RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    -Flower Shop-

    Harold soon made his way back to the Flower Shop after parting with Medic and Lupin, taking with him some thoughts. "If Lupin mistakened me for Harry Potter, it's unclear if he's one of those Dumbledore followers." harold cosnidered, Lupin didn't seem too shocked but consdiering hsi sickly nature and a small reference about his furry problem, it meant he was likely a werewolf and that laws set by the Magicial Community stated half-breeds or those who truned, findign work was something of a comparison of a needle and haystack, this was probably due courtesy of what Harold read on the polics side of things of oen Dolores Jane Umbridge, judgign by what she put down, it's likely the woman didn't like what was unatural in her eyes, he never met the woman in persorn but actions did speak some volume.

    "I wonder... mayeb the Beast's transformation could be related as Animagus form or such... I'd have to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow and look up some materials in question." Harold said thoughtfully, while he did udnergo ANimagus transformation, he wasn't registered so eh coudl utilized some sneaking around as it would help him learn more, not to point of blackmail but rather, gaining insight and how to plan for something, he soon approached the Flower Shop.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Command Center-

    "Right," Harry said, teleporting away with his communicator while Hikaru took Go and drove to the Palace. The two entered the Tridoron, putting on their seat-belts and Mr. Belt in his space. Then Hikaru started, revving it and sped out to the Palace. Go held onto his seat, surprised that Hikaru was focusing on her driving and using the online map to get there, avoiding traffic and still obeying the road laws.

    -Imperial Palace-

    The trio all arrived at the same time, Hikaru and Go finding a parking spot and Harry coming in a spot from public view. He ran and looked at the people who had managed to come out, Hikaru also helped, having Go as her sign translator as she helped.

    "Grandpa! Chad

    -Flower Shop-

    "Ah, Harold." Aerith said, smiling as her black haired worker/roommate came. "I'm so happy you're back and safe. Wait a moment and I'll lock up the shop." She took out the key and went to the front door, locking it and changing the sign to closed. She walked up to the counter and grabbed the vase, she looked to Harold and said, "I'm just glad to know you're safe and away from that attack at the palace. Seems like a lot of dangerous stuff has been happening in Tokyo recently."

    -Tsukino Household-

    "Yes, I went with my friends and we had a good time there."
    Serena said, looking at her mother. "I knew he was a bit of selfish, a flirt, and Belle mostly ignored him, but hard to believe he's gone."

    -Darien's Dream-

    The strange young princess touched the locket and opened it, listening to the melody. She began to well up and cry, she said, 'Please, find me.....' Suddenly she held him as though she wouldn't see him again.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Crystal Order HQ: Al Mualim's Office~


    As Al Mualim and Vanitas were watching the news on a large screen on the wall, they noticed a Corridor of Darkness appear in the office, with Xehanort and Sunset Shimmer appearing out of it...


    "Huh... didn't expect you two to show up," Vanitas commented as the Corridor of Darkness disappeared. Noticing tears coming out of Sunset shimmer's eyes, and Xehanort looking visibly angry, Vanitas asked, "Is... something wrong?" "Gaston and Trixie are dead!" Xehanort replied as he glared at Al Mualim. "Wait... seriously? They're... actually dead?" a surprised Vanitas questioned. Sunset Shimmer quietly nodded as she kept weeping and wiping her tears away. "Yes... and it's all HIS fault!" Xehanort added as he pointed at Al Mualim. "And how is it my fault exactly?" Al Mualim questioned as he frowned at Xehanort. "You just had to plan it this way, DIDN'T YOU?!" Xehanort angrily questioned, "In the middle of a large crowd!" "Xehanort, I understand you're angry..." Al Mualim replied. "More than just angry," Xehanort interrupted Al Mualim, "I don't think there's even a word in the dictionary for what I'm feeling right now." "I am sorry to hear about what happened to Trixie and Gaston, Xehanort," Al Mualim replied, "But in order to accomplish tonight's victory, things like this were bound to happen. I expected you to have known this from the day you joined the brotherhood." Disgusted by what Al Mualim just said, Xehanort said, "So that's all that matters to you... victories... while lives of individuals like Gaston and Trixie mean nothing to you!" "I never said tha-" Al Mualim replied as he got up from his seat, only to be interrupted by the sight of Xehanort summoning his Keyblade, ready to attack him. "Xehanort..." Sunset Shimmer said as she approached her boyfriend, hoping to stop him from what she thought he would do. "Look, I get it... you're upset about Gaston and Trixie... but don't do anything stupid now..." Vanitas added, trying to calm Xehanort down as he slowly approached him. "You two, stay out of this!" Xehanort retorted as he snapped his fingers, with two Berserkers appearing and grabbing Vanitas and Sunset Shimmer from behind to prevent them from stopping Xehanort...


    As Xehanort shifted his attention back to Al Mualim, the Crystal Order leader said, "Don't do this, Xehanort. Ever since Eraqus brought you from the streets I've felt something unique about you, and I couldn't quite understand it. But after joining the brotherhood, I could finally see what it was... your enormous power. And I knew you were seeking answers for many things... especially on the mystery of the Keyblade." Without responding, Xehanort silently pointed his Keyblade closer to Al Mualim. "Are you going to kill me?" Al Mualim asked Xehanort. "I would certainly like to," Xehanort responded. "I know you would," Al Mualim said, "I can feel the darkness inside of you. It gives you focus. Makes you stronger. Go ahead then... strike me down. Do it!" As Xehanort and Al Mualim stared at each other silently for a while, Xehanort finally lowered his Keyblade, with the weapon disappearing from his hand as he told Al Mualim, "I'm going to turn you over to the authorities." Grinning, Al Mualim replied, "Of course you should. But you're not aware of what they'll do." "I guess we'll see then," Xehanort commented. "Then I won't stop you," Al Mualim replied, "I wish you the best of luck, Xehanort." Glaring at Al Mualim one last time, Xehanort turned around and walked away, snapping his fingers to make the Berserkers let Vanitas and Sunset Shimmer go free before disappearing. "Xehanort, wait!" Sunset Shimmer cried, rushing to Xehanort. But it was too late, as he left the area through a Corridor of Darkness, which quickly disappeared once he went through it. Still trying to make sense of what just happened, Vanitas questioned Al Mualim, "Seriously? You're just gonna let him go like that?" "Why shouldn't I?" Al Mualim asked Vanitas calmly as he sat down in his seat. "Do you realize that this could mean the end of the Crystal Order?!" Vanitas questioned once more. "I do," Al Mualim replied, "So I suggest you and Sunset Shimmer plan accordingly in case our enemies come for you." Vanitas couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was almost Al Mualim was giving up... too easily. As for Sunset Shimmer, she just stood silently, staring at the spot where the Corridor of Darkness that Xehanort went through was before disappearing, still distraught at what has happened to Gaston and Trixie, as well as to how Xehanort is reacting to the whole situation.


    ~Outside the Imperial Palace~


    Hearing Rei's familiar voice, Grandpa Hino and Chad noticed Rei was safe and sound. "Rei... oh thank goodness!" Grandpa cried. "Piplup!" Chad added as he and Grandpa rushed towards Rei, with the two hugging her tightly while they were crying. "I was worried something terrible might've happened to you!" Grandpa told his granddaughter as tears were rolling down his face. "Piplup, Piplup!" Chad added while his face was full of tears as well.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "... and school's cancelled tomorrow, so I guess I'll get to be with you the whole day," Rini told Darien as he remained asleep, explaining to him what just happened, "Still, everything about this worries me. I couldn't keep listening to the news anymore. Nothing but bad news. I just... really hope you'll wake up tomorrow so we can talk." Leaning towards Darien's head, Rini gave him a kiss on the forehead, telling him, "Goodnight, Darien." Walking back to a couch facing the spot where Darien lay, Rini sat down, wanting to watch over Darien for the night.


    ~Tsukino Household - Living Room~


    Switching the television off, Kenji commented, "I think that's enough drama for one day. Goodnight everyone." "Night, Dad," Sammy replied as he and his father both went to their rooms. Noticing Rini was watching over Darien in the room he was in, Ikuko told Serena, "Serena... since school is cancelled tomorrow, would you mind watching over our guest with Rini for the night? Oh, and one more thing..." Grabbing the bottle of antibiotics that Claire gave them from the kitchen counter, Ikuko handed it to Serena, adding, "And be sure to give him this once he wakes up, okay?"


    ~Darien's Dream~


    'Why does this... feel so familiar?' Darien thought to himself. "Find you? What do you mean?" Darien asked the mysterious princess, "Please, tell me so I could help you." Just then, he noticed a very bright portal appear near him and the princess. "What is that?" Darien wondered out loud as he approached the portal. "It looks like it leads somewhere," Darien commented. Holding out his hand to the princess, Darien asked, "Do you want to come with me?"


    ~Outside the Imperial Palace (again)~


    As Manon and Harry continued looking for Hiccup in the midst of the chaos, they heard Hiccup's voice calling out to them, saying, "Manon?" Looking to the direction of the voice, Manon and Harry found Hiccup along with Toothless...


    "Glad to see you guys are okay," Hiccup added as he approached Manon and her Pokemon, "I... heard what happened. Guess no school tomorrow." Manon simply stood silent, staring at Hiccup without even replying. "Is something wrong?" Hiccup asked Manon. Bursting into tears, Manon hugged Hiccup as she was wailing. "Hey, hey, it's okay. We're safe now. Don't you worry," Hiccup said as he and Harry tried to comfort Manon, while Toothless watched silently, feeling sorry for what Manon had to go through.


    ~Clemont's and Bonnie's Home~


    As Clemont and Bonnie (plus her Dedenne) continued watching the events as they were unfolding on television, Clemont felt his phone vibrate. Checking it, he noticed that he received a text from Manon, saying that Hiccup was alright. "Well, that's a relief," Clemont commented with a sigh of relief, "Hiccup's fine." Grabbing the TV's remote, Clemont shut the TV off, telling his sister, "It's getting late. School or no school tomorrow, it's still time for bed." "Alright," Bonnie replied as she started walking to her room while her Dedenne followed her. But before entering her room, Bonnie stopped, and asked Clemont, "Clemont... is everything going to be okay?" Realizing how worried Bonnie was about the situation, Clemont approached her, telling his sister, "Hey, don't worry about it. And no matter what happens, I'll always look out for you. Okay?" Smiling, Bonnie nodded in reply as she and Clemont shared a hug. "Good night," Bonnie told Clemont as she walked to her room. "Night, sis..." Clemont replied, sighing as he was trying to process what happened at the Imperial Palace. Walking over to his desk, he closed his Advanced Calculus textbook, commenting, "Guess I won't be have to worry about calculus tomorrow..."
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008


    "Mama-Mia..." Luigi mumbled as he slowly started to wake up in a grassy field that had a starry night sky. "I had the strangest dream as if we were fighting a monster in our school." Mario soon woke up adding. "Yeah, that was a strange dream." The two brothers then looked at their new surroundings before they noticed a lady in white standing near a clear lake with moonlight shining on it, her platinum blonde hair shining as it looked familiar to the brothers. Luigi soon ran over with Mario following shouting. "Rosalina! It's us!" The duo soon stopped when they looked at their reflection in the water, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of Tokyo in the pool.

