Nomura Interview Translation (358/2 Days)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's 2/3 of our translations from the Nomura interview, courtesy of FF7AC Reunion

    Interviewer: Is the beginning of 358/2 Days going to focus on Roxas' birth?

    Nomura: The part of his birth will be started as the Prologue, however the game really s tarts from when he enters Organization XIII.

    Interviewer: Will this game have an already predicted ending, that Crisis Core had?

    Nomura: Where do you think the end is? The point is, How did it get to where it end, for Roxas to leave the Organization? The detail of that will be in this game. (Basically, we may already know the end, we just don't know how it got to that point, like Crisis Core)

    Interviewer: Does the progress of the story mean going through Disney Worlds, just like previous Kingdom Hearts games?

    Nomura: It's not entirely a story that progresses by going to other worlds, but stories will be progressing.

    Interviewer: Is the 14th member a new character of the KH Series? It appears as though the character is...a woman?

    Nomura: I should bring it up now, that the XIV member is not Namine, since some people believed it to be Namine by seeing the trailer. However it will be explained as to why there's no pillar for this character, as well as why she never appeared in Kingdom Hearts 2.

    Interviewer: In the trailer we see 4 different playable characters simultaneously, is this possible?

    Nomura: The Multiplayer can be done with 4 people, or less. Not only is it a feeling of Multiplayer, it gives a feeling of freedom as well, because multiplayer mode will have no relation to the story of the game. But it is possible to choose less then four, for the multiplayer content.

    Interviewer: What is the progression of Mutliplayer.

    Nomura: The point is to basically beat, a given Mission. For instance defeating an enemy or whatever the aim of the goal is. Various purposes range from small reasons, to big reasons. There is a strong competing feeling for Mutliplayer so sometimes the players may forget what the point of the goal is.

    Interviewer: Is multiplayer mode possible for one player only?

    Nomura This volume with Multiplayer mode, was rather messy, so we had to design a growth Leveling up system. For example, when Axel is used in Multiplayer mode, Roxas will gain some extra experience from this. Also you are able to customize your character freely. (He didn't go into detail about the Customization part, so it's unsure)

    Stay in tune!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 26, 2007.

    1. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      I had the flu about a week ago, stuffed up nose, itchy throat but it went away. Anyway the thing I'm most looking forward to is the Multiplayer and the XIVth member, glad I'm getting a DS tomorrow.
    2. xemnasfan
      i'm probably going to get the game almost 80% because xemnas is playable [it says all it means all] even if i have to suffer playing as roxas in order to get to him.

      [not a roxas fan at all]

      as for the 14th member well if they never changed the name to 14th order then that character is irrelevent to me.
    3. Unmei

      you know who else it might be (also a fanfic character)
      i made a character that was ienzo's sister, rosila
      it could be her nobody, Xorsila
      again, just a theory
      i just like getting my ideas out in the open!:)

      (the way i came up with the name rosila was if you reverse the song "passion", you hear like "i need, someone, rosila", at least that's what i heard. i figured the song described ienzo/zexion because it mentions the guy with the book)