that they must be used wisely," Darien continued, "Anyway, besides my power, there was one other thing that happened since going to the orphanage. I began having the same exact dream every night. I dreamed that I was in a beautiful kingdom where a pretty princess lived. Whenever she looked at me, she was happy and smiled. But then, everything in the kingdom was under attack, and the princess was calling out my name, pleading for me to help. Before I could reach her, the whole kingdom was completely destroyed, with dead bodies everywhere. It all felt so... familiar, and real... as though I had been there before. And because of that, I felt guilty for what happened to the kingdom, even though it was just a dream. So, when I was 8, I ran away from the orphanage, and started living in the streets. I think at that moment, I finally understood what Sister Encarnación meant about my power. It was from that moment I decided to use my powers for good, protecting innocent people all around me from any kind of evil. Thieves, drug cartels, and even terrorists like the Crystal Order. I swore I would fight to make sure no harm came to innocents, as a way to make up for my failed promise to the princess from my dreams. And that's the way I lived my life until about 8 years ago, when I was 11." "What happened then?" Ikuko questioned. "I came across a J.I.A. agent named Nick Fury, the one pictured here," Darien continued while pointing to the image of Nick Fury on the newspaper article he was reading, showing it to the Tsukinos, "He was in Colombia on a mission trying to rescue someone being held by a drug cartel for ransom. While he was hurt pretty badly, I was able to take out the drug cartel and save his life. Feeling both impressed by my ability at such a young age, and gratitude for saving his life, Fury offered me a position with the Japanese Intelligence Agency." "And you said yes?" Rini asked. "Of course," Darein replied, "Becoming a J.I.A. agent meant that I could continue fighting bad guys while also going around the world. So, that was how I left Colombia, and started living in Japan. And for the next 8 years, I continued serving the J.I.A. under the alias 'Tuxedo Mask'. Until yesterday..." "So, what happened yesterday?" Sammy asked. Taking a deep breath, Darien continued, "I was part of a team sent to recover a J.I.A. ship that was taken over by pirates in the Mediterranean Sea. During the mission, a J.I.A. agent named Skye was downloading highly sensitive J.I.A. intel from one of the ship's computers." As Darien pointed to Skye's image in the newspaper article he showed the Tsukinos earlier, Darien continued, "Skye was doing that under orders from the J.I.A. director, Kate Stewart, a decision I first disagreed with, as I felt it could've jeopardized the mission to recover the ship and save the hostages on board. But little did I know how important that data truly was. After trying to access the data, Director Stewart was killed by some guy with a metal arm. But before she died, she gave me the flash drive containing the J.I.A. intel she was trying to access. So, knowing that Skye was great at hacking, I gave the flash drive to her in secret, asking her to see what was so important about that intel." "So... what was in this data?" Kenji asked. "The data contained the most shocking revelation I've experienced in my lifetime," Darien replied as he showed the Tsukinos the news article that contained images of himself and his fellow J.I.A. agents that were labelled traitors, "Myself, and these other J.I.A. agents were stunned when the data revealed that the Japanese Intelligence Agency had been infiltrated by the Crystal Order, and many of the agents are secretly members of that evil group." "Wait, what?" a confused Ikuko questioned after hearing what Darien revealed, "Are you saying that a government agency paid for by taxpayers like us is actually controlled by the Crystal Order?" "That... pretty much sums it up," Darien replied, "After my friends and I found out, we tried to escape from the J.I.A. as they tried hunting us down. I don't know where my friends are right now, whether any of them survived, or if any of them were captured. My gunshot wound was from a J.I.A. agent who tried to capture me. Luckily, I haven't been captured yet. But from what I hear, they're still looking for me. But anyway, that's my story, and how I ended up where you found me." "Umm, could you excuse my wife and I for a second," Kenji said as he signaled to Ikuko to talk in private. Nodding, Ikuko got up, going with Kenji to their room. Looking at Darien, Rini asked, "So everything that they're saying about you in the news, that you're a bad guy... it's all wrong, huh?" "Yeah," Darien replied, nodding. Smiling, Rini said, "I knew it! There's no way you're a bad guy." As Darien smiled back at Rini, Sammy asked, "So... what are you gonna do? Try to tell everyone that you're the good guy, and that the real bad guys are in control of the government?" "If it only it were that simple," Darien replied, "Those with power always control the narrative that the people believe. To the public's eyes, a person can go from being a patriotic hero to a traitorous terrorist, or a nation can go from being a strong ally to a bitter enemy, all within the blink of an eye. The ones in charge can easily adjust the narrative however they want to benefit their agenda. Which is why I'm worried about what happened in the Imperial Palace. I have a hunch that the Crystal Order may have been behind it, and that they have a strong influence on the new prime minster. I hope I'm wrong though."


    The following segment is written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Vector Building - 5th Floor~

    Vader and C.C. charged towards each other, each swinging their lightsaber against the other and deflecting incoming attacks. Upon getting kicked by Vader, C.C. collapsed to the floor. But as she got up, she saw something strange. She was seeing what appeared to be a reflection of herself, cracking like a broken mirror, with the "broken pieces" moving around like a kaleidoscope. Turning around, C.C. noticed Vader waving his hand around, surrounding himself and C.C. inside this Mirror Dimension. Rushing towards Vader, C.C. gasped as Vader held his hand out, and rotated it counter-clockwise, causing the dimension they were in to rotate 180 degrees, causing C.C. to fall and land in the ceiling. Looking up, she noticed Vader looking up at her as he was upside down (or was C.C. the one who was really upside down?). Vader then jumped towards C.C., landing right next to her, right-side up (or are they both upside-down?). The two then continued with their battle, each trying to get the upper hand. Once both lightsabers were locked against each other, C.C. noticed golden two-finger rings on Vader's right hand. Vader then pushed C.C. away, and held out his right hand, rotating his arm to trace a circular pattern, creating a circular portal that served as an exit from the dimension they were in. Running towards the portal, Vader intended to leave C.C. stranded inside the Mirror Dimension, but C.C. was quicker than he expected, rushing towards the portal before him. Once out of the portal, C.C. landed on the floor, relieved that she was out of that strange dimension. As Vader landed on the floor as well, with the portal disappearing, they continued with their battle once again, with Vader throwing his lightsaber towards C.C. As Vader's lightsaber spun like a boomerang towards C.C., she successfully deflected the attack with her own lightsaber, sending it back to Vader, who caught it back. As C.C. rushed towards Vader to deliver an attack, he swung his lightsaber in the direction of C.C.'s feet. C.C., however, was able to avoid the attack, jumping over Darth Vader, and then blocking another attack by him from the back. "Time to end this, Aoi!" C.C. declared as both lightsabers were locked against each other, surprising Vader with a headbutt. C.C. then followed her surprise attack with a double-kick to his chest, and then sending a powerful Force push to Vader, sending him crashing to the wall. Once Vader collapsed, C.C. switched her lightsaber off, commenting, "Hope this works..." Taking a deep breath, C.C. held out her hands and focused, using her Force abilities to levitate Vader, with three glowing symbols surrounding him. Walking towards him, C.C. pushed the middle glowing symbol as though it were a button. This caused all three symbols to zoom right inside Vader, who fell back to the floor. "Aoi?" C.C. asked as she slowly approached Vader. Groaning, Vader removed his helmet, revealing his face to C.C., who recognized the face of Kai's brother.

    "C.C... is that you?" Aoi questioned, "What happened? Where... am I?" "It's you, it's really you!" C.C. happily cried as she knelt and gave Aoi a hug. "Yes, it's me... but... what happened?" Aoi asked. "Long story," C.C. replied as she helped Aoi up. "Here, let me help," Cynthia said as she too appraoched the two, assisting Aoi in walking, "By the way, C.C. I saw you and Vader disappear all of sudden and then reappear out of a portal near the ceiling. Where the heck were you?" "Hard to explain..." C.C. responded, figuring that this was a discussion suited for another day, "Let's just get out of here." "Right," both Aoi and Cynthia replied.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
  7. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Vector Building: Lobby~

    The Red Testament soon felt a change in the air and quickly teleported out along with the S-Types he had summoned. The group of girls stood there and looked at one another before laughing as they had luck on their side. The elevator doors opened as C.C. and Cynthia came out carrying Aoi in their arms. Kallen sighed in relief. "We did let's get the hell out of this *****!" The group soon walked out of the building and got onto their bus. Aoi being laid out to rest as they drove away back to their base. As they drove away Dawn stretched out and placed her feet on the back of the seat remarking. "After all this...I crave two big fat cigars in my mouth..." Cynthia looked at Dawn before she said. "Wait until we get home, then you can indulge to your heart's content." C.C. had sent a text to both Kairi and Kai telling them to meet her at home.

