Kingdom Hearts: The Soul Reason

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Repliku, Jul 11, 2008.

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  1. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    A myserious man was meandering down the halls of The Castle That Never Was.

    He was wearing a black treanch coat, and was bewildered by his situation. The last thing he recalled was him winning another epic court battle, and suddenly the whole room seemed too seep out darkness. Then he thought he saw a pair of yellow eyes moving towards him.

    "Where am I?" He questioned... trying to observe his surroundings, as he saw the walls were all bleached white, and there were bizzare symbols which seemed to be twisted versions of upside down hearts with crosses.

    "This can't be a church..." he said, looking around, gathering his bearings, "and this definatly isn't a courthouse."
  2. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Sure, TN, you can take Saix. I guess if no one else lays claim to Xaldin, I will RP him so he's at least awake since it wouldn't make sense to KO him again. Anyone here want Xaldin or can someone see if anyone outside the RP wants him? Also, I'd love to fill the roles of the remaining other Org members too if you guys know of some good roleplayers to ask or if anyone wants em. I'll edit and post to respond to you guys in a bit IC but wanted to make sure this was seen.

    Twilight Town: Hayner eyed Roxas. "You two look the same age so I don't see how you'd teach him everything. He's pretty good. Maybe someday we can see how good you are in the Struggle tournaments."

    "I bet he'd be great, Hayner" Pence said with confidence. "So what is your home like, Roxas?"

    Olette smiled happily. "Yes, tell us about where you came from. Maybe we could do a report on that for school. It's more exciting than writing about how Rai can't count stairs."


    TWTNW: Zexion was watching the Newbody still as the swirling Darkness to the side was noted and he turned his head to Marluxia's seat. Ah, the traitor of traitors appeared. The one who had caused the entire mess. Zexion was waiting for him. All three now, Marluxia, Axel and Larxene, there seated. He had no respect really for Vexen other than he could be an intelligent scientist, but seeing Marluxia now, he had to say that he was glad he had no Heart to react upon. Yes, Zexion could keep his calm demeanor despite the instinct to react off an emotion no longer present in his cold form. Yes, Zexion was not always pleased with what the Organization was doing, but he could not have imagined traitorous behavior as a logical response to it. No, he instead simply would have departed and covered up his tracks. It was not as if Zexion had not thought about taking off a few times. In the end though, there just was never reason enough to risk it.

    Studying Larxene's reaction and looking back at was amusing. She was expressive even when she sought not to be and Marluxia was his smooth and natural self. He would not be so were Xemnas actually threatening him with intent to snip out his existence. Zexion smirked sardonically. Yes, he could put aside his grudges for the time being and work with them but someday there would be penance if amends were not made satisfactorily. "And so the assassin joins us."

    Xigbar nodded to the young man, Toxyn, below. As he would leave he now had eyes on Marluxia. Good new dependable, promising Marluxia who had turned to be a traitor with his duty at Castle Oblivion. Ah well, Xigbar didn't really care that much. He could take him out if he had to. It wouldn't be the first time he'd have done such a thing. He really did not care either way right now as there were more important things to work on. A quiet voice of a sniper came to his mind and he turned to Xemnas. "It would appear there is a second Nobody that is new that is wandering in the Castle. I can have the lessers take him to the same room as the one you just sent away if you wish."

    Repliku blinked and stepped back away from Kairi as she seemed to be taken by surprise and even looked at him in shock. He wasn't sure at this point if he had horrified her or what. "I'm...Repliku", he responded, sounding out the name awkwardly as he identified himself with the unusual title. "I am a Replica of Riku that was made by Vexen, an Organization member. I take it you are the real girl that Namine replaced with herself in Sora's memories in the Castle Oblivion."

    "It's okay, Kairi." Riku smirked because it was apparent Kairi had zoned through the entire emergence of Namine and Repliku, as well as DiZ perhaps and the new fellow, Jack. "Namine is here and Repliku is fine. They are both here to help us and informed us that the Organization and other Nobodies are in peril so we're about to go try to liberate them from The World That Never Was before something bad happens to them. They are trapped there. You alright now?"
  3. OOC: BaseSebastian makes a incredible Luxord, in my opinion, but I'm not sure where he stands lately ^^;. As for the rest, we'll have to figure that one out.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Demyx nodded. "I suppose I could add guarding a corridor of darkness onto my list of things to do." reaching into his cloak, he pulled out a small note pad. Cycling through the items, he went over them quickly. "Feed cat... Get in washing... sponge bath Vexen, wait, NO!" Demyx crossed the last thing out, te continued. "And now guard... corridor... of... Darkness..." Glancing up, he asked, "Does darkness have two "s"'s or one?" He shook his head. "Never mnd."

