Overrated PS3 Games

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Clontox, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    1. Assassin's Creed is a hit or miss game. And 9/10? wtf site you use? IGN.com is the only reliable reviewer at the moment.
    2. Half those games you said aren't exclusives.
    3. Everyone knows Lair sucks big hairy nutsack...
    4. You don't need to play DMC1-3 to understand DMC4, but you will miss out on the hidden importance of two scenes
    5. Resistance and Heavenly Sword are also very over hyped.
    6. I'd try Uncharted, DMC4, and Ratchet. Loads of fun in those three games. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is also a godly game targeted for hardcore gamers, not as good as Ninja Gaiden Black, but the only one available to a PS3 owner so I'd enjoy it but be forewarned it is very hard. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 is a good tactical shooter and let's not forget GTA4 is right around the corner, not exclusive but I'm just trying to make sure your somewhat happy with your poor system choice.