    ~Sora and Roxas' Home~

    Kairi soon received a text on her phone from C.C. and stood up grabbing her things. She looked at Sora and told him. "Hey, I got to go now. I just got a text from a friend telling me to get to a certain place." She walked over and hugged him tightly telling him. "I'll see you later Sora...and stay safe." She then kissed his cheek and walked out the door heading for Kai's place knowing in her mind that the girls had done it.

    ~Mario and Luigi's Residence~

    Jumpman had stopped crying and stood up picking his father's limp body and calmly said. "Come on...he wouldn't us to stand out here in the rain. The man died a hero...he kicked the bucket fighting. He would want us to keep going." Ruiji and Fujiko nodded before the two followed Jumpman into the house as Ruiji asked. "But...what are we going to do? Astral's no longer kidding around...and with the Crystal Order and other S-Types around, we're going to be targeted." Fujiko then brought up. "We're not alone...we have our friends and allies, they will be sure to understand."

    ~Vector Building: Wilhelm's Office~

    "I came as quickly as I could." The Red Testament said as he bowed before Wilhelm and then asked. "We lost our Black Testament?" Wilhelm merely responded with. "Yes and No, for now we shall merely keep an eye on things considering the Compass has shown the appearance of the white S-Type."​
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2018
  8. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Cathedral ~

    "Yes." Lusamine nodded, addressing Yang Fang Leiden. "I was around for some Aether Foundation business, and I felt stopping by to be the respectful thing to do. I'm afraid I did not hear the names of those we lost. None of them were...children, were they?"


    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    Seeing his rival pass by with a disapproving glare, Flintheart narrowed his eyes as he watched Scrooge.

    hack.png slash.png gabby.png

    Hack, Slash and Gabby made their way to Glomgold Ice Cream. Neither felt it was an appropriate day to be selling ice cream, with the tragedy recently. But Glomgold was the one paying them, so they had no say in the matter. As the made their way to their 'workplace' they passed Scrooge, who Slash regarded with a small, dismal nod.

    Clearly the old duck felt the same as they did about Glomgold's decision to open today.


    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Deciding to wait until later to follow the message, Pauline kept making her way home. After the events lately, she was incredibly worried over her fellow students. She made a mental note to stop by to check on some of them when you found time.
  9. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~

    As they ran in the rain, the brothers soon felt the same large pressure that their parents and uncle felt from Astral, an intense ringing echo in the air that made Rosalina stop and the brothers to slip their steps crashing into Pauline and landing on top of her. Mario looked at the brunette woman before he said. "Sorry about that miss, we're not watching where we are going on this rainy day." Luigi's eyes shot open as he saw the brown hair, the red dress and the face before shouting. "Mario! I think that's the woman we're looking for!" Mario looked Pauline over before he said. "Now that you mention it...she does look like Mom, especially in the face. Excuse me but...are you Pauline by any chance?"​
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    OOC: So, yeah... I wanna apologize for not posting in a while. But since @NutheadBros struck a deal with @StardustXtreme and @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , allowing their characters to be used for the remainder of the day while they take a break, you will now see me post more often. So let's continue with this rp and finish the day with a bang. And now, without further ado, I give you my post:


    ~Japanese Government Building - Meeting Room~


    "Morning, everyone," Harold Saxon said, greeting other ministers of the government as he entered the meeting room, "I want to thank you all for coming in such short notice. Now then..." And then, the following happened:


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "Sad to say, there were two young souls who lost their lives yesterday," Yang Fang Leiden responded with a sorrow look on his face, "Gaston and Trixie were their names. Both were 17 years old. As a matter of fact, I just returned from their funeral. Spent most of my time there trying to comfort their poor parents."


    ~The United Nations Building~


    "So... you knew our parents?" Elsa questioned Regis as the group entered the United Nations building, passing by countless flags of different countries from around the world. "Indeed," Regis replied, "I didn't see them much prior to their death. But whenever I met them, they were very welcoming and warm towards me." "I only met them once myself," T'Chaka added, "But I can attest to what Regis said. They were some of the nicest foreign leaders I have ever met." "Wow... it's great to see that Mom and Dad made so many international friends when they were around," Anna commented, enjoying hearing what Regis and T'Chaka mentioned about her parents. "And I am happy to see that the two of you are continuing with their tradition," Regis replied, "It's good to have someone from Arendelle once again at a summit here at the U.N." "Oh right, the summit... do I have to do anything?" Elsa questioned. "Don't worry about it," Hans replied, "I can speak speak for Norway as a whole." "Speaking of speeches... Demande, have you prepared a speech yourself?" Regis asked. "Yes," Demande responded, "It's not much. Simply addressing the various problems taking place around the world, and how we, as citizens, could work together in tackling them and improving lives for everyone."


    ~Tsukino Household~


    'A princess? And a kingdom in destruction? Sounds familiar. Perhaps a bit too familiar...' Luna thought to herself when Darien discussed his dreams. As for Serena, hearing what Darien had to go through, from being orphaned all the way to having to hide from those he once considered allies, made her feel sorry for him. 'I can't believe I'm saying this... but, for all the times he annoyed me by calling me Meatball Head, I feel sad for Darien. The things he's been through throughout his life... I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Poor guy... he really does need our help,' Serena thought to herself. As Darien and the others remained at the dining table, quietly waiting for Ikuko and Kenji to return, they noticed the two finally return after discussing with each other in private...


    "Well, we talked about it, and reached a decision," Kenji announced as he and Ikuko sat down. "That's right," Ikuko concurred as she faced Darien, "We've decided to let you stay." "Stay? But... no, I can't. It's too dangerous," Darien replied. "More dangerous than wandering off outside?" Ikuko questioned, "You know you're a wanted fugitive, right?" "I meant it's dangerous for you," Darien retorted. "I understand there's a risk," Kenji stated, "But my wife and I believe it's a risk worth taking. You've already helped so many. Now, it's time we helped you. Consider this our gratitude to you for helping the Muppets. What do you say, everyone?" "I agree," Sammy agreed. "Absolutely!" Rini concurred. "They're right, Darien," Serena told Darien, "Now don't you worry. We'll make sure no bad guy finds out where you are." Eventually, Darien sighed, replying, "Alright, alright... you win." "Yay!" Rini cheered. 'Mom, Dad, you did the right thing,' Serena thought to herself, smiling. 'Hmm, now that he's staying... I better keep an eye on him,' Luna thought to herself, 'There's just something about him that... I can't quite put my paw on it.'
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  11. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Cathedral ~

    Lusamine nodded with a mournful expression. "I can't imagine what they must be going through. No parent deserves to lose their children like that." She looked down. "If it had happened to any of my children, I would be devastated...I hope whoever did this is brought to justice."


    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Pauline looked over Mario, Luigi and Rosalina, recognizing them as fellow students. Though she'd never really interacted with them, they crossed ways a few times at school. "Ah...yes, I am Pauline. And please don't worry about crashing into me like that. Accidents happen." She assured them, before stopping. "And did you say you were looking for me?"
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~

    The brothers nodded before Luigi said. "Yes, we were sent by our parents to find you and to be safe since Astral was heading to our house." Mario blinked before he said. "Luigi, there's a loud ringing in the air...not to mention I don't think our mom would have told us to find someone so specific that she looks like her." Mario looked at Pauline before he asked. "Do you know about our family? More specifically our parents, uncle, and grandfather?"

    ~Mario Bros' Residence~

    The business had closed for the day after Jumpman Sr. had passed away. The three members sitting in thought before Histoire came barging through the front door and saw the three shouting. "You're still alive, thank goodness!" Ruiji shook his head as he said. "Just barely...I assume you felt the massive power?" The blonde woman nodded. "Yes...the power was...unadulterated and uncontrolled." She looked over at the three and frowned. "Sorry for your loss..." Jumpman shook his head. "As much as I would like to grieve...I should be more concerned for our future if Astral is like this now." Histoire nodded. "Well, come with me...we'll figure something out." Nodding, the three got up and followed the blonde fairy out the door.