    The two brothers were soon surprised when the woman turned around and greeted them with her rainbow eyes as she said calmly. "I have been expecting you two..." Mario stopped in surprise before he said. "Wait a minute, you're not Rosalina...infact...where are we?" The woman giggled at Mario's confusion as sh said. "Rosalina is my daughter, and right now your souls are in my domain." Luigi soon looked around before he said. "W-wait...the Relic killed us!? Oh no...oh no we're dead! I knew it was a bad idea." The woman calmly explained while looking at Luigi. "Please, calm down...neither of you are dead, your bodies are just comatose right now." Mario was now scratching his head in confusion before asking. "Okay. I'm confused here..."

    "I am Lady Etoille....I created what you two know as the N-Force Relic and have existed for a long time, I am also Rosalina's mother." Lady Etoille explained before looking at Mario and Luigi closely adding. "You two did receieve the power of the Harbinger from the Relic....however...that S-Type also took the power from the Relic as well..." Luigi shook his head before he said. "But, if the Relic was made to destroy the S-Types on sheer did Astral survive." Lady Etoille turned around to looked at the lake as she said. "Most S-Types do not possess enough will and determination to survive contact, they instantly burn up and become nothing more than dust. different. It learned from you and your bloodline..." Mario's eyes widened as he said. "Are you saying...Astral has the same will and drive as Luigi and I?" The lady slowly nodded. "Yes, but this wasn't your couldn't have known about it"

    Luigi soon looked at her asking. "So what do we do, if Astral is running around with this much power...then how are we going to stop it from destroying Tokyo?" Lady Etoile sighed. "Unfortunately the best people on your world would be powerless against that two would have to learn you new power in order to stop it." Mario looked at his hand as he said. "Luigi....everything is riding on us...I don't want another scene of death and devastation like Zordon showed us. do we tap into it?" Closing her eyes Lady Etoile began to focus, a sphere of white energy forming between her hands as a solid white object in the shape of an N64 Controller formed in front of the brothers. The controller then split into two copies in solid colors of red and green.

    The controllers soon floated over to the Mario Bros. before they picked them up. Luigi commenting. "This looks just like a video game controller..." Lady Etoile looked at Luigi with a smile. "Yes, that's because it's meant to be hidden from the people on your world. You've already made contact with the saint naturally you shouldn't have to go to the relic every time you need it." It was then that she spotted the Silver Ringo Lockseed on Luigi's person, her eyes surprised. "Wow, I never thought I would see this myself. But you seem to be doing good since have no belt for that...let me do something about that..." Focusing once more the Lockseeds began to glow before seemingly fusing with the controller as a button shaped like a Gold/Silver apple appeared below the glowing rainbow section at the top.

    "Before you two go, I should explain how you transform..." Lady Etoile calmly said before forming a glowing version of the controller in her hand and pointed it at the sky. "On the back there is a button, hold it down and point the transmitter to the sky and say the words..." Her face soon turned serious as she shouted. "Super Star Power! Transform Us!" She then smiled. "That is all that there is to it...although you two have to do it at the same time. As for your Gold and Silver forms...just push the button to access it on the fly. Now, you two will soon wake up...and Luigi...treat my girl right..." The Mario Bros. had no time to say anything before they blacked out.​
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Flower Shop~

    harold looked to Aerith. "An sttack?" Harodl asked, tilting his head. "Didn't hear anything about that, dont texactly have a radio ro TV... or listens to any news stories..." Harold said in realization, it wasn't exactly his fault, magic tended to interfere with electronic signals, somethign abotu the way magci works cuts off the electronic discharge or something, why else would the Wizarding World still resort to the Daily Prophet as a sourc eof keepign up with the events of the Wizarding World and everyone still stuck in like 18th-19th century.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Flower Shop-

    "It's nothing for you to worry about." Aerith said, leading him into the apartments above the shop. She placed the vase on the table, and looked at the young man who had been staying with her and the other occupants, she said, "You just need to continue to work and maybe go out to find new friends, okay?"

    -Imperial Palace-

    Rei smiled, holding her grandfather and his Pokemon. "I'm fine, I went with my friends and we all went to help others during the attack. We met the Sailor Scouts and asked them to help our family while we helped the others. I didn't mean to worry you." She told them, petting Chad and rubbing her grandfather's bald head. Ami smiled, Mina stretched as Lita helped with her tall height.

    -Tsukino Household-

    "Okay." Serena said, taking it and walking to Rini with Luna. "Hey, if you don't mind, I will be helping you watch over him til he wakes up." She sat down and looked at Darien's sleeping form. 'Why..... is it so familiar?' She thought, looking at him. She petted Luna as she hopped on her lap and curled up, purring softly and trying to be a regular cat in front of Rini.

    -Darien's Dream-

    The princess looked at the portal and looked at him, she hesitantly and shakily reached out to touch his hand. Her fingers were barely an inch from his and brushing against his hand, her other hand holding the closed locket. She looked scared and worried, not sure what was going to happen.
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Outside the Imperial Palace~


    As Celestia led her sister, Luna, to an escort that would take them home, they noticed Kuzco approaching them...


    "Celestia," Kuzco greeted Celestia. "Oh, Kuzco..." Celestia replied back to Kuzco, remembering how she originally intended to ask for Kuzco's help after concert ended, "Luna, get in the car. I'll be with you shortly." Nodding, Luna did as she was instructed, entering the vehicle while Clestia intended to speak with Kuzco. "So, uh... really wish we'd be speaking in better circumstances..." Kuzco commented. "Agreed," Celestia sadly concurred. "You mentioned something about a favor before the concert started. What do you need from me?" Kuzco asked. "Actually, Kuzco... perhaps it can wait till tomorrow. There's just too much happening right now," Celestia replied. "Fair enough," Kuzco said, "Just hope we could all get a good night's sleep after what happened." Silently nodding, Celestia entered the vehicle where Luna was, while Kuzco waved goodbye as he watched the vehicle Celestia and her sister were in drive away.


    ~M's Home - London, U.K.~


    Rushing to her phone after the ringing woke her up, M noticed that Eugene was calling her. "What is it, GS?" the head of the MI6 answered her phone...


    "M... I've got some terrible news..." Eugene replied, "Geoffrey's dead. And so is Prime Minister Harriet Jones of Japan. Harold Saxon is the new prime minister of Japan now." "W-What?!" M questioned, stunned by what Eugene just told her. "Check the news," Eugene replied. Doing as Eugene requested, M opened her tablet to check the news, reading about the events of the Imperial Palace, the battle, and the deaths associated with it. "Oh my God..." M commented, distraught by the news she had just learned. "M... we need to get Geoffrey's body. He must rest peacefully home, in the country he swore to protect," Eugene replied. "Very well..." M said, trying to hold back tears, "We'll leave for Tokyo first thing in the morning." As she hung up, M covered her face, trying to come to terms with what just happened.


    ~Outside Bar~


    "Alright, alright... look, we'll discuss it tomorrow, okay? Goodnight," Sergeant Calhoun said as she was speaking with someone on her phone before hanging up, "Man, what a messed up day it's been today." "Psst... over here," a voice in the alleyway called out to Calhoun. Looking at the dark alleyway where the voice came from, Tamora kept her hand near her pistol as she approached the source of the voice in case it was a mugger. However, upon reaching the alleyway, she noticed a silver haired teenager leaning up against the side of a building with his arms crossed...


    "Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun of the J.I.A., I presume?" Xehanort questioned Calhoun. "How do you know me?" Calhoun asked, surprised that Xehanort knew her despite the two never meeting each other before. "That doesn't matter," Xehanort replied, "All that matters is I have important information regarding the Crystal Order that you'll find very useful." "And I should trust you... why?" Calhoun questioned, wondering what Xehanort was up to. "Because..." Xehanort replied as he approached her while removing the glove on his right hand, "I am Crystal Order member wishing to right my wrongs." As Xehanort showed Calhoun the emblem of the Crystal Order imprinted in the palm of his right hand, Calhoun gasped as she quickly grabbed her pistol, pointing it at Xehanort. Sighing as he rolled his eyes, Xehanort said, "You can put that away. I have absolutely no interest in fighting you." "And I'm supposed to believe that?" Calhoun questioned. "Believe what you want," Xehanort replied, "Just know that if you kill me... so does the valuable information on the Crystal Order I intend to give you." As she continued staring at Xehanort while still pointing her pistol at him, Calhoun eventually, though reluctantly, lowered her weapon, saying, "Alright then... talk." "I wish to divulge the identity of the Crystal Order's leader," Xehanort replied. "Give me a break," Calhoun scoffed, "I already know how all you Crystal Order thugs have that emblem on you, and how it's an incurable curse that'll kill you if you try to reveal your boss's name to someone." "True... I cannot directly reveal his identity to you," Xehanort replied as he put his right glove back on, "However... I can tell you the person that the leader of the Crystal Order is most closest to. Then you'll be able to guess who it is you are looking for from that information."

    Surprised by what Xehanort just told her, Calhoun finally became really interested in what he had to say, saying, "I'm listening..." "Think of our new prime minister... and the one person he is most closest to," Xehanort hinted. "Saxon?!" Calhoun questioned, shocked by what Xehanort told her, "You expect me to believe that Harold Saxon is involved with the Crystal Order?!" "Yes," Xehanort answered, "What happened in the Imperial Palace was a plot by the Crystal Order to get him into power much sooner so that the brotherhood can fulfill its goal tomorrow. And if you're still having doubts on what I'm saying, consider this... why would I risk my life to come to you with such important information?" "Y-you're right..." Calhoun responded as she finally started to believe Xehanort, "Okay, okay, so the person most closest to Saxon... wait, you don't mean the principal at that one school? What's his name again... Al Mualim?" Xehanort didn't reply, but the look on his face indicated to Calhoun that she guessed correctly. "My God... Japan's leader is a Crystal Order puppet, and the group's leader was none other than a high school principal we never suspected... but now our worst fears have been realized... they're basically in control of Japan now," Calhoun commented as she was trying to come to terms with what she had just learned, "I've gotta move quickly if Japan, and the world, are going to survive." As Calhoun started to walk away, Xehanort followed her, stating, "Calhoun, the leader of the Crystal Order is very powerful. You'll need my help if you're going to arrest him." "For your own good, stay out of this affair," Calhoun responded. "But I must go," Xehanort insisted. "No," Calhoun declined, "Look, kid... you got a name?" "Xehanort," Xehanort answered Calhoun. "Xehanort... listen to me," Calhoun told Xehanort as she placed her hand on Xehanort's shoulder, "I'll take care of this. And if what you've told me is true, then you will have gained my trust. Hopefully when all of this is over... we can find a way in which you don't get into much trouble for being with those guys... maybe even no trouble at all. But for now, go home. Okay?" Sighing, Xehanort silently nodded as Calhoun smiled at him and left. Once Calhoun was out of his sight, Xehanort slowly started walking across the sidewalk, wanting to return to his dorm after a very long day. Eventually, a cab driving by stopped, with the driver asking Xehanort, "Hey kid, need a ride?" Looking at the cab and its driver, Xehanort replied, "Sure." As Xehanort got in, sitting next to the driver, the driver asked him, "So, where to?" "Nintendo High School," Xehanort replied, "The dorms, specifically." "Got it," the driver replied as he was driving the cab, "So... you heard 'bout what happened in the Imperial Palace? Crazy stuff, I tell ya. This country seems to just know how to go from bad to worse." "Yeah..." Xehanort replied, staring out the window.


