Mylachia's Story Chapter 1

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pure Beats~, Apr 7, 2007.


Did you think Kairi was the mom in my fanfic?

  1. Yes, it was so obvious!

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, I think you said those things to decieve us...

    8 vote(s)
  1. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    I vote for: NOW!

    hahaha too much suspensenessssssss. :D ::jumps up and down in excitment::

    ::gets smacked::
  2. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Wooooo!Go Jazz!:D Outstanding!(Did I just say Outstanding O.o ).
    It was really awesome! And it wasn't that long >_>.

    Uhhm, there's something that's bugging me...why "m" ? xD
    When I saw "Samor", I was like "What? It's the words Sora mixed and with an 'm'?", and I was right xD.
    But why not 'n'? Or 'L' , 'L' is pretty mysterious if you ask me :P.

    By the way, you have a mistake...again. *sigh*

    What's up with that? (Check the underlined phrase)....I really hate doing these kinda things. I mean you're really awesome!

    Woa, I should go back to my fic o.O, I can hardly stay 2 min writting without getting distracted from something.
    (Though this was totally worth getting distracted :D)

    Now go finish Chapter 9, or so help me I'll...
  3. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
  4. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Awesome job chicka! I really like the keychain. (are those wings?)
  5. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Thank you!!!
  6. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Sorry, this one is short...ah well...

    Chapter 9

    Mylachia was lying down on her bed in the room she rented for the night. She looked around the old room, noticing a few cracks in the wall and bits of paint chipped off. The window was cracked about an inch open so she could get some cool air. She then looked at the other bed, and saw Magdalena, sound asleep. She turned over on her side, in order to get some sleep.

    “Good to see you made it this far, Mylachia.â€

    Mylachia pulled off the covers and jumped out of bed. She saw a figure in a brown cloak, standing in the doorway. He appeared to look like the figures she saw in her brother’s bedroom, but this one was tall and skinny. Unlike the others’ cloaks, his was form-fitting, carefully going over each curve in his body. She could see bits of red hair coming from under the hood. She started to walk towards the figure, but she felt a hand grab her left arm. She turned around to see Magdalena, with a stern look in her eyes.

    “Good to see you again, Magdalena.†The mysterious figure said.

    “Wish I could say the same thing to you, Leam†She then summoned her gunblade and quietly whispered, “Flame Sword.†As soon as she said this, the blade turned into fire.

    “Aww, come on Mag, you can’t hate me that much can you?†Leam said. He then walked towards Magdalena, but stopped once Magdalena put the blade close to his neck.

    “One could try.†Leam just put his hands on his hips and laughed sarcastically. He seemed to be amused by her remark.

    “Enough about you.†He then walked towards Mylachia and put his hand on her shoulder. “Nice to finally meet the new keyblade wielder.†He then gave out a little chuckle and snapped his fingers. Nothing happened. “See if you can handle that.†He then put out his left hand, and a black portal formed in the middle of the room. He walked backwards, into the portal, and shortly after it dissipated.

    Mylachia then turned to Magdalena who, by now, had called the gunblade to it’s original state. “How do you know him? And why did he snap his fingers?†Shortly afterwards, the heard a clattering downstairs, followed by a scream. “FIRE!!!!!â€

    “Fire?†Mylachia and Magdalena said in unison. They quickly ran down the stairs down into the store, only to see huge red and orange flames encircling Marv. The flames kept on closing in on him.

    “How do we put it out?†Mylachia screamed at the top of her lungs. She ran towards the ring of fire, but one flame lunged toward her, causing her to back away.

    “Get out of the way!†Mylachia knew that Devyn was the one who had said this. She quickly got out of his way, and watch him run towards the blaze with a fire extinguisher in hand. It took a while, but he eventually lowered the blaze to just a spark. Marv was in total shock about what had just happened. “Ya ok, Marv?â€

    The store-owner just shook his head and simply stated, “Me thinks, it be best if ya’ll leave...†The three listened, and left as soon as they got their supplies.

    “Well that was weird†Mylachia said as she stepped out into the bright sun. She used her hand to shade her eyes. Without any intention, the keyblade appeared in her hand. “Wha—?†A blue and red light shined around the keyblade for a few seconds, and slowly disappeared. Mylachia was shocked to see what was in her hand. It was still the keyblade, but it was in different form. It’s handle was oval, but on the outer edges, it looked like wings. The wings were halfway divided, one wing was red, the other blue. At the bottom of the handle, the wings turned into thin bars that twisted around each other until they reach the blade. The joined and gave a light purple color and the teeth of the blade curved inwards, then outwards.

