Nintendo Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by . : tale_wind, May 29, 2018.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep

    Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! have been announced for the Nintendo Switch!

    These games, reimaginings of Pokémon Yellow Version, will place players as new Trainers in the Kanto region, with one of the titular Pokémon as a starter. Wild Pokémon are caught using the mechanics of Pokémon Go, where players throw their Poké Ball at the Pokémon as a circle closes around it. Other Pokémon Trainers, however, are fought with the traditional turn-based mechanics of the series. Furthering the Pokémon Go connection, players can transfer Kanto Pokémon between Let's Go and Go, including a yet-to-be-revealed brand new Pokémon! Other than the aforementioned Pokémon, however, the game will only feature the first 151 species and a handful of Alolan variations.

    Let's Go will also feature two player co-op, allowing a second player to jump in as another trainer to join in exploring or battling. It will not, however, include online co-op, though online trading and battling seem to still be around.

    A Poké Ball Plus accessory will launch alongside the game. Players can use it as a controller for the game, with the Poké Ball's button serving as a joystick and a button. Players can also transfer Pokémon to the Ball and carry them around and interact with them in the real world.

    The games will launch worldwide on November 16.
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I was really hoping that the surprise announcement they were teasing was for a Gen 8 game on the Switch, but instead we got this, a spinoff inspired by that abomination of a mobile game that people wouldn't shut up about.


    Well, guess I'll be waiting another year for the core series entry for the Switch that'll actually make me want to buy a Switch.
  3. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    That dang pokeball is freaking $50 supposedly. I'm all excited for the game, but that accessory....

    Oh, pokemon go is a really fun game. I dunno why you'd call it an abomination,'s gotten really better since they made some changes to it.
  4. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Due to some confusion from the announcement, some clarifications have been made regarding the game's online capabilities. The co-op mode will not be online. Online trading and battling will remain from past generations, but they'll be simplified—the GTS, Wonder Trade, and Battle Spot will not be included. Utilizing the online features will, predictably, require a subscription to the Nintendo Switch Online services.

  5. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    In today's E3 presentation, it was announced that the Poké Ball Plus accessory will come with a Mew that you can transfer to the game!

    We've gotten some details from the Treehouse stream, too:

    • The Pokémon Box is now in your Bag rather than the PC.
    • You can try a variety of different throw actions to catch Pokémon.
    • When playing in handheld mode, you use the Switch's gyroscope to aim at Pokémon and press a button to catch.
    • You can obtain Poké Balls from trainer battles.
    • Your starter Pokémon will wag its tail if there's an item hidden nearby.
    • All of your Pokémon gain experience from catching Pokémon and from battles.
    • A red aura around a wild Pokémon in the overworld shows that it's larger than normal, and a blue aura indicates it's smaller than normal. Larger Pokémon give more experience when caught.
    • You have a new rival named Trace. He's friendly to the player and gets scared easily.
    • Natures are still in the game.
    • Brock is still the Pewter City Gym Leader. You have to show the Gym Guide a Grass or Water-type Pokémon to enter. You can walk around the Gym's trainers and go straight to Brock.
    • Pikachu can learn Double Kick.
    • Like the Poké Walker from HeartGold and SoulSilver, Pokémon left in the Poké Ball Plus can return to your game with presents.
    • The colored light on the Poké Ball Plus will depend on the type of the Pokémon stored inside.
    • The game has Mystery Gift functionality.
    • To connect with other players, you need to share a Link Code made of a sequence of Pokémon.
    • The Go Park replaces the Safari Zone. To "catch" a Pokémon from Go Park, all you need to do is interact with it. Pokémon sent to Go Park cannot be returned to Pokémon Go.
    • Like in Pokémon Go, you can strengthen your Pokémon with candies obtained by transferring (releasing) Pokémon, but rather than being specific to different species, the candies all correspond to different stats and strengthen the respective stats.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
  6. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I love Pokemon Go! I still play it and I get very excited to do gym battles, raids and catching all the Pokemon but my favourite thing with the Pokemon games was the battling. I spent hours just leveling up my pokemon by running around in tall grass to encounter wild pokemon, beating them up and moving on. I know you can still battle in the new system but fighting the wild ones has been taken away. I also like the catching mechanism for pokemon go but I am not feeling too keen on it for this. Let me fight and weaken the pokemon before catching it! I really despise when you have used a golden berry and an Ultra ball and they still jump out! There is no more I can do and that frustrates me so much! I guess that is just something that comes with all Pokemon games though and I will get over it.

    I am still excited for this game and may buy a Switch because of it.