RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Rainbow Dash didn't say a word. However, she turned towards Yoshi, and made a cuckoo face, indicating that Doctor Robotnik had some serious mental issues.



    Once Harold Saxon reached Al Mualim's office, he noticed he was about to speak with Yu. Simply nodding, Harold indicated to his stepfather that he'll wait outside in the hallway and wait for Al Mualim to finish. The principal nodded back. "That is my stepson, Harold Saxon. I'm sure you're familiar with him Yu. He is running for Prime Minister of Japan," Al Mualim commented before getting back on topic. "Anyway, Yu Narukami. I see that you've transferred from Playstation Academy. Your grades are very good, so I don't think you'll be having any problems here. I do hope you enjoy your time here my boy. Make sure you start wearing the school uniform starting tomorrow. They're sold at room A113. Here is your schedule, and here is your excuse for Professor Lordgenome," Al Mualim said while giving Yu his schedule and an excuse for his History class, "Be sure to tell your history professor that I said he needs to calm down. Now, do you have any questions you'd like to ask before you go to class?"



    "Don't worry Nero," Loki replied to his new friend, "I understand." While Yen Sid was continuing his lecture, Xehanort noticed Sai picking up a small object from the floor. What could it be, the boy thought.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Mathematical Sciences: Naruto's Mission!


    Naruto gave Yoshi a thumbs up and grinned widely, "Alright! You can count on me!" Without warning, Naruto jumped up and sprinted from the room, completely oblivious to the ramblings of their teacher.

    Music Class:


    Utau half listened to Yen Sid and half paid any attention to Miku's sudden reveal. She knew of Miku's fame and respected the pop star as well as those like they siblings or cousins or friends or whatever, Utau held her own in the competition with them. Half turning in her seat, she mustered a smile for the girl. Sai, however, was not so much listening as sketching the odd gem immediately into his sketch book.



    Escorting the deranged night guard, Kakuzu stopped beside the bathrooms and glowered down at Black. "Shouldn't you be in class?" Nero's red eyes focused intensely on Black, "Hall pass? If you don't have a hall pass...I'm going to have to assume you're a disembodied mass of internal organs that I've left about in the hall..." "I'll take care of that! MISTER Black obviously was taking a marathon break and has now refreshed himself at the restrooms for a YOUTHFUL drink of water. Am I RIGHT, Mr. Black?"


    Kakuzu groaned, "Ugh...I didn't need an excuse, Guy, but you've provided the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard. Now...where's my money?" Guy blanched, "Ah...oh, that. W-well...I...I've NO idea what you're talking about. RIGHT, Black? Right."
    Guy's conversation was mostly with himself.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Being the quiet boy he was, Connor didn't speak to anyone when he came to school in the morning. However, he was happy to start Martial Arts class, as he gets to talk to his friend "Dick" Grayson, who he hasn't spoken to all summer. Before class was about to begin, Connor was looking through the students to see if Dick was here. Soon enough, he found him. "Hey Dick! It's me Connor! How're you doing man?" Connor called out to his friend. The two had much in common. For example, both were very athletic, and both were orphans.


    ~Flashback Pt. 2: 25 years ago at Al Mualim's home (This is IMPORTANT)~


    It's been a week since Al Mualim took young Harold Saxon to Nintendo High, a week since Harold encountered that mysterious safe. Both Al Mualim and Harold were sitting on the table having dinner. While Harold never talked much, Al Mualim noticed that the boy was being a lot more quieter than usual. He would sometimes cover his ears as though there was a loud noise. "You have been acting strange lately, Harold," Al Mualim said to the 8 year old, "Ever since I took you to see Nintendo High, you've been doing odd things. Is something wrong?" Harold was contemplating whether he should tell Al Mualim about what really happened last week. It would be normally be easy to lie, but the drumming has been going on in Harold's head all week long, and he felt this was something Al Mualim should know. Harold eventually decided to tell the truth. "When you took me to your office last week, when you left to go to the restroom, I wanted to go to another room by myself," Harold Saxon confessed, "But then, I found this room with a big safe inside. I then touched it, and now I keep hearing drumbeats in my head. hey won't stop!" Al Mualim looked at his adopted son for a minute, then began to speak, "Let this be a lesson for you Harold. You shouldn't have left the office. There are secrets in the school you that are too young to understand. However, tell me about these drums that you keep hearing." "I keep hearing four drumbeats 16 times, then they stop for a few minutes, and then they start to do the same thing again," Harold replied. Al Mualim pondered at Harold's description of the drumbeats. "Four drumbeats, 16 times an interval. Four times 16 is 64. That must be connected to the 64 techniques," Al Mualim said, "I suppose you want to know what I mean by the 64 techniques. Very well. This is how the story begins..." Al Mualim goes on to explain the story of the crystal and the 64 techniques to Harold Saxon, how Peppy's father found the crystal, how Nintendo Hugh was established, and how Al Mualim became principal.
  4. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    Grayson turned to look at the source of the voice of his friend Connor. "Connor!? What are you doing in Japan?" His face broke out into a grin as he approached his native-american friend. It had been a while since they talked, but that was mainly because of the incident that Bruce didn't like to talk about... where Jason Todd had been brutally murdered by the Joker. It had taken almost all the Bat-family to convince Bruce to take on another Robin. "Hey, man! It's been ages, hasn't it?" He was glad that there was someone here he knew at least.

