Mad Max Feminism

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by mindy lover, May 18, 2015.

  1. mindy lover Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 18, 2014
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    "Feminism" aka "Feminazism" ruined this movie. Honestly, if the movie was just called Fury Road, it would have been fine and dandy, but I went to see a movie about Mad Max, not Furiosa.

    As a feminist, I honestly am tired of women that feel like they need to get a movie catering to them--hints the Feminazis' staple of the female hero. Female heroes are cool, but not when it's obvious that Feminazis' are the ones being catered to. It's sad that it's gotten to this point. The director definitely shouldn't have went to a Feminazi to write the part for Furiosa.

    No one likes when ppl portray women as whiners, yet Feminazis are behind this.....

    Rolling my eyes.
    Last edited: May 18, 2015
  2. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    I'd assume it's called "Mad Max: Fury Road" as it's part of the Mad Max movie series, in the same way that CSI: Cyber is part of the CSI franchise, but does not actually feature a CSI unit.

    Also, the term "feminazi" needs to die (as does "grammar nazi"). There is no way in which either group being referred to in the appellations is remotely comparable to the Nazi party. The term is only used to make feminism seem extreme and hateful, besides ridiculous.

    I cannot vouch for Fury Road in particular, not having seen it. But I am not a fan of how anything with a badass female protagonist is considered "political" or "propaganda" or "having an agenda."
  3. mindy lover Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 18, 2014
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    Well, I assure you that this "bad ass female" you speak of was created by a "Feminazi." And yeah, I'm intelligent enough to know that the word has nothing to do with the Nazi party. I'm sure most intelligent people that use the term know that. It's word play, as are a lot of words in the English language.

    Either way, this goes to say, just in case you missed it, I call them "Feminazis" because they aren't actually Feminist. They are in fact misandrist. This movie sadly was a product of that.

    And yeah, I am aware that the CSI franchise has extensions of the original show, but this movie was lamely titled MAD MAX when it should have literally just been named FURY ROAD. I said this because the trailer, just like the description of the movie was poorly named which lead many MAD MAX fans to think they were going to see a movie with him as the main character as he was in the original movie.

    With that said, I'm sure you understand where I'm getting at with this.

    I went to see a movie about mad Max, not about the hardships of being a "bad ass female" that doesn't need a man to get nothing done. All in all, I am just really in awe at how they managed to ruin this film and mislead countless fans. And obviously others agree if you look at how well this movie is actually doing in comparison to movies like Pitch Perfect (which was in no way misleading to its fans).
  4. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Huh ? People usually say that ?

    Well anyway, I heard that the writer indeed claims to have inserted feminist themes in this movie. I barely remember the original trilogy so I' m not sure how pertinent that would be. Not that I would expect such a blockbuster to leave much room for dialogues anyway, judging by its trailer. As a piece of propaganda I doubt it' s nearly as insidious as, say, Zero Dark Thirty or American Sniper.
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  5. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
    Last edited: May 19, 2015
  6. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    To quote Mad max "I don't know who is crazier me or the rest of the world"
    Sorry about it, but you people are crazy! I've read about those "man's rights activists" , but they are now just distorting the movie as they want.
    The movie is about a society where it is ok to enslave people "own" people, where a guy has a human's milk farm and human breeders, sure there was one group of women that were inferred to kill men, but at Mad Max's current world everybody kills everybody if they cross into their territory, the motorcycle boys, the citadel's people.
    I don't even think that Furiosa actually hates men (even though she would have reasons), everyone she killed she did it because she needed, she worked with many men across the movie even one that was hunting her and the wifes for most of the movie!
    The only way to make the movie more "macho" would be making it more sexist where every women wouldn't be a character, but an object for Max to use , and trust me 90% of the women in the movie are treated as such, so the problem is that you need to use women to make man even more powerfull not the other way around it.
    Max is still a badass, he still made all that possible, he still destroyed the Maneater's and that old dude's gang ALONE, and at the end of the movie he was at a legendary status so hard that after he "fixed" citadel he just left to a barren world where most men would face certain death, but he is not most man, he is Mad Max a living legend and will continue to survive.
  7. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010

