Organization XIII's Rivals: It's back!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near, Jun 15, 2009.

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  1. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane laughed softly, twirling some of her hair around her finger. "Poor girl. Do you doubt your own words too? It wouldn't matter to you, or anyone else here if I died. Why do you care so much?" She said this without any emotion, her face unreadable.
  2. PainAndBliss095 Moogle Assistant

    Dec 29, 2008
    Las Vegas, NV
    Brixania looked back at the other member and nodded, not seeing any reason to say anything. She followed Xinamar into the castle silently, looking back one more time at the lake before joining her companion on the way back.
  3. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "......" What? Damn it. If she really wants to die then why is she still arguing? "What are you, an attention whore? If you cared so little for your own second life, you would probably care even less for rules. So why didn't you just go already and try your idiotic plan? For the sake of annoying the crap out of everyone else?" Then go, you emo kid! You're so lucky as to take on a human form and yet you want to waste this second chance?! Xengla was getting irritated. This girl.....who was she really? What did she want? She tried to calm herself down as her anger was starting to be noticeable as the temperature around her went up. As soon as Xengla took a breath and exhaled it went back down to its normal temperature. "Words are wasted on you. Xelidan has control. His decision can decide whether your plan will be put into action. Don't think you're a one woman army. Nice seeing you." That was all. Xengla had nothing more to say. Did she really care if Alixane died? Somewhere deep inside her conscience, she knew she did. Remnant of my previous feelings. Heh. Congratulations. The first person to ever have me so fired up. Xengla made a fireball in her palm and began her little activity again. Bitch. Foolish, idiotic, bold, little bitch.
  4. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane shrugged, then called her glass to her, waiting for the verdict as she whispered to them in the corner. They were like her friends, they even had their own shapes. Anything learned, given a choice. One sat on her shoulder, the the others crowded around her as she talked to them quietly. She smiled, listened to them silently.
  5. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    'Wow' Jex thought to himself. So much for a peaceful, united group. He grinned slightly to himself. To say Jex enjoyed drama was a lie. He merely found it entertaining. He didn't quite understand what this little squabble was based on, though he had gotten the gist of it.
    One girl wanted to infiltrate the enemy’s castle. It seemed like a suicide mission to Jex. Entering the enemy’s lair...Yes, that implied certain death. At the same time, it was also an opportunity to gather information... What a choice.
    Though Jex did find it slightly foolish, he still admired Aliaxane’s bravery. Or was it bravery? Perhaps it was just idiocy...Either or, it wasn’t something he was used to.
    Sitting quietly in his seat, he watched the other members. It seemed they were only missing two. He waited patiently. Somehow he knew that this would end up exciting.
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Jinnex, whom had been being surprisingly quiet and well mannered for the duration of the waiting period so far, was beginning to get restless and 'bored'. She'd started to fidget around in her seat a lot, fiddle with her long, lilac locks, and now she'd reached stage three of her unoccupied state of mind.

    So, as per usual in her bid to stop herself from losing her mind as well as her heart she started to mess around with the light in the room. It was a form of baiting for her, to wait and see who was the first to realise something was the wrong colour or something had become invisible. After a couple of minutes chosing what to do this time she decided on creating a small orb of red light. Slowly it formed a couple of metres to the right of Xelidan's head.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    So, the time had finally come.What was actually but five minutes or so felt like hours due to the anticipation. They could get down to business and get to the matters at hand.With the arrival of Saix and Larxene taking his mind off of the previous confrontation, his thoughtful blue eyes looked up to the Superior's cold amber ones. They were owed an explanation.From the weakest, like Demyx the more superior types, like Saix.

    "Very well, Xemnas. As this nameless intruder departed, she hesitated to give me a warning. She had clearly stated that she was not the only one of her rebellious kind. This leads me to believe that there is another group of them ..another Organization." his eyes were kept hidden by the hood, but that didn't stop him from taking looks around the room. Lexaeus shifted in his seat, as if interested to hear more. Who wouldn't?