    He looked over at DiZ, trying to figure out what was going on inside his head, or perhaps his heart. Speaking up, he said loudly and slightly desperately, "I think that we should only send two people on this quest. We need to consider the risks. If all of us go, and we loose out, the worlds are as good as gone. No one wants that. Now I am not saying that we are going to fail, but we don't exactly have the odds in our favour. I think that Sora and Riku should go, leaving the rest of us back here in case of their failure. That way, we still have Repliku, Roxas, Jack and the Mouse King to defend the worlds. That means that we have a chance of success, but we are not putting all our eggs in one basket. If Sora and Riku succeed, then all is fine. If they fail, at least we can still fight." Demyx glanced at Sora curiously. "Relaxing is difficult. Someone has always been in my ear, reminding me I have no heart. Xemnas, the duck, you. How can you expect me to toss away... heh... HAHAHAHA!" Demyx almost collapsed laughing at his slip up. "Xemnas the duck!" He folded his arms to his sides to appear like wings, then wandered around muttering things while flapping his wings. "Nothing is eternal!" "All things return to darkness!" "I need more rage! Quack Quack!"

    "Ahem." Demyx came to a halt. "Like I was saying, only Sora and Riku should go."
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    If only they knew he won..he disliked Ansem even more now because of this.He wasn't a liar,but he found it hard to prove that he won the tournament.Getting a bit nervous,Roxas took another bite of his Ice Cream and laughed silently."Sora was..kind of a wimp before I came and helped''he said,swallowing his Ice Cream.He had to tell them something!

    The report thing worried him about now."..Well it depends on what you mean 'home'..and can we talk about something else?''he asked.
  6. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Jack faded into the dark portal.He walked the corridors of darkness as if they were a friend that were walkming along side him.He thought about what would happen if the situation went out of control.He said in his headIf things get out of control the most i can do is go white lightning and nothing more.If i go further then i would nearly destroy whoevers in my way which i shouldn't.The thought of that thing coming out of him seemed to trouble him as he walked the corridors of darkness.Jack heard a sudden noise into the darkness and he drew his blade so fast someone could've mistaken it for the wind and he sent a giant lightning slash straight towards the source but it changed.The jack withdrew his blade and aimed his hands and lightning came soaring out in giant blasts. Suddenly monsterous laughing began and jack stopped and something like what he fought before except on a larger scale was visible for a second and it was the thing laughing and then it faded.Jack put his blade on his back but was ready for the next time.He exited the at the door into the lab in Twilight town and the portal lay ahead of him.He had to wait for riku and sora.
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Does it matter? Facing infront of me is a portal, and yet, I still question if I have enough will to even deny it. The mind, it thinks, but the body feels nothing. I can barely even think. But this man........he offers to me........hope? What is hope? What? How is what? he thought to himself, being lost in his own babble of his own mind, as he did not even really take notice to his legs moving as he slowly stepped in through the portal, though in an awkward way, unlike the speedy, almost practiced of which most orginization members would enter into their portals of darkness. For at the moment, it was not as if his life had any true meaning to it, and though he could still some what get control of thoughts, he practicly had the common decency of a dusk. Some what awkward really
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Twilight Town: Hayner shrugged. "Yeah sure. You are cool though. You can hang with us. Are you going to be sticking around?"

    "Might want to avoid causing much noise out there. Seifer and his group are always trying to make like they control things around here" Pence said to inform the newcomer of any bad experiences that could arise.

    Destiny Islands: DiZ frowned. "Demyx, we must go now and those who go through to the mansion doorway do so. We have little time to debate as Jack is now going on ahead and we should pursue him. Let us be going if you choose to walk the path to where it may lead." With that he turned and entered the Dark Portal, heading through to Twilight Town. He noticed Jack straying and swirls of Darkness then. "Jack, to Twilight Town. Do not confront anything here." His hand gestured in the direction and he then moved through opening another portal exit which led to outside the train station. He knew they would have to retrieve Roxas before pursuing any further, or at least find out the boy's intentions.

