That I am tired of my favorite bands skipping right over Houston, Texas, and visiting every other city in the state, I mean, c'mon, San Antonio? Are you serious? No one likes San Antonio. Sorry just whining about dumb bands not coming to my dumb city
They have a huge music scene. I lived in Texas on and off for a while, and though i didn't get to visit Austin myself, I had some friends who would visit every so often. Some great underground bands play there. Wish I could have gone. And now, living in Maryland, it's pretty terrible. Especially when Phish skips over the entire state and states near it. =/
Austin is great, it's actually my second favorite city in Texas. Houston has little to no punk/pop punk/hardcore scene, so it kind of sucks when bands I like do come, so I understand why they don't, I JUST DON'T HAVE THE MONEY FOR GAS TO GO TO AUSTIN OR SAN ANTONIO. And San Antonio sucks anyway.