Question Time Question Time with Catch the Rain~

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Korra, Apr 24, 2010.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) I feel I don't know enough about it and have added it to my list of things I need to learn about, my world geography is severely lacking ;-;

    2) Hmm idk, I can't think of anything out of the ordinary except for the high numbers of chavs and ****** people ;-;

    3) It is to keep things fair and more organised, think of how many members there are? Plus prems and staff are more likely to be more widely known ^^ though I think we have nearly run out of prem members so maybe that will change

    You have noooo idea >>

    1) Abuse >>

    2) Garbage

    3) Fuse

    4) Ruse

    5) Obtuse

    6) Explanation

    7) 20:06

    8) Purple

    9) 20:07

    10) He would be too busy eating pheasant and chasing after damsels

    11) Like an orgasm to the ears

    12) I am not sure, I just know I have trouble keeping my feet on it ;-;

    13) Only if there were clowns involved

    14) They were stolen by fairies to decorate the tomb of summer, now that winter is sleeping, they will start to grow again

    15) Makes me think of two people really important to me xD

    1) To define such an important think would take countless years of research as well as resources, if you truly wish to know the answers then I can help you to find them, but you should know, it won’t be easy and the road will be long and hard.

    2) It depends on whether you mean as in queen of gods, or a god queen

    3) As above

    It depends entirely on the movie and the music, I don’t really follow things through genre ^^ but I have a huge appreciation for it even if I don’t like it

    Indeed it is o:

    1) At first I don’t really remember thinking a lot about you, I found you irritating and annoying but I wasn’t overly bothered by you. Now I find you entertaining and rather adorable to be honest. You are charming in your own way, and very stubborn about what you believe in. I do sometimes wish that you would at least try to see other points of view though.

    2) I killed the last president

    3) Fantastic <3

    4) Mhmmmm I do I do I do-oooooo

    5) Nah, I’d hire someone else, I have a planet to run

    6) No, I don’t like cookies that much >>

    7) Ok, now that one maybe I would

    8) No D:

    9) Nah, Spdude would need to exist before he can be called something

    ...lolderp totally just put /Spdude in the spoiler brackets

    1) I was dropped on my head a lot as a child, and I have a habit of walking into things, I think it left a lasting impression

    2) Its like not dark brown but it isn’t light brown, so mid dark brown? Wow that sounded so less complicated in my head

    3) Night, definitely

    ...oh wow, I actually cannot remember, I think it was just randomly decided o_O however you are the best pet chicken that ever existed and I less than 3 you <333

    Because it is super awesome and you are jealous you don’t have a pet chicken:b

    No, I choose you *shot*

    Nothing, >_>


    Nothing at all <_>

    1) I would consider them human, everyone has some hatred in their heart, just some people like to pretend otherwise. It isn't a bad thing, we just need to accept it and deal with it.

    2) Fighting for freedom will always cause bloodshed and there will always be those with blood on their mind and their conscience, but when it is something really worth fighting for, such as the freedom of your loved ones, it is about whether the sacrifice is worth it. I'd die for my family. They aren't a murderer, not in my opinion anyways.

    3) The death of one for the good of many is a tough issue, but I think that if that one death makes a real difference, then yes, I would think it is ok. Dying for something you believe in and being able to make a difference through death, it wouldn't be a wasted death. It would be an honourable death

    4) I'd rather that people were just true to themselves and said what they wanted to say rather than feeling like they have to say something based on what manners dictate. I don't help people so that they will be nice to me, and I don't do things so that people think nice things about me, I do stuff because I want to.
  2. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I see xD and whythankyou c: I less than three you too <3

    Bawk bawk
  3. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    How come you never had one of these before? D: Even I had two of these o.o

    Can i have the recipe for your cookies? :)
  4. Nathaniel Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 29, 2008
    Wow, I never thought I'd be asking questions XD

    1. Impreshuns?
    2. Favourite flowery odour?
    3. Most hated Disney film?
    4. Yummiest brand of chocolate?

    BONUS QUESTION. Om nom nom nom?
  5. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    I actually might have a slight idea of the irony. :lolface:

    Why does nature suck?
    Are you Iron Man?
    Do you think that the movie industry is running out of original ideas?
  6. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I finished my homework, can i ask moar qweshtuns nao? 8D

    Got it memorized?

    How many cute pictures does it take to burn out your cute senses?

    It cute senses even possible?

    Why have my step-brothers left you and your children?

    Can I kill them?