    -- Outside the class--
    Bruce and Ra's were talking about... differences. "I'm not teaching them to kill." "But they must have the will to act! Your compassion is not something our enemies will share!" "That's why it's so important, because it seperates us from them." Ra's finally gave up and went off to his own class room to prepare it. Bruce entered his class to find Dick talking to Connor. It'd been ages since the two had met up... he went over to his desk to get ready some last-minute stuff.
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    "Dude, are you high?" Connor replied to Dick's comment, "I've lived in Japan my whole life. I should be asking you that." Connor was giving Dick a stern look, and in a few seconds, turned to laughter as he bear hugged his best friend, enjoying the typical awkward dialogue he would usually have with his best friend, which he hadn't seen since summer vacation began, which felt like ages to the two.
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Yu heard about the Runnign for Prime Minister, hwo couldn't he when the news broadcast it for updates to the elections? He took hsi schdule and looked at the excuse, it seemed good enough and he nodded at the suggestion and couldn't think of any questions. "Not at this moment Headmaster, I thnak you for taking your time to see me." He said and stood up, leaving the office.
  7. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Al Mualim's Office: Enter the Unknown, the pieces come together!~​
    As soon as Yu left the office a large black and blue oozing puddle like the ones from before appeared on the floor. however this time it seemed as though a single red eye formed in the middle of it. The eye slowly rose out from under the puddle as the liquid mass began to form a body, it was tall, had a pair of electric blue wings, hands with only two long fingers and a thumb on it, a long flowing black cloak, and a dark blue headpiece around the eye that resembled a crystalized star. It looked down upon the Principal before it said "The ticking in your step-son's head will stop, if you will help my comrades" rather calmly.​
    ~Mathematical Science: Yes the Teacher is insane, that's for sure!~​
    Yoshi looked at Dashie before also making that same face and pulling his hands back wide essentially telling her that he was also a fat cuckoo as well, he then noticed that Naruto had ran off in the middle of class and facepalmed thinking "It's not even lunch yet and he already ran off to get me food"
    ~History: The Offeneded Beast!~​
    Bowser read and listened in on the Chapter being read before he heard about the whole deal with the beasts walking and talking like humans and how someone tried to oppose them, obviously this didn't click well in the mind of the Koopa King before he stood with his eyes closed and said as calmly as he could "Teacher, I have a problem with what is depicted in this book, I am what they would call one of these beasts that walked on two legs and talked like humans, and it seems to me that this book says people like me were beaten senselessly by this man and the humans"
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Flashback Pt. 3: 25 years ago at Al Mualim's home (This is IMPORTANT)~


    Al Mualim continued lecturing his stepson on the secrets of Nintendo High. He revealed that every year since the school was established, beings called S-types would attack at a random site on Earth. The previous year, an attack happened on Okinawa. And as usual, the graduates of Nintendo High, as well as staff (including Al Mualim and Peppy), faced off against the S-types there. When it seemed that they were defeated, Al Mualim found one left, that was struggling to survive. When he attempted to kill it, the S-type begged for mercy, and promised Al Mualim a great future. Curious about the S-type's offer, Al Mualim secretly took care of the S-type. The two discussed issues like true freedom, and how living things need to have someone to control them, all for their own good. "And from that day on, the S-type and I made a deal. I promised to help his kind, and in return, no more annual attacks would happen, and the world will then end up as we please once their goal is achieved. It was that moment that I formed the Crystal Order," said Al Mualim said to his stepson. "The Crystal Order? But I was told that they do bad things to people..." Harold Saxon wondered aloud. Al Mualim simply smiled and began to reply, "What is bad and what is good is only a point of view Harold. I formed the Crystal Order to help gather the many S-types spread across the globe, trapped in crystalline form, like this." Al Mualim pulled out what appeared to be a black crystal from his pocket. "We only do the things we do to help others. There may sometimes be unfortunate consequences, but believe me my boy, it is all for the greater good. As a matter of fact, you, Harold Saxon may prove to be important in this plan," Al Mualim continued. "Me?" Harold asked. "Yes boy. In good time, you will see just how important you may turn out to be," Al Mualim replied. And just as Al Mualim said, there have been no attacks from S-types from the moment Al Mualim befriended that S-type from the battlefield. This caused Nintendo High to gradually change over the next 25 years from a military academy type institution to one more resembling that of a regular high school. However, the Crystal Order would grow in these years, being the cause of many terror attacks around the world, attacking in places where there was a high concentration of S-types in crystalline form.


