Personality Disorders

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by BaseSebastian, Jul 11, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Yup, some of the populace of the world has them, ranging from severe to not so much severe, but it's still a personality disorder.

    In my case, if I spend enough time around somebody, or if I watch a movie and my mind finds a character I similiar in any way to, I will instantly start acting like that person by the end of the day/movie.

    Most recently, it's been Ace Ventura from Ace Ventura, nature Calls, Aslan from Narnia:Prince Caspian, and now Ben Gates from National Treasure. I'm not quite sure if this is a gift or a curse, as I can't really control which character I become, and it forces me into varying moods that sometimes confuses people around me. Most likely it is due to a history of both Bipolarity on one side of my family, and some people in my family have had numerous-perosnality syndrome. I have a less severe case of both mixed together, as the mood swings almost instantly, but it's not always sad to angry, angry to sad, happy, to mad, happy to sad.

    If you or somebody you know has a personality Disorder, here is where you can say it.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I am entirely convinced that there is not a person alive who does not have at least one personality disorder. No one is perfect and we just cope the best we can. Where in some circumstances a personality trait may be a positive thing to have in abundance, in others it is simply not and traps the person in a negative way. There are things throughout life we must learn to cope with our demeanors and change them as we need to. Sometimes those disorders are bad enough because of the environment the person is in. In some circumstances a gift can be a curse, and vice versa. I really can't think of a single being out there in present day or history that didn't have some kind of quirk that made them have a difficult time in some situations.

    Of course some disorders are very extreme in people so that is when help is needed. I have ADHD and it can be useful at times or a royal pain in the butt at others. On top of that I have dyslexia due to the school I went to forcing me to write with my right hand when I was a lefty. My brain is therefore an odd place since now I use both hands and both sides of my brain. Sometimes ADHD is a real pain in the butt but I choose to not take medications and just fight it as I can instead and acknowledge it's there and it's not better than the rest of me.
  3. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    i sorta have personality disorder expect its not personality, its there a laugh stealer

    if i spend enoguh time around someone and hear them laugh enough times...i will start to alugh

    i hate it because i dont even know what my real laugh is
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    well, in a way , i think repliku is right.

    i mean, one minute im normal and sometimes, things irritate me more than they should.

    or i get frustrated over silly thing.

    most of the time , im one of the kindest people youll meet, but sometimes, for no reason, im extremely badass, and come off as rude.

    though , when im like that, i usually force myself to act kind.
  5. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Why people wish to poke fun at people with ADHD and ADD, I'll never know. Those same people who wish to poke fun at others, I wish could personally give a swift kick to, due to the fact I have had several friends with ADD and ADHD, and they were/are really cool people. In fact, it's around them I have the most energy due to that unstable "sponge" personality I have...xD

    Also, aside from the whole Bipolar/numerous-personality disorder theory surrounding me aforementioned, it may also have to do with the fact I never really had a father figure until late in life. That's to say, boys usually aquire the personality of their father, and that personality becomes almost the same way as the boy grows into an adult, the same thing with mother and daughter relationships. I had no personality to copy as a kid, so I might have developed that weird curse/gift I always talk about.

    Trival, I'm still Nicholas Cage as Ben Gates in National Treasure, just so you guys know.
  6. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Sometimes I feel over the moon happy for no reason, next, I'm just too depressed to even look at anyone properly...

    Thats one of thousands of personality disorders...
    There was this documentary once of this 56 year old lady that had 7 different personalities of people different ages...
  7. Kairi9020 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 22, 2007
    In a house, in a country, on a world. Where else?
    At times, I believe I'm Bipolar or have some personality disorder but I'm not sure since I haven;t told anyone about it. Other times, I want to believe that it's just my age because there isn't much for me to get depressed over but I'm not sure. It could be anything.
    I know a girl who has ADHD and I'm not going to lie, it really can be a pain but it can be a good thing. Strangely, it's a great think when your in a bad mood. This girl's younger than me and because of her ADHD, she gets distracted easily and so whenever she comes by and I'm not feeling so great she just points out something random and, I don't know, it just makes everything better some how.
  8. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    HUGE personality disorder, well, not really.

    I'm very sweet and sensitive (at least that's what i think) But i can't stand people yelling at me, in the real world of course. I cant tolerate it, up to a point. When i reach that point, you don't wanna go near me, because I blow up!!! literally!
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Maybe I do, if I do the chance t is severe is slim.

