Question Time Question Time with Catch the Rain~

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Korra, Apr 24, 2010.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Wild daffodils

    1) I couldn’t possible pick just one

    2) FFX without a doubt <3

    3) Hmm, writing, reading, ice-skating, photography, singing, dancing, cooking, gaming, xD I have a LOT, so I’ll stop there

    1) That is classified

    2) The answer to this is exactly why the answer to question 1 is classified ._.

    1) I can :b

    2) Nothing, I’d rather have an apple

    3) The crazy one that gets locked away and that everyone talks about in hushed tones and refers to them as that one

    4) Most definitely yes

    5) I am now lost

    6) I feel like you’re referencing something and I am missing it in my stupidity ._.;;;

    It is because a long time ago a friend and I were arguing, and he told me that trying to understand me and figure me out is like trying to catch the rain, even when you think you have it, it slips away and you realise you’ll never really be able to grasp it, I think it was meant to be insulting xD but I fell in love with it

    1) Most birds actually scare me >>

    2) Gwen Stefani

    3) A weatherman that would be so much fun D:

    4) ‘cause banks are really a secret organisation of tree aliens that when they take your money they suck your life away and take it from you bit by bit beating down your will and your confidence until you are a sad miserable wreck in debt and depressed

    5) No, I wanted a unicorn, with wings

    6) x: chicken and peanut butter

    7) I ate him

    Also, I miss talking to you D:

    1) Yes, huge ._. its blocking my sight of the sun

    2) Heck yes do it plz archery is ****awesome <3
  2. Akua WaterDragonKing Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 30, 2007
    By the Ocean
    Impression? :D
    If I was a orphan would you adopt me?
    Have you ever tried to stop DPWolf from eating innocent kittens?
    How do you view this World we are living in now?
    If Heven and are really true, and you get to decide on who goes to where, could you name 5 people you actually know that would go to Heven and named 5 people you actually know that would go to Hell?
  3. Alex856 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 3, 2009
    I'm Venezuelan, So what? You got a Problem?
    Could you post your complete KHV Family Tree, I mean I know I'm your bro, but... xD
    If you were to travel, What country would you visit? ^^
    October or November?
  4. soras twin Moogle Assistant

    Sep 2, 2008
    if only I knew. . .
    what would jesus do for a klondike bar?
  5. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    1 favorite day of the week?
    2 favorite superhero?
    3 favorite animal?
    4. why did you join khv?
    5. why did you stay at khv?
    6. what time did you join (I just want to know since we joined the same day :P)
    7. impresshuns?
  6. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Are you answering 'no' to this question?

    Was this a triumph?

    Boom De Yada?

    Is it time to sound the battle cry?

  7. Shrooms Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 2, 2009
    Captain Kirk's pants.
    Which is superior: the potato or the sports bra?
    What do you think of Moomins?
    if you ever own a farm, what types of animals would you have?
    What's the colour of the first car you see outside right now?
    Hello Ctr,how are you feeling today Cx ?
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    1) I always found you to be quiet and polite, but I didn’t really know a lot about you, I still don’t know you as well as I would like but I have come to find that you are also very friendly and laid back, which is a nice thing, especially here.

    2) I would, yes, it sounds stupid but one of the things I want to do with my life is set up a foster home/orphanage.

    3) All the time, same as babies, sometimes she listens, sometimes...not so much ;-;

    4) I think that it has a lot of problems and that things are only going to get worse before they can start getting better.

    5) I wouldn’t send anybody to Hell

    1) I could, if you gave me a few weeks to complete it >_>

    2) I would love to travel, I especially want to go to Hungary because it is where part of me comes from

    3) November <3

    Become an atheist

    1) Wednesdays

    2) Batman

    3) Leopard geckos <333

    4) I saw a thread I wanted to post in, I’d been lurking for ages because of the vids before I joined

    5) I have no ****ing clue ;-; it used to be because I felt like I finally fit in somewhere >> now, I really don't know, I don't feel like I belong here anymore, but I have too many friends I don't want to leave

    6) I actually don’t remember, I remember looking once when I was on staff, but I don’t remember what it was D:

    7) I used to think you were really confident and outgoing, and that you had a pretty good music taste. I thought you were friendly and quite mature too, especially for a KHV member. I still think all those things but now I sometimes feel really intimidated when I’m around you because I get the impression you don’t think very highly of me, which at times makes me awkward, as well as a bit sad since I always had a lot of respect for you.

    1) Yes

    2) No

    3) “Video not available in your country”

    4) Mreow

    5) Indeed

    1) The sports bra, have you ever tried jumping hurdles and playing lacrosse with a D cup? It isn’t fun D:

    2) omg I used to LOVEEEEEEEEE the Moomins <33

    3) Chickens, sheeps, piggies, chocobos, baby tonberries, cactuars, horses and unicorns

    4) Let me go check, ok, that would be white o:

    5) Kind of ****** actually >.< my head is really hurting and I feel like crap ;-;

    1) Yes plz its one of the best flavours

    2) I didn’t, it was obviously fake

    3) Neither

    4) Sure?