    ~Present Day: Al Mualim's Office


    Al mUalim wasn't surprised by the S-type's appearance. When Harold Saxon noticed the S-type in his stepfather's office, he quickly stepped in, closed the door, and locked it so no one would find out about this discussion. "We still need more time, my old friend. The day you and I have discussed for all those years will be a reality, I promise. To do that, my stepson first needs to win in the election in three months. Then once he's sworn in as prime minister, then we can finally declare our plan a success. The world will then be ours. And don't forget, my order is constantly gathering more and more of your kind," Al Mualim replied to the S-type he saved 26 years ago. Harold walked towards the S-type, patted it on its back, and said, "You know, if you want to help, you could secretly put up 'Vote Saxon' posters all over the country. If you want that is..." Harold took his hand out of the S-type, and was disgusted by the ooze, and wiped his hand on the wall. "Daddy, you might want to get someone to clean that," Harold commented on the now dirty wall.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Vergil's office-

    Vergil had gone to his office and prepared his first lesson for the year. He ignored the shouts of Lordgemone and sighed, 'Genome seriously needs anger management classes for that temper of his. As for that obsessive affection for his daughter.......' Other than weird, Vergil couldn't find a way to describe it and returned to organized his lesson.


    -Oak's office-

    "A map of the different regions all the Pokemon come from....." Harry whispered, looking at the map in the Pokemon Professor's office. He wondered where he was and sighed, setting Riolu on the ground and wrapped a green band on its arm. He went to the door to head back for his History class


    -Music Class-

    Nero smiled at Loki and returned to listen to the lecture. He wondered what instrument he would play and how would they pick the one they would play. Hopefully, he would be practice without 'work' getting in the way too much.


    -History Class-

    Ron and Hermione wondered where Harry could have gone, Ron yawned and began to fall asleep. Hermione remained taking notes on the lesson as did Aqua and Belle. Fluttershy and Applejack listened to the lesson while Namine kept quiet. Kyo laid his head on his desk while Yuki paid attention to the lesson.
  10. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    -Martial Arts class-
    Dick smiled at his own stupidity and was bear-hugged by his good friend. "I keep forgetting that" He laughed. "Perhaps it's something to do with the fact you don't look japanese?" Dick teased before giving his friend a bear hug as well.
    Bruce was watching, having finished preperations, and smiled. At least Dick had a friend here. "Really hope you two aren't all of my class." Bruce broke in. "That would be one heck of a short first period." Bruce joked. "Connor Kenway, right? Been a while since I saw you." He went over to greet Dick's old friend.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Al Mualim's Office: Harbinger~​
    The S-Type turned to face Al Mualim before it started to speak again "Time is of the utmost essence, soon the Harbinger will awaken and we will never be free. I have a plan to free my comrades but I will need your organization to stall Nintendo High long enough so the seal can be broken, that acursed Relic be destroyed, and the Harbinger wiped off of the map. Do you two agree to my terms?" shortly before it turned around and looked out the window saying to itself "Seven Years Ago...we almost had it all won, if those blasted staff members and students didn't seal our kind in another dimension! I swear you will soon be freed my friends..I swear it!"
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Flashback Pt. 4: 7 years ago on the outskirts of Osaka (This is IMPORTANT! Yes it's really long, but please read it!)~


    Two Nintendo High teachers, one sophomore student, and one senior student, were driving on an SUV in Osaka, planning to pick someone on the way. They were on a secret mission Al Mualim sent them on, a really dangerous one that is. None of the students were aware of this. Only staff members were told. As Nintendo High was no longer the militaristic school it once was, only specific students would be asked to perform dangerous tasks. The two chosen by Al Mualim were Axel (sophomore) and John Smith (senior). Accompanying them were Professor Eraqus, who had no scars on his face at the time, as well as Alastar Moody, who didn't have the fake eye, and thus, still didn't get the "Mad Eye" nickname yet. They arrived at a bus stop, where a man they were to meet up with was waiting for them...