    ~Outside the Imperial Palace (again)~


    "It's okay, Rei," Grandpa Hino replied to his granddaughter as he and Chad sniffled and wiped the tears off their faces, "All that matters... is that you're safe." "Piplup, piplup," Chad concurred as he nodded. "Let's just go home, okay?" Grandpa added.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Okay," Rini replied to Serena as she sat next to her, with the two of them watching Darien, "You know... it's strange. I don't know why... but when I thought Darien was going to die... it reminded me a lot of when my father died. I can't explain it... but it felt like it was happening all over again. I'm just... really glad that Darien will be okay." Yawning, the exhausted Rini leaned on Serena, instantly falling asleep. But while leaning on Serena while sleeping, Rini couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. The feeling she had leaning on Serena reminded her a lot of how she used to do it with her mother. So as Rini slept, she began to dream about her mother, and the times they spent together. "Mommy..." Rini said in her sleep as her right eye shed a tear that trickled down her cheek.


    ~Darien's Dream~


    "Don't worry," Darien told the princess as he held her hand, trying to comfort her as he noticed a troubled look on her face, "No matter what happens, I'll always protect you. And that's a promise." Looking at the portal, Darien led the princess through it, and what happened next completely shocked Darien...


    Darien now found himself walking through a forest, still holding the princess's hand. There were two differences however. First, Darien noticed his clothes have changed. He was now wearing what appeared to be a regal black armor. The other difference Darien felt was that, before going through the portal, he still was able to control his body and what he said. Now though, he didn't feel any control over his body. If he wanted to stop, he couldn't. If he wanted to speak, he couldn't. All he could do was watch what he was doing and saying. It all seemed so strange to Darien, it almost felt like what he was witnessing was not a dream, but rather, a memory. 'But... it can't possibly be my memory,' Darien pondered to himself as he tried to figure out what was going on. But before he could think of another thought, he felt himself stop and turn to the princess, saying, "Everything on Earth, everything you see, from the East to the West, belongs to my kingdom. And over there, you will find my castle..." Seeing himself point to a location in the distance, Darien noticed a rather peaceful town not too far from where he and the princess were...


    "This, my love... is Daybreak Town... the capital of the planet Earth. And that big building over there is my castle," Darien heard himself explain to the princess. 'Daybreak Town... Earth Kingdom... my love... what is going on here??' Darien pondered to himself.
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~

    "Look Fujiko, your boys are dying fast and I'm rushing them over to the Hospital right now." Shion explained as she quickly sped down the streets of Tokyo with Fujiko on speaker who shouted in anger. "If my children die, then whoever's responsible has just sealed their death sentence by my hands!" Shion soon pleaded. "Please, calm down. I know you and the family are freaking out right now. But I can assure you that they will be alright, just meet me at the hospital and..." She was soon interrupted when KOS-MOS said. "They might not need medical attention, listen." The sounds of Mario and Luigi groaning could be faintly heard as Luigi slowly opened his eyes and Mario rubbed his head commenting. "Well...I'm not sure what's worse, what we went through or falling from space," Luigi looked around before realizing where they were before asking. "Ms. Uzuki? What happened?" The brunette scientist stopped and looked at Luigi adjusting her glasses as she said. "Well, you two apparently survived an encounter with a very powerful S-Type and we found you on the floor nearly left for dead. You should count yourselves lucky right now." Mario opened his eyes as he remembered what had just occurred and placed his hand in his pocket pulling out the controller he received from Lady Etoile thinking. "This actually happened...we have the devices." Shion looked at the device that Mario had rather perplexed asking. "What is that thing?" Mario looked at Shion before he said. "Just a one of a kind custom controller, nothing special." Shion turned her head back as she said. "Well, I should get you two back home before your mother loses it."

    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    Shion had returned the brothers to their home where their family and Rosalina hugged them almost as soon as they got out of the car. Fujiko waved at Shion as she left while Jumpman said proudly. "You made it back. Did you do what you had to do?" Mario nodded. "Yeah...we did it." Luigi was rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, we had a strange experience. But the deed is done." Jumpman nodded before Ruiji said. "Well, it's getting late...I think everyone needs some sleep after that hectic day. Plus we get a free day off." Jumpman Sr. soon smacked the back of Ruiji's head telling him. "Pay respect for those who died because of that attack, tomorrow we shall work but we shall make the deliveries and orders free. After all we must try to do what we can for those who have lost their family members or loved ones...for that is part of our family honor." Ruiji nodded slowly as the family went inside.

    Later on during the night, Mario and Luigi were laying in their beds looking up at the ceiling of their room in silence. The silence was broken as Mario said. "Listen, we need to keep the fact of what happened a secret from the world. Things from here on out are going to be more difficult as our enemies become much more dangerous." Luigi blinked from under his cover. "That out of body experience...we met Rosalina's mother....I can't even attempt to describe my thoughts." They were soon interrupted when Rosalina's voice asked. "You met my mother?" Luigi rose up seeing Rosalina standing in the doorway in her pajamas rubbing her eyes. "Luigi said. "Yeah, she told me to be good to you, not sure why. Although why are you standing there?" Rosalina looked at the brothers before walking over and got into Luigi's bed beside him explaining. "I couldn't sleep...I just had a bad feeling and two could help me sleep?" Mario soon mumbled. "Okay, you can sleep here..." Eventually the three passed out into their slumber.​
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    The next day...

    "Re: Mario's High School Days" Current Day is now: Thursday, November 7, 2013 (a.k.a. The Conclusion to The Crystal Order Arc)




    It was a dark and gloomy day in Tokyo. The sky was pitch black, covered with storm clouds, and rain falling across the entire city, accompanied by thunder and lightning. As the sound of thunder roared across the city, Xehanort arrived at the cemetery where a funeral service was being held for Yen Sid, Gaston, and Trixie. Upon reaching a tree on a hill overlooking the funeral service while carrying the group photo Gaston and Trixie gave him as a present the previous day, Xehanort began to hear Al Mualim's voice in his mind, as if the principal was trying to communicate with him...


    "You do know, don't you?" the voice of Al Mualim said in Xehanort's mind, "If our enemies destroy me, the Crystal Order will fail in achieving its goal, and Gaston and Trixie will have died for nothing."

    Shaking his head after hearing Al Mualim's voice, Xehanort noticed the funeral service for the three victims from Nintendo High taking place not too far from where he was, attended by many staff and students from Nintendo High, including three of Xehanort's friends (Vanitas, Hiccup, and Sunset Shimmer)...


    Xehanort watched as Yang Fang Leiden of Tokyo Cathedral was praying for the souls of the deceased near their coffins, while those who came to pay their respects had a sorrow look on their faces, wearing formal attire that was mainly black, and many holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the rain. As for Xehanort, he pondered whether it was right for him to join the others, considering himself to be the one responsible for the deaths of the three whose funeral service was taking place. And as Xehanort continued watching the funeral service from afar, he saw something that instantly broke his heart. The parents of both Trixie and Gaston walked over to their children's coffins, weeping and wailing over their loss. Upon seeing that, Xehanort shifted his attention to the group photo of himself, Vanitas, Sunset Shimmer, Gaston, and Trixie that he was carrying around. As he stared at the photo, remembering the good times he shared with Gaston and Trixie, Xehanort couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. Falling to his knees, Xehanort began to cry, saddened that he will never see Gaston or Trixie again. 'Why did they have to die, why?!' Xehanort thought to himself as he continued weeping, 'They're dead... and for what?!' However, a thought had just struck Xehanort at that moment. 'If the Crystal Order's mission fails... then they truly did die for nothing. But that means...' Xehanort thought to himself, as he began to have second thoughts about what he did by revealing to Sgt. Calhoun the truth about the Crystal Order's leader, 'What if... Al Mualim was right?' As he wiped the tears off his face, Xehanort looked at his group photo one last time before placing it near the tree he was standing next to, and summoned a Corridor of Darkness, walking through it before it disappeared.


    ~Outside Nintendo High School~


    "Al Mualim? Seriously?" Elise wondered out loud after she, Spy Fox, and Bon Bon were informed by Sgt. Calhoun that Al Mualim, the principal of Nintendo High School, was the leader of the Crystal Order they have been looking for this whole time. "Yeah... if what my informant told me is true," Calhoun replied as she and the others approached the entrance to Nintendo High. "And who's this informant?" Spy Fox questioned. "For now, classified," Calhoun responded. Upon reaching the gate, the group noticed it was open, despite schools being ordered to be closed today. "It's open... and so are the doors," Bon Bon commented as she noticed the building's front doors slightly open. "It's almost as though he's expecting us..." Elise added. "Well, only one way to find out," Sgt. Calhoun replied, "Time to end this war once and for all." The group then entered Nintendo High, expecting to find Al Mualim somewhere inside.


    ~Darien's Dream~


    Darien found himself escorting the princess throughout Daybreak Town, waving hello to citizens who passed by, who then would greet Darien back, many of them referring to Darien as "Your Highness." 'Alright, so if I'm understanding this correctly... I'm some kind of royalty... apparently... and the big building in this town is my castle,' Darien thought to himself while still trying to understand this dream, 'But... capital of Earth... that I still don't get.' Darien then noticed himself kneeling down, picking a dandelion to give the princess. "For you my love... a dandelion," Darien heard himself say as he found himself handing the princess the dandelion, "A symbol of beauty and hope in my kingdom. Just watch as the wind carries the seeds of the dandelion far, far away. It is something truly beautiful to watch." Just then, Darien noticed two individuals with strange masks approaching him and the princess...


    "Your Highness," the individual known as Ira greeted Darien as he and Aced both bowed to him. "Ira, Aced," Darien heard himself replying, guessing that the two were named Ira and Aced, "What is it?" "There'll be an urgent meeting tonight to discuss what's been happening," Aced answered, "Each one of us will be attending. And we were wondering if you'll attend as well." "Of course," Darien heard himself answer, "Tell Invi and the others that I'll be there." "Thank you, your highness," Ira thanked Darien as he and Aced bowed once more, "We hope your wisdom will be able to guide us during these troubled times." As Ira and Aced walked away, Darien started to ponder once again, thinking, 'Who did that guy mean by us? And... troubled times? What could he have meant by that?' Darien then found himself turning to face the princess, sighing as he said, "They must have more news about Queen Beryl. The more we hear about her, the more dangerous she is turning out to be. Queen Beryl's relentless, and she'll destroy absolutely everything that's in her way to get exactly what she wants. And what's scary is that she might be after Kingdom Hearts. If that's the case... then it certainly means she will set her sights on conquering the Moon Kingdom in her evil quest. To protect the light, as well as the entire universe... we have to be ready for Beryl's eventual arrival." 'Queen Beryl? Who's that? Kingdom Hearts? What is that? And Moon Kingdom? Isn't that supposed to be from a children's fairy tale?' Darien thought to himself after being confused even more by what he heard himself say. "Hey, your highness!" a teenage boy greeted Darien as he approached him and the princess...