    ~Kai's House: Upper Floor~

    After having arrived home C.C, Cynthia, and Zone-Tan had carried Aoi's unconscious form upstairs and gently placed him on a couch, they had begun to remove the black armor that had encased him for a long time and placed various things on the table and floor. As they were working a voice said. "Seems like you three finally brought him home." The three looked up to see a woman standing there in a long coat with long silver hair that was in two ponytails, a smile across her face as she said. "It's been a while, hasn't it." Cynthia placed a hand on her hip as she said. "Yeah, it's been a while since the whole Shittenou was together in the room hasn't it Robin?" Robin looked around before she said. "Yeah, the girls you have downstairs certainly remind me of us." Robin, C.C., and Cynthia looked at the redhead on the couch before looking at each other and grinned as they went out onto the deck.

    ~Kai's House: Lower Floor~

    ...Meanwhile downstairs...

    "Yeah! This round's on me!" Meiko shouted from the bar as she was starting to drink before Haku pointed out rather slurred. "You know that only three of us in the whole group drink, right?" Meiko merely shrugged as she started to chug down a shot glass of sake along with Amy nearby. Kairi soon came in through the door seeing the party going on and asked. "Hey, has Kai shown up yet?" Everyone shook their heads before the redhead found a set and sat down.

  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Glomgold Ice Cream~


    "Buenos días, amigos," the Taco Bell Dog said as he entered Glomgold Ice Cream, "Is Señor Glomgold here? I couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at Scrooge McDuck earlier. So I thought it would be nice to have a little chat with a fellow hater of that cojo duck."


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "If you want my advice... cherish every moment you have with your children, and never drive them away," Yang Fang Leiden told Lusamine, "Our time on Earth is limited, and no soul knows when his or her time is up."


    ~The United Nations Building~


    As Demande and the others continued walking through the U.N. building, he noticed Cuban leader, Laureano de Torres y Ayala, walking towards an elevator...


    Torres glanced at the group briefly before going into the elevator. "If you'll excuse me, Saphir, Candy, and myself need to take care of something. It won't be long," Demande told the others. "Very well. We'll meet back in the hall," Regis replied. "Alright," Candy said as he and Demande started walking towards the elevator. "Umm..." Saphir told Elsa, trying to think of what to tell her. "Don't worry. Go ahead. Like Regis said, we'll meet back later," Elsa replied, "You don't have to explain it to me." Smiling, Saphir nodded as he left, following Demande and King Candy. "So Regis... how's Noctis?" Anna asked King Regis as they continued on their way to the general assembly hall. "He's fine, thank you for asking," Regis replied, "He's spending some time in South Africa right now..."


    ~Connor's Apartment - Connor's Room~


    Connor Kenway was laying in his bed, talking with his friend, Dick, over the phone, with the two discussing what happened the previous day. "...I mean, it's weird, right?!" Dick told Connor over the phone, "This is some end times s***. I mean, I'm legitimately worried about what happens next." "Dick, relax," Connor replied, "Just be thankful that none of us were there yesterday." "I know, I know. Still..." Dick said before Connor noticed he was getting another call from Katniss. "Hang on, let me put you on hold," Connor said, putting Dick on hold as he answered Katniss...


    "Hey Katinss," Connor greeted his girlfriend. "Hi Connor," Katniss replied, "So how are you feeling?" "I'm alright. Dick, on the other hand, is feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing," Connor answered Katniss, "But, since we're on the subject... maybe we should delay our date on Friday. It'd be insensitive to do something like that considering two students and a teacher form the very school we go to were killed." "Of course. I absolutely agree," Katniss concurred, "Maybe we can do it some other time." "Yeah," Connor responded. But as they spoke about yesterday's events, Katniss was thinking about how some of Zordon's warriors took part in the battle, and how the deaths could've included any one of them, and wondered if she would ever encounter such a situation. 'Should I tell Connor that I'm a Rider?' Katniss thought to herself. "Hey Katniss... something wrong?" Connor asked after Katniss didn't reply and stayed silent. "Connor..." Katniss finally spoke. "Yes?" Connor replied, wondering what she was about to say. "... Never mind. It wasn't anything important," Katniss said, deciding not to tell Connor that she was a Rider, "I, umm... gotta go." "Alright, I'll talk to you later," Connor replied. "Sure. Love you," Katniss said. "Love you too," Connor replied as Katniss hung up.


    ~Tsukino Household - Back Porch~


    After breakfast concluded, Darien was sitting on a bench alone in the back porch, silently watching the rain, thinking about his friends that he got separated from after they tried escaping from the J.I.A. "Hey, are you alright?" Serena asked as she stepped into the back porch to check on Darien. "Yeah..." Darien replied. "Come on, what's really going on," Serena said as she sat next to Darien, "I can tell if someone's bothered by something. It's practically written all over your face." Sighing, Darien replied, "It's my friends. I'm worried about them." "Oh right," Serena commented, "Listen Darien... all this betrayal, Crystal Order double-agent stuff at the J.I.A. is way over my head. But... I'm sure you'll meet your friends again. I just know it." "Hmm... maybe you're right. Maybe that's what I need. Hope. Hope that things will get better," Darien replied. "That's the spirit!" Serena said. "Thanks, Cabeza De La Albóndiga," Darien replied. "Hey, are you calling me 'Meatball Head' in Spanish again?" an annoyed Serena questioned Darien while pouting, "Would it hurt to call me by my actual name?" Giggling, Darien responded, "Sorry, Serena. Just thought I'd tease you there." As her frown turned upside-down, Serena was giggling as well. 'Well what do you know. Darien turns out to be not such a bad guy after all once you get to know him,' Serena thought to herself.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Alexander Pierce's Office~


    As Alexander Pierce stood in front of the window in his office, staring at the rain outside, he heard ringing coming from his desk. Walking over to his desk, the J.I.A. director pressed a button, and then a screen on the wall revealed Harold Saxon, who was making a video call to Pierce...


    "Mr. Prime Minister, what can I do for you?" Pierce asked. "Director Pierce, the time has come," Saxon responded, "Execute Order 66." "It'll be done, sir," Pierce said, grinning.
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kai's House: Lower Floor~

    Kai soon came in with Namine following behind waving with a loud "Heyo!" The other girls responded with a loud "Heyo!" as well before Kairi remarked. "You might want to head upstairs, someone is waiting on you." Kai blinked before she said. "Odd....who would be expecting me?" Kai soon started up the stairs before Kairi smiled to herself whispering. "Merry Christmas, Saki..." Dawn soon stood up with two cigars in her mouth as she said. "Well, we did it everyone." before sitting down and lighting them up as the girls pretty much began to party in victory. Kairi merely leaned back and smiled before being surprised as a girl with long blue hair sat down next to Kairi surprising the redhead as she asked. "Excuse me, but who are you?" The blue-haired girl looked at Kairi before adjusting the mask that she had on over her eyes. "It's Lucina, aren't you the leader of this group?" Kairi blinked before she said. "Um, no...she went upstairs."

    Kallen overheard the conversation and walked over to Kairi and Lucina before asking with five cigars stuffed in her mouth. "Wait a minute, I don't recall seeing you around here before. Infact you shouldn't even be aware of us." Lucina blinked before she said. "Well, actually I am a member just as much as you are and could tell C.C. about this." Kallen glared at Lucina before she said. "If you really are a member and even know C.C. then prove yourself." Lucina then stood up and looked at Kallen telling her. "Alright dragon, I'll prove it to you." With quick agility Lucina quickly bolted across the room and grabbed the cigars from Dawn's mouth surprising Dawn as Lucina put them in her mouth and took a puff from them. Kallen was just as surprised as everyone else was before she said. "I guess you really are one of us...although those were Dawn's" Lucina looked at Dawn before taking them out of her mouth and handing them back to her as she said. "Sorry about that." Dawn smiled. "It's cool, besides you surprised me."

    ~Kai's House: Upper Floor~

    Kai walked up the stairs before entering her living room, her blue eyes looking around before she saw the short redhaired male on the couch, a swelling of emotions overcoming the girl as she glomped Aoi shouting. "Brother, it's really you!" Aoi started to stir, his blue eyes trying to focus on Kai as he whispered. "Saki, I'm trying to..." His eyes slowly opened completely as Aoi saw Kai hugging him before he hugged her back with tears in his eyes. "Saki, you're alive! You're really here!" Kai looked at Aoi with a tear in her eye. "I thought I had lost you forever that day...I still have the memory of it. But...welcome back, you've...missed a lot." Aoi smiled rubbing Kai's hair telling her. "And you've grown up to be beautiful." Kai slowly smiled. "Thank you, I had to get my eye replaced though." Aoi looked at Kai's robotic eye before he said. "Doesn't matter, you're still my cute, adorbs sister."​
  15. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Your family? That's the Jumpman family, yes?" She asked, intrigued.


