Kingdom Hearts Story (My First Try)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Kenni-Chan, May 24, 2008.

  1. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 16​

    "No vessel, no help from the Heartless..." a boy stated, talking to a brown, furred beast,"So, tell me, how'd you get here?"
    The waterway rumbled, making it hard to hear, shouting was probably the best option.
    "I simply belived," the furry, beast replied,"Nothing more to it. When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me. I vowed I would find her again, no matter what the cost. I believed I would find her. So, here I am... She must be here. I will have her back!"
    "Take her, if you can," the boy replied, the beast roared at this outburst.
    The beast lept up at Riku, but he dodged the attack... Matrix style. The next thing the beast knew, he was collapsing to the ground.
    "Stop!" Sora ordered, as he and his friends arrived at Hollow Bastion.
    "This isn't how I remember it..." Hara whispered to herself, looking around at the ruins.
    "So, you finally made it," the boy laughed,"About time, I've been waiting for you. We've always been rivals, haven't we? You've always pushed me, as I've always pushed you."
    "Riku..." Sora sighed.
    "But it all ends here," the boy replied,"There can't be three Keyblade masters."
    "What are you talking about?" Sora asked.
    "Let your Keyblade choose..." Riku interupted,"It's true master!"
    Sora's Keyblade tugged out of his hands, it shone and fell into Riku's.
    "Huh?!" Sora and Hara gasped.
    "What?!" Donald, Goofy and Ryoko gasped.
    "Maleficent was right," Riku said,"You don't have what it takes to save Kairi. It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door... and change the world."
    "But that's impossible," Sora replied,"How did this happen? I'm the one who fought my way here with the Keyblade!"
    "You were just the delivery boy," Riku sneered,"Sorry, your part's over now. Here, go play hero with this."
    He chucked a wooden sword over to the distraught Sora. Sora fell to his knees, he thought about how far he had gotten, all to save Kairi, all for nothing.
    "Goofy," Donald said,"Let's go. We have to remember our mission."
    "Oh, well..." Goofy stuttered,"I know the King told us to follow the key and all... But..."
    "Sora, sorry," Donald apologised.
    They didn't feel right about what they were doing, but they followed Riku anyway, Ryoko ran after and stopped, he looked at Hara looking down at Sora.
    "Come on!" Ryoko ordered.
    "Huh?" Hara looked up at the lion edging his way to Riku.
    "This might be your final chance to find Cloud, and Kairi!" Ryoko explained.
    "Oh..." Hara sighed, and looked down at Sora,"But... I'm sorry, Sora. But he might be the one who can take me to Kairi, and Cloud!"
    Ryoko and Hara ran after Riku, leaving the poor, mislead, Sora on the floor, the beast crept up next to him, but fell in front of him. Sora jumped up and ran towards the beast.
    "Hey, don't move," Sora ordered,"You're hurt."
    "Why..." the beast grunted,"Why did you... You come here? I came to fight for Belle. And though I am on my own, I will fight. I won't leave without her. That's why I'm here."
    Sora turned to the wooden sword on the floor, it might not of been as strong as the Keyblade, but it might've been his only chance to save Kairi now.
    "Me too," Sora replied to the beast,"I'm not gonna give up now. I came here to find someone very important to me."
    The beast and Sora ran for the castle nearby, although it took a while to find it, Hara would've known where to go, she'd lived there most of her life, but unfortunately she was under the power of Riku now.

    There in the middle of a black room, a young girl lay there, darkness fading over her, and the woman who told Riku all his information, walked up the room, looking at the secret door.
    "O purest of hearts," the woman asked,"Reveal to me the Keyhole!"
    The girls in the cases heart's shone a ppink colour and revealed the Keyhole to the evil woman. Meanwhile, the beast and Sora were after Riku and his friends.

    "Be on your guard," the beast warned, as they walked into the dark room,"They're close, I can feel it. Are you ready for them?"
    A noise was heard from behind them, the beast turned round quickly and so did Sora.
    "Belle?" the beast asked, the bottom of a yellow dress was seen, but it quickly changed into a shadow.
    The beast was filled with rage, he roared and it echoed through the whole castle.
    "Quit while you can," a boy said from behind Sora,
    "No, not without Kairi!" Sora replied.
    "The darkness will destroy you," Riku replied, changing into a purple and black suit, with a beige/cream, back.
    "You're wrong, Riku," Sora denied,"The darkness may destroy my body, but it can't touch my heart! My heart will stay with my friends. It'll never die!"
    "Really?" Riku asked, doubtfully,"Well, we'll just see about that."
    Riku sent a beam of darkness at Sora, but Hara and Goofy ran in front of Sora. Hara's Keyblade and Goofy's shield defending the defenseless boy from the darkness.
    "Sora ain't gonna go anywhere!" Goofy yelled.
    "You'd betray your king?" Riku asked Goofy.
    "Not on your life!" Goofy answered,"But I'm not gonna betray Sora, either, 'cause he's become one of my best buddies after all we've been through together!"
    "And what about Kairi?" Riku asked Hara.
    "Of course, I want to see her," Hara replied,"But not if it means leaving Sora behind, I know I don't know him as well as Kairi, but I know where my heart belongs, and Sora has found a place in my heart, and as long as my heart stays strong, so will our friendship."
    "See you later, Donald!" Goofy called, as Ryoko came running over and clambered onto Hara's shoulder,"Could you tell the King I'm really sorry?"
    "Hold on, Goofy!" Donald replied,"We'll tell him together!"
    Donald came running over, the five friends were re-united, and they could overcome any obsticle, once again.
    "Well, you know..." Donald said to Sora,"All for one and one for all."
    "I guess you're stuck with us, Sora," Goofy joked.
    "Thanks a lot..." Sora thanked, but he was still sad inside,"Donald, Goofy, Hara, Ryoko."
    "How will you fight without a weapon?" Riku asked.
    "I know now I don't need the Keyblade,"Sora explained,"I've got a better weapon. My heart."
    "Your heart?" Riku tried not to laugh at the fact Sora thought his heart was a weapon,"What good will that weak little thing do for you?"
    "Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone," Sora explained, once again,"It's grown with each new experience, and it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart just as they've become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then... if they don't forget me... then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon, my friends are my power!"
    The Keyblade shone a bright light and went back to its original owner, Sora. The more Sora understood about his heart's strength, the stronger his heart bacame.

    Riku was fast, but his attacks at the moment were harmless. It was a trouble keeping near him as he was too fast to move up to quickly so it took a long time to get him down.

    Riku knelt down and was now back to his normal clothes, he panted trying to get his breathe back, but then he ran off again.
    "So, your heart won this battle," the beast said from behind them.
    Sora turned to him and nodded.
    They now had to solve the library puzzle.

    "This shouldn't be too hard," Hara said, as they walked into the library,"I solved this when I was small, follow me!"

    "Why?" a voice panted,"It was mine!"
    "Know this," a deeper voice replied,"The heart that is strong and true shall win the Keyblade."
    "What?" Riku asked,"You're saying my heart's weaker than his?"
    "For that istant, it was," the voice explained,"However, you can become stronger. You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you. Plunge deeper into the darkness, and your heart will grow even stronger."
    "What should I do?" Riku asked.
    "It's really quite simple. Open yourself to the darkness. That is all. Let your heart, your being, become darkness itself."
    Riku shone the light green again, how far will he go just to save Kairi, or is it just the spite and jealousy of Sora taking over his heart?

    "So," Riku started, he was back in that black suit from before, but his voice had too parts, one deep, one normal,"I see the path has emerged at last."
    "Yes," the woman replied,"The Keyhole to the darkness."
    "Unlock it, and the Heartless will overrun this world," Riku explained.
    "What do I care?" the woman, who was by now, being named Maleficent,"The darkness holds no power over me. Rather, I would use its power to rule all worlds."
    "Such confidence," Riku interupted, he held out a black blade, a bit like a Keyblade, but it was from the darkness, you could tell that for sure.
    "Oh!" Maleficent gasped at the marvellous weapon,"Impossible! The Princess' of Heart are all here! It must be her."
    Riku and Maleficent walked over to the young girl lying on the ground, she was not in pain nor happy, but unfortunately her heart was concealed somewhere else.
    "Without her heart," Riku explained,"She will never be able to release her power."
    They heard a noise from the Great Chapel doors.
    "The King's fools are here," Maleficent stated,"I'll deal with them myself. You stay here and guard the Princess'."

    "I'm afraid you're too late," Maleficent sighed, as the others walked through the Chapel,"Any moment now, the final Keyhole will be unsealed. This world will be plunged into darkness. It is unstoppable."
    "We'll stop it!" Sora cried, getting ready to fight,"After coming this far, there's no way we're gonna let that happen!"
    "You poor, simple fools," Maleficent insulted,"You think you can defeat me? Me, the mistress of all evil?"
    They continued moving, Maleficent's power was stronger than they thought, and the platform she stood on was not making it easier. They attacked the platform to lower it and then got the chance to hit her, but as soon as she attacked, they ran behind the pillars.

    Maleficent held her chest tightly as her heart began to fall into the darkness. As she gasped for air, Riku appeared from a purple portal.
    "Do you need some help?" Riku asked.
    "Riku!" Sora cried, almost happy to see his friend, even after the trouble he got him in.
    "Is that--" Donald began.
    "Yes," Riku replied, holding up his weapon,"A Keyblade. But unlike yours, this Keyblade holds the power to unlock people's hearts. Allow me to demonstrate..."
    He quickly turned round to Maleficent quickly and the Keyblade sent a purple beam of light to her.
    "Behold!" he cried,"Now, open your heart, surrender it to the darkness! Become darkness itself!"
    "This is it!" Maleficent cried,"This power! Darkness... The true drakness!"
    Maleficent morphed into a giant, black, dragon. She constantly flew around and breathed out fire, which they had to fly away from. When she calmed down they attacked her, that was there stratedgy, but as she became less strong, she started to fight more and more.

    Before she fell down, she let out a giant, growl, her body shone the light green as did Riku before, while she lay on the floor, without her heart, just a black, ruined, cloak on the ground was left of her.
    "How ironic," Riku said, walking over the dark smudge,"She was just another puppet after all."
    "What?" Donald asked.
    "The Heartless were using Maleficent from the beginning," Riku explained,"She failed to notice the darkness in her heart eating away at her. A fitting end for such a fool."
    Riku walked backwards into his purple portal.

    They ran up the stairway after Riku, but all they found was a young girl laying on the floor, but this girl was missed dearly, by two of the five heroes.
    "Kairi!" Sora cried, he'd finally found her, at last, he ran over to her and held up her head, she wouldn't wake up,"Kairi! Kairi! Open your eyes!"
    "It's no use," a voice interupted, Hara looked up to see the betraying boy, and then back at her old friend, she knew what had happened all along, but as Hara said before, she knew all of this was going to happen, she knows more than she should,"That girl has lost her heart. She cannot wake up."
    "What?" Sora asked, putting Kairi back down,"You... You're not Riku!"
    "The Keyhole cannot be completed," theboy ignored completely what Sora had just said,"so long as the last Princess of Heart still sleeps."
    "The princess...?" Sora raised an eyebrow,"Kairi's a princess?"
    "What if I took her place?" Hara offered,"I'll do anything to help her!"
    "No, that won't work, without her power, the Keyhole will remain incomplete," the boy jumped down off the ledge, explaining everything,"It is time she awakened."
    "Whoever you are, let Riku go!" Sora ordered,"Give him back his heart!"
    "But first, you must give the princess back her heart," the boy replied, he pointed the Keyblade at Sora, and he fell to the ground.
    "Sora!" Hara cried, she ran over to him and held him close, as the possessed Riku came closer to them.
    "What's--" Sora panted.
    "Don't you see yet?!" the possessed Riku yelled,"The princess' heart is responding. It has been there all along. Kairi's heart rests within you!"
    "Kairi..." Sora panted,"Kairi's inside me?"
    "I know all that there is to know," Riku explained.
    "No, you don't!" Hara cried,"You don't understand what true friendship, and other emotions are!"
    "Tell me, who are you?" Sora struggled to say.
    "It is I, Ansem," the possessed boy replied,"The seeker of darkness."
    As the boy walked closer to Sora and Hara on the floor, along with Kairi, Donald screamed and ran up to attack him, but a wall blocked the path.
    "So, I shall release you now, Princess," Ansem said, looking down at Sora and Hara,"Complete the Keyhole with your power. Open the door, lead me into everlasting darkness!"
    As Ansem lifted his Keyblade ready to unleash Kairi's heart, Hara hid her face into Sora's shoulder, but a small voice inside Sora cried to him.
    "Sora!" the voice cried, and Sora lifted his Keyblade in defense, Hara looked up to see the two Keyblade's locked ready for battle, Sora slowly brought himself back up, and Hara helped herself up, to release her Keyblade.
    "Forget it!" Sora replied, pushing away Ansem's Keyblade,"There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!"
    He pushed the Keyblade away and Hara was now his only company, Donald, Goofy and Ryoko had been blocked out of the battle, Sora and Hara had to fight alone.

    The battle had to be the hardest ones in their whole adventure. As he tried to hit them, they fle in the air, but eventually, Hara was tired out and couldn't fight anymore, Sora now had to fight on his own, the battle grew harder as the possessed Riku stayed in a very strange state. As Riku became weaker, so did Sora, and he was running out of magic, but Hara opened her eyes, as she sat in the corner worn out, she used her last bit of magic to help Sora.
    "Heal!" she whispered, she held her Keyblade up and Sora was now back to fighting normally, she closed her eyes and smiled.
    Sora hit the possessed boy one last time, he turned a light blue colour and dropped his Keyblade.

    "Riku!" Sora yelled, and ran after him, but he faded away, the others were now allowed into the place where they battled, the wall was now gone. Although, Hara still sat unconscious on the floor.
    "Sora!" Donald cried.
    "Sora, look!" Ryoko ordered.
    "The... The Keyhole!" Goofy stuttered.
    Sora started to walk up to the Keyhole, but then heard a faint voice call his name.
    "Sora..." the faint voice called.
    "Kairi!" Sora called in hope, as he turned to see who called him, Hara sat with a little smile on her face,"Oh..."
    He walked over to her and helped her up, they both walked over to the Keyhole this time. They lifted up their Keyblades, but no effect happened.
    "It won't work!" Goofy stated the obvious,"The Keyhole's not finished yet!"
    They put their Keyblade's away, and thought.
    "What can we do?" Sora asked.
    "Maybe we've gotta go wake Kairi up," Ryoko suggested.
    "I think you're right," Sora replied, turning to his heartless friend,"If we can free her heart... But... But how?"
    "A Keyblade that unlocks people's hearts..." Hara repeated Riku's statement.
    "I wonder..." Sora thought, he walked towards the mysterious Keyblade, as the others watched.
    "Sora?" Goofy asked.
    "Sora, hold on!" Hara cried.
    "No, wait!" Donald yelled.
    Sora turned to them and smiled, and turned the Keyblade inwards to him, and stabbed the Keyblade into his chest. A light shone from Sora's chest as his heart was being released. The Keyblade came out of him by itself and let out the other Princess' hearts. Each heart went to its rightful body. As the last heart came out of Sora, it went back to its rightful Princess... Kairi.
    The girl opened her eyes slightly. Sora smiled as he glowed a bright, gold, he then closed his eyes again.
    "Sora..." Donald cried, running towards him,"Sora!"
    Hara stood and stared at her friend, a tear trickled down her cheek and onto the floor next to Ryoko, he looked up to find her wiping her tears away.
    "Sora!" she screamed, trying to hold back her tears, running towards him.
    Kairi got up slightly and looked to see Sora falling to the ground.
    "Sora!" she cried, Hara stopped down the bottom of the stairs from the Keyhole, she'd waited so long to hear her voice again and now she did her world changed completely.
    Kairi ran towards Sora and tried to stop him falling, but he turned into a star-like object and floated into the darkness.
    "Sora!" Ryoko yelled.
    "Come back, Sora!" Donald ordered, as his friend's left-overs sparkled away.

    "What's..." Sora stuttered, as he fell deeper into darkness,"What's happening to me? Falling... Falling... Into darkness."

    "Sora, are you really--" Kairi started, trying not to cry,"No. He can't be! I won't let him go!"
    "Kairi!" Hara said, grabbing the girl's hand, she then thought back to her favourite memory.

    "Hey, Kairi..." a small girl stuttered.
    "Uh huh?" the other small girl turned round to her, they were holding hands, all they seemed to be standing in was darkness.
    "We'll be friends forever, right?" the girl asked.
    "I hope so, and if we're ever seperated, I'll remember you, I promise," the other girl smiled.
    They ran through the darkness, smiling away.

    "So, you have awakened at last, Princess," the deep voice that was possessing Riku said.
    Hara let go of Kairi's hand and got out her Keyblade, she wasn't so mad about him possessing Riku, but more mad that her friend had been taken away from her.
    "The Keyhole is now complete," a man appeared, wearing a strange outfit, unable to describe, but he had long grey hair, and was dark skin-toned man, the only thing to descibe is that he wore long white gloves,"You have served your purpose. But now it's over."
    "Don't make another move!" Donald ordered, as the man walked towards them.
    "Do you think we can stop him all by ourselves?" Goofy whispered to Donald.
    "I don't know," Donald replied.
    "With me you can," Hara whispered in reply,"Don't forget. I'm also a Keyblade master."
    The man stopped suddenly, he started to twitch a little,"Impossible..."
    A faint boy was seen, it was like seeing a ghost.
    "No!" the boy yelled, trying to escaoe the man's body,"You won't use me for this!"
    "Riku!" Kairi cried.
    "Oh, so you know this betrayer too," Hara said, looking back at Kairi.
    "You gotta run!" Riku warned,"The Heartless are coming! Even with the one Keyblade, you're in danger!"
    Just then, Heartless appeared all around them. Kairi nodded at her friend, Hara ran in front to destroy the Heartless blocking their path.

    "What about the Keyhole?" Goofy asked, as they were still running from the Heartless.
    "Let's just get out of here!" Donald suggested.
    As they ran down the long staircase, while Hara knocked back the Heartless, a strange Heartless seemed to have been following them the whole time. The Heartless finally reached them and just stood next to them.

    "Confounded Heartless, get lost, will ya?!" Donald hit the Heartless on the head with his staff.
    The Heartless turned to Kairi, as if he wanted her help.
    "Sora?" she asked the little shadow,"Is that you?"
    Hara lifted her Keyblade about to get rid of the Heartless for good, but she stopped herself, she dropped her Keyblade and held her chest.
    "Sora has found a place in my heart..." that statement ran through her head, the Heartless turned to her and she smiled,"Sora..."
    "Uh oh!" Ryoko cried, as the Heartless before had surrounded them again.
    Donald, Goofy and Ryoko ran off to the sides to fight, Hara stood one side of the small shadow, ready to fight and Kairi stood the other.
    "This time, I'll protect you," Kairi told the Heartless.
    The Heartless surrounding them came closer and close, until they pounced on all three of them in the middle.
    "Sora!" Kairi cried, and hugged the small shadow, Hara bent down and protected herself, under the shadows, but it was too much for the one Keyblade weilder to take.
    As Donald, Goofy and Ryoko fought off the last couple of Heartless on the outsides.
    "Kairi!" Goofy called.
    A light shone through the pile of Heartless, knocking all of them back. There, stood Sora, holding Kairi close, while behind him, facing back to back, Hara held her Keyblade high and had her eyes closed. She pulled her arms down and still had her eyes closed.
    "Kairi," Sora held her close,"Thank you."
    Hara smiled and leaned on Sora quickly, she walked over to the others as Kairi opened her eyes.
    "Sora..." she gasped, looking up at him.
    "Sora!" Donald, Goofy and Ryoko gasped.
    The remaining Heartless started to surround them, but the beast returned and fought them off for them.
    "Go!" he ordered,"Now!"
    "Come with us!" Sora pleaded.
    "Time as a Heartless didn't change you then, huh?" Hara giggled.
    "I told you before, I'm not leaving without Belle," the beast grunted,"Now, go! The Heartless are coming!"
    "All right," Sora sighed.
    "Finally, let's get out of here!" Ryoko ordered.

    They left the ruins of Hara's childhood home home and headed back to her recent home.
  2. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    Great chapter :D I can't wait to see what'll happen to Hara in the end.
  3. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 17​

    When they reached the third district, they headed for the house Leon and the others would've been in and they were right they were there.
    "Tell me," Leon asked,"What happened?"
    Sora explained to Leon what happened, while Hara and Kairi told eachother about their seperate lives.
    "So, the darkness is flowing out of that Keyhole..." Leon said, when everyone was finished.
    "No wonder there are more and more Heartless everywhere," Aerith replied,"The only way to stop them is--"
    "Seal the Keyhole, right?" Sora interupted, holding up his Keyblade.
    "Maybe," Leon replied,"But no-one knows what will happen once it's sealed."
    "Well, we can't just stay here," Hara replied, she always treated Leon and the others with respect, no matter what they've done,"We have to do something."
    "I've got a friend back there!" Sora interupted.
    "That's right," Leon replied, calmly, like nothing had happened at all,"You have one more friend to worry about. Riku's Keyblade must have been born of the captive Princesses' hearts-- just like that Keyhole you saw."
    "Of course, without Kairi's heart, it remained incomplete," Hara interupted, carrying on Leon's explanation.
    "Once that Keyblade was destroyed," Leon continued his explanation,"The Princesses' hearts should have been freed. Don't worry, Sora. If anyone can save your friend, you can."
    After they spoke with Leon and the others, the five, now six, friends headed for the secret waterway in Traverse Town.

