Full Chorus: Monster Mash

Discussion in 'KHV Chorus' started by Jayn, Oct 25, 2012.

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  1. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Today is the last day to get your lines in. No one dropped out two days before the deadline. If you're in KN this time around, getting your parts in should be a priority since the penalty with be not being able to participate in the next KHVC event/thing. (KN)
  2. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Mine shall be in precicely around Noon EST tomorrow/Monday.
    Jayn you live in a weird time zone so I can't tell if it's monday for you or not. However, I've been stuck with my parents all weekend and havn't had a chance to record.
  3. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Sheeeiiiiit. I was gonna do this today but I didnt get it done and aaahhhhhhh! I'll do it ASAP!!
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    Well...no. The lines were supposed to be in before the 29th. It's the 29th, so technically both you and Amethyst should be out of both this and KN.


    You guys can turn them in, if you want?? But I'll only use them if I decide to record or if I let other people record the empty lines tomorrow because obviously that's fair. But if I don't or if someone else recorded all of the lines, then yeah. Like...I get it. I do. I just...Please. dis must staph plz
  5. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    I swear this is a first time offence, but whatever.


    They're there if you want them. Idk why they're m4a, this was a ****** time for my computer to f*ck up. But there. Completely understandable if you don't want to use them, they were handed in late, but the point is they are there.
  6. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thank you.

    Yeah, first time offenders just have to skip the /next/ KHVC project but can participate in the one after that. As of the time those rules were posted, everything kind of reset so technically everyone is a first time offender (except for the couple who were already placed on mini-probation).

    But yeah. I kind of hate this. I get caught up between feeling guilty and being stressed out.

    I'll let you (and Fearless if she still does her lines) know whether I use them or not, obviously.
  7. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Sent. I'm really sorry for being late, but I honestly havn't had time to do them until today. >_<
  8. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Jayn, don't worry over it so much, just stick to the rules you put in place.
    If I send in my lines too late without informing you that they might be late, then that's my fault and you have the right to punish me for that since this is your Chorus with your rules. It's not like you've just perma banned me! You've kept me from ONE Chorus song, not all of them.
    I should learn from my own mistake then and not do it again.

    I'm sure everyone here will be fine with it considering the effort and work you put in. Come on love, you need to stop killing yourself over the minor things, it's not helping you or us :/

    Love you, we all do.
  9. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    ^what he said.
    We can't get mad at you for enforcing your own rules, so don't feel guilty about it. Its the rules that you set up, and for a good reason. Its nothing to beat yourself up over, really. Everyone appreciates what you do, and we all understand the stress. So naturally it would just be rude for us to not follow the rules. Next time real life is being annoying, I'll let you know before I have to turn my lines in :)
  10. Neku_Sakuraba Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2012
    Houston, TX
    I can do any empty lines either right NOW, or tomorrow at 3:20PM CDT.
  11. Judge Sunrose Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 6, 2012
    Come alone
    ^This. Coincidentally, I'm having a diamond-hard time recording for KN at this very moment.
  12. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Thank you guys for the kind words and such. I understand, it's just difficult sometimes.
    I don't need anyone to do the extra lines, thank you.
    A lot of you guys are off-time...So I'm not sure...why. But this mixing is taking a while because of it and that upsets me. >8(

    Spending all today working on the video. Should be up on Halloween unless something bad happens...
  13. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Angst and despair. Keeping you guys updated on what's going on. So, I've been mixing and remixing this whole time and ... a good chunk of these lines are really, really off-time. Monster Mash sucks because it's just talking, not singing.

    Singing is hard enough to mix and time, but talking is worse for me because everyone naturally says things differently with accents and different styles of speaking. So trying to match your vocals means I have to dissect each syllable and attempt to line it up with whoever is 'speaking' with you so that it doesn't just sound like gibberish.

    I've mixed the song like four times and it's still annoying me so I give up, because I really don't have time.

    I'm not sure what I'll do for the video at all because I have about 6 hours left to start everything there because this mixing is horrid, so it will probably be simple, despite me usually wanting to go semi-all-out for the Holidays. Dis song, man. Dis song.

    Will update again when necessary. ~ Sorry for it sounding so negative, LOL. It's not that horrible. Moreso annoying and tedious. I'm just being super OCD chick over here as usual.


    Oh my goodness, no. I still don't have a couple of renders. *Throws Laptop off of balcony*

    (Will delete the spam update posts I make after I'm done.)

    Edit: Found temp renders for those who didn't get me one.

    Feeling a little better. The video is done, with the exception of names and transitions...

    edit: Looks like I'm all done. Video is rendered and ready to go--

    *forgets to add transitions on our renders*


    Okay, so I started the video over three times...

    This is my fourth attempt. If placement is like "WHY ARE OUR RENDERS POSITIONED LIKE THAT, JAYN" then it's because the last video idea needed them to be, SO SHH. >:C
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