    ~ Tokyo Cathedral ~

    "These are good words, I agree." Lusamine spoke. "I don't think I'd even consider doing anything to drive my Lillie and Gladion away, ever...The research I'm doing with Aether has been time-consuming, but I've been doing my best to make sure I have time with them. They're all I've got ever since my husband disappeared."

    Flintheart-17.png gabby.png hack.png slash.png

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    Immediately hearing this, Glomgold left from his spot at the window, approaching the dog. "What's this? Someone who despises McDuck as much as I do?" He grinned. "You've got my attention!"
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Minato District: Wolverine and Yukio's Home~


    After preparing tea for herself and Logan, Yukio placed two teacups on a tray, and carried them over to Logan, who was reading a newspaper while relaxing at the sofa in the living room. "Thanks, Yukio," Logan thanked Yukio as he was given his teacup. As Yukio was about to drink her tea, she began to have a really bad feeling all of a sudden, feeling a bit nauseous. "Yukio, are you alright?" Logan asked as Yukio placed her hand over her forehead. "I-I'm fine," Yukio responded as she took a sip of her tea.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Dr. Fennhoff's Office~


    "Dr. Fennhoff... you wanted to see me, sir?" Castiel asked as he peeked into Fennhoff's office, knocking on the door. "Ah, yes, Castiel, come in, come in," Dr. Fennhoff replied as Castiel entered the office, "Is Orchid with you?" "No, actually, I was going to see her after this," Castiel answered. "I see," Dr. Fennhoff, "Please, have a seat. And close the door." Nodding, Castiel did as he was told, closing the door behind him and then taking a seat in front of Fennhoff's desk. "Now then, let's talk..." Dr. Fennhoff said.




    Brock Rumlow was walking back and forth, growing a bit impatient as he waiting for Kotal Kahn to meet him the alleyway after contacting him earlier. "Brock Rumlow, isn't it?" Kahn said as he arrived to the alleyway...


    "I got your message," Kahn continued. "Yeah, thanks for coming," Brock responded, "Listen, something's come up. You wanna help the J.I.A. out? Well we've got a target for you and your guys to take care of." "I'm listening," Kahn said. "The Rising Tide. They were a group that we thought we could trust. But we got some pretty shocking information about them," Rumlow lied, "If they're not dealt with quick, they could strike and kill many innocent guys." "I see..." Kotal Kahn pondered out loud, "Send me the location, and my group will deal with it. Though D'Vorah is away somewhere. Nevertheless, we'll still have enough strength to deal with the Rising Tide." "Alright, I'll have someone send you the location," Rumlow replied. "Thank you," Kahn thanked Brock Rumlow, nodding before he left. But as he watched Kahn walk away, Brock Rumlow grinned at how he was able to easily trick Kahn into having his group battle the Rising Tide.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    Smiling, Yang replied, "Good. Your heart is exactly where it should be, and that's all I wanted to hear. Have a good day, sister." As he walked away, Yang noticed a tabloid newspaper on the floor. Picking it up, he noticed an article with a very blurry photograph taken several months ago of some mysterious creature flying over Hong Kong. "Hmph, do people really believe these silly stories from publications like this?" Yang wondered to himself out loud as he threw the tabloid paper away in the recycle bin.


    ~Glomgold Ice Cream~


    "Bueno, bueno," the Taco Bell Dog happily replied, "Let's have a seat at one of your tables so I can discuss a certain... proposition. My name is the Taco Bell Dog by the way, and I am the President and CEO of the Taco Bell global fast-food chain."


    ~The United Nations Building - General Assembly Hall~


    As T'Chaka stood around, watching as other world leaders were walking in and talking with each other, he noticed one of his Kimoyo Beads was flashing, indicating that Okoye, leader of the Dora Milaje (an elite group of female bodyguards and royal security of the king of Wakanda), was trying to contact him. Tapping on the bead that was flashing, an earpiece in T'Chaka's right ear activated, putting him in contact with Okoye. "I know what you are going to say," T'Chaka said...


    "I was told that you refused to have security around you," Okoye's voice told the king of Wakanda through his earpiece, "My king, you know I respect every decision you make. But this is reckless!" "Okoye, Okoye... you worry too much," T'Chaka replied, chuckling, "Relax. This is a simple summit. It'll be over soon. And then, I'll allow security to watch over me once again." "Fine. But please take my advice and never do this again," Okoye pleaded. "Very well Okoye, I will," T'Chaka responded as he tapped on the flashing bead, ending his call with Okoye.


    ~Moon Palace~


    A beeping noise was heard from the holographic letter Mewtwo left for Zedd and Rita months ago, indicating someone from the Crystal Order was trying to make contact. Walking over to it, Thrax picked it up, and a hologram of Toffee from the J.I.A. appeared...


    "Thrax, I presume?" Thrax asked. "That's right," Thrax responded. "A pleasure to meet you," Toffee said, "My name is Toffee, and I'm with the Crystal Order. I am relaying a message to you from my superiors... Zordon is ready to be extracted." Hearing what Toffee just told brought a huge grin to Thrax, who responded, "At last... I'll be down soon."


    ~The United Nations Building - Private Room~


    In a dark private room in the United Nations building, King Candy, Prince Demande, Prince Saphir, and Laureano de Torres y Ayala were all gathered around a hologram of Al Mualim, who was communicating to them what would happen next. "With the exception of Saxon, every world leader has arrived to the building, my lord," Torres informed Al Mualim. "You have all done well," Al Mualim responded, "Soon, you will be all that remains of Earth's old governments. After Order 66 has been initiated, Master Xehanort will arrive to the United Nations building. He will then take care of all the other leaders." "Yes, my lord," Demande said as he and the others silently bowed as the hologram went offline. "Well, we better go to the general assembly hall before any of the others suspect anything," Candy commented as he and Torres exited the room. "Of course," Demande replied as he began following them before stopping and turning around to face Saphir, "And as promised, no harm will come to Elsa or her sister." Saphir didn't even respond, remaining silent as he stared at his brother for a bit before exiting the room. Sighing, Demande finally exited the room, following the others.


    ~Command Center~


    The Command Center erupted with the sound of the alarm, indicating there was an emergency. "Aye-yi-yi! What is it this time?!" Alpha cried. "Alpha, we're getting a call!" Navi exclaimed as she, Alpha, and Zordon turned their attention to a large monitor in the center, which displayed a video call by Gideon Malick, a member of the J.I.A.'s World Security Council...


    "Zordon, we've got some important news," Gideon told Zordon, "Astral and many of its S-type followers have been spotted in a cliff in the shores of Madagascar. We figure now may be the best and possibly only time to deal with this threat once and for all. And just to be safe, I suggest sending all of your warriors there." "Aye-yi-yi, all of 43 them?!" Alpha cried. "We must make sure this threat is taken care of, Alpha," Zordon replied, "And the more resistance there is to Astral and its S-types, the quicker and easier this threat will be dealt with." "I'm glad we agree, Zordon," Giedon Malick said, "I'll contact you later." Once the video call with Malick then came to an end, Navi said, "So what are we waiting for? Let's get everyone!" "Alright," Alpha replied as he pressed several buttons, attempting to contact every one of Zordon's warriors who have a communicator.


    ~Xehanort and Hiccup's Dorm~


    Having just returned from the funeral for Gaston, Trixie, and Yen Sid... Hiccup was lying in his bed, wondering where Xehanort was, as well as many other things. As he sighed, Hiccup heard his communicator beep. "This is Hiccup," Hiccup answered his communicator...


    "Aye-yi-yi! Hiccup, we've got major S-type trouble all the way in Madagascar!" Alpha's voice replied from the communicator, "A large number of S-types, including their leader, Astral! Zordon says it's now or never. So he's sending everyone there." "Everyone, huh? Well, send me the coordinates so I can teleport there, Alpha," Hiccup said, "Let's finish off these S-type scum."


