Nintendo Out of all the Nintendo Characters

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sara, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Which one do you best associate with Nintendo? Which one when you think Nintendo pops in your head? And why? Other than Mario, just because of all the answers being Mario.

    I would have to say Link from Legend of Zelda. I haven't played Skyward Sword, but I've played all the console games for it which is the only series I've played to this far. I enjoyed his games in the past and still think of the series with a nostalgic fondness.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Mario. But I guess that's too obvious. There's not really any need for me to explain why. Mario's basically the face of Nintendo. Every generation of Nintendo console/handheld has had multiple Mario games. inb4Marioeverywhere

    The next runner up would be Link for almost the same reason. Except he's not the first one that pops into my mind when I think of Nintendo. I've normally stayed away from Nintendo's games nowadays though. They don't really interest me anymore. Skyward Sword was nice but the controls...ugh. I want to say that Legend of Zelda is boring because every game follows the exact same formula but at the same time, I still love the Megaman X series. Oh well, this isn't a thread to complain about Nintendo. XD

    Mario is the face of Nintendo. I always played as Luigi(whenever I could) in Super Mario games though.
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I'd like to say Pokemon, but it's definitely going to have to be Mario. I still get overjoyed when I see that little nintendo logo flicker on the screen. Me and my friend were playing Super Mario World on his super nintendo last night actually.

    Mario is definitely the face of Nintendo. Everyone has to know Mario.
  4. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    My my Sara, making a lot of posts since you returned, as well as new threads. I like it.

    I recognize Mario as the main mascot for Nintendo. When I think of Nintendo, I think of the red logo which then pops Mario out. But really it can be more than that. I more think along the lines of Super Smash Bros. When that happens, I think of the 6 characters that are a serious part of Nintendo being Mario, Link, Pikachu, Kirybu, Samus, and Donkey Kong. Basically everyone grew up with Nintendo in some way. Our generation and the one before it at least. So it would be normal for us to pick one of the main characters linked with them depending on what genre we enjoyed the most as a child. Myself would be Pokemon from a child aspect but Zelda on a die hard fan aspect.
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    When I think of Nintendo, the first thing I think of is obvious and goes without saying, but the second is Donkey Kong. Not because I played the original arcade game, mind, but because Donkey Kong Country 2 is one of my first and fondest memories with a Nintendo-faithful franchise. Also for that reason, I've always looked at DK as a separate entity, not merely an extension of the Marioverse. They haven't had many games together that weren't cross-overs or sports games, at any rate.

    Third place for me might actually be Mega Man. He may have branched out to other consoles by now, but the Mega Man aesthetic has always struck me as purely Nintendo, and most of the Mega Man games I've enjoyed, I've enjoyed on Nintendo systems. Especially the GBA games, like Mega Man Zero and Battle Network. Ahh, good times...

    Unfortunately, I didn't get into Zelda until the GBC games, Oracle of Ages and Seasons. Otherwise I'm sure they'd be higher in my mind. Likewise, my first Metroid game was Fusion. Seems like I enter a lot of great series on the handhelds, actually.
  6. Fellangel Bichael May

    Apr 3, 2007
    US of A
    No matter who is talking, the obvious choice is Mario. However, I grew up with many games centered on other Nintendo characters (Yoshi Story & Island, Metroid, Kirby games). I never really played a Mario game until I hit 3rd grade. So in fairness, I'd say Yoshi is my choice as a mascot for Nintendo
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Definitely Mario. After all, Mario was there from the beginning, of course he's going to be the one representing Nintendo.
  8. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Edited so people need to think more on it. :P

    I would also have to say that Donkey Kong is another close one to my heart. I loved Donkey Kong Country when growing up. Some of my fondest memories was playing with a friend of mine the first Donkey Kong Country and us joking about how hard it was and that the names were a distraction to make it harder.
  9. shidonic Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 30, 2010
    Whenever i hear sega, i imagine sonic, running across the screen, and filling in said word, before the little jungle goes "Segaaaa!"
    I always found most of his games very enjoyable, but with 1 through 3, i have a bit of a pain in the flank, Sonic gens, was very good, and unleashed would have been better had it not been on the wii when i played it.
  10. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Edited, dude... Anyone but Mario. I wanted to make it more of a challenge.
  11. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009

    I would say Mario, but since he's off limits, my second would have to be a tie between Link or Red/Pokemon Trainer. Nintendo has a boatload of long-running franchises, from Metroid to Kirby, but when I hear about Nintendo, it's usually because of a new Mario, LoZ or Pokemon title.

    Not too surprised at the lack of Donkey Kong, Fox, Captain Falcon, Kirby or Samus, but that may be due mostly to the fact that Nintendo is seen as more child-friendly than its competitors (Sony & Microsoft). Don't get me wrong, I've grown up with other games and characters, but the company is synonymous with their three best selling game series' to me.

  12. strfruit Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 5, 2012
    somewhere out there....
    Aside from Mario, LoZ and Kirby pop into my head.
    LoZ is just too awesome of a game, the characters/story/everything, so the title kind of sticks to Nintendo because of all of the fans.
    Kirby was one game that I played a lot when I was younger, a lot more than Mario actually, so he stands out more to me as a Nintendo associate as well.

  13. Splodge Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 30, 2012
    The Second Dimension
    Sara says to not post Mario, everyone posts Mario, so I will be original and say either Link or Red. Pokémon is a series which I have played for a very long time, and I hold dear to my heart. LoZ is pretty much the only reason I buy a Nintendo console, yes there are other reasons, but when I buy the console, it's usually when the new Zelda's out, so I have to go with Link, because of the nature of the games.