Party On in Unchained χ with KH-Vids!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ' started by . : tale_wind, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep

    I'm Tale, from the Ursus Union. I'm guessing you only just got recruited to one of the Unions? Sounds to me like you're going to want to find some friends to hang around with. Lucky for you, I've got just the solution!

    See, within your Union, you can join a Party of other Keyblade wielders! You can fight Raid Bosses with them, share Medals with them, and share rewards with them from tough missions. And you don't even need to all be online at once! It makes things a lot easier and a lot more fun!

    Sound like something you might be interested in? Awesome! 'Cause we've organized some Parties specifically for all of you!

    I'm the leader of KHV_Ursus! @Fearless over here is the leader of KHV_Vulpeus, @KHGrl15's heading up KHV_Unicornis, @Explode's got KHV_Anguis, and @Scarred Nobody has KHV_Leopardos! To find us, head on over to your Party Menu (it's under Other in the Menu), and go to Join Party! From there, you should be able to sort through all the Party listings until you see the KHV Party for your Union. Just ask to join, your Party leader will accept you, and voilà! You're in! The Parties are all set to Core difficulty--not too easy, but not too hard. Oh, and be sure to tell us your Player ID number in here, so we know to look out for you! EDIT: Since concerns have come up about scrolling through all the Party listings or otherwise being unable to find the Parties, please instead simply post your Player ID numbers and in-game usernames so that the Party leaders can add you manually from their menus!

    If you decide to change your Union, that's fine! Just let us know in here if you change Unions so that you can be added to the proper party and so that we have a record of which Union you're in.

    A week from now, once you've gotten used to how things work around here and in your Parties, we've got some more Party fun and some glam planned for you... So keep an eye out, y'hear?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ' started by . : tale_wind, Apr 7, 2016.

    1. phoenixkh93
      @Calxiyn, me and my boyfriend just started playing in europe, joining vulpeus :) my id is 1370094 and his is 1429622 :)
    2. phoenixkh93
      @Calxiyn Could you please resend an invitation for Vulpeus to the ID 1429622? It got automatically cancelled after 72 hours :( I'll be quicker next time!
    3. Calxiyn
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
    4. Nate_River
    5. Lite
      So due to severe technical difficulties I lost my old unchained progress and had to start again. If @Cat~ could re-add me to the Leopardos party I'd greatly appreciate it. My ID is 469895.
    6. ShibuyaGato
      It is done
    7. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      My ID is:10880

      Add me to Vulpeus Please. Thanks <3
    8. Makaze
      I would like an invite for KHV_Vulpeus with User ID # 1731093.
    9. Beau
      @Karuta my id is 1113358 and i'm in the unicorn party!!
    10. Karuta
      you're not in the unicornis union :( I cant invite you
    11. Beau
      @Karuta oh i lied sorry i made a mistake i'm in the fox one!!
    12. Karuta
      you'll need to join @Calxiyn 's party then. Parties are separated by union
    13. benjizz
      im in vulpeus pls add meeeexd
      my id: 7704[DOUBLEPOST=1468442472][/DOUBLEPOST]Seems like i found myself a temporary team atm (i needed shared medals for quest haha) notify me when a place is available so i can leave
      Last edited: Jul 13, 2016
    14. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      If anyone wants to change their Union, please notify us in here so that you can be added to the proper parties and we can know where you are for future events!
    15. Fearless
      @Calxiyn yes hello i am on the pink team and i would like to be added to the pink party.
    16. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      I guess I'll join in though I will be terrible.

      1930397 with KHV_Anguis
    17. Explode
      Happy to have you :)
    18. Eric Luna
      Eric Luna
      If I put my ID, could you guys tell me if there is space available?
      I'm currently in a group but don't want to leave unless 100% I'm joining the Vulpis group here. Screenshot_2016-08-28-21-12-59.png
      Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    19. Calxiyn
      There's room!
    20. Noizless
      Heyo! My ID is 744223, name's Noizless, and I'm in Lepordas. I'm currently in a(n inactive) party right now and I'll leave if there's room in Lepordas for me!