    ~Tsukino Household - Roof~


    As it continued to rain, Rini was sitting alone on the roof, holding an umbrella to protect herself from the rain while Luna-P was floating around her, watching the rainy Tokyo skyline in the distance. Just then, she noticed Mewtwo teleporting next to her, sitting under the rain...


    "I sense you've been busy lately," Mewtwo told Rini. "Yeah... a friend of mine was hurt pretty bad, and the Crystal Order's looking for him, so my family's going to take care of him now," Rini replied. "The Crystal Order is searching for him? I suppose he must be a thorn on their side if they're actively looking for him," Mewtwo wondered out loud. "Yeah... something about knowing their secrets... I didn't really understand it much to be honest," Rini replied, "Anyway, I don't think we can do anything with our mission today, Mewtwo." "I understand. Things are pretty tense as they are right now," Mewtwo said, "But... there is something I would like to know... before we resume with what you came to the past to do." "What is it, Mewtwo?" Rini asked. "When I first met you... you mentioned that there is someone out there who is behind the great darkness that you mentioned," Mewtwo replied, "Do you know who this person is?" Nodding, Rini replied, "Yes. And in the future, you told me that he was a member of the Crystal Order, just like you once were." "Wait... did you say... he was with the Crystal Order?" Mewtwo questioned Rini, surprised by this revelation. "Uh-huh," Rini replied. "What was this person's name, Rini?" Mewtwo questioned, "Who is he?" "His name is Master Xehanort," Rini replied, "He's the one responsible for what happens in the future." Mewtwo's heart sank upon hearing what Rini revealed to him, thinking back to the few moments he encountered Xehanort, how he felt something didn't seem right with him. 'All this time... he was the one Rini was after?!' Mewtwo thought to himself. "Mewtwo... are you okay?" Rini asked, noticing Mewtwo didn't speak a word for almost a minute. "I... I have to go," Mewtwo said as he quickly teleported away. "Huh... what was that all about?" Rini wondered out loud.


    ~Team Rocket Hideout~


    An explosion rocked the Team Rocket hideout, forcing Jessie, James, Meowth, Giovanni, and his Persian to run towards the hall where the sound of the explosion originated from. Once they arrived, they were stunned by what they saw...


    In the hall were Attila, Hun, Cassidy, and Butch... four ex-members of Team Rocket who were now allied with the Crystal Order. Around them were rubble, and the bodies of dead Team Rocket grunts. "Y-you did this?" James questioned. "More or less," Attila answered. "You monsters," Meowth angrily said. "I didn't want to believe it when you told us," Jessie tearfully added, "But seeing it with my own eyes... I don't know you anymore, Cassidy." "I do apologize if our methods are a bit too aggressive for you," Hun said. "Hey there, ex-boss. Been a while, ain't it?" Attila greeted Giovanni. "Traitors!" Giovanni yelled, "What are you doing here?" "Today, the old world dies," Cassidy replied. "And to do that, we're gonna have to take down the old institutions with it... including Team Rocket," Butch added. "What in blazes are you talking about?!" Giovanni angrily questioned. "It's quite simple," Hun replied, "Today is the day the Crystal Order finally succeeds, the day we claim the Earth for our own and vanquish every single enemy of ours, whether they be actual enemies, or even potential ones... such as Team Rocket." "If you wish to get rid of Team Rocket, then it'll be over my dead body!" Giovanni declared. "That can be arranged," Cassidy replied. "Not if we have anything to say about it!" James declared. "We'll battle you with everything we've got before letting anything happen to the boss!" Jessie added. "You tell 'em, guys!" Meowth commended his two best friends. "So you two wanna battle? Alright then. You've got it," Attila replied before shifting his attention to Cassidy and Butch, "You two wanna take care of this?" "It'll be our pleasure," Butch told Attila as he and Cassidy prepared themselves for a Pokemon battle against Jesse and James. As he watched, Giovanni was feeling rather heartened by the deep loyalty Jessie, James, and Meowth had for him, surprised that he was feeling this way. 'Amazing... maybe I was too harsh on them all this time, and never really saw how loyal those three were to team Rocket,' Giovanni thought to himself.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Alexander Pierce's Office~


    Looking out his window, Alexander Pierce watched as the J.I.A.'s three large airships (called Helicarriers) took off, ready to what they were designed to do. "As one world falls, another takes its place," Pierce said to himself, grinning.


    ~Bridge Leading to the NATO HQ - Tokyo~



    Slowly marching towards the headquarters of the largest military alliance of the world, a large army of Cybermen were led by Master Xehanort front and center, who had his face concealed with a hood while leading them towards the building. Looking at the building in front of him, Xehanort was consumed by an anger he's been harboring since the deaths of Gaston and Trixie, and was ready to unleash it to complete the Crystal Order's goals. Meanwhile, halfway across the world in Syria...


    ~Outskirts of Aleppo, Syria~


    As a battle raged between government forces and the Free Syrian Army rebels, with heavy gunfire coming from both sides, Sam Wilson was flying high above the battle with his mechanical wings on his back, shooting at government forces while throwing a grenade at one of the government forces' tanks. Eventually, Sam returned to the rebels' base, meeting up with fellow J.I.A. agent Juhani Otso Berg...


    "Berg, call Riad, and tell him to send reinforcements. It looks like the government forces are retreating," Wilson told Berg. "Very good, Sam," Juhani replied, "I'll let him know right away." "Thank you, Berg," Sam thanked Berg, "Now let's get a move on, we've got a battle to win here!" "Yes, sir," Juhani replied as he watched Sam walk away. As Sam left, Juhani felt his phone vibrate. Taking it out of his pocket, Berg answered, "Berg speaking."


    "Agent Berg," Director Pierce's voice replied as Juhani listened closely to what the J.I.A. director had to say, "It's time. Execute Order 66." Grinning, Berg said, "It'll be done, Director." As he hung up his phone, Berg started to look for Sam Wilson...
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
  17. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~

    "Well yeah, I mean we are their children after all. My name is Mario and that's my brother Luigi." Mario started as he pointed at Rosalina. "And that's Rosalina, she's not related to us although it is a long story on how she ended up with us." Mario then realized something and shook his hands whispering. "But we're supposed to be dead right now and we can't have our enemies knowing we still live."

    ~Histoire's Residence~

    "Hello everyone." Histoire said as the old gang had assembled together including the Jumpman family. "You know why I called you all here." Compile nodded. "Of course, it has to do with Astral and by the way you wasn't good." Histoire shook her head rather dreadfully. "Yes...Astral has evolved." Deco merely scoffed. "Of course it has, it's the only S-Type with a working brain." Histoire looked at Deco before she said. "Not what I mean. Astral has become powerful to the point where it can smack Fujiko over here like she was a fly and her father-in-law sacrificed himself just to make Astral leave." Everyone then gasped loudly, Kamek muttering. "This isn't good, even we all know Fujiko's one of the strongest people in Japan and also that she learned a bit of her skills from Jumpman Sr." Goofy then shouted in panic. "What do we do!?" only for Donald to stand up and smack Goofy upside the head. Jumpman shook his head. "I don't know what we could do since if we can't stop it, then the kids wouldn't either." Felix was rubbing his head telling everyone. "Come on, there has to be a weakness somewhere." Everyone soon began to think.

    ~Kai's House~

    As Robin, Cynthia, Zone-Tan, and C.C. were on the deck chatting, the latter of the four started to have a bad feeling run down her spine making her freeze. Cynthia walked over and placed her arm around the green-haired girl asking. "Something wrong, bae?" C.C. blinked before she said. "I have a very bad feeling in the pits of my stomach that a fight will break out here soon." Cynthia looked at C.C. and said. "Usually you're never wrong with your intuitions, if a fight is really about to break out here, what do we do?" C.C. started to think turning around with a finger on her chin. "Saki and Aoi need to get downstairs, considering the fight at Vector I don't think Aoi would be recovered enough to fight. Send anyone else who can't fight downstairs and lock the place down." Zone-Tan looked at her before she brought up. "You know Saki can fight too." C.C. then added. "Yes, but someone needs to be down there in case someone would happen to get past us and break down the barricade, we can't have casualties...especially with people that can't fight. After all that would go against our code of honor."

