Crossover: Re: Mario's High School Days II - Age of the New World Order

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet (Thanos’s Ship)~


    As Thanos entered his old ship (named ‘Sanctuary II’) along with Ronan and Nehelenia, the three made their way to the ship’s massive throne room. “Nehelenia and I will search for your daughters,” Ronan informed Thanos. “Very well,” Thanos replied as Ronan and Nehelnia went to search for Thanos’s daughters. As for Thanos, he looked at the throne in the center, reminiscing to the time when his mother, Queen Beryl, gave him ownership of this ship…

    ~The Sanctuary II~


    The planet has been taken, Mother,” Thanos informed his mother as he approached her while she was seated in the throne in her ship, “Its king pledges eternal loyalty to your cause.” “He accepted my terms?” Queen Beryl questioned. “Eventually,” Thanos responded as he threw a sack to the ground containing the head of the king he was referring to just now. Realizing what Thanos had done, Queen Beryl grinned as she remarked, “Well done, my son. Well done.” “Anything for you, Mother,” Thanos replied as he knelt to show respect to his mother. Getting up from her throne while carrying her staff, Beryl walked over to her son, telling him, “You’ve served me well, Thanos. And yet, you never ask for anything in return.” “You’re my mother. Everything I do, is out of my love for you,” Thanos replied. Smiling, Beryl told Thanos, “Nevertheless, you deserve something for all that you do. In fact, you can have this entire ship, just for yourself.” Surprised by what his mother just said, Thanos questioned, “Mother, are you sure?” “Of course,” Beryl responded, “Think of it as a mother’s gift to her child. You’ve more than earned it, my son.” As Queen Beryl placed her hand on Thanos’s cheek, Thanos simply said, “Thank you, Mother.

    Thanos? Thanos!” Nehelenia called out to Thanos, who shook his head as he snapped out of the flashback he was having. “What is it?” Thanos questioned Nehelenia. “We’ve located your daughters,” Nehelenia replied.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Lab)~


    Morning, Fitz,” Jemma greeted Fitz, approaching him while he was alone in the lab, tinkering with a few devices. “Hey,” Fitz responded upon seeing Simmons, noticing she was carrying a hard-drive, “Is that the, uh... hard drive that you stole?” “Mace asked me to search it for anything related to the attack in Buffalo,” Jemma said, “Um, I was hoping you could help. That is, if you're not too... I mean…” “Yeah, um, if you need m-my help, I suppose I've got some time,” Fitz interrupted Jemma. Jemma was delighted to hear that, especially because, while she and Fitz were inseparable, ever since she infiltrated the New World Order and reunited with Fitz, things felt awkward with him. “Well, unfortunately, the drive was damaged during our escape. We'll have to repair it to access any of its i-intel,” Simmons informed Fitz, noticing he was looking at her strangely, “What?” “Just, um... you look different. That's all,” Fitz responded, “Not ‘bad’ different. Just...” “Oh,” Jemma said, handing Fitz the hard-drive. “Okay.... uh... let’s take a look…” Fitz said as he began examining the hard-drive to see what was wrong with it.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ (Conference Room)~


    "Good," Vanitas said, "Dismissed. Looker, gather your team and meet me outside." "Will do," Looker responded as Vanitas exited the conference room, "Jenny, Kiriko, let's go." Nodding, Jenny got up and began following Looker outside.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil~


    As she continued battling the Stormtroopers and Cybermen that had surrounded her, Kassandra noticed one of the Stormtroopers managed to shoot one of the Rebels that had been accompanying her in the leg, wounding him. “Jairo!” Kassandra cried out to the Rebel named Jairo as he fell to the ground, crying in pain due to his wounded leg. “Okay… that’s it!” Kassandra declared, transforming her Keyblade so that it took the form of a shield, using it to protect herself from the Stormtroopers and Cybermen as they tried blasting her. Kassandra also used her transformed Keyblade to smash Stormtroopers and destroy Cybermen (after throwing a sonic stabilizer at them). And even as more reinforcements arrived, Kassandra was able to raise her transformed Keyblade to surround herself and the two Rebels accompanying her with an electric force field to push the enemy back further. “Time to finish this!” Kassandra exclaimed, intending to finish her enemies off once and for all as she transformed her Keyblade from a shield to a chariot pulled by an ethereal pegasus (like so), which she rode on, flying around the area as bolts of lightning were cast on Stormtroopers and Cybermen (which were only able to be damaged thanks to Kassandra’s use of a sonic stabilizer earlier). Pretty soon, all the New World Order forces that had surrounded Kassandra had been dealt with, and her Keyblade transformed back to its default appearance. Kassandra then quickly rushed to Jairo, the Rebel who was shot in the leg earlier, looking over his wound with the other Rebel accompanying her. “It looks bad, but not serious, for now at least,” Kassandra said. “Hey. Need some help?” a voice questioned Kassandra from behind. “Who’s there?” Kassandra questioned as she turned around quickly with her Keyblade in hand ready in case she needed to defend herself yet again…


    Woah, woah… no need to point that weapon at us,” Amanda told Kassandra as the local Rebel leader realized that the group consisted of the witches that she has been expecting for a visit. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that,” Kassandra replied as her Keyblade dematerialized from her hand, “Ursula, and Amanda, correct? I have been expecting you. Did you just watch me battle the New World Order just now?” “As a matter of fact, yes,” Ursula answered, “It really seemed like you had things under control.” “Still…” Diana remarked as she noticed the wounded Rebel, “We have to get out of here before more reinforcements come. And that Rebel clearly needs medical attention urgently.” “Right,” Kassandra agreed, “Let’s go now.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    Qalat shokran,” Darien told the little girl who gave Serena a rose, translating what Serena said to her. The little girl then smiled at Serena and Luna, petting the cat before running off to find her parents. Just then Discord teleported above Connor’s group of Rebels to give an important message…


    Everyone, may I have your attention please?” Discord said with a megaphone he made appear as he floated above the Rebels, “We’ve gotten word that there are tents straight ahead that can be used for our accommodation. Please follow my direction and choose a tent to stay in once you see them.” “Guess we better follow Discord,” Rini said. “Yeah, let’s go,” Sammy concurred.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    So… what should I do, Master?” Sunburst asked Luke. “Well, to make it fair, I’ll give you a few days to practice,” Luke responded, “You should know all the basics by now, but having a refresher wouldn’t hurt. I will then proctor your Mark of Mastery exam. And should you succeed, hopefully, I will name you a Keyblade Master.” “Understood, Master,” Sunburst responded as he bowed to Luke. Looking at Gia and the others, Luke said, “I want to thank you for providing Sunburst shelter during these dark times, and I truly don’t wish to impose on you any further, but would it be alright if you help Sunburst practice for his Mark of Mastery exam? Lydia and Lucario can provide assistance if needed.” Lydia and Lucario both concurred with a nod.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Once Rey wrapped her arms around Finn’s left arm and asked if doing this would really make people stop looking at Finn weirdly, Leia looked around, noticing the locals shrugging and shifting their focus to something else. “Yep, I think it’s doing the trick,” Leia responded to Rey with a smile. As for Finn, who was still blushing now that both Leia and Rey were doing the same thing, he said, “After we’re done with Marle and get back to the hideout, we never speak of this again, okay?” “Suuure, whatever you say, darling,” Leia responded with a flirty tone, playfully poking Finn’s cheek. The three then continued on their way to Marle while BB-8 followed them.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    Alright, looks like we have a deal,” Cere remarked once no one objected to her conditions. “All right, I got yer drinks right here,” the waitress from before said as she approached the group, placing a tray full of drinks on a nearby table, handing each individual the drink they ordered (except for Cere and Greez, since they arrived later), “Oh, hiya. Do you need me to get you two anything to drink as well?” “Yes, though I’d also like to order,” Cere responded to the waitress. “Same thing,” Greez added. “Alrighty then, what can I getcha?” the waitress asked as she took out a small notepad and a pen. “I’ll have a decaf, cream and no sugar,” Cere replied, “And, I’m going to have the veggie omelette with bacon and sausage on the side.” “Regular coffee, no cream, just sugar,” Greez told the waitress, “As for breakfast, I’ll have cheese grits with a biscuit and hash browns on the side.” “All right…” the waitress said as she was jotting down what Cere and Greez ordered, “How ‘bout the rest of ya?” “I’ll have the stack of pancakes,” Saphir replied, “And I’d like some hash browns on the side.” “Scrambled eggs with sausage, bacon, and hash browns, please,” Kristoff added as he took a sip of his coffee. “I’ll just have one pancake as well as an over-easy egg. Bacon and hash browns, but no sausage, please,” Cal ordered. “...No sausage… got it,” the waitress said as she wrote down the orders before turning her attention to Anna and Elsa, “What about you, dears?”


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    As the battle in the outskirts of Siwa continued, Bayek and his Rebels appeared to be winning, managing to kill a number of Stormtroopers, as well as destroying some Cybermen and AT-STs as well. "We're winning!" Aya exclaimed as she continued battling herself, "Keep fighting!" The New World Order forces then appeared to be retreating, eliciting cheers from the Rebels. But the cheering soon stopped as the Rebels noticed massive reinforcements of Stormtroopers and Cybermen arriving along with AT-STs and AT-AT walkers. As Bayek and the other Rebels were stunned to see what they were now up against, they noticed Admiral Trench of the New World Order emerge from the line of reinforcements, looking at the Rebels in the distance…


    "Bayek!" Admiral Trench called out to Bayek as he walked towards the Rebels, "You and your Rebels are outnumbered. Surrender now, and we might spare some of your lives. Refuse, and we will annihilate every single one of you." Once Admiral Trench arrived near the Rebels' location, Bayek responded, "We will never surrender!" "We will fight to the death!" Aya added. "Hmph, I was anticipating you might say that," Admiral Trench scoffed as he pressed a button on a wrist device located on one of his arms, "Perhaps… this will convince you to change your mind." Just then, two Stormtroopers emerged from the line of reinforcements, heading towards Trench's and Bayek's location. But what Bayek and Aya saw stunned the two of them as they gasped. One of the Stormtroopers approaching them had apprehended Khemu, Bayek's and Aya's son, while another Stormtrooper was carrying Bayek's Pidgeotto, Senu, as it was completely tied by a rope to prevent it from escaping…


    "Mama! Baba!" Khemu cried as the Stormtrooper wouldn't let go of him while a worried Aya helplessly watched. "Khemu! Senu!" Bayek cried upon noticing them, shifting his attention to Admiral Trench with an angry look in his face while pointing his khopesh at him, "Let them go, now!" Without even flinching, Trench replied, "As I said, surrender. Do so, and I will spare their lives." Looking at each other, Bayek and Aya realized they didn't have much of a choice. The two then threw their weapons to the ground, with Bayek signaling to the Rebels that he was commanding to the same. "Good," Admiral Trench responded with a grin.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Once they were done with breakfast, Lt. Surge and the other Rebels gathered near two SUVs they'd be using to drive towards Gringey City. "Is everyone here?" Phil asked. "Looks like it," Lt. Surge responded, "Except for dat Lita girl… she said she'd be joinin' us on da mission." "Lita's coming?" Finnick asked. "Yeah," Lt. Surge replied to his son, "She was da one ya recommended, right?" "Yeah, that's right," Finnick replied. "Lita, huh… didn't expect her to volunteer," Hiro commented, "But hey, the more the merrier. I'm curious to see how she'll handle things in this mission."
  2. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kentucky: Abandoned Elementary School~

    Kai, Kairi, Lana, and the girls appeared outside a red bricked two story building that also had a building adjacent to it in a flash of light. Pyrrha simply remarked. "It's a good thing we learned the Warp technique." Kai nodded. "Yeah, one of the sixty-four techniques...we didn't need a vehicle. Now, give me a moment to get a layout." Kai looked at the building before her eye began to brightly glow, information pouring into it about the layout of the area and its security before Kai crossed her arms. "Well, it's certainly low-tech...not as secure as Nintendo High with the main obstacle being the doors." Kairi smirked. "Doors, Smoors. I've got the key right here." Kairi summone her keyblade looking a bit cheeky.

    "Well that solves our door issue, you go ahead and get the doors unlocked. Once they're unlocked we'll all go inside and investigate, when we're finished we'll all meet in the cafeteria and then leave." Kai explained as Kairi walked up to the nearest door and pointed her keyblade at the lock instantly unlocking it with a beam of light, once opened the group started inside with Dawn asking. "Why do I have the feeling this isn't going to be as simple as it seems?"