    Taking in his mental pictures, the Graceful Assassin took this time to continue."And they are after, like us, hearts. They wish to take Kingdom Hearts from us..but that is something we will not allow.." he rested back on his seat, allowing the Superior to take the floor.
  8. Near Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 8, 2007
    Las Vegas, NV
    As Xinamar stepped through the darkness into the meeting room, she looked around. They were obviously late, and other members were beginning to get restless. However, as she looked over at their leader, he seemed to be preoccupied with something else.
    'Oh well...' the girl thought, 'he'll know we're here someway or another,'
    Remnants of what would have been something like anxiety came to her mind, but they were but fragments, and a simple shake of her head sent them away.

    Out of the corner of his eye, Xelidan detected a red flash.
    "Jinnex," he said loud enough for her to hear from where she was almost across the room, turning to face the rest of the members as he approached the group, "I've told you before, now is not a time for fun and games."

    As he passed the fire wielder, Xengla, his voice took on a softer, yet more serious tone that only she could hear.
    "Cherish what fragments of emotion you have left, while you can" he advised her, "They'll slip away if you're not careful,"

    He continued speaking to the entire group, getting straight to the point as he approached the area in which he was standing before.
    "There has been a new lead in the investigation; to which the solution is getting our hearts back," he said, so that the entire Organization could hear. "However, it will not come easily. I trust you're all familiar with our number VIII's investigation into the Organization XIII; she has come to find that they do, in fact, have what we need. Exactly what we need." He paused here for them to take it in. Some of them had been waiting for news like this for most of their "life" as a Nobody, while some looked like they couldn't have been more apathetic about it.
  9. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Sorry, sir." Jinnex said with a minor smirk gracing her face for a moment before settling down into a more serious manner. Listening intently to his every word and storing it away for later reference. And then he said it, the words she'd been waiting for since that fateful night in Hollow Bastion, or Radiant Garden as she remembered it being called; there was a way to become whole again!

    "So, now that we know that they're working on something we want, or rather need, what are we going to do?" She asked, tilting her head to one side and leaning forward slightly with a curious expression.
  10. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Shhh...." Xengla said in response to Jinnex. The immaturity of this organization astounded her. Oh, I'll always have memories of emotions. As long as I'm in THIS organization. Oh yes. Definitely. Emotions such as annoyance and anger. Xelidan will explain in due time. We'll have to be on our toes. No doubt Organization XIII is far more experienced than we are. Not to mention they're most likely stronger too. We'll just have to use our wits against them. Xengla thought.
  11. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Zexion listened intently to what the superior was saying. Every word the superior said was important. The superior looked at Zexion and gave him the order. Smell for anything he could, But he had already smelt the scene... and all he got was that this girl was a nobody... but he did smell something else... what was it? Zexion had not forgotten about his own plan. Although he was reluctant to share it with the others. His plan had holes. As in, what if this girl didn't use the dark portals? And, how would Organization XIII acquire a device to close the dark corridors?

    ooc: Thanks for the save... I'll be more careful from now on.

    bic: A hooded man appeared in one of the seats, looked around at the members who had already shown, took off his hood, and revealed that the hooded man was Luxord. how did he get word of the meeting? Zexion wondered to himself. Zexion and Luxord turned there attention to Marluxia, who started talking about the incident. Zexion was slouched over towards Marluxia. Luxord was calm as ever, even smiling. Luxord was ready to hear anything... it was just another meeting, what could be so bad? Then, the words that could shake this entire organization were said.

    there is another group of them... another organization

    Zexion put his hand to his face and slouched back in his chair. If there is truly another organization... then we have left our guard wide open! Who knows what amounts of information they could have gathered on us!