    "That guy sure is in a hurry. Well, let's go." Repliku waved and walked into the portal, feeling the Darkness move about him. He moved after the red cloaked guy who was still a mystery to him and then exitted out of the portal, unsure of what was going on.

    Riku simply let out a soft sigh. "It seems we have little choice now. Come on, Demyx, it'll be okay." He gave a glance to Sora, Namine and Kairi and then to Sombre. "You'll get to see Roxas again so that's something positive. Hopefully we can get this mission done before anything too bad happens." He smoothed his hair a moment and then stepped through the Darkness Portal. It had been some time since he had been in Twilight Town. He knew Roxas probably would not be so ecstatic to see him. Perhaps he could talk to Roxas, but for now he figured it would be best if Sora and Namine probably did the talking while he just did his usual act of looming and looking off as if he wasn't so concerned.

    The bigger worry here was the actual conditions in which the Organization was in and could they help them or would the Organization choose to fight them instead. He had stated that by now they all had to know they were virtual prisoners in their home so they would hesitate to do anything, but was it true? He hoped so and even if they did not do anything there immediately, what was to say that afterward things would not crumble around them and there would be a fight due to the past? Knowing things could turn sour at any moment to include the Organization may try to make whoever crossed over to help them take their deaths for them, or that after there could be serious problems, Riku steeled himself. He would watch for duplicity though he would hope there would not be any. It was his job to make sure that he saw anything that might turn out bad in such a regard.
  9. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    errr, still not sure what's happening with the whole Sora, Riku Kairi group. hehe, could someone please help me. Also, when the hell did kh-vids get updated to the spakily platinum version with ENORMUS text?
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    They updated yesterday.The gang are making there way to TT station to get roxas and from there they go to TWTNW.Jack(my character) is waiting for them near the portal to TWTNW in DIZ's lab.
  11. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    ok thanks daxma. This whole new Vbulliten version has been comfusing the hell out of me.
  12. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    "I never want to leave,to be honest.''Roxas answered Hayner,licking his Ice Cream and looking around the entire room.Everything was the same,and everyone was happy...and that,was how Roxas wanted it to stay.The talk of Seifer shocked him slightly,but after thinking about the rivalry both gangs shared,it came as no surprise.Pulling his lips away from his half eaten Ice Cream,Roxas cleared his throat and glanced at Pence."Don't worry,me and him can Struggle,I'll show him who's boss!"

    The blond boy laughed,hoping to have the others laugh and have a good time.He wanted to cry,but didn't want them to ask.Nothing could ruin this,Nothing.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: The portal was redirected to the train station since they need to go pick up Roxas at the Usual Spot.

    I also want to ask something of everyone. Please understand that although you have control over your characters, the bosses and enemies here are well, mine to control. I know many of you are used to other RPs that you just can make your characters encounter beings, but here, this is a delicate storyline and you will definitely meet the enemies I've created, but please don't be hasty and try to encourage it early or try to control them in any way. I have a lot planned and if people take away the way the enemies are introduced it kind of makes me loose my train of thought on what to do with the villains so be patient and very very soon you will see them. :)

    Also, combat is going to be interesting, which I will explain more once we get to that. You'll be able to though write out attacks of intentions and to make it interesting, I'll be rolling some dice to see how successful or well..not successful the attacks declared are so that you have variation and I'm not totally deciding what happens and won't seem 'biased'. The bosses and enemy battles will be quite similar to how the games work, I hope, with how I have it set up, but of course they have their own unique abilities and sometimes one strategy isn't going to work so great on them, just like in the games. Some may also have weaknesses to some elements etc. We'll get to that though soon enough as you will encounter some of the enemies in short time. :) If it's confusing now to understand, it won't be when we get to it. I hope you'll enjoy it and as said before, this RP is meant to be different from the regular ones, though it is still free-form. I may take some of the summaries written and post them in CC so we have a log of our events as they are coming out very story-like. We'll see though. You guys are awesome and I do hope you are having fun with this.

    Since some people aren't here as much and have asked for it... here you go. A recap of what is going on for everyone.

    The World That Never Was:

    The Nobodies awakened for the most part in the Proof of Existence. They found themselves returned to their former glory and powers as they sat up from above their tombstone markers. However, they also came to realize that Maleficent had decided to take over their castle which we dub the Castle Naught at this time since it seemed to have no name in the KH games. The Organization members dispatched of quite a few Emblem Heartless that she had stationed there and Xemnas 'convinced' her to leave or well, it was her death. She disappeared, departing with some haughty words and the thorny vines of hers as well as the Heartless were contended with.