    And so with Kairi leading the way and unlocking every door in the building and in the building next to it, the girls proceeded to hunt for Cronus throughout the school to no avail. As they were hunting, Cia, Volga, and Wizzro appeared in the forest nor far from the second building that held the gymnasium inside keeping their presence low.

    The girls soon met inside the light blue-colored cafeteria where a single light on the cieling was still on for some reason. Kallen sighed. "All right, we looked everywhere...he's not here." Makoto then added. "Yeah, we've even checked the playgrounds." Lana sighed before she said. "Guess we can le-..." Only for Kai to shout. "Everyone on the floor, now!" Everyone soon got onto the floor as Haru asked. "What is this about?" Kai then said. "My eye caught wind of three unknowns outside. Samus, Futaba, can either of you get any information about them?" Samus and Futaba nodded before the former summoned her suit's helmet on her head and the latter brought up some screens. Eventually Futaba said. "Two of them are S-Types, the other...I can't discern what she is....what about you, Sammy?" Samus said. "Well, like you said, two are S-Types, the other despite being unknown has similar biology to us." Lana looked at them before she said. "We need to try to get out of here."

    "Yes, but our little friends aren't moving..." Futaba mused. "It's as if they're waiting for us to make a move, even teleporting out could be a bad idea." Futaba brought up on one of her screens a layout of the area. "But, if we could distract and split them up, we can get out of here without having to resort to fighting and potentially calling in Stormtroopers on us." Ann looked at her before she calmly asked. "So any idea on how to exactly do that?" Futaba sighed. "Well, in order to do it we'll need to set off the fire alarms, problem with that is that we cannot leave any sort of damage to the building or any way for those three to follow us back to the base."

    Kai then asked. "How many ways are there to activate the system?" Futaba looked at her screens. "About five, give or take. One here, one in the library, one in each hallway, and one in the next building over." Kai sat in thought looking around and noticed a red box high up on the wall before she said. "I got it." Kai looked at Samus, Futaba and Dawn. "You three handle this box here." Dawn turned towards the box before she slowly smirked. "I see where you're going with this..." Kai nodded. "Yeah, wait until everyone is out of the building first since we'll need to relock the outer entrances." Kai then looked at Lana asking. "Do you know any teleportation spells?" Lana looked at Kai before she said. "Of course I do, I don't even need a wand" Kai nodded. "Good, I need you to go with someone over to the library..." Lucina then raised her hand. "I'll go with Lana, she is my friend after all." Kai stood up. "All right, meanwhile Kairi and I will deal with the third alarm. Everyone else should get out the entrance and wait on the others, once we're together we'll quickly warp back to the base."

    Kairi looked at Kai before asking. "Are you sure about this?" Kai looked at the redhead before she said. "Yes, like I said the other entrances are going to have to be relocked to avoid suspicion and you're the only one capable of doing that." Kairi nodded before giving a thumbs up. "All right then, let's go." With that everyone split up leaving Samus, Dawn, and Futaba in the cafeteria together.

    ~Kentucky: Grassy Field~

    "Now, you wished to ask me some questions?" Zamasu asked looking at the group before Mario said. "Yeah, we were wondering if you knew anything about Cronus." Zamasu looked at Mario before calmly stating. "I am not sure who he is, but I am not him." Mario then asked. "Then how come you don't seem to head out? Your neighbors don't see you drive anywhere." Zamasu then explained. "First, I do not own or need a vehicle to get around. I am capable of flying much like a bird would in nature. As for not heading out there isn't really anywhere I go to other than my neighbors and to get things like food, drinks, and the like...after all this area I live in is rather peaceful and serene. I would like to show the five of you something." Zamasu then led the group outside to a back deck that seemed idyllic with plants and nature before the Mario brothers were in awe at the sheer beauty of it. Luigi looked around before admitting. "Well, you are certainly feels peaceful."

    "Indeed, has it ever crossed your minds that no matter who is in charge, that there will always be things like this?" Zamasu asked before Mario remarked. "Yeah, I mean before the Purge, my brother and I were just normal kids going to high school. I just think there needs to be justice for the world that isn't warped...something like...well I don't know if you have it here in America but like Captain Blue would show." Zamasu seemed pleased. "Interesting, it seems your minds are clear. I too wish for justice.." he looked at Mario before politely asking. "Mario, if you do not mind...could you spar with me?" Luigi raised an eyebrow before Mario said. "Sure, don't see why seem like an alright person." Luigi then asked. "Mario, that's...kind of odd." Mario then explained. "Luigi, the man asked for it. If he is as honorable as he claims, then it wouldn't be right for me to refuse."

    ~Kentucky: Church~

    Everyone stood their ground as they fought off the strange new enemies that stood before them. Kirby opened his mouth and began to suck one of the Stormtroopers into his mouth and swallowed it, this caused him to get a green hat with a sword before Cronus ordered. "Everyone, get outside!" Everyone scrambled outside with the Stormtroopers following and scurrying about before the battle continued. Yoshi ran up and jumped into the air rapidly kicking one of the Stormtroopers who was defending himself with the large bladed arm only for Rose to stab him from behind while Yoshi jumped away.

    As everyone fought, Neptune and the others were flying overhead returning from their trip when they saw everyone else fighting causing Compa to shout. "We have to help them!" Blanc looked at the Stormtroopers before asking. "What the hell? Those things are here too?" Neptune then said. "We don't have time, our friends are in trouble." The group soon flew down and landed on the ground joining the others in their fight against the odd Stormtroopers.​
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    -Gokai Galleon-

    "That depends as you said, on the mood of the Captain and well, if you are good with wandering the length and breath of the world considering I never usually stay in one place for too long, Missus heart is somewhat used to it after I had to bail her out before, but if you have this new Great Power at your disposal, it may help with some diversions of smaller camps or whatever pockets of resistance we come across, we don't exactly have one of those nifty wireless communications things or such and well, the Galleon is more or less a ship without any course until either an attack or they see something they don't like." Harold shared with them.

    -Kentucky - Grassy Field-

    "Well... considering how much of a garden this guy has, he must be quite a cultivator or loves gardening alot, I mean... doesn't it seem like his own personal Garden of Eden or something?" Yuuki poinited out

    ~The Capital, Police HQ (Conference Room)~

    Kiriko got up to follow jenny and Looker. "That Ogami certainly feels intimidating.. If nobody said his job is, I probably would of passed him off as one of those shady types you see in an alleyway." Kiriko admitted to her fellow female officer. "Or sir, that you and Ogami might of been two peas in a pod with your... similar attire sir."
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Aleppo, Syria-

    Serena walked with them, carrying Luna who kept quiet and laid in her arm, purring and sleeping. Serena looked around, seeing at the rebels staying in the area.


    -Irkutsk, Russia - Slums-

    Rey blushed and just walked with them, holding onto Finn as they headed for Marle. She kept quiet and wondered what Marle was like as they walked.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    "I don't mind, I was starting to get bored staying where my brother and I was." Tommy said, redoing his ponytail. "Not sure what he thinks, but we don't know the full extent of what this Great Power has given us, aside from new suits and Zords, but we have no idea what it can do in battle." Kimberly nodded.


    -Kentucky - Grassy Field-

    "I will admit, it's beautiful." Hermione said, looking around. "Though I am beginning why were we asked to come along if they are able to make small talk with him." "Vulpix, Vulpix." Vulpix told them, looking up at them. Nico shrugged, "We're here for a reason."


    -Kentucky - Abandoned Church-

    Creating a a ball of fire between her fingers, Sypha fired her magic at the Stormtroopers while Trevor cracked his whip, WilyKat smiled, swinging his sling around one to allow his mother to fire the Sonic Arrow and performed the Sonic Volley while Harry spun the Donkachi and performed the Gridon Impact as Ron sliched with the Naginata Musou Slicer. Ginny turned the dial and sent a fire trial which Ankh used, sending a fire ball.

    Mew and Riolu used their powers to the best they could to help as Ryotaro under Kintaros and Eiji fought in their Rider forms.


    -Wincosin: Penny's Place-

    "I have a short stack of pancakes with sausage and scrambled eggs." Anna said, smiling. Elsa nodded and said, "I'll have a ham and cheese omlette with some toast."


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout-

    "Sure," Kira said, looking at Luke. Gia nodded, "I don't mind." "Me either," Noah said. "Would be interesting what a Keyblade is and how it is used by a unicorn. Plus, I think there may be a thing or two we can teach him." Troy nodded and Orion said, "I hope we can learn from him as well." "Yeah." Jake said, smiling.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    "I'm here." Lita said, stepping up with a small bag over her shoulder. "Hope I haven't been keeping you waiting for long."
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet (Thanos’s Ship)~


    Arriving in a small room inside the ship, Thanos, Ronan, and Nehelenia found two frozen carbonite blocks standing together, both containing the frozen bodies of Thanos’s two adopted daughters, Nebula and Gamora. “Here they are, Lord Thanos,” Ronan told Thanos. “Wake them up,” Thanos replied. Ronan and Nehelenia both nodded as they approached the carbonite blocks, pressing a button on the side of the blocks to initiate the defrosting process. Soon enough, the carbonite encasing in both blocks began to evaporate. Eventually, the carbonite had completely evaporated, and Gamora and Nebula, having been encased in carbonite for decades, collapsed as they were experiencing weakness and dizziness from having been frozen for so long…


    As both Gamora and Nebula looked up, they noticed Thanos, with Gamora asking, “Father… is that really you?” Thanos grinned and responded, “It’s good to see you as well, Gamora, Nebula.


    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts~


    After landing the Quinjet not too far from Javert’s mansion, Lace, Bobbi, and May were now planning how to go about with their mission, with May commenting, “Javert has the weapons from the attack in Buffalo, so we have two options... one... firefight. Surprise them, take down as many as we can before they bring out heavy artillery.” “And option two?” Hunter asked, “Just to hear it.” “I use my New World Order cover... a cover that could be blown,” Bobbi answered. “That's why I like option one,” May said. “On the other hand, I know Javert. The best way to get him to leak intel is to get him bragging. I think it's worth the risk,” Bobbi remarked. “She can handle it. Deception's her forte,” Hunter added, before realizing May and Bobbi were giving each other looks indicating that they weren’t impressed with what he just said regarding Bobbi and deception, “Uh, I… I mean that sincerely, not passive-aggressively. As in, it's a good attribute for a spy to... bloody hell.” “You can go in,” May told Bobbi, “But if anything's off, we're coming after you.” “They'll search you for weapons,” Hunter added, holding his hand out for Bobbi to hand him any weapon she may be carrying with her. Sighing, Bobbi handed her ex-husband a gun she was carrying. “Don't die out there, all right?” Hunter told Bobbi, who simply responded with a silent nod as she left the Quinjet, heading towards Javert’s private mansion.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Hmm, Kiriko, you’ve never worked with Ogami before?” Officer Jenny questioned as they exited the conference room and were looking for Vanitas. “Now that I think about it, I believe Kiriko is one of the few officers in the department who haven’t had a chance to work with him before,” Looker said. “Oh, so that explains why you weren’t familiar with him,” Jenny told Kiriko, “Well, since I’m sure we’ll be working with Ogami soon based on what Vanitas said, just be prepared to be amazed by how good Ogami does his job as a private investigator.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    Arriving to two small tents with Rini, Serena, Luna, and Sammy, Darien noticed each tent could hold up to two individuals, saying, “Looks like we’ll have to use two tents. Serena, Rini, the two of you could share one tent. Sammy and I will share the other. I know it doesn’t look like much, but given the condition of the area, this is the best we can expect.” “I don’t mind it to be honest,” Rini said as she went inside one of the tents and then came out, “They’re very cozy!” Looking around, Sammy noticed locals around his age playing with a soccer ball, saying, “And it looks like the kids here know how to have fun as well. If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to see if I can join them. Be back in a bit.” “Okay, have fun,” Darien responded as Sammy dropped his backpack and went to see if he could play soccer with the kids he saw earlier.