    "Ephemer, you know you don't have to refer to me that way," Darien heard himself replying to the boy known as Ephemer, "We're on a first name basis." 'So... I'm guessing this kid... Epehemer... is a friend,' Darien pondered to himself. "Yeah, I know. Still, it doesn't feel right," Ephemer said with a youthful smile on his face, "So... when are you gonna give me that rematch that you promised?" "Heh, don't worry, Ephemer. I haven't forgotten," Darien heard himself reply.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    Slowly opening her eyes as she was waking up, Rini yawned and stretched her arms, saying, "Morning, Serena. Morning, Luna." Just then, she noticed Darien groaning, moving his head as he appeared to be waking up as well. Gasping, Rini told Serena, "Serena, wake up! Darien's about to get up!" Excited to see her friend conscious again, Rini rushed to Darien's side, patiently waiting for him to wake up. "Ira... Aced... Invi... Ephe-... Ephemer..." Darien said out loud as he finally opened his eyes. "Huh?" Rini wondered out loud, confused by the names Darien just mentioned. "W-Where am I?" Darien asked as he tried to get up, only to feel intense pain in his shoulder as he did so. "Don't. You're hurt!" Rini told Darien, trying to get him to relax, "You still need to rest." "Rini?" Darien questioned the girl as he sat in an upright position, noticing Serena and Luna as well, "Am I... in your home?" "Yeah... it's a long story," Rini replied.


    ~MI6 Jet~


    As M and Eugene were heading to Tokyo on a MI6 jet to retrieve the body of fellow MI6 agent, Geoffrey, M was speaking to the man whose family Geoffrey was serving as a butler while undercover in Japan, Philip Banks. "Yes... very well then... thank you. And... my condolences... Farewell," M said as she hung up after the call ended. "How are they?" Eugene asked M. "Still in shock. And still grieving as well," M responded, "Apparently, Geoffrey made a huge impact on their lives." Sighing, Eugene began to remember how the Banks family treated him for supper when he was in Japan, feeling sorry for what they had to go through right now.


    ~J.I.A. Quinjet in the Air~


    As Alan and John Garret were on a J.I.A. Quinjet flying towards the J.I.A. prison facility known as the Fridge, Alan began to reminisce of the day he first met John Garret, the day his journey with the Crystal Order began...

    ~Flashback (5 Years Ago): Juvenile Detention Center - Plymouth, Massachussetts, U.S.A.~


    As an officer dragged the teenage Alan (whose hands were handcuffed) and his Charmander (whose mouth was covered with a muzzle) to the detention center's visitation room, Alan was greeted by a man waiting for him...


    "Alan?" John Garret greeted Alan as the officer who escorted Alan and his Pokemon left them with Garret and walked away, "My name's John Garret. The quartermaster at your military school's an old buddy of mine. He told me about a pissed-off young cadet with off-the-chart eye-hand coordination who went AWOL, stole a car, drove over a thousand miles home only to try and burn the place down with his Charmander. I must say, I find a young man like that intriguing." Pointing to a nearby table with chairs, Garret signaled to Alan to have a seat. As Alan took a seat with his Charmander accompanying him, he watched John Garret take a seat in front of him, saying, "I'm curious. Did you know your brother was in the house when your Pokemon set it on fire?" "No, sir, I did not," Alan responded. "I was a pyro as a kid, too," Garret commented, "Ended up making a pretty good living at it. I'm here to make you a one-time offer, so listen up. Your family's lawyer's gonna be here in about 20 minutes. Not only are your folks pressing charges against you for arson and attempted murder, but your older brother's petitioning the court to have you tried as an adult. Now, you can spend the next few years locked up in a cage, blaming Mommy and Daddy and mean older brother for your problems, while your Pokemon gets euthanized. Or you can let me get you out of here and teach you how to be a man. I work for a secret organization that's always looking to recruit young men like you." "And why should I trust you?" Alan questioned John. "You shouldn't," Garret replied, "Don't trust anybody, ever, especially me. Let me be clear... going with me will be the hardest thing you've ever done. But on the other hand, no one will ever screw with you again." As Alan began to ponder Garret's offer, Garret continued, "Say yes. It'll be hard but fun." Alan remained silent, still not sure whether to take the offer or not. Looking at his watch after still not getting a response from Alan, Garret said, "10 seconds, and I walk out that door. Say yes." "Yes," Alan immediately said. And just as Alan gave his answer, armed J.I.A. agents stormed the visitation room as the alarm was blaring, pointing their rifles at everyone in the room except for Garret, Alan, and Alan's Charmander, yelling, "Everybody down! On the ground! Nobody move!" As Alan and his Charmander were shocked by what they just saw, John Garret grinned as he told Alan, "I told you it was gonna be fun."

    "Hey, get ready," Garret ordered Alan, who snapped out of his flashback, "We're here." "Yes, sir," Alan responded, nodding.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Harbor~


    Olaf and Hans leaned against the handrail on Prince Demande's ship, watching as the ship neared the city, getting ready to dock. However, there was a look of distraught on both of their faces, resulting from the terrible news they heard upon waking up about what happened in Tokyo, including the death of Harriet Jones. "So, you two heard?" Demande asked Olaf and Hans as he, Saphir, and King Candy approached the two...


    "You mean what happened in Tokyo? Yeah, we sure did," Hans replied. "It's just awful..." Olaf added. "Indeed," Demende commented, "I suppose this means Japan won't be taking part in the U.N. summit." "Can't blame them," Hans responded, "Still, I think Saxon will be a good leader and take care of the situation there." "Olaf," Demande said as he directed his attention to the snowman, "Once we leave the ship, there'll be a limo waiting for you to take you to the Yankee stadium. But... I know you're a bit troubled by the news from Tokyo. Would like to cancel the trip to the stadium?" After thinking about it for a bit, Olaf replied, "No. I still wanna go. Maybe seeing the game will cheer me up." "As you wish, Olaf," Demande told the snowman. "Speaking of which, where are Elsa and Anna?" Saphir questioned. "They should join us any second," Hans replied.


    The following segments were written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Outside Abandoned Mansion~

    "Huh, so this... is where Naminé lives..." Kai said to herself as she arrived to the mansion while wearing a rain poncho, where, according to Kairi, Naminé lives, "The place could really use a makeover. Eh, whatever." Approaching the mansion's front gate, Kai yelled out, "Yo, Naminé! It's Kai! Come on out, I wanna talk!"


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "Coming!" Sora said after hearing the doorbell, heading to the door. Upon opening it, Sora was surprised to see Kairi standing there while wearing a rain poncho. "Kairi! Morning," Sora greeted Kairi, "Well this is a surprise..." "Mind if I come in?" Kairi asked. "Y-yeah, sure," Sora replied, "You can join us for breakfast. Roxas is making pancakes." "Mmm, delicious," Kairi commented as she entered.


    ~Jumpman Family Restaurant~

    "Thank you, come again," Jumpman told a customer after serving them for free. Moved by the Jumpman family's generosity after what happened the previous night, the customer donated a couple of yen on a plastic cup labelled:

    Donations for Victims of Nintendo High School

    "Thank you for agreeing to do this, Dad," Mario told his father as joined him, wanting to help in serving customers. "Anything for my boys' school," Jumpman replied, "Remind me again, but were you close with any of those who died?" "No... but I did go to a party at Gaston's place about two months ago," Mario answered, "The guy was a jerk, sure. But... he didn't deserve to die." "I know son, I know," Jumpman said as he patted his son on the back.


    ~Outside the Vector Building~

    "Alright girls... here it is... Vector..." C.C. announced to members of the Rising Tide as they stood outside the Vector building while it rained over them, "Kai's brother is in there. So here's the plan. We go in and get Aoi Kazue out. Pretty simple enough, right? Any questions?" "I have one," Dawn questioned as she raised her hand, "If we're getting Kai's brother out of there, why isn't Kai herself joining us?" "Because this would get too personal for her," C.C. replied, "And when things get too personal, the mission could be easily jeopardized. Any other questions?" As the others all shook their head, C.C. said, "Good. Now let's kick some butt." "Yeah!" the other members of the Rising Tide replied as they charged towards the Vector Building.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Aerith's Flower Shop~

    harold rubbed the bridge of his nose, eyes shut, he managed to somewhat get some of the background of the Beast's transformation and from he drawn from it, the Sorceress or rather witch in question forcibly changed him into a Beast with magic, it took soem coaxing on the girls side for him to admit the way he behaved at the time. "No wonder the witch saw it a befitting punishment for his attitude." Harold thought, it seemed the curse had a condition to fulfill and it was tied to one of his prized possessions, a rose, he spoke of the conditions imposed.

    "Onyl until the last petal falls, shoudl he find love, the spell will be broken.. wow, this witch certainly doesn't makeit easy." Harold thought, he knew that'd be a challenge all in its own right, after all, who coudl love such a hideous creature like a beast?

    "It's a matter of perception as well as actions..." Harold added a she wrote ona slip of paper with some kind of connectign plans. "Either, Beast bucks up and controls hsi temper and such, he'll never get the spell broken, but the other point is how peopel will perceive him, I know there's all kinds of creatures residing here but some may take more reaction than others." Harold admitted that thought without hesitation.

    Harold said he would try to see how he could perhaps help with the spell but openyl stated he was no fool in Transfiguration, the complexity behind it as well and Harold ruffled his hair a bit. "I'm no expert... I admit I'm very good at all my subjects in the Wizardign World but this tied in with a Dark Arts kind of curse to kep him as a beast with such conditions, I wouldn't want to tangle with it and cause the curse to progress faster or render him a animal..." Harold muttered to himself.

    "let's see... options are... I suppose a Cursebreaker of Gringotts though, thye ar emore centere din Dark Arts, not animal transformations, a Transifguration expert, perhaps, though, I do not know of any who have a proficent mastery except maybe the old loony, Dumbledore." Harold bitterly muttered, he would sooner go to Azkaban than go to him for help, Harold was soon pulle dout of his musing by a knock on the door.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Aerith's Flower Shop-

    "Harold, I made some breakfast if you're hungry." Aerith said, standing at his room door. "I'll go down and open up the shop for the people who might want bouquets or flowers on their loved ones. Come on down if you want to help." She walked and stepped down into the shop, turning the sign and unlocking the door. Aerith went into the back and began to bring out the many flowers and pots that there were in the back.

    -Abandoned Mansion-

    Namine looked out her window in her room and heard the knocking, she left her room and entered the foyer to go to the front door, heading to the front gate. "Kai, hello...." Namine said, a bit surprised and embarrassed as she opened the gate. "How did you find this place? Please, come in." Namine shyly led her into the mansion foyer which had clearly seen better days, Namine kept quiet, not believing someone saw that she lived in a old abandoned mansion in the woods.

    -Tsukino Household-

    Serena stretched and yawned, "Morning....." 'Serena held his hand through the whole night and didn't move or wake up.' Luna thought, stretching as she looked at the young man who had stayed the night and her owner who had slept side by side through the night with the young girl. 'They almost looked like a family sleeping together. Wonder what that was about.'

    -Hino Family Shrine-

    Rei sat in the innermost room of the shrine, praying to the fire for guidance and help cause of the incident last night. She kept quiet, focusing her power to her prayer and asking the spirit of her guardian planet for help.

    -Remus' House-

    Harry ate his breakfast as he sat with his family, his adopted young siblings happily eating while his dad talked with Remus and Sirius and his mother was looking over a letter to a old friend of hers. He rubbed Riolu who was eating his Pokemon food and wondered what to do, thinking of going to talk with Harold.

