Question Time with Misty

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Princess Luna, Aug 16, 2009.

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  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth: there is no spoon.
    I love that game. :'D
  2. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Standard first and current impression questions.

    What should I do if I know a normal member on his third name change?

    Favorite flavor of ice cream?

    What do you think of my sig? Not just the image, the whole sig.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    They're both pretty much the same, a sort of indifference. You're a nice girl from what I can tell, and that's about it lol.
    Just ignore it? We can't be the name change police and remember every single one, I already read what you posted in the premium section so he probably won't be getting another.
    Soft chocolate ice cream.
    A bit too flashy for my tastes (I'm a minimalism-type person) but it's still nice.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    since im obsessed with myself i need to ask you the generic question

    you know what it is
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Well when a mommy and daddy love each other VERY much...

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    teellll mmeee mooore 8>
  7. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
  8. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Lawl@5 people to meet.

    On that note...
    If we were to hang out for a day what would you plan for us to do?

    Favorite Pokemon episode?

    Your thoughts on Pokemon after the original ash/misty/brock.

    Your thoughts on Twilight.

    Jesse, James, or Meowth?

    You take your seat in the movie theatre. You look down and notice your seat number in sixty-nine. Now what?

    Have you ever experienced the wonders of Dollar Tree?
    If so... What is the best dollar you've ever spent there?

    What if you had to spend the whole day in Wal Mart what would you do?

    Favorite soda?

    Favorite game console?

    Favorite member username?

    So how did that forum family war start? <:

    What were you doing on the internet at age eleven?

    Have you ever had a dream(s) relating to khv?
    If so... please describe it/them.

    Will you draw yourself in Paint and post it for us to see?

    Did you know I still have that 'JellyBeing' signature you made?

    Biggest fear?

    If I told you my normal entry into a house is through a bedroom window, what would you say in response?

    What size is your e-penis?

    What do you think would happen to the forum if I somehow acquired admin abilities for an hour?

    Can I mail you a random card sometime?

    The internet is for...?

    Potato or POHTATETAAAH?

    Do you like Long Island?

    What ever happened to Caturday?

    Would you like to meet more than five people from this site?

    If there was some weird khv convention would you go?


    What's the funniest thing you've ever read on a bathroom stall?

    Same question, but this time weirdest.

    Best Halloween costume of all time is...?

    Why is the floor so sticky?

    Best pick up line ever...?

    Will you lick my toe?

    Sorry, I just realized how many that was...
  9. InfinityFlare Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 19, 2009
    Because of late night boredom, I've decided to blow you're mind with questions!

    Question 1: Should I continue with this?
  10. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Ride roller coasters.
    Episode 11: Fashion Flash!
    ******. :< I hate that they kept bringing back Brock too.
    Mediocre books for teenage girls.
    Take pictures and blog about it.
    DO YOU MEAN THAT DOLLAR STORE. I hate it there, they saw it fit to get CARTS and a small child rammed me with it. :<
    Poke holes in the cup-o-ramens. :3
    Dr. Pepper.
    I'm quite fond of my PS2.
    ... Well you see there were two families, the Macleods and the Omegas. The Omegas called us the "McDonalds" and we took great offense. o:
    Looking for KH videos actually lol. I thought I was the first person to think of an amv.
    I feel as though I have but I can't remember.
    No, but I do have this drawing I did of myself: [​IMG]
    I still have it too. :3
    Childbirth. :<
    I'm not comfortable answering that.
    ... Inexplicable horrors.
    Haha that reminds me of this card I saw in a store, it just had this little guy and he's like "I set you this card for no reason... I live on the edge like that."
    It's not bad although most of the people here are *******s and the taxes are way high. plus i wish that whole humidity thing would just go away.
    it's only celebrated by cool people. ;D
    I would probably meet everyone lol.
    If I could of course.
    I don't use public bathrooms. :x the thought that someone else's bare butt has touched it creeps me out.
    I feel like this is an innuendo I don't get.
    I have a list of my favorites:
    is there something in your eye? oh, I'm sorry, it's just a sparkle.

    i hope you know CPR because you take my breath away.

    if you were a phaser you would be set on stunning.

    Hershey factories make millions of kisses a day, but I'm only asking for one.

    are you an alien? because you just abducted my heart.

    You must be Jamaican, 'cause you're Jamaican me crazy.

    Whenever I see you my heart races -- I'm hoping for first place.

    Can I see your shirt's tag? Just what I thought. Made in heaven.

    I'm not Fred Flinstone, but I sure can make your bed rock!

    Baby, you're like a student and I'm like a calculator -- I'll solve all your problems!

    I'm sorry, I was just blinded by your beauty -- can I have your name and number for insurance reasons?

    Are you an interior decorator? When I saw you, the room became beautiful!

    Life without you is like life with a broken pencil... pointless.
    ... No thanks.

    Well I'm going to bed in a bit so whatever lol.
  11. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    So when we ride those roller coasters would you be bothered that one the small ones I scream like a school girl and on intense ones I yell like a manly man?

    If you won't lick my toe can I at least shove it up your nostril?

    Will you please post a link to the YT video of you playing with Betty Spaghettis Because it made lol really hard and I'd like to have that feeling again.

    If I bought you a rainbow cock pop would you ingest it willfully?

    If you could get any name/phrase/symbol on a belt buckle what would it be and why?

    Will you write us a short funny story?