    ~Aleppo, Syria (again)~


    Leading Connor and his group to a damaged parking garage that serves as the local Rebel headquarters, Riad told Connor, “This is where all the important decisions are made regarding our operations in the area. Allow me to introduce you to my team.” Connor’s group and Riad then approached three individuals going over a map on a table…


    Over here is Altaïr, one of my most trusted spies during our country’s civil war,” Riad said. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Altaïr told Connor as he shook his hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” Connor responded. “And this is Yusuf Tazim, a former Turkish intelligence officer who assisted us during the civil war,” Riad added. “Salam, Ratonhnhaké:ton,” Yusuf greeted Connor. “Salam alaykum,” Connor replied to Tazim as he shook hands with him. “And finally, this is Sam Wilson, a survivor of the Great Purge,” Riad said, “He was with the JIA before it collapsed once the New World Order came to power.” “Well I’ll be…” Sam remarked upon noticing Connor, smiling as he was shaking his hand, “Sir, this is an absolute honor.” “Thank you Sam. But please, treat me no differently than you would any other of your fellow Rebels,” Connor replied, “Think of me as just another comrade helping in this fight.” “Understood, sir,” Sam said with a nod and a smile. “So, Riad, how is the situation with the New World Order?” Connor asked.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Huh? Noah, you’ve never seen me use my Keyblade?” a surprised Sunburst remarked as he heard Noah say he doesn’t know what a Keyblade is and how a unicorn would use it, “Oh wait, now that I think about it, I don’t think you ever did see me use it when practicing with Gia. And with all the confusion that happened during our mission at that New World Order facility in the outskirts of town, I doubt you may have noticed me use it then. Well, in that case…” Sunburst then summoned his Keyblade, levitating it around using his unicorn magic as he told Noah, “Hope that answered your question on how a unicorn such as myself can use it.” Sunburst then turned to face Luke, telling him, “Master, if you’ll excuse me, I better start practicing.” Luke replied with a nod, while Sunburst gave him a bow and left to start practicing for his Mark of Mastery exam.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Thank you,” Marle told a delivery truck driver as she signed a form on a clipboard and handed it to him. The driver then nodded and went back to his truck, and began driving away in order to deliver food to different restaurants in the area that had purchased them from Marle’s food distribution company. Just then, Marle heard a familiar voice call out to her, “Hey, Marle!” Turning around, Marle noticed the voice came from her good friend Leia, who was joined by Finn, Rey, and BB-8…


    Oh, Leia! Good to see you!” Marle happily responded as she and Leia shared a quick hug, “Hope the Rebels are treating you well.” “They sure are,” Leia said. “That’s good,” Marle replied, “And hopefully you haven’t gotten in trouble with the New World Order ever since that whole ordeal with the orphanage.” “No, no trouble so far,” Leia assured Marle, “Besides, as long as Finn is around, I’m sure nothing bad will ever happen to me.” “Oh yeah, Finn,” Marle said as she took note of him, “So should I refer to you as Leia’s knight in shining armor?” “Kn-knight?! You’ve got the wrong idea!” Finn retorted as he blushed. “Hmm, in denial are you?” Marle teased Finn before noticing Rey next to him, “Or perhaps there’s someone else you’re interested in? You’re a new face. What’s your name, dear?


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “All right,” the waitress remarked after taking Anna’s and Elsa’s orders, “We’ll get those orders out for ya as soon as they’re ready. And I’ll be sure to get the drinks for the two of ya right now.” “Thanks,” both Cere and Greez thanked the waitress as she left to get the two of them their drinks. Just then, however, Saphir and Kristoff gasped as they noticed three Stormtroopers enter the restaurant…


    Keep a low profile and don’t make eye contact,” Kristoff warned the others in the group. “What are they doing here?” Olaf asked. Glancing at the Stormtroopers, Cal noticed another waitress walking the Stormtroopers to the other side of the restaurant, where they sat at a table and removed their helmets. “It… looks like they’re just having breakfast,” Cal remarked, as the rest of the group breathed a sigh of relief that the Stormtroopers weren’t here for them. “That was a close one,” Saphir commented. “Still, goes to show that there is not one place on Earth where you can truly hide from the New World Order,” Cere said, “Even a small remote town like this isn’t truly safe.


    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    Okay… we surrender, now let Khemu and Senu go!” Bayek demanded as Stormtroopers and Cybermen confiscated the Rebels’ weapons. “But of course, I’m feeling generous,” Admiral Trench responded, snapping his fingers to signal his stormtroopers to let Kemu and Senu go. The Stormtrooper who had been holding on to Khemu let him go, while the other Stormtrooper tossed Senu to the ground near the Rebels, with several of them rushing towards the Pokemon’s aid. “Mama, Baba!” Khemu cried as he rejoined his parents, the three sharing a hug. However, Bayek was suddenly pulled away and dragged by several Stormtroopers. “Baba!” Khemu cried as he watched his father being dragged away by Stormtroopers. “What are you doing?!” Aya questioned as Stormtroopers and Cybermen prevented her and the other Rebels from moving from their current position, “We surrendered!” “Yes, that is true. But an example must be set to make sure you Rebels know your place,” Trench replied, “Perhaps taking out the Rebel leader of North Africa would do the trick.” “No!!” Aya and Khemu cried as they watched helplessly while Bayek was shoved to the sandy ground, with Stormtroopers repeatedly kicking him. “Finish him off!” Trench ordered the Stormtroopers who were kicking Bayek. The Stormtroopers surrounding Bayek then pointed their weapons at him, ready to take him out as Khemu cried out, “BABA!!!” Just then however, everyone in the area heard a sonic boom and noticed something in the sky flying towards them. Soon enough, a metallic man, recognized by many as Iron Man, landed in the area…


    What on Earth…” Admiral Trench wondered out loud as Iron Man took advantage of the surprised Stormtroopers, punching several of them and blasting others with the repulsors in both of his hands. “Get him!” Admiral Trench ordered, with Stormtroopers firing their blasters at Iron Man. However, Iron Man’s suit was able to withstand the blaster fire from the Stormtroopers, allowing him to instead focus on continuing to blast Stormtroopers with his repulsors. However, the Stormtroopers and Cybermen who had surrounded the Rebels pointed their weapons at the hostages, signaling to Iron Man that any further attack by him will result in their death. As he analyzed the situation, Iron Man realized that while he could deal with the Stormtroopers easily, the Cybermen would be much harder, since their Vibranium metal made them immune to any attack, even his. “Here, use these against the Cybermen,” Bayek told Iron Man as he got up after being freed from the Stormtroopers that were about to kill him, tossing him three sonic stabilizers. “Thanks,” Iron Man replied, catching the three sonic stabilizers, and throwing one towards the Cybermen holding the Rebel group hostage, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable. Once he did that, small micro-guns popped up on Iron man’s shoulders, shooting bullets that quickly took out the Stormtroopers and Cybermen holding the Rebel group hostage, freeing them. “Baba!” Khemu cried as he and Aya rushed to Bayek, with the three sharing a hug once again after having escaped danger. Meanwhile, as the Rebels were retrieving the weapons confiscated from them, Iron Man flew towards the massive number of New World Order reinforcements in the distance, avoiding getting hit as they tried shooting at him, while easily taking them out by sending a number of missiles towards Stormtroopers, killing them, while also destroying all the Cybermen in the area after making sure to use the remaining sonic stabilizers he had on them. As for the AT-STs, Iron Man was also able to destroy them with missiles, while he destroyed the AT-AT walkers by sending missiles towards their legs, causing them to collapse. Gasping as he witnessed Iron Man single-handedly take out all the New World Order forces he was commanding, Admiral Trench shook his head as he said, “This is not good…” The admiral then turned around to try and run away, only to stop upon noticing Bayek pointing his khopesh at him. “Going somewhere?” Bayek questioned as all the Rebels surrounded Admiral Trench, realizing he has been defeated by them.


    ~Abandoned Military Base in Japan - Exact Location Unknown~


    Not at all,” Coulson responded. “Now that we’re all here, we should get going,” Adewale said. “All right… Hiro, Baymax, Lita, we’ll be sharing a car together,” Finnick announced. “An’ everyone else wit’ me,” Lt. Surge added. “Okay then, onwards to Gringey City!” Hiro said as everyone got into the car they were assigned to in order to drive off towards the mission.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    As she and Alpha waited, Sunset Shimmer noticed Pietro, Wanda, and Peter all arrive while wearing the attire provided to them in order to enhance their powers (Pietro with his special clothes, Wanda with her wrist bracelets, and Peter with his black outfit)...


    All right, listen up,” Sunset Shimmer announced, “Like previous tests, this obstacle course will test each of your individual strengths. And since the keyword is ‘individual’, that means you cannot assist or team up with each other. Every individual for him or herself. But don’t feel like this is a competition either. We simply want to see how you would handle yourselves in a situation like what you’re about to experience. So don’t feel the need to outdo the other. Understood?” “Yes,” Pietro, Wanda, and Peter all responded at once. “Good,” Sunset said, “Then you are ready to proceed.” “Please follow the Stormtroopers to the obstacle course,” Alpha added. Nodding, Pietro, Wanda, and Peter followed Stormtroopers escorting them towards the obstacle course.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2020
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kentucky: Grassy Field~

    Mario, Luigi, and Zamasu were standing in front of Zamasu's small home within the middle of the grassy field. Mario and Zamasu standing face to face from one another as they got into fighting stances. Luigi looked at the two before he told Mario. "Be careful, Mario." Mario nodded before looking at Zamasu asking. "Are you ready?" Zamasu nodded before Mario rushed in and started to swing his fists, Zamasu meeting the speedy fists with mere graceful palms only to be pushed back by the force.

    Mario on the other hand was surprised as Zamasu was able to hold his own and he didn't even transform. Mario swung his leg at Zamasu's head before it too was caught in his hands, Zamasu could feel Mario's force building only for Mario's foot to break past and collide with his head sending Zamasu flying across the field. Mario and Luigi gasped before running after him.

    Zamasu regained his footing as Mario caught up to him asking. "Hey, are you alright?" Zamasu stood there before he said. "I am fine, I now seem to understand your words about justice through your fists and feet." Mario extended his hand out. "You were rather strong yourself, usually when my fists collide with something, they go flying...but here you are stopping me and I even held back." Zamasu looked at Mario asking. "Why would you do that?" Mario looked at him. "Because, despite what has happened to this world...there are still innocent people dragged into conflict...people like you, Zamasu. Even nature isn't spared from cruelty."

    Luigi looked at Mario before he suggested. "We should head back, the others might have gotten that task done." Mario and Luigi soon said their goodbyes to Zamasu before driving away on their kart with Mario remarking. "I like that guy, his words were enlightening and deep."

    After the group had left, Zamasu went back to his patio and sat down just as Goku Black landed nearby carrying a takeout bag from Olive Garden. "Hello, my friend." Zamasu looked over at him. "Hello to you as well, what do you have there?" Black looked over. "Well, after I finished my training, I decided to fly over to a little place called Olive Garden and get us some nice Italian for dinner, I even bought a bottle of Rose wine." Zamasu smiled. "I see, bring the food over and we'll chat." Black nodded before coming up the steps with the bag in tow.

    Moments later the two were eating their plates of food over some Rose Porta Vista as Zamasu asked. "How did your training go?" Black mused. "It went well, I decided today I would train not only my body, but my I went to a place the earthlings call Gatti-Land. They had games of amusement and chance that proved perfect for my training session." Zamasu nodded. "I see, now what about Lord Astral and this New World Order I keep hearing about?"

    Black then explained. "Lord Astral and its forces have been busy trying to deal with the rebellion, thus I have managed to play my role well so far without being found out. Also I've managed to spot the sorcerror and her S-Types." Zamasu looked intrigued. "Interesting, why would Cia of all people be here?" Black then suggested. "If I had a hunch, it has to do with that old wound of hers, after all...Cecilia, Morgana, and even Lady Etoille's daughter are on this planet." Zamasu responded with a calm. "Good, now are you ready?" Black grinned with excitement. "Of course I am ready, once I finish eating I will go and show them my power." Zamasu also grinned. "Show them the justice of our proud race."

    ~Kentucky: Abandoned School~

    Cia, Volga, and Wizzro were in their position still observing before they heard not one, but two fire alarms go off. Cia merely chuckled. "Cute...they seem to be trying to distract us. Volga, Wizzro...humor our little friends..." The two nodded and rushed forth from their position heding for the building while Cia left in a completely different direction.

    Kai and Kairi had been running around relocking doors when the alarms went off causing Kai to smirk. "I love it when a plan comes together." Kai's words would come back to bite her on the ass when the two redheads ran into Cia and a whole bunch of S-Types standing between them and their way to the others, this surprised the two as Cia said. "There you why don't you just be a good girl and turn yourself in, Saki?" Kairi became alert asking. "Wait a minute, how do you know her true name?" Cia laughed. "Simple, I know more about her than what you know, and even if I didn't the New World Order is on the lookout for a Saki Kazue and a Aoi Kazue."