    How much longer do you think it'll be before the world is ours? Is there anybody here who could potentially be a threat?
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    I had one in 2007, you and Tikem completely swarmed it, I miss how happy I was then

    You know, you've been asking me for three years now, but it is never going to happen D:<

    I love you Luka <3

    1) I thought you were awesome from the off because you liked Pink Floyd <333 my opinion of you now is that you are still super awesome, but really interesting. You're full of surprises and I think of you as being very talented and get the impression you are happy when sharing that talent ^^

    2) Hmm honeysuckle hands down

    3) Jungle Book >_> or Cinderella, hated them both when I was little >>

    4) Chocolate is chocolate, it is all delicious, except dark chocolate.

    5) :glomp:

    xD;; you know my feelings on that issue.

    1) I wish I knew ;-;

    2) No but you just reminded me I have some irn bru somewhere

    3) Most definitely, it has been for a while ;-;

    Yay <3

    1) As if

    2) They would never be burned out ^^

    3) Apparently so, either that or I am speshul

    4) 'cause they are dicks ;-;

    5) Go ahead <3

    6) It is already mostly ours, I don't suspect it will be much longer, and yes, everyone is a potential threat, never underestimate the opponents ;-;
  8. ^_^zexion's real wife^_^ Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 20, 2010
    Vocaloid ♥
    1 how old were you when you first joined khv?
    2 how many fourm kids do you have
    3 do you like itally food?

  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Dear you asked me those ones already xD;;;
  10. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Can you believe how quickly time's been going by?
    Can you guess what Belle's favorite toy is (ASIDE from any of my things)?
    If I learn how to make plushies, would you like me to make you one? :3
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Would you like to do my Trig homework for me? :c
    Do you prefer being referred to as British or English?
    When you were young, what was your favorite television show and why?
    Opinion on 3D movies?
  12. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    If you could change anything about yourself (which should be nothing or I will smite you B| ), what would it be?

    What is your opinion on this:

    Favorite pokemon?

    Favorite quote?

    Kairi's inside of me? D:
  13. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) I can believe it, but I really don't want to. Time moves far too fast, it is scary.

    2) Soda bottles or a cricket ball x33

    3) omguh yes plz D:

    1) Nah thats ok, you go ahead and have fun with it <3

    2) It really doesn't bother me at all to be honest, I normally say I am English, but just because it is simpler for everyone to get.

    3) Hmm I actually am not sure, there were a lot I used to really adore. I do remember having a tantrum when I was like 6 though because there was a cartoon I wanted to watch but we had to go to the dentist

    4) I used to like the idea of them, now I find it cliched and getting old fast.

    1) Truthfully? Everything, I pretty much hate myself xD;;;

    2) It is amazing, especially these two posts xDDD
    3) Already been asked

    4) In general or from pokemon?

    5) Dammit again? We really need to do something about that chick invading bodies
  14. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    If you were a superhero, what would your name be?

    Just making sure I got this correct. You're my sis. Wolfie and ZRW are my nieces and Sofa is my nephew. Right? Or am I forgetting somebody?

    Which one is worse? Soulja Boy or Ke$ha?

    Is your life was an anime, which one would it be?

    Did Clannad After Story make you cry?

    Have you played a game from the Tales series? If you have, what was your opinion on the one you played? If not, GO AND BUY ONE NOW!
  15. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) Uhhhh not a clue, so pass >.<

    2) Only like a lot >_> I have a lot more children than that ._. congrats bro <333

    3) Soulja boy no contest

    4) Hmm I would LIKE it to be Tsubasa, or Bebop, but knowing my luck I'd end up with something like wolfs rain
    and everyone I loved would die and then so would I

    5) Oh gosh yes, repeatedly, like at several points I full on cried my eyes out >.<

    6) I haven't, I've always wanted to ;-;
  16. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Why isn't there any fish in my glass of water?

    Who, what, when, where, why?


    Can I have a hug? ;_;
  17. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) There are, they are just invisible, careful with them D:

    2) You, Hat, Then, Chair, Sky

    3) Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss <333

    4) *hugglecuddle* <3
  18. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    Remember Ryan and Brendon? and the papayas?

    If you could go back in time and be in an especific era, which one would it be?

    Who's your favorite painter?

    Song you're currently obsessed with?

    Boys suck yes?

    Audrey Hephburn or Marylin Monroe?

    Favorite anime character evah?

    Summer or winter?

    Favorite color?

    Favorite food?

    Impression of me and now :]

    How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie center of a tootsie pop?
  19. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Favorite accent?
    Are you all English, or did your family come from a different country? If so, which?
    Have you ever seen Tron? If so, what do you think of the upcoming movie?
    When you were 13, what was your favorite band?
    Do you have a middle name?
    What job did you want when you were young?
    Have you read any Jane Austen? :3 If so, what book is your favorite?

    Some of these are pretty standard questions so I apologize if any have already been asked.
  20. raceing227 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 26, 2010
    Why did it say "Catch the Rain is Jesus" once when I moused over your rep?
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