    Demyx decided that he did not wish to remain with the Organization anymore and wanted to get out and try another method of getting his Heart because this whole mission last time failed and he just didn't have it in him to be oppressed or well, fight as he had against others. He had studied Axel and Roxas and wanted what they had possessed, real friendship and maybe that was a way to get a Heart back or at least make him feel more like he had one. Demyx went to Dark Portal and he heard a voice and after a bit the force let him get to Destiny Islands. However, after this all of the Nobodies would discover that they could not leave the domain of TWTNW, though they could still Dark Portal within the world. Xemnas researched as hints came to the Nobodies and it could be discerned that whoever held them here wanted something from them that had to do with their very Souls.

    Another discovery was that a new Nobody had turned up named Tony, that someday soon would probably be renamed as Toxyn. He had been wandering for 8 days, which was the time when any Nobodies began to be dragged to TWTNW, and he was a lost soul, as all Nobodies are when they first return to existence. Lacking solid memories of his past for the moment, he was brought by the lesser Nobodies to Xemnas and sent to a room to wait while Xemnas was in council with the awake Organization members, as they would have issues with the past and the present. Another Nobody named Xelax had also turned up to be residing in the Castle Naught and had been avoiding Maleficent, learning from the Lesser Nobodies about some of the history of the Organization.

    The debate to decide which Nobody would be sent by their combined powers to try to break through the barrier around them was on. Larxene or Xaldin were both volunteers and contenders but could Larxene be trusted...and would they want to lose Xaldin who could be trusted if something bad happened? Oh the dilemma.

    Twilight Town

    In Twilight Town, at the mansion, Namine would appear suddenly in her white room. Roxas would appear in the basement at the spot where he had joined with Sora in the alternate TT. Riku Replica appeared at the spot he had died in outside the mansion on the front lawn, which happened in Castle Oblivion, but the scenic area was the same. Riku Replica and Roxas would have a run in, which Roxas was very angry and confused Riku Replica's identity with Riku's, while RR with his Darkness temper easily also flared and the two fought. Namine came to break the two up and the three of them decided to be at peace for the time being and try to discern why they had returned. They left the mansion and Roxas decided he wished to see Hayner, Pence and Olette, despite not having 'real' memories with them. He hoped he could make friends with them and make something more real. The other two followed and were willing to let him have his time to sort things out.

    Unfortunately, as they had made it through to the woods, DiZ showed up and informed them that they had returned for a reason and that either one entity was at work or two. Their return, including his own, was only a precursor and he informed them that the remaining Organization members and many lesser Nobodies also had come back to exist but were trapped in TWTNW. Feeling that all 4 had been returned for a reason, they pondered the fact that they were meant to help them since they had actually not been stuck in TWTNW. If not to help them, perhaps there was some other purpose. Whatever the reason, Roxas decided that this was too much and he wanted to at least go talk to Hayner, Pence and Olette before he would continue on. Raxtion, a new fellow to the life of heroics but definitely not a newb to traveling around, caught up with the group after being lured in their direction by some bolts of lightning that had appeared. Perhaps these bolts of lightning he saw had something to do with the return of Namine, Roxas and Riku Replica. Otherwise, the three knew nothing of why it would have happened as the skies were now clear.

    Roxas ran off to speak with the 3 who cordially greeted him and they remarked at how he was somewhat like Sora. Roxas would tell a little fib declaring Sora was his brother and the three accepted it since they looked close enough alike and seemed similar. They would invite him to hang around with them more as they found him to be cool and of course they warned him about Seifer and his group.

    The others however took off through a portal made by DiZ, where they would encounter the Destiny Islands kids, along with a couple mysterious other people...

    Destiny Islands

    Riku and Kairi met each other on the kiddy island and were discussing about the mysterious King's note that was found by Kairi a few days before. Having no transportation and believing the words could not have been from the King himself, since it didn't sound at all like him, they were stuck with what to actually do.

    A mysterious dark woman named Sombre would approach the kids and she told them she had felt drawn to them and a voice in her head said to find them. They accepted her soon enough and then Sora would show up, being the sleepy head he could be when he had no heroics to do. He had gone home and taken a nap but now was ready to tackle the situation head on, or at least help his friends think since all were stuck there on the Island with nothing to go off of other than a note.

