Hello! My problem is that I get «0x800CCC05 NOT CONNECTED TO SERVER» error in Outlook Express. Please suggest me how to stop it.
Can you get web pages? If so, you may have the wrong mail server typed in your account settings or the server may be down. If you cannot get web pages then hang up and try connecting again. Reboot the computer and try again. If it's still not working and you are not getting any web pages, then data may not be moving across the network properly. Check DNS numbers, remove and then reinstall TCP/IP in Control Panel > Network. Also I can suggest this program OE-Mail Recovery http://www.oemailrecovery.com/outlook-express-recovery.html
In that case this should just be a matter of getting you online. Were you able to get on before, or is this the fist time you are setting up internet for this computer?