    Kai looked at Cia, then at Kairi, then at the fence behind them, and then at the S-Types surrounding them before Kai smirked clapping. "Well, someone seems like they've been keeping up with the times..." Kai then whispered to Kairi. "I seriously don't know who the hell she is, but play along." Cia responded with a smile. "Of course you'd have some comment to say about it, you're surrounded by my S-Types, your friends are doomed, and your adopted mother and father aren't here to save you." Kai shook her head asking. "Are you really going to have the S-Types kill me when you could easily do it yourself?"

    Cia raised an eyebrow. "You're absolutely right..." The silver-haired woman brought forth a familiar silver hilt and ignited the blade, silver light coming forth but with black on the inside making Kai's jaw drop. Cia then asked. "Now Saki, is there any last words you would like to say before I end you and your friend." Kairi then whispered to Kai. "Great, she has a lightsaber." Kai then winked. "I got this..."

    "Well..." Cia asked pointing the end of the weapon at Kai who started to gently step back behind Kairi with her hands up. "Well, seems like you really outsmarted me...very few people have that weapon you're holding." Cia then asked. "What are you doing?" Kai hid her head behind Kairi's head hiding the glow of her eye as she explained. "Well, I am much like my mother and my father...and if you know who they are, then you'd know they're both girls. After all..." Kai then lied. " wouldn't deny my last request to hug my lover..."

    Kairi's eyes widened as Kai wrapped her arms around her body ending with her hands on Kairi's chest...shortly before jumping backwards over the fence and out of Cia's view. Cia was surprised before Volga and Wizzro returned with the latter informing Cia. "We couldn't find those others that were with her, it was as though they vanished..." Cia then said. "It won't matter, all we need to do is trace their teleportation trail to their base..."

    Over the cliff, Kairi and Kai were hanging on the side of it with both Kai's saber and Kairi's keyblade jutted into the rock to stop them from falling. The duo were able to hear the conversation between Cia and Wizzro before Kai said. "So, they were aware we were here the whole time..." Kairi then asked in concern. "What do we do now?" Kai then explained. "Before we jumped off, I sent a warning to the others to get out of there and tell C.C. what happened. We will also need a little time for them to leave beliving we died jumping off the side of that cliff." Kairi looked down before she said. "We should be able to make the fall without hurting ourselves." Kai nodded. "And there is an empty building we can hide in not far from here." Kairi began to climb down with Kai still on her back.​
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    -Gokai Galleon-

    "Well, I can't say you can't test it outside on some bad guys but perhaps." Harold closed his book as he saved the page. "You can try sparring on deck and see if this Great Power changed any of your gear or something to that effect, it'd be smarter to get associated with whatever kind of upgrades you been given than just discovering it in the middle of battle?" Harold suggested to Tommy.

    "After all, you got to make sure you are all prepared and whatnot." Harold added as a footnote.

    -Kentucky, Grassy field-

    Yuuki couldn't help but agree with Hermione's's statement and she noted Mario and Luigi emerged after a period of time. "Guess they are done with... whatever they were talking about." Yuuki noted

    -The Capital, Police HQ -

    "Oh... No, I haven't due to being busy with other assignments by the prefecture, you tend to not really notice anyone else until it's done or you get tapped on the shoulder to pull you away from whatever business you happen to be doing." Kiriko sheepishly admitted and looked to Jenny. "Well, if he is that much of a popular investigator, then he must have a very good track record to be highly recommended considering our relationships in our required professions." Kiriko added.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Aleppo, Syria-

    Stretching, Luna looked at Serena and asked, "Serena, is everything okay? You seemed down and confused since we got here, maybe even before." "I don't know, Luna." Serena said, breathing. "Darien confessed to me, or sounded like he confessed and I don't know what to do." "Take the time to sort your feelings." Luna said, putting her paw on her.


    -Irkutsk, Russia - Slums-

    "Oh, hi." Rey said, waving at Marle. "I'm Rey. It's nice to meet you, Miss Marle." She rubbed her hair and said, "I hope that I can be some help if you need me."


    -Gokai Galleon-

    Tommy nodded, walking up to the main room. Emma sat at the table with Remus, enjoying some tea with Ahim. Joe did his push-ups and Luka was relaxing on the couch. Simba was talking with Dante while Nala leaned against the wall, Billy was helping Doc as Gai was showing James some of the cooking that he and Doc made. Kimberly walked up and looked at everyone while seeing Thomas was sitting on the steps.

    "Marvelous, I was wondering, as captain, would you mind sparring with me?" Tommy asked the red coated captain. Navi asked, "Spar?" "Well, it was Harold's idea, but we should see what kind of new abilities we have now." Tommy asked, crossing his arms,


    -Kentucky - Grassy Field-

    "I thought I heard fighting." Hermione asked the brothers. "Is everything okay?" Vulpix looked at them, tilting its head.


    -Kentucky - Abandoned Church-

    Though she struggled, Sypha created lighting in her hand and shocked many Stormtroppers as the others tried to fight with their abilities. Mew teleported and sent many attacks while Ginny turned visible and invisible to fight.


    -Wisconsin - Penny's Place-

    Elsa just kept quiet and sipped her drink as did Anna, the two sisters wondering how Harold was doing and what they would do next on this journey.


    -Sioux Fall, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout-

    Gia leaned back and breathed, "Well, helping him should help us in getting stronger." "If we can." Kira said, writing some music while Orion was awed by Sunburst's demonstration. Jake said, "Yeah, but we gotta try."


    -Abanonded Japanese Military Base-

    Lita nodded, following after them with a smile and ready to get some action. She looked back for a moment and breathed, going after the mission team.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    Upon arriving at Javert's mansion, Bobbi was escorted to a balcony by security, where she awaited Javert. After waiting for about a minute, she noticed Javert arrive, smiling as he looked at her…


    Javert,” Bobbi greeted Javert, “It’s good to see you again.” “And you even lightened your hair?” Javert responded, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were a natural blonde.” “Would you believe me if I told you I did it for you?” Bobbi questioned, trying to make it look as though she was flirting with Javert. “No,” Javert responded with a grin, “Please, have a seat.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: Unknown Planet (Thanos’s Ship)~


    It can’t be!” Nebula cried as Ronan and Nehelenia explained what had happened during their absence, “How can you two allow the vast and glorious empire of Queen Beryl to be reduced to a single planet!?” “Now now, Nebula,” Thanos said, trying to calm Nebula, “While the criticism is valid, now is not the time for such things. We have more pressing matters at hand, including the fact that our grip on Xandar is weakening. Nebula, you will join Ronan and Nehelenia, and assist them in quashing the rebellion taking place on Xandar.” “It’ll be my pleasure, Father,” Nebula responded with a grin. “What about me?” Gamora asked. Thanos then showed his daughters his Infinity Gauntlet, replying, “When Zordon defeated me, three Infinity Stones were displaced. Your job, Gamora, will be to locate and retrieve them back to me. Either one of them could also prove useful in battling those opposing us on Xandar.” “I assure you, Father, I will locate the three missing stones and bring them back to you,” Gamora told Thanos. “Good,” Thanos replied as turned to face the others, “Leave us for a moment.” “Yes, Lord Thanos,” Ronan and Nehelenia responded as they left the area, with Nebula following them. But before she left, Nebula glanced back, looking at Gamora and Thanos as they were about to talk, feeling a bit jealous as she always felt Thanos preferred Gamora over her. Once Ronan, Nehelenia, and Nebula left, Gamora asked Thanos, “Do you have more to say, Father?” “I do,” Thanos replied, “Gamora… once you retrieve my missing Infinity Stones, you must resume looking for what I asked you to locate all these years ago.” “You mean the Chasm of Dreams?” Gamora asked. “That’s right,” Thanos replied, “I trust you will be able to finally locate it soon.” Nodding, Gamora said, “You can count on me, Father.


    ~The Capital - Police HQ~


    Ah, Looker, there you are,” Vanitas said as he and two Stormtroopers approached Looker’s group. “Vanitas, you wanted to see us?” Looker questioned. “That’s right,” Vanitas responded, “I’ve already dispatched Ogami over to Marty’s Auto Repair Shop nearby. It’s one of the locations the Rebel informant we are looking for may have been recently. Work with Ogami to investigate and locate this informant. I will be busy elsewhere, but if you find out anything, notify me immediately.” “Understood, sir,” Looker told Vanitas before shifting his attention to Jenny and Kiriko, “Let’s go.


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    After getting her stuff, Rini was about to go inside the tent she and Serena will share, but stopped upon overhearing Luna’s and Serena’s discussion. As she listened, Rini thought to herself, ‘Serena doesn’t know what to think about Darien being in love with her… huh, guess she needs a little bit more time. Besides, they’re destined to be with each other eventually. Otherwise, I wouldn’t even exist anymore.’


    ~Aleppo, Syria (again)~


    A third of the city is under Rebel control,” Riad said as he was explaining to Connor how things were going in Aleppo, “The rest is under occupation by the New World Order.” “We have attempted to capture portions of Aleppo under their control, but any gains we make are almost immediately retaken by the enemy,” Yusuf added. “Hmm, do they not have a base of operations?” Connor asked. “I believe there is,” Altaïr responded, “My sources indicate that the New World Order forces are mainly gathered in a steel factory located on the northwestern part of the city, under the command of two Inquisitors.” “Two Inquisitors?” Hiccup wondered out loud. “Any word on their identities?” Katniss asked. “One of them, we don’t know,” Sam replied, “The other, is someone myself and the others have a bit of history with. His name’s Juhani Otso Berg. He and I were both in the JIA, helping out Riad and the Syrian Rebels during the civil war in the country. But on the day of the Great Purge, that idiot turned on us. He’s the reason Riad needs a cane to walk.” “I understand the feelings you have, Sam,” Connor told Sam, “But you must try to keep them restrained. Losing control would provide a great advantage to the enemy.” “Understood, sir,” Sam responded. “So, what do you think should be done?” Riad asked Connor, “With New World Order forces dispersed throughout the majority of the city, how can we be able to push them back?” As he pondered for a bit while looking at a map of Aleppo, Connor asked, “Have you tried attacking the base from the air so that all New World Order forces in the city would then retreat towards the steel factory in order to protect it? If they were gathered in one spot, finishing them off would be an easier task.” “Already tried,” Sam replied, “We got no helicopters… nothing that could fly. Except for me. But I almost got hit by a turret they had, so I had no choice but to retreat before even attempting to launch an attack.” “But what if we had others help you out with the attack from the air,” Dick suggested, “Hiccup could fly with Toothless. Discord, Mewtwo, and Thor could help out too!” “Good thinking, Dick,” Connor commended his friend, “With more than one target, the turret will surely be too distracted and not be able to stop an attack from either Rebel in the air.” “Hmm, that just might work…” Yusuf remarked.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    Well, as I said, Lydia and Lucario can provide assistance if needed,” Luke told Jake and the others, “Perhaps it would be a good idea to practice combat with them. After all, it would not only benefit you, but Lydia as well. Like Sunburst, she too is aiming to become a Keyblade Master, although she hasn’t had as much training as Sunburst has.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums~


    Rey, huh…” Marle responded after Rey introduced herself, “Well, I appreciate you offering to help. But usually, it’s the other way around where I’m the one providing help. That is why you’re all here, isn’t it?” “That’s right actually,” Leia said as Finn took out a list and envelope, handing them to Marle. “Nikolai was hoping you can ship us the food items on the list,” Finn informed Marle, “And the envelope contains your payment in advance.” “Hmm…” Marle pondered out loud as she went over the list, “Let me see what I have. Do you mind following me?” “Not at all,” Leia replied as she followed, while Finn and BB-8 joined her too. “Let’s go, Rey,” Finn told Rey.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    "Still, I'm not exactly comfortable with Stormtroopers in the same building as us," Kristoff remarked. "I agree," Cere concurred, "Once we're done with breakfast, we leave immediately and head to Greez's ship." "Where is the ship though?" Saphir asked. "About two miles from here," Greez replied, "In the middle of the forest." "We could get there quickly with Kristoff's truck," Cal commented, with Kristoff nodding in concurrence.