    Magdalena soon came up to examine it. “Nice keyblade you got let’s get going.†She reached down to grab the backpack and put over her shoulders. “We should get an air-ship if we want to get around quickly.â€

    Devyn just crossed his arms, and gave a little smirk. “An air-ship? Come on, there’s only three of us...not ten...we should get a gummi ship. They’re smaller and faster.â€

    Magdalena stopped in her tracks and looked back at Devyn. “Of course, a gummi ship. What was I thinking?†Mylachia could sense a little bit of sarcasm in Magdalena’s voice.

    “Great. So let’s go find a gummi ship.†Mylachia started walking but stopped and turned back at Devyn and Magdalena. “But...where do we find a gummi ship?†Magdalena just pointed straight in front of her and Mylachia looked at the area that she pointed towards. Mylachia could see a few flying crafts on what seemed like black-pavement. “Ok. That works.â€


    By the time the trio had arrived at the flying field, it was late in the afternoon. They saw a two-story building and Mylachia and Devyn started to run towards it. Magdalena then ran in front of them, put her hands out in front of her in order to make them stop. “I’ll be back. Just stay out here. By the time I get back, you’ll have a gummi ship.†She turned around and started to walk towards the building.

    Devyn stepped in front of Magdalena and just stared at her. “And how exactly are you gonna get us this gummi ship?†Devyn put his hands on his hips, and gave a ‘I’m waiting for a reply’ look. Magdalena just shoved his left shoulder and simply stated,

    “I know people.†She looked back at Mylachia then started to walk towards the building again. A few minutes later, she came back and with a pilot helmet on her head.

    “Let me guess...†Devyn replied when he saw Magalena return. “You’re gonna be the pilot?â€

    “What gave it away?†Magdalena then chuckled and pointed her finger at a blue and red gummi ship. “That’s what we’re taking. It’s the Falcon VIII. Now come on!†She ran towards the gummi ship and was soon followed by Mylachia and Devyn.

    “Woah! It’s bigger than I thought!†Mylachia said once they had reached the gummi ship. She then went into the ship and got into the pilot seat.

    “Um...what are you doing?†Magdalena replied when she saw Mylachia in her seat.

    “We need to go somewhere. My brother always got help from this guy, so I figure I should do the same.†By this time Devyn was sitting in the co-pilot seat, waitifor take-off. “Mag, sit already so we can take off.â€

    Magdalena rolled her eyes and sat in the seat behind Mylachia. “Do you even know how to drive something like this?â€

    “I can learn!†Mylachia then turned on the gummi ship and before she knew it, she was in the sky.
  7. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Woot! I'm the first to comment on Chapter 9! :D

    Aweosome as always Jazz!

    Oh and by the way, Leam = The Chaser of Axel's other!
    Damn I'm good! xD
  8. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Thank you!

    It was pretty obvious...
  9. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    AAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 9!!!!!!!! Awesome job as always chicka!!! Still loving this story like crazy!!! Now if only I could get mine done....*runs off to Microsoft Word*

    Tee hee, Leam....:D

    I think I'm in love all over again....Will defiantely be drawing a piccy of him!!!
  10. Invader Jack Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 9, 2006
    Halloween Town
    Yeah, as soon as I learned the guy's name, I thought he was Axel's other. Then I read Forsaken Shadow's comment, and I was like, "Duh, of course he's the Chaser of Axel's other! What was I thinking!?!" *smacks head* I was close, though...:p
  11. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    I totally agree with Twi....
    *hugs Leam*
    And thanks for the drawing...awesome as always!!

    THanks for the comment Invander Jack, glad you liked it!

    And I haven't been working on it lately cause of school and finals and

    I'll get to work on it as soon as I can...but not now...
  12. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    AH! I didn't know the next chapter was out...

    Hehehe... sweet chapter as always. :D

  13. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Hah, I tend to get a bit jealous of her sometimes. :D
  14. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Sorry, I forgot to tell you!