    -Hikaru's Home-

    Having met Medic while causally driving in the Tridoron, Hikaru was having her act as a model for some ideas of a outfit she had while reworking some of the ideas she had for her assignment. Belt kept quiet, but admitted that Medic was a lovely young woman who seemed to be a ballet dancer with a unique outfit design and name. He didn't say anything as Go came in and watched, wondering who the model was.

    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Ashe, Larsa, Karin, and Vaan kept quiet, staying in the back and listening to the service. Vaan held Ashe close while Karin gently touched Larsa's shoulder, trying to comfort him, the young boy didn't say anything, sitting quietly.

    -U.S.A. - Harbor-

    Elsa breathed, stepping onto the harbor and trying to look regal as Anna looked in awe at the cultural difference of the city. Elsa walked with her sister off the boat and the two bowed, Elsa said, "That was a rather enjoyable ride." "Yeah." Anna said, smiling.
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School~



    Sgt. Calhoun and her fellow J.I.A. agents slowly marched towards the principal's room, finding Al Mualim sitting alone behind his desk, looking at them...


    "Elise, what a surprise to see you here today. Are these friends of yours?" Al Mualim greeted his student with a smile that quickly began to fade away, "I must say, this is a really bad time to discuss any school-related issues you have." "In the name of the Parliament of the Republic of Japan, you are under arrest, sir," Calhoun told Al Mualim as she and Spy Fox took out their guns, Bon Bon took out her pocket knife, and Elise took out her katana. "Are you threatening me, Madame?" Al Mualim questioned Sgt. Calhoun. "The parliament will decide the fates of you and Harold Saxon," Tamora responded. "I AM THE PARLIAMENT," Al Mualim angrily retorted. "Not yet," Calhoun replied. Getting up from his seat, Al Mualim grabbed two katanas from under his desk, commenting, "It's treason then..." Al Mualim then let out a high pitched screech as he spun while jumping towards the others, who all backed away into the hallway, watching as the principal landed in front of them. Glaring at Calhoun and the others, Al Mualim was able to quickly impale Spy Fox and Elise with his katanas, immediately killing both of them as he then swung his katanas to try and hit Calhoun as she tried dodging Al Mualim's attacks. "I got him!" Bon Bon exclaimed as she lunged towards Al Mualim. Sensing her attack, Al Mualim did a backflip, avoiding Bon Bon's attack, who instead crashed onto the floor. Al Mualim then impaled Bon Bon with both of his katanas as he landed, killing her as well. Gasping upon noticing that she was the only one in her group left, Calhoun quickly grabbed the deceased Elise's katana, deciding that it would be the best weapon to use against Al Mualim. And just as she did that, Al Mualim went for the attack, swinging his katanas at Calhoun, who was able to deflect the attack with Elise's katana. The two then continued their swordfight throughout the hallway, with Al Mualim feeling surprised at how good Calhoun was using a katana. As the fight went on, Calhoun swung her katana towards Al Mualim, who ducked to avoid the attack, and pointed his right katana close to Calhoun's chest. Just as Al Mualim was about to go for a kill, Calhoun blocked the attack with her katana as her blade and Al Mualim's two blades were locked against each other, with Calhoun and Al Mualim glaring at each other as this was happening.


    Meanwhile, outside the school building, a Corridor of Darkness appeared, with Xehanort stepping out...


    Upon hearing a commotion from inside the building, Xehanort's heart sank, hoping he wasn't too late as he rushed inside, while the Corridor of Darkness disappeared behind him.


    Back inside, Al Mualim and Calhoun continued with their battle in a hallway, with the two constantly swinging their katanas at the other trying to get the upper hand, damaging several lockers, doors, and parts of the wall in the process. And as the two got close to the area near the teacher's lounge, Al Mualim was getting restless, with his eyes beginning to glow as he transferred a massive amount of energy into one of his katanas, sending a powerful blast towards Calhoun as he swung it in her direction. Calhoun, however, was able to leap away from danger, with the blast completely obliterating the area near the teacher's lounge, as well as creating a big opening in the wall showing the Tokyo skyline in the distance. Getting back on her feet, Calhoun stared at Al Mualim as the two were trying to figure the other's move. Going for the attack, Al Mualim swung both of his katanas at Calhoun who yet again awas able to block the incoming attack. This time, however, Calhoun pushed Al Mualim back, and kicked both of his hands, causing him to drop his katanas as he fell on the floor, and giving the J.I.A. agent the upper hand. Frightened, Al Mualim crawled towards the ledge of the opening on the wall caused by the earlier blast as Calhoun pointed her katana at him while slowly approaching the principal. And as that happened, Xehanort rushed towards them as he finally arrived to the scene...

    "You are under arrest, sir," Calhoun told Al Mualim before noticing Xehanort's arrival, raising her hand to the boy to indicate she had the situation under control. Standing silently, Xehanort watched as Al Mualim stared at him with a desperate look on his face, telling the boy, "Xehanort, I told you it would come to this. I was right. Our enemies will abandon their ideals to keep the world as it is! They don't believe in democracy!" "The oppression of the Crystal Order will never return!" Calhoun exclaimed to Al Mualim, "You have lost." "No," Al Mualim retorted, "No, NO! You will die!" Al Mualim then shot lightning bolts from his hands towards Calhoun to electrocute her, only for her to quickly deflect the lightning with her katana while Xehanort backed away for his own safety. "SHE'S A TRAITOR!" Al Mualim shouted to Xehanort as he kept shooting lightning from his hands. "HE IS THE TRAITOR!" Calhoun cried to Xehanort as she was deflecting the lightning back towards Al Mualim. "I can help immortalize Gaston and Trixie... as well as help you discover the secrets behind your Keyblade!" Al Mualim pleaded to Xehanort as he was getting hit by the lightning Calhoun was deflecting from him, "You must choose!" "Don't listen to him Xehanort!" Calhoun yelled as she continued deflecting lightning back at Al Mualim. "Don't let her kill me!" Al Mualim cried to Xehanort, who tried looking away from the sight of Al Mualim suffering, "I can't hold it any longer... I... I can't... I... I've... become... too weak. Xehanort, HELP ME! HELP ME!"

    The exhausted Al Mualim eventually stopped shooting lightning from his hands, with Calhoun finally relieved to see the Crystal Order leader weakened, pointing her katana at him. "I... I... I can't hold on any longer," Al Mualim commented while panting. "You know what? Forget about arresting you," Calhoun told Al Mualim, "I am going to end this once and for all." "You can't," Xehanort replied to Calhoun, finally speaking out, "He must stand trial." "He and Harold Saxon are pretty much in control of the Parliament and the courts," Calhoun retorted, "They're both too dangerous to be left alive!" "I'm too weak... oh... don't kill me, please!" Al Mualim pleaded to Calhoun. "It's not the right thing to do, and you should know that," Xehanort told Calhoun, "He must live!" Ignoring Xehanort's words, Calhoun was intent on killing Al Mualim. "Please don't!" Al Mualim pleaded to Calhoun again. "I need him!" Xehanort pleaded as well. As Calhoun raised her katana to deliver a killing blow, Al Mualim pleaded, "PLEASE DON'T!" "NOOOO!" Xehanort cried as he quickly summoned his Keyblade and sliced off Calhoun's arm to prevent her from killing Al Mualim, causing the J.I.A. sergeant to scream in pain. Seeing what just happened, Al Mualim grinned, figuring this was his chance to finish off Calhoun. "POWER!" Al Mualim yelled as he shot lightning once again from his hands towards Calhoun, electrocuting her as she continued crying in pain, "UNLIMITED POWER!!!!" As she kept getting electrocuted, Sgt. Tamora Calhoun finally died as Al Mualim used his lightning to send Calhoun's deceased body flying off in the direction of the Tokyo skyline to parts unknown while a sound of thunder roared across the area. The Nintendo High principal then relaxed with a grin on his face as Xehanort was trembling from what happened, saying, "What have I done?" As Xehanort abruptly sat on a chair from the teacher's lounge and dropped his Keyblade, Al Mualim finally got up. The principal slowly approached Xehanort, glancing at his Keyblade on the floor as he passed by it before picking it up. "You're fulfilling your destiny, Xehanort," Al Mualim told Xehanort, "You have to believe me... when I heard that Gaston and Trixie died, my heart broke. I truly wish they were still with us right now. But it doesn't have to end this way for them. Together, we can work towards our ultimate goal, and dedicate our victory in their honor. Gaston and Trixie will live on forever, Xehanort." After listening to Al Mualim's words, Xehanort replied with a nod, saying, "Y-you're right. They must be honored." "Good," Al Mualim replied, grinning. "Forgive me for ever doubting you," Xehanort told Al Mualim, "I should've trusted your judgment the whole time." "Do not worry, my dear boy. All is forgiven," Al Mualim replied as he handed Xehanort his Keyblade, "I have never been more proud of you than I am now." Once given back his Keyblade, Xehanort got down on the floor, kneeling to Al Mualim as he he said, "From now on, I will do everything you tell me to." "Good, good..." Al Mualim commented, "A very valuable member of the brotherhood you have become Xehanort. I believe you not only deserve a higher rank, but also a new title... yes, that's it. Henceforth, you shall be referred to as... Master Xehanort."


    "Thank you, my liege," the newly christened Master Xehanort thanked Al Mualim. "Rise," Al Mualim ordered Master Xehanort, who did as he was told, "I must summon Harold and the others. There is much to discuss." Al Mualim then started walking towards the stairs to head to the rooftop while being followed by Master Xehanort.


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge) - Rooftop~


    As the Quinjet they were in landed on the rooftop of the Fridge, Alan and John Garret stepped out of the plane walking towards the entrance as Garret told Alan, "It's a hundred floors. The only way in is through the roof." As the two approached the entrance, Patricia Roland stepped out to greet them, surprised by their appearance...


    "Agent Garret, Alan... didn't expect you two here at this time," Patricia told the two, "What brings you to the Fridge?" "Well, something came up," Alan responded. "Oh really? What is it?" Patricia questioned. "This," Alan replied as he quickly took out his gun and shot Patricia point-blank in the head, killing her. "Well, now that that's taken care of, let's go in and free some of our guys," Garret commented as he and Alan entered the prison facility.


    ~Hino Family Shrine~


    "Rei," Grandpa Hino called out to his granddaughter as he entered the innermost room and found Rei there, "Breakfast's ready if you want. No rush though. Take your time." Sighing as he walked away, Grandpa's voice was noticeably more depressing than usual given the events of the previous day.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    As Matt Murdock was seated in a pew next to his Oshawott, Foggy, siletnly praying, he sensed Emma and her Espurr, Mimi, approach them...