    Donald, Goofy, Ryoko and Hara wandered off, leaving Sora and Kairi alone, but Hara didn't walk as far as the others, she wanted to listen in on her friends' conversation.
    "The light at the end of the tunnel..." Kairi said, looking at the magic door at the end of the secret waterway.
    "Oh, your grandma's story, right?" Sora replied.
    "That's right," Kairi nodded,"We were together."
    "You know what's funny?" Sora asked,"I looked everywhere for you, but you were with me all along. Finally, we're together, Kairi. Now, it's time to get Riku back."
    "You think it'll ever be the same again between us?" Kairi wondered,"Riku's lost his..."
    "When I turned into a Heartless, you saved me, remember?" Sora asked, changing the subject.
    Sora's memory took over his vision for a moment.
    "I was lost in the darkness," Sora explained,"I couldn't find my way. As I stumbled through the dark, I started forgetting things-- my friends, who I was. The darkness almost swallowed me. But then I heard a voice--your voice. You brought me back."
    "I didn't want to just forget about you, Sora," Kairi smiled,"I couldn't."
    "That's it!" Sora gasped, he held his hand against his chest,"Our hearts are connected. And the light from our hearts broke through the darkness, I saw that light. I think that's what saved me. No matter how deep the darkness, a light shines within. I guess it's more than just a fairy tale."
    "Well, let's go," Kairi said.
    "You can't go," Hara called, not realising what she was saying, both Sora and Kairi turned to her, she walked over and smiled.
    "Why not?" Kairi asked, sort of disappointed she couldn't go.
    "She's right, it's way too dangerous," Sora explained.
    "Come on, you guys," Kairi pleaded,"We made it this far by sticking together. You two can't go alone."
    "Kairi, even if we're apart, we're not alone anymore," Sora tried to persuade her she couldn't come,"Right?"
    "I can't help?" Kairi asked.
    "You'd kind of be in our way," Hara giggled.
    "Okay," Kairi giggled,"You win."
    She grabbed Sora's hand and placed a star-shaped object in his palm. He looked at Kairi confused.
    "Take this,"Kairi said, her hands on her hips, like a nagging parent,"It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me!"
    "Don't worry, I will," Sora smiled, clutching it tightly.
    "Promise?" Kairi asked.
    "Promise," Sora re-assured her.
    Kairi got out another charm, but half of it was broken off, Hara took out the other half of the charm, they held them out in front of eachother.
    "Promise!" both girls said, in unison.
    "Don't ever forget, wherever you guys go, I'm always with you," Kairi smiled at them both, as they now had to go back to Hollow Bastion.


    Chapter 18​

    The beast stomped up the stairs to the Hollow Bastion castle library. Where a girl in a beautiful, yellow-golden, dress stood facing the bookshelf.
    "Belle!" the beast gasped, as the girl turned around.
    They hugged eachother and then kissed(<ewww!).

    Sora and the others headed back to the Keyhole room, where a purple creature stood. The room was different now, it was more like a cloud, or mist room as it rather be known as now.
    (Oh joy of joys walkthrough to Behemoth, from Final Fantasy, another awesome game:
    Although he isn't the hardest boss of all, he does have quite a lot of HP. The stratedgy is: climb on his back, attack his horn and try to stay on when he tries to throw you off. His attacks are when you're in front of him, go behind him and you will be fine. Now, story time children:

    They walked over to the large Keyhole, which was now complete, and it looked sort of evil.
    "Now, let's go and seal that big Keyhole!" Goofy suggested.
    "Sora, Hara, you did it," a familiar voice said from behind them.
    They walked through a green, glowing archway, they found Leon and Aerith standing waiting for them.

    "We may never meet again, but we'll never forget eachother," Leon explained.
    "No matter where we are, our hearts will bring us together again," Aerith continued explaining.
    "Besides, I couldn't forget you two even if I wanted to," Yuffie joked, she was standing facing opposite them.
    "What's that supposed to mean?" Sora asked.
    "Sora!" Donald cried from behind him.
    "Hurry!" Goofy ordered,"Come and close the Keyhole!"
    "Sora, Hara, good luck," Leon said.
    What would happen after they sealed it, though? Does it mean goodbye? Or does it mean the darkness will take over?

    Sora and Hara walked over to the glowing Keyhole. They lifted up their Keyblades, still unsure about what would happen, the icy, blue light, beamed into the Keyhole, it sealed the Keyhole and disappeared, but now what would happen?

    They decided to head to one last world, before seeing if their were any other worlds around to visit.


    Chapter 19​

    They headed back to Traverse Town and headed to Merlin's house. The book on the table was something they hadn't seen before. They'd found the pages and decided to take a look inside, the cover was blank, and it didn't have a story. Only Sora and Hara entered the book, the others could not. They walked into an empty meadow, where a small, yellow bear in a red t-shirt sat in thought. He was sitting on a tree, it had obviously fallen down sometime ago and was now in the empty meadow.
    Sora and Hara walked over to the small bear and stoo in front of the fallen tree.
    "Think, think," the bear said to himself,"Think, think."
    "Hi, there," Sora greeted,"What's wrong?"
    "Nothing, just thinking," the bear replied.
    "Oh," Sora sighed.
    "I was thinking of how to say goodbye to Pooh," the bear explained.
    "Pooh?" Hara asked.
    "Yes?" the bear answered.
    "Wait a second," Sora wondered, as the two teenagers jumped up to sit next to the bear,"You're Pooh?"
    "Yes, I'm Winnie the Pooh," the bear introduced,"Pooh for short, who are you?"
    "I'm Sora, this is Hara," Sora introduced.
    "Oh, hello, Sora, Hara," Pooh greeted,"Have you come to say goodbye to Pooh, too?"
    "Well, no," Sora shook his head,"Why would we do that? We've only just met."
    "Because everyone's gone away," Pooh replied.
    "What do you mean?" Hara asked.
    "Well, we all lived here in the Hundred Acre Wood," Pooh explained,"And we'd take walks together, or play Pooh sticks... And every day, I'd eat some honey. Just one small smakeral would taste very good right now. But now everyone's gone. All my friends, and my favourite Hunny Tree too. Everyone must've gone away while I was napping, I think... So, who knows? Maybe I shall end up going away somewhere as well. But I wonder, how do I say goodbye to myself? Think, think, think. Oh, my tumbly is getting rather rumbly."
    Pooh wandered off back home, so Sora and Hara decided to follow him.

    "Oh, bother," Pooh groaned, as he looked into his last Hunny pot,"There's no more honey left. If only the Hunny Tree would visit... Then I could eat my fill."
    Pooh set off to find the Hunny Tree and Sora and Hara watched him leave the small home.
    "This bear doesn't give up, does he?" Hara said to Sora.
    "He's probably lonely," Sora replied.
    Hara nodded and they set off to find Pooh once again.

    "Hello, i-is anyone there?" a small, scared voice asked.
    In the log lying on the ground, next to the large, hole-filled, tree, a little, pink. piglet came trotting out.
    "Wh-Wh-What am I to do?" the small piglet asked himself,"I'm all alone. Pooh? Pooh? Where are you? It's me, Piglet."
    Behind the tiny piglet, stood Sora and Hara, but when Piglet turned round, he was so scared he hid behind the large tree. Sora and Hara went the opposite way round the tree to walk up behind him again, but Piglet knew this time they were there. Piglet shook with fear and had trouble talking.
    "Oh dear!" he gasped,"I was j-just... N-Nevermind, I'm sorry!"
    Sora and Hara bent down to see the poor, little thing more.
    "Don't be scared," Hara comforted.
    "You're looking for Pooh, right?" Sora asked.
    "You know Pooh?" Piglet asked,"Oh, y-you see, I-I have something for him. I have to take it to Pooh right away!"
    He turned round to see that Pooh was walking up to the large, hole-filled tree.
    "Oh, Pooh!" Piglet called, as he ran up to the bear.
    Sora and Hara wandered over to see what Piglet had got for Pooh.
    "Oh, I believe I smell a delicious something--a something like honey!" Pooh sniffed.
    "Pooh!" Piglet cried, as he was now close to the bear.
    "Hello, Piglet," Pooh smiled,"How have you been?"
    "Oh, I-I'm so glad to see you, I thought you'd gone away," Piglet replied,"I brought wh-what you asked for."
    Piglet gave Pooh a very nice, blue balloon.
    "Thank you, Piglet," Pooh thanked, holding his balloon,"Now I can finally have some honey."
    "Really?" Piglet asked,"B-But how?"
    "I shall hold onto the balloon, and fly like a bee up the Hunny Tree, see," Pooh explained.
    "But if you take their honey, won't the bees be angry?" Piglet wondered.
    "Hmm..." Pooh thought,"Oh!"
    Just then, Owl flew over and explained to Sora and Hara how to help pooh get the honey, they knocked the bees away, as Pooh got his honey.

    Pooh hung out of a hole in the Hunny Tree, eating the honey from the inside.
    "It is rather funny," Pooh said to himself,"What I will do for honey."

    They walked down to Rabbit's house, where they heard a springy sound come from up the path. A joyful tiger broke the bridge and bounced on his tail, through Rabbit's vegetable patch and bounced right into Sora. As they tumbled a little down the path, Sora lay flat on the ground, while the tiger was pounced on top of him.
    "Hey, there!" the tiger greeted,"Name's Tigger! T-I-double-guh-RR. That spells Tigger!"
    "It also seems to spell trouble," Hara giggled, lifting the joyous tiger off of Sora.
    "Well, now!" Tigger continued, as Hara put him on the ground,"I don't think I've ever seen you two before!"
    "Hello, Tigger," Pooh greeted, as he was stuck in Rabbit's hole, only half of him was outisde,"You've just bounced my new friend Sora, and the other one is Hara."
    "Hey, Pooh," Tigger greeted,"Say, you're lookin' mighty uncomfy today. Is that some new exercise? Why, bouncin' around is a lot more fun."
    Sora tried to get himself up.
    "Wh-Why do you bounce around so much, Tigger?" Sora asked, as he brought himself up.
    "Why?" Tigger repeated,"'Cause boucin' is what Tiggers do best. Speaking of which, my bouncin' spot has gone and disappeared. So, for now, this'll be my new boucin' ground."
    Tigger decided he'd teach Sora and Hara how to bounce. They practised really well.

    "Say, you kept up pretty good there, you two, especially for a non-Tigger," Tigger complimented,"Let's have another go!"
    While they did some more bouncing, Pooh had now got his head stuck in a Hunny pot.

    "Oh, bother," Pooh said,"Where am I? It's ever so dark in here. Well, it isn't so bad, I suppose. There is plenty of honey."
    "Oh, Pooh," Hara giggled, she and Sora helped him get the pot off of his head.
    They had soon found everyone in the Hundred Acre Wood, but it now got dark. They sat on a hill and watched the final part of the sunset. Hara and Sora sat on the hill together, while the residents of the Hundred Acre Wood sat on the hill it seperate places.

    "I'm so glad we're all together again," Piglet started a conversation,"I didn't know what to do when I was all alone."
    "Aw, Piglet, you gotta be brave," Tigger replied.
    "You weren't lonely at all?" Piglet asked.
    "Lonely?" Tigger repeated,"Are you kiddin'? I'm a Tigger! The most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one. But I do admit, friends are awfully fun, too."
    "Think, think, think," Pooh said to himself, as Sora and Hara turned to him.
    "Hey, Pooh," Sora wondered,"What are you thinking about now?"
    "Oh, well," Pooh replied,"I'm just thinking about what to think about."
    Hara burst out laughing and Sora turned to her.
    "What's so funny?" he asked.
    "Oh, don't worry," Hara replied, calming down now.
    "Well, we're off," Sora changed the subject.
    "Where are you going?" Piglet asked, wanting them to stay longer.
    "We're gonna go look for our friends," Hara replied, as they started walking away,"They're waiting for us."
    "Bounce on back again!" Tigger said.
    "Well, if that means we're welcome back, we'll try and visit again," Hara replied.
    "I hope you find your friends!" Piglet smiled.
    Sora and Hara walked on back out of the book, but Pooh looked over at them. They waved goodbye and so did the residents of the wood.
    "Sora, Hara, don't forget..." Pooh promised,"We shall always be here."
    Sora and Hara walked out of the book, but Pooh still spoke to them.
    "If you'd like to visit again, that is," Pooh said.
    A shooting star washed over the sky in it's golden, glittery, glory.

    The book closed as the last page was finished, the lock on the front cover sealed. The cover of the book now read 'Winniw The Pooh', with a picture of, from left to right, Hara, Sora, Pooh, Piglet and Tigger, walking through the wood.

  4. Wulphie! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 20, 2008
    Right behind you .
    Hey, NM!
    Awesome ficcy!
    I really love it!
    Keep up the good work!
  5. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 20​

    They walked down a navy-blue/purple coloured staircase, down into a world that had really, only got puple/navy-blue floorings of world, sat in a purple, watery type goo, and not a proper ground base, the rest of the mist was a light pink and white colours. The five of them walked down to the edge of the what seemed to be, starting point of their hopefully final battle.
    "Gawrsh," Goofy looked round,"Is this really all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?"
    "Those worlds will be restored if we beat Ansem, right?" Sora asked.
    "You betcha," Donald nodded.
    "But that could also mean goodbye..." Hara sighed.
    "But, if we do beat him," Sora continued,"And all these worlds become restored and disconnected, what's gonna happen to this place? And to us?"
    "Well, uh..." Donald stuttered.
    "This is a Heartless world," Hara answered,"So, maybe it'll just disappear."
    Sora, Donald and Ryoko turned to Hara in shock.
    "But no worries," Goofy re-assured,"Even if this place goes poof, our hearts ain't goin' nowhere. I'm sure we'll find our pals again. Yup, I just know that we will."
    "Yeah, you're right," Sora nodded, he held out his hand where Kairi's charm lay, he looked at it and thought about what he'd promised.
    "I'll return this, I promise,"he thought to himself, and held the charm close to his chest.
    They headed for the bright light at the end of all the destroyed worlds, the light took them to a dark valley.

    They jumped down the platforms and headed for Ansem. They flew in front of a giant, bat-like, man-like creature, it was grey and hard to see through the black fog, but it's eyes shone a deep yellow that showed where it was. Ryoko hid himself behind Hara, this had to have been the scariest thing they had ever seen. Underneath the strange creature a volcano sat, but the creature was in the volcano...
    They had to fly at all times, and attack it's face, but occassionally it would make the fire in the volcano rise and burn them all. Luckily, the stratedgy was to then fly away as far as you possibly could. Nearing the end of the battle it sent out fire balls, and rose its fire a lot more, but they still aimed for the head.
    It let out a huge roar, a burst of blue flame burnt the creature and rid away its heart. They let the beast die in peace and headed into the fire. A heartless sign was marked on the wall, and heartless surrounded them, as they stopped re-spawning, the sign vanished. They ran through the door, the door... It seemed so familiar, yet so new...

    The five heroes ran to the middle of the beach, the sea was calm, like it always was.
    "Is this..." Sora muttered,"Is this my island?"
    Sora walked to his secret place and stared at the shrub covering it.
    "This world has beeen connected," the voice that had told him this information ran the words through his head again, but as it spoke, the island started to disappear.
    "What was that?" Goofy asked, maybe Sora wasn't the only one that could hear this voice.
    "Tied to the darkness..." the deep voice continued, as the rest of the world disappeared,"Soon to be completely eclipsed. There is so very much to learn. You understand so little. A meaningless effort. One who knows nothing, can understand nothing."
    The world was back to normal, but it now was like an earthquake had happened, cracks in the ground and chunks of the beach cut off. A boy stood at the edge of the beach, where it was now cut off from the ocean. The group ran up to where the earthquake cracks began and stopped, the boy did not face them, but he knew they were there.
    "Take a look at this tiny place," the boy said, but it wasn't his voice, it was the deep voice from before with Kairi and the others,"To the heart seeking freedom this island is a prison surrounded by water. And so this boy sought to escape this prison. He sought a way to cross over into other worlds. And he opened his heart to darkness."
    The boy turned around and the man from before with Kairi and the others turned to face them.
    "Riku!" Sora cried, as his friend disappeared.
    "Don't bother," the man laughed at Sora's pettiness,"Your voice can no longer reach him where he is. His heart belongs again to darkness. All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such as its nature. In the end, every ehart returns to the darkness whence it came."
    The man appeared behind them and Sora and Hara backed off to the edge of the island.
    "You see," he continued,"Darkness is the heart's true essence."
    "That's not true!" Hara snapped back.
    "The heart may be weak," Sora explained,"And sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down, there's a light that never goes out!"
    "So," the man floated high up,"You have come this far and still you understand nothing."
    "They do understand!" Ryoko gritted his teeth in the teenagers' defence.
    "Every light must fade," the man explained, and Ryoko gritted his teeth harder as he started to become in pain, the darkness was after his heart,"Every heart return to darkness!"
    A shadow version of the man appeared behind the man himself, and Ryoko was too weak to fight, the man's darkness had taken him hold and clutched him tight.

    The man's Heartless shielded him many times, but attacking him from the back seemed to be the most painful towards him. The Heartless launched towards them and attacked with it's hands, but other than that they were easy to dodge. Although, with Ryoko's heart being concealed with darkness after his attempt of defending his friends, he was now possessed by the man as well, and now he attacked them. Ryoko occassionally sat out of the battle as he was weak, the Heartless was too weak to fight by now, and one last hit destroyed him.

    The man floated off, leaving the five of them there, Sora, Donald and Goofy ran after him, but after the dark-filled, bloke had floated beyond the trees and past the cove, they stopped, Hara, on the other hand, ran towards the pain-filled, Ryoko. The island began to shake, like another earthquake was about to happen. The island was now completely cut in half and falling apart, but part of it was filled with the darkness, where the man stood. Sora and the others, except from Ryoko as he was now fighting in favour of the darkness, but in this battle he was not, Sora and Hara were the only ones able to enter the dark area where the man stood. Donald and Goofy were knocked back by an invisible wall.

    The giant Heartless from the very beginning of Sora's journey, the one he encountered before he was taken to Traverse Town, appeared. They dodged the Darkside's basic attacks, the rest took a lot of thinking. They had to get the timing of the attacks just right, else they wouldn't work. They reflected Darkside's blasts back at the monster. It hit Sora and he flew to the edge of their arena, his Keyblade flew to the other side of the arena and Hara was left to fight alone. She followed her stratedgy for a while, before Sora started to wake up. He ran up to his Keyblade and grabbed it, Darkside was almost finished, together they hit him, and together they destroyed him.

    The island started to rumble again. Darkside was finished, but the man was far from destroyed. His Heartless returned for another beating, but this time so did Ryoko. The small lion lept into the arena ready to fight.

    The man, Ryoko and his Heartless turned into a dark ball and started attacking Sora and Hara. They continued the same attacks as before when they first fought him, but occassionally his Heartless and Ryoko would attack and it was hard to attack from behind. The man could control the darkness though, and with that power he caused the same type of black holes as Cerberus had made when they fought him. The two of them dodge rolled along them so they didn't get hurt. The man's Heartless could occassionally freeze the two Keyblade holders and drain their energy like puppets. As the battle progressed, the man was becoming harder to hit, but eventually Ryoko grew too tired and fainted donw. His heartless then gave up and the man was defeated. For now...

    Darkness surrounded them and only glimpses of eachother was seen.
    "Wha...?" Sora cried, as he could no longer see.
    "Behold the endless abyss!" a deep voice said, as the others turned to him,"Within it lies the heart of all worlds: Kingdom Hearts!"
    A door was gestured to, it was a grey-ish, white colour.
    "Look as hard as you are able," the deep voice continued,"You'll not find even the smallest glimmer of light. From those dark depths are all hearts born. Even yours."
    Sora looked down at the ground to notice they were standing on a red monster.
    "Darkness conquers all worlds!" the voice cried.
    The group dropped, Ryoko fell too, he was still faint as his heart was being taken by the darkness. Donald, Goofy and Ryoko were taken into a portal, whilst Sora and Hara kept falling.
    "Giving up already?" a familiar voice told Sora, as he fell through the darkness,"Come on, Sora. I thought you were stronger than that."
    "Believe in your heart, Hara," a familiar voice told Hara,"And your light will shine through."
    Sora and Hara fell deeper within darkness, but a while later they came flying back up, they released their Keyblades and got ready to fight. This fight had to be one of their hardest.

    They flew up and attacked the now giant man, he was huge, and moved around a lot, it was hard to hit him, but he sometimes stood still. Although, his attacks were powerful, and they became more powerful, as Ryoko's heart was being drawn to him instead of the darkness. Occassionally, beams would strike at them and they had to dodge them or lose magic. The beams came faster and more of them came as the battle neared an end, especially with Ryoko's heart almost gone. The last hit was made, but this still wasn't the end...

    Ansem headed for a different part of the monster, and so did the other two.
    "Sora, wait!" Hara called, grabbing Sora's arm, he turned to the distraught girl,"I need to help Ryoko! I don't want his heart to disappear!"
    "Don't worry, it won't," Sora re-assured, as they flew to fight, hopefully, the last battle.
    Just then, Goofy and Donald appeared to help, in Goofy's arms, a very hurt Ryoko lay. Darkness coming out of him as he was so weak, Goofy lay him on part of the monster, and quickly flew back to the others.

    The all attacked the giant man once again, but the beams were now just directly coming at them and hard to dodge. He occassionally absorbed power from Ryoko's heart and used it against the others. They kept attacking the man, but because he was weak, he wasn't that hard.

    (Now, I know that's not how you do it, but I just wanted this chapter done, ok.)

    The vessel started to explode, and Ryoko started to open his eyes.
    "Ryoko!" Hara cried, she flew through the vessel and grabbed him, she held him tight and flew to the others.
    The whole vessel exploded, but it wasn't the last of the dark-filled man. Sora and the others flew up to him, Hara held Ryoko close to her as he began to wake up.
    "It is futile," the man sighed,"The Keyblade alone cannot seal the door to darkness."
    He turned to the door, asking it for its power.
    "Kingdom Hearts!" the man cried,"Fill me with the power of darkness..."
    The grey-ish, white door started to let out blackness, only slightly though.
    "Supreme darkness..." the man begged.
    "You're wrong..." Ryoko tried to say.
    "I know now, without a doubt," Sora continued the weak lion's sentence,"Kingdom Hearts..."
    "Is light!" Hara finished the sentence.
    A light shone through the door and beamed out into the darkness. The light beamed through the man and he vanished into the darkness or the light, wherever he went, he deserved to go...

