Random Acts of Kindness

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sara, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I'm having an extremely tough time at work. Most of the workplace has shunned me and only a few I am in good speaking terms with. It has gotten to the point where I mostly refuse to leave my office, mainly because one of the bosses is a bully who enjoys harassing me and badmouthing me behind my back despite me being able to hear him due to the smallness of the office.I have felt for a long time I don't belong and was massively out of place.

    I skipped out of the office party last year due to this and found to my relief that this year it hit on a day I had a doctor's appointment since my other boss gave me hell for not going. That was yesterday, when I came in today someone gave me a really nice looking windchime on my desk, saying it was from "Santa". A cat was the decoration, which I constantly talk about my own cat with the few friends I have there. It just made my day and I cried being so touched that I felt like I belonged and someone cared enough to do this.

    I have other random acts of kindness, when I have had some of the worst days and I was walking home a ruin people sometimes pull on the side of the road and ask if I was okay. Others given me rides in storms and a neighbor due to a massive storm that hit with the driveway with three feet of snow in the front not only snowblowed me and my mom's whole driveway (we can't afford a snowblower) but his wife helped me shovel the rest because I was struggling with how much was there.

    I try to help on my own, when I get tickets at arcades, I always give it to a little kid who looks like he needs some. One time a very girl was crying because her mom was putting her on a ski slope too hard for her and yelling at her, I cheered her up and made her laugh, even going on a bunny slope with her to help her feel better. I always this time of year go out and get a really nice but cheap jacket along with a hat and scarf for a needy kid from families that ask for it through a charity. Then I toss in crayons and coloring books that I also buy. I've helped random strangers on the street and at the store if I see them struggling.

    This holiday and always... Do random acts of kindness for people. Even if they're strangers, they not only help and touch their lives, but your own.

    So what random acts of kindness have you done, or have received?
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I don't go out much so I don't really get opportunities to do random acts of kindness. I might have done some stuff in my job but I honestly don't remember any of it. The last thing I do remember was a while ago and it was hardly anything to be proud about. I just helped some old woman grab something off a shelf that was too high for her to reach at a store. I'm totally the best person ever.

    As for receiving it...well I'm not really in need of random acts of kindness. One person asked how my day was when I didn't seem to be feeling so good and back in high school people helped me out when I was carrying a bunch of heavy guitar equipment.

    Be nice and don't expect anything in return aside from that good feeling you get from it. Even when it's not the holidays!
  3. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    I've helped a lot of people online by just listening to their problems. Hell, one kid was trying to kill himself and I kept him distracted long enough for the cops to show up when a friend of mine online contacted me panicking that the kid was suicidal and already tried an attempt. He couldn't do it himself due to his parents very strict rules inside the house.

    It's not just off the computer that you can help people. =3
  4. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Listened to a girl via facebook. It didn't feel like I was doing much, but she said I was so easy to talk to that she just couldn't stop talking with me. (can you believe that?)

    Back when I was like 12 my mom got me two transformers toys. I gave one to my friend.

    I don't let my 10 year old brother play violent games.

    Lol it's no big deal tho, doing nice things for others. It shouldn't be. It should be a thing we always do.
  5. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Not holiday centric but I get to my Uni by train and bus, and they offer plenty opportunities for helpfulness.

    - Returned a purse to an old lady dropped
    - Helped direct a group of people to Heathrow airport on the train line, and carry some luggage for them.
    - Caught someone from falling over when the bus suddenly stopped.
    - Stopped some teens shouting at an old couple who they had complained to them about not giving up the seats, playing music or moving their legs from the aisles to let people walk down the bus.
    - Stopped a shouting fight on a train carriage between two women by swapping places with them (fun story, believe me)
    - With a couple of other people, helped a girl who had an epileptic fit and had hit her head. Moving her on her side, keeping her warm on the outdoor platform, etc, till the ambulance crew arrived.
    - Bus died, all electronics died so the doors wouldn't open and we got evacuated through the back of the bus' emergency exit. The bus driver was really not in the mood to deal with it, I could tell. So I helped getting people off the bus, considering the emergency exit was high of the ground, I helped with supporting the couple of disabled guys and so on. It was fairly dangerous, since we were unloading on a main road that goes bout 40mph, bus driver even got clipped by a wing mirror.

    None of it is hard to do, so just do it. Does good or you and others.