Poetry Contests.

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Catch the Rain, Jan 14, 2008.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Due to issues beyond control, Destiny Star is unable to run these competitions any more. So for the forseeable future I will be running this.

    So then, to get things underway, without more delay


    This months poem contest is all to do with the theme of love, in preparation for Valentine's Day next month xD


    Must be about Love

    Must be at least 7 lines long

    Must be written by yourself, and trust me we will know if you have ripped it from elsewhere.

    Judges so far: me, Destined and a mystery third xD

    Good Luck and Have Fun

    Post your poems here or send them to me via PM

    Deadline = 31st January at 10pm GMT

    Winner announced = 4th February 10pm GMT
  2. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Well, since I wrote this poem a while back it does pertain to love, but its when I got my heart broke =/

    I hope this counts, its probably my best one :)

    ~The Crying Soul Within~

    It happened. It came.
    The happiness I once felt.
    Never can be the same
    With the pain I had

    Those Scars left behind
    Are the ones you caused
    Though I cannot rewind
    the sorrow I have held

    Though my soul burns inside
    I always thought of you
    when I thought you were on my side
    it turns you were just lying

    Left heartbroken, sad.
    sadly dying on the inside
    made me all but mad
    but the past, will never disappear

    Though I stand you
    and all the pain and suffering
    I never wanted it to be true
    how a lie made this happen

    Though I cannot begin
    a new start
    on myself as

    The Crying Soul Within
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Destiny has to go, right when she asks me if i'd like to try one of these. Guess I have to write at least one. XD

    Well here it is:


    Piece by Piece, it’s made anew,
    Second by Second, your eyes gaze,
    Rose, your lips, so red
    Seeing you,makes it all like Hazel,

    I’m going to remember you,
    The forgotten love of the beggar,
    My beggar,
    Looking for love,
    Finding it close to them,

    Your cold blue,
    I bring warmth, and light,
    Still it lingers, like a fog, like a haze,
    Growing young together, or apart,

    Heart, she will bind us too
    And The Child of the Dawn is ours to care,
    And Love anew,
    The future holds its tiny hand to us,
    Whatever happens, we are linked,
    Thanks to our child, she is us
  4. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    well... even though I can no longer run it, unfortunately... I am, however, allowed to enter it... so I will do my best to come up with a great poem...

    and I think you run this contest better, anyways... XP
  5. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    Come on guys we need more interest in this xD show me your poems I know you can all do it and I know you have the talent xD

    Also I am looking for a 3rd judge, if anyone is interested PM me and let me know

  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    People don't seem to like love poems much

    And who are the current judges?
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    It would appear not >:

    So far there is just me and Destined, though if we don't get more activity soon the competition will have to be cancelled.
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    arghh, thats no good...

    I guess i'll ask a few people if they could write some.

    And what about the people who post poems alot, should we ask them or have people already asked them??
  9. dyyor Destiny Islands Resident

    sure, ill give it a shot

    The Sting


    This… This pain… It hurts...

    Words have existed for thousands of years.

    They have commonly been used to express a dull dislike of someone,

    Or, at least, that’s what it seems like to those that words are not directed at…


    Why can’t you… Feel it?

    The pain a word can cause is like a blade cutting your skin

    It’s a quick sting, but then it starts numbing as the wound begins to heal.

    After a time, the cuts have been so frequent that you don’t feel them anymore…


    Can’t you understand… The pain I feel?

    The people that hurt you with their harsh words tend not to care that they are hurting you.

    A lot of the time, they hurt you because it helps calm their own insecurity.

    Sometimes, they do it to impress friends…


    Please! Just… Stop…

    Why must we do this to others?

    The blade of the words, just won’t become dull

    It stays sharp forever


    The sting of words can and has killed

    And it needs to stop…
  10. TheLightIsGone123 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 31, 2006
    My Own Plastic Beach
    damn i have a few poems but no live ones ill have to wait till next time sorry
  11. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    well i could try and make a poem out of the blue but i can't promise it will be good or weather it will make sense but i'll give it my best shot

    what i think

    roses may be red, roses may be pink, but i shall tell you what i think
    my love you can soar like a dove your passion is hotter than the hottest stove
    the will i weild, the love you sheild, combine them and find us a deserted feild
    it may rain, but feel no pain, my efforts won't be in vain
    when i go home, and your on the phone, i will be thinking of a holiday for two in rome
    i wish you were always here, because every time you're near, you always look so beautiful my dear
    may you be mine, our love is divine, and soon together we will wed and celebrate with wine
  12. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    I love you... but do you love me?

    Every time I see you
    Beads of sweat run gently
    Down my forehead
    I feel nervous
    Should I talk to you?

    If I walk up to you
    What should I say?
    Maybe I could just
    Tell you how I feel
    But how would you react?