    Down on the path that came out from the door, the five friends ran, Ryoko was stronger now and was able to help.
    "Come on!" Sora ordered, as he pushed on one side of the door, beside him stood Hara pushing and on the other door side, Donald, Goofy and Ryoko pushed it closed.
    Goofy took a peek inside while he still could, but to his surprise, whatever lay beyond the door was a surprise.
    "Stop staring and keep pushing!" Donald ordered him, he turned to see inside too, along with Ryoko and they both got a fright.
    "The Heartless?!" Goofy and Donald cried in unison, that was what lay beyond the door?
    Maybe the man was right, darkness really did conquer all worlds...
    "Hurry!" Hara cried, pushing against the door.
    "I can't..." Sora panted, still trying to push.
    "Come on, Sora," Hara whispered.
    "Don't give up!" a familiar voice called, and helped by pulling the door closed,"Come on, Sora, Hara! Together we can do it!"
    "Okay!" Sora nodded, and started pushing.
    "Wait!" Hara cried,"You're not going to trick us this time, right?!"
    "No!" Riku replied,"Now, come on!"
    Behind Riku inside the door, the Heartless began to rise.
    "It's hopeless!" Ryoko yelled.
    Inside the door the Heartless disappeared, a light shone and small, mlouse-like figure jumped up, it raised it's Keyblade in the air.
    "Your Majesty!" Goofy and Donald called.
    "Now, you guys!" the King suggested,"Let's close this door for good!"
    "Close it, quick!" Ryoko ordered.
    "But..." Sora whimpered.
    "Don't worry," the King comforted,"There will always be a door to the light."
    "Sora, Hara, you can trust King Mickey," Goofy nodded.
    "Now!" Riku ordered,"They're coming!"
    "Donald, Goofy, thank you," the King thanked.
    They closed the door slowly and Riku turned to Sora.
    "Take care of her," he begged.
    Sora nodded and they closed the door, together. Now, time to seal the final Keyhole. Sora and Hara jumped back and raised their Keyblades. Inside the door, the King raised his, the icy, blue beams sealed the door, Kingdom Hearts was sealed and the friends were now safe. Sora and the others stared at the now blankness, but Sora felt like someone was behind him. He turned to see a familiar little girl, she looked puzzled at her surroundings. Hara turned to see where Sora was looking, but Sora was already half gone down the path. Hara decided to follow. The two friends ran down the path together, where their old friend stood.


    Chapter 21​

    Her feet shimmied back from the pale sand, as the two worlds were about to seperate. The sand and the path were becoming further and further apart.
    "Kairi!" two voices cried, as two young teenagers came running towards the frightened girl.
    "Sora," Kairi replied, and walked closer to him, but the worlds were pulling apart.
    Hara stood behind Sora as she knew this didn't include her. The worlds started pulling apart and Kairi almost slipped, but Sora grabbed her hand.
    "Kairi," Sora said,"Remember what you said before? I'm always with you too, I'll come back to you, I promise!"
    "I know you will!" Kairi called back, but their hands pulled apart.
    (Now for real effect start listening to Simple and Clean :))
    Kairi and Sora started trying to reach for eachother again, but they were now too far apart. Kairi stood up properly and held her hands close, but Sora didn't want her to go. She clutched her hands in a cup way, as a star fell into them, she looked up and saw all the stars falling. Sora watched his friend go back to his island, Hara turned away from Kairi, but she did walk in Kairi's fashion, one hand holding her wrist and wandering off, Sora on the other hand stayed to watch the stars.
    Behind Kairi the island started to form once again, she turned to watch all the trees be re-formed and the secret place and the cove, and the...Well... Everything! Kairi stood at the edge of the beach watching the End of The Worlds light eventually start to fade.
    Sora tried calling out to her, but Kairi could no longer hear him. The light started to fade into the island's night, Kairi bowed her head, but a new light caught her attention. Shooting, beams of light went straight to each star and looked so beautiful, as they shot over Kairi's head.
    The night turned into day, and Kairi wandered past the waterfall and started to enter the secret place. She walked inside and looked around, she saw a light coming down from inside the roof, and so she decided to take a look. She then wandered over to the walls, where her and Sora used to draw, she smiled at some and then looked at the one Sora and her had done when they were kids and how Sora finished it. Kairi could see Sora finishing the drawing, in her mind her turned to smile at her, but this was only a dream, he slipped away. Kairi put her hand on it and a small tear of joy ran down her cheek. She then, finished the drawing completely...

    ♫Hold me, Whatever lies beyond this morning, Is a little later on, Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all, Nothing's like before.
    When you walk away, You don't hear me say, Please, Oh baby, Don't go, Simple and clean is the way that your making me feel tonight, It's hard to let it go.
    Hold me, Whatever lies beyond this morning, Is a little later on, Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all, Nothing's like before.
    Hold me, Whatever lies beyond this morning, Is a little later on, Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all, Nothing's like before.♫

    ♫Motto, Hanasou yo monokuzen no, Ashita no koto mo, Terebi keshite, Watashi mo koto dake wo, Mite ite yo.
    Donna ni yokutta-tte, Shinjikirenai ne, Sonna toki datte, Soba ni iru kara, Kimi to iu hikari ga watashi o mitsukeru, Mayonaka ni.
    Motto, Hanasou yo monokuzen no, Ashita no koto mo, Terebi keshite, Watashi mo koto dake wo, Mite ite yo.
    Motto, Hanasou yo monokuzen no, Ashita no koto mo, Terebi keshite, Watashi mo koto dake wo, Mite ite yo.♫
    Done without a lyris site, because I can sing the song in both languages :).

    Credit: Kingdom Hearts © of Square Enix and Disney
    Hara and Ryoko © of naminememories, you are free to use them, as long as I get some credit in it, I have got a pic of Ryoko if you want to use it and Hara is basically KH2 Kairi, shorter hair, and green eyes, oh and the same height as Sora.
    Simple and Clean/Hikari © of Utada Hikaru

    Chapter 22​

    The friends wondered along a large brown path, wherever it lead is where they'd stop, and that would be there destination, only for now.
    "Well, now what do we do?" Donald asked, as he walked alongside Ryoko.
    "We've gotta find Riku, King Mickey and Cloud," Sora replied.
    "But, uh, where do we start lookin' for that there door to the light?" Goofy reminded them, walking alongside Hara.
    The five of them remembered that and looked down hopelessly. Ryoko heard a noise from in front of them and looked up. A very happy Pluto walked along with a letter in his mouth.
    "Pluto?" Donald asked, and the dog turned to him.
    "Hey, Pluto, where have you been?" Goofy asked.
    On the side of the letter a very familiar marking was printed, only one that Donald and Goofy could recognise though.
    "Gawrsh, that's the King's seal!" Goofy cried, as he saw the marking.
    "Hey, have you seen King Mickey?" Sora asked, in hopes of finding everyone else.
    The dog lept up and started running down the path, Ryoko started running after him, and Hara and Sora followed.
    "Guys, let's go!" Hara suggested, and started running after Ryoko and Pluto.
    As the five friends ran along the path, they remembered that friendship and their hearts would help find their friends, and if they stuck together nothing could tear them down.

    "Remember, Sora and Hara. You are the ones who will open the door to the light."
  6. DeathBySuicide. Moogle Assistant

    Sep 13, 2008
    omg, your storys are awesome(:
    be happy, i don't even know how to comment on things on here, yet im trying.. be happy:L
    love you;x
  7. OblivionRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 20, 2007
    Up your....
    Great ending ;) I can't wait till you make the CoM story :D
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Oooooo... pretty neat! I liked this story. It followed the original but had it's own twist to it. :D Nice job!
  9. Petor Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 28, 2008
    Wingerworth, Chesterfield, UK
    I read all of your chapters and I gotta say, that was amazing!
  10. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Now come on, you don't think I was going to leave you with just KH1 did you? Nooo, I'm giving you KH: CoM too and yes in English! Thankyou, everyone who left me a comment and thought my story was good. :)

    Chapter 1

    The five still ran through the fields, but the moon soon shone over. Sora sat up, he looked over to see Donald fast asleep on Goofy and Ryoko curled up next to Donald. Sora got up and walked down the path a bit.
    "Sor..." Hara began to say, but was interupted.
    Sora turned, but his friend had disappeared.
    "Ahead lies something you need--" a new voice told Sora, he quickly turned round, but no-one was there.
    He felt a chill down his back and turned around again to see a man in a black cloak standing there.
    "--But to claim it," the man continued,"You must lose something dear."
    Sora ran towards the mysterious figure, but he turned and faded into the night.

    In a white room, a young, child sat drawing. In the cage hung near the child, a small doll sat. The child had drawn a castle, the child put it down and the castle became real, it sat on the end of a white path.

    Sora, Donald and Goofy walked towards it, it may have been night, but the castle was scary enough as it was. They opened the door and walked inside.

    "Looks like nobody's home," Donald stated, after they had a quick look around.
    "Hara..." Sora whispered,"Ryoko..."
    "You sure we should just barge in like this?" Goofy asked.
    "We have to if we're gonna find the king..." Donald replied, thinking of the person he only briefly saw a while ago.
    "The King?!" Goofy's eyes widened,"King Mickey's here?!"
    "Maybe, maybe not," Donald replied,"Something told me he'd be here, that's all."
    "Really?!" Goofy asked,"But... Now that you mention it, I was thinkin' the same thing."
    "Are you serious?!" Sora gasped,"So was I! One look at this castle, and I just knew: They're here."
    "Well, whaddaya know," Goofy laughed,"Great minds think alike, I guess."
    "Guess again!" a familiar little voice said, jumping off of Sora's shoulder,"This can't be mere coincidence!"
    "Why, Jiminy?" Donald asked,"Don't tell me that--"
    "I felt it, too," Jiminy finished.
    "Gawrsh, maybe it's contagious," Goofy replied.
    "Or maybe something funny's going on," Donald started to get suspicious,"I think we should go check it out."
    "Okay," Sora nodded and started to wander off.
    "Hey, where are you going?!" Donald cried.
    "To check it out," Sora replied,"What's the matter, scared?"
    "D-Don't be ridiculous!" Donald stuttered,"Come on, Goofy!"
    "Okay, but we should shut the door behind us," Goofy nodded and turned to go shut the door, but instead he got a fright,"Sora!"
    The cloaked man from before was standing there, he walked forward, he bagan to walk closer to them. The three of them got ready to fight.
    "Who is THAT?!" Sora ordered for an answer.
    "It must be a Heartless!" Donald cried,"Let's see how it handles my magic! THUNDER!"
    Unfortunately, nothing happened, the small duck was left quite confused,"Huh? That's odd. THUNDER! THUNDER!! Umm... Fire! Blizzard? I don't get it, why isn't my magic working?"
    "I should think it's obvious," the man in the black cloak replied,"The moment you set foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and ability you knew... Though the forgetting does not end there. In this place, to find is to lose and to lose is to find. That is the way of things in Castle Oblivion."
    "Castle Oblivion?" Sora asked.
    "Yes..." the man in the black cloak now faded and appeared behind them,"Here, you will find people you know."
    He stood a step to the side, to show a young girl sat there, she was sat like Kairi did when she lost her heart.
    "Hara!" Sora cried, but the girl did not budge.
    "People you miss," the man continued.
    "Look," Sora replied,"There's no-one--"
    Sora stopped himself and thought for a moment,"Riku! You mean Riku! He IS here!"
    "Do you want to find him?" the man asked,"If you do..."
    The man pushed his palm into Sora's direction and then walked straight through him. Sora ran over to him and attacked with his Keyblade, but one hit and pink petals flew everywhere, the man and Hara both appeared in front of the door that was opposite the front castle door.
    "What did you do?!" Sora cried.
    "I sampled your memories," the man answered,"And from them, I made this."
    He held out a blue framed card, his fingers covered the picture on the card though so Sora was unable to see it.
    "This is the key to re-uniting with those you hold dear," the man explained, and chucked the card into Sora's hands.
    "What is this, a card?" the confused boy asked.
    "A promise," the cloaked man corrected,"Use that card and press on. You will find your friend."
    The man and the girl both disappeared, Sora now knew he had to fight to get his friend and Riku back.

  11. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I think, for the first time seeing one of your stories, that it was a great storyline...

    However I believe there was a bit too much dialogue and not too much action...

    =] Keep up the good work though!
  12. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 2​

    "Like this?" Sora asked, the man in the black cloak appeared again to show Sora how to use the cards.
    "Yes," the man nodded,"Go, Sora. To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose."
    This time he disappeared for good, Sora needed to find Riku, but to be able to still stop Heartless, he'd need Hara back too.
    "C'mon guys, let's go," Sora nodded.
    Sora used the card to open the door, he ended up in a very familiar town.

    "Wait, this can't be right!" Sora yelled, through the first district, although it seemed no-one could hear him, as no-one was there,"We're in Traverse Town!"
    The black, cloaked man was standing behind Sora,"It isn't reality that you see."
    Sora turned and the man then went the other side of him,"This town is an illusion conceived by your memories ingrained in that card."
    "My memories?" Sora asked, slightly confused by the whole card thing.
    Jiminy then jumped off Sora's shoulder and started trying to get his attention,"Forget about that, Sora! We're two heads short!"
    Sora turned to see if Donald and Goofy were there, but the only two companions he had left had now disappeared aswell,"Donald?! Goofy?! Guys, where are you?!"
    Sora suddenly remembered the man was standing behind him, he angrily turned to the man,"What did you do with them?!"
    "They are at the mercy of the cards now," the man replied, calmly,"Your other friends, however, are being prisoned away from you. Lost in their own memories. Master the cards, and their strength will be yours again."
    The man offered to teach Sora how to use the cards in battle, Sora learnt quickly how to use them and ho he would lose them, if he did not use them wisely.

    After Sora was taught how to use the cards, Donald and Goofy re-appeared. They ran towards Sora in joy of being free from the cards.
    "Are you two all right?" Sora asked,"Where have you been?"
    Donald stomped his foot,"You tell us! When you opened the door, there was this weird light... The rest is a big blank."
    "Well..." Jiminy jumped up,"Try to remember what happened, I need to keep my journal up to date."
    "Hey, wait a second," Goofy looked at Donald, shocked,"Donald, where'd you get the new duds?"
    "You too, Goofy!" Donald cried back,"Somebody's been messing with our clothes!"
    "The cards again?" Sora frowned, turning to the man.
    "That is for you to ponder," the man replied,"Master the cards and make your way through the castle. From here on, you walk alone."
    "You mean we can't go with him?" Goofy asked,"That's not fair!"
    "Yeah!" Donald agreed with Goofy,"Sora can't do anything without our help!"
    "Thanks a lot, Donald!" Sora shouted, angrily, back at the duck.
    "You sure you'll be okay?" Goofy sighed.
    "Of course!" Sora smiled in reply, he turned back to the man in the black cloak, who was waiting for him to achknowledge him,"You want me to go alone? Fine. I can take care of myself."
    "Hmm..." the man stared at Sora through his deep black hood,"The hero speaks boldly. Go, then. The rest of Castle Oblivion awaits. Walk the avenues of latent memory, and you will meet someone dear to you. Just remember, someone is watching you and will do anything to find you again."
    The man faded into his darkness and left the others to say the things they needed to.
    "I have a really bad feeling about this..." Jiminy groaned.
    "Relax, Jiminy," Sora comforted,"I'm ready for any tricks he's got up his sleeve. How hard can it be to figure out these cards? All I have to do is use one against that door over there."
    Sora said turning to the door that lay in front of him, he walked over and used the card he needed, but beyond the door he was ambushed by Heartless.

    Using the skills of cards he already new, his first thing was to just run to the door nearby. He then used the cards to open the next door, after only a short time of battling alone, Sora was already lonely.
    "Hmm..." Sora pouted,"Fighting alone isn't as easy as I thought..."
    "Sora...?" a faint voice asked, from behind the crates in the alleyway.
    Sora turned to see who was there, but no-one stood there at all, maybe this card thing was getting to him. Two green cards fell to the ground beside Sora and started to change their form, just then Donald and Goofy appeared.
    "AAAH!!" Sora screamed, as the cards changed,"Don't pop out of nowhere like that!"
    "It's not our fault," Donald apologised,"We don't know what's going on, either."
    "Gawrsh, your fightings gotten kinda rusty," Goofy changed the subject,"You sure you don't need us?"
    "I'm fine, honest," Sora smiled, kind of happy that they were that concerned about him.
    "Think like that, and you're as good as a Heartless fodder," a familiar voice said to Sora.
    Just then, a very familiar face walked over to the group, obviously noticing Sora and the others' re-appearance to Traverse Town.
    "Leon, it's you!" Sora cried, turning to see the man standing there,"What are you doing in Castle Oblivion?"
    "Castle Oblivion?" Leon raised an eyebrow,"What are you talking about? This is Traverse Town. And how do you know my name?"
    Sora raised an eyebrow at Leon, how could Leon forget them so soon?
    "Quit playing, Leon!" Sora ordered, starting to worry now,"We fought Heartless together! You know that!"
    "Look," Leon replied,"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know your names."
    "You don't?" Goofy pouted.
    "Sorry," Leon apologised,"I'm looking for a small girl at the moment, so I'm pretty busy, she's been missing for days, along with a small lion cub, if you see her, let me know, I'll be around."
    "Hara, right?!" Sora asked,"And I just can't believe it. How can you have forgotten about us?"
    "Yeah, that's right," Leon nodded,"And, hey, I feel for you, but you've got the wrong guy. Happens all the time, don't take it so personally, Sora."
    "You DO know his name!" Donald interupted.
    "Now, now, hold on," Leon stopped them, trying to think,"Why do I know your name?"
    Goofy bent down to Donald to talk with him in private,"You think Leon's just kidding around?"
    "If he is, it's not very funny," Donald frowned,"Sora's really hurt, but how come he can remember Hara?"
    "Don't forget, Leon and the others knew Hara before she met us," Goofy replied.
    "Who's kidding around, Goofy?" Leon asked,"You and Donald are the ones who--"
    "Hey!" Goofy interupted, turning back to him and Sora.
    "I don't get it," Leon thought-out-loud,"What's happened to my memory?"
    "I don't know, Leon," another familiar voice called,"Maybe Aerith was onto something, after all."
    Another familiar face came wandering down to the group, probably overhearing the conversation.
    "She said she sensed some uncanny kind of power and asked us to look into it," the woman told Leon,"Well, we looked, and this is as uncanny as it gets. Maybe we should bring Sora and the others to Aerith. Anyway, have you found her?"
    "Yuffie, you know my name?!" Sora interupted.
    "Yep!" Yuffie smiled,"Looks like you know mine, too."
    "No, I haven't found her, anyway, a friend of yours?" Leon asked Yuffie.
    "Nope!" Yuffie replied to Leon, turning back to him,"Total stranger. But I definately know his name. Strange, yes, but convenient! We can skip the introductions."
    "Well, gee, Yuffie, I guess all our problems are solved," Leon replied, sarcasticly, he began to think again.
    "Anyways, I'm gonna run ahead and fill Aerith in," Yuffie said,"Leon, you give Sora and the others the grand tour, and continue searching for her. See ya later!"
    Yuffie ran to find Aerith and left Leon with Sora and his friends.
    "Well, let's get on with it then," Leon sighed,"Come on, follow me. Be careful though, there are still Heartless wandering around town."
    Leon then decided he'd teach Sora a few skills instead of showing him around.

    "Here, I found this lying around, you take it," Leon offered, after their lesson.
    He chucked it to Sora and Sora then looked up at him.
    "Remember what I told you," Leon said,"And make good use of it."
    Leon walked off and Sora and the others followed, only for a little while, they then found a door. Sora opened it using his cards, it was starting to become easy to him how to use them, but he knew that these weren't the only cards he'd come across through Castle Oblivion.

    Leon, Yuffie and Aerith stood in a house-type, building, like they were waiting for Sora to arrive. As Sora and the others walked up to them, Yuffie and Leon stood to one side, so that they could talk to Aerith.
    "Aerith," Sora began,"Tell me, you haven't forgotten me, too."
    "I don't know whether to say, 'nice to meet you' or, 'good to see you again'," Aerith replied, she was confused aswell,"It feels like a little of both. I don't think I know you, but I still feel like you belong here."
    "Yeah, exactly!" Yuffie agreed,"Like we've never met, but it still doesn't feel weird knowing your name."
    "But, I'm telling you we HAVE met," Sora replied, trying to convince them,"We took on the Heartless together, we were a team!"
    "It feels like you're right..." Leon nodded,"But I still can't remember."
    "Then I guess you won't remember what you told me," Sora sighed,"In Hollow Bastion, when me and Hara sealed the Keyhole: 'We may never meet again...'"
    "...but we'll never forget eachother," Leon finished.
    "See, you do remember!" Sora smiled.
    Leon stood and thought for a moment, but Yuffie's eyes widened,"He's right, Leon! I remember you saying that, too!"
    "I guess I can't write it off as a coincidence, then," Leon crossed his arms.
    "I don't think I have any memory of it..." Aerith agreed,"...But somehow I still remember. Maybe Sora's heart is doing the remembering for us."
    "How does THAT work?" Sora asked.
    "We don't know you, Sora, but your heart is full of memories of us together," Aerith explained to the confused boy,"Those memories must resonate in our hearts, too. Maybe they tell us things that we couldn't otherwise know."
    "So, you're saying Sora's memories are effecting ours?" Leon asked.
    "His memories do seem to have a certain power," Aerith turned to Leon,"By the way, did you find her?"
    "Nope," Leon shook his head,"No sight of her at all, but back to this, this is confusing enough."
    "Maybe it's like that guy said, then," Sora thought a-loud,"This town is just an illusion. Something my memories created."
    "And..." Aerith replied,"There's someone special to you in this town?"
    "How did you--" Sora asked, shocked,"Ah, I get it. My memories are resonating with yours, telling you what happened. Anyway, yeah, a friend of mine is somewhere in this town, obviously my other friend isn't here. I mean, Castle Oblivion."
    "Castle Oblivion?" Yuffie asked, puzzled,"What's that? There aren't any castles in Traverse Town."
    "That's not quite what I meant," Sora answered Yuffie.
    "Sora probably still has his own questions, right?" Aerith interupted.
    "Right, we just got here after all," Sora nodded,"It wouldn't hurt to take a look around."
    "Then go have a walk around town," Leon suggested,"There are Heartless, but that no problem for you."
    "So, you know I can fight!" Sora smiled.
    "I can't say I remember, but I'm starting to believe," Leon replied.
    Sora and the others left the house and headed to find Cid.