    Jealous...of me? Of little ol' me?
  15. Invader Jack Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 9, 2006
    Halloween Town
    You're welcome!:)
  16. ~freckles~ Moogle Assistant

    Jun 7, 2007
    This is cool....I like it a lot.

    it's been a while since you updated though...when will you update?
  17. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset

    Hopefully sometime this week....if my studying doesn't take over.../:
  18. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Sorry that this took so long guys! I've been really busy...that and I've been procrastinating...*random things are thrown at her*

    Hey! At least I got it up didn't I? It's not the best...but it's not bad here it is!

    Chapter 10

    “This is so cool!†Mylachia squeaked when she was in the blue, star-filled sky. “Wow...and look!†She pointed to a big planet, which had a desert on one part and a city on the other. “That’s where I need to go! Right there!†She steered the ship towards the world and pushed hard on the pedal. Before she knew it, she landed the ship on hard, sand. “Woah!†Mylachia screamed when she finally stopped the ship. She looked at Devyn and Magdalena whose eyes were huge. “That was fun, wasn’t it?â€

    “I’ve learned something today...†Devyn started to say. He looked at Mylachia and then sighed. “I’m never letting you pilot this thing again!â€

    “Aw, come on! That’s not fair, and this was my first time!†She got out of her seat and headed towards the exit of the gummi ship. She was soon followed by Devyn and Magdalena.

    Devyn looked around the desert only to see sand. “Where are we, anyway?†He then looked to his left, and not to far in the distance, he saw a huge, white building, which glistened in the sun. Surrounding it, were little buildings. He could also see a white monument in the center of the city. “I guess we go there...â€

    “And look for a place called 7th Heaven. That’s where that guy lives.†Mylachia looked back at Magdalena and Devyn who still were confused as to why they were here. “Come on guys, I need to talk to him.†She then ran towards the town.

    “That girlfriend of yours...†Magdalena said as she watched Mylachia run away.

    “Myla’s not my girlfriend.†Devyn said with a stern look on his face.

    Magdalena looked at Devyn. “Yeah, right.†She then looked back Mylachia who was farther than before. “Anyway’s...she’s something else...†Magdalena then ran towards Mylachia to catch up. Devyn stayed where he was and put his hands in his pocket. He looked down at the ground and sighed a heavy sigh. He then looked up and ran as fast as he could to reach Mylachia.

    - - -​

    When the trio had entered the city, they saw few people walking around, mostly children, a few adults. The people that stood out the most though, were two males, in black suits. One was of dark skin tone, and had little hair on his head. He was wearing thin sunglasses which reflected off the sunlight. The man standing next to him had his jacket open to show off his white shirt. He had bright red hair that was pulled back into a long ponytail.

    “Who the heck are they?†Devyn questioned as the two figures started to walk towards them.

    “I don’t know...but maybe they know where 7th Heaven is.†Mylachia then her arms crazily, trying to make them come quicker. The two figures started to run towards them and Mylachia let out a hug grin. She soon felt her arms being pushed down to her sides and saw that Magdalena had put them there. “Um, what are you doing?â€

    “I just don’t want to start a scene, that’s all.â€Magdalene turned around but didn’t move because she heard the footsteps approach. The stopped soon after.

    “Hey guys.†Magdalena turned around to see that the red-head was talking. His eyes widened and he let out a huge grin. He then walked over to Magdalena and put his arm around her shoulders. “Name’s Reno. What’s yours?â€

    Magdalena rolled her eyes and squirmed away from his grip. Mylachia giggled at Magdalena’s state. “Magdalena...what’s it to you?â€

    Reno rubbed his hand against his red hair. “ just reminded me of someone...does the name Nalegeda ring a bell?â€

    Magdalena’s eyes widened but they quickly went back to it’s original state. “No. Well, enough with this red-haired hothead, what about you?†Magdalena looked at the other man who was cleaning off his sunglasses with his jacket.

    He glanced up at Magdalena for a second, then put his glasses over his eyes. He crossed his arms and set his legs far apart from each other, to put himself in a firm stance. “The name’s Rude. That’s all you need to know.â€

    “Rude, huh?†Everyone looked at Devyn, whose hands were in his pants pockets. He chuckled lightly and said, “Wonder why they call you that.â€

    Rude ignored Devyn and looked at Mylachia. He studied her carefully. “You look strong for one so young. What’s your purpose here?â€

    “Why, thank you.†Mylachia said, with a little pride in her voice. She liked being flattered, especially when it came to strength and ability. “I’m looking for a place called 7th Heaven. Can you point us in the right direction?â€

    “7th Heaven, huh?†Reno spoke up. He took out his nightstick and lightly tapped it on his right shoulder. He then extended his arm to the right, using the nightstick to point them in the right direction. “It’s over there. But the person you’re looking for might not be there. He might be at that abandoned church, on the outskirts of the town. He kind of...lives there now.â€

    Mylachia quickly gathered in all of the information. “Thank you, Reno.†She then motioned to Magdalena and Devyn, who soon started to walk towards the place which Reno had pointed out.