    Demyx, having Dark Portaled from TWTNW and having a rather eerie experience with a voice, soon found himself on Destiny Islands. He was vastly relieved though he now knew the other Organization members were in trouble. He though took the time to explain himself and after expressing some agitation and others getting over feelings, Demyx soon was a bonafied member of the team. Having now also a method of leaving the world if they wanted to, the team showed Demyx the note from the King and asked of his assistance so they could go find King Mickey. Soon though, DiZ, Namine and Riku Replica and Raxtion would arrive. Imparting the knowledge they had formerly gained, the whole group now seemed to realize that the Organization actually really was going to need their help to get free of the imprisonment and not end up as Soul Batteries for some evil entity. Demyx was reluctant to return saying that he was lucky he had made it out of there and it was only because that force had let him after mocking him some. Namine and Riku Replica also had a little spat concerning their time back in the Castle Oblivion and it was apparent how scarred both of them were from the events, despite one being a Nobody and the other being a 'fake'. The group reconciled differences for the most part between Namine, Riku Replica, DiZ, Sora and Demyx and now they had to figure out their best course of action.

    However, another new person showed up named Jack. He was a former resident of Radiant Gardens and eager to help and well, move things along. He made a portal to Twilight Town, encouraging the others to begin moving back so that they could assist the Organization, after the group had debated over the idea back and forth and also tried to discern some sort of strategy.

    In the present now, the group is heading through a Dark Portal, or those that went through any way, that will set them outside of the Train Station in Twilight Town.

    Hopefully this catches everyone up to the current situation and now we all won't be lost. Any questions, feel free to PM me or go ahead and ask here.
  14. OOC: Lol. I love the way you worded TWTNW one.

    Who will die, the chosen hard @ss or the besh? And Marluxia has returned! What would befall our favorite past traitor?! And what will be of Xemnas, the inspiring leader? And will Axel and Larxene ever make up and have hawt SECKS? (not...)


    Kingdom Hearts: The Soul Reason!



    *ish bored*

    I have nothing to say for Naminé, so I'll just say she follows.

    "For the question, Xigbar, yes, sent him to the same room as well," Xemnas replied deeply, trailing his eyes on Tony as the young man did as told, and disappeared from their peripheral eyes. Now, there was another humanoid Nobody in their mists. It was natural in this point that he would be suspicious as he had thought of, even more so now, as this was the second of one of their beings traveling into their world and castle. Usually, this was normal, also due with the fact that all their race were gathering and being trapped into the realm as well, but with the new circumstances, and that they were against a yet to be seen nemesis, measures must be taken. And that meant, extra precaution was in the utmost importance for further safety. They did not know where this being was stationed. But he also didn't think, whoever this entity was, would be apparent enough to give himself, or herself, away this easily. There was no harm on reminding one's self to keep a sharp eye to all, nevertheless, and with this, he set it out of his mind as his thoughts once more rested on the debate at hand. He had sensed the group moving away, Ansem's group, portalling, and heading towards another world, leaving the warm, tropical islands. It was no doubt in his mind that their destination was Twilight Town, and it did not take long to put it together at what they were attempting to do. Or what he thought they were attempting to do.

    It was with this revelation, that he went into a bout of silence suddenly. While the reason of movement was in front of him, like dark, bolded letters, it was still fairly hard for anyone, even himself, to believe. Them, treading the path to where they lay, enclosed, and caged. And more thoroughly, when it was Ansem with them, him of all people. Nonsense. Yet, he could not dismiss it. What were they planning as to visit them for? Was it for hidden intentions, or to perhaps, seek for more answers to their questions? Have they figured out the problem as well? Xemnas did not doubt it, having a researcher in their hands as he did here, among others of his five. Taking a few more minutes to think, he then shifted his gaze to Marluxia again, the same expression befalling his face, searching the traitor. If he had anything to say about it, or if they weren't in this trap, he would've given punishment. A fight with his very self, to see if he could live up to his betrayal. Which he will not, he knew. Or else, he wouldn't have had the need for Sora. It was with the most monotonous voice, that he said, "Welcome, Marluxia." That was his greeting, obviously differing from the rest. He proceeded with the recent news as if no glance ever occurred, and he locked his sight on them. "It seems the Keyblade wielders and Ansem have moved, taking the road to Twilight Town. It seems...I am not sure, as Roxas is there as well, yet, I do believe we might get a few guests if what I am predicting is correct. Because of this, it seems the test to see if the portal worked when concerning the Keyblader heroes, as it had for Demyx, or if it is related to it, is on the air. But, I do recommend we take our own action, regardless. The vote is left opened, and I will leave the decision up to you."