    ~Sky Over Egypt~


    After taking care of things in Siwa, Iron Man was flying away from the area, only to notice he was being tailed by three TIE fighters. The three fighters then began to fire trying to land a hit at Iron Man, but he was easily spinning and maneuvering left and right to avoid getting hit. Soon enough, missiles were ejected from both of Iron Man's feet towards one of the TIE fighters. The fighter that was targeted managed to avoid getting hit by one missile, but the other missile hit it and destroyed it, leaving two TIE fighters left tailing Iron Man. As the fighters continued firing at Iron Man, he surprised the two TIE fighters by suddenly stopping completely in midair, causing the fighters to pass by him. The two TIE fighters quickly turned around to try and locate Iron Man, but he was nowhere to be seen. But as they continued searching, the pilot on one of the TIE fighters noticed Iron Man was actually hanging onto the wing of the other TIE fighter. Notifying the other pilot of what was happening and what he planned to do, the pilot slowly began to aim at Iron Man so that he could get a direct hit and not damage the other TIE fighter. Once he got a clear shot of Iron Man, the pilot fired a shot. Iron Man, however, was quick, and was able to quickly fly out of harm's way, leading to the TIE fighter he was hanging on to to get hit instead, causing it to crash towards the desert way below and get destroyed. As for Iron Man, he pointed his repulsors towards the last TIE fighters, blasting it and destroying it for good. "Too easy," Iron Man remarked as he continued to fly away.


    ~Gringey City, Japan~


    Here we are… Gringey City,” Finnick remarked as he drove the SUV he was sharing with Hiro, Baymax, and Lita towards the old abandoned city full of factories and pollution…


    Ugh, doesn’t look any better than it did the last time I was here,” Hiro commented while Finnick continued following the vehicle where the others were, slowly approaching the old Pym Tech factory.


    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    As their obstacle course test began, Peter, Pietro, and Wanda wasted no time in trying to get through it as quickly as possible. Pietro zipped past pillars and jumped over hurdles while easily avoiding getting shot by Stormtroopers and Cybermen, mocking them, “You didn’t see that coming?” Web-slinging his way through the obstacle course, Peter came to a halt upon noticing he had to climb a rope ladder to get to the other side. Looking up to see how high it was, Peter jumped high, and continued climbing up while noticing Cybermen and Stormtroopers about to shoot him. “Woah!” Parker cried as he jerked left and right, trying to avoid getting hit as he continued climbing up. “Made it!” Peter exclaimed, as he eventually made it to the top, and jumped as he continued web-slinging. As for Wanda, she’s been using her powers to create a barrier to protect herself from getting hit by Stormtroopers and Cybermen as she made her way through the obstacle course. Upon reaching a rock climbing obstacle, Wanda noticed the Stormtroopers and Cybermen intensified their attack on her, and was stuck using her powers to keep a barrier protecting her intact, trying to figure out how to progress. Suddenly, Wanda had an idea, using her powers to send her flying high, performing a backflip over the rock climbing obstacle, and landing on the other side, giving her a chance to continue with the obstacle course without getting hit. “Impressive…” Alpha said as he and Sunset Shimmer were watching the three progress through the obstacle course…


    Yeah,” Sunset Shimmer concurred as she wrote up notes, “They’ve been doing well before, but I feel like with today’s performance, they’re more capable than we thought.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    As Akko and the others joined Kassandra into the underground Rebel hideout following the earlier battle, Kassandra watched as Sucy was treating the wounded leg of Jairo, the Rebel whose leg was shot, as he was lying on a bed. "Will it work?" Kassandra questioned as Sucy poured one of her concoctions over the wound. "He'll need to rest for about two days," Sucy replied, "After that, his leg will be as good as new." "Understood. Thank you," Kassandra thanked Sucy as she turned to face the rest of Akko's group, "I am sorry for what happened earlier. Please, let us discuss what's going on while I show you around." "We appreciate your hospitality," Diana thanked Kassandra as she and the others followed the Rebel leader.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
  10. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kentucky: Grassy Field~

    "It's fine, we just talked to Banjo's neighbor, found out he wasn't Cronus, and then he asked me to fight him." Mario explained as they were driving back. "I couldn't refuse the offer since it wouldn't feel right to me." Luigi was thinking before he said. "Still, something about him seemed a bit off despite not being the person we were after, he didn't need to fight you." Mario then explained. "Luigi, sometimes in order to get to know someone you need to communicate through your fists...and to me he was one who values justice." Luigi shook his head, "I know, but still...I'm just trying to keep an eye out for you."

    ~Kentucky: Banjo's House~

    Mario and the others returned to Banjo's house where Banjo and the others were waiting. Rash looked at Mario before asking. "Hey dude, what took you so long? We've been waiting for a few minutes now." Mario simply said. "We got caught in chatting with our fists, but everything's fine." Banjo then guessed. "I assume he wasn't Cronus, huh." Luigi nodded. "No, but he did explain himself well enough to clear things up." Zitz then pointed to the Lor saying. "Well let's go, these bombs won't move themselves." With that everyone boarded the Lor before it quickly took off back to the base.

    ~Kentucky: Church~

    Eventually all of the Stormtroopers were dealt with thanks to the combined efforts of the group before Aoi asked Neptune. "Neptune, did you and the girls find anything?" Neptune then explained. "We didn't find Cronus, but we did find a ravaged New World Order camp that was housed in that store." Neptune then noticed Cronus before asking. "Who is that guy?" Peach then told Neptune and the girls. "This is Cronus, he is going to come with us to clear himself." Cronus slowly nodded. "Yes, however what Neptune said is rather interesting. Did you happen to find anything else?" Noire responded quickly. "Yeah, undead Stormtroopers and an incomplete report about a single person going through their camps." Cronus then said thoughtfully. "Then it must be where these Stormtroopers came from before having S-Types implanted in them." Akira then said to the whole group. "We should return to base, they're going to want to hear this." Everyone including Cronus all stepped back into the Thundertank as it drove off back to base.

    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    Robin and Zone-Tan were standing about waiting for the others with Robin remarking to Zone-Tan. "I wish I could get a massage like C.C. is getting right now..." Lana, Kallen, and the rest of the girls appeared in front of them in a flash before Zone-Tan could respond making Robin jump in surprise. "Oh, you guys startled me, welcome back." Robin's face went from joy to complete panic as her eyes noticed Kairi and then Kai were missing. Robin stepped over to Kallen asking. "Why are Kairi and Kai not with you?" Kallen made and loud gulp. "It's...a long story." Robin placed her hands on Kallen's shoulders and began to furiously shake her shouting. "Kallen, C.C. and Cynthia are going to have my ass if they find out Kai went missing! Now can someone explain what happened to them!"

    "We ended up in a little pickle involving two S-Types and an unknown person and Kai texted me telling us to get out of there." Neru said before pulling up a text on her phone that read. "Cornered by some strange woman, get out before the S-Types find you ~Kai <3" Robin blinked before she asked. "So...if that's the case, do you have any more information?" Samus then explained. "Yeah, before Lana got us out there were two S-Types coming towards us. One was in red armor, the other was a short, floating dude in a robe." Zone-Tan hearing the descriptions shouted. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Not those guys!" Robin stepped back. "No wonder they got cornered, C.C.'s gonna have a field day with this one."

    The others soon came running in with Iffy asking. "What's everyone yelling about!?" Robin took a deep breath. "Long story short...Kairi and Kai are missing..." The silver-haired woman pointed at Aoi. "Aoi, check the your sister alive and is there another Jedi?" Aoi focused his mind for a moment before he said. "Yes, she's alive...but there is someone else who is also capable of using the Force not far from her." Robin shook her head muttering to herself. "Damn, I didn't think they'd be back..." Star Dream flew in and said. "Not to interrupt, but I have an incoming call inside the Lor for Morgana and's you know who." Morgana nodded and started to head for the Lor as Robin said. "I'll tell her, Cynthia's giving her a massage right now."

    "Well if those two have to take a phone call, I shall wait before speaking to them." Cronus said before getting looks from nearly everyone in the room before Bowser said. "He's fine, this is Kamen Rider Cronus...he's not giving an identity due to the whole being wanted thing."

    ~Kentucky: Abandoned Building~

    The building that Kai spoke of was merely a walk away as it was long and cream-colored with a door on it, Kai notice a part of the wall that looked to be moveable and quietly moved it just enough to where they could get in, but without raising Cia's suspicions as they quickly went inside.

    The inside looked to be a mixture of both an old garage of sorts with various things on the walls used to paint and work on them and a storage for yard sale things as there were tables with things on them, racks full of clothes, and various odds and ends here and there. Kairi sighed. "Finally...Saki, did you know her?" Kai shook her head sitting down. "No, I didn't know that woman, but whoever she was....we should be lucky that I lied my ass off to get us out of there before she tried to kill us." Kai looked at Kairi. "She somehow knows C.C. and Cynthia...and I don't mean because they're wanted criminals." Kairi sighed in relief. "Well, what do we do know? We kind of need to get back to the others." Kai then explained. "Well, we will need to lay low for a bit. While it may seem to her that we jumped off and possibly died, she may be on the hunt for our know, to confirm it."

    "But it didn't look like it was that far down, at worst we might have had broken bones and such." Kairi suggested before Kai said. "Yes, but if that happened we wouldn't be able to freely get away and hide." Kairi then said. "Good point there..." Kai then explained. "We lay low until we know they're not there, then we get back to the base." Kai's blue gaze noticed something in the distance and stood up remarking. "Huh, now what kind of person would leave a pool table here?" Kairi looked over to where Kai was facing before seeing a perfectly good pool table just sitting there with the colored and striped balls perfectly in a triangle. Kai walked over casually remarking with a smirk. "You know, Kairi? Before I founded the Rising Tide and created my own nightclub to serve as not only a cover to our missions, but also as a legitimate business I used to go around various japanese bars and just play pool suckering poor drunk saps out of their yen."

    Kairi raised an eyebrow asking. "Now why would you go do that?" Kai then explained. "I wanted to help support the family. While Cynthia did make quite a bit as champion, she was the only one at the time bringing in the money. Not to mention Zone-Tan didn't have her business yet and had to deal with legal hurdles due to being an S-Type, Robin was doing what she could and C.C. hadn't figured out how to get a job yet. In addition I wasn't old enough to even get a job yet. I wasn't going to let that stop me from helping my family...and it also served as an experiment on how to work with my eye." Kairi blinked. "I'm surprised those guys didn't realize you were cheating with that eye of yours." Kai shrugged. "They were drunk, at best they were wondering how a young girl like me was kicking their ass at pool or wondering who I was, even if some tried to grab their hands on me I'd beat the crap out of them." Kai then picked up a pool cue and handed it to Kairi telling her. "Since we got a bit of time, how about we indulge ourselves in a game?" Kairi smiled taking the cue. "Sure."​
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    "Hm? Oh?" Marvelous asked, looking a bit interested in Tommy's suggestion. "Sounds interesting, I been wondering hat kind of Great Power you obtained, of course, we can't fight here, there's not enough room." Marvelous said and got up from his seat. "We're landing, I want to make sure we got all the room we'll need to make sure we see what benefits you've earned." Marvelous said, heading to the room with the steering wheel and sure enough, the Galleon was beginning to descend from the skies to a suitable plot of land, when it did, everyone was outside and a good distance away, Marvelous shouldered his Gokai Sabre on his shoulder, looking at Tommy.

    "Don't try to hold back, I need to see if that Great Power of yours was worth the trouble." Marvelous said calmly.

    ~The Capital, Police HQ~

    "Yes Sir." Kiriko said, saluting Vanitas and nodding to Looker and jenny, she was curious to see how this Ogami worked as a lone individual.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Aleppo, Syria-

    Serena sat in the tent, petting Luna who was purring on her lap and she took out the Crescent Moon Wand, looking at the Silver Crystal. She thought about the weird dreams she had been having and the strange feelings as though she and Darien were lovers long ago and something in the past caused them to be reborn now.


    -Irkutsk, Russia - Slums-

    "Coming." Rey said, following behind Finn. She walked up and kept quiet, looking around.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    Tommy stretched and activated the Ninjetti power, having the hood and mask up before getting ready. Gai looked as though he was studying the whole suit. Emma sweatdropped and asked, "What is it, Gai?" "Now that I have enough time to properly look at the uniform, it seems their upgrades are based on the Kakurangers since they're both ninja powers." Gai said, before getting excited. "And I can't believe I get to see it myself!"

    However, Luka hit him in the side of the head and sighed, Emma was surprised at the action but turned to see how Marvelous would fight and what kind of power the Rangers got.


    -Lor Starcutter-

    "Well, guess this was a sucess." Hermione said, breathing. Nico stretched, Vulpix stretched and rubbed Yuuki's leg.



    Trevor slept as they rode back to the base while Harry sat in the driving area with his mother and siblings. Riolu was in the back with Mew while they felt the bumpy ride back to the base.