    “No problem!†Reno called out to them. Mylachia just waved her hand, as a sign for ‘thanks again.’

    - - -​

    It took the trio about twenty minutes to reach their destination. The reached a brown, worn-down building with few windows. Above the door, was a sign which had been faded. You could faintly read it, but you could still distinguish the ‘7' on the sign. Mylachia quickened her pace and walked towards the door.

    “This is guys. Hopefully, he’s here.†Mylachia knocked on the door with force, amking sure that whoever resided here would be able to hear. Before she knew it, she had heard footsteps approaching the doorway. The person then spoke as she came closer to the door.

    “Whatever it is you’re selling, we don’t want it.†A woman then opened the door. She had long brown hair, that went to her mid-back, and she had dark brown eyes to match. She had a muscular built, and her left arm had a red ribbon tied around the biceps section of the arm. She had a leather top on, which was form fitting. On the bottom, a little bit of white cloth ran around the bottom of the shirt. She also had leather capris, with a leather apron covering them. She had what seemed like a half-cape tied around her waist, which covered the back of her legs. She had black and white shoes, which went up to her ankles. She examined the three carefully, going over every detail. “May I help you?†She asked after a few minutes.

    “Um...†Mylachia hesitated. Now she wasn’t sure she had the right place. She didn’t know that this guy lived with a woman. “Does a Cloud Strife live here?â€

    The woman rolled her eyes and gave out a little sigh. “Yeah, he lives here. But unfortunately, he’s not here right now. He’s in Hollow Bastion.â€

    “Oh, he is? Well, then I guess we’d better be going there...†Mylachia was soon interrupted the girl.

    “Hey, you guys look thirsty. You guys want something to drink?†The girl opened the door wider, so that they would be able to enter. Devyn peered inside while lifting his hood over his head.

    “Couldn’t hurt.†He took a step in front of Mylachia into the building. Mylachia and Magdalena looked at each other before going in themselves.

    They entered into a dark room, which had few windows and few lights turned on. There was a bar in the far right corner with stools in the front of it.

    “Just take a seat, I’ll be with you in a minute.†The woman went into a separate room with had an orange glow on the inside. The three did as they were told and took three stools next to each other. Mylachia looked around before she spoke up.

    “So uh...Hollow Bastion, huh? Isn’t that called Radient Garden, now?†Devyn and Magdalena looked at Mylachia, not knowing that she knew this. Mylachia looked back at them with a look that said ‘What?’

    The girl then came back out with three cans of sodas in her arms. “Yeah. I was there a few times. It’s a nice place.†She set the sodas in front of the teenagers and then extended out her right hand to Mylachia. “The name’s Tifa.â€

    Mylachia shook her hand and simply replied. “I’m Mylachia. And that’s Magdalena and Devyn.†As she said their names, she pointed to the person she was talking about.

    Tifa glanced at Magdalena, looked at Devyn then at Magdalena again. She cocked her head a little to the left and squinted her eyes. “Do you have a sister? Cause you look a lot like Nale–“

    “Well look at the time!†Magdalena said as she looked at a clock on the wall. “If we want to find this ‘Cloud’ we’ll have to leave now.†Magdalena got up off her stool and went to the do. She put her hand on the doorknob, and as she did, she looked back at Devyn and Mylachia who were still seated. “Come on, guys!†Magdalena then opened up the door and ran outside.

    Mylachia looked back at Tifa with a sorry look on her face. “Sorry about that. I guess we have to go now. Thanks for everything.†Then Mylachia, with Devyn following her, left the bar to get back to their gummi ship.


    Sorry it was so short....I really wanted to get this done before I got threats...XD
  19. JellyBeing ALL. THE. BUTTS.

    Mar 24, 2007
    Nice chapter.
    "Well look at the time!"

    ^ Lawl...
    Avoiding questions... more so the truth
  20. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    Awesome job chicka! Just a couple spelling things here and there, but nothing that can tear me away from this awesome story!!! WHEEEE!!!