    "Well, whaddaya know, it's Sora!" Cid greeted the boy,"Hey, you ain't seen Hara, have you? Wait, what am I saying? I don't know you. But you do LOOK like a Sora, what with the spikey hair and baggy pants... Guess I just call 'em like I see 'em."
    "It's okay, Cid," Sora smiled,"That's my name. And no, I haven't seen Hara."
    "So, you've heard of me!" Cid smiled,"Well, I can't say as I'm surprised."
    "Anyway, maybe you can help me out," Sora changed the subject,"A friend of mine is supposed to be somewhere in this castle-- er, town."
    "Yer friend, huh?" Cid repeated,"Lately, all this town sees is Heartless. Can't even take two steps without gettin' attacked. This plaza's the worst."
    Cid turned to the large bell tower up on the balcony, and sighed.
    "Word is we'll have a jumbo-sized Heartless on our hands when that bell rings," Cid sighed,"If you value your hide, you'd get out of here while the gettin's good."
    Cid wandered off, to get to his hiding spot before the bell rang, leaving Sora and his friends alone.
    "Gawrsh, maybe he's right..." Goofy worried.
    "Don't you want to see the Heartless?" Sora asked, trying to scare Goofy.
    "NO!" Donald screamed,"We DON'T!"
    Suddenly, the bell rang and the ground started to shake, trying to stay up right the three of them had to get ready to fight, mostly Sora though, as this time he didn't have an extra Keyblade with him.
    "The bell!" Donald cried.
    "Sora!" Goofy cried,"Look out!"
    The first ever Heartless giant that Sora had ever fought re-appeared right in front of him. It seemed like de-ja-vu, as Sora was just starting to learn his abilities all over again and he was fighting the same Heartless again. Although, the battle would be harder now he was using the cards and didn't have a proper stratedgy.

    (I can't write battles as I do not own the game and I can't describe exactly how the cards work, if I get the game before I finish this part of the Kingdom Hearts Story I will write the battles out)

    After the battle, Yuffie, Aerith, Leon and Cid stood with the other three, as it was now time for them to part.
    "So, your friend wasn't here?" Yuffie asked.
    "No, I don't think I'll find him in this town," Sora shook head,"But he's somewhere in this castle. I just know it."
    "Castle?" Cid asked, he was not informed about the whole situation at the moment,"Like this whole town is in some humongous castle? Hoo, that's rich!"
    "He's probably right, Cid," Leon backfired Cid's joke,"We may not understand what's going on, but Sora does. He can see that reality is bigger than just this world."
    "I wish I was that sure," Sora sighed.
    "You'll be okay, Sora," Leon comforted,"No matter what shape reality takes, you can handle it. I may not remember you, but I know you in my heart."
    "Leon..." Sora began.
    "Take care, Sora," Yuffie smiled.
    "I'm a little lost..." Cid sighed, but smiled at him anyway,"But best of luck, anyway."
    "Oh, by the way, Sora, if you find her say hi from us," Leon asked, as Sora nodded.
    Leon, Cid, Yuffie and Aerith walked off and so did Goofy and Donald, but as Sora was about to leave he hung his head down low. Aerith came walking back to Sora, he looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.
    "What's wrong?" he asked.
    "I don't have all the answers, but there's something I thought you should know," Aerith answered,"Your memories created this town, right?"
    Sora nodded,"That's what the guy who gave me the card said."
    "If that's true, then this town is just a figment of your mind..." Aerith sighed,"And so are we."
    "But..." Sora cried,"You can't be a figment! You're standing right here! The town is here, too!"
    "But I'm not really me," Aerith sighed,"I don't remember the things I should. I sense things I shouldn't. Sora, beware your memories. In the journey to come, you'll be faced with more illusions. Sometimes the shadows of your memory will decieve you, try to lead you astray."
    "So..." Sora was slightly confused about what Aerith meant,"Uh... What exactly does that mean?"
    "I'm just another illusion, Sora," Aerith explained,"The truth is out of my reach."
    "Don't say stuff like that..." Sora turned his head,"It's depressing."
    "No, Sora," Aerith disagreed,"You mustn't let illusions distract you from what's truly important."
    "Okay," Sora nodded.
    "Sora!" Donald cried, he and Goofy were stood waiting to go back to the main Castle.
    "Are you ready to go?" Goofy asked.
    "Yeah, be right there," Sora smiled,"Well, Aerith, I'd better be going."
    Sora turned to wave to Aerith, but she was gone.
    "Aerith?" Sora called.
    "What about her?" Donald asked, as he and Goofy ran over to Sora.
    "She's gone!" Sora replied,"I was just talking to her, and now, she's gone!"
    "Aerith left with Leon and the others, remember?" Goofy raised an eyebrow at Sora.
    "Huh?!" Sora yelled, really confused by what had just happened.
    "You were standing here by yourself," Donald explained,"We wondered what was going on."
    "So, this is what she meant..." Sora whispered to himself.
    All three of them decided to head back to the main castle and see what new adventures awaited them.

  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Hm... pretty cool... this is exactly like the story set up in Chain of Memories game... :D
  14. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 3​

    They opened the large doors to the next floor of the castle, Floor 2. As they ran inside, they stopped as the man in the black cloak was stood there. Sora, Donald and Goofy got ready to fight him, although, he didn't seem evil, nor on the light side, nor the dark side, probably neither side.
    "Well, Sora?" he asked,"Did you enjoy meeting your memories?"
    "It was good to see everyone again," Sora frowned at him,"But, why show me an illusion? What do you want from me?"
    "That depends on what you have to give," he replied, and started walking towards them, but as he did so a black portal appeared behind him.
    Another man in a black cloak, although this one had his hood down, he had large, red, spikey, hair, and black triangles marked under his eyes. He had a huge grin on his face, not smug, nor cheerful, everything was in between with these guys, they could never be one or the other.
    "Boo!" the man greeted.
    "What do you want?" the hooded man asked, not very happy that the other guy was there, but he kind of had no choice.
    "I got bored," the other man replied, still smiling,"What with you hogging the hero. That other one is useless..."
    The hooded man turned to the red-haired one, he chucked a card at him, which he caught with ease.
    "Perhaps, YOU'D like to test him," the hooded bloke offered.
    "Perhaps I would," the other guy replied.
    The hooded man, walked backwards into a black portal he had made and left the red-haired man with the three others.
    "Looks like it's my show now, Keyblade Masters," the man grinned.
    "Masters?" Sora asked.
    The red-haired man click his fingers and stepped to the side, behind him appeared a very faint Hara. She sat there in silence and defenseless.
    "Hara!" Donald cried, Hara still sat there.
    "My name is Axel," the red-haired man introduced himself, ignoring any form of them engaging with Hara,"Commit it to memory."
    "Um...Sure," Sora replied.
    "Good, you learn quick," Axel stated,"So, Sora, now that we're on the first-name basis..."
    He held out both arms at wingspan length, flames whirled around in a swirling pattern and there appeared two spike-tailed, wheels. Sora and the others got out their weapons and got into their battling positions.
    "...don't go dying on me!" Axel finished, and the cards were layed.

    (As I said I can't describe battles or explain them because of the card system in the game)

    A card was shining brightly, floating in mid-air. Sora reached out his hand to grab the twinkling item. Sora took a good look at what these cards were.
    "More cards?" Goofy asked.
    Jiminy climbed up on to Sora's back to also see the new cards they had been given,"Hmm... They look kind of like the card that made Traverse Town."
    "Then we need these to go on..." Sora nodded.
    "Correct," a voice agreed from in front of them.
    Axel stood there, arms crossed and leaning against the wall. Sat next to him was Hara, still very dazed. It was like Hara was on there side, but powerless to do otherwise. Hara was in their power, she was their puppet, although, Ryoko was nowhere in sight.
    "Axel!?" Donald screamed, Axel walked towards them.
    "After an introduction like that," Axel began,"You don't think I'd just give up the ghost?"
    "So, you were just testing our strength?" Sora frowned, it seemed this castle had more tricks up its sleeve than they thought.
    "Congratulations, Sora!" Axel congratulated, sarcasticly,"You passed! You're ready to take on Castle Oblivion. Follow your memories. Trust what you remember, seek what you forget, and you will find someone very special."
    "You mean Riku and the king?" Goofy wondered.
    "Well, I don't know," Axel replied,"You'll just have to give some more thought into who's most important to you. Our most precious memories lie deep in our hearts, out of reach. But you can find yours, Sora."
    "Where?" Sora asked, frantically,"How?"
    "The light within the darkness," Axel answered,"You've lost sight of it, Sora. You've forgotten forgetting."
    "Light?" Sora raised an eyebrow,"I don't understand..."
    "Would you like a hint?" Axel offered the confused boy.
    "Well, Sora?" Goofy ushered him, but Sora was still confused, hints can be either helpful or useless, and what about Hara and her heart? Was it gone forever?
    Axel held his hand out, in case Sora said yes, but to his surprise Sora shook his head.
    "No," Sora denied the help,"I want to figure it out for myself. And if you get in my way--"
    "He won't!" Donald interrupted,"We won't let him!"
    "That's my kind of answer," Axel smiled, slyly, and pulled his hand back into his own reach,"Just what I'd expect from the Keyblade Master. But, be forewarned... When your sleeping memories awaken, you may no longer be you."
    Axel grabbed Hara by the back of her collar and their dark portal opened. Axel and Hara disappeared, leaving Sora and the others to the journey of worlds and Heartless.

    As they walked up the stairs to the next floor, Jiminy sat in Sora's hood, wondering what Axel meant by,'no longer being himself'.
    "Hmm..." Jiminy sighed.
    "Something wrong, Jiminy?" Sora asked, turning to his hood as far as he could.
    "What Axel said's been bothering me..." Jiminy answered,"What could he have meant by 'you may no longer be you'?"
    "Come on," Sora laughed,"How can I be anyone besides me?"
    "I know," Jiminy nodded,"Still, it always pays to be careful."
    "Yeah, just about anything can happen here in Castle Olibbity..." Goofy agreed, but the effects of the castle had already started, Goofy was starting to forget the name of the Castle,"Uh... Oblostemy..."
    "Oblvion!" Donald snapped, reminding him.
    "Right, what you said," Goofy nodded.
    "We'll be fine," Sora re-assured them, turning to the argumentative two,"Whatever they're cooking up, together we can handle it."
    "Hey, remember that other castle we explored together?" Goofy asked,"With all the contraptions?"
    Sora, Donald and Jiminy stood in thought for a moment, trying to remember what Goofy was on about.
    "When was that?" Sora asked, raising an eyebrow.
    "Contraptions?" Donald wondered,"I don't remember any castle like that. What was it called?"
    "Gawrsh," Goofy thought hard,"What was it again? Holla...Holler... I forgot."
    "Oh, for Pete's sake!" Donald yelled, agitatedly.
    "You sure you didn't make it up?" Sora folded his arms.
    "I don't think so..." Goofy sighed.
    Goofy upset himself by the others not beliveing him, but there were more important matters. Sora got out the next World Card, he headed for the next world.


    Chapter 4​

    They wandered into a familiar world, the dusty sand spread across the land and the golden buildings towered over them. Goofy then noticed something happening in the streets.
    "Look, Sora!" Goofy cried, turning to the young boy,"Someone's in trouble!"
    There a boy, a bit older than them, stood holding a sword, surrounding him was a group of shadows.
    "We'd better do something!" Donald cried.
    The three of them ran towards them with their weapons in hand ready to fight the Heartless off.
    "Looks like you could use some help!" Sora offered to the boy.
    "Thanks, I thought I was done for!" the boy thanked.

    After fighting the surrounding Heartless, more and more appeared.
    "They just keep coming!" Donld stated.
    "Guess we'd better see if the legends are true," the boy cried, and grabbed a lamp from his pocket,"Magic lamp, my first wish! Get rid of these Heartless!"
    A blue puff of smoke appeared from the opening of the lamp and out came a blue genie. It had golden cuffs around its arms and a huge grin on its face.
    "Did someone say 'wish'?" the Genie asked, smiling,"Then stand back, kids, genie of the lamp coming through! There ain't nothin' I can't make right as rain--well, if we HAD rain. But enough dry jokes. One Heartless disappearing act, coming right up!"
    He lifted up his large hand and pointed upwards, the Heartless vanished into nothingness.
    "Gawrsh!" Goofy's eyes were as wide as the vast sea, the shock on his face of the Heartless disappearing.
    "Why didn't you call him in the first place?" Donald asked.
    "It's not that simple," the boy replied, turning to Donald and the others,"You see--"
    "I couldn't have said it better myself," the Genie interrupted,"But I will anyway! I'm strictly limited to three wishes per master. And no wishing for more wishes!"
    The Genie poofed away, probably back into his lamp.
    "So, you've got two wishes left?" Sora wondered,"Better use them carefully."
    The boy turned to Sora, and nodded,"I've got to get to the palace somehow. But with all these Heartless..."
    "Hey, Sora," Goofy caught his attention,"We're headed that way too, so why don't we go with Aladdin?"
    "Sounds like a plan," Sora nodded, smiling.
    "That would be great!" Aladdin smiled,"Thanks a lot, guys!"
    They walked through the Heartless filled city encountering many battles, it was good to practise Sora's card skills, but annoying when you want to get somewhere in a hurry.

    As they continued heading through the streets, Goofy suddenly pondered a question.
    "So, uh, why are you going to the palace, Aladdin?" Goofy asked.
    "It's this magic lamp I found in the Cave of Wonders," Aladdin explained, gesturing to the golden coloured lamp,"I need to get it to the palace right away! I'm lucky I made it back to Agrabah in one piece! The cave was crawling with Heartless."
    "Wasn't there anyone else there to help you?!" Sora asked, shocked.
    "I know how you feel, Master," the Genie smiled,"I've been delivering happiness for 2000 years, and what help do I get? I keep dreamin' someone will wish me outta this gig. But go figure the odds on that."
    "Well, how 'bout I use my third wish to set you free?" Aladdin offered.
    "Doth my pointy ears decieve me?" the Genie's mouth had grown from a grin to a large smile,"Master, you'd do that for me? You're not just pullin' my topknot now are you?"
    "I promise, Genie," Aladdin smiled, Genie's hopes had risen,"Anyway, there's only one thing I really want."
    "Then we'll just have to DO something about that, Al!" Genie said,"Can I call you, Al? So, what'll it be? Fame? Fortune? A herd of luxury camels to call your very own?"
    Aladdin bowed his head and thought how to phrase his up-coming wish, his head rose,"Well, there's this girl. Her name's Jasmine. She's princess of Agrabah. And... That's the problem. It's hard for a guy like me to get a chance to see her. That's how this all started. Jafar, the royal vizier, said he would help me meet Jasmine."
    "Sounds like your wish should be that you can see Jasmine anytime you want, huh?" Sora suggested.
    Genie smiled,"Well, I've got just the package for you! Not only will you meet the lady, you'll go in style... as Prince Ali! How d'ya like the sound of that, Al?"
    Aladdin stepped back in shock,"Me, a Prince! Can you really do that?"
    "In an Agrabah minute!" Genie boasted.
    Aladdin turned to Sora and nodded,"I guess the legends were true after all. Sora, let's hurry to the palace!"
    They stopped their conversation and made a dash for the palace, still encountering Heartless unfortunately. They walked on the walls of alleyways and streets.

    As they walked through a door on a wall, they were distracted by something happening in the street down below.
    "Hey!" Donald cried,"Look at that!"
    "Who is that...?" Aladdin asked, in the street below, in the middle of a circle of Heartless, a young girl, with black plaited hair, sat in a turqoise/blue outfit, she was in a praying position,"It's Jasmine!"
    "She needs our help," Goofy stated.
    "We'll never make it in time," Sora said, clenching his fists.
    Aladdin thought for a moment,"Then I've no choice. Genie, I wish for you to save Jasmine!"
    "Can do," Genie replied, and started floating down to the girls rescue,"CHAAARGE!"
    He held up his hand and zapped the Heartless away, they disappeared into nothingness. While the young girl lay on the floor, the others ran down the wall to go and help. Aladdin knelt down to aid Jasmine.
    "Jasmine!" he yelled, trying to wake her up.
    "We're lucky," Goofy smiled, taking a good look at Jasmine,"She fainted, but it looks like she's okay."
    "But now you've only got one wish left," Sora sighed, and looked at Aladdin.
    "Not again!" Aladdin frowned,"Sorry, Genie, but you're the only one who can--"
    "Wait!" Sora interrupted,"This is your last wish! Don't waste it."
    He got out his Keyblade and got ready to fight,"This time, let US handle the wish-granting."
    The Heartless kept returning through the battle, but soon were defeated.

    Sora smiled at Aladdin,"See? We didn't need Genie this time."
    "Thanks, Sora," Aladdin thanked,"So, I'm down to my last wish..."
    Suddenly, everything went funny, the group looked around to see what was going on.
    "What the--" Sora cried.
    "Wak!" Donald screamed,"What's happening?!"
    It all went silent, and Aladdin searched for the lamp to make sure it was ok, but to his surprise, it was gone.
    "Oh, no!" he cried,"The lamp, it's gone!"
    On the wall where the group had entered from, a tall, robe covered man walked along and towered over the group.
    "Hmm, it seems my plans have gone amiss," the man sighed,"I was certain you'd waste your last wish... what with poor Jasmine in distress and the Heartless to deal with. But no matter. At last the lamp is mine to command!"
    "Why are you doing this, Jafar?!" Aladdin gritted his teeth,"I brought the lamp, just as you asked!"
    "Don't think you can fool me boy!" Jafar cried,"You were going to use the lamp to win Jasmine! But we can't have that now, can we? You see, I'm the one who Jasmine will marry!"
    "You?!" Sora asked.
    "If I marry Princess Jasmine, nothing can stop me from becoming the king of Agrabah!" Jafar explained,"You're nothing more than a pawn in the game, street rat! Genie! My first wish! Deliver Jasmine to me!"
    Genie grabbed the fainted Jasmine and brought her to the evil vizier. Aladdin looked at Genie in dismay.
    "Genie!" he called,"What're you doing?"
    "Sorry, Al," Genie apologised,"My hands are tied on this one. I gotta obey whoever has his mitts on the lamp."
    "Precisely," Jafar agreed,"Farewell, fool!"
    Jafar and Genie wandered into the city, the defensless girl in Genie's arms, being dragged to her fate. Aladdin bowed his head and sulked.
    "Great," he sighed,"Now I've lost Jasmine AND the lamp."
    "Well, you can feel bad about it some other time," Sora frowned,"If you don't pull yourself together, you'll never see Jasmine again! You lost the lamp, so what? You can still save her on your own! Losing someone you care about is bad, but not as bad as never getting them back!"
    "Sora..." Aladdin sighed, he then thought for a second, he lifted himself from his sulk,"You're right. I can't give up now! I'm going to save Jasmine!"
    "But, Jafar's got the lamp," Donald said,"We can't just walk up to him and expect to win..."
    Aladdin thought for a second,"Maybe we can. I've got an idea. Listen up!"

    After hearing Aladdin's plan, they ran to the palace. Outside the doors, Jafar stood, but by his feet a fainted Jasmine still lay. Although, Aladdin was not with the three heroes, Sora and his friends were ready to fight.
    "What's this?" Jafar chuckled,"Has Aladdin given up on his precious Jasmine already?! Well, I'm not going to waste a wish on the likes of you three, I'll deal with you myself."
    Jafar walked towards the three of them and Sora opened his mouth.
    "Aladdin!" he yelled,"Now!"
    Aladdin jumped off the ledge and down to them. Jafar turned to the brave boy.
    "What?" Jafar cried, in shock,"You! Genie, seize him!"
    As Aladdin walked forward to Jasmine, Genie appeared in his way,"Al, forgive me!"
    Genie knocked Aladdin into the wall, it was like a concrete block, but even though he was hit into the wall, he still looked up and smiled.
    "You fell for it, Jafar!" Aladdin smiled.
    Jafar's eyes widened,"What do you mean?"
    "He means that you just blew your second wish, only one wish left," Sora explained, smiling, smugly.
    "Go ahead!" Aladdin yelled,"Use it to win Jasmine's heart, you'll still have us to deal with!"
    "Oh, NOW, I get it," Genie smiled,"Al, you're so clever!"
    "Well, well," Jafar walked towards Aladdin,"The cunning of a rat. But unfortunately, you can not see beyond the cheese. Your little ploy changes nothing! I can crush you once and for all AND make Jasmine my own!"
    Jafar turned to Genie, and smiled,"Genie! My last wish! Transform me into an all-powerful genie!"
    Genie sighed and lifted his hand, but before anyone said anything, a small voice cried out to Sora.
    "Sora!" a young girl cried, on top of the ledge where Aladdin had been waiting a young girl was sat, she looked like Hara, only she was blonde and wearing different clothes, but the face was the same, the girl smiled,"Here!"
    She chucked a card down to Sora and then ran into the dark portal she had created. Genie zapped and Jafar had transformed. He was fire red and sat in the lava down below them as they had been transported to a battle field. Sora stood on a block platform and got ready to fight.
    "It's so hot!" Sora complained,"Jafar must be doing this..."
    The battle had begun and the girl's card must've been to help him.