    "Then what do you suppose we do then?" Robin asked looking at the three. "Considering you all developed your group based on our old Shittenou, you would still need a way to fight off whatever is coming." C.C. then opened the door telling them. "We'll have to improvise for now.." The green haired girl went inside and walked up to Kai and Aoi asking the male. "Hey, are you able to atleast walk?" Aoi looked into her golden eyes as he said. "I should be able to walk, why do you ask?" C.C. then bluntly stated. "There are people coming here who intend to start a fight and considering you're not fully recovered from our fight...I don't want to take risks. You and your sister need to get downstairs to safety." Aoi nodded before Kai helped him up and the two started downstairs. C.C. soon briskly followed them.

    Once downstairs, the green-haired girl shouted. "Stop the celebration! We have urgent matters to attend to right now." Everyone looked at her before Hikaru asked. "Is something wrong?" C.C. looked at Hikaru before she said. "Someone or something is coming here and intends to fight us." Samus rolled her eyes as she asked. "Alright, who exposed us?" C.C. then stated. "Nobody exposed us, I know you all wouldn't do that." Dawn placed a hand on her hip asking. "So, what's your plan then?" C.C. then explained. "Anyone who isn't a fighter needs to head downstairs, some of us will also head downstairs to serve as defense in the event of the barricade being broken down, the rest of us will head outside in order to deal with what's coming."

    "I would like to help downstairs..." Kairi merely said looking at C.C. before Kallen said. "Well, I can't let Kairi go alone." Hikaru nodded placing her arms around Ryoko and Izumi's shoulders. "Mhm, we're going too!" C.C. smiled. "Alright, you all and Kai should be enough to hold down the fort. Everyone else...outside!" With that the group soon split up.

    As they went down the stairs, Kairi looked at Kallen and asked. "Thanks, but why would you come to help me rather than help C.C. outside? You're a lot tougher than I am." Kallen smiled. "That's precisely why, I am tougher than you." Kairi looked at Kallen before Kallen said. "Look, you and Kai are rather alike and had normal lives before involving yourselves in our fights, infact I owe Kai for helping me when I was trying to live with only one arm. My point is that not all of us were exactly in the best place." Kairi blinked before she asked. "Do you view me as weak?" Kallen's eyes shot open before she said "Hell no, I mean you tried to smoke fourteen cigars at once and even stood up against the S-Types. Crap like that is something a weak person would never do." Kairi blushed a bit laughing as she said. "I failed the first thing you said though." Kallen smirked. "Just trust me."

    When they got down there, they saw Kai standing against a wall as she said. "Aoi and Futaba are in the next room waiting." The girls then stood waiting as Kai pressed a button nearby causing a metal wall to lower blocking the exit. Kai and Kairi soon sat next to one another in silence.

    ~Outside Kai's House~

    C.C., Cynthia, Zone-Tan, and the rest of the Rising Tide and their allies stood outside in the rain awaiting what was to come.​
  18. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "Mario, Luigi and Rosalina...yes, I've heard of you three. I've seen you around the school but we've never spoken..." Pauline replied, nodding with understanding.

    Flintheart-17.png gabby.png hack.png slash.png

    ~ Glomgold Ice Cream ~

    "A pleasure t' meet ya!" Glomgold spoke, taking his hat off briefly with a bow. "And of course I am interested in your proposition. Anything to knock McDuck down a few pegs!" He quickly looked at his three henchmen. "You three! Make yerselves useful and go make me and this fine gentleman some of out finest ice cream! And quickly!"

    Hack, Slash and Gabby glared at the duck, before making their way to the backroom to make their ice cream, grumbling to themselves as they did.


    ~ Tokyo Cathedral ~

    Noticing what Yang had said, Lusamine walked over and took the paper from the bin. "I suppose I should see what nonsense the tabloids are saying no-" She was cut off as soon as her eyes lay on the creature pictured in the article. Her grip on the article tightened as she took a seat, beginning to read it with full attention.

    'Strange Creature Sighted Over Hong Kong'

    A strange, alien being was sighted months ago flying above the skies of Hong Kong. Witnesses described the creature as 'a jellyfish-like being with graceful, drifting movements'. One witness managed to snap this picture of the creature as it made it's way across the city sky. Although no reports of the creature attacking citizens were made, the Chinese government has still advised it's citizens to exercise caution around it...and to report any future sightings.

    Many speculate the creature's appearance may be related to the strange 'hole' spotted in the sky shortly before the creature's sighting.
    As Lusamine read through the article, she read the mention of the strange 'hole' with interest.
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Glomgold Ice Cream~


    "Muchas gracias, Señor Glomgold," the Taco Bell Dog thanked Glomgold, "Now... for the proposition I mentioned. Have you ever heard of the Lost City of Atlantis? Supposedly, it is a city from an ancient civilization containing riches beyond our wildest dreams. If the legends are true, a pathway to this city will become available when it snows on the Drake Barrier Reef. And... I heard meteorologists recently say that they expect it will snow there sometime during winter for the first time in 50 years. Can you imagine the look on McDuck's face when we find treasure that makes him look poor by comparison?"


    ~The Alps Mountain Range - Outside Castle Oblivion~


    Teleporting halfway across the world to Castle Oblivion, Mewtwo floated towards the entrance, and started banging on the doors, yelling, "Discord! I need to talk! It's an emergency!" Opening one of the doors, Discord noticed his friend, surprised by his appearance...


    "Mewtwo? What's wrong?" Discord asked. "We need to talk," Mewtwo replied. "Umm, sure... come in," Discord said, allowing Mewtwo to enter Castle Oblivion.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters)~


    As B. Orchid was walking in the hallway, she noticed Castiel up ahead, approaching her...


    "Castiel, morning!" Orchid greeted Castiel. Castiel, however, didn't say a word in response, simply staring at B. Orchid's eyes as he stood close to her. "Is... something wrong?" B. Orchid asked Castiel, noticing tears were rolling down his face from his eyes, "Castiel... what's wrong?" "I-I'm sorry..." Castiel replied as the two suddenly heard a gunshot. Gasping, B. Orchid realized she was shot. Looking down, she saw it was Castiel who shot her, pointing his gun towards her torso. As she was starting to lose her breath, B. Orchid was shaking and starting to cry, before collapsing to the floor and dying. As Castiel stared at B. Orchid's deceased body on the floor, Dr. Fennhoff approached him from behind...


    "Good, good..." Fennhoff commended Castiel as he patted him on his shoulder, glad to see that his mind control worked on him, "I know it was hard, but soon you'll learn that it was for the best. What's next... we'll see. But know that we have much use for you." "Yes, sir," Castiel responded as he faced Fennhoff, "H-Hail the Crystal Order." Grinning, Dr. Fennhoff also said, "Hail the Crystal Order."


    ~Outside Kai's House~


    While they were rendered invisible by Reptile's abilities so they wouldn't be noticed, Kotal Kahn and his group were walking towards the address they were given by the J.I.A. "There it is," Reptile commented. "And some of them are outside, possibly guarding others members of the Rising Tide inside," Dean Ambrose added. "Hmph... these criminals think they're ready for any attack, do they? Well, we'll show them," Kotal Kahn declared as he raised his right arm, looking at the cloudy sky, "It might be a while before I'm able to harness power from the sun. But I have just enough in me to deliver a surprise attack to their base of operations." Focusing all of his solar energy, Kotal summoned a ray of light above Kai's house. The ray then zoomed towards Kai's house, causing an enormous blast and engulfing almost the entire building in flames. "Now!" Ermac yelled as Reptile made the group visible to C.C. and the others. Using his telekinetic powers, Ermac lifted C.C. and the others into the air before slamming them hard on the ground. Meanwhile, Erron Black, being the expert gunslinger that he is, quickly shot at any weapons C.C. and the others had, causing them to fly away from their owners, including C.C.'s lightsaber, which landed near Dean. Picking it up, Ambrose examined the lightsaber, commenting, "Hmm, this might come in handy." "Rising Tide," Katal Kahn told C.C. and the others, "I do not wish to harm you any further. Surrender now, confess to the crimes you were planning to commit, and I promise to hand you over to the authorities in a peaceful manner."


    ~Team Rocket Hideout~




    Cassidy & Butch
    Former Team Rocket Grunts

    "Go, Arbok!" Jessie cried as she threw a Pokeball into the air. "You too, Weezing!" James added, throwing his Pokeball into the air as well...


    "Charbok!" Jessie's Arbok cried as it came out of its Pokeball along with Weezing. "Weezing-weez," Weezing added. Grinning, Cassidy and Butch sent out Pokeballs of their own into the air as well, with Cassidy's Charizard and Butch's Blaziken coming out of them...