    She had been to her thoughts as Xemnas went pensive on them, ignoring anyone or anything around here, and not moving her eyes anywhere except for the floor. Larxene was quiet in that she also did not care about what Marluxia was doing, or if he had taken the object, and made headway to listening to it. And it was there, Xemnas had finally spoken over her contemplations. Larxene blinked, quite awoken by now at this current information, interesting and unexpected. So they had all set out by their own volition, by their own selves, and perhaps, coming here? The little heroes and their goody two shoes way of thinking? That was surely hard to process. How will they get here if they were not to portal, and all passageways to this world were blocked? Did they have a way she didn't remember or so? Because as it appears, something was missing in Xemnas's words, and her long absence might have something to do with it. There's also the fact that in Twilight Town, as mentioned, Roxas was there, so they might be just picking him up. And then what? Will they really go to them? To fight them, or for another reason altogether?

    She truthfully did not take this lightly, and she was at a loss and blank at what exactly they were plotting. Were the events serious enough to deserve extra hands? Larxene bristled at the idea. And frowned. Deeply frowned, her eyes narrowing dangerously at even the slightest, tiny bit of that thought. No way. Were they to disgrace themselves to the people who got rid of them in the first place? She shuddered disgustingly at the vision of them working side by side with...those blind idiots. Couldn't they save themselves somehow? Alone? On their own? Can't they accomplish that? Can't they be capable? Packed with this, along with the disappointment of her not getting her island sun, and that they may not take the chance for this whole portal thing, she was in a petulant mood, even forgetting to see Axel's face when the name of Roxas popped up, and witness whether he'll fall out of his seat like a clumsy horse in sickening glee with his tongue out as if he just received a delicious dog treat now that his master was out.
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Demyx looked at the portal forlornly. DiZ had paid no attention to his suggestion, instead rushing off towards an uncertain fate. He couldn't understand why they were acting so reckless. There was always a time for it, he could understand that. Demyx had attacked when he needed to, but he also fled when the situation called for it. Xemnas never committed the entire organization until the very end. He forced Sora to pick them off one by one. While a massed attack may have been better in that situation, this one meant that the enemy could kill them all off at once.
    Demyx saw them go through the portal, and dashed forward. "Hey, wait!"
    He shivered as the darkness swirled around his legs. No matter how many times he did it, this dark portalling always gave him the creeps. This experience was only enhanced by the encounter with the Soul Sucker. Now he was constantly looking for danger. Demyx thought he heard a clanking noise from beside him. Out of the corner of his vision, he saw two yellow eyes in the darkness. Letting out a cross between a shout and a scream, he turned and let off three water walls at the area he saw the thing. Without lookng back, he dashed forwards. Finally, he glanced back, and saw in the roof...

    A pink heart leaving the soldier he just destroyed.

    "Bah!" Demyx stormed through to the other side, the soldier already forgotten. He went to DiZ, as if to appeal to him, but saw it was pointless. DiZ had decided that arguing was a waste of time. Besides, Demyx was a ex member of the organization. Why should DiZ follow his views?
    Demyx looked at Riku, and attempted to convince him.
    "If you and the rest of this group are destroyed by the Soul Sucker, you will leave the entire collection of worlds to this being's mercy! Kairi would be helpless. Leave some of your group behind to stand a chance against this creature!" Demyx shook his head, not getting Riku's actions.

    Finally he turned to the only person he had any real hope of convincing. "Why do you want to go with them? Sora and Riku would be all that is needed to handle a threat. Any more and you will be risking too much. Why not try to survive and wait to combat this thing in the case of Sora and Riku failing?"
  16. Repliku Chaser

    Twilight Town: Hayner finished off his ice cream and tossed the stick through the air, sinking it into a trash can in the corner. "Well, you'll definitely have to be around in a few weeks when the Struggle matches are on. We could use someone good on our team since I'm the only one who does it here and these two help me prepare. We'll have to see just how good you are, Roxas." He grinned amiably but there was that challenge in his eyes.

    DiZ looked around and then turned, heading downwards from the train station. "We must acquire Roxas now. If he chooses to not assist us, that will be the way of things but if he will assist us, I believe his help will be greatly appreciated." He walked on moving towards the Usual Spot.