    The battle was long and hard, and when it was over Jafar returned to his black lamp.
    "That takes care of that," Donald smiled.
    "Yep!" Goofy agreed,"Jasmine's saved and we got the lamp back, too! Hey, Aladdin, don't you still have one wish left."
    "He sure does," Genie smiled,"Time for me to make a prince outta this guy. 'Course, I'd like to be free, but like they always say, genies can't be choosers. You're probably miffed about that whole puppet-of-Jafar thing, anyway. Go on, Al. Wish for what's really in your heart. Be a prince. Get the girl."
    "Okay, here goes," Aladdin sighed,"I wish for Genie's freedom!"
    The cuffs on Genie's arms dropped and he grew legs. Genie was free from orders and wishes.
    "But, Al..!" Genie cried.
    "Now, no-one like Jafar can use you for evil again," Aladdin explained,"Genie, you're free!"
    "Al, I'll never forget this," Genie thanked,"But what about Jasmine? What're you gonna do?"
    Aladdin bwoed his head and explained,"I was wrong Genie. If I used your help to win Jasmine... I'd be no better than Jafar. Jasmine means the world to me. I want to show her the real me."
    Sora smiled at Aladdin,"That's the spirit."
    "Thanks, Sora," Aladdin thanked,"And good luck!"
    "What for?" Sora raised an eyebrow.
    "I was ready to give up back there," Aladdin replied,"But you said some things to keep me going. That's when it hit me. You must be looking for someone you care about, too."
    "Yeah..." Sora bowed his head, thinking of who he was looking for.
    Aladdin turned to the freed Genie,"Listen, Genie..."
    "Say no more, pal," Genie interrupted,"I know JUST what you're thinking. Here you go, Sora!"
    Genie zapped a card in front of Sora, he grabbed the card and saw that a picture of Genie was on it.
    "Whenever you need me, just call," Genie offered,"That okay with you, Al?"
    "Of course!" Aladdin smiled.
    Sora looked up,"Are you sure?"
    "Anytime at all," Genie repeated,"Hey, without you guys, I might never have been able to ditch that lamp! And I think Aladdin will be fine on his own now."
    Sora smiled at both Genie and Aladdin,"Wow, thanks a lot!"
    "Lets hope both our wishes come true, then," Aladdin said,"Take care, Sora."
    Aladdin ran off into the city, he left Sora and his friends to go back to Castle Oblivion. Sora and his friends said goodbye to Genie and then ran back to the Castle and continued their journey.

  15. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 5​

    They walked back into the castle, as they headed for the next part of the journey, Goofy came to a halt. Donald and Sora turned to him and walked back to him.
    "What is it, Goofy?" Donald asked.
    "It's that castle I mentioned earlier," Goofy answered,"I'm sure I didn't make it up."
    Sora and Donald looked at eachother and tried to remember this 'castle'.
    "That was the castle where Sora used the Keyblade to free Kairi's heart," Goofy continued,"Then he disappeared for a while, I'll never forget how worried I was."
    "Oh, yeah!" Sora remembered,"When I turned into a Heartless! Wait... That happened in... a castle?"
    "You forgot?" Donald asked,"Well, I remember it perfectly."
    "What was the castle called, then?" Sora asked.
    "Easy!" Donald replied,"It was... Hey, Jiminy. You wrote down everything that happened in your journal, right?"
    "Every letter," Jiminy smiled, hopping out of Sora's hood,"I finished off the first volume right before we got to this castle. Let's see if I can find the old book... Ah! Here it is! Let's have a look..."
    He flicked through the pages searching for the bit about the 'castle', but to his surprise he couldn't find it.
    "Th-This isn't possible!" Jiminy cried, the others looked at him strangely,"All the entries have vanished! Every page, blank!"
    "What?!" Donald's eyes widened.
    "How could this happen?" Jiminy asked,"I take such good care of my journals! All that hard work, gone..."
    Sora frowned,"What kind of castle is this..."

    In a completely white room, a girl sat in the corner, on a white chair. She had blonde hair that came just on her shoulders, and was wearing a white dress that came just above her knees. she was sat on the icey chair, drawing. On the floor, a young lion slumbered, it was Ryoko, he lay there fast asleep.
    Suddenly, a black portal appeared, another girl came wandering out of it, it was the blonde girl from Agrabah, she smiled at the other girl and then sat down next to the lion. The room was peaceful.

    The three of them continued to the next floor of the castle, but Donald stopped to speak to Sora.
    "Something funny's going on..." Donald said,"How could everything Jiminy wrote vanish like that?"
    "Maybe it's not just stuff we write down," Sora thought out loud,"Goofy said we've been to some other castle. But I don't remember it at all. None of us really do. Maybe... Maybe we don't remember, because those memories are gone."
    "Gone?" Donald wondered,"Don't be ridiculous!"
    "Wait!" Jiminy cried, jumping on to Sora's shoulder,"Remember what that guy in the black hood said? 'In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find.' He was talking about memories!"
    "So, if we keep going, we'll lose our memories..." Sora sighed,"No wonder they call it Castle Oblivion."
    "So...the higher we go, the more we forget?" Donald asked,"What if we forget everything and we can't get it back?!"
    "I'd forget Riku and Kairi, too..." Sora pouted,"Wait! What's happening to Hara?!"
    Donald shrugged, who knows where or what would happen to that girl? They just needed to get her back.
    "Maybe we should turn back," Donald suggested.
    "Don't worry!" Goofy smiled,"Hara's in danger so we can't go back... We might forget where we've been or what we saw, but we won't forget our friends."
    "What makes you so sure?" Donald asked.
    "Sora, when you turned into a Heartless, did you forget about us?" Goofy asked.
    "Of course not!" Sora quickly answered,"I'd never forget you!"
    "Well, see, there ya go!" Goofy prooved his point,"No matter what happens, you won't forget your friends."
    Sora looked up at Goofy and smiled,"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Goofy."
    "I guess there's nothing to be scared of after all," Donald smiled,"So, let's go!"
    Donald started to walk off, but as he walked off Sora remembered something about when he was a Heartless.
    "Hey, Donald..." he called,"Back when I was a Heartless, who was the one who clobbered me, hmm?"
    "THAT'S what you should be forgetting!" Donald frowned.
    Sora and Goofy laughed at Donald, and then headed for the next world.

  16. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 6​

    The place they had entered, was covered in body-like features. They took a good look around and found that the place was quite squishy. The card they'd used had a picture of a whale on, maybe that had something to do with it.
    "What a weird place!" Sora said,"Everything's kinda springy and soft."
    "Nice and warm, too," Goofy said,"I'm starting to feel like a nap."
    "Shouldn't you be a little more worried?" a small voice asked, it sounded like a young boy, younger than Sora, maybe.
    "Who's there?" Donald ordered for an answer.
    "Don't you get it?" said the voice,"You're inside the belly of Monstro the Whale."
    Jiminy hopped onto Sora's shoulder,"Why, I know that voice... Pinocchio? Pinoke, it's you! Come on out!"
    A young, wooden boy, wearing a yellow hate with a red feather on, came running out to greet the cricket. The boy had a large smile on his face.
    "Is that you, Jiminy?" he smiled,"Gosh, I never thought I'd meet you here."
    "You can't get away from me, son," Jiminy replied,"I'm your conscience. Your conscience should guide whatever you do. Remember?"
    "Sure, Jiminy," Pinocchio nodded,"I've been a good boy while you were gone. I didn't tell a single lie."
    The boy's nose suddenly grew about an inch longer.
    "Uh-oh!" Pinocchio cried.
    "Well, for Pete's sake!" Jiminy scolded the young boy.
    "Oops! did YOU end up inside Monstro, anyway?"
    "We, uh, sort of used a special way..." Sora answered.
    "It's so special, we don't know how we did it!" Goofy continued the explanation.
    "That's too bad..." Pinocchio bowed his head,"I was hoping you could help me and Father get out of here."
    "Well, I'll be!" Jiminy's eyes widened,"Geppetto's here, too?"
    "Sure," Pinocchio replied,"Wanna see him? Follow him.
    Pinocchio started walking in the direction of Geppetto and the others followed, what they didn't know was that Monstro must have swallowed countless heartless as there was absolutely loads hanging around.

    They entered a place where a wooden ship sat, an old man was standing on the ship. He had a white beard and hair and wore circular glasses.
    "Geppetto!" Jiminy called, he jumped onto a nearby plank of wood that was floating on the water surface.
    "Bless my soul, it's Jiminy Cricket," Geppetto looked over the ship's side,"How in the world did you get here?"
    "You tell me!" Jiminy replied,"How does a clockmaker wind up in the belly of a whale?"
    "Well, it's a long story..." Geppetto answered.
    They wandered down the planks of wood that were in the water while Geppetto explained himself.
    "So, you sailed out to look for Pinocchio..." Donald repeated part of the story.
    "...and Monstro swallowed you!" Goofy finished the repeating.
    "Well, it was worth it, because I found my son," Geppetto smiled.
    "But now you can't get out, can you?" Sora said,"It must be awful being stuck inside Monstro."
    "Not if Pinocchio and I are together," Geppetto explained,"I couldn't live without him. There's nothing better than being re-united with someone you care about."
    "I feel the same way, Geppetto," Sora nodded.
    Geppetto nodded back,"I don't care if I'm trapped here, so long as I have Pinocchio. He's such a good boy."
    "Well, he still tells fibs," Jiminy stated,"But with a little help from me..."
    Geppetto laughed,"Oh, Jiminy, you worry too much."
    Sora looked around, he noticed Pinocchio had wandered off,"Speaking of Pinocchio... Where is he?"
    "He was here a minute ago," Donald replied,"Where's he gone this time?"
    "I expect he's off exploring," Geppetto said,"That boy has been poking around just about every square inch of Monstro. He won't tell me why it's so important. I tell him it's dangerous, but he won't listen."
    Jiminy frowned,"That puppet's a handful. Sora, if you don't mind..."
    Sora nodded and smiled,"I know, I know. You want us to find him, right? C'mon guys, let's get going!"
    Jiminy hopped into Sora's hood, as the boy started to run off. Donald and Goofy followed, leaving Geppetto to head back to his ship. Goodness knows where that puppet had got to.

    They walked into the stomach area, the platform in the middle was surrounded by stomach acid, but the thing that caught their attention was the boy running around in the middle.
    "Oh!" Pinocchio cried, as he saw the group running towards him.
    "Pinocchio, you naughty boy!" Jiminy scolded, standing on Sora's shoulder,"You know Geppetto worries when you wander off by yourself."
    "Pinocchio!" a voice cried from the stomach.
    Suddenly, a girl with blonde hair jumped down off of a ledge and stood up, shock was drawn to her face as she saw the group. It was the same girl from Agrabah and the castle.
    "Sora!" she cried.
    "Who are you and what're you doing with Pinocchio?!" Sora shouted at the girl.
    "Am I not allowed to play with him?" she smiled, Sora wasn't amused by her,"Fine, then, have it your way."
    She opened a black portal and stepped backwards into it, she disappeared into the darkness, leaving Jiminy to scold at the boy.
    "Jiminy was worried, too!" Donald scolded the boy, continueing the telling off, Sora stood there frowning.
    Who was that girl who kept appearing? Why was she following him? Still no answers to their dying questions...
    "I'm sorry..." Pinocchio bowed his head, apologising.
    "What are you doing, anyway?" Sora asked, forgetting about the girl,"Looking for something?"
    "Um...yeah," Pinocchio replied,"I'm looking for treasure!"
    His nose grew another inch longer, it grew everytime he lied, and Jiminy was getting angry at him.
    "Here we go again!" Jiminy yelled.
    "But, Jiminy..." Pinocchio sighed.
    "Now, don't be so hard on the little fella, Jiminy," Goofy said,"We promise we won't get mad, Pinocchio. Is that why you're afraid to tell? No need to fret. Tell us the truth--we'll understand. Put your trust in Goofy!"
    "I was looking for a way out," Pinocchio, still with his head bowed, replied,"Father says he's happy, but it's my fault we're stuck here. I shouldn't of run away from home. I want to help Father get home to the workshop. But he'll worry if I'm tell him what I'm doing."
    "I get it," Jiminy smiled,"So, that's why you had to lie."
    Goofy smiled,"You did it 'cause you love your dad!"
    "All you need now is courage," Donald replied.
    "What?" Pinocchio's eyes widened.
    "Tell Geppetto the truth," Donald explained,"With a little courage, you can do it! If you tell him how you really feel, I bet he'll help you find a way out."
    Sora nodded, and smiled,"And we'll give you hand."
    "Really?!" Pinocchio wondered, surprised,"You'll help us? Okay, I'll give it a try, wish me luck, Jiminy."
    "No more keeping secrets, then," Jiminy offered,"Have we got a deal?"
    Pinocchio nodded at the cricket's offer,"Sure! I'll be brave and tell Father how I really feel. No lies this time!"
    "Great!" Jiminy smiled,"Then, you're nose won't--"
    Jiminy was interrupted by the sudden shaking of the ground. They wobbled as they struggled to keep their balance.
    "What's happening?!" Sora cried.
    "I got a bad feeling about this!" Donald replied.
    "Pinocchio!" Jiminy called,"Run for it!"
    Pinocchio ran away just as he had been ordered to, as he did so a large creature came to the ground. It had light blue tenticles and a cage for an abdomen. Sora stood on one of the platforms in the acid.
    "Pinocchio!" Sora called,"Where are you?"
    "Help!" Pinocchio cried,"I'm trapped!"
    "What?!" Sora cried.
    "Put it this way, Sora," the girl from before said, standing on the ledge up above the Heartless,"If you won't let me play games with Pinocchio, I'll just play games with you. Have fun!"
    She smiled smugly and walked into her black portal and disappeared again, she left Sora to fight the Heartless, while Pinocchio was inside it's cage.

    The cage-like creature was passed out. It was just lying there after the battle, but Pinocchio was still trapped.
    "Help me!" Pinocchio pleaded,"I'm scared!"
    "Pinocchio, be brave!" Sora replied.
    "How?" Pinocchio asked.
    "Don't give up!" Sora answered,"Try fighting your way out!"
    "Be brave..." Pinocchio told himself,"Okay, I'll try!"
    The parasite began to move, it moved more and more until its cage like self opened up, Pinocchio jumped out and came running towards the heroes.

    "Pinocchio, are you all right?" Jiminy asked.
    "Don't worry, I'm okay," Pinocchio smiled,"Just a little sticky... But I have a great idea! The Heartless spat me out when I started struggling. Why don't we try the same thing with Monstro?"
    "Of course!" Sora hadn't thought of that,"If we're lucky, Monstro might cough us up!"
    "Great idea!" Donald complimented,"Let's go deeper inside and try it!"
    "I'm going, too!" Pinocchio smiled.
    "No, it's too dangerous," Jiminy shook his head.
    "Aww, c'mon..." Pinocchio pleaded.
    "You should be with Geppetto," Jiminy said,"No use escaping from Monstro if you two get seperated again!"
    "Leave this to us!" Sora smiled.
    "I guess you're right," Pinocchio replied,"Be careful, everybody!"
    Jiminy hopped into Sora's hood and they ran deeper into Monstro's bodily system.

    They ran as deep as they could go, before they reached a dead end. They looked around to see if there was anyway out.
    "Looks like this is as far as we go," Goofy said.
    "Ready, then?" Sora asked,"Let's shake things up!"
    "It would be easier if we had someone to fight..." Donald stated.
    "Perfect timing," Sora smiled, smugly, as a group of shadow Heartless came to join them,"Looks like we've got company!"
    The Heartless kept coming, and Monstro as beginning to get restless, just what they wanted.

    "Whew," Sora panted, as the last of the Heartless were deafeted, but that wasn't the end of anything, the ground began to shake again.
    "What now?!" Goofy cried.
    "It's working!" Jiminy smiled,"Monstro's gonna sneeze!"
    The large beast sneezed a humongous sneeze, Sora, Donald and Goofy were blown into his mouth, they lay there on the planks of wood lying in the water.

    "Oww..." Sora complained, as he brought himself to his feet,"Now, I know what getting shot out of a cannon feels like."
    "Where's Pinocchio and his dad?" Goofy asked, already on his feet, looking around.
    They looked over to where the ship was, it was no longer there, had they got out safely?
    "They're gone," Jiminy said, jumping onto the floor,"They must've gotten out safely."
    "Without you, Jiminy?" Sora laughed,"I thought there was no escaping your conscience!"
    "I don't mind being left behind, as long as they're both safe," Jiminy smiled,"Maybe Pinocchio doesn't need me after all."
    "What do you mean?" Sora asked.
    "That little puppet had trouble telling right from wrong," Jiminy explained,"But he's come a long way. Maybe he doesn't need Jiminy Cricket anymore. Maybe he's better off without me nagging him all the time..."
    "Don't you remember what Geppetto said?" Sora asked, smiling,"'There's nothing better than being re-united with someone you care about.' I bet Pinocchio's counting the days till he can see you again."
    "Well, what do you know..." Jiminy smiled,"You might be right."
    Sora nodded and it was time to head back to the castle. They ran through Monstro to find their way back, it was time for the next world to be revealed.


    Chapter 7​

    They walked in through the doors of the castle, as they did so Donald stopped.
    "I hope the king is okay..." Donald sighed.
    Sora turned to him,"Why bring that up all of a sudden?"
    "I just wanted to make sure I haven't forgotten about him," Donald replied.
    "And?" Goofy ushered, turning to Donald.
    "I still remember perfectly!" Donald answered,"Goofy and I are on a quest to find him."
    "Yep," Goofy nodded,"The king saved the world by staying on the other side of the door to darkness."
    "If Goofy still remembers," Donald continued,"then I won't forget anytime soon."
    "And me--I'm looking for Riku," Sora reminded,"He was with the king when the door closed. That was easy. I guess we really can't forget the most important memories."
    Donald sighed,"I hope not..."

    In the white room where the two girls were before, stood Axel and another person in a black cloak. It was a girl, with golden, or blonde, she had two bits of hair that stuck out behind her like antennae.
    "Wow, Axel," the woman said,"You seem really intrigued by this Sora kid."
    "And you're not?" Axel said, standing on the other side of the egg-shaped, orb stood between them.
    "I haven't made up my mind..." the woman replied.
    "I'd like to know what's on yours," the girl from before in Monstro interrupted, walking up to the two of them, she on the other hand wasn't wearing a cloak.
    "He became a Heartless, Larxene, Ria--" Axel explained,"And you know what happens to people who do."
    "People who lose their hearts, lose their minds, their feelings..." the woman in the cloak replied, she must've been Larxene,"They're consumed by the darkness."
    "Wait a second!" Ria ordered,"Then why am I here? Hara never lost her heart!"
    "Right, that never happened to Sora, he held onto his feelings, even as a Heartless," Axel replied to Larxene,"Ria, you're time is to come, Hara WILL lose her heart."
    "You're gonna make her lose her heart?" Ria asked.
    "If we have to," Axel replied,"Now, back to Sora. Only one other man ever managed to do that."
    "So, it's the strength of his heart that intrigues you--" Larxene continued,"--the heart chosen by the Keyblade. Is that the same with Hara?"
    "We're testing her heart's strength by using Ria, right now," Axel explained,"Hara and Ria are two seperate people pushed into one, if Hara can reach her heart and change back to who she is, then her heart is very strong, if she doesn't, she is most likely no use to us, the thing we've got to prevent her from though, is getting to Sora, right now. It could harm him, his memories are being forgotten, if she meddles hers and his can be harmed in the most dyer ways, but what we want to know is, what makes their hearts shine like that? What sleeps in its most secret depths?"
    "Interesting, the heart is a mysterious thing, Axel," Larxene replied.
    "Maybe so," Axel replied,"But unlocking it's secrets is the whole reason we, the Organization, exist. By the way, Ria, here."
    He chucked a few cards at her, she caught them with ease and had a look at them, she nodded and walked off.

    They walked to the next floor, if only they had heard why this had all happened.
    "So, except our friends, we're forgetting everything bit by bit..." Donald said.
    "Hmm..." Goofy sighed,"I wonder what we just forgot. I can't think of anything. I guess I musta forgot it. But, whatever it was, it must not have been that important, a-hyuck!"
    "Right, or else you wouldn't have forgot it," Sora smiled, he held out the lucky charm Kairi had given to him,"See, look at this."
    "What's that?" Donald asked.
    "It's a good luck charm Kairi gave to me," Sora replied,"It's special to her, so I promised I'd return it. I'll never forget that promise, that's why I'll never forget Kairi. I wonder what she's doing now..."
    The room went pitch black, and Sora remembered Kairi, she appeared in front of him and smiled, but behind him someone else stood. A girl with blonde, the one in the white dress. She disappeared when Sora turned around to her and the room went back to normal.
    "Wha..." Sora started,"Oh... Who...who was that?"
    "Hello?" Donald called to Sora,"You still with us?"
    "Huh?" Sora turned back to his friends,"Oh, nothing. Never mind."
    "Well, let's keep going," Goofy smiled.
    Sora nodded and turned to the large door. He walked up to the large doors and got out his cards, the next world awaited them.


    Chapter 8​

    The winds blew cold, and the night had blown over. This world had cobwebs all around. The gravel had the shadows of shadows, and the moon was always full.
    "Gawrsh," Goofy gulped,"Don't like the looks of this place. I bet it's crawlin' with ghosts."
    "Well, then, what's there to worry about?" Donald asked,"You won't be spooked if you already know what's coming!"
    "You really think so?" Goofy asked.
    "Trust me!" Donald ordered.
    "Welcome to Halloween Town!" a voice called to them.
    They looked around for a face to match the voice to, but the place just got darker, just then a light flashed and a tall, skeleton-like man appeared.
    "WAK!" Donald screamed,"A ghost!"
    The light had re-appeared and the man smiled.
    "Wow!" he cried,"That was the best shriek I've heard in ages! If you're THAT easy to scare, I'm gonna have a great time! Sorry, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Jack Skellington! Halloween Town is my town. I'm the king of nightmares and terror! If you want chills and horror, you've come to the right place!"
    "Well, we don't!" Donald frowned at the cheerful skeleton.
    "At the moment, we've got a little problem in Halloween Town," Jack sighed.
    "What kind of problem?" Sora asked.
    "Well...a problem like this!" Jack explained, and gestured to the group of Heartless that suddenly appeared.
    "AH!" Sora cried, as the Heartless appeared.
    He got out his Keyblade and got ready to fight, this wasn't going to be easy, he knew that for sure.