    Cassidy and Butch didn't waste their time as their Pokemon came out, quickly getting them to Mega Evolve by tapping on the Key Stone on their Mega Ring. Charizard and Blaziken then began to Mega Evolve, with Charizard becoming Mega Charizard Y, and Blaziken becoming Mega Blaziken...


    "Weezing, Sludge Bomb attack, now!" James ordered his Weezing. "Weezing-weez!" Weezing cried as it spit out sludge towards Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blaziken, who both dodged the attack. "Blaziken, knock that Weezing down!" Butch ordered his Blaziken. Nodding in response, Mega Blaziken jumped towards Weezing, delivering a Sky Uppercut attack, and then kicking Weezing back down with a powerful Blaze Kick move. "Weez..." the exhausted Weezing muttered on the floor. "Weezing!" James cried, worried for his Pokemon. "Grr, Arbak, attack!" Jessie ordered her Arbok. "CHARBOK!" Arbok cried as it rushed towards Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blaziken, trying to attack them with a Crunch attack. The two Pokemon, however, were able to easily dodge the incoming attack. "Charizard, use Dragon Claw, then finish it off with Flamethrower!" Cassidy ordered her Charizard. Mega Charizard Y roared in response as it flew towards Arbok, slashing it with its claws and then blasting it with flames. "Char..." whimpered as it collapsed. "Arbok!" Jessie cried. "Finish them off," Hun ordered Butch and Cassidy. "Right," both Butch and Cassidy as they simply snapped their fingers, indicating to their Pokemon to finish off Arbok and Weezing. "No!" both Jessie and James cried as Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blaiken were about to deliver killing blows. Clenching his paws, Meowth thought to himself, 'Not on my watch...' Rushing towards Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blaziken, Meowth let out a battle cry as he used a Scratch attack on their faces, causing them to stop in their tracks and cover their faces, crying in pain. "Meowth... you saved them!" James commended Meowth as he landed. "You're a hero, Meowth!" Jessie added. "Yeah, I have my moments," as he brushed his shoulders off. "Hey, what's the big idea?!" Butch complained. "You're not part of this battle!" Cassidy added. "Well, ya know what they say... all's fair in love and war," Meowth replied, shrugging. Cassidy and Butch angrily watched as Arbok and Weezing recovered a bit. "Arbok, Weezing... now's your chance!" Jessie told Arbok and Weezing as she noticed that Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blaziken were still distracted by their scratched faces. "Give it all you've got!" James added. Nodding, Arbok and Weezing rushed towards their opponents. "CHARBOK!" Arbok cried as it hit its opponents with a Poison Sting attack, poisoning them. "Weezing-weez," Weezing cried as it attacked both its opponents with a strong Tackle attack. Combined with their poison status, Weezing's attack left Mega Charizard Y and Mega Blaziken weakened, who backed up as Arbok and Weezing finally got the upper hand. "Heh, we got this!" Meowth cheered. "Indeed, Meowth," James concurred, "Now then, Wee-" "Hold it right there!" a mysterious voice ordered James from behind. Turning around Jessie, James, and Meowth noticed Xigbar standing behind Giovanni, pointing his two Arrowguns at the Team Rocket leader and his Persian...


    "Heh, you made it," Attila told Xigbar, "'Bout time!" "Yeah, sorry I'm late to the party. Traffic, what can you do?" Xigbar responded as he shifted his attention back to Jessie and James, "Now you two are gonna summon your Pokemon back into your Pokeballs, and step back while placing your hands on your heads. Got it?" Looking at each other silently, Jessie, James, and Meowth figured that if they don't listen, Xigbar could kill Giovanni. Sighing, Jessie and James both returned Arbok and Weezing back into their Pokeballs, then placed their hands on their heads along with Meowth as the three slowly backed away.


    ~Madagascar - Cliff~


    Teleporting all the way to Madagascar from Japan, all of Zordon's warriors gathered on top of a cliff, ready to deal with the S-type Zordon sent them to deal with. The warriors included:

    Katniss Everdeen (and her Pikachu, Haymitch), Hiccup (and his dragon, Toothless), Takeru Tenkuji, Hikari, Ron, Harry Potter, Lily Potter, James Potter, Nala, Dante, Simba, Sirius, Remus, Fang, Masaru, Philip, Eiji Hino, Ahim de Famille, Luka Millfy, Don Dogoiser, Basco ta Jolokia, Tommy Oliver, Thomas Oliver, Kimberly Ann Hart, Billy Cranston, Ankh, Kengo Utahoshi, Tsukasa Kadoya, Gentaro Kisaragi, Shotaro Hidari, Ryotaro Nogami, Captain Marvelous, Joe Gibken, Gai Ikari, Kira, Emma, Gia, Troy, Noah, Jake, Orion, and Hikaru.

    "Time's up, evildoers!" Hiccup declared as he arrived with all the others. However, upon arriving, Zordon's warriors didn't find any sign of life in the cliff besides themselves. "That's odd..." Jake commented. "Are you sure we're in the right place?" Kimberly questioned. "Hey Alpha... are those coordinates correct?" Tommy asked Alpha through his communicator...


    "Affirmative, Tommy," Alpha's voice responded on Tommy's communicator, "I double and triple checked. You are definitely in the right place." "If that's the case, then where are the bad guys?" Dante wondered out loud as he and the others were looking around. Suddenly Katniss noticed something in the sky approaching them. "What's that?" Katniss questioned as she pointed to the object in the sky. As the object got closer to them, Lily recognized it as a J.I.A. Helicarrier. "Don't worry, everyone," Lily assured everyone, "That airship's an ally of ours."


    ~J.I.A. Helicarrier - Madagascar Sky~


    In the interior of the Helicarrier, Vanitas and Hive watched as the Helicarrier neared Zordon's warriors below. "Look at them..." Vanitas commented, "They actually think this airship is friendly. Pathetic. They'll soon learn that allying with Zordon was the biggest mistake of their sad, miserable lives. Blast them into oblivion, especially those two... Katniss and Hiccup." "Of course," Hive responded as he turned to face the J.I.A. agents operating the Helicarrier, "Eliminate the threat below us."


    ~Madagascar - Cliff~


    Back in the cliff, Zordon's warriors watched as the Helicarrier began to point its guns towards them. "Lily... are you sure that ship's an ally?" Sirius questioned. However, before Lily could even give a reply, the Helicarrier started firing towards Zordon's warriors. "RUN FOR IT!" Billy yelled as Zordon's warriors started to run away, trying to evade the Helicarrier's powerful gunfire. As Hiccup was running with Toothless, he thought he heard Katniss calling for help. Turning around, he and Toothless noticed that Katniss had tripped near the edge of the cliff, and was struggling to get up, with Haymitch desperately trying to help her up. "Oh, no, Katniss! I'm coming for ya!" Hiccup cried as he and Toothless rushed towards Katniss and Haymitch. "I gotcha!" Hiccup told Katniss as he reached her and quickly helped her up, "Let's get out of here!" However, before any of them could escape, the edge of the cliff near them was blasted by gunfire, causing Hiccup, Toothless, Katniss, and Haymitch to fall off the cliff. "PIKAA!!!!" Haymitch cried as he and the other three fell into the ocean...

    *Cue Order 66 Montage Sequence!*


    ~Dick Grayson's Home~


    As Dick was sitting with Bruce Wayne in the living room, the two noticed a J.I.A. Helicarrier in the air outside their window, shooting at them with its guns. "Dick, run!" Bruce yelled as Dick got up and tried to run away, getting under a table as soon as he noticed the ceiling beginning to crack. As he got under, however, Dick watched as the ceiling crashed down onto Bruce Wayne, killing him. "BRUCE!" Dick cried as the ceiling fell over him as well.


    ~Connor's Apartment - Living Room~


    As Connor was sitting in the couch while Achilles was making something for the two of them to eat, a J.I.A. Helicarrier was flying above their apartment, with the ship's guns firing towards it. "Achilles, get out of the way!" Connor cried. But it was too late, as the first blast quickly took Achilles' life, and Connor was stunned to see as it happened. "ACHILLES!" Connor cried as another blast sent Connor crashing towards the balcony, and falling down to a dumpster on the ground.