    In case you wonder, no, I haven' t checked what MRAs are actually saying about this movie.
  8. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    I haven't seen Mad Max, but general public's and critics' opinion is that it is great.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with a female being the center focus of a story line. Yes the trailer may be misleading, and yes, the name might be misleading as well, but to attack both the director and the franchise for trying to appeal to an audience is not really the way to express your frustration.
    They are both mentioned in about 31 words, giving them an equal place in the synopsis. Also, on the cover advertised in movie theaters and on YouTube, Furiosa is the central figure, with Max behind her and out of focus. These both indicate she is more important then a minor role. Not to mention every commercial I have seen features her prominently.

    All of this aside, this is not the first director, or the first production studio to try and bring a tough female into the fray. Take a look at the Hunger Games, Mulan, Little Mermaid, V for Vendetta. In a world where women are categorically and repeatedly cat called, ridiculed, and itemized, it's nice to see a character who's weakness and need to be rescued isn't the conflict at the end of the plot.

    And while some feminists are extreme, any cause can have extremists. It does not in any way justify comparing them to the Nazis party. It honestly offends me and I feel that it belittles the suffering the Nazis caused to millions of people. One woman voicing her opinion, however strong it may be, in no way is comparable to what the Nazis did.
  9. mindy lover Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 18, 2014
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  10. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  11. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    It is fun that man's right activists are now lacking the orthodoxy and being mixed with Return of the kings, just like in the "Feminazi thread" (and why it is futile to make personal statements orthodox, unless they're representing an organization).
    That being said, it comes to a point that just living is a political statement, because neither Furiosa spread openly hate towards men, nor the movie said that men are naturally evil, the whole War boys thing was a metaphor for young people being brainwashed to think themselves as immortal, some characters even stop men from being put down by saying "We should avoid unnecessary kills" so there is that.
    Ps.: The news I've read actually said it was MRA, so I sorry that I said MRA, when truthfully was really "Return of the kings", the news world and journalists ethics need to improve (not only in games).
  12. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    Aha. xD

    I think they might already have some form of orthodoxy, like membership cards or something. I' m not sure, wikipedia is a bit blurry about that. Gamergaters on the other hand definitely do have that problem, any troll can claim a simple hash-tag for himself. Both movements are desperately trying to gain transparency in the public eye, but it' s a tad hard to get there when feminists already have all the medias in their pocket.

    Even Stephen. ****ing. Colbert went softball on Anita.
    Colbert. Going softball. That never happens.
    If that doesn' t tell you how politically incorrect it is to dare argue with a feminist I don' t know what will.
    Last edited: May 20, 2015
  13. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  14. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    In the world of the Mad Max franchise, for those not in the know, women are not even second-class citizens. They are property. Objects to be done with as men please. Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron no less, is a member of a harem who remembers a land of green and prosperity. She wants to find this place. And she's not taking this 'I am an object for men's pleasures' bullshit anymore.

    I vaguely remember watching the original Mad Max trilogy at some point in the '90s but wasn't really...thrilled with it. I loved aspects of it. The post-Apocalyptic stuff. The over the top thing that was omni-present in '80s media. But the way the women were treated? Not so much. Either they didn't really have screen time or well...less than pleasant treatment.

    Do I plan on seeing Fury Road at some point? HELL YES. TAKE ALL MY MONEY ...which isn't much. There's talk of sequels.

    The lady who wrote the Vagina Monologues was brought on as a consultant. And I assume as someone who knows how to write a female character.

    And a small note on Pitch Perfect 2. It is a movie that pretty much makes as many fat jokes as they can about Rebel Wilson's character. Or so I've gathered.

