Television My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by pnppl, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Oh dear gawd, season 4 premiere is best premiere.

    Do not read the following spoiler if you have not seen the premiere ... just don't do it man!!!

    So the writer packed more into two episodes than in the last three seasons combined. More action, more plot progression, more awesome!! I didn't think it were possible but here I am, loving the show even more. The new style of animation is simply an upgrade of its predecessor. It looks more clean and is definitely an improvement. I love Hasbro for giving us the two part premiere because people would have died if they left us with that cliffhanger (just joking, hopefully).

    Okay so thoughts on the two-part episode ... they're not going to be in chronological order.

    1. I was giving discord the benefit of the doubt the entire time. Then again I suppose it was something he did all that time ago. We can see that he is reformed at the end of Princess Twilight Sparkle: Part 2. With the elements returned to the tree he could have did his whole chaos thing again. I guess it's a good thing Fluttershy has 'The Stare'.

    2. It definitely didn't feel rushed (like Equestria Girls). The writers had a decent amount of time to fit in everything that needed to be. They even gave us details that touched on matters from the previous seasons. What really happened between Celestia and Luna. What really happened with Discord. Where the elements really came from. This was just such an amazing premiere. It left no holes to be filled ... except for the box.

    3. The box. The thing that is, I'm sure, keeping most of us guessing. What's in the box? What does it mean? Where are the keys? Basically we're looking at the plot for season 4. While continuing with the regular character episodes, these key episodes (see what I did there) are going to be scattered about the season. It might even carry over into the next ... though with 26 24 episodes to get them in I doubt it'll be a two season plot device. I can only imagine that each character is going to have their own key (as there are six keys). I'll definitely be following this season and looking forward to seeing what's in this magical mystery box (I did it again).

    4. No songs. Wait ... no songs? How could there ... why? Well they weren't really needed. It was more intense and action packed than the prior seasons. They didn't have time to fit in a song, even though discord really wanted to hear one. Now a lot of you out there might be thinking that it isn't FiM without a song in the premiere ... well you're wrong. There's so much going on in this two part episode I almost didn't catch that there wasn't a song. Don't worry though, we'll be hearing/seeing "Apple's To The Core" later on in the season, so just hold your hors- *ehem* ponies ...

    5. For those avid viewers, that means you bronies, you'll notice a slight change in animation. It's not a big enough change to incite panic and chaos, discord wasn't behind this one, but it is distinctly noticeable to just about any brony. My thoughts on the change? I like it. The animation looks better, the movement more fluid, the shading more precise. It definitely improves on it's predecessor by far. I look forward to seeing the new style of animation throughout the season.

    6. Meghan wrote the two part premiere. Wait, Meghan as in Meghan McCarthy? Eeeyup. Meghan McCarthy is the brilliance behind season 4's premiere. If you ask me, she should write more of the episodes and not just the premieres. She has already been noted for writing season 2's finale and the premiere of season 3, which were both fantastic. Well, hopefully the other writers can keep up with her pace. Could you imagine a whole season written by Meghan? That'd be totally awesome!

    7. Princess Twilight. This is canon now and it will not be going away anytime soon. So for those of you out there who thought this was a terrible mistake of the writers, well get used to it. It's here, it's awesome, it's an alicorn. I myself called Twilight's transformation into an alicorn about midway through MMC. I called it and I'm fine with it. The only thing that's going to change is we're more than likely going to see a few more Canterlot episodes, "Whip-dee-do, Basil." For all the things I've seen on this issue it left me thinking ... wow, really? Bronies are open and accepting, just don't mess around with their ponies ...

    So, my lovely and chaotic review of the Season 4 premiere. Like it, hate it, read it and weep. Hope everypony liked the premiere as much as, or even more than I did.
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Yeah, I really enjoyed the S4 premiere. Twilight's new status as an alicorn princess really does give the show a new feeling, and if Doctor Who taught me anything with its constant changing of actors, that's generally a good thing (speaking of which, I'll be discussing that in another thread...)


    I find it interesting they left some questions unanswered, like why did it take those thorn-things thousands of years to start appearing rather than instantly when Discord fist planted them. And what was that box at the end?

    Eh, I felt Magical Mystery Cure was a bigger offender of being rushed than Equestria Girls. I still enjoyed both though.

    She didn't actually write the S3 finale, but rather, for EG. But yeah, she is my favorite writer. After all, she did write my favorite two-parter in the show ("A Canterlot Wedding").
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Actually, the seeds didn't sprout because of the magic retained in the tree of harmony. It was mentioned at the last bit of the second episode. It took those thousand +1 years (not sure how much time passed between the battle with discord and Nightmare Moons banishment is so I'm going off of that) for the tree to lose its magic, which is why the elements had to be returned.