    The man was named Achilles. He was part of a multinational organization determined to bring down the Crystal Order and to solve the mystery behind that group. Once achilles got on the SUV, Axel asked, "So, what are we supposed to do again?" "A really good friend of mine said she found something of utmost importance. Something that has to do with S-types," Moody replied. "S-types?" John Smith wondered aloud, "I thought they stopped appearing years ago." "That may be true, but there is evidence that the Crystal Order seeks to bring them back in huge numbers," Achilles answered. Once the SUV reached what appeared to be a dumpster, they found Moody's friend, Ziio.


    Everyone got out of the SUV, and started walking towards her. "You just had to reveal secrets to others, didn't you Alastar?" Achilles commented on the fact that a random woman knew of the S-types, "The CIA and MI6 are taking extreme measures to make sure no one knows these days. Who knows what they'll do if they find out about her." "Trust me Achilles. She knows the S-types very well. She actually fought them alongside me during the last few years those wretched things appeared," Moody replied. Once they reached her, Eraqus began to introduce everyone to her, "You must be Ziio. I've heard so much about you. My name is Eraqus. That there is Axel. Next to him is John Smith. This gentleman here is Achilles. And I'm sure you're familiar with Alastar Moody." "It's nice to meet all of you," Ziio commented, "And Alastar, it's good to see you again." "Same to you as well," Moody replied, "How's your son Connor by the way?" "He's fine. My coworker is looking after him right now," Ziio replied, "Anyway, back to business. I believe this is what you all are looking for." Ziio pulled out an object from her pocket, which resembled the crystalline forms of S-types, but shaped more like a key. She gave it to Achilles, who asked, "Where did you find this?" "It was being sold at a local flea market. After I bought it, I made sure to contact Al Mualim about it before it falls to the wrong hands," Ziio answered, "Any idea what it is?" After observing it for a while, Achilles began to speak, "If what the reports I get appear true, this is a key. Not just any key. Now it's true that S-types can be trapped in crystalline form. Being trapped in such a form would be the equivalent of getting trapped in another dimension. However, in order to free them, it is required to have the one key, which will set them free from their crystalline form. If the Crystal Order gets their hands on it, untold chaos may happen. Ziio, thank you. You have done our world a huge favor." However, from a distance, a man was observing them alongside a bunch of thugs...


    Charles Lee had been observing the meeting from the beginning. "Perfect," Charles said, "Now, on my mark, we attack." Back at the meeting, Axel commented, "Ok then. Mission accomplished I suppose." "I agree," Eraqus added, "Now let's g-" Before Eraqus could finish his sentence, an explosion happened right close to them. As the smoke cleared, John Smith shouted, "Is everyone alright?!" Everyone seemed to have avoided getting injured, except for Eraqus, who was badly wounded in his face from the debris, with blood all over his cheeks and forehead. "Eraqus!" John Smith yelled. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Let's just get out of here before it gets worse," Eraqus shouted. Everyone agreed, but within a split second, a missile hit the SUV, exploding it. "WHAT IN BLAZES IS GOING ON?!" Moody yelled. As the smoke cleared, they could see a bunch of masked thugs with guns running towards them.