    -Penny's Place - Wisconsin-

    Elsa sipped her tea while Anna nodded, swirling the juice in her cup with a spoon before taking a sip. The two sisters kept quiet and wondered what would happen and what they would do to be able to help.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Base-

    Gia nodded at Luke, putting her hair up in a ponytail. Orion looked at her and nodded, Noah said, "Better gets notebooks and such." Kira nodded, stretching.
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    As she was seated with Javert on a balcony in his mansion, Bobbi asked, “Do you still have that pan-fired green tea? It's from Shizuoka in Japan, right?” “You always remember every little detail,” Javert remarked with a grin. Meanwhile, listening in to the conversation between Bobbi and Javert were Lance and May from the Quinjet not too far from the mansion…


    Try being married to somebody who remembers every little detail. It's not that charming,” Hunter remarked after hearing what Javert told Bobbi. Hearing May sigh after hearing his remark, Hunter told her, “You think I'm being petty, don't you? Well, I'm not. I don't have a problem with Bob flirting with that guy.” “Good,” May simply replied while they continued eavesdropping on the conversation between Bobbi and Javert.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    T’Challa!” Okoye cried as she rushed towards T’Challa while he was walking down a hallway. “Okoye? What is it?” T’Challa questioned, surprised by Okoye’s distressed tone. “We apprehended a Stormtrooper 80 kilometers to the west,” Okoye responded, “But it isn’t just any Stormtrooper… this is the same one we encountered in Nigeria… the one wearing a Wakandan mask.” “What?!” T’Challa questioned, shocked by what he just heard. “There’s more…” Okoye replied, “He surrendered himself… said he wanted to see you.” After hearing what Okoye just said, T’Challa remained silent for a bit before telling Okoye, “Then let him come.


    ~The Capital - Outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop~


    Arriving outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop with Jenny and Kiriko, Looker noticed Ogami waiting for them with his Murkow, Kuro…


    "Ogami, thank you for waiting," Looker told Shirou, "Have you found out anything yet?" "I just spoke to the manager at the shop and had a look at the security footage," Ogami replied as he handed Officer Jenny a DVD of the shop's security footage, "The person of interest is barely in it."


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    As Connor strategized with Riad and the others on how to attack the New World Order’s base of operations in Aleppo, they were able to come up with a list of attack teams, who would be included in those teams, and how they would go about attacking. “... and that just leaves me,” Connor remarked as the only team left to set up was his, “My team will be small and will be the one to lead all the other teams as we storm the steel factory. Given my great experience fighting alongside them, I will be joined by Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Mini Moon.” “But wouldn’t you need more people on your team?” Riad replied. “I suppose I can add one more person, but it would have to be one of your Rebels, as all the ones on my side have been assigned to their respective groups,” Connor said, “Is there anyone in particular on your mind?” “Hmmm… there is…” Riad answered.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    In that case… would you mind directing me to a suitable location where we would be able to practice combat?” Lydia asked Gia and the others as she finished her drink from earlier and got up.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums: Marle’s Office~


    Leading them into her small mobile office, Marle showed Finn and the others an Excel spreadsheet on her computer, telling them, “Most of the items on Nikolai’s list are highlighted in yellow, meaning they are available to be shipped immediately, so I can have those sent out to you guys soon. But a few, however, are highlighted in red, meaning I’ll need time to get those out for you.” “That’s fine, we can wait,” Finn replied. “Thank you so much, Marle,” Leia thanked Marle. “Leia!” a voice cried out from a nearby room. Looking to see who was calling her name, Leia was pleasantly surprised to see Scootaloo, one of the orphans she looked after prior to the New World Order tearing down the orphanage where she worked…


    Scootaloo!” Leia cried as she and the little pony hugged, “I missed you so much!” “Scotaloo’s such a good girl,” Marle remarked as she saw Leia and Scootaloo hugging each other, “Gotta say Leia, when you brought her to me after what happened with the orphanage, I honestly wasn’t sure I was up to the task to look after her. But… I was gladly wrong. I’m truly thankful to you for bringing her into my life.” Looking at Marle, Leia smiled and replied, “It was my pleasure.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “Food’s ready!” the waitress from earlier announced as she was carrying a tray full of what everyone entered. “Ah, perfect timing! I’m starving!” Greez remarked as the waitress placed everyone’s order on the table. “Mmm, that looks delicious,” Kristoff remarked, as he was ready to dig in. “Alright,” the waitress said as she placed the check on the table, “No rush dears. Hope you enjoy it!” “Thank you!” Saphir and Cal responded as they began eating. As Kristoff reached out to the ticket to see how much he would have to pay, Cere grabbed it first, telling Kristoff, “Sorry, but I’m paying for breakfast.” “Come on, I insist. Let me pay,” Kristoff pleaded. “I appreciate it, but… let me take care of it,” Cere replied, “Consider it a way of making up for the fact it’ll be a while before Greez and I can get you to where you want to go.” Sighing, Kristoff saw no point in continuing to argue over who’ll pay for the meal, conceding, “Alright… you win. You’ll pay for breakfast. Let’s just be able to enjoy it before we have to leave.


    ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~


    With both vehicles parking outside the abandoned factory that Hiro was familiar with, he and the others stepped out and took a look at the old building, with Hiro remarking, “Well, this is it.” “Is it safe though?” Coulson questioned. Scanning the area, Baymax replied, “Building has been scanned. There are no life-forms inside.” “That’s a relief,” Finnick commented. “Still, we have to be cautious. You never know if the New World Order shows up out of nowhere,” Adewale added, eliciting a nod from the others. Once Hiro and Baymax wore their battle attire, the group was ready to go in…


    Alright, let’s go,” Fury said as the group entered the old factory. Unbeknownst to the group, however, a single Cyberman was watching from a rooftop several buildings away…



    ~Sokovia, Europe - New World Order Research Facility~


    Great work guys!” Sunset Shimmer commended Wanda, Pietro, and Peter once they were done with the obstacle course and were escorted towards Sunset Shimmer and Alpha by Stormtroopers, “I still need to write up a report for Strucker, but I can honestly say you all far exceeded my expectations. Give yourselves a pat in the back.” “Nice!” Peter exclaimed, “We did it guys!” “We sure did!” Wanda concurred as she, Pietro, and Peter all gave each other a high five before being escorted by Stormtroopers back to their cells.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    As Kassandra was showing Akko and the others the underground Rebel hideout, Lotte told Kassandra, "I noticed your accent sounds different than that of the locals. What is that? Greek?" "Correct," Kassandra responded with a smile, "Yes, I'm not actually Brazilian, but Greek instead." "So how did you end up being the Rebel leader in Brazil even though you're from halfway across the world?" Sucy questioned. "It started when I survived the Great Purge," Kassandra replied, "I was wounded, and I hid in a cargo ship to avoid getting caught by the New World Order. The ship docked in Rio de Janeiro, and I figured I'd stay here for the time being. When I noticed that there was very little resistance to the New World Order, I decided to secretly work with locals who wanted to put an end to the regime. Eventually, our group grew and we officially joined with the global Rebel Alliance, and I was voted to lead the group in Brazil, even though I refused." "Well, if they wanted you as leader, then they must have a good reason," Amanda commented, "You should proudly accept your role." "I did, eventually," Kassandra replied, "And ever since, my focus has been battling the New World Order all across Brazil." "So how are things going so far?" Diana questioned. "We win some battles, we lose others," Kassandra answered, "I'm lucky none of the Rebels with me died during the battle earlier today. Still… despite having grown the movement in Brazil tremendously, we are not big enough, and the losses we suffer are heavy. So, to avoid losing Rebels, my focus has been weakening the New World Order by aiming for high ranking targets. That way, we'd be relying on battles less, and that in turn would mean less casualties." "'High ranking targets'?" Akko wondered out loud. "Yes," Kassandra responded, "For example, one of my informants notified me that he believes he has located an Inquisitor lurking in Corcovado, which you all might know as the mountain where the Christ the Redeemer statue is located." "I see…" Ursula commented, "I guess that's your current target?" "Yes," Kassandra replied, "And I was hoping all of you could help investigate and possibly deal with this Inquisitor." "Well, you can surely count on us!" Amanda assured Kassandra, with the rest of her team nodding in concurrence. "Thank you," Kassandra responded with a smile.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kentucky: Abandoned School~

    Cia, Wizzro, and Volga were busy tracing the escape route Lana and the others had used with Cia and Wizzro focusing their magical energies. Their progress was interrupted when Goku Black landed near them. Volga stepped towards Goku Black telling him. "State your business here." Goku Black slowly smirked. "I've come here on behalf of a member of High Command." This made Wizzro and Cia stop what they were doing before Cia knelt to one knee asking. "What has High Command requested for us?" Goku Black then said. "I know where those Rebels you fought were hiding out, it was requested by High Command that said group is to be dealt with." Cia then explained. "But there were a bunch of them here alone, did you have a plan?" Goku Black then said. "Of course, but it will require some work." Goku Black then turned to Wizzro. "You shall disguise yourself as one of the Rebels and blend yourself in. I in the meanwhile will handle the New World Order stationed here before we attack these Rebels."

    Volga then said. "I wish not to question the orders of High Command, but the S-Types and New World Order are allies. Why would they want us to possibly jeopardize Lord Astral's mission here?" Goku Black then explained. "It is because they will eventually fall to the Rebellion due to their own hubris, even Lord Astral will have to have a contingency plan for the S-Types of Earth if that were to happen. Not to mention that our initial goal takes priority over Earth matters." Cia smirked. "I see..." Goku Black nodded. "Yes, even though you are not an S-Type yourself you understand the bigger picture. Now...let's get to work." With that Wizzro and Goku Black quickly sunk through the ground leaving followed by Volga and Cia also leaving.

    ~Lor Starcutter: Communications~

    C.C. and Morgana stepped into the room where Star Dream was waiting in the floor od the room. "" A hologram of Wilhelm appeared next to the duo before he said. "Seems Lady Etoille and the Star Spirits are requesting our presence." As Wilhelm said that, seven chairs began to sprout up in the room in a circle formation before seven star-shaped beings appeared in the chairs as holograms. Lady Etoille then appeared as a hologram on the floor near the trio before they knelt down to bow, Etoille telling the trio. "I needed to speak with you on a manner most urgent, Harbinger Zordon is dead..."

    This led to gasps in the room as Morgana said. "Great, did the New World Order do it?" Etoille then said. "Who did it isn't important, with Zordon dead the seal he had on Thanos was undone, meaning Thanos has now been freed from the void he was imprisoned in." This led to the eyes of the trio widening in shock as Wilhelm asked. "Lady Etoille, if that is the case we would not have enough numbers to stop him as we did..." C.C. then turned her head and told Wilhelm. "Wilhelm, calm your ass down." The Star Spirits gasped before C.C. said. "Lady Etoille, noble Star Spirits, I apologize for speaking out of line....I have adopted using the Earth's language. Now then...what is the current situation regarding Thanos?"

    The head Star Spirit, yellow with a white mustache said. "He is currently on his ship along with some others in search of his daughters, if you are speaking in regards to the Gauntlet...I shall let Skolar explain." A lilac-colored star with a small black mustache, eyebrows and glasses spoke up. "Thank you, Eldstar. Now...currently the Infinity Gauntlet is not at full power, it is missing three of its stones." C.C. then asked. "If Thanos is missing three stones, then he wouldn't need to stop at Earth...right?" Wilhelm then spoke up. "Correct, I worked with Skolar and we came to the conclusion that none of the missing stones for the gauntlet are on Earth. Thus, Thanos would have no reason to stop at Earth."

    "However, we should still keep it in mind." Lady Etoille stated. "We don't have the same numbers we had all that time ago when we first began to battle the S-Types, if Thanos were to somehow stop at Earth for any reason...the denizens of Earth would not be ready as they are already dealing with the New World Order and the S-Types. In addition I have already informed Mario and Luigi of this." C.C. then stated. "You are right, but we can't exactly change gears when we're already in the middle of dealing with said S-Types either. Not to mention I wish that Mario and Luigi wouldn't have to deal with something like that." Lady Etoille nodded. "I wish the same as well, Cecilia."