    5) You don’t, you aren’t allowed to know, the entire world is keeping it secret from you
  9. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    I've been absent most of the week and I just remembered that you got a Question Time.
    I have no idea what to ask >_> Since you've been asked so much before.

    But I guess:
    Impressions questions?

    What is your best KHV memory?

    If you could get stuck on an island with 5 members of your choice, who would they be?

    Weapon of choice in a zombie apocalypse?
  10. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    A criminal is about to be sentenced and the judge says:
    "You may make one staement. If it is true, I will sentence ou to 2 years in prison. If it is faulse however, I will sentence you to 5 years"
    After the convict speaks, the Judge lets him off scot-free.
    What did the convict say?

    KHV Death Note game?

    Why is voxli dead?

    I have a chemistry exam tomorrow, advice?
  11. soras twin Moogle Assistant

    Sep 2, 2008
    if only I knew. . .
    am i allawed to cheat on my gf untill summer if i won't see her again till summer(distance relationship)?

    do you play Runescape?
    if so what is your user name?
  12. Gobolo Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 26, 2009
    The sky
    First impressions and impressions now please?
    Are you starting to regret signing up for getting on question time potentially?
    This, that, or other? <------- this is an ultimatum you can only pick one!
  13. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City

    Is there some other way we could talk spontaneously that's not as ******ed as MSN?
  14. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Do you have the time?

    Why only In the Navy?

    Can you make a pun?

    Why can't go somewhere over the rainbow?

    Who or what is this 'voxli' I keep hearing about on KH-Vids?
  15. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    Do you think it's sad if someone fears fear?

    And how does one fear fear?
  16. Shrooms Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 2, 2009
    Captain Kirk's pants.
    I love asking you questions ;o;

    If you had access to a time machine, where and when would be the first place you travel to?
    so is there actually anything between you and pie other than pure broship?
    can i touch your english tummy ;o;?
    can I call you kayleypoo forever?
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Is there anywhere you'd rather be right now?

    What do you want right now?

    Do you believe?

  18. Tikem Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 27, 2007
    Why am I posting in black now?
    Have I found an artist to do music for our show?
    My band's playing in our school's outdoor concert. Say something.
  19. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    When will Tikem finish the Cookie Castle RPG?
    When will Fayt finish the KHV RPG?
  20. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Poor Pickle ;-; hope you’re ok

    1) Firstly I thought you were such a typical popular kid, but a nice one, you were really friendly and nice, to like everyone, I didn’t like you when IRC was around though, it made you a lot crueller, and for a while I was quite unsure about talking to you, not helped by some people telling me you hated me >> but then we started talking again and wow, my impression of you has changed so much so many times over the past 3 years. To put it blunt I think you’re amazing, though sometimes you have a darker streak. E Muja Oui <3

    2) Hmm, that is actually a tough one to answer; I have a lot of good memories, mainly from my earlier days here. It’s so sad but the longer I am here the less frequent the good memories become

    3) Hmm, I am going to decline to answer that, I know the 5 that I would take, but I also know that if I said which 5 that some people would get pissy about not being included

    4) Cheat for infinite MP ---> Full Life :lolface:

    1) “You are going to sentence me to 5 yearsâ€

    2) I have stopped playing for the time being, I may go back to it x3

    3) It is the natural way of things, but some of us really want to re-ignite it, I was going to be there this week but I’m having a really ****** time personal life wise and I don’t think you guys would appreciate hearing my family explode >>

    4) Oh **** D: sorry, I hope your exam went well

    1) That is awful that you would even consider that D: if you don’t think you can wait until Summer then end the relationship

    2) I don’t, sorry >.<

    1) I thought you were quite down to earth and intelligent, logical and rational, now I find you those things but I also find you to be quite funny as well as very friendly and somewhat ditzy (I mean that in a good way)

    2) I’m actually enjoying myself tons x3

    3) Tough choice >.< but definitely the third one

    1) I have nooooo idea >>

    2) I am not sure, I don’t use other IM services because they suck even worse for me .-. we’ll just have to try and deal with MSN being a ****** >.<

    1) Mr. Wolf

    2) ‘Cause the dinosaurs say so

    3) Not especially, but I can make a damn good sandwich

    4) You mean you can’t? D:

    5) Voxli is a chat room thing where you can use mics and stuff, its tons of fun and I miss it ;-;

    1) I think it is something that people say to make themselves look like they are hardcore and/or deep

    2) I have no clue, it isn’t a fear I’ve ever understood

    I like your questions they amuse me x3

    1) Hmm, to the start of existence, so I could answer the question once and for all of how we came into being

    2) The only thing between my and pie is a spoon <3

    3) Only if you promise to rub it gently >:

    4) I’ve had worse nicknames than that so sure go for it xD

    1) I would love to be at the beach right now, just sat watching the waves and sketching or writing :<3:

    2) Hope

    3) Very much so

    4) and the whole world smiles with you~

    ...or something like that anyways

    1) I am not sure, but I prefer it, it looks lovely, though I do keep thinking you’re linking things

    2) Yes you have x333

    3) - - -

    4) THAT’S FANTASTIC X333333333

    1) I didn’t know he was making one D:

    2) I don’t know ;-; hopefully soon
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