    "There's your answer," Axel replied. Looking around his environment to see if he could use something against the bad guys, Axel found a bottle with some liquid inside. Hoping the liquid was flammable, Axel quickly used whatever he could find to make a Molotov cocktail. All it needed was to be lighted. Running towards the burning SUV, Axel lighted the Molotov cocktail, and threw it towards the approaching thugs, yelling, "BURN BABY!" Once the Molotov cocktail landed near the thugs, it exploded, killing half, and injuring the rest. "Well done Axel!" John Smith yelled, congratulating his friend. "Alright, now let's look for a safe spot while I call for back-up!" Achilles declared. However, a much stronger explosion blasted right next to them. The smoke was thick, and no one can barely see anything. "Ziio, where are you?!" Moody shouted. Just then, a bullet from Charles Lee hit his left eye, making him scream in pain. The others were all knocked out. As for Ziio, she opened her eyes, and found herself lying on the ground, and right next to her was the key she had just given Achilles. While Moody was screaming in pain, she noticed Achilles lying on the ground, with a big rock on top of his right leg. She was confused on what she should do. Charles Lee then came from behind. "I believe you have something that belongs to me," he said before shooting Ziio in her back. Grabbing the key from the ground, Charles Lee marveled at his success. "At last, the key is ours," he said before pulling out a small jar from his coat, which contained tens of S-types in their crystalline forms. Opening it, he dropped all the crystalline forms on the ground. "Now to test it out," Charles Lee commented, "What was that incantation again? Oh yes. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" The key began to glow bright, and energy flowed from it towards the crystalline forms on the ground, slowly changing them to ooze. John Smith then began to open his eyes, and saw what Charles Lee was doing. Noticing a gun close to him, he reached out and grabbed it, pointed it towards Charles Lee, and shot the man in his shoulder. Charles Lee fell to the ground, dropping the key, but the process of transforming the crystalline forms to S-types was still happening. Running towards the key, John Smith grabbed it, and was wondering how to stop he process. "What to do, what to do?!" John Smith wondered aloud, until he decided that maybe saying something in gibberish may cause the key to stop, "Umm, EXPELLIARMUS!" Once he said that word, the S-types that were almost back to their real forms went back to their crystalline forms, and the energy from the key stopped flowing. The key went back to the way it was before. John Smith was happy to have stopped this evil plan, but as he turned around, he found Charles Lee on the ground, injured, pointing his gun at him. John Smith was then shot at the chest by Charles Lee, and fell to the ground. The key rolled over to rubble close to Achilles. As a few thugs arrived at the scene, Charles Lee ordered them to carry him out and to retreat. Once the bad guys left, Achilles woke up.

    He found the key close to him. Grabbing it, he put it in his pocket. However, he noticed Ziio close to him, dying. "Ziio!" Achilles yelled as he crawled towards her after getting his legs out of the rock that was on top of them. "Ziio, don't die," Achilles pleaded. "Take... care... of... Connor... tell... him... that... I'll... always... be... with... him... for... ever..." Ziio said, before her eyes closed, indicating that she was in eternal rest. At a loss for words, Achilles turned around, and saw the rest of the team lying on the ground, injured. Grabbing his cell phone, he called for back up.


    The next day, Axel was alone with Al Mualim in his office, explaining what happened. "... and now Professor Moody is getting a fake eye for his left eye. Professor Eraqus is going to have scars on his face. John Smith is getting a heart transplant. Achilles is probably going to need a cane to walk for the rest of his life. And Ziio... died," Axel said, finishing his account of what happened. "This is indeed very tragic," the principal commented, "It's things like this that make me glad Nintendo High doesn't train soldiers like it did when it first started. I assure you from now on, I will no longer have any of my faculty or students interfere with dangerous affairs. The students must not know of what happened. They will all be told that you and your group were travelling to Lebanon and accidentally crossed a mine field. We shall not discuss this any further. Do I make myself clear Axel?" "Yes sir," Axel replied. Meanwhile...



    In a hospital, the injured Achilles was visited by two friends of his, Japanese Prime Minister Harriet Jones, and MP Celestia. "Is there anything you want us to do Achilles?" Harriet asked. "Take this, and make sure no one knows where it is hidden," Achilles said, giving Harriet Jones the key. "I will, and I'll also make sure the crystalline S-types are hidden away as well. Anything else?" Harriet Jones replied. "As a matter of fact, yes," Achilles replied, "There is a boy, without a mother as of now, I'd like to adopt. His name is Connor Kenway."


    ~Present Day: Al Mualim's Office~


    "I already agreed to any terms you set 26 years ago when I spared your life. We have waited for two decades and a half for this moment. Now it is merely a few months away. Be patient. Once Harold is prime minister, your comrades will all be free, and the world will be ours, and the relic will be yours to destroy. And I've told you before, the students here are not a threat as they were many years ago. Yes, some of them may display unique skills, but none have the military training that was used against the S-types before. You have absolutely nothing to worry about from this school. And I honestly don't see a harbinger appearing any time soon. But if there is someone you believe to be a threat, I will have him or her killed. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk with my stepson," Al Mualim said to the S-type.
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~history Class~

    The Lesson was interupted by three knocks on the door and Yu Narukami entered as the students seemed more aware of this new arrival, perhaps the msot interesting thing to happen in this class. "Are you the teacher, Mr...Lordgenome?" he asked and extended a hand holding his excuse slip form the headmaster for being late. "I apologize for being late, I was being transfered and ahd to wait until the headmaster was free, he also said you should calm down in class." He said politely.