    "Mr. Murdock," Emma greeted the demon lawyer, "You're praying for yesterday's victims too?" "I always come here to pray, tragedy or not," Murdock replied, "Still, prayer is definitely needed in these dark times." "Osha..." Foggy concurred. "You're right," Emma replied, "By the way, Yang left for a funeral service for some of the victims from yesterday. God rest their souls." "Amen," Murdock concurred.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Harbor~


    As the group got out of the ship, they were greeted by two limos. One to take Olaf to the Yankee stadium, and the other to take Demande and the others to the United Nations building. "Well, this is where we must part ways, my snowman friend," Demande told Olaf, "Do enjoy your time at the game." "Don't worry, I will," Olaf responded, smiling for the first time in the day, "And you guys enjoy your U.N. summit thingy. I'll be sure to get you some Yankee souvenirs!" "Take care, Olaf," Hans said, waving goodbye to Olaf as he got on his limo and it drove away. "Well, that's that," King Candy/Turbo commented, "We'd best get going. Don't wanna be late for a very important summit." "Right," Hans concurred, "Let's get in, Anna." Opening one of the limo's door, Saphir looked at Elsa while blushing, telling her, "You go first, Elsa."


    ~Tsukino Household~


    'Wait... was she was holding my hand the whole time?' Darien thought to himself as he noticed Serena waking up, 'Strange... I should be bothered by it. But... how come I'm not?" "Oh, almost forgot," Rini said a she grabbed the bottle of antibiotics Ikuko gave to Serena, plus a bottle of water, handing them to Darien, "Miss Claire said you have to take two of these every morning and every night." "Miss Claire, huh?" Darien wondered out loud as he was looking at the label on the antibiotics bottle. "Yeah, she's our neighbor who works as a nurse," Rini replied, "She helped save your life when we found you yesterday." "I see," Darien commented as he swallowed two of the pills while drinking water, "By the way, thanks, Rini. And you too Ca- er..." "Her name's Serena," Rini corrected Darien. "Right," Darien replied as he looked at Serena, "Thank you, Serena. And to your family as well. I owe you one." "Darien, can I ask a question," Rini asked Darien, "Who's Ephemer?" "Wh-what did you just say?" Darien questioned Rini, wondering if she mentioned the name of the boy he knew from his dream. "Ephemer," Rini repeated, "Right before you woke up, you mentioned a few names. I think they were names. But, I can't remember any of them, except for the last one you mentioned. Ephemer." "Right..." Darien commented, guessing that he must've blurted out names of individuals from his dream while he was asleep, "To be honest... I don't know. It was a person in my dream. Or at least I think it was a dream... I don't know..." "Right..." Rini said as she sat next to Darien, "Is it alright if I sit next to you?" "Umm, sure," Darien replied. Smiling, Rini hugged Darien, surprising him, as she said, "I'm really glad you're okay, Darien. I thought you were going to die. But... you're safe now." 'This feeling that I have... I can't explain it, but it's the same feeling I got when I first met her,' Darien thought to himself as he watched Rini hugging him, 'It almost feels... natural.' "Don't worry, Rini. I'm fine now," Darien replied as he patted her on the shoulder.


    The following segments were written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Abandoned Mansion~

    "Well, Kairi was the one who told me about this place. Never expected you to be an 'Old Mansion in the Woods'-type person. But eh, whatever," Kai replied as she followed Naminé, "By the way, I know you're a Nintendo High student, so I just wanted to say my condolences for what happened yesterday. I'm sure it's gotta be tough for your school to go through such a tragedy, huh?"


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    Roxas, Sora, and Kairi were quietly seated at the dining table, eating the pancakes that Roxas made while Kairi was trying to figure out what to say to break the silence. "So... where are your parents?" Kairi asked. "Taking care of errands," Sora replied, "By the way, good thing none of us went to the Imperial Palace yesterday." "Yeah, guess we were lucky, huh?" Kairi commented, "But wait, what about your cousin?" "You mean Vanitas? He went. But he's okay though," Roxas answered. "And now he's attending the funeral for Gaston and Trixie given how close he was with them," Sora added. "Right..." Kairi replied, "Hard to believe individuals you just pass by in school are suddenly gone." As Roxas and Sora nodded in agreement and continued with their breakfast, Kairi thought to herself, 'If anything were to happen to Sora... I don't know what I'd do.'


    ~Vector Building~

    Arriving to the building's parking lot on the groundfloor, C.C. and her fellow Rising Tide members were running up to try and find Aoi Kazue as soon as possible. However, they soon stopped as they noticed Wilhelm standing in their way. "Well, well, well... if it isn't the Rising Tide," Wilhelm commented while grinning. "We're not here to fight," C.C. responded, "We're just here for Aoi Kazue. Hand him over, and we'll leave in peace." "Aoi Kazue, you say?" Wilhelm questioned before laughing hysterically. "What's so funny?" Dawn asked Wilhelm. As soon as he stopped laughing, Wilhelm said, "If you're looking for Aoi Kazue, then let me gladly introduce you to him." Wilhelm then snapped his fingers, and the nearby elevators opened up to reveal Darth Vader, silently looking at the Rising Tide members while his slow and creepy breaths could be heard throughout the parking lot.

    "You?!" C.C. cried, remembering Vader from an earlier duel. "You wanted Aoi Kazue, did you not?" Wilhelm questioned C.C., "Well here he is!" "No... that can't be him... it's impossible!" C.C. retorted. "Oh, but it is," Wilhelm said, "The person you see is indeed Aoi Kazue, albeit with a reprogrammed mind, no memory of his past, and going by the name of Darth Vader. Go ahead Vader, say hello to our guests. They came here just for you." As Vader slowly approached the group, nearly everyone got in a defensive position, ready to attack him, except for C.C., pleading to the others, "Wait, girls! Let me talk to him. A little heart-to-heart might jog his memory." "Heart? You can't convince me that... thing... has a heart, C.C.," Cynthia responded. "That's not true," C.C. retorted, "The Aoi Kazue that Kai talked about... he had something." Walking towards Vader, C.C. told him, "Hey, you used to be called 'Aoi Kazue', right? Something was done to you to mess with your memory. You're a little confused, but that's okay. C'mon... remember, Aoi!" Without saying a word, Vader raised his right hand, and then a nearby car levitated, flying straight towards C.C. "C.C.!!" Kallena and Pyrrha cried as they both rushed and pushed C.C. out of harm's way. "I don't think Vader... is quite the brother Kai remembers," Cynthia commented as he rushed towards Vader, trying to punch and kick him while he masterfully dodged every attack. As Kallen and Pyrrha helped C.C. up, she told them, "I still think there's a bit of Aoi inside Vader. He just needs time, that's all." The Rising Tide members then gasped as they noticed Vader knocking out Cynthia inside the elevator he came from. As he took out his lightsaber to finish her off, C.C. rushed towards Vader and Cynthia, crying, "Aoi, DON'T!" But before C.C. could see what happened, the elevator doors closed, hearing the elevator go up. "Aoi... why?" C.C. said to herself. "That's what we do. Put the most precious memories in the back of our minds where they're safe," Wilhelm told C.C. "You..." C.C. angrily replied as she took out her lightsaber, "You're gonna pay for this." "Hehe, a challenge then? I accept," Wilhelm stated, "The Rising Tide ends today!"
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
  13. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Nintendo High~

    After the battle had concluded, Astral rose up from the floor at the sound of thunder echoing across the sky. Walking around the S-Type saw the corpses of Elise, Spy Fox, an Bon-Bon strewn on the floor. Placing a hand over its eye Astral started to cackle before bursting out into a fit of insane laughter, a low whisper coming from its mouth. "A bunch of martyrs barging into this place thinking they can change things. This is the result of what your Justice has caused...a few worthless deaths in the new age of the Crystal Order. The age of perfect tranquility and balance." Picking up Elise's corpse and looking at it, Astral continued. "This is what I want to see from those who rebel against me...for everything is absolute."

    ~Peppy's House~

    Peppy was looking around the bookshelves within his home before managing to open a small panel revealing a lever inside it. Pulling it down caused the bookcase to slide open revealing a small room that had a old book sitting on a wooden pedestal in a glass case. Peppy walked over and opened a small door on the case before pulling out the book telling himself. "I never figured I would pull this book out again after seven years...but it's now or never."

  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith hummed as chaos and Lenne were in the back, she talked with customers and made the arrangements for bouquets. She would let Harold do whatever he needed to do when he came down to the shop. As she sniffed some roses, Aerith decided to make a special arrangement for Beast so he didn't feel so lonely while everyone was working.

    -Tenkujii Temple-

    Takeru was still sleeping, his futon a mess and a trial of drool on his lip. Edison and Newton hit him on the head, waking him up and he stretched, rubbing his messy hair. He got dressed and went to his father's grave, praying to him and asking for guidance in the face of the recent tragedy. Takeru went to Yuuki's room, saying, "Yuuki, it's time to get up. I'll make a delicious breakfast."

    -Abandoned Mansion-

    "It's not exactly my first choice for a home." Namine said, guiding her new friend. "But my caretakers are rather...... secretive and they would like to be someplace that's out of the way." She led Kai into her room which was white all around with a simple canopy bed along with a bare closet that had her school uniform and the walls were covered in her sketches, each one a beautifully detailed drawing, some were of a princess in a white dress and a prince, other had a team of people together or two people from a team. Each drawing that had the people had their eyes covered by some means.

    -U.S.A. - Harbor-

    Elsa stepped into the limo and patted the spot next to her room, "Saphir, here, sit next to me." She smiled while Anna sat with Hans and stretched, happy to be on land and wondered what it would be like.
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Inside Limousine~


    "O-of course, Elsa," Saphir replied, blushing as he sat next to Elsa. Once Demande and King Candy/Turbo joined the others inside, the limousine began heading towards the United Nations building. As the limo was moving, everyone inside heard ringing. "Someone's calling," Demande said as he pressed a button near him, with an LCD screen then appearing near the driver's head, switching on to reveal King Regis live on the screen...


    "Ah, Regis. Good to see you," Demande told Regis, who could see everyone inside the limo. "Good to see you as well, Demande," Regis replied, "I just wanted to make sure you and your guests arrived safely." "Yes, we're all here and accounted for," Demande told the king. "Very good, I'm looking forward to meeting each one of you in person," Regis replied, "I'll be waiting for your arrival at the U.N." "We'll see you there," Demande said as the video call with King Regis ended.


    ~Nintendo High School~


    "My, what a mess," Harold Saxon commented as he arrived to the scene and saw Astral with the corpses, "I've got some guys coming in to take these bodies away." The Japanese Prime Minister then noticed Haytham Kenway and Rassilon arrive behind him and Astral...


    "We came as soon as Al Mualim told us," Haytham said. "Same," Saxon replied. As Haytham and Rassilon observed the damage, Rassilon told Saxon, "Thankfully, this plot against your stepfather was thwarted. If Master Xehanort hadn't intervened, who knows what could've happened." "Master, huh? Is that what that boy, Xehanort, goes by now?" Harold questioned, "Because I have to say, 'Master Xehanort' really has a nice ring to it." "We should go to the rooftop," Haytham told Harold and Astral, "Al Mualim and Master Xehanort are waiting for us." "Right behind you," Saxon replied as he followed Haytham and Rassilon to the stairs.


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge)~


    As Garret and Alan walked down the prison facility, Garret commented, "First time I came down here was to lock up Johnny Horton. Ever heard of him?" After Alan shook his head in response, John continued, "The guy somehow gave himself these lion's paws for hands. Can you imagine?" "That doesn't seem practical," Alan responded, chuckling. "Everybody's got their own thing, I suppose," Garret added, chuckling as well before noticing a door leading to the building's weapons cache, "Here we go. Follow me." Alan nodded as he followed Garret.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Hey, you're awake," Sammy said as he entered and found Darien awake along with Rini, Serena, and Luna, "'Bout time. I'm gonna go tell Mom and Dad. They're gonna want to have a word with you during breakfast." "R-right," Darien responded to Sammy as he left. Sighing, Darien continued, "I'm sorry. I feel like a burden by staying at your home." "Don't worry about it! I'm sure Auntie Ikuko and Uncle Kenji will understand," Rini replied.