    ~Minato District: Wolverine and Yukio's Home~


    Yukio dropped her teacup to the floor, shattering into many pieces as Yukio felt something terrible inside her, the feeling that a very high number of individuals around the world were being killed simultaneously. The feeling was too much for her, causing Yukio to collapse as Logan rushed to her to see if she was okay.


    ~MI6 Jet~


    As M and Eugene were flying to Japan, they were shocked to see the plane was suddenly surrounded by several flying Cybermen...


    "Pilot, turn us around!" Eugene ordered the pilot. But it was too late, as the Cybermen all started to shoot at the plane with their blasters, causing the jet to explode and killing everyone inside.


    ~Vienna, Austria~


    While walking down the streets of Vienna, Austria, James Bond was suddenly pulled into an alley by Lash...


    The S-type wasted no time with Agent 007, quickly hitting his chest with a powerful energy blast that created a hole through his torso, instantly killing the MI6 agent.


    ~Streets of Tokyo~


    As Maya was driving Dan and Johnny Cage to the Triskelion, Javert was on the rooftop of a nearby building with a grenade launcher...


    Making sure his aim was perfect, Javert sent a grenade launching straight into Maya's car, smashing through the windshield, and exploding instantly, killing all three J.I.A. agents inside.


    ~Outskirts of Aleppo, Syria - Free Syrian Army Base~


    As the battle between the Syrian government forces and the rebel forces continued, Sam Wilson was discussing military strategy with Syrian rebel leader, Riad Mousa al-Asaad. Little did the two know that Juhani Otso Berg was sneaking behind them with the intent to kill...


    As Sam's discussion with Riad continued, he noticed a shard of glass near them, showing what appeared to be Juhani Otso Berg walking towards them while holding a gun. Noticing this, Wilson quickly grabbed his gun, and shot at a gas barrel next to Berg, causing it to explode and send flames towards part of Berg's face. However, as Berg collapsed, he pulled the trigger on his gun, which hit Riad's leg. As Riad was screaming in pain from his leg wound, Sam Wilson helped him up, saying, "Don't worry, I gotcha." The two then quickly got out of the area.


    ~NATO HQ - Computer Room~


    Sonya Blade tried her best to defend the ever important computer room in the NATO headquarters, continually shooting at Master Xehanort as he approached her. Xehanort, however, easily deflected every bullet that was coming to him with his Keyblade. once he got close to her, Master Xehanort delivered a mighty slash that ended Sonya's life. Once that was done, he walked over to the main computer, plugging in the flash drive Harold Saxon gave him earlier, and watched as a virus was instantly uploaded to the network, grinning. As a result of this, the virus quickly spread to the defense network of every country in the world, causing every nuclear arsenal to launch all the way into space, while every other non-nuclear missile would be launched towards every military base, ship, and airfield in the world, decimating the military of every country in the world in a matter of seconds.


    ~Bridge Leading to the NATO HQ - Tokyo~


    Flying towards the NATO headquarters after noticing from a distance that the building was in flames, Celestia noticed Cybermen guarding the entrance...


    "What's going on here?" the member of parliament questioned as she landed and saw a group of Cybermen approach her, "Who are you?" "There has been a plot against Japan," one of the Cybermen responded, holding out its hand, signalling Celestia to halt, "We have been sent here by orders of the prime minister, Harold Saxon." "Saxon?" a surprised Clestia wondered out loud. "Do not worry, the situation is under control," the same Cyberman responded as Celestia was trying to get through, with the Cyberman raising its blaster towards the pony, "I am sorry, but it is time for you to leave." "And so it is..." Celestia said as she turned around, ready to leave. However, as she was leaving, Celestia heard a gunshot from near the building, with a Cyberman exclaiming, "Get him!" Turning around, she saw Arno Dorian trying to fight his way out with his gun...


    However, his gun was useless, as its bullets had absolutely no effect on the Cybermen. The Cybermen then pointed their blasters towards Arno, blasting and killing him instantly. "No!" Celestia cried as she witnessed what happened, quickly flying away. "Let her go," one of the Cybermen told the others.


    ~Command Center~


    "Aye-yi-yi! I've lost all contact with them!" Alpha cried as contact with all of Zordon's warriors was lost, "And not just with their communicators. Zords, the Galleon... everything's offline!" "Keep trying Alpha," Zordon ordered Alpha. Just then, Alpha, Navi, and Zordon noticed the Command Center's entrance open. In came Gideon Malick and Toffee...


    "Gideon Malick, I did not expect you here," Zordon told Gideon. "Sorry I came in uninvited, but I brought with me someone who would very much like to meet you," Malick responded. A third figure then arrived from the entrance, revealed to be none other than Thrax...


    "Hello, Zordon," Thrax greeted Zordon, grinning. Zordon and Navi were so shocked they couldn't say a word. As for Alpha, he exclaimed, "Aye-yi-yi! What's the big idea, bringing Zedd and Rita's son here?!" Without responding with a word, Gideon took out his gun and shot Alpha, knocking the robot down. Shrieking, Navi tried to fly away, but was grabbed by Toffee's prehensile tail, asking her, "Going somewhere?" "Malick, how could you?" a distraught Zordon questioned, "You betrayed the J.I.A., and your world?" "Oh, Zordon... there's so much you don't know," Gideon responded, "The J.I.A. as you know it has come to an end. I'm with Crystal Order, and so is a big chunk of the J.I.A. We've been infiltrating the agency for years, and finally, we're taking complete control of not only the agency, but the world. And that means getting rid as much as we can of the old world as possible... including your own warriors, who, at this moment, I believe are trying to run for their lives from a surprise attack by one of our Helicarriers." Angered by what he just heard, Zordon said, "You will not get away with this." "Oh, I think we already have," Malick responded, "Anyway, as part of the Crystal Order's alliance with Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa, we are to hand you over to them. And it looks like that transaction is finally going to be fulfilled. Enjoy your time on the Moon." Walking towards Zordon, Thrax placed a teleportation device on Zordon's chamber, telling him, "I've been waiting for this moment for so long." Thrax then teleported away with Zordon to the Moon. As for Alpha, he was still functioning, and overheard what was discussed. Quietly reaching for the controls, Alpha switched to a different frequency to communicate with Zordon's warriors, which was to be used only in extreme emergencies. Once Alpha realized that the emergency frequency was working, Alpha left a message for Zordon's warriors, stating, "Rangers... Riders... there's not much time to explain, but it's too dangerous to come back to the Command Center. And not even back to your homes. You're all being hunted down by a very strong enemy. Please, save yourselves, and hide anywhere across the Earth so that your lives won't be at risk. I hope we meet again someday, my friends, but if not, then it was a pleasure knowing each and every one of you." Once Alpha's transmission was complete, he noticed Gideon Malick walking to him. "Sending an emergency transmission to them, are you?" Malick questioned Alpha. "I'm trying to save as much of them as I can," Alpha responded, "You can deactivate me for good. I don't care." "Heh, pretty heroic... for a robot," Malick said as he pointed his gun to Alpha, "I might have to deactivate you for now. But don't worry. We can repair you easily. I'm sure we'll have use for you in the future." Malick then pulled the trigger, shooting Alpha, who collapsed as he went offline. "Alpha!" Navi cried as she saw what happened.
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Outside Kai's House~

    Seeing that the situation had intensified to a near-boiling point, the green haired woman looked behind her at the fire and then at Zone-Tan nodding. Zone-Tan quickly vanished away from the scene. C.C. looked back at Kahn and the ones who had taken advantage of her and her family before raising her hands up and stepped forward explaining. "You come all the way over to my home, blast it with a beam of solar energy, and then smack us around like we're nothing and yet you claim we, WE of all people would commit acts of injustice against the people of this planet. That would go against everything that we stand and fight even goes against our code." C.C. then lowered her hands as Zone-Tan came out of a portal with Namine, Futaba, and everyone else who was down below before C.C. said. "However, despite being born from Star Road, I view myself as a citizen of this planet and reasonable enough to understand where you are coming at...and as such I am willing to talk to prove our innocence on the grounds that you only take me and not the others, some of them aren't capable of fighting and some aren't even members to begin with." C.C. looked at Kotal Kahn with stern golden eyes, her mind actually rather calm despite the situation.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    "Yeah, we're just kind of crazy with our school lives, club duties and other things." Mario merely stated rubbing his head as Luigi suggested. "We should probably get to somewhere inside since we didn't bring an umbrella."​
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