    True, EG was just ... too fast paced. Left a lot unexplained. The final battle scene was over in the blink of an eye. MMC was like that too but I thought it made up for it by making Twilight a princess pony and letting us hear Celestia sing ... even if it was short.

    Oohps, my bad. It was season 2 that she wrote the finale for. "A Canterlot Wedding" was actually what I was referring to.

    EDIT: That little mistake has been fixed in my original post.
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Ah, guess I must've missed that small part. Never mind.

    I am curious as to what you thought was unexplained, because I didn't feel any questions were left unanswered. I also felt that for a 70-80 minute episode, the pacing was fine (except for the battle). True, the battle was short, but I though Sunset Shimmer was pretty badass as a demon.
  5. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA

    The following video is pretty funny but covers a lot of the things I see wrong with the movie. I still liked the movie, don't get me wrong but it was ... pretty flawed. I like the songs though ^^

  6. Alan Smithee Destiny Islands Resident

    May 26, 2012
    MLP:FIM S4 > The Legend Of Korra S2.
  7. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA

    There is so much truth to that statement it hurts. I had more anticipation placed in FiM's S4 finale than I did in the entire second season of Korra. Korra just had too much drama and not enough action/adventure. I am so disappointed that Korra wasn't more enjoyable but I was elated to find that FiM was completely enjoyable.

  8. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Though I had not seen the second season of Korra, I have to agree with you that FiM stepped up its game to becoming really enjoyable for this season. And dat finale tho.
    That battle with Twilight and her no longer having that old home of hers ;o;

    Lord Tirek exceeds all expectations for a villain in this show, unlike that last guy. Not only is this satanic individual pure evil, he’s the most powerful entity in the entire show! Not only is he powerful, Tirek also a great schemer. If someone was to be called the Devil of MLP, it’d be this guy.

    I was originally brought into the fandom from both my friend and sister, and during one holiday (and no wifi) I managed to catch up on the three seasons (with the family) no problem. Fourth season was a bit difficult due to work, but when I managed to catch up on it, I really quite liked it.
  9. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Totally agreed. Between the fight scene and the mystery box ... simply fantastic writing. This whole time we were all guessing how they'd open the box, where were the keys, and what was with the rainbow items? Meghan dropped a bomb with that finale, the good kind. The whole time they were collecting the keys right under our noses and we were never the wiser.

    I am definitely all for giving Tirek the title "Devil of MLP". Dude was completely and undeniably villainous. He made Discord seem like an angel and not the bunny kind. I bet King Sombra and Chryssi would've had their hooves quaking if they'd have ran into this monstrosity of all that is wicked.

    The fight scene was out of this world. It reminded me so much of the DBZ style fight scenes. For an episode of My Little Pony, it literally kicked arse.

    I was a little crushed at first to see the library gone. My first thought was, "Where will Twilight live?" My second thought was, "Oh gawd, the fanfiction." After a few facepalms, I facepalmed later when Discord winked at Tia, I was happy to see the mystery box not only giving out super element of harmony powers (friggin amazing) but building a castle for Twilight and her friends. I had actually gone into the episode under the assumption that "Twilight's Kingdom" would turn out to be Tia and Luna's old castle in the Everfree. I normally am spot on with my predictions which makes media boring. This one blew my mind, which is very hard to do.

    All in all, Meghan really outdid herself on this finale. It was simply astonishing ... now I just want to see how she tops it with the premiere of season 5.

    Cool ^^ I was roped in when I started asking about all the pony graphics on the forum. I wasn't judging anyone but I honestly wanted to know what they were from. Had no idea that MLP was still a thing, I knew of the shows existence in the past. Who would've thunk that the show I loathed as a child would be enjoyable now? Though ... I still loathe the old versions ... Those graphics ... were horrid. *shudders*

    It's always nice to hear from another enthusiast about their perspectives and thoughts on the show, well any show for that matter. It's really cool to see one of the oldfarts taking an interest in the show :p It's kind of like having someone famous in the fandom xD

  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Well since everyone else is doing it, might as well post my very short opinion on the S4 finale:

    Twilight vs. Tirek was SO F***ING AWESOME!!!! And people call this a little girls' show. Pfft...

    Also, RIP Twilight's library, you will be missed.

    So yeah, to summarize, I thought S4 was amazing, and it is tied with S2 as my favorite season of the show. I have high hopes for S5 (which is confirmed to be 26 episodes, so no short season again like with S3).
  11. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA

    Not sure if I put this in here or not but to follow up on your S5 confirmation, if you check here you can see both the confirmation for S5 and a rumor that the current branding of the series has been planned out for the next five years. Long live G4!