    The following segments were written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Namine's Room~

    "Wow, neato," Kai commented as she walked around the room, observing Namine's drawings. Upon noticing the drawing of a princess in a white dress and a prince, Kai mentioned, "I really like this one, Namine. Who are these two?"


    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "Those were some good pancakes. Thank you, Roxas," Kairi thanked Roxas after finishing breakfast. "My pleasure," Roxas replied, smiling as he took the plates away. "So, now what?" Sora asked Kairi. "Well, I don't really have anything to do," Kairi replied. "You can stick around if you want," Sora said, "Roxas and I aren't really doing anything either." "Sure... I suppose I could stay for awhile," Kairi replied as she walked towards the sofa in the living room and lied down.


    ~Vector Building~

    With a snap if his fingers, S-types appeared, surrounding C.C. and the other members of the Rising Tide. "S-types?!" C.C. cried, "You're in cahoots with them?!" "Well, mostly the ones you see right now," Wilhelm replied, "Magnificent, aren't they? I've heard so many stories of how ruthless they can be. And with that knowledge, I knew that I had to make them allies of mine to achieve my goals. I'd love to discuss this more, but... I have other things to take care of." "Get back here!" C.C. yelled as she ran after Wilhelm while he walked away, only to be stopped by a pair of S-types who stood in her way. "C.C., we're gonna have to fight 'em," Dawn informed C.C. as the members of the Rising Tide were getting ready for a battle. Taking a deep breath, C.C. switched her lightsaber on, announcing, "Alright girls... time to fight!"
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    As the two brothers were working rather hard alongside their parents giving out free food, Rosalina gently approached the brothers and tapped them on their shoulders and whispered. "Can you two come with me?" The two looked at the blonde before they followed her up the stairs. Once there Rosalina locked the door and pulled out her phone showing Mario and Luigi a text as she explained. "Mr. Hare sent me this message just a moment ago. He wants us to come down to his house later mentioning that it's important." Luigi then said looking at the female asking. "Did he say why?" Rosalina shook her head before she said. "No, he didn't." Mario looked at Luigi before he said. "We should be careful while we go out. Astral believes that both you and I are dead, it's not aware of our survival." Luigi then smiled. "Good idea, Mario."​
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School - Rooftop~


    As Al Mualim and Master Xehanort were joined by the others, with rain continuing to fall on them while being accompanied by the sound of thunder, Al Mualim told Xehanort, "With this failed attempt on my life, it is obvious that we must act fast. Should our enemies learn what has happened here... they will kill us, along with all members of parliament out of suspicion." "I agree," Master Xehanort replied, "Our enemies' next move will be against the Japanese government." "Every single one of our enemies, whether they be Sailor Scouts, Rangers, or even Riders, including your friend, Hiccup, is now an enemy of the Republic of Japan," Al Mualim told Master Xehanort. "I understand, my liege," Xehanort concurred. "We must move quickly. Our enemies are relentless," Al Mualim commented, "If they are not all destroyed, it would be a third world war without end." Al Mualim then turned to face Master Xehanort, telling him, "First, I want you to go to the NATO headquarters here in Tokyo." Walking over to Master Xehanort, Saxon handed him a flash drive, adding, "Upload this in the main computer over there. It'll send out a virus throughout the world that'll decimate every country's military within minutes. We will catch them off balance."

    "Do what must be done, Lord Xehanort," Al Mualim told Master Xehanort, "Do not hesitate, show no mercy. Only then will Gaston and Trixie be immortalized, and their sacrifice have meaning." "What about all our other enemies spread across the world?" Master Xehanort asked, "And not just the Scouts, Rangers, and Riders like you mentioned earlier, but we have others besides them." "Their betrayal will be dealt with. After you have completed your task in the NATO headquarters, go to the United Nations summit taking place in Castelia City. Wipe out Regis and every world leader not associated with our cause. Once more, Earth will return to being a single nation. And... we shall have... peace," Al Mualim replied to Master Xehanort, grinning.


    ~The British Ministry of Magic HQ - London, U.K.~


    As the British Minister of Magic, Dolores Umbridge, was in her office, reading a message from Al Mualim on an enchanted parchment, she heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Umbridge replied. The door opened, and in came Croix Meridies, Umbridge's protege...


    "Ah, Miss Meridies," Umbridge greeted Croix, "I take it you're ready to show me your proposal for the Sorcery Solution System?" "Of course," Croix responded as one of her sorcery units hovered inside the office while she closed the door. The sorcery unit then projected an image on the wall, showing a witch using a smartphone, with Croix explaining, "As you fully know, Minister, once the world belongs to the Crystal Order, any form of subversive activity will need to be extinguished immediately. The best way to avoid such activity would be to attack the source before it could spread. Now in terms of those with magical abilities, the solution comes in the form of the Sorcery Solution System, or 'SSS' for short. Under the SSS, every wand in the world belonging to witches and wizards will be confiscated and disposed of properly. In order to use magic, witches and wizards will have to use a smartphone with an app that I designed myself installed in it, just like the witch you see in this picture. The app will work exactly like a wand, allowing witches and wizards to use magic just as they have before, only in a more modern way. And the best part is that all magical activity will be monitored. Any suspicious magical activity will trigger a response by the authorities, who will then deal with any potential subversion, depending on the situation, of course." As Croix's sorcery unit projected another image on the wall (this time, of a certain wand), Croix continued, "Nevertheless, there will be those who prefer things the old way, wanting to use a wand instead of a smartphone app. And I respect such choices. Luckily, the SSS has a solution for this sort of problem. After confiscating every wand in the world, a standardized wand, which you can see right here, will be available for those wishing to use magic just as they have before. It works and acts exactly like a normal wand. There is one difference, however. It is electronic in nature, and thus, can track all magical activity it is being used for, just like my smartphone app. So in the end, whether it is with an app or a wand, all magical activity will be tracked, and no witch or wizard would dare start any sort of rebellion." "Marvelous," Umbridge commended Croix, "It seems I've taught you well." "Well, I have learned from the best, of course. Thank you, Minister," Croix thanked Umbridge. "Speaking of the Sorcery Solution System, I have just received a note from Al Mualim in Tokyo," Umbridge replied, "There was an attempt on his life, but thankfully, this attempt has been thwarted. He has decided to move forward with the Crystal Order's ultimate plan. Today, the world falls, including the Ministry of Magic." "I see," Croix commented as she was digesting the information Umbridge just told her, "It's about time. For too long have wizards and witches in this country gone through such injustice. Now that injustice will finally end. And I can assure you, Minister, that the SSS will be ready to launch immediately." "Excellent," Umbridge replied with a grin, "Al Mualim will be happy to hear that."


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge)~


    Using a particle plasma beam gun he grabbed from the building's weapons cache, Garret blasted a wall, creating a hole that would allow the building's prisoners get out. As the prisoners were coughing from the smoke caused by the blast while they were exiting, Garret was telling them, "You're welcome, gentlemen!"


    "Don't forget to follow your dreams!" Garret continued as Tirek passed by him and Alan, glaring at the two before following the other prisoners. As soon as female prisoners were getting out, Garret was helping them out as well, saying, "Ladies." Eventually, Florent L'Belle, who was taken to the Fridge two days ago, stepped out of the hole as well, angered as he noticed John Garret...


    "You?! You have to be kidding me," L'Belle complained, "I've been in a cell smaller than my shoe closet. I wasn't allowed to eat with a fork, which would have been worse if I'd been allowed to eat anything but meatloaf all day yesterday!" "I did just bust you out," Garret calmly responded. "Yeah, out of a prison you put me in! Do you know what my life was like before I joined the Crystal Order? It was really nice. But because of my association with you guys, this past day and a half was hell. I've had my assets frozen, I've been beaten. You almost ripped my tongue out of my mouth during interrogation!" L'Belle continued complaining. "But I didn't," Garret replied, "I'm regretting that now. And I would've hoped you'd realize that for the sake of not screwing up our operation, I had to make it all look real. Luckily for you, Alexander Pierce got orders from the big guy himself to free all Crystal Order prisoners, and I'm sure you know what that means." Surprised by what he just heard, Florent asked, "T-today's the day? We're really gonna take over today?" "Oh yes," Alan answered. "Get yourself ready," Garret told Florent as he patted his back, "There's one more prisoner we need to free." Alan then followed Garret as they went through the hole, while Florent waked away while pondering what he was just told.


    The following segments include characters belonging to @NutheadBros and @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , who are being used with their permission:


    ~Tsukino Household~


    'Ephemer... why do I feel like I know that name?' Serena thought to herself after hearing Rini and Darien discuss the name. Luna too felt a sense of familiarity, but not with the name Ephemer, but rather, the names Ira and Aced, which Darien also mentioned in his sleep right before waking up. 'Where have I heard the names Ira and Aced before?' Luna thought to herself. "Say, Darien. Excuse me for asking, but... is it true.. are you really Tuxedo Mask?" Serena asked Darien. Gasping upon hearing the question, Darien questioned, "H-how did you...?" "A lot happened while you were asleep, Darien," Rini told Darien. "It's true," Serena added, "I think we're gonna have a long discussion during breakfast."


    "Serena, Rini... breakfast's ready," Ikuko called out from the kitchen. "Coming!" Serena and Rini responded. "Let's go, Darien," Rini told Darien as she and Serena helped him get up, with Darien simply nodding in reply as the three walked towards the kitchen while Luna followed.


    ~Vector Building~

    After defeating a couple of S-types, C.C. declared, "I don't have time for these S-types! I have to find that guy!" "Go!" Dawn replied, "We can handle ourselves." Nodding, C.C. force-pushed S-types out of the way, running towards the stairs, and quickly going up until she reached the 5th floor, noticing the door open on its own. "Huh, interesting," C.C. said to herself, deciding to investigate the 5th floor as she entered it.


    ~Abandoned Mansion~

    "A prince and princess who loved each other deeply, yet sadly, never lived to see their wedding day," Namine responded to Kai. "Woah... that got depressing pretty quick," Kai commented, "Either way, it's a great drawing, Namine." "Thank you," Namine replied, blushing. "Anyway, how're you feeling today?" Kai asked. "Well, a bit sad for what happened yesterday, and a bit worried for the future," Namine responded. "Worried how, exactly?" Kai asked. "I'm not sure," Namine replied, "It just feels... like nothing will ever be the same again pretty soon."
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Peppy's House~

    "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Shion. I know it was probably hectic to get over here especially considering the events recently." Peppy explained as he sat in a chair within his own home. Shion who sat across from him looked at the hare as she held a cup of tea in her hand. "It's fine, I'm used to it considering my position at the company. Although my question is why you called me here to begin with." Peppy looked at Shion sternly before he said. "I have a bad feeling that something big will happen...and it will not be good for us all. As you may know...there were people in contact with the Saint Relic that shook the ground." Shion nodded adding. "...and an S-Type leaving the area quickly with a massive power level." Peppy smiled. "Yes, you catch on quickly. Now do you have the disc I asked you to get?" The brunette pulled out a jewel case with a CD inside it and said. "Right here, the blueprints and schematics for KOS-MOS all on a disc." Peppy looked around the room before he whispered. "You need to go into hiding, with the S-Types working alongside the Crystal Order there's the chance that Gadd Science could be compromised and the data on KOS-MOS in enemy hands. I'll see with some friends on if they can wipe out the data from the computers. Just keep yourself and KOS-MOS safe." Shion nodded. "Will do." Peppy looked up before he said. "After the data is wiped, there will be some others who will need to go into hiding as well."