    And read this, it's hilarious. [ trigger warnings for rape mentions and for satire ]
  15. Menos Grande Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 7, 2012
    Cisgender Male
    We have to think about the timeline as well, Max and all people that are around his age or above are remnants from the previous world (ours) so they had an upbring of a society that was trying to make man/women equals, sure when the "world ended" the law of the jungle came back and the strong took the weak and women were treated as a resource, but Furiosa seems to be a "second generation" that was raised by women, so she knows that she has "value". If we take the previous movies children became adults without parents at some point so it must be at least one or two decades since the doom.
    The people of the Citadel wasn't like this, all the war boys had "half lives" due to the radiation, so we can't know how many generations of war boys (Kami-Crazy) endured brainwash. It seemed as most of the old people were more "healthy" than the new generations, because of the radiation that is worse if you are exposed during development, sure adults got cancer, but they lived more than the children, not to mention inbreeding that must happen.
    The few women that are seen in the movie are:
    1)Old women (from the previous world) both at citadel and the "green" place
    2) Probably new generation of "Milk farm"
    3) The most precious ones are the breeders, besides Furiosa no woman was show working with the war boys.

    So you see how much "worth" the brides had because they are not only breeders, but had no apparent mutation and were young, It should not be uncommon for the war boys never see "normal women" in their entire lives.
    So you see were I am getting at? The "feminist propaganda" that people claim around the movie is the simple fact of "being alive in a society that rejects you", in their view a character like Furiosa shouldn't exist, she doesn't makes claims about female superiority, she doesn't kill when is not needed. She was only a woman that was alive and thought to have value and tried to rescue other women to find redemption, and does what she has to do to survive, the problem they have is with she being a character.
    If you think about it in the world of Mad Max, it should have more unsettling things to our current society, because women are treated as things that produce milk and babies, and war boys are forbidden to mate, there should be a huge number of transexual man/ prostitutes because most man will never lay with a woman , but the sex drive must still exist, but if there were a trans person in this movie that would be treated as a "Trans/homo agenda" even though they would fit more to the society than Furiosa did, but would be more controversial.
    When you think about it, the problem is inside people's mind
  16. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    Emphasis mine. Wow. You're a ****ing idiot if you really believe this.

    As for Colbert, you are aware that he's a feminist, right?
  17. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    This isn' t the topic for my "conspiracy theories", I' ll take this conversation elsewhere.
  18. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I have respectfully disagree with our Moderator here. Feminism and its relation with mass media is at the heart of the conversation. And you know what I see when anything has feminist themes or could be perceived to have feminist themes, especially when said things are related to geek culture, people always come out of the woodwork to ***** about how feminism is ruining "their" movies/games/etc.

    Obviously, we're seeing this with Mad Max, but there were shades of it with films like Pacific Rim and games like Mirror's Edge have been criticied purely for having a controversial feminist (namely, Sarkeesian, who's views are completely reasonable, despite her inexplicable reputation as an extremist) being consulted. Anti-feminists and MRAs get upset when feminists are simply involved in the creation of something, regardless of the fact that feminist propaganda is almost completely non-existent.
  19. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I've been wanting to voice in on this, but have refrained so far since I have not seen Fury Road nor have I seen any of the previous Mad Max films completely through in...well, years. So I can't say that I have much to add, or any weight to the point I want to make.
    However, I do want to say that I do agree with what Captain Rogers said above, about "feminist" being labeled propaganda right away. Simply because a film has feminist themes does not make it a propaganda film nor does it make it a bad film. Most forms of media will have some sort of theme underlying the plot; some are obvious, some aren't, others people imagine are there.
    From what I've seen of the trailers and what I've heard of the film...I don't understand the "-nazism" part the themes are getting. Not just because of the blatant disregard for what "Nazism" actually entails, but I haven't seen/read/heard any feminist theme pushing attacking or oppressing any other group.

    Maybe this is just the way that I understood the title of the film, but I expected Furiosa to be the star of the film. I thought it was obvious. A)Her name is Furiosa and the name of the film is Fury Road. B)The trailers all showcased her more than Hardy and I personally consider her a bigger star than him. C)"Mad Max" -to me- was naming the series whereas "Fury Road" was the name of this particular chapter, hence Max may not be the main hero but the person linked to Fury Road is.
  20. Cloud3514 Kingdom Keeper

    Jan 25, 2009
    The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
    I think I should point out that Tom Hardy actually believes that the claims that the film is "feminist propaganda" and that Mad Max is supposed to be "for men" to be completely absurd.