New Screenshot of Daybreak Town from Kingdom Hearts 2.8

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by libregkd, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
    The official Kingdom Hearts twitter account tweeted out an image of Daybreak Town from X Back Cover earlier this morning:

    CeoxZ_pXIAA-TDh.jpg large.jpg

    along with the image was a message from Nomura (roughly translated using twitter's translation tool):

    Translation from our very own @Stardust
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by libregkd, Mar 28, 2016.

    1. gersomvs
      Daaaaaaamn.... 0_0. Just today I rewatched the 2.8 trailer released in december, While watching it I really hoped for something substantial soon regarding info and now this screenshot appears. I have the hope that more info will be released quickly after this, cause I don't think Nomura would just pick random days to share these images. I'm guessing there ar some announcements and reveals that Square Enix has planned, considering 2.8 is going to release this year.

      I'm also really pining for some more KHIII info. Some more teasers showing UE4 quality and perhaps some new world reveals....

      Daybreak Town looks so freaking beautiful. I'd seen images of it from the mobile version of KHX, but I guess the development team was able to go all out since this is the first 3D-design they've made for this game. MAN. I could say a billion things more. I'M JUST SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAME!
    2. Krowley
      It's actually kind of refreshing to see a hub world not so bright. I don't know if that will change in the final product, but the chi version was so bright and lit up that to see it in a more bleak lighting kind of makes me admire it more. Also damn that cathedral/tower looking thing in the background looks hella awesome!
    3. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      booo i was gonna post this

      For comparison, here's the same location as it appears in χ [chi]:

    4. Iskandar
      Oof, that's way too bright. Why is it the smartphone stuff is always so bright and happy? Well, this next version looks much better if you ask me
    5. ShibuyaGato
      WOW it's nice to see some II.8 news on the horizon

      the town looks great, and i'm excited to finally see some Unchained/Chi stuff coming outside of Japan soon
    6. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      Most people are eager to see the Foretellers, Chirithy, Ephemera, (and maybe somehow our protagonist?) rendered in 3D graphics, fully animated and voiced... and don't get me wrong, I'd like that too, but somehow I'm hoping that the [chi] stuff in 2.8 also includes the new Disney characters - Gaston, Maurice, Razoul, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, it's been ages since they've been in anything. XD Call me crazy, I'm still one of those kooks who thinks the highlight of KH is the Disney part, I dunno...
    7. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      I wouldn't count on there being much Disney in Back Cover, as it follows the Foretellers; they likely didn't do a whole lot of exploring Disney worlds.
    8. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      Hmm, must have missed that part. I thought it was an HD movie version of [chi], like 1.5's Days and 2.5's Re:coded. Ah, well, with the way things usually go with this series, I'm sure a fully 3D and voice-acted version of [chi] is in the cards, even if not anytime soon.
    9. . : tale_wind
      . : tale_wind
      Back Cover does follow the plot of χ [chi], just from a different perspective.