    "What's the big idea!" Donald was steaming,"Why'd you go and call the Heartless!?"
    "I didn't call them," Jack replied, turning to the steaming duck,"In fact, I'd love to get rid of them. The Heartless go around attacking people, instead of just scaring them."
    "Why are they here?" Sora asked.
    "I was just going to ask Dr. Finklestein the same question," Jack answered,"I'm heading to his laboratory right now. Follow me!"
    Jack walked on down the path, but before the others followed, Jiminy jumped up onto Sora's shoulder.
    "Sora, what should we do?" he asked.
    "I guess we'd better go," Sora replied, still unsure on whether or not he should follow the skeleton.
    "I don't like this," Donald frowned, he crossed his arms and looked down the path,"What if he's leading us right to the Heartless?"
    "Bingo!" Jack cried, from up the path,"You saw right through me!"
    He then appeared in front of them again, scaring the living daylights out of Donald once more.
    "Just a joke," Jack laughed,"Now, let's get going!"
    Jack led them down the path once more, this time they followed him.

    They ended up in the graveyard. In amongst the graves, a girl stood, she looked more like a zombie than a girl, but she was still a girl. She ahd her hands clutched together tightly.
    "There you are, Sally!" Jack called to her,"I thought I'd find you here."
    "Who are your friends?" the girl asked.
    "They're interested in true memories, you have the potion, don't you?" Jack explained.
    "Well...yes," Sally timidly, replied.
    "Could you give it back?" Sora asked, politely.
    "I guess so, if you insist," Sally replied,"But...I'm afraid. All the Doctor did was smell it and the Heartless appeared. What if someone drinks it?"
    "Are you kidding?" Jack smiled,"What could be more exciting?"
    "I'm worried, Jack," Sally pleaded him,"Isn't there another way?"
    "Any ideas, Jack?" Sora begged.
    "I can't think of a thing," Jack aplogised, turning to Sora.
    "I can!" a voice said from inside something,"Give it here!"
    Suddenly, the coffin next to them burst open and a sack-like man snatched the potion from Sally's hands and ran off with it, but where did he go?
    Sally looked around,"Oh, no! The potion!"
    Luckily, the thief hadn't got too far and was easy to catch up on, they ran down the path to him. He was holding the potion in one hand.
    "Oogie!" Jack cried,"You again!"
    "Jack, where are your manners?" the man scolded, jokingly, he held up the potion,"I'm just helping you put the potion to good use! You should thank me! Well, well, just one sniff and the Heartless appeared. What if I chugged the whole thing? THAT would be scary! Poor Jack! You can't hold a candle to Oogie Boogie. Halloween Town is going to taste pain and despair beyond any nightmare!"
    Oogie walked off, laughing evilly at Jack and his friends' dismay. This was not good, Oogie was going to put the whole of Halloween Town in danger.
    "Pain and despair?" Jack called,"Oogie, you monster!"
    "C'mon, Jack, we've got to go after him!" Sora frowned.
    Jack nodded and led the way to Oogie Boogie, Donald and Goofy followed, Sally stood in the graveyard and worried.

    They reached Oogie Boogie's manor, the place was a giant roulette table, up above it Oogie Boogie stood. Jack and the others walked up to him. Jack frowned at him.
    "Oogie!" he called,"Hand over the potion!"
    Oogie turned around and held up the potion,"You fools, you don't know when to quit! Say...all this running around is making me thirsty!"
    "Oogie!" Sora ordered,"No!"
    "Yes!" Oogie smiled, smugly, he poured the potion into his mouth, the last drip was drunk.
    "Oh, no..." Sora sighed.
    "Ahh!" Oogie laughed, licking his lips,"Lip-smacking good! Now, I can awaken my true memories!"
    The group stood in wait for the Heartless to appear, but for their good fortune, none of them appeared. What was going on?
    "Agh," Oogie stopped laughing and stood there, shocked,"What's this? What...Something's welling up deep inside me--something...scary!"
    Jack walked wearily towards him,"Oogie! What's going on?"
    "No!" he cried,"Get back! Stay away from me!"
    Sora got out his Keyblade, whatever was welling up inside Oogie was about to well back down.

    "Get away!" Oogie ordered,"You're s-s-scaring me!"
    This battle was going to be difficult, Oogie stood up on the balcony, whilst Sora stood in the roulette table.
    "Sora!" Ria called,"Here!"
    She chucked the cards Axel had given her to him and he caught them.
    "You again!" Sora cried, but she was gone, she wasn't allowed to get involved so she left as fast as she could.
    This battle had now begun...

    When the battle was over, they headed to Dr. Finklestein's laboratory. He was sat in his wheelchair with Sally stood along side him.
    "Confound that Oogie Boogie!" he was steaming like Donald was,"He drank nearly all of my precious potion! There are only a few drops left!"
    "Sora, why don't you ask the doc if you can drink the rest?" Goofy suggested to Sora.
    "No," Sora shook his head,"I'd better not."
    "What, don't you want it?" the Doctor asked,"Too bad. It would've been a great experiment."
    "Now, Doctor..." Sally interrupted.
    "Don't you want to find out about your true memories?" Jack asked Sora.
    "Of course--now more than ever," Sora nodded,"But there's this guy--Axel. I promised him I'd find the truth on my own."
    "I just don't understand," Dr Finklestein thought out loud,"When I inhaled the potion, Heartless appeared...and when Oogie drank it, he was overcome with fear. What could it mean?"
    "It means the potion was a failure," Sally answered.
    Dr Finklestein got angry again and turned to Sally,"No! I can't be wrong! Oogie MUST have found his true memories! Hmm... True memories must unbalance the heart and cause unpredictable changes within!"
    "Then...what about me?" Sora asked,"What happens when my true memories awaken?"
    "Perhaps something even more terrifying..." Dr. Finklestein replied, even he was unsure,"But this is all just a hypothesis. I can't be sure without further research."
    He rode off in his wheelchair and Sora stood in thought. Goofy and Donald turned to him and so did Jack.
    "What's wrong, Sora?" Jack asked, concerned,"Does the Doctor's theory scare you?"
    "Well, yeah--a little," Sora replied.
    Jack smiled,"That's good to hear!"
    Sora gave Jack a funny look, and Jack smiled back,"Fear and insecurity are signs of a strong heart. Without that strength, your zest for life would would your taste for fear. And believe me, that would really ruin my fun."
    Sora nodded, he smiled at Jack,"Thanks, Jack. I'll remember that."
    "Then, good luck, gentlemen!" Jack granted,"May you always enjoy being frightened!"
    The three of them ran back into the streets of Halloween Town, the next adventure awaited them. They ran down through all the streets they'd been through before and found the door back to the castle. The next world awaited them.


    Chapter 9​

    They walked into the castle, everything was still the same. Sora stopped and thought for a moment, he remembered that other girl from before when he was remembering Kairi.
    "Who was that I remembered earlier?" he asked himself,"It wasn't Kairi... Was there...someone else? What was her name again? I know it, it was... It was..."
    "Sora!" Donald interrupted his train of thought,"Snap out of it!"
    "Wh-What?" Sora jumped as the duck had scared him.
    "Get a move on!" Donald ordered,"You want to find Riku and the king, don't you?"
    "Well, yeah..." Sora sighed, Donald stormed over to the next door,"Darn! It was on the tip of my tongue..."
    Sora ran to follow the others, all of this was becoming awfully strange for them all.

    In the white room, the girl was sat drawing, no-one to disturb her, although she was not alone in the room, Ryoko was still asleep, and Ria was sorting out another deck of cards she had been given.
    The girl had drawn a picture of what looked like, Sora, Kairi, her and Riku, all joined by holding hands. She was good drawer, it looked perfect and so serene.

    The next door stood in front of them. Donald and Goofy walked towards the door, but Sora stopped, his mouth wide open, the words came flying out.
    "I remember!" Sora cried.
    Donald and Goofy turned to Sora and gave him a funny look, they didn't know what on Earth he was talking about.
    "There was an another girl!" Sora continued.
    Goofy looked around, his eyes wide open,"What? Where?"
    "No, no," Sora laughed,"I mean on the islands, where I used to live. Besides Kairi and Riku, there was one other girl I was friends with. The four of us used to play together all the time."
    "Well, I'll be!" Jiminy cried, jumping onto Sora's shoulder,"I think that's the first time you've ever mentioned her."
    "Yeah..." Sora sighed,"I forgot about her. I think she went away while I was still little."
    "That's strange," Donald replied,"Why are you remembering all that now?"
    "I'm not sure," Sora replied,"But it's been coming back to me in pieces as we go through the castle."
    "So, what's her name?" Goofy asked.
    Sora thought for a moment,"I don't remember. I feel kinda dumb. Here we are, saying we won't forget our friends...and I can't even remember her name."
    "Sora..." Donald sighed.
    Goofy smiled,"Well, there's no rush! Let's keep going. You're bound to remember it, just like the rest."
    Sora nodded and smiled at Goofy,"I guess so."
    Sora ran to the door and got out the next world card, the next adventure awaited...

  17. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 10​

    The golden, concrete walls towered over them, the slightly, dusty floor lay beneath them. On one of the walls, a board was nailed to it, this board court Donald's eye.
    "Look, an announcement!" Donald called to the others.
    Jiminy jumped on Sora's shoulder so he could read it out to them.
    "Well, I'll be," Jiminy said,"It's for some sort of contest, they're calling it the 'Olympus Colisseum Survival Cup'. Contenders have to run an obstacle course, battling eachother along the way. And listen to this: 'The great hero, Hercules, will also compete for the cup'. It says here he's never been beaten."
    "Sounds like fun," Sora smiled,"Why don't we enter, too?"
    "I thought you'd say that," Goofy replied, laughing,"Whenever there's a contest, you're rarin' to join up."
    "You're going to compete even if we don't, right?" Donald asked.
    Sora thought for a moment, he then nodded,"Uh-huh."
    "Guess we'd better tag along, then," Donald smiled.
    Jiminy turned his attention back to the board for a moment, he then noticed he hadn't read something,"Hold it, everyone! There's more... 'Only contenders who finish the preliminary course may enter the main competition'. It says the preliminary course is just ahead."
    "Then, what are we waiting for?" Sora smiled,"Let's go!"
    Jiminy jumped into Sora's hood, he ran off to the preliminary's, Goofy and Donald slowly followed behind. Just as they left, a man in black robes, with a blue flame for hair, walked up to the board and had a look at it.
    "Whoa-whoa-whoa," he said,"Wait a MINUTE! What is THIS? 'Hercules is a model of true strength and gallantry--the perfect hero'?! Oh, he's perfect, all right."
    Suddenly, his whole body, including the flame, went red with anger, what was this man's problem with Hercules?
    "PERFECTLY INFURIATING!" he screamed,"Just thinking about that little sunspot makes me boil! GRAAH! I'd like to send him to the Underworld...permanently!"
    "Which is why you hired me," a male voice said, as the man was walking closer.
    The flaming man went back to his normal state and smiled,"That's right. You're my man...Cloud."
    Cloud! Why wasn't Hara there when she needed to be? Finding Cloud was not going to be easy, after this, anyway.
    "Your job is to beat Hercules in the games," the flaming man explained,"And once you've got him cornered...finish the job. Do that for me, and--"
    "You restore my lost memories," Cloud finished,"As we agreed."
    "You have my word," the flaming man smiled, and Cloud walked over to the preliminaries.

    They walked up to the goat, standing in the middle of a pillar filled area. He turned to them, as he their footsteps coming.
    "Huh?" he said,"Where'd you come from? Don't tell me you guys finished the prelims!"
    "We sure did," Sora nodded,"And now we want to go for the Cup."
    "Well, you came to the right place," the goat said,"Not that you stand a chance against Herc."
    "Why not?" Donald asked.
    "Two words," the goat replied,"You-ain't-heroes!"
    "You're wrong!" Sora argued with him.
    "Yeah," Goofy agreed, but he was not talking about what Sora meant,"He said three words."
    "Not that," Sora explained,"I mean, how can we prove we're heroes unless you give us a chance?"
    A tall, muscular man came wandering up to the goat, it seemed he had overheard their conversation, he smiled at Sora and then turned to the goat,"He's right, Phil. They cleared the prelims. I think they deserve a shot."
    "Hmm..." the goat sighed," got a point there, Herc. But still--"
    "Of course, we could always cancel the games," the man reminded the goat of the other option.
    "Cancel them!" Sora cried,"What for?"
    "Old Phil's prelim course was so hard, no-one else could finish it," Hercules explained.
    "Is that right?" Sora asked,"Then, it's settled! Let us compete, and you won't have to cancel the games! How about it, Phil?"
    Phil turned away and thought for a moment,"Okay, you got me over a barrel, so fine. Here's how it works, kid--"
    "It's Sora--not 'kid'," Sora interrupted.
    "All right, all right," Phil said, turning around to them,"Sora, since your team and Hercules are the only contenders--"
    "They're not," a voice said, another interruption?
    They turned to see Cloud walking towards them, he stopped when he got right in front of Sora,"The games have a new challenger. Name's Cloud."
    "The more the merrier!" Phil cheered,"Now the games will really be something to see!"
    "I'm looking forward to this," Hercules smiled,"Don't expect me to pull any punches."
    "Hey, as long as you don't expect me to take them!" Sora replied,"Let's give it our best."
    "Whatever," Cloud replied.
    "Okay, let's get this show on the road!" Phil cried,"But first I gotta explain a few rules."
    "Don't have any games without me!" a voice called, Ria came running up the path, she smiled her little smile and looked at Sora.
    "I'm not going to beat up a girl!" Sora said.
    "Okay, then, have it your way," Ria smiled,"I'll just beat you up."
    "Come on!" Phil ushered,"Right... Rule number 1! First one through the obstacle course wins! Rule number 2! In the event of a tie, a battle will determine the winner! Rule number 3! You can interfere with your opponents on the course! And finally... Rule number 4! All challengers must give it everything they got!"
    Everyone nodded and got into a line, Cloud stood on the end next to Ria, who was in between Cloud and Sora, and Sora stood next to Hercules. Donald and Goofy stood behind Sora in a line.
    "Sora..." Ria whispered, she placed some cards in his hands,"If you wanna win, you've gotta be prepared."
    "Who are you?" Sora whispered back to her, taking a look at the cards.
    "Don't you remember me?" she asked.
    "Erm..." Sora thought for a second,"No..."
    "All right, enough with the spiel," Phil said,"On your marks... Get set..."
    Phil jumped in the air, punching his fist into it,"GO!"
    The contenders all ran into the obstacle course, all going different ways. As Sora and his friend ran through the maze, they ran into Cloud.

    "Gawrsh," Goofy said, as they ran down the path and found Cloud,"That was nice of him to wait for us to catch up!"
    "He's not waiting!" Donald told Goofy,"Remember, rule number 3? 'You can interfere with your opponents on the course'!"
    "He's looking to narrow the field!" Sora frowned, he got out his Keyblade ready to fight.
    "You can put those away," Cloud told them,"I'm not looking for a fight with you, so keep walking."
    "See?" Goofy mocked,"He was waitin' for us to catch up!"
    "Well, we've caught up," Donald replied,"Let's take him up on his offer and keep going."
    "I don't see a downside..." Sora said, and they continued walking down the path, but then turned back just to make sure,"Listen, are you sure?"
    "I'm not here for the Cup," Cloud explained,"Just Hercules. Today, he loses more than the competition."
    "You don't mean..." Sora gasped,"But why?! What did he do to you?"
    "Nothing," Ria jumped off the ledge and onto the boxes behind Cloud.
    "How do you know?" Donald asked.
    "Lets just say, I'm good at eavesdropping," Ria smiled.
    "Isn't that rude?" Goofy asked.
    "Rude or not, it's fun!" Ria replied.
    "This is business," Cloud interrupted,"Stay out of it. Go win your cup."
    Sora got out his Keyblade once again, Ria stepped back on the boxes and got ready to watch this fight.
    "Do you realise what you're doing?" Cloud asked.
    "Rule number 3," Sora answered,"You can interfere with your opponents, right? You're not the only one who wants to fight Hercules."
    "Big mistake," Cloud replied.
    Cloud got out his sword and got ready to fight.

    The battle was over and Cloud was nowhere in site, neither was Ria. They looked around for him, but he was nowhere.
    "Where did Cloud go?" Sora frowned.
    "Where did Ria go?" Goofy asked.
    "Up here!" a voice cried, Ria jumped down off the ledge and back onto the boxes,"I don't know where Cloud is, sorry."
    "He headed for the finish line!" Jiminy cried, jumping onto Sora's shoulder,"We'd better go after him!"
    "Right," Sora nodded.
    "Follow me," Ria ordered,"I know a short cut!"
    Ria started running down the path, Sora and the others followed her down the path. They found both Cloud and Hercules by the finish line.

    Cloud was sat on one knee and Hercules was panting. It looked as if they'd just been fighting.
    "You lost!" Hercules cried,"Give it up, Cloud!"
    "We're not done yet..." Cloud said, bringing himself to his feet.
    "I can't guarantee your safety if we keep going like this," Hercules said, concerned in Cloud's health.
    "Better worry about yourself," Cloud replied,"Looks to me like you're slowing down a bit."
    Hercules gritted his teeth and groaned at Cloud, Sora ran over to Hercules and got out his Keyblade.
    "Don't worry!" Sora cried,"I'l back you up!"
    "Sora?" Hercules asked.
    "Get all the backup you want," Cloud said,"I'm going to finish you and get back my memories!"
    "Your memories?" Sora repeated, wonderingly.
    "Now, now, Cloud," a familiar voice said,"We don't want to spill the beans."
    "You were gonna risk Hercules' life, just to get back your memories?" Ria cried, Cloud nodded in reply and she frowned,"That is SO selfish!"
    "Put a sock in it," the flaming man said, as he walked up to them.
    "Hades!" Hercules cried,"You!"
    "Looks like you oversold yourself, Cloud," the flaming man turned to Cloud,"All you did as wear him down. This doesn't look good for your performance rating... Let me put it this way. You, my spikey-haired friend, are fired!"
    " memories!" Cloud argued,"We had a deal!"
    "Did you really think you could get back your lost memories just like that?" Hades asked,"Get a grip!"
    "Why, you--" Cloud gritted his teeth.
    "I said, you're through!" Hades growled at Cloud,"This time, I'll take care of Irk-ules myself!"
    He held out his arms at wingspan and pushed everyone back, Hercules fell to the floor like a shot.
    "Hey?!" Sora cried.
    "Rule number 5," Hades smiled, smugly,"It's never to late to enter the games!"
    "Hades, you were behind this all along!" Hercules cried, angrily, he was still holding himself up by one knee, but he wasn't too weak to be angry.
    "Cloud may have failed to take you out, but he did break you down," Hades explained,"Time for Plan B! Pack your pita, Herc, 'cause you've just won a free trip to the Underworld-paid by me!"
    "Hold it, hothead!" Ria cried.
    Both her and Sora ran in front of Hercules, both of them with their Keyblades at the ready. Hercules looked up at them and shook his head.
    "Sora, no!" he ordered.
    "Come on, Herc," Sora pleaded,"How can we go one-on-one if you're in the Underworld?"
    "Good point, kid," Hades agreed,"I guess you'll just have to go with him!"
    Hades laughed at the two teenagers standing in front of him, both ready to fight the God of the Underworld, with just Keyblades and the magic they had been learning for weapons.
    "Rule number 6!" Hades laughed,"There are no rules!"

    Phil stood in the middle of Hercules, Sora, Goofy and Donald. They had been discussing everything that had happened.
    "What?!" Sora cried,"The games are cancelled? How come?"
    "Three words!" Phil replied,"Everyone's pooped!"
    "Wait a minute," Goofy replied,"That was only two--"
    "You gotta be kidding!" Sora interrupted,"What about my match with Hercules?"
    "I'm sorry, Sora," Hercules apologised,"But you wouldn't want me to fight in this condition. Let's have a match when I'm fit again. Can you wait?"
    Sora thought for a second,"Okay. I'll hold you to that."
    Hercules smiled at the boy,"Then it's settled!"
    "Sora, over here!" Jiminy cried, he was standing by a worn out Cloud,"He's coming around!"
    The group ran over to Cloud, he was kneeling down. He looked up at the others and Sora smiled.
    "You okay?" Sora asked.
    "Yeah," Cloud nodded, he brought himself to his feet and bowed his head,"Sorry I messed up your games."
    Cloud turned to the path behind him and started to wandering down it, time to find his memories.
    "Hey!" Sora cried,"Hope you get your memories back! Forget about what Hades said. Sometimes the tiniest thing can make you remember stuff that you forgot years ago. If it's an important memory, there's no way it could ever be forgotten. That's what I think, anyway."
    Cloud thought for a second and then chucked a card back to Sora,"That's for you. For helping me out."
    "Sure you don't want to just come with us instead?" Sora offered.
    Cloud flicked his hair out of his eyes,"Sorry. Not interested."
    He continued walking down the path, Sora and the others waved goodbye and said their goodbye's to Phil and Hercules. They then headed off back to the castle. The next adventure and the rest of their memories were awaiting them...


    Chapter 11​

    They wandered into the Castle once again, still nothing had changed. Still the same old white floors and ceilings and rooms. Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder, as Donald turned to speak to Sora.
    "Hey, Sora," Donald began,"Do you remember anything else about that girl?"
    "Yeah, bits and pieces," Sora replied, folding his arms to think more.
    "Tell us about her," Goofy asked,"Talking about it might help you remember."
    "Okay, um..." Sora replied, and started to remember things about her,"She was quiet...and almost always drawing pictures. While we were swimming at the beach, she'd draw a picture of it, instead. Sometimes she drew us, too! She was really good at it. I think sometimes Riku and I would fight over who would get his picture drawn next. But, one day, she was gone. Just like that. I think our parents knew the reason. They might've even tried to explain it to me. But I was little. I probably didn't understand what was happening. I remember crying a little after she was gone. But that's it. I still can't remember her name."
    "Still, up until now you didn't remember any of that!" Donald tried to cheer him up,"At this rate, you'll think of her name in no time!"
    "Anyone notice something odd?" Jiminy asked, sitting on Sora's shoulder,"Sora's remembering things, instead of forgetting them. Hmm... Maybe forgetting things is the only way to reach the memories buried deeper down."
    "You mean, we have to forget to remember?" Goofy asked.
    "So, it's like those black-robed guys said," Sora thought out loud,"'Our most porecious memories lie deep in our hearts, out of reach'. And all that stuff about finding being losing and losing being finding... I didn't get it at first, but maybe this is what they were talking about."
    "Aww, that's no fair!" Donald complained,"Why aren't the rest of us remembering anything yet? Come on, Goofy! We're not forgetting fast enough! Let's move!"

