My friend told me that manhunt 2 sucks with the story line and stuff. She said it was not too interesting lol! I heard that it got banned in the UK...?
Business or not, it's always a game but this reminds me something: you can't buy an adult film but you can buy a +18 game and they never ask you how old are you (just think about gta)
There was a murder that was apparently related to Manhunt. It was the theory for a while until they discovered the game wasn't related to that. But I guess they didn't care about that part.
I have no problem with them trying to mess around with the rating system -again-. People have been trying to do this for years, and they've never gotten very far. However I do have a problem with this: "Permits children"? The thing that really bothers me about this is, not all videogames are intended for children. Politicians have never quite been able to grasp that concept, it seems. Videogames can be just like movies when it comes to graphic/explicit material, and you don't see them clamoring to make the movie rating system tighter. These people really need to get over themselves: the rating system is there so children won't play a certain game. It's already doing it's job. A game like this is intended for a responsible adult, not an 8-year-old kid.