    Luxord's smile turned into a frown... but only for a moment. He smiled once again. This could turn into a truly magnificent game.
  12. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Though it was late, Kexim arrived in the meeting room, slightly late. Not that anyone would notice. He looked from one member to anouther, observing them. His hood was up as always, himself leaning against a wall with his arms crossed, so mostly all of his body was concealed. To him, they all seemed like children though. Xelidan, the parent, scolding Jinnex, the brat. Xengla, being the good sister and shushing Jinnex. Each member seemed to play their part, and though it had interested Kexim some, he himself turned his attention to the orginizations leader, seeing if he may collect any information that he did not already know.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Aliaxane looked over at the late comer and suppressed a smile. There was always one. She then ignored him, and the meeting, going back to whispering to her glass. They had more interesting things to say, and its not like she didn't know what would happen. Eveything was so predictable.
  14. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Him. Xengla had noticed Kexim. Her body didn't move at all. Only her eyes. And it was only for a moment. This organization is full of conceited people. I should've declined the offer. But she knew, that she was actually "glad" that she accepted. If she hadn't, she would've been lost in this new life. But still....he could've recruited better people. Like those that could listen to orders effectively. There's one preventable annoyance.
  15. morphine and lollipops Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2009
    Happily-Never-After, care to join me?
    Silver eyes locked with Xelidan's grey ones in a solid stare. Jex played with his lone streak of silver hair. Perhaps he would soon die it blue... But now was not the time to think about his hair.
    Jex was, surprisingly, observant. His ears heard every word, every syllable. His eyes watched the leader, taking in every twitch, every shift in weight. And still his mind could not comprehend what the leader was saying. It was not that he was incompetent, or he lacked understanding. It was the simple fact that he could not believe it. Not that he doubted the truth of the leader's words, but it was so spectacular. So amazing. So... unbelievable.
    And yet, Xelidan did not have everyone's full attention. This was the best news so far, and of utmost important, and still people were in the own worlds. Ridiculous.
    Jex's eyes swiveled slowly, staring at the late, and apparently smug, newcomer. People here were...different, for sure, but Jex didn't mind. They seemed...well, he didn't quite know what to think of them. But it wasn't bad. No, not bad at all. His future seemed to be shaping out into a bit of an adventure.
  16. Last of the Organization Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 4, 2007
    Castle Oblivion, Thirteenth Floor.
    Xemnas quietly listened expecting Marluxia to speak merely on which the girl had spoken, giving a slight nod when he had finished. Honestly there wasn't much more to say, other then him speaking to the certain few who would be responsible for upgraded the castle's defenses. For the time being he would have the Organization build itself up as this sort of laziness letting intruders just waltz right in was highly unacceptable. Counter measures and offensives would all come in due time as this so called other Organization would not go unpunished for their meddling in affairs. His eyes left Marluxia when he had ceased his moment of encounter and took a glance once again amongst his Organization.

    "If there is no further evidence or information that could be shared I shall call this meeting adjourned for the time being..." he said leaning forward a little in his seat, his voice cold and calm. "If any notice or trace is found of this other Organization anywhere near this headquarters you have the immediate order to report to me at once..." he said giving everyone a knowing stare. "For the time being I expect you all to continue your daily missions...a few select of you shall have jobs useful in this trying time...recruiters...Marluxia and Axel...if possible use this chance to bring about other members of this Organization with a ruse..." His attention slowly slid its way over to Zexion and Luxord, " and Luxord shall prepare working on this castle's upgraded defenses..."
  17. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Shixoh looked down and then she put her hood up and she looked to her right seeing Kexim walk over to the corner and she then kept looking down. She didn't like talking much and she didn't really talk much at all. she remembered once one of the members looked shocked when she started screaming because someone stole all of her Mountain dew. she then looked to her left to see all the people who were just sitting there minding there own business which either involved Reading, Cleaning their weapon, or talking to the member next to them. She eventually went about her own business and summoned her notebook out and started writing.
  18. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish

    Sitting there as quiet as a mouse, he had listened to Marluxia speak to Xemnas of the new intruders in the castle. He had not been aware of it for no one had ever told him anything and in the back of his mind, he resented it. He shook his head, doubting his own ablities for his name had not been mentioned in the conversation and why would it? He wasn't one of the stongest members, but that didn't mean he was the weakest just because he chose not to fight and hated to do so? He admited to himself that he wasn't strong as the others, but still his attacks were devastating since water was a powerful element and he used it at his whim and whenever a sitaution arose for him to call upon it.