    Tsukasa gave this new transfer student a look. he hair colour was most unsual, silver for that matter and a bowlcut too, while he seemed to carry about an air of... mystery? almost like you'd want to be pulled into this guy and know him, he did seem relaxed and polite, of course he didn't know who or where he came from, there were a few other students who were late, such as the Gokaiger gang for one and the meek shy, Ryotaro Nogami, who had the day off to help his sister in her store.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flashback: 7 years ago-

    Eiji smiled as he placed a blanket over young Harry and his friends while they slept, tired from their playing. He ruffled Harry's hair before turning to Sirius, who had his head on his table. He had recently gotten word of what happened to Alastar. He knew Moody well, and was depressed to hear that he lost his eye. Surprising Eiji as he sat up, he said, "I should have gone with them! I should have been there! Then..... maybe, Alastar would still have both of his eyes!!!! It should have been me!"

    "Sirius-senpai! Please, calm down!!! If something happened to you, who else would take care of Harry?!" Eiji said, making Sirius look at him in surprise. He smiled, wiping his eyes, with James and Lily traveling aboard to try and make amends with her estranged sister, Sirius had been raising Harry with help from Eiji. He ruffled Eiji's hair and got up, heading for the hospital to visit Alastar.


    -Present Day: French Class-

    "Hey, dog boy, you alright?" Dante said, snapping Sirius out of his daze of a old memory. Eiji looked at him in concern as Rhyme, Sirius smiled and nodded, "Yeah..... I'm fine, Dante. It's nothing." Despite that, Rhyme still looked a bit concerned for him.


    -History Class-

    Harry entered the class behind Yu and sat at his desk, Ron looked at him and asked, whispering, "Where did you go, Harry?" "I'll tell you and Hermione later, Ron." Harry whispered back, quickly catching up on what he missed of the lesson. Hermione looked at him and wondered where he went, but quickly returned to her notes.


    -Late Students-

    Walking up behind the Gokaiger gang was a young man with wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes. He noticed Marvelous, he said in surprise and fake sorrow, "Marvy, is that you? It's been too long since we last saw each other. I hope you haven't replaced me with that new group of friends you have." "Marvelous, who is that?" Ahim asked, looking at him in concern.



    While he was wondering how to pass the time, Philip remembered something he heard when he was interviewed for the job of librarian. Looking around, he said, "Starting look-up." He closed his eyes and fell to the ground, when he opened his eyes, Philip was in a white space with endless bookshelves of books. "First keyword, 64 techniques." As he said that, the bookshelves moved and rearranged themselves, Philip watched as some disappeared, but there were too many books on that keyword, so he said, "Second keyword, S-types." He watched as more bookshelves disappeared, but his search wasn't narrowed down enough, so Philip said one more keyword, "Nintendo High."

    At least, a single book appeared in front of him, but it had a padlock on it. Philip was surprised at the lock on the book he held in his hand and despite his efforts to open, he couldn't. Leaving the space and waking in the real world, Philip thought to himself, 'Why couldn't I open that book? It would be possible, I don't have enough information on the school.'
  15. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    <This post does not cover my usual characters. There is a reason for this. All shall be explained... a long time from now.>

    <Time: Unknown, events are not recorded as having occurred>
    <Location: Unknown>

    Absolute blackness.
    Nothing to be seen.
    Nothing to be heard but his own footsteps as he walked down the pitch-black hallway.

    Finally, a small flicker of light. Which quickly became a far larger light, as the great window approached, and he saw just what was happening with the rest of the school.
    Flames licked every surface, scorching everything in their path, and incinerating the flesh of any living thing that attempted to pass through them.
    Just what were they after? He wasn't even convinced that most of their attackers knew. Just cogs in the system; doing nothing but being worked by the higher gears. It would have been pathetic, had it not been so damn efficient.

