Anime Magi - The Labyrinth of Magic and The Kingdom of Magic

Discussion in 'Anime and Manga' started by Shinichi Izumi, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    The Labyrinth of Magic
    And The kingdom of magic

    Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romantic, Action, Comedy, Tragedy, Adventure and
    1001 nights or Arabian nights (it's based around that)
    Episodes: 39 so far (25 TLoM + 14 TLoM) + 1 OVA (not yet released)
    Animation: JNN, MBS
    Seasons: 2 ("The Labyrinth of Magic" and "The Kingdom of Magic")
    Airing: Crunchyroll (I think),
    Madman Entertainment

    Viz Media Europe

    Aniplex of America

    Personal Rating: 10/10

    ok, this anime is amazing, the animation is flawless, the values it teaches are indispensable, it's one of the only anime (Reborn! included) that Makes me laugh out loud hysterically, the story advances at a perfect pace, not too fast (Deadman wonderland, Danagn Ronpa: The animation) or too slow (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece), it's perfect, the character development is great, the animation is flawless, the music (Ops,EDs, OSTs and character songs) is extremely well made, the fights are great and the dub is good, but I'm use to the Jap voices, but I plan to rewatch it dubbed once I finish it, because it also has great Rewatch value, It's almost safe to say this is my #1 favorite anime (out of the multiple dozen's I've seen), It is a story that pulls you in and the sentimental-ness makes you actually cry if your not prepared, and it's happy, sometimes it gives you a warm fuzzy delightful feeling of adventure and friendship which is what the show is all about.
    If you have not seen this yet, Do so.
  2. Gamefreak103 A Freak of Games

    Sep 30, 2006
    Nowhere, KS
    Recently caught up with this title's manga, its got my attention enough that I'm now reading on a weekly basis.
    Though I must say, the ending to the latest chapter made me ask wtf...
  3. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    Honestly have loved this series for a while I just saw this thread, it's really amazing but the anime caught up with the manga pretty quickly. they won't be able to make another season for maybe another year or two now because of that. same with the first season they sort of miss big chunks of sideline plot that could have been added to extend the seasons but it's whatever I guess still a good anime.