    I want to say
    How much I love you
    Keeping it a secret is
    Killing me inside
    Devouring me from within

    There's this constant pain
    Inside me
    In my chest
    In my soul
    In my heart

    There's a huge hole
    In my heart where
    Your love should be
    I need you to
    Make me complete

    I'm too afraid to tell you
    How I feel
    I don't even know
    Why I feel this way
    When I never even met you

    I want to meet you
    And get to know you
    And then I'll say
    "I love you"
    But do you love me...?

    MY ENTRY! XD XD oh... and nevermind about being a judge, CtR... I'd rather enter ^^
  13. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Are we more than friends?

    When we first met I thought you were the shy and kind
    And at first I only saw you as a friend
    One day we got to know each other better, and we had a bunch of the same interests
    You were my most favorite best friend in the world.

    When I was low and depressed you helped me clear my mind
    You cheered me up until my laughs of happiness would make my side's bend
    When you hugged me my heart would beat faster in my chest
    Whenever I thought of you my mind twirled

    I thought my emotions for you were driving me blind
    My brain’s logic feels like it is penned
    I have been unable to find rest
    For all my thoughts are randomly swirled

    You and I have a strong bind
    Yet I want to have more time with you to spend
    Don’t you attest?
    For you mean more to me than the world
    This is a poem I wrote about how I felt about destiny(#1 dinestyX) when we were best friends, but I still liked her more than that (still do)
  14. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    *claps* ^^

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Love is a risk,
    Creates the inseparable bond between 2 people
    the 1st way gives you wonderful gifts
    as the 2nd may lead to death and destruction to ones soul
    Will you make such a bargain?
    prepare to either be loved or crushed.
  16. W7F King's Apprentice

    Jul 22, 2007
    Jax Beach, FL
    Can't believe I'm doing this. . .

    Poetry is NOT my thing. I almost failed English II Hon. this 9 wks 'cuz o' it. But, whenever I write anything at all, I always try to find two things to do it for. I found three reasons here, so I decided to go ahead and try, despite my hate (for having to write, reading it is fine with me) for love poetry. Reason 1: I'd hate to see this contest discontinued. 2: Its 3:50 a.m. and I'm bored out of my mind, and stuck on a fic. 3: CtR asked nicely for people to submit stuff. I doubt my poem-thing falls into the correct category (just thinking this based off of what other peeps submitted), but wutev, it wouldn't win even if it did, XDDD!


    I'll be alone, this Valentine's Day
    Cold and broken like yesteryear
    I couldn't hold my past mistakes at bay
    And reality became, my biggest fear

    It had started out so great,
    Stuck with a group project, threw a few jokes in
    Next thing I knew, on our First Date
    And the plunge ended with a big win

    Two months down the road
    Went to a party you didn't want to go to, anything but a blast
    Built up, stress, by the Mother Lode,
    Alcohol's poisonous kiss changed me so fast

    All you wanted to do was leave,
    I, not myself, think I hurt you
    Sobered up by your nose, dripping like a sieve
    Tried to fix it, but we were through

    With you gone, I'm totally lost
    Told you everything, I should've
    I'm sittin' here with my addiction, paying the cost
    Salvaged our love, I could've

    But again, its too late, we are history
    Do I deserve another chance, to myself, I think
    With another person? Its a mystery
    And now, I'm standing on Despair's Brink

    So I'll be alone this Valentine's Day
    Cold and broken. like always
    I couldn't hold my vice at bay
    And reality is, my biggest fear


    Well, there's my entry. Hope it keeps this contest from becoming a flop. I'm pulling for Destiny to win, loved the poem. Oh, and about that thar thingie updere. ^ No, its not something that has truly happened to me; I don't drink, and never have, okie? Poem took me roughly 10 minutes to write out, and a minute to type, so sorry if there are any grammatical/spelling errors. Have fun judging ALL of those poems, ya' know, since there are so many. C'mon people, submit! I enjoy reading poetry.

    Edit: Lawl, stole CtR's title. . .
  17. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    thank you i thought yours was great too!!!!
    (we need judges here!lol)
    ps it was for (#1 dinestyX) if i confused you
  18. naminestwinsister Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    i live in a cuboard
    hey everyone i just wanted to say good luck to everyone and that there are some pretty good poems going around i don't think i'll win but i'm not really bothered about winning i mean as long as you try your best who needs to win? anyway thats all i wanted to say good luck all
  19. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal

    There was something I wanted to say
    But my words aren't very clear
    I hope by the end of the day
    You could find all this sincere

    You make me feel like a cloud
    Light, breezy and carefree
    And I'd like to say out loud
    You're all that is to me

    I'd like for us to go on a date
    If you'd give me the chance
    Maybe for a drive around the estate
    Or maybe to the Summer dance

    I guess what I'm trying to say
    is that I think you're really cool
    and if you're willing to, someday....
    .....the hell with this. I love you.
  20. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    you confused me a bit... but I knew who u were talking about cuz of ur siggy XD XD

    *claps* wow, guys... this are some really great poems... I would also like to wish good luck to everybody... you're all really tough competition... I don't care if I win, either, though... I'm just glad I get to go up against all of you and I wish you all the best of luck! ^^

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