    ~Sora & Roxas' home~

    Kairi merely laid back on the sofa, a lot running through her mind. She wasn't fully aware of the issues going on at the Vector Building at all and raised up looking at the rainy weather outside. She then looked at the boys and asked. "Hey, do you think anything good's playing on the TV? I feel like what happened yesterday with the concert's going to be on every channel."

    ~Throughout Tokyo~

    After Mario, Luigi, and Rosalina had received the message from Peppy. The rest of their friends would soon find a similar message on their own phones with instructions to come over later with no reason as to why.​
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    -Abandoned Mansion-

    "I don't know if it's a dream, intuition or whatever you want to call it." Namine said, looking at the sketch. "But sometime, I just have a feeling and I need to sketch it out." She looked at the sketch of the prince and princess then looked at the sketch of the two masked heroes being together.

    -Tsukino Household-

    "Yeah, food!" Serena said, smiling as she went to her place at the table. Luna sighed and went to her bowl of milk, licking her milk. Serena spread butter over her toast and began to eat, smiling and humming.

    -Flower Shop-

    Waving as a customer left, Aerith tucked some hair behind her ear and breathed. 'Days like this are so busy and usually pretty seldom.' She thought, holding herself. 'This city used to be peaceful, but now so many deaths in such a short time.' She looked around and pulled a pale green orb, gripping her hands and praying. 'Oh, mother. Please watch over us and the shop. Please, just whatever Beast has, let it pass and have him be happy.'


    Elsa breathed, "I hope I can make a good impression with King Regis." "I kinda wish we could meet his son." Anna said, sitting back. Elsa said, "I think Noctis is as socially awkward as you, Anna." "I am not!" Anna said, pouting. Elsa laughed, and breathed, holding Saphir's hand tightly.

    -Lunafreya's home-

    Sitting in the living room with her dogs, Lunafreya rubbed behind Umbra's ear and tried to keep herself calm while waiting for her lady-in-waiting. She hummed, looking at the message that Noctis had seen in their special notebook.
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Sora's and Roxas's Home~


    "Hmm, let me check," Sora replied to Kairi as he grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels after switching the television on. A majority of the channels had the following message being played:


    "Greetings, citizens of Japan," Malva, announced to those watching, "In light of the tragic events yesterday, Prime Minister Harold Saxon will be delivering a very important speech to the nation, and the world, live from parliament at 4:00 p.m. Please tune in."

    "Well, you were right," Sora told Kairi, eventually putting the Animal Planet channel on TV, "At least we still got nature shows."


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - Inside Limousine~


    Saphir blushed as Elsa held his hand while Demande told Anna and Elsa, "I'm sure Regis will like the both of you. And who knows... he might even be able to introduce you to his son if he really likes you two." The limo eventually got close to the United Nations building. But as the limo was going through an intensive security check at the security checkpoint, Hans and the others noticed a very large group of protesters outside the building's perimeters, protesting a variety of things. With the leaders the world meeting at this time, it'd be a perfect opportunity for protesters to try and get their message across. Many of the signs carried by protesters included messages such as...


    "You get used to it," Hans told Anna and Elsa as he watched the protesters. The limo was finally cleared to enter the premises, driving towards the building's main entrance.


    ~Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. - The United Nations Building~


    While Regis was waiting for Demande and the others, he wanted to check on his how his son was doing on his trip, speaking with his adviser, Ignis Scientia, on the phone...


    "We've just arrived to Johannesburg," Ignis told King Regis over the phone, "We'll be returning home within a week." "Very good," Regis replied, "Be sure to enjoy yourselves in South Africa." "Very well, your majesty," Ignis said, "Anything else you request of me?" "No, just be careful. Look after Noctis as you always do. And... tell him I love him," Regis responded. "Of course," Ignis said as he hung up. "I take it your son is traveling?" T'Chaka, king of the African nation of Wakanda, asked Regis as he approached him...


    "Yes. To South Africa," Regis replied. "Ah. He'll surely enjoy himself there," T'Chaka said, "But if I'm not mistaken, you would have rather had him here speaking for your country?" "I would have, yes," Regis answered, "But... given the tense situations happening back home... it's probably best that I speak rather than him. He'll definitely get his chance one day." "Yes, I agree," T'Chaka concurred, "I would have brought my son, but he is busy with important matters in Wakanda." "Well, best of luck to him," Regis said. "Thank you, my friend," T'Chaka thanked Regis before noticing a limo pulling up outside through the window, "Another arrival." "Ah, that must be Demande and the others," Regis commented, "I should go meet them." "If you don't mind, I would like to join you in welcoming them as well," T'Chaka replied as he followed Regis to the building entrance.


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility (a.k.a. The Fridge)~


    As he and Alan arrived to the cell holding Bellatrix Lestrange, which was more secure than the rest, John Garret used the particle plasma beam gun he used earlier to open a path into the cell. He and Alan then entered the cell, and found Bellatrix Lestrange on the ground, chained by a special chain inhibiting her powers...


    "Hey there, Sunshine," Garret greeted Bellatrix as Alan unlocked her chains, "Sorry it took a while to get you out. But, hopefully, this'll make up for it." Taking out a case from a lower pocket on his right leg, Garret handed it to Bellatrix. Opening it, Bellatrix was surprised to see her wand inside, which was confiscated from her ever since she was captured and arrested. "Is it time?" Bellatrix questioned, "Is today really the day?" "Yup," Garret responded. "Hail the Crystal Order," Alan added. As she was processing what she was being informed, a smile began to form on Bellatrix's face. Eventually, Bellatrix began to laugh hysterically as she got up, marched out of her cell, swinging her wand as she was blasting the other cells she was passing by before reaching a wall. Blasting the wall with her wand, Bellatrix created an opening, giving her a view of the outside, high in the building. "HAIL THE CRYSTAL ORDER! HAHAHA!" Bellatrix yelled as she flicked her wand, creating a projection of the Crystal Order logo in the sky while continuing to laugh maniacally. "Just between you and me, that b*** is crazy," Alan whispered to John Garret. "Yeah, but she's our crazy b***," Garret responded, chuckling.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    As Darien was having breakfast with the Tsukinos, he couldn't help but feel there was an awkward silence in the kitchen, with Kenji and Ikuko not looking at him as they silently ate breakfast. "Anyway... thank you, for what you did," Darien said, trying to break the silence. "Don't mention it," Ikuko responded, "Any friend of Rini's is welcome here." "And of course, as Muppets fans, my wife and I are thankful for what you did during the Muppet Telethon," Kenji added, "You are the Tuxedo Mask guy who saved the show that night, aren't you?" "So, I guess the cat's out of the bag," Darien replied, "How did you know?" "Two agents from the J.I.A. came by yesterday. Asked if we saw you or a couple other guys, saying that you were a dangerous terrorist," Kenji answered as he took a sip of coffee, "They revealed that you also went by the identity of 'Tuxedo Mask.' But we lied, telling them that we haven't seen Tuxedo Mask since the Muppet Telethon. Now I don't feel comfortable lying to government agents, especially with what's been happening, but I felt it was the right thing to do. So I'm asking you one thing, Darien. Prove to me that I did the right thing." As Darien was processing what he was told, something Kenji said caught his attention. "Wait... what has been happening?" Darien questioned. As the Tsukinos silently looked at each other, Rini got up from her seat, went to grab today's newspaper, and handed it to Darien, telling him, "Here you go, Darien." Looking at the front page, Darien's heart sank as he read the front page article, detailing what happened the previous night in the Imperial Palace. While stunned to learn that his neighbor, Gaston, was killed, Darien was more horrified to learn that Harriet Jones was dead as well, with Harold Saxon taking her place as prime minister of Japan. "It's a national day of mourning," Ikuko told Darien as he was still reading. "Which is why Dad isn't at work, and why neither me, Serena, nor Rini are at school," Sammy added. "We were originally going to go there yesterday, but when Rini found you, we couldn't leave you unattended," Kenji added, "I guess we dodged a bullet, huh?" While still stunned from learning about what happened, Darien turned the pages of the newspaper, and found another article containing photos of himself, Nick Fury, Skye, Shining Armor, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Baymax, and Hiro Hamada, with the article mentioning those whose photos are shown as former government agents accused of treason against Japan. Putting the newspaper away, Darien covered his face, stressed out by everything he had just learned. "I understand that it's a lot to take in," Ikuko told Darien, "But please, let us help you. Tell us your side of the story." "My side?" Darien questioned as he looked at Ikuko, "Heh, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you." "Try us," Kenji replied. "Please, Darien," Rini added, "Whatever it is, they'll understand. I'm sure." Looking at Rini, Darien sighed as he said, "Alright, alright. I'll talk."


    The following segment is written on @NutheadBros 's behalf:


    ~Vector Building - 5th Floor~

    Arriving to the 5th floor, C.C. noticed the entire floor was empty, and was looking around before noticing Wilhelm and Darth Vader were waiting for her. Glaring at Wilhelm, C.C. said, "I'm only going to say this once. Change Aoi back to his former self." "Yes. Under the right parameters, I might," Wilhelm replied. "Huh?" a surprised C.C. wondered out loud. "Let's make a deal," Wilhelm announced, "Leave the Rising Tide. Join me, take over Vader's place, and I'll change him back to Aoi." "Join you?" C.C. questioned Wilhelm, "I... I can't. I can never join forces with someone who causes pain to others. Forget it!" "Ha! Flawed reasoning," Wilhelm mocked C.C., "I'll have to take you by force."

    As he was leaving the hallway, Wilhelm signaled Vader to attack C.C. Switching his lightsaber on, Vader rushed towards C.C., who quickly switched her lightsaber on to defend herself. "Aoi, why can't I get through to you?!" C.C. cried as she was blocking attacks from Vader. "Fight, C.C.!" a familiar voice yelled out to C.C. from behind. Turning around, C.C. gasped as she saw Cynthia, alive and well. "Cynthia!" a relieved C.C. cried while continuing to deflect Vader's attacks, "You're okay! I can't believe it!" "Yes. I think Aoi heard you. Long enough for me to escape," Cynthia responded, "You can do it. You can get through to him! C.C., you have to fight him!" "But Cynthia! How can I-" C.C. questioned Cynthia before being interrupted from an incoming attack from Vader, dodging away from it. "You can use your Force abilities. It will bring him to his senses," Cynthia replied. Darth Vader then jumped as he tried to slash C.C. from above, only to be blocked by C.C. when he landed, with the two lightsabers locked against each other. "I'll try!" C.C. exclaimed as she pushed Vader away and got into an offensive position, "Let's go, Aoi!"
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