    Drumming his fingers on the armrest, he even wondered why he was called to the meeting in the first place? Why should he even have to know especially if his skills couldn't be used? He figured Xemnas would pick his stronger fighters to handle other more important matters and it was a relief to know that he was off the hook for now, but he still he was tired of doing missions the same ole routine. It would be nice to do something different for a change? Besides he didn't even know what mission he was even assigned to for no one had scheduled him for any task? Would anyone even notice if he decided to depart on his own and venture out in the other worlds looking for something to do? Would they even flinch or raise an eyebrow? No, of course not. Xemnas had told the others to leave so he could get away without anyone noticing what he was up to. They didn't need him anyway not when they had strong fighters like Axel and Saix.

    Pondering over what he should do, he shifted in his seat and would wait for the others to leave. He wasn't in a hurry and was curious if anyone else would speak before Xemnas departed himself. Turning his attention to Xemnas, he only looked up awaiting something to be said to him. Had he even noticed he was even in the room? Placing his hand to his chest, he arched his right black leathered hand back and pointed to himself gesturing a movement that he was asking what Xemnas wanted him to do?
  19. fire mage Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 29, 2008
    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    (OOC: Suddenly Bananas and Transformers, robots in diguise. lol. I want to play Xigbar and this is my OC. Hopefully she is accepted. Also I am a regular player so I won't disappear and forget about rpgs that I am in.)

    Username: fire mage
    Character name: Kristix
    Age: 18
    Number XII or whoever is left.

    Appearance: She has greenish gray eyes and reddish blonde hair where her bangs hang down, but are covered by an bandana that she wears.

    Ability: Controls fire, and has the power to summon forth lava. She only uses lava when she is really mad on an enemy. For a short amount of time she can manipulate the opposite of the element being it ice or water (which she uses with her sword) depending on the strength of the person she faces.

    Weapon: Sword (Katata) and ninja stars. Her sword she uses to counterattack with the opposite element with her energy.

    Bio: A true fighter at heart, but had some disagreements with an unknown master and he had her eliminated, but before that happened she exiled herself from her home. She ran into a Neo Shadow heartless which killed her, with her heart being strong became an nobody, but now they seem to have an understanding with her. Somehow she found herself in a different world and organization.

    Personality: Kristix can be quite stubborn and serious and she loves to get into fights. (physical ones not verbal) When given the chance she will stick up for those that she trusts. She is really trustworthy and gets along with anyone on her side. Often times she can be deceiving when she goes around and spies on the enemy.
  20. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion

    Zexion nodded and so did Luxord. The two disappeared in twilight portals and reappeared in one of the castle's corridor's. Zexion finally had enough... he had to know how Luxord knew of the meeting. "How did you know about-" Luxord knew what Zexion was about to say and told him quickly "When you hold all the cards, nothing escapes you..." Luxord pulled out a few cards that had picture's of members and where they were. "That's very clever Luxord." said Zexion "I never took you for a smart one." Luxord smiled. Zexion and Luxord were a very odd match up to make... even for the superior. Luxord knew Zexion and Zexion knew Luxord. Zexion disliked games while Luxord thrived on them.

    "Now, how are we going to strengthen our defense's?" asked Zexion "Aren't you the cloaked schemer? I thought you might have an idea." replied Luxord. "but it's alright, Zexion... I am a very clever man, Zexion. I have found a few ways."

    Zexion stoped him "Then you go see to that... I want to investigate the scene a little more thoroughly." Zexion left to go back to the scene to smell something. what that something was, even Zexion didn't know.
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