    Riku glanced about the train station area. He remembered it well both as the real place and the fake Twilight Town. He recalled the fake one though sadly more. It was here that he had needed to steal Roxas's munny since there was no way he could go to the beach with his friends. He looked over at Demyx. "Please try to understand, Demyx. We need to do this or else there won't be anything to save them at all. I learned there was more to you guys. If things could have been different before, it would have happened. Unfortunately it couldn't but maybe now, Demyx, we can help you guys and well, we are going to have to stop this opponent, whoever it happens to be. Even if we can't do anything when we get them out, you can always still come with us. Okay? I doubt the Organization is just going to sit there too. They will be ready. We can do this."

    Riku frowned and turned following DiZ. A reason he wanted to help the Organization was remembering Axel and Namine and how they were just not like some of the others. Roxas wasn't either. Were others changeable as those three had been and now here was Demyx with more proof in front of him. Also, could he just condemn Axel to a fate when Axel had helped him and Namine to get to TWTNW to find Kairi, and he also sacrificed himself for Sora? No, in the least, Axel deserved a way out if none others did. He had risked himself. It was only right to return the favor. Explaining this to Demyx though was difficult. "Demyx... I know you may think that we shouldn't risk it in this manner, but someone risked a lot for our team and that was Axel and he's stuck there. He nearly died, and well then did expire later after Namine and I had made it into that world to try to save Kairi. Understand that in the least, we cannot condemn him because like Roxas, Namine and yourself, he did prove himself to be more. Also, if four of you could show that, maybe there's more to the others too. It's just something that has to be done. I won't let something like this go. I'm sorry." He let it be at that and continued onwards, not sure what else to say. His heart was heavy. Did he do this out of guilt because of what he had done to Roxas? He didn't believe so but he would always wonder if the Nobodies could actually be whole in some way. Axel and Namine had really put forth a good case to him and his memories of Roxas did stir him enough to save things for Sora to see that were from Roxas, to try to say to Roxas that it was going to be okay. The situation was so confusing back then. Would it get easier now?

    Repliku smiled a bit at Demyx. "Some of the Org sucks. But well if some are good like you, we should give them a chance. I'll hang out with you though if you want and help guard the doorway on our side. Okay?"

    TWTNW: Zexion stirred in his seat a bit. "I still nominate Larxene for the duty. I feel she is the better choice and there is no real better way to test her loyalty than to send her. If the others come soon, perhaps they will weaken some side while we get the other. I am not sure the plan to send her through or Xaldin through without the aid of the others would even work at this point." He rubbed his chin a moment in thought.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Demyx threw his arms up in the air and almost screamed in frustration. "You're still thinking about that? No, I can accept that we need to rescue all the nobodies, and that letting the Soul Sucker get them is not an option. But if we charge in, there is a good chance all our lives would be lost. We should treat this as a suicide mission. One or two people go in to try and help. If you get the org's help, you have all the power you need. If you don't, then any support the rest of us could give would be futile. If you must, go there with Sora. But please, don't take Roxas, Repliku and DiZ with you. It would be a meaningless risk. They would have no effect on the outcome, so why not leave them behind as a line of defense if you fail? You may not have messed up with anything yet, but remember, you only ever (Usually...) die once. A flawless record can be tarnished beyond repair. Don't drag the worlds down with you!"

    Demyx was near breaking point. If they refused his offer, he knew he would force at least one fighter to stay back by refusing to man the protection at the Twilight Town end. But still, that would not be enough to hold back that Soul Sucker.
  18. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    As Sombre walked along with the group, she suddenly remembered something.

    "Demyx?" she asked, "At the Islands, how did you make that portal? I'm not sure but when I saw it, I thought I might be able to do it ... but I don't know how."

    In the half light of the fake twilight town, she thought that at least it would be esasier if they didn't have to walk all the way.
  19. "So, we continue to resort and conclude the plan, then, even when they might come to us?" Xemnas questioned, hearing Zexion's answer, and he was certain the Cloaked Schemer's mind was made up on who to choose, and what direction to go in. He also sought the exact path. For the current debate, he was truly nearing on choosing Larxene himself, as Xaldin was too valuable a member to simply lose and risk, when the girl does have a track record, and should prove herself, now more than ever as they were together, and be positive that she would not completely turn their back on them if a time ever called for it.

