Re:CoM Videos!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. Deathspank Banned

    Aug 16, 2006
    *UPDATED* - Floor Four online. Come back tomorrow for more videos and downloadable versions of the ones that appeared today.

    We at KH-Vids have managed to snag a copy of KH2:FM+ earlier than expected, and at this point we're currently running through Re:CoM. Here's the introduction to Re:CoM:

    Menu Trailer | [player=JZAe313LQLI]WATCH NOW[/player]
    Castle Oblivion: Floor One | [player=lEYL5N7NFbU]WATCH NOW[/player]
    Castle Oblivion: Floor Two Pt.1 | [player=mLZTqrkx5xo]WATCH NOW[/player]
    Axel: First Battle | [player=VD_vQFHm2Ho]WATCH NOW[/player]
    Castle Oblivion: Floor Two Pt.2 | [player=sb8N34B3Sco]WATCH NOW[/player]
    Castle Oblivion: Floor Three | [player=6_jb0qbLFuU]WATCH NOW[/player]
    Castle Oblivion: Floor Four | [player=ts8zSTAiDFM]WATCH NOW[/player]

    These files will be downloadable in higher quality by tomorrow. Also, expect many more videos for viewing today. We've only been playing for a few hours, but this game is intense!

    Further posted videos will more than likely be posted in our Video Portal, not YouTube. So, keep checking back on the site!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Deathspank, Mar 28, 2007.

    1. zaffax
      Thanks for uploading videos from KH2 FM+ so quickly. Your dedication really is appreciated. I do have a question for you though. Wouldn't it be possible to pop the disk into the computer to view all of the scenes at once? I was just wondering if you could upload the Secret Ending this way, as well as the rest of the vids you have. Don't think that I am pressuring though, as I would not want to ruin the game for you. Thanks again for all your dedication.
    2. CKFF7
      Yeah, thanks for Uploading some cutscenes today, i was expecting them over the weekend and not this soon.
    3. John S.
      John S.
      Thanks man, how far along are you in the game?
    4. Anase
      Hoo boy, now THAT is something I really wanna see... no wait, no I don't! Bad Axel! how dare you sick the replica on him!

      and Deathspank, you officially rock. ^_^
    5. Nothing Yet
      Nothing Yet
      Yes, thank you so much! <3 It's awesome to be able to see them so quickly.
    6. John S.
      John S.
      Thanks for putting these up, that will make it so I dont have to sit through them when I play through(going for a 9 hour play through like kh2!).
    7. Ryuu Tenshi
      Ryuu Tenshi

      ZEXION LIVES! >>;;;;;;;
      (Ok, not really, but meh)
    8. Deathspank
      I'm afraid that's not how this works. I have to use a special device to record footage off of my PS2 in real time. It has nothing to do with "ripping" the scenes from the disc.

      John S.,
      I just finished up Monstro, about to enter Halloween Town. After I get out of Halloween Town I battle Larxene, I believe. Not sure though.

      Floor Four should be online within a few minutes. Good night people.
    9. Anase
      Oh yeah, he lives.... in my imagination along with Marluxia and all the other hot organization guys that have fallen to the keyblade... that really is sad. They got pwned... by a 5'5" BOY with a KEY.... Man, I'm using that line way too much.
    10. John S.
      John S.
      Thanks man, Hope to see the rest of the stuff tomarrow.
    11. CKFF7
      Nice, watching 4 now ^_^
    12. silverstrings
      AHH. That last video made my evening complete~ Guh, Larxene's voice is so perfect for her. Smirky and so cheerful. I love seeing her and Axel interact; can't wait until they actually show Marluxia with the hood down. ;o;

      Looking forward to more tomorrow! <3
    13. Fruityla
      Mmm...KH Goodness x3 So far this game is pleasing me and I don't even have it!

      Yes, watching the cutscenes while someone does all the work for you. Good stuff.
    14. Nothing Yet
      Nothing Yet
      Agreed~ Such an awesome way to end my night.
    15. libregkd
    16. Etnalacse
      OMG, I can't wait till this gets to the video portal. >_<!!! MUST DOWNLOAD @_____@
    17. lixiethedomedone
      i guess so...but i still think it's funny to watch...if i was sora, even if the mandog, duck, and bug were my friends, i would still be a bit weirded out...and i would constantly be wondering if i was crazy...

      p.s. YAY!!! MORE AXEL GOODNESS!!!
    18. Kingdom Glory
      Kingdom Glory
      Could you mae them downloadable?
      Or is that not allowed yet?

    19. bobadz
      larxenes voice makes her sound so cute
    20. Silvy
      I've been dying (no pun intended) to see that scene in 3D since I first heard of the remake.
      That, and the wonderful cutscene before it, with Axel, Larxene and Marluxia ganging up on poor Vexen and threatening to report his little problems with the Replica to the Superior if he doesn't go kill Sora. X3

      Ah, Marluxia and Vexen in the same scene, interacting~~ That will be interesting to see, for sure. ^____^

      Real Life business getting in the way is fully understandable - you just rock real hard for putting these up at the rate you are.
      Many, many thanks for sharing the game with all the rest of us. ^____^