    A second sound in the room. He wasn't alone.
    "Don't move." the unseen man spoke, the shadows masking him perfectly. "Move and you're dead."
    He let out a deep sigh. He knew exactly who this one was.
    "Still doing nothing but taking orders, I see." he said, staying still as he was told. "What a bother."
    "Still doing nothing in general, I see." his companion retorted, stepping carefully out of the shadows. "What a disappointment."
    There was silence in the room for a long, long moment, allowing both parties to hear the distant roar of the flames outside, as well as the shattering of glass exposed to the intense heat.
    Even the building itself seemed to be slowly dying, like many of it's occupants already had.
    "You could just let me go, y'know." he said, continuing to look out of the window. "It's not like it would even matter at this point."
    "I could. But why should I? Your family has been nothing but a pain since we started. Might as well take care of the last member."
    A small smile began to form on his face as felt the man move closer, blade in hand.
    "It's actually funny." he said through his smirk. "Approaching somebody with no family, threatening their life when they have nothing else to lose like this..."
    Suddenly he ducked down, sweeping his leg under that of his 'guest', knocking him cleanly off his footing, and causing him to stagger, just briefly, in front of the window, as he stood back up and lowered his arm to point directly at him.
    "As my father would have said... You are an imbecile."
    A harsh burst of magical flame suddenly launched the would-be-killer straight through the great window head-first, lacerating his entire body with shards of falling glass, and, shortly after, ending his life as he hit the ground below with a dull thud.

    But even so, it wasn't over. Not yet. There was more to come.
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    "That's right Mr. Wayne," Connor replied. A few seconds later, a couple of NPCs came for Martial Arts class. "Looks like it won't just be Dick and I," Connor commented. The class was now full



    The Advanced Calculus professor, Victor "Sully" Sullivan, was driving a broken down car to Nintendo High. Once he parked it, smoke was coming out from the car's engine. "That's the last time I get a used car," Sully complained, "Worthless piece of s***! Oh well, at least that bonus will be enough to get that Toyota RAV4. Now that there is a beauty!" Sully then entered the building and went to his classroom, which was empty at the moment.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -French Class-

    "Hey, Dante, don't you think you be getting back to your class?" Sirius asked, looking at the nearly asleep Modern History teacher. Dante kept quiet while Eiji said, "You should, Dante. You know how Billy gets concerned when you laze about." "Yeah, I got it. I'm going, or else, Vergil would beat my ass. See ya." Dante said, leaving the class. Sometime after he left, Sirius and Eiji left to the where the animals rested.

    "Ankh, where are you?! Ankh?!" Eiji asked, looking for the assistant who took care of the animals when Sirius was teaching, Sirius said, "Eiji, over here." He pointed at a bench of the tree in the area, Eiji came over and nearly laughed, sitting on the highest bench of the tree was a young man in white, red, and black, fast asleep with his legs crossed and a robin on his leg.



    Sensing something coming up behind her, Fang sent a punch to whoever, which to blocked by her teacher assistant, Tommy. His girlfriend, Kimberly, smiled in surprise, she said, "Hey, Fang. Nice instincts as usual." "I can say the same to Tommy. Good to see you two again.Where's your brother, Thomas?" Fang said, smiling at her teacher assistant and the Gymnastic club coach, Tommy shrugged, watching as Kimberly began to practice her Gymnastics.


    -Teachers' Lounge-

    Thomas was asleep on the couch, not being meant he didn't have to attend or help with classes. He smiled, almost feeling sorry for Tommy who helped Fang with her classes, but a bit jealous that he was around two beautiful women, that being Fang and his girlfriend, Kimberly.


    -Martial Arts-

    "Sorry I'm late, Bruce!!!! I lost track of time when I was fixing my motorcycle, Shiva!" Snow shouted, running into Bruce's Martial Arts class. He gasped and wiped the sweat of his forehead, ignored that he was slightly dirty from the repairs to his motorcycle and leaned against the wall.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Wherabouts of AHim and Luka~
    Marvelous looked at Ahim whoa sked him who Basco was as he was with his fellow male members. " A troublemaker you don't want to be friends with pink princess." he said, kicking his feet up on the table.


    Ryotaro was asleep and teh woke up, rubbign hsi eyes before he ntoiced the tiem and franctically moved aroudn the room tog et dressed.

    ~Somewhere within the Sands of Time~

    A train was runnign along the tracks as we move into oen fo the compartments with four very...colourful beings as there was in fact, Imagin and as usual a figth broke out over some pudding as Momotaros clale.d "Oi, that's my pudding~! Give it back kame!" he said as the blue figure casually carried the unopened pudding and swaying to avoid any attacks. "Now now, Senpai, you haven't offically opened it therefore, it's for grabs." in another par tof the roo, the yellow oen was working out with heavyweights whiel the purple oen was crayon drawing.