    In the same white room, Axel and Larxene were standing. The mysterious oval still stood in the middle, Ria came wandering in and folded her arms, she stood in a sulk next to Larxene.
    "It looks like Sora's memories have taken root, just as we planned," Larxene smiled.
    "Let's see how far that boy will go, then," Axel replied, smiling evily,"Think it's time for another roud?"
    "Only if it's my turn to play," Larxene stopped Axel, as he started to wander off,"You had your fun on the first floor."
    Axel thought for a moment and then turned to the girl, he chucked a card to her, to use against Sora,"Remember, Larxene. Our job is to deliver him in one piece."
    "Fine," Larxene nodded,"But who says that I can't have my way with him first?"
    "Don't break him," Axel sighed.
    "Do I detect a soft spot?" Larxene mocked.
    "He's partly one of us."
    "I'm not going to break the toy, Axel--just play with it. I'm not dumb."
    "Then you won't mind the warning. Remember, Sora is one of the keys. We need him if we're going to take the Organisation."
    "So, you're in on it, too? Well, keep it under your hood until the time is right."
    Larxene created her black portal and headed to go and mess with Sora's head. Axel watched as she left, and thought about what she had just said.
    "You would of been wise to do the same, Larxene," Axel said.
    "Don't trust her..." Ria said, still with her arms folded.
    "By the way, any luck?" Axel turned to Ria and asked.
    "Yes..." Ria replied,"But what do you care? You're having fun messing with Sora, when it is ME doing all the work for Hara!"
    "We are taking notice, but Hara is harder for US to deal with," Axel explained,"You are in charge of her, and you must tell us when you've got some more on it."
    Axel opened a portal for Ria to take out of the room,"Watch what she does."
    Ria started walking into it and waved,"Whatever..."

    Sora and the others walked up to the next floor, Goofy and Donald stopped to ask Sora a few more questions.
    "So, Sora," Goofy began,"Have you remembered your friend's name yet?"
    "Nope," Sora said, folding his arms,"For whatever reason, her name's the only thing that's not coming back."
    "That must be driving you crazy!" Donald replied,"You have the memories, but no name to put them to."
    "Heh..." Sora giggled,"Yeah."
    Sora held up the next world card to the large door in front of them. The next world and its adventures awaited the heroes.

  18. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 12​

    The green grass of the forest and the tall trees that towered over them. The toadstools were almost as large as them. Just as they entered they heard footsteps coming their way.
    "Hey, somebody's comin'," Goofy said.
    A little white rabbit in a little red suit came running along, he was holding a clock and jumping up and down.
    "I'm late!" he cried,"I'm late! I'm dreadfully, awfully late! The queen will roast me for dinner! If I'm late for the trial, it'll be off with MY head next!"
    "What do you mean, 'off with your head'?!" Sora asked, surprised.
    "Oh, my fur and whiskers!" the rabbit cried,"I'll never make it!"
    The rabbit hopped off, trying to make it in time for the 'trial', Sora turned to the others, confused about the rabbit's statement.
    "Off with his HEAD?" Sora asked.
    "For such a peaceful looking place-it sounds pretty dangerous!" Donald replied.
    They continued walking through the forest, even though there was a chance of death, apparently. Some of the blades of grass were taller than them and some were shorter. The toadstolls were larger than them and the trees were huge, but in amongst all of that, the Heartless slept, waiting to pounce upon them.

    The three of them wandered onto a heart-filled mat. It led up to where a blonde girl stood, she was wearing a blue dress with white on the front. She stood in front of a plump lady wearing a crown, she was wearing a robe and sat in a court chair. Next to her stood two guards, each as straight-faced as the other. On top of a staircase, the rabbit from before stood.
    "Gawrsh, looks like some sort of get-together," Goofy said,"What's the occasion?"
    "Hey, this must be that trial the White Rabbit was talking about!" Donald cried.
    "Alice!" the rabbit called to the young girl at the stand,"Do you understand the charges against you?"
    "Of course not!" the girl cried,"I've done nothing wrong!"
    "Feigning ignorance, dear?" the woman sat down in the chair asked,"You are charged with aiding the Heartless who threaten this kingdom!"
    "Fiddlesticks!" Alice argued,"Where's the evidence?"
    "The evidence is..." the woman started,"I forgot! That's the evidence! Because you, Alice, are the one who stole my memory!"
    "We can't rid the kingdom of Heartless until we get Her Majesty's memory back," the rabbit explained,"This is a serious crime!"
    "This is so unfair!" Alice complained,"So what if you're the queen! Don't blame me just because you can't remember things!"
    "Such insolence!" Her Majesty replied,"You're talking to the Queen of Hearts! And I'd have let you go, had you apologised straight away! What a brazen thief!"
    "Who's the brazen one?" Sora interrupted, he ran up next to Alice's stand and stood to defend her.
    "Uh, Sora?" Goofy gulped.
    "The court has reached the verdict!" the Queen said,"The sentence is death!"
    "Hold it!" Sora cried,"This trial is farce! You should investigate before you arrest innocent people!"
    "What is the meaning of this?" the Queen asked, her mouth wide open,"Are you saying Alice didn't steal my memory? I suppose you know who the real culprit is, then!"
    "Huh?" Sora said,"I, er..."
    "Speak!" the Queen ordered,"Or Alice's sentence will be carried out! Now, out with it! Who's the thief?"
    "Um...uh..." Sora stuttered, he couldn't answer that, he thought for a moment before answering, the atmosphere at the court changed completely,"I'm the thief!"
    "Say that again?" the Queen asked, astonished.
    "Gawrsh, really?" Goofy asked, surpised.
    "Of course not!" Sora answered Goofy,"But what else am I supposed to say?"
    "Cards!" the Queen ordered,"Seize them all!"
    Sora got out his Keyblade and got ready to fight them off, maybe that wasn't the right thing to say.

    The cards had been beaten, but something still wasn't right, and they knew that wasn't the end of it.
    "Whew..." Sora panted, and stood up properly.
    "Hey, where's Alice?" Donald asked, looking around for the girl.
    "Looks like she escaped," Goofy said, looking around for her as well.
    "Perhaps she did," the Queen said from behind them,"But YOU won't!"
    A whole army of cards came marching towards them, they put their weapons in front of them and blocked the three of them.
    "I think we've been trumped!" Donald cried.
    "Run!" Sora ordered, and started running to the nearest place of safety.
    The others followed, as did the cards, they ran for their lives back through the forest where they'd came from.

    They found Alice standing in a pink room, they followed her inside and had a quick look around.
    "Gawrsh, what's with the sudden change of scenery?" Goofy asked.
    "Let's look around!" Alice suggested, and started to run off,"Oh, dear!"
    From the hole in the wall, the cards and the Queen came walking out, Alice stepped back as they came walking towards her.
    "Thought you'd seen the last of me, did you?" the Queen asked.
    "Uh-oh..." Sora frowned.
    "Game's up, scoundrels!" the Queen cried,"For stealing my memory, I sentence you to..."
    The Queen was interrupted by a sudden wave, she started again.
    "I sentence you to..." she began,"I...sentence... Oh? What's going on? Where am I?"
    "Huh?" Donald confusedly, stuttered.
    "What in the world am I doing?" the Queen asked,"Confound it, I can't remember!"
    "What's wrong with her?" Sora asked.
    "Maybe somebody swiped her memory again?" Goofy said.
    Suddenly, Alice heard a noise and came running up to Sora.
    "Sora, watch out!" she cried,"Something's coming!"
    Just then, a large pleated monster, made of cards, juggling flaming torches, stood in front of him. Its feet were hooks, and its legs were red, bent sticks.
    "So, this is what stole the queen's memory!" Sora said.

    "What is the meaning of this?" the Queen asked, standing in front of the group of friends,"Where did that Heartless come from?"
    "How would WE know?" Sora replied, being worn out from that battle.
    "So, you refuse to answer," the Queen frowned,"You're hiding something! They're plotting against me! Seize them immediately!"
    "Please, Your Majesty, wait!" Alice pleaded, as the cards behind the queen lent forward to attack,"It was you who commanded us to destroy the Heartless."
    Sora raised an eyebrow,"Huh?"
    "Your Majesty, in her prudence, didn't completely trust us at first," Alice explained, all a lie obviously, but it was a helpful one seeing as the Queen had lost her memory,"And so, at Your Majesty's command, we fought the Heartless to prove ourselves. Isn't that right, Sora?"
    "We did?" Sora asked, raising an eyebrow, but then he got the hint,"I mean, we did! Your, uh, Majesty."
    "I...told do that?" the Queen stuttered to ask, still completely confused by what they were saying.
    Alice smiled and giggled,"But You Majesty, don't you remember?"
    The Queen frowned and gritted her teeth,"Don't be ridiculous! I never forget anything! Of course, I gave the command. Alice, Sora, you did splendidly."
    The cards split apart to make way for the Queen, she walked through the hole away from the group and the cards followed, leaving the four to say what they wished.
    "Well, that was close," Alice giggled.
    "Way to improvise!" Sora complimented,"I never would of thought of that."
    "But the Chesire Cat said as much," Alice replied,"'Try too hard to remember, and your memory might lie to you'. The queen would never admit she forgot. So instead, she remembered something that didn't happen! She ended up fooling herself."
    Sora thought for a moment and Alice looked at him,"What is it, Sora?"
    "Hmm..." Sora thought,"It's nothing. Well, I guess you'll be safe now."
    "And that queen won't give us anymore trouble!" Goofy smiled,"After all, we got rid of the Heartless, just like she commanded!"
    "Don't tell me you've been fooled, too!" Donald shouted at the poor Goofy.
    Sora and his friends said goodbye to Alice and made their way back to the Castle, back through the forest, they followed the way they came. Maybe Sora had remembered his friend's name.


    Chapter 13​

    (Right, I can't find the GBA original cutscenes anymore, which means that the Castle Oblivion scenes may not be as you remember them, because I'm using the remake scenes now, right, story time...)

    Sora and the others walked into the Castle, the doors closed behind them, before them stood Larxene. Sora looked around a bit and then noticed her, he ran up to her with his Keyblade in hand. She smiled at him, not an evil smile, nor a friendly one.
    "You're with Axel, aren't you?" Donald broke the silence.
    "Oh, aren't you clever," Larxene mocked,"The name's Larxene. Are you enjoying your stay at Castle Oblivion? I bet it's nice to peel all those worthless memories away... And awaken the true memories that lie deep in your heart."
    "True memories?" Sora asked, wondering what exactly what that means.
    "But, you're still forgetting something very important," Larxene shook her head, she heard someone appear from a black portal behind her, she turned to see Ria standing behind her,"When that poor girl hears that her friend Sora has forgotten her name, she'll be heartbroken."
    "You know her?" Sora asked,"Where is she, Larxene?"
    "Honestly, Larxene, stop messing with his head!" Ria ordered.
    "What are you doing here?" Larxene asked.
    Ria smiled and walked forward a bit,"Axel sent me. Just making sure you don't break him, that's all."
    Larxene laughed and looked at the distraught in Sora's eyes.
    "Larxene, is" Sora asked.
    "Uh-huh!" Larxene nodded, walked over to Ria,"The bad guys are holding her deep within the castle."
    She reached to Ria and grabbed Ria's chin,"I'll deal with YOU later!"
    Ria gritted her teeth, the anger inside her was flaming, suddenly, she shone white, a light shone brightly all around her. Her whole being changed, her hair was now brown, and it was... It was Hara! Axel's plan had worked, Hara's heart WAS strong.
    "Ah, you've come to play, have you?" Larxene said, looking into the girl's eyes,"Anyway, Sora, you, the hero, have to go save her. But..."
    Larxene lept and pushed Sora, he moved himself, but then Larxene kicked him in the stomach. He flew into the air and fell flat on his face, his Keyblade on the floor, but from his clothes, a star, a star-charm, flew off, its chain had been un-hooked, it fell to the floor.
    Larxene frowned,"I'M a bad guy, so you have to go through me!"
    "Sora!" Hara cried, tears pricked the back of her eyes.
    "Sora!?" Goofy cried, making sure he was ok.
    "What..." Sora panted, trying to get air back into him, he looked at the charm,"Is that mine?"
    "Tsk, tsk," Larxene scolded,"You've been wearing it all this time, and you forgot? No... You couldn't have. The memory is engraved in your heart. Now...think about it. What, oh, what could it be? Who gave it to you?"
    "...Na..." Sora began to mutter,"...Na...Mi..."
    "Yes, yes, that's right!" Larxene congratulated,"Free the memory from your heart!"
    "...Nami..." Sora started to bring himself to his feet, but stopped on his hands and feet, in a press-up-like position,"...Naminé..."
    "So, you finally remember," Larxene said, and walked up the charm that lay on the floor,"That's right...Naminé. She's the one who gave you the cheesy, good-luck charm."
    She picked up the charm that was laying in front of Sora on the floor and mocked him,"Not that you remembered. Could you imagine how Naminé would react if she knew you forgot her... 'How could you, Sora! How could you forget me!' Talk about heartless, it'd serve you right if I smashed this piece of junk."
    Larxene held the charm up ready to smash it to the ground, but before anything happened, Hara jumped up and grabbed the charm.
    "Don't touch it!" Sora cried, just before Hara's feet landed on the floor.
    She bent down and offered Sora her other hand to help him up, she smiled at him and he smiled back. Sora grabbed her hand and lifted himself up, she stood up opposite him and smiled. Hara grabbed Sora's hand and put the charm in it, she clamped his fingers just over it.
    "Even if you forgot me," she whispered,"I'm always with you..."
    Sora nodded, as Hara moved out the way,"Naminé gave me this! It's precious to me!"
    Sora picked up his Keyblade and got ready to fight Larxene, Hara ran to the other side of the room and stood to watch. Larxene shook her wrist just to make sure Hara didn't break anything.
    "Precious?" Larxene laughed,"Ten seconds ago you didn't even know what it was!"

    Larxene jumped back, and dodged Sora's Keyblade, she chucked her spikes that were on her fingers at it and Sora knocked it out of the way, Larxene jumped into the corner and caught her breathe.
    "Hey, you're not half bad!" Larxene laughed,"Guess you really are a hero. A heartless hero!"
    "Shut up!" Sora ordered her, Hara stood up against the wall and watched Sora get hurt once more.
    "Deos it hurt, 'cause it's true?" Larxene asked,"Grow up, kid! Here, play with these!"
    She chucked a card to Sora, he took a quick look at it and then listened to her mock him again.
    "They're more cards made from your memories," Larxene said,"Say 'thankyou' like a good boy."
    She made a black portal behind her and walked backwards into it,"Ta-ta!"
    "Wait, Larxene!" Sora called, as the portal disappeared.
    He swung his Keyblade round trying to make her come back,"Where are you! Don't hide! Show yourself!"
    Jiminy was being flung around as Sora moved angrily, Donald and Goofy watch as the poor boy got no answer,"Sora, calm down! She's not coming back!"
    Goofy and Donald walked up to Sora who was heeled over. Hara was watching as the friends tried to help him.
    "Sora..." Goofy sighed, standing next to his friend.
    "I hate her," Sora said, standing back up properly,"It's not fair that she's the one who made me remember. Naminé is special. You, why didn't you help me?"
    Hara looked up, and walked over to them,"Me? I can't do anything, I'm powerless over them."
    "Who are you, by the way?" Sora asked.
    "Don't any of you remember me?" Hara asked, they all shook their heads,"Oh... Then, I can't tell you. But, I do lie deep in your heart, out of reach, with the other precious memories."
    She created a black portal for herself and started walking into it,"Goodbye, Sora..."
    "Wait!" Sora called,"Do you know where Naminé is?"
    "Yes..." Hara nodded,"But, unfortunately, I can't tell you. I would really like to help you, Sora, but I can't. Goodbye..."
    "Oh..." Sora sighed, bowing his head, as Hara walked into the portal,"Goodbye..."

    Axel stood in the white room, he was waiting for Larxene to arrive probably. Larxene soon appeared and whiped a sweat from her brow.
    "Whew..." she panted,"Throwing the battle back there, really wore me out."
    "Thrown?" Axel replied,"Looks to me like you plain old lost the battle."
    "H-How dare you!" Larxene cried,"You just don't appreciate the finer nuances of--"
    "He's right thought," a voice said from behind them.
    A black portal appeared, and a large man with blonde hair, styled in the most oddest form, stood, holding Hara's collar in his hands.
    "Vexen!" Larxene cried,"Hey, where'd you find that?"
    He walked forward to them, along with Hara,"Humbled by someone of such limited significance."
    "Hey!" Hara cried, but the man tugged on her collar.
    "You shame the Organisation," Vexen told Larxene, she growled at him and Axel walked over.
    "Can we help you, Vexen?" Axel asked Vexen,"It's not very often we see you topside."
    "I came to lend a hand, then, I found this little rat snooping round the castle," Vexen replied,"Anyway, I remain unconvinced of any potential in this 'hero' you've been coddling. Perhaps an experiment will put my doubts to rest."
    "I told you!" Hara cried,"I'm not snooping!"
    "Ah, our plan worked, then," Axel smiled.
    "Ha, I knew this would happen," Larxene said, ignoring Hara,"Everything we do... You always need to experiment."
    "I'm a scientist," Vexen smiled,"Experimentation is what I do."
    Axel grabbed Hara by the arm and dragged her behind him,"Well, this experiment doesn't need your help, we've got our answer. But, Vexen, cut the act. Testing Sora, is just an excuse to test your little follower."
    "Follower?" Vexen repeated,"He's the product of much research."
    "What he is, is a toy," Larxene corrected.
    "Hmph," Vexen said,"I see, I'm wasteing my time."
    "Have fun," Axel replied, handing him a card,"But take this with you. A wild card, to keep the game fresh. It's a present. Now, don't tell me I don't resect my elders."
    Footsteps could be heard, as a boy familiar to Hara walked in. He was wearing the same that the possesed Riku had been wearin, it was Riku.
    "Riku?" Hara said, looking out from behind Axel.

    Sora ran up the stairs to the next floor, he ran straight to the door, waiting for his friends to come. Goofy and Donald strolled up the stairs after him.
    "Sora, slow down!" Donald called, as he wandered up the stairs.
    "We don't have time!" Sora called back,"They've got Naminé! We have to rescue her!"
    Goofy and Donald stopped at the top of the stairs and spoke to each other, as they spoke to eachother, Sora was jumping up and down trying to get them to hurry up.
    "Hmm..." Goofy said,"Sora sure seems worked up."
    "Can you blame him?" Donald asked,"He finally remembers his friend, only to find out she's a prisoner."
    "Good point. If we heard the king was in danger, we'd be upset, too."
    Sora got out the next world card and got ready for his next adventure...

  19. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 14​

    In the middle of a deserted meadow, the birds sang. A small, yellow bear, in a red t-shirt, was thinking. Sora wandered through the meadow and saw the bear and smiled.
    "What's wrong, little fella?" Sora asked.
    The bear turned around and saw him, he walked up to him and sighed,"I'm looking for my friends."
    "Are they around here?" Sora asked, trying to help the bear, he looked around,"It looks like nobody's here."
    "So, I guess I'm looking for nobody," the bear replied.
    "Hmm?" Sora had been confused by the bear,"You're looking for nobody?"
    "Yes, I keep looking, but I'm getting nowhere," now the bear was looking confused as well,"All this searching is making me hungry. I wonder if there's a bit of honey around here. But if I start eating, I'll have to stop searching..."
    Sora thought for a moment,"Why don't we look for your friends together?"
    "You mean, look for nobody?"
    "No, your friends. They might be around here. Let's find them together."
    "Are you looking for my friends, too?"
    "No, but I'm looking for some friends of my own."
    "Are they Pooh's friends? Now, just a minute... I'm Pooh, not you."
    "That's right. I'm Sora! My friends are different from your friends. But I know what it's like to miss your friends. So, why don't we look for them together?"
    "That sounds perfect."
    The two of them wandered down the meadow searching for Pooh's friends, when they came across a part of the meadow.

    A small piglet stood, Sora towered over the frightened animal.
    "Oh!" the small piglet cried, and ran backwards,"Oh, no, oh, no, oh, no... I-I-I'm nobody. You needn't pay me any mind!"
    "You're not Pooh's friend?" Sora asked, a little surprised.
    "N-N-N-No!" the piglet denied, but then changed his mind,"Um, oh, no, I mean, I'm not, NOT Pooh's friend... I'm... I'm..."
    Pooh walked out from behind Sora and stood next to his friend,"Why, hello there, Piglet."
    "Oh!" the piglet cried,"It's you, Pooh! I'm so relieved... I finally found someone! I got seperated from the others. I was so worried, I didn't know what to do."
    "That explains why you were so fidgety," Sora said.
    "Piglet, why don't you come with us to look for the rest of our friends?" Pooh offered, he smiled at the scared, little thing.
    "What?" Piglet was stunned,"Oh, my, I don't know... Hmm... What should I do..."
    "Guess he doesn't want to come," Sora said,"Let's go, Pooh."
    They started walking down the path, Piglet still stood in thought and then saw they'd started wandering off.
    "Oh, wait!" Piglet called them back.
    "Did you make up your mind?" Pooh asked, turning round to see Piglet running towards them.
    "Well, no, I'm still thinking," Piglet replied,"But I found something strange in the bushes. I wouldn't know what to do with it. You can have it."
    Piglet gave Sora the item and they started walking again, leaving him to his thinking. Who knew finding friends would be so hard?