    ~Kentucky: Abandoned Building~

    By the time things were said and done, Kairi had managed to beat Kai by a slim margin in their pool game. Kai was clapping looking rather impressed. "Good job, student of mine. You kicked my ass." Kairi sheepishly remarked. "Um, well it was more luck really. Besides...that's two things you owe me now." Kai smirked. "Ahh yes, the other being that date. You sure tried that day." Kairi glared at Kai before she said. "That was just because I got over my head, I've been practicing." The two then noticed that it was silent outside and there was a sleek black car sitting nearby as Kairi said. "Looks like we have our ride out of here." Kai blinked before she cheekily said. "And someone has also been adapting to this new world." Kairi then pointed to the car and said. "Let's take this car and drive back to the others, nearly dying back there and getting stressed by that woman is making me want to have a nice drive." Kai then asked in surprise. "Wait, you're driving?" Kairi nodded with a smile. "Yes, also I was wondering if you had a rubber band." Kai and Kairi then started to unlock the car's doors and get inside.​
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Marvelous stared at Tommy for a brief moment before raising the Gokai Gun at him, it was more a test to see how good Tommy's reflexes were against a speeding projectile than having a up close and personal battle, Marvelous kept his expression in an uninterested look as Harold observed the fight, it was just more or less feeling each other out, but he could see why Marvelous was using weapons, he wasn't taking chances with the tales of the Great Power but also, to see if Tommy was worthy of such a gft.

    -Lor Starcutter-

    Yuuki bent down and rubbed the small fox's head, smiling.

    -The Capital, Outside Marty's Auto Repair Shop-

    "Then that must mean the person of interest knew where all the security cameras are based or likely had plenty of time to scope out where would be best to remain out of view." Kiriko said thoughtfully, it wasn't an easy task to do but it was possible provided you knew where the blind spots were but even then, if you were caught on camera, you'd just have to know when to keep your head down and not look inconspicuous, after all, it was a matter of perception to the brain.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Aleppo, Syria-

    Serena stepped out of the tent and stretched, leaving Luna to find a place to lay down and rest. She breathed and walked, looking for what to do or find someone to talk to. 'Hmm, wonder where Darien is.' She thought.


    -Irkutsk, Russia - Slums: Marle's Office-

    Rey looked as Leia was greeted by Scootaloo and held the materia around her neck, thinking about her childhood growing up. She wondered how different she would have turned out if she had someone as nice as Leia who took her to a good orphanage.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    "Marvelous is being gutsy, fighting him with a weapon while Tommy doesn't have one." Emma noted, Joe kept quiet as Doc said, "Yeah, but he did ask to do this in order to see what kind of power he and the other Rangers got from their venture into the forest." "Even I'm curious what we got from this." Billy said, crossing his arms.

    Tommy stood for a moment before disappearing in a cloud of smoke and reappeared behind Marvelous, a white energy forming in his hands and sent it flying to the red colored pirate.


    -Lor Starcutter-

    Vulpix smiled as Yuuki rubbed its head. Hermione smiled, "Someone really like your attention."


    -Kentucky - Rebel Base-

    The tank arrived at the base and everyone began to file out, Trevor yawned and stretched while Sypha hummed, walking with the others and talked about various things. Harry got out of the front with his mother and stretched his legs.


    -Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory-

    Walking with the others, Lita gripped her transformation pen, her instincts as Sailor Jupiter on high alert and she looked around. She slowly began to pull the pen out just in case she needed to transform.


    -Winconsin - Penny's Place-

    Looking at the delicious food, Elsa and Anna smiled at each other before taking the utensils to dig in. Elsa smiled as she took a bit and Anna was resisting just pigging out like she used to but composed herself and ate the meal, happily.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota-

    "Alright, I think we have something like that around here." Noah said, getting up and walking to where they placed for a training room. Jake groaned, "But why? It's so cold." "The exercise will warm you up." Gia sad, grabbing his hood and dragging him along. Kira breathed and said, "That makes me wonder where Emma ended up. Probably a warm place." Orion looked at her and nodded, walking with the group.
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nantucket, Massachusetts - Javert’s Mansion~


    The tea needs to steep for at least seven minutes,” Javert told Bobbi as he had someone bring in the tea that Bobbi asked about earlier. “Mmm, perfect time for us to talk business, then,” Bobbi replied. “Forgive me, but I'd like to clear something up first,” Javert said, “You see, there's a nasty rumor going around that you are actually working with the Rebel Alliance.” “Javert, please,” Bobbi scoffed, “Aren't we all working with Rebels in a way? Didn't you hear about what happened in Buffalo? Those guys were on the news with that silly Rebel logo on their chests. They were totally our people disguised as Rebels. But those weapons they had... your work, I presume?” “How could you tell?” Javert questioned. Meanwhile, back at the Quinjet not too far from the mansion where Lance and May were eavesdropping on the conversation going on…


    This poor sap's buying every word she says,” Hunter remarked. “That's what we want,” May replied. “I just feel sorry for the guy,” Lance said, “Making targets feel special... that's her thing. You know, when I gave her my nan's pearl earrings, she was like-” “You know I don't like you, right?” May interrupted Hunter as she was getting annoyed at Lance complaining about his ex-wife.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    As T’Challa and the others anxiously waited, they watched as a Stormtrooper in handcuffs was escorted by Rebels while his head was covered in a burlap sack so that he wouldn’t know the base’s location. Once he arrived, one of the Rebels removed the sack, revealing the Stormtrooper’s face to everyone…


    Speak,” T’Challa ordered the Stormtrooper known as Erik Killmonger. “I'm standing in your house, requesting that I be treated as one of your own, exactly as I should be,” Killmonger replied. Slowly approaching Killmonger, T'Challa whispered to him, “Let me warn you, the only reason I don't kill you where you stand, especially after what happened in Nigeria, is because I know who you are... now what do you want?” Grinning, Killmonger answered, “I want the title of the Black Panther.” Several Rebels scoffed and laughed after hearing Killmonger’s request, who appeared unfazed by the others’ reactions.

    Y'all were sittin' up in Wakanda comfortable before the Purge. Must’ve felt good,” Killmonger commented, “While that was happening, there were about 2 billion people all over the world that looks like us but their lives were a lot harder. Wakanda had the tools to liberate them all, but y’all never did.” “And what tools are those?” T’Challa questioned. “Vibranium,” Killmonger answered, “Your weapons.” “Our weapons were never to be used to wage war on the world,” T’Challa retorted, “It was never our way to be judge, jury, and executioner for people who are not our own.” “Not your own?” Killmonger questioned, “But didn't life start here, on this continent? So ain't all people your people? Funny how you talk about not waging war on the world, but you’ve been providing Rebels with X-Wings and sonic stabilizers.” “Wakanda was never responsible for all people,” T’Challa retorted, “We were only responsible for the people of Wakanda. And it was our responsibility to make sure our people were safe and that Vibranium never fell into the hands of a person like you. Unfortunately… it seems like we failed. The Cybermen were created with the Vibranium and were then used to create the environment that the world is in right now.” “T’Challa, we have entertained this man for too long. We should just lock him up,” Okoye suggested. Looking around, Killmonger said, “Anybody want to ask who I am first?” “I looked up your records. You are Eric Killmonger,” Shuri replied, “A former Japanese black operative who was declared a traitor after being accused of being with the Crystal Order. Once your name was cleared following the Great Purge, you joined the Stormtroopers. That's who you are.” “That's not my real name, Princess,” Killmonger told Shuri before shifting his attention back to T’Challa, “Ask me, King.” “No,” T’Challa replied. “Ask me,” Killmonger repeated. “Enough of this, take him away,” Okoye ordered. Just then, one of the Rebels in attendance, genuinely curious about what Killmonger was trying to reveal, asked in Xhosa (the native language of Wakanda), “Who are you?” “I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu!” Killmonger yelled out in Xhosa. “The son of N'Jobu?!” Okoye wondered out loud. “I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest!” Killmonger angrily yelled at T’Challa, “You ain't the son of a king, you a son of a murderer!” “You're lying!” Shuri angrily retorted. “I’m afraid not,” one of the Rebels who had apprehended Killmonger earlier spoke up, showing everyone a ring necklace he confiscated from Killmonger, which appeared to look exactly like the ring T’Challa wore on his hand, which belonged to T’Challa’s and Killmonger’s grandfather. “He really is the son of N'Jobu,” Nakia remarked. “I'm exercising my blood right to challenge for the mantle of Black Panther,” Killmonger announced. “Don’t do this, T’Challa,” Shuri advised her brother. “Unfortunately, as the son of N'Jobu... he is within his rights,” Okoye said with a look of disappointment on her face. “Let’s make it interesting,” Killmonger suggested with a grin, “You let me go. We meet back in a few days in Warrior Falls in Wakanda, where these challenges always took place. I’ll set something up with the New World Order. We’ll make a bet. If you win, not only will you keep your title as the Black Panther, but the New World Order will surrender all of Africa to the Rebel Alliance, including Wakanda. But if I win… I become the new Black Panther, while the Rebels, well… hehe… we’ll kill every single one of y'all.” After hearing what Killmonger just said, Thorax asked T’Challa, “T’Challa… what will you do?” Taking a deep breath, T’Challa looked at Killmonger, telling him, “I accept your challenge.


    ~The Capital - Outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop~


    "Well, I'm not surprised," Looker replied to Kiriko, "This guy was associated with the Rebels after all. He definitely would've taken precaution to avoid any sort of detection." "Either way… it seems I'll have to use my abilities to see what the security footage can't," Shirou said. Closing his eyes and using his keen sense of smell, Shirou was able to detect the multiple scents that were in this area over the past few days. Using his psychometric ability, Shirou was able to use the scents he picked up to create a mental image in his mind of what each individual was doing at the time of the Rebel informant's appearance in the area. Remembering how the Rebel informant looked like in what little footage there was of him in the security footage, Shirou was able to locate him in his mental image. Watching the Rebel informant, Shirou noticed he was trying to avoid the security camera from the nearby repair shop, but also appeared to be waiting for something, or someone. Soon enough, Shirou saw the Rebel informant meet up with another individual, handing him a card of some sort, and then leaving the area while the other person also went his separate way. Once Shirou opened his eyes, Officer Jenny asked, "Shirou, what did you see?" "The person we are looking for was definitely here," Ogami responded, "I saw him meet with another individual. He gave him something. It appeared to be a card of some sort." "A key card perhaps? Or maybe even a credit card?" Jenny pondered out loud. "No," Shirou replied, "The card was made out of paper… resembling a parking receipt… or even a ticket one would receive when using a coin locker…" Once Shirou mentioned the possibility that the person they were looking for may have had a ticket from using a locker, Looker and Jenny were beginning to wonder if that was a possible clue. "Where's the closest place containing lockers?" Looker questioned. "Not too far from here," Jenny replied, "I can lead the way."


    ~Aleppo, Syria~


    While Darien was chatting with Celestia, the two noticed Serena looking for Darien. "Well, guess I'll leave you two alone," Celestia told Darien. Darien nodded in response as Celestia left while he approached Serena. "Hey Serena, need something?" Darien asked Serena.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Rebel Hideout~


    "Hmm, this'll certainly do," Lydia remarked after walking with the group towards the training room, as she and Lucario looked around, "Now then… would either of you care for a friendly challenge against Lucario and myself?"


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - Slums: Marle’s Office~


    Looking at Scootaloo, Finn noticed she had something on her back made out of cardboard, with the shape of the item looking familiar. “Hey, is that… ?” Finn wondered out loud, appearing to have realized what it was that Scootaloo was carrying. “Yep,” Scootaloo replied, grabbing the item from behind her back and showing it to Finn, which was a cardboard cutout designed to look like Finn’s Keyblade, “I made it myself. It looks like your weapon! When I grow up, I wanna be as strong and heroic just like you!” Taken aback by Scootaloo’s admiration for him, Finn shook his head as he told her, “Trust me kid, I’m no hero.” “Of course you are!” Scootaloo replied, “The way you stormed into the bad guys’ place and saved Leia… you’re definitely a hero to me!” “She’s right, Finn,” Leia concurred with Finn. As Finn blushed and scratched his head, unsure of what to say, Scootaloo asked Marle, “Hey Marle, can I go out and play?” “Alright, but don’t talk to strangers,” Marle replied. “Yes, ma’am,” Scootaloo said with a salute as she rushed outside, “Bye everyone!” Once Scootaloo left, Finn said, “Well… anyway, I guess we better get going.” “Understood,” Marle replied, “I’ll be sure to send those items as soon as I can.” “Thank you, Marle,” Leia thanked Marle. “Oh, by the way, could you do me a favor on your way out?” Marle asked. “Sure, what is it?” Finn questioned. “If you see Scootaloo outside, could you tell her that I need her back here in an hour?” Marle requested. “Sure, we can do that,” Leia replied. “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Marle thanked the group.