    If I were to mail you a gift what would you most want?

    What is your most prized Pokemon card?

    Do you enjoy doing the Cha Cha Slide?

    Instead of making snowmen have you ever thought of making a snow penis?

    When you hear the word innuendo what is the first thing or thought that comes to mind?

    Have you ever licked a window?

    Out of all of Misty's Pokemon which is your favorite?
  12. InfinityFlare Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 19, 2009
    Computer Brand?
    Part of KHV?
    Bug to hate?
    Video Game Cutscene?

    That's where All State stands, are you in good hands?

    Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?

    Generic Question Time:
    Current opinion of me?
    Opinion of yourself upon joining KHV?
    KHV now?
    KHV in the beginning?

    Random Questions FTW:
    spdude leaving?

    A completely noobish member with no posts stalks you. They show up at your house one day. They then reveal that they are your imperfect clone. You would...?

    The internet is...?

    If your home country were to blow, you'd move to __________? Why?

    What is the meaning of the space-time continuum?

    Am I beginning to annoy you?

    Apples or Oranges?

    Do you enjoy this Question Time? Explain.

    Last but not least,

    If spdude gave you all ownership rights to KHV, what would you do?

    Oh. Forgot this one.

    May or Dawn?
  13. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    I know you love me so i wouldnt ask that.

    If you, me, Jelly and orange face were going to meet, what do you think would happen?
  14. SplitOverload Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    New York, NY
    .If you were able to have 3 wishes, and they only lasted 24 hours, what would they be?
    .Did you ever look at something, and have it remind you of your past and how innocent you were? If so, I'd like to know what :3
    .Cartwheels or front flips?
    .Men should do their eyebrows?
    .Can you crack your toes?
    .Did you ever have a thought of me that you never told me about? If so, what is it? =]
    .Cupcake is big right? I am talking about the member on this forum.
    .How are you today? :]
  15. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    Hello Misty,

    If that is your real name

    Is it your real name?

    Do you agree that this a cruel way to die?

  16. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    If you could be anywhere in the world right now,where would you be?

    First impression of me?

    Impression of me now?

    Do you wish your name was rainbow? 8D

    What is your favorite shape?

    Cats or dogs?

    Lions or tigers?
  17. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    would you make out with a girl for 5 minutes if it meant saving the world?
  18. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Didn't bother going through the questions so I'll just post these here. Just ignore any duplicates.
    * Are there animals you're scared of? If so, which one(s)?
    * What kind of posters do you have hanging in your room, if any?
    * Would you want to have kids later?
  19. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Why'd you choose the name MIsty? Why not Ash's Mom, instead?
  20. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Don't worry, I'm terrible on roller coasters. On one I came off crying on my sister's shoulder.
    D: No.
    it's still on youtube haha. but no I will never post that.
    ... I'm not even sure how to respond to that.
    Probably just 'belt buckle' or 'i am kayak, hear me roar'.
    Once upon a time there was a girl named .... She goes on a forum a lot and they ask her long insipid questions. o:
    A Macbook.
    My Misty's Staryu. :>
    I don't know how. :<
    That sounds familiar. B|
    The word innuendo I guess lol. I tend to remember the way words look.
    ... yes.
    I can't pick a favorite.
    'i don't want people to think i think i have superpowers cause i don't.'
    I want a Mac. ;_;
    Um, my user profile. ;D Section-wise it's the staff section.
    The one where you redeem Bastila in Knights of the Old Republic. d'awww.
    The red kind?
    Chuck Norris.
    lots of questions. :<
    I was a complete nubcaek lol.
    Um I think I'm pretty okay?
    KHV is a pretty cool place yo.
    Challenge them to a tetris match.
    Canada because I love winter fashions. ;D
    Red matter.
    sort of. :<
    I suppose lol.
    Give them to someone who knows what to do lol.
    Dawn. May was SO ANNOYING. at least Dawn was cute.
    It'd be like the scene in that episode of Gilmore Girls where Lorelai is describing one of her dreams to Rory and in the dream her dog, Paul Anka, and the real Paul Anka meet in the middle of the street and there's this big flash of white light and then it goes dark and there's just a bark.
    I hate these questions, they're so hard. :[
    This little baby doll I have (named Baby). I've had her since I was nine months old and I always remember that I was never able to sleep at night without her.
    It's a bit too metro for me if they pluck them beautifully, but I don't want hairy caterpillars up there either.
    I always think you appear so bipolar on here lol. You come and go with different attitudes like everytime lol.
    Being honest yeah, but I talk to her from time to time and she's nice.
    I'm not bad, feeling a bit sad because I didn't find anything at the mall.
    Nope, my real name is , though I go by ....
    Ask anyway I talk to through messengers and they'll tell you I never accept youtube vids lol.
    Somewhere cold.
    A bit of a nub.
    Pretty cool. :3
    Never lol, I'm not a big fan of the rainbow.
    I feel like I love circles.
    I'm a bit scarred of dogs, and anything that looks like it could eat me.
    I'm not big on posters, but I do have things hanging on my walls. My favorite are these two prints of these beautiful Alice In Wonderland themed paintings.
    I think so, but not many. Maybe one or two.
    Because when I was a young girl of 10/11, I was quite emotional and I related well with Misty. I always felt for her because she had older sisters that outshined her and she always had hand-me-downs and she just wanted to outshine them for once.
    'Cause Misty is cool.
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