    These were the Taros, imagin who could possesses anyone at any given time and grant a wish to enter that person's pasta dn wreck history, but these four didn't do that and instead, chosen to live on DenLiner witH Rotaro as tehir contractor who didn't wish for anything yet.
  19. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Al Mualim's Office: Precautionary Measures!~​
    "I have already started to take the precautionary measures in order to deal with the one you call Peppy, he probably already knows that I am here. Now good day to you gentlemen" The S-Type explained before bowing and sunk through the floor quietly vanishing from the scene.​
    ~Hallway: The UFO and the Water Dragon!~​
    Peppy quickly ran out of his classroom as he quickly thought "If those things have started to return then they aren't ready to fight them yet, for now I need to get to the Relic!" only to have his path down the hall blocked by an oozing black and blue puddle in front of him, turning around to try to go the other way was also blocked by a second oozing puddle, in other words Peppy was blocked from escaping.​
    The two puddles then began to spark with blue electricity as they started to transform, the puddle behind Peppy floated into the air as it formed into a mono-eyed UFO robot with an antennae on it's head and five floating stubs of black and blue metal floating below it, the puddle in front of him started to form into the shape of what appeared to be a limbless black and blue dragon with spikes on it's back that pointed downwards, three zigzag lines on it's back, a large black mouth, blue skin, and menacing yellow eyes with red pupils.​
    Peppy looked in both directions quickly as he started to try and sort out an escape route as he said "Well, first day of the year and we already start off with an attack, well then come fight" rather calmly​
    ~VS. Dubior-S & Water Galboros-S~
    Dubior-S erraticly flew about while keeping it's eye on Peppy, it then started firing several electrical orbs of energy at the hare while it's metal stubs began to spin clockwise around its body. Water Galboros-S on the other hand began to slide along the ground as if it was slippery witth its mouth open in an attempt to eat Peppy in one bite.

    Peppy quickly ran towards the charging Water Galboros-S while dodging the electrical attacks, timing his steps Peppy proceeded to jump high into the air and right over the Water Galboros-S before landing behind it just as it got struck by one of Dubior-S' electrical orbs making it spaz for a moment.​
    As soon as he landed on the floor Peppy proceeded to start running as fast as he could towards the nearest Fire Alarm and pulled it down causing the alarm to sound loudly throughout the entire school just as both Dubior-S and Water Galboros-S started to charge right at him.​
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Government Class:

    Minato was in the middle of an old joke when the fire alarm sounded. "Now no one panic. It's only a drill..." But he was usually informed before hand of drills. Caution and suspicion entered his blue eyes as he herded his class out of the room and into the hall. "Everyone just make your way outside." Nagato, Konan, Yahiko, Neji, Tobi, and Larxene shuffled into the hall and slipped. Each of the students slid, falling into one another, creating a domino effect. Except for Tobi, who slid along the floor gleefully. "How fun! I didn't know a fire drill would mean a slip and slide!" Keeping his balance, Minato's eyes slid down the hallway to Peppy and their uninvited guests. "Peppy!?" "Wh-what the hell is that thing?!" Yahiko stared at the S-Types.

    History Class:

    Riku, Xion, Vanitas, and Gaara fled the classroom at the sound of the fire alarm. Not particularly fearful of fire, but worried about the mass amounts of water, Gaara stuck closer to Riku than normal and as a result dragged him down with him as he slipped on the wet floor. They heard Minato and Yahiko's surprised and fearful exclamations and turned their gazes towards them. Turquoise, blue and yellow eyes caught on the odd water dragon thing and the creepy UFO thing. "That's...a disadvantage for me. But the other one's not." Pulling open his bag, he revealed tons of sand piled inside. Vanitas chuckled, "You're joking, right? You think you can take those things? C'mon Gaara, don't kid yourself." Xion, who'd been kneeling on the slippy floor, held onto Vanitas' hand, "Vanitas...wh-what is that thing? W-we have to escape."

    Music Class:

    Repliku and Sai made it a point to leave the class in a hurry. With Repliku dragging the young artist shinobi down the hall and around the corner, he slipped and landed hard on his back. "Son of a... Sai...?" Sai's onyx eyes were fixed on the Astrology teacher and the pair of freaks. "I'm going out on a limb here by saying that maybe those guys aren't here selling cookies..." Repliku punched the boy's thigh, "Ya think!?" Utau left with the rest and stopped at the corner before her fancy black wedge shoes could touch the slippy section of the floor. "What is going on in this school?"

    Teacher after teacher herded dozens of students outside taking head count before they gathered together and looked over the lists of students attending. "Some of them are missing...along with Minato Namikaze and Shisui Uchiha and even Peppy. Stay here....I'll go get them." No one argued with the Astronomy professor, Sephiroth, as he drew Masamune from it's sheath and re-entered the school.

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