    ~Wisconsin: Penny’s Place~


    “How’s the food so far?” the waitress asked as she passed by the group’s table. “Delicious!” both Cal and Saphir responded as they ate their food. “Happy to hear that,” the waitress said. “Hey,” Cere told the waitress as she handed her the check with money covering the cost plus tip, “We’re in a rush to leave once we’re done, so here you go.” “Why thank you,” the waitress responded as she placed the check and money in her pocket and was about to leave to go to the cash register when she suddenly noticed Kristoff appearing to need something from her, “Yes, dear?” “Do you by any chance happen to have any carrots in the kitchen?” Kristoff asked as he handed her some money, “You see, I have a reindeer outside, and I was hoping to get him something to eat. Take this money as payment for it.” “Hmm, I can certainly ask and see if we can get ya something for your reindeer,” the waitress replied. “Thanks, I appreciate it,” Kristoff said as the waitress left.


    ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~


    As Hiro and the others entered the abandoned factory, Coulson asked, "So where do you think we’ll find something on those Pym Particles?" "Not sure," Hiro replied, "I'd like to see if there might be something we can find in Dr. Pym's old office." "Well, in that case, let’s split up," Fury suggested, "Half can search that office. Other half can keep searching around and make sure we don't have any uninvited guests." "I agree," Finnick said, "Lita, Baymax, and Hiro… we'll check out that office. Hiro, you lead the way." Nodding, Hiro led Baymax, Finnick, and Lita to try and find the office he mentioned, while the others continued searching throughout the factory for any clues.


    ~Malibu, California: Tony Stark’s Mansion~


    While accompanied by Stormtroopers, Rhodey repeatedly rang the doorbell, needing to talk to Tony urgently. Not too long after, he noticed Pepper open the door, surprised that she was at Stark’s place now that she no longer worked for him…


    Pepper?” a surprised Rhodey wondered out loud. “Rhodey, what are you doing here?” Pepper asked. “I gotta speak with Tony,” Rhodey responded, “Aren’t you busy with CEO duties?” “Well, yeah, but I came to ask Tony for some advi-” Pepper answered before she was interrupted by Stormtroopers ignoring her as they forced their way inside, “H-Hey! What’s going on here?” “Sorry Pepper, but we gotta make sure Tony isn’t responsible for something that happened in Egypt earlier today,” Rhodey said as he led Stormtroopers to the stairs, “Half of you go upstairs, the other half with me downstairs.” “Rhodey! What is the meaning of this?!” Pepper questioned as she followed him and the Stormtroopers that went downstairs, “What’s all this about Egypt?!” “The Iron Man suit has been located in Egypt attacking New World Order forces,” Rhodey replied, “If we can’t find Tony in this building, then he is unfortunately a suspect in that attack.” “I’m a what?” Tony’s voice questioned Rhodey, surprising him and the Stormtroopers with him…


    Noticing Tony was inside a gym that they passed by without noticing, Rhodey and his Stormtroopers entered it, with Rhodey asking, “Tony, what are you doing?” “What does it look like?” Tony responded while exercising with a pulldown machine, “Trying to beat my record… ah!” Getting up from the machine after finishing exercising, Tony continued, “Oh, that felt good. I think I’m gonna go take a shower.” “T-Tony, wait…” Rhodey pleaded as he took out his phone, and showed Tony images of the Iron Man suit in Egypt battling New World Order forces, “These images were taken from Egypt today. You’re my friend, and I don’t wanna accuse you of something that I am not 100 percent sure you did. But what the hell is going on here?” “Egypt?! Wow, so that’s where it went?” Tony questioned. “Where what went?” Rhodey asked. Taking out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, Tony handed it to Rhodey. Unfolding it, Rhodey realized it was a copy of a local police report filed the previous day, indicating that Stark’s Iron Man suit had been stolen. Sighing, Rhodey handed the police report back to Tony and then told his Stormtroopers, “Alright guys, false alarm. Let’s get out of here.” The Stormtroopers then headed back to the stairs, while Rhodey looked at both Stark and Pepper, telling them, “Hey, sorry about what just happened… it’s just been really crazy.” “Hey, no worries,” Tony replied, “You did what you had to do. We’re still bowling tomorrow, right?” “Heh, you know it,” Rhodes said as he left, “Catch ya later, Tony.


    ~Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rebel Hideout~


    Hey, Kassandra… may I ask you something?” Ursula asked Kassandra while the Rebel leader was busy preparing for the mission to deal with the Inquisitor she mentioned to Akko and her group earlier. “Of course,” Kassandra replied, “What is it?” “Well, when you were battling outside, the weapon you used was quite… peculiar,” Ursula said, “Is… is it a Keyblade?” “I guess it is,” Kassandra replied as she summoned her Keyblade, “To be honest, I never knew it was called that until you mentioned it. How do you know about the… Keyblade, was it?” “Well, I don’t wield one myself,” Ursula said, “But, I do know a bit about it, like how only certain individuals can wield it, and how it can open any lock. Have you always had it?” “Well, ever since I was a teenager,” Kassandra answered, “One day, I was cornered by a group of thugs in the street who wanted to ‘have fun’ with me. All of a sudden, it just appeared in my hand when I felt like I desperately needed help. I used it to teach those guys a lesson. And from that day on, I always summoned it whenever I needed to battle.” “I see…” Ursula said as she pondered to herself. “Is there any particular reason you’re interested in the Keyblade?” Kassandra questioned. “Umm, no, it’s just, well… let’s just say Akko, one of the girls in my group, carries a weapon that has a deep connection to the legend of the Keyblade. What that connection is, well, that’s a discussion for another day…” Ursula responded, thinking back to what she learned about the Keyblade with her old friend long ago. “Huh, interesting,” Kassandra responded as Ursula walked away.


    ~The Star Road Dimension: The Planet of Morag~

    Flying towards an abandoned planet known as Morag, a ship called the Milano slowly descended until it was able to land in a safe spot. Inside the ship was a ragtag group that called themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy, consisting of Rocket Racoon, Groot, and Peter Quill (or as he liked to be called, “Star-Lord”)...


    Yeeesh, this place gives me the creeps,” Rocket commented as he took a look at the area from inside the cockpit, “Hey, Quill… you sure you trust that junk dealer from Tatooine? You really think we’ll find that orb thingy here?” “Well, it’s the only lead we have,” Quill responded as he got ready to go out, “And besides, this job’s gonna pay handsomely. Once we find the Orb and get paid, you’re gonna thank me.” “I am Groot,” Groot remarked, expressing doubt that they’ll find the Orb on this planet. “Oh, come on, Groot, don’t be such a downer,” Peter replied, apparently understanding what Groot just said, “I’ll come back with the Orb, guys, promise!” Quill then headed outside to explore and try to locate the Orb that he and the others were looking for. “I betcha he ain’t gonna last an hour before he comes back whining that he can’t find it,” Rocket told Groot. “I am Groot,” Groot responded, thinking that Quill might try searching longer than that. “Eh, I think that’s a bit too generous,” Rocket responded, understanding what Groot said, “Wanna bet?
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Outside the Lor Starcutter~

    Cynthia stood outside the blue ship waiting for C.C. just as the call with Lady Etoille was finished, the green-haired woman stepped out with a sigh before the blonde asked. "Let me guess, it was work-related?" C.C. nodded. "Yes, it was related to we should get to interrogating Cronus." The two started back for the base not noticing that Wizzro had poked his head out from around a corner and quickly transformed into one of the various, nameless Rebels running inside the base.

    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base [Lana's Office]~

    Cronus sat in a chair across from both Lana and C.C. awaiting interrogation before Lana asked. "So, you're Kamen Rider Cronus? Your helmet looks a bit goofy with the eyes" Cronus responded. "Yes, and as for the helmet it was based on a design from a character in a game." Lana nodded before C.C. said. "Bowser mentioned you cannot reveal your identity due to being wanted, if that's the case then why have you not shown up on any wanted posters or the news?" Cronus calmly explained. "It is because I mainly operate around here, as you may have noticed the rural areas of Kentucky are not quite as noticeable compared to the likes of Japan and such. In addition the New World Order and even my fellow S-Types have not been able to discern who I am under the helmet."

    "I see, so the New World Order hasn't really added someone like you to their database because they can't figure out who you even are." Lana suggested in thought before Cronus said. "Yes, not to mention that our mysterious enemy has been killing and using S-Types to take over the Stormtroopers here to add more to his ranks." C.C. then asked. "What else do you know about our enemy?" Cronus then said. "He is rather powerful, no Stormtrooper or Rebel has managed to survive against him and live. He is also an S-Type as well with no ties to the Rebels or the New World Order...just the S-Types." Cronus then looked at Lana before suggesting to her. "I would advise that you prepare your group to evacuate the area."

    Lana raised an eyebrow. "Um, why? We're going to destroy the New World Order's main building soon and get them out of here." Cronus then said. "It's just a hunch, but our...friend...may be thinking steps ahead of you...and considering you have makeshift explosives housed here, it could be possible for him to arrive, blow them up and this addition to blowing up the facility you speak of." C.C. remarked. "That's...quite a concern. We will take it into consideration. You are free to go now." Cronus stood up. "I will assist you in what I can."

    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    Wizzro was sneaking about getting a good glimpse of everyone present as he was in search of something, he bumped into Pimple who stood guard in front of a door. Pimple looked at Wizzro before he said. "Hey, careful around here. Behind me is a whole room full of homemade explosives and Zitz said they could go off if tampered with." Wizzro slowly stepped back. "I see, sorry about that friend. I was lost as you see." Pimple nodded. "Just be careful, okay?" Wizzro nodded and quickly slinked away into the crowd waiting.

    ~Olive Hill, Kentucky: Armory~

    Meanwhile in a large armory building located not far from the city of Olive Hill, a large group of Stormtroopers were busy making preparations to make their rounds when Goku Black came crashing in through the roof cloaked in energy. Multiple Stormtroopers pointed their blasters at the figure with one ordering him. "Freeze, Rebel scum!" Goku Black merely chuckled before summoning forth a blade of pink energy from his hand. One Stormtrooper even asked. "Do you really think you can take us all out?" Goku Black responded by flying in and stabbed the unlucky Stormtrooper in the stomach, his eyes right on him as he said. "Let the purification begin of these Earthlings."

    Using his free hand Goku Black began to fire blasts of energy at any oncoming Stormtroopers as he removed his other hand from the impaled soldier he took out. "Mere nameless soldiers to a dead cause, like lambs to the slaughter..." One Stormtrooper then said. "I don't know what you're going on about, but we're the..." He didn't get to finish his sentence though as Goku Black rushed in and snapped his neck asking. "Does anyone else wish to prattle on about how they think they're in the right?" The entire group of Stormtroopers began to charge in trying to take Goku Black out as the raven-haired S-Type grinned. "Foolish Earth mortals..."

  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    -Gokai Galleon-

    Marvelous turned around and and raised the Gokai Gun, firing a few rounds at the energy blast which exploded prematurely as he shouldered his sabre. "You got to be more strategic than that Oliver, your enemy isn't going to stand around waiting for you." Marvelous stated calmly before firing again this time, at Tommy's feet but instead, making contact with the ground to make him jump back a bit.

    "Your enemy isn't going to play fair, while it is honorable you have a code you follow, there are times when it isn't a viable option... I don't bother with it because I'm a pirate." Marvelous added before throwing his sabre up. "Gokai Change." Marvelous said as a flash of light engulfed him. "Gokaiger!" as Marvelous grabbed the falling weapon, suited up in his attire. "So, come at me with every bit of power you got, prove to me you so rightfully earned that treasure because if you don't..." Marvelous pointed the sabre at him. "I'm going to take it."

    ~The Capital - Outside Marty’s Auto Repair Shop~

    "Wow... you got all that from just by sniffing?" Kiriko said in genuine surprise, then again, it shouldn't probably come as one seeing as animals have keener instincts than any human and were more in tune with nature than anyone else, after all, studies did show dogs could hear frequencies that were invisible to humans as an example as he looked thoughtful. "I just hope it's not one with many of these lockers, we wouldn't want to have go through every single one." Kiriko added.
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Capital - Outside Bus Station~


    "Told you he was good at this sort of thing," Jenny told Kiriko after she remarked on how Shirou was able to detect what the Rebel informant did by simply sniffing, "Okay, here it is." Officer Jenny led the group to a bus station, which was the closest location to the auto repair shop that had lockers for the public to use. Upon hearing Kiriko hoping they wouldn't have to search through all the lockers, Looker told her, "Don't worry, we don't need to search all the lockers. We can simply have a look at the security footage and try to locate the person Shirou was able to detect. I know the guy in charge of security here. He'll be able to grant us access to the security footage in no time."

    OOC: Only posting this segment just to avoid breaking the two week rule. Next post will have more segments.