    I personally thikn now I developed it when I was pretty much alone in my room 7 days a week, every year, where I never really had any friends because I was bullied and the friends I did have were real nasty to me. I guess I needed some type of socialising, and made up another person in my head, I guess.

    I don't hear voices so to say, but I get thoughts that never correspond to what I think at the time, usually from this other personality, I assume. It feels more like an aggressive side, like all that anger I built up at the people who always bullied me.

    To me it's pretty strange, whenever my mind wanders I get the sensation that the other side of me is in my mind. Being completly distracted from thinking helps, like talking, playing games or just doing osmething that keeps my mind on my surroundings.

    And I don't know if this counts towrads it, but I slap myself in the cheek for unpredectable reasons, I use to do it lightly on my self when I said something wrong and stopped myself from talking on and on, but than after a while I just slapped myself everytime I felt I thought something wrong, that my other side didn't like, worse is that it happens in public, and it's really embarrassing.

    That's kinda something similar to what I do. I speak in different accents, tones and so on, I don't know what my real voice sounds like, when I speak its weird, and when I laugh it seems so fake, nothing like whne I was younger.
  10. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    I feel like I have different moment I'm in suuuch a good mood and one word later I blow up...I hate it. I like to think it's my age, but I'm not sure if I'm bipolar or not. My mom...had bipolar. It can't be helped, of course, because it's a problem and she doesn't admit she has it. Believe me, she does. I feel bad that I hate her, but...

    She used to yell at me...every day. Over the stupidest things. And I mean, screaming, red in the face. I'd get punished...severly. I've been hit by her, she's dug her nails into my leg to the point where skin breaks countless times. She's thrown me across the room. She's underfed me....when I moved with her (until I got to live with my dad) I lost 15 pounds. I was underweight to begin with. She got me into a living hell called: constapation. It's hell, trust me. And I'm's horrible. Since I don't live with her, I don't have it any more for the most part. It all started when I was a kid. My room had a lock on the outside, and she would lock me in for a time out all the time...for hours. She would be outside and I'd have to go number two...and I had to hold it in. Then I got constapated at around 6, and she screamed at me. I was too afraid to go number two at my house again.'s a wonder why I'm not depressed all the time. I manage to keep an upbeat personality, but now that I realize that the way she was treating me is not normal I've never felt the same....I miss the old me.

    My voice is deep and unemotional, unlike most girls. Mid sentence my tome will change from flat to high then low gets really aggrivating. I...just hate my mom. She never really cared about me. I mean, she even tried to kill my brother and I when my dad wanted to leave from her screaming. My dad was backing up and she told both of us to run behind the car...and we did. We were afraid to get yelled at...and we were little. If my dad hadn't heard her...well, I wouldn't be here.

    Wow, I got all off topic about my mom, but I never can tell's really hard for me. Maybe that might ​
    be about my personalty disorder...if I have one.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    My mom was rather very abusive like that too and used to beat me up all the time when I was too little to run away or when I just didn't care. If she has bipolar, there's a good chance if you feel mood fluctuations so extreme that it is possible. I do hope that you can find out so that you can help yourself. It could be just the regular emotional turmoil teens go through; especially after experiencing the trauma you have by your mom's abuse of you, but if you feel you might have it, that may be a sign to look into some ways on coping with it, to include if need be, seeking help. I wish you luck and hope things work out for you.
  12. LightManifest Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2008
    Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, Xaale... I understand you went through something very harsh with your mother. You may miss the old you, but the bad experiences made you a stronger person in the end. You're still the same person, so there's no need to miss your own self. But, please remember there are always good people out there. Your mother may have been very tough on you, but I doubt you'll go through that again. If you do go through tough times again, though, than you'll be stronger than the last time, and will probably set things right on your own. You have your own, whole life now. It may be hard, but work to leave the past as the past and look toward your future and your life ahead of you. You have goals set out for yourself, right? Most people don't go through anything like that, so like I said before, I'm sorry to hear that... By the way, if you do have that personality disorder from your mother, than you might want to check into that. It's a hereditary problem that passes from family members, so there may be a chance you have it.

    Well, I don't have any grim personality disorders that I notice. I've sort of overcome pretty much most of my quirks...
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