    "Yes, we should continue with the plan. We can't just stay here, waiting on our acrid butts for them to suddenly save us like we were utterly useless. What are we, damn handicapped that we can't take care of ourselves and we have to relax until they all come for us? I'd say we make our own movements, despite what they want to do. How are they to get out if they come in here anyway? Unless of course, as always, the heroes get a free pass, because they are, you know, the heroes, with the almighty Keyblade for a weapon. For some reason, I already predict how this whole thing is going to end, is obvious...if only Luxord was here to bet with, though I doubt he would on a winning deal. What's left to chance is if we are all going to die or not in the end of it..." Larxene ranted, annoyed, her thoughts pouring out loud just a little, her lips turned in such a way that it made her look to have a cute pout, along with a scowl. She really didn't like them working as a group, her pride just didn't let her at such a thing. They had fallen by their hands, and now is to be expected that they will join as one? They will probably all kill each other along the way, more like it. It was insane. "Am I the only who hates having their future help if it does turn out that this is what they are going to do?"

    "You 'hate' everything," Saïx stated, staring at the irate blonde female resolutely and sternly, yet also with a hint of blankness, as if her opinion didn't matter because of that reason alone. Not that he believed she could really feel hate, yet if she wants to delude herself that way, so be it. In the current debate, he was still opting for Xaldin, yet now he was becoming unsure. It was a hard decision, sent the traitor, see if she proved her worth, perhaps even die, or take take the loyal member, who had a much greater percentage of not abandoning them, who might also die. Not only that, he was also secretly agreeing with Larxene on the other situation. He was not comfortable with the idea as well. Join with the ones who killed them? It was absurd.

    "No, only things that are hateable," Larxene quipped back in a self-righteous tone.

    "Yes. And that is everything."

    "Well, I don't hate myself, or hurting people. You fail."

    Saïx shifted his eyes to the side after narrowing them at her, shaking his head slightly at what he had to deal with.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    TWTNW: Zexion rolled his eyes at Larxene's haughty attitude. He had to agree with Saix here that Larxene at least put on that she hated everything she could and it was all habit. She must have been abused a lot as a kid, he presumed at this point.

    "What I suggest is that we go to the point on the opposite bend of where they try to come in at. They must have some idea where they wish to puncture through to this place. If we go and attempt to use our abilities together on the other side, perhaps the passage will open easier and the use of the Keyblade itself will not be our only way. We send Larxene as the sign pushing her through, they open that end, and perhaps it lends us a way out that none will be so easily sacrificed. I could be wrong, but it may be better than attempting a separate point." Zexion rubbed his chin. "Of course, we need to then find out where they actually are." He looked at Xemnas who was the best at this sort of thing.

    Xigbar smirked at Larxene. "If you could hate yourself at times, I'm sure you would. I concur with Saix."

    Twilight Town: Riku looked at Demyx and was more stern this time. "We are going to do this and we don't know exactly who is going through or what right now. We just know we have to help them. Please just give it a rest. Maybe you could show Sombre how to Dark Portal since she does have Darkness to use. We should be finding Roxas soon enough." Riku continued walking and it became clear that the destination was the Usual Spot as they went further. He wondered if Roxas would actually go with them or not.

    DiZ stopped at the alley as they were now entering it. "Namine and Sora, perhaps since he might receive both of you the best in the situation, perhaps one or both of you should go and attempt to retrieve Roxas. We must make haste so please hurry." He understood what the boy was after. True friends of his own, memories of his own that were real. He could feel sorry now for the boy, though before he had not felt an ounce of sympathy because Nobodies should not exist. Nobodies were a product of Xehanort's crime against life itself. They were also a product of the curiosity that Ansem had in beginning experiments on the heart of Xehanort who was also curious. The Heartless birthed the Nobodies and the Heartless never should have been out of Darkness. Riku though was right to have more empathy. At first, DiZ had assumed it was from his own guilt, but no, Riku's emotions were genuine and he had not let go of them. It was in fact, Ansem who had and he was wrong to do so. So much had become clear as he realized the day of reckoning had come in TWTNW. Revenge had consumed way too much of his life when he could have spent his time trying to actually repair things instead of regretting and hating. For being considered so wise at one time, he had let himself become jaded and closed-minded. Could he be his old self again? Could he make it up to others he had harmed by his bias and repair things instead of wish others destroyed? He hoped so.
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