    They walked down to a large honey tree, there were balloons there too, Pooh grabbed hold of one of the balloons and flew up the honey tree. An owl sat in the tree and saw what was going on, he happily brought Pooh back down to the ground, after, of course, Pooh got his honey.
    "Are you all right, Pooh?" the owl asked.
    "I had a wonderful time, Owl," Pooh nodded, smiling,"I could do that all day."
    "Maybe you should use a balloon to look for your friends," Sora suggested, turning to Pooh.
    "You might think so, young man," Owl disagreed with Sora,"But the problems start when you find them. Once you find your friends, how do you get down to them? A balloon goes where the wind blows. You've no control over where you go. What if you saw your friends, but the wind kept them just out of reach? I think I'd rather keep looking for my friends, than find them and not be able to reach them."
    "You've got a point," Sora nodded.
    "If you want to find someone, you'd best do it on foot," Owl advised,"It can be quite exciting to stumble across a friend where you're least expecting them!"
    Pooh thought for a moment and then looked back at Owl,"Well, that's certainly how I feel when I stumble across some honey!"
    Owl smiled at the bear,"That's the spirit, Pooh! The trick is to keep moving and keep looking."
    "All right, Owl, that's what I'll do," Pooh replied,"I can't wait to find that honey..."
    Owl raised and eyebrow and Sora laughed,"Don't worry, I'll help Pooh find his friends."
    Owl smiled,"Splendid! Here's something to speed you on your way."
    Owl handed Sora what he said he'd give, Pooh and Sora then started walking again, looking for the next friend to find.

    As they walked along the path, Pooh fell into one of the ditches in the ground. Luckily, the balloons that were hanging around helped him out, but as he floated out, another little person was holding onto Pooh's foot, the little joey jumped off Pooh's foot and onto the floor, just before Pooh did.
    "Well, if it isn't you, Roo!" Pooh smiled at the joey kangaroo,"What were you doing in that hole?"
    "I was so busy looking for Tigger, I fell right in!" the joey explained, still smiling, because he'd seen a face he recognised.
    "Then, why didn't you jump right out again?" Pooh asked.
    "I was waiting for Tigger to come along," Roo replied, he seemed quite fond of this 'Tigger',"Then, when Tigger fell in the hole, why, there I'd be! He'd be so surprised! Doesn't it sound fun?"
    "But what if he doesn't fall in?" Sora laughed.
    "I think Tigger would bounce right over the hole," Pooh said to Roo.
    Roo sighed,"To tell the truth, I was getting a little lonely and tired of waiting for him to fall in."
    "Instead of waiting, why don't you see if you can find him?" Sora suggested.
    "You're right!" Roo cried,"That's a great idea!"
    The little joey started to bounce off, but then he came bouncing back and looked up at Sora,"By the way, I found this in the hole. Why don't you take it?"
    Roo handed over the item he was giving away, and then hopped on down the path. Sora smiled at Pooh, and they started wandering down the path, too. Finding Pooh's friends was starting to become more fun.

    They continued walking down the path, until they came across a tail-less, donkey. He seemed to be in a sulk about something, Sora and pooh wandered over to cheer him up.
    "I can't do without my tail..." the donkey sighed, Sora saw something in the nearby tree.
    Sora thought for a moment and then had an idea. He asked Pooh to come over to the tree where the honey was, Pooh smiled and went to get some honey, unfortunately, for Pooh, Sora's plan had worked and the bees came chasing after Pooh. Pooh ran, with the bees following, right into the tree nearby the donkey, the thing that was in the tree then fell down onto the floor in front of them. Sora re-attached the donkey's tail and then helped Pooh out of his poor mess.
    "Oh, my poor head..." Pooh complained, rubbing his head.
    "Well, much obliged, Pooh," the donkey thanked.
    "Much obliged to you too, Eeyore," Pooh smiled,"But what for?"
    "For running into that tree and getting my tail back for me," the donkey replied.
    "Why, I was just trying to get away from those honey bees," Pooh explained, standing back on his feet,"All I wanted was a tiny taste of honey..."
    "Oh, is that so?" Eeyore asked,"Well, you helped me anyhow."
    "I thought there was honey in that tree too," Sora somiled, smugly,"I never guessed we'd find your tail."
    "Oh, just an accident," Eeyore replied, even though he had his tail, he still seemed depressed,"Of course. No-one would help me on purpose. But I'm still obliged. Thank you, Pooh and Sora."
    "You're welcome, Eeyore," Pooh smiled.
    Eeyore turned to Sora,"Here's something for you."
    "Hey, it's ok, Eeyore," Sora said,"It was just an accident."
    "I know, but this fell down along with my tail," Eeyore replied,"It's my accidental thank you."
    Eeyore handed the item to Sora, and they waved, as they walked down the path. The next friend was on the way to find.

    Down the path, they saw Roo again, he was standing in front of some stumps, Sora taught Pooh how to jump the stumps in the right pattern. Sora helped Pooh remember the pattern and eventually, he got it right. A tiger then came walking down the path.
    "So, you feel like some bouncin' with Tigger, eh?" the tiger asked.
    "Did you see me jump?" Pooh asked, smiling,"Sora showed me how."
    "You got the idea, kiddo!" the tiger smiled, and complimented,"But you're still not doin' it right!"
    "What do you mean?" Sora asked.
    "Just imitating Tigger's no good," the tiger smiled,"No matter how much you like my boucin'! You gotta try all kinds of boucin'! Make up your own style! I'm Tigger, and you're you! That's why it's fun!"
    "We wanted you to notice," Sora explained,"That's why Pooh was imitating you."
    "Now, I see!" Tigger nodded,"If you wanna see Tigger bounce, just say the word! Here I go!"
    Tigger jumped onto his tail and did bunny hops all over the stumps, and then suddenly stopped and smiled,"How'm I doin'?"
    "Nobody bounces better!" Sora laughed.
    "But don't just do what I do," Tigger laughed,"You gotta bounce your own way if you wanna be a bouncer like Tigger!"
    He bounced off the stump and ran off down the path after Roo. pooh noticed that he'd dropped something and wslked over to it, he picked it up and looked at it.
    "Why, look Sora," Pooh called for his attention,"Tigger dropped something..."
    Pooh walked up to Sora and handed to him. Sora smiled and they started walking down the path once again, hopefully this would be the last friend they had to find.

    They started walking down a hill, when a whole bunch of cabbages came rolling down, Pooh didn't notice, but Sora was quick to move and keep Pooh from being knocked over. The cabbages were all sat in a pile at the bottom of the hill.
    "That was close," Sora panted,"Are you okay, Pooh?"
    "Yes..." Pooh replied,"I seem to be."
    "Where did all those cabbages come from?" Sora asked, looking at the pile at the side of them.
    "Yoo-hoo!" a voice called, a yellow rabbit then came running down the hill.
    "Hello, Rabbit," Pooh greeted,"What's all the fuss?"
    "Did you see my cabbages come rolling past?" the rabbit asked, not noticing the pile next to them.
    "You mean THOSE cabbages," Sora laughed, pointing to the cabbages.
    "My goodness," Rabbit's face was in shock,"There they are, all nicely stacked! How kind of you. Carrying them is so troublesome, I thought I'd try rolling them down! But it didn't work very well."
    "So, that's why those cabbages came chasing after us," Pooh replied,"It gave us quite a turn."
    "We almost got bowled over, you know," Sora told Rabbit.
    "I'm very sorry..." Rabbit apologised,"I was going to carry them in my cart, but someone broke it! It's quite annoying! I wonder who it was?"
    "Well, Rabbit, Sora and I--" Pooh started, but Sora interrupted him.
    "Whoa, whoa!" Sora interrupted,"Umm...Pooh we'd better be going! We're in a hurry, right?"
    "Yes, I suppose you're right," Pooh nodded, not understanding that Sora just didn't want Rabbit to know it was them who broke the cart,"Goodbye, Rabbit."
    "Just a moment!" Rabbit called, before they left,"I must repay you for stacking my cabbages. Thank you very much. I don't know how I would've managed without you."
    "Maybe you would've managed BETTER without us..." Sora laughed, nervously, but took the repayment anyway.
    "Now, what do you mean by that?" Rabbit asked, nervously.
    "N-Nothing!" Sora stuttered.
    They waved goodbye and headed down the path, they continued walking, until they reached a dead end.

    A river was blocking the way, Sora looked around to see if there was any other way around it, but there wasn't any in sight. Sora turned to Pooh who was following behind.
    "I guess we can't go any farther," Sora said,"So, what do you think, Pooh? Wasn't it more fun looking for friends together?"
    "Yes..." Pooh nodded,"You were right, Sora. I'd like you to have this, with my thanks."
    Pooh handed over what he was giving away and then yawned,"Whew... I've walked so far, I think I need a little rest. If only I had a nice pot of honey to keep me company..."
    Sora looked at Pooh,"Well, I'd better be going."
    "Where are you going?" Pooh asked, looking up at Sora.
    Sora smiled at the bear,"I've gotta keep looking for my friends."
    "Then, I'd better help you look for them, too," Pooh replied.
    "That's okay, Pooh," Sora turned down his offer,"You should stay here, in the Hundred Acre Wood."
    "You mean..." Pooh sighed,"This is goodbye?"
    "No way! I'll always know where to find you. If I don't forget..."
    "Don't worry, Sora. You can count on me. Even if you forget Pooh, I won't forget you."
    Sora smiled,"Thanks, Pooh."
    Pooh waved goodbye and Sora headed back to the castle, the next adventure lay waiting, and who knows, maybe he'd remember more buried memories.


    Chapter 15​

    Sora walked through the doors, Donald and Goofy were nowhere in sight, nor Hara, nor Ria, maybe Sora wasn't being greeted this time. He looked around and then noticed a familiar boy, walking down the stairs, walking towards him.
    "You..." he started, and then took a better look at the boy,"Riku?!"
    Sora ran up towards him and smiled,"I can't believe you're here!"
    "Why are you so happy?" Riku asked,"Let me know if I'm getting in the way of something more important."
    "No, of course not..." Sora shook his head, a little confused why Riku was acting like this.
    "Spare me," Riku shrugged,"You've forgotten all about me, haven't you?"
    "Are you crazy?" Sora asked,"I've been looking all over for you, Riku!"
    "But not anymore," Riku replied,"Now, all you're looking and thinking about is Naminé. You don't care about me at all. You care much more about Naminé."
    "Naminé?" Sora whispered, remembering her.
    "I knew it. She's all you think about. Just because you want to see Naminé... Doesn't mean Naminé wants to see you. Naminé... Doesn't even want to look at you."
    "Why not?!" Sora asked, pleading for an answer.
    "Ask your memories," Riku sighed,"If you bothered to remember why Naminé left the islands... Maybe you'd know why."
    "Did something? Is it my fault? Riku..."
    Darkness surrounded Riku, suddenly it towered over him and he changed into his possessed form. Riku frowned at Sora,"Go home, Sora. I can take care of Naminé. Anyone who goes near Naminé..."
    He opened his fingers and a large, dark sword appeared in his hands.
    "Goes through me!" he cried, he jumped and lifted his weapon, he was ready to hack it down into Sora, but Sora lifted his Keyblade to stop it.
    "What's your problem?" Sora asked, fighting against Riku's weapon,"We finally found each other!"
    "Sora..." Riku replied, angrily,"You don't care about me. Naminé's not the only one who's sick of you."
    He pushed himself back and got ready to fight Sora.
    "Riku, no!" Sora pleaded.

    Riku panted, trying to catch his breathe back, but then he turned away from Sora and started to run off, back up the stairs.
    "Riku, please wait!" Sora pleaded, running after him.
    Hara was coming down the stairs, as Riku ran past, she looked down at Sora's dismay.
    "Hey!" Sora called, seeing Hara standing there.
    Hara looked at Sora and smiled faintly, she then ran back up the stairs, following Riku.
    "Wait..." Sora pleaded in a whisper.

    Sora ran up to the next floor and looked around for Riku, he was nowhere in sight.
    "Riku, don't hide!" Sora called for him, but no-one came out.
    Sora bowed his head, his friends had deserted him. Not even Naminé wanted to see him, and Hara couldn't help him, maybe Sora had deserved it, but he couldn't remember why. Goofy then walked up behind him, he remembered there were still two friends who wouldn't leave him.
    "Sora, are you okay?" Goofy asked.
    "I'm alright..." Sora replied,"But... Riku's different..."
    Jiminy jumped up onto Sora's shoulders and thought for a moment,"Hmm... He sure was acting strange. I wonder if Ansem is controlling him again?"
    "We destroyed Ansem though," Sora replied.
    "I wonder what's wrong with Riku, then..." Goofy thought out loud.
    "Hold on..." Donald thought,"The King! If something's happened to Riku, then the King might be in danger! Sora..."
    Jiminy jumped off Sora's shoulder and onto the floor,"Hey, Riku is still your friend, right? That's no mistake."
    "You sure?" Sora asked.
    "I know he said some awful things to you back there," Jiminy said,"But, don't forget-we're in Castle Oblvion. People lose their memory here, a little bit at a time. He's probably forgotten that he and you were friends, that's all."
    "So, he just forgot!?" Sora cried, wondering if it was true.
    Jiminy nodded,"That'd be my guess. So, instead of being sad, let's figure out a way to make him remember. Let's work together and get through this. It's not like you to mope, Sora."
    "He's right Sora, you shouldn't push your friends away," Goofy agreed.
    "Yeah..." Sora nodded,"Okay."
    Goofy and Donald looked at each other and nodded, they turned back to Sora and kept a straight face.
    "Sora, remember the promise we made?" Donald asked.
    "Huh?" Sora turned round to them and raised an eyebrow.
    "Keep smiling," Donald and Goofy said in unison.
    "We made that promise when we met," Goofy reminded,"No matter what, keep smiling! Don't forget that!"
    "I didn't," Sora smiled, and got ready for the next world that awaited them.


    Chapter 16​

    The seas waves could be heard coming from above, but around them were bubbles and seaweed. Goofy looked around and realised where they were.
    "Garwsh!" he cried,"This looks like the bottom of the ocean."
    "It sure does," Sora agreed,"So, how come we can breathe?"
    "Hmm..." Goofy thought,"Beats me. Maybe someone cast a spell on us?"
    "It's just like breatheing air!" Sora said.
    "But, it's not air," Donald told Sora,"See? Someone's swimming this way!"
    Sora and Goofy turned round to see a young girl with red hair, with a green fin come swimming their way. She came closer to them and had a sulk on her face.
    "If anyone asks, you didn't see me!" she said.
    "What?" Donald asked.
    "Sorry, I don't have time to explain, just promise you won't tell!" the girl pleaded, something then sparkled, and she turned away.
    "Hey, what's that sparkling thingey you got there?" Goofy asked.
    "Oh, nothing-nothing at all," she denied,"Remember, you didn't see me!"
    She then swam off in another direction, leaving the three of them slightly confused.
    "She was hiding something," Sora told the other two.
    "I wonder what it was?" Donald said.
    They then decided to go and have a look around, when they found themselves at an under the sea palace.

    In the middle of the room a crab sat, a red crab.
    "Oh, woe is me..." the crab sighed.
    "Is something wrong?" Sora asked.
    "Everything's wrong!" the crab sobbed,"Someone stole the king's magic trident. Atlantica is defenseless! And to top it off, Princess Ariel has disappeared! King Triton's worried sick. He won't leave his chambers."
    "Ariel?" Sora repeated,"She disappeared?"
    "Ariel's friend Flounder would know where she is, but now he's gone, too," the crab replied.
    "Wait a sec..." Sora said,"Didn't we just see Ariel?"
    "Yep," Goofy nodded,"But she didn't look real happy to see US. Wait, wasn't she carrying something when we saw her?"
    "You don't think that was the trident?" Sora asked.
    Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder,"You know, maybe it was."
    Donald's eyes widened,"But that means Ariel stole it!"
    "There must be some explanation," Jiminy replied.
    "Oh, Ariel," the crab sobbed,"Where have you run off to this time? If anything happens to you... It's all my fault! Sebastian, you are the world's worst guardian! What if she ran away because of my nagging? King Triton will banish me forever!"
    Sora, Donald and Goofy watched as the crab swam back and forth in his misery.
    "He'll pop his shell if we tell him Ariel took the trident!" Sora told the others.
    "Guess we'll have to get to the bottom of this ourselves!" Goofy said.
    The others nodded and wandered out of the palace to find Ariel. They searched the whole ocean, until they came across a secret trove.

    They wandered inside to find Ariel in a sulk, she seemed so upset.
    "There she is!" Sora smiled when he saw her.
    "This is all my fault," she cried,"I wish I'd never taken Daddy's trident. I should've known things would turn out this way."
    "She DID steal it!" Donald frowned.
    "Pipe down!" Goofy whispered,"Somebody's comin'!"
    "No need to worry, child," a voice said,"You did the right thing."
    The whole trove went black as a very large, octopus woman came floating over to Ariel.
    "Why, I'm sure you'd do anything in the world to help your little friend," the woman said,"Poor Flounder has been swept away to the human world. That's no place for a little fish. Why, if we don't hurry, you might not have a friend to save..."
    "No!" Ariel cried.
    "Besides, you're not GIVING me the trident dear," the woman told Ariel,"Just letting me borrow it for a bit. You can save Flounder! Lend me the trident, and I'll help you!"
    "But..." Ariel sulked,"Daddy needs the trident to defend Atlantica. I need time to think, Ursula."
    "Well, it's all the same to me," the woman said, and started to float off,"Just remember, your little friend is dodging fishhooks, while you twiddle your fins. Well, you can come see me when you've made up your mind."
    Ursula left, and Ariel sulked,"What am I going to do?"
    "Don't trust Ursula, that's for sure," Sora replied, walking in to the trove.
    "How long have you been listening?" Ariel asked, shocked to see them in the trove.
    "Oh, long enough," Sora laughed.
    "It doesn't matter," Donald frowned,"Sora's right! Don't trust that sea witch! Ursula's up to no good. It's written all over her face."
    "Then, we all agree," Ariel smiled,"The problem is, I don't have a clue where Flounder is. Ursula's the only one who can help."
    "What about us?" Sora asked, smiling,"Let's go talk to Ursuala. You shouldn't have to do this by yourself."
    "Really?" Ariel's eyes widened,"You'll come with me?"
    "You bet!" Sora smiled,"I know how it feels to have friends in trouble. Let's get going!"
    Sora and the others started to swim to Ursual's lair, which they eventually found, in amongst the sea weed.

    She stood there, and when she heard the group come in she turned to them, and smiled,"My, so many guests! Have you made up your mind, my dear?"
    Ariel thought for a moment,"I'll do anything for Flounder. But I need proof I can trust you. You said we could save Flounder if I gave you the trident. Well, prove it!"
    "But, of course, see?" Ursula raised her hand and Flounder appeared next to her, she then stood in front of him hiding him from them.
    "Ariel!" the little fish cried.
    "I knew something was fishy!" Donald frowned.
    "There you have it," Ursula proved,"If you want your precious Flounder back, give me the trident!"
    Ariel thought for a moment and then handed the trident over, Ursula cackled her evil laugh.
    "Mine at last!" she laughed,"Now, I'm ruler of all the seas!"
    "Let Flounder go!" Ariel ordered.
    "But of course!" Ursula nodded,"I'm feeling generous."
    Flounder then appeared from behind her and swam over to Ariel and the others.
    "Which reminds me..." Ursula reminded herself,"You always wanted to see other worlds, didn't you? Well, dear, I know just the world to send you to! Unfortunately, this will be a one-way trip!"
    Ursula then turned into a giant, whatever she was, and Sora had to fight her. Although, this time the bad guy had a power he didn't have, a magic trident, he could tell this wouldn't be easy.
    "The sea and all its denizens shall grovel before me!" Ursula laughed.

    Ursula was destroyed, and Ariel got the trident back. Flounder was pouting though.
    "Please don't be mad, Ariel," he sulked,"Ursula tricked me."
    "Flounder, as long as you're safe, nothing else matters," Ariel smiled,"Now, all we have to do is return the trident and everything will be okay."
    "But, what if the king finds out you're the one who took it in the first place?" Sora asked.
    Ariel laughed,"I'll be grounded for ages..."
    "Ariel!" a voice called,"Ariel! Where are you, girl? If you can hear me, please answer!"
    "It's Sebastian!" Ariel's eyes widened,"He came all this way just to find me."
    "Yep, and when he does, you're gonna get it," Goofy laughed.
    "Hey, I know!" Sora cried,"Why don't you just say Ursula stole the trident? And you got it back all by yourself! Then, there's no way you'll get in trouble!"
    "I just had the same idea!" Ariel laughed,"But... I can't do that. I don't want to get in trouble, but I can't lie. Not about this. I know I haven't made the best decisions lately. It was a mistake to take the trident. But I made that mistake, because I wanted to help you, Flounder, I'm proud of that. Blaming it on someone else would mean giving those feelings up. So, I'm going to tell the truth."
    "She's right, Sora!" Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder,"Honesty is the best policy."
    "Hey, I was just kidding!" Sora laughed,"Great, now, I'M the one in hot water."
    They said their goodbye's and then Sora and the others made their way back to the castle, what would they encounter now? Another adventure awaits them though...


    (I'm really getting on with this story aren't I LOL)

    Chapter 17​

    The possessed Riku walked along the floor, Ria sat on the bottom step of the steps to the next floor, something must've made Hara change back. Sora then noticed Riku and ran up to him, although Riku frowned at him.
    "Geez, can't you take a hint," he frowned.
    "I'm not leaving until I rescue you and Naminé," Sora replied.
    "I'm far from in need of being rescued," Riku replied.
    "Give the boy credit, at least he's trying," Ria interrupted, and then sat quietly again, she was leaning on her knees, and her head was rested in her hands.
    "Don't you remember?" Sora asked,"Think of Kairi, she wants you to come home."
    "Are you forgetting?" Riku asked Sora,"At Kingdom Hearts when we closed the door. Kairi's your responsibility. Give it up. I'm not going back to the islands. No exceptions."
    "It's not just Kairi!" Sora replied,"Think about everyone else!"
    "You can have them," Riku shrugged,"I forgot about those losers."
    "What!" Sora frowned, and got out his Keyblade, Ria looked up as this argument seem to catch her interest.
    "What about you?" Riku asked,"Do you even remember what they all look like?"
    "Of course I..." Sora began, but then he stopped, Riku laughed, as Sora tried to remember the others on the islands.
    "Don't feel bad, that's what this castle does to you," Riku explained, still chuckling,"You forget. All the useless stuff goes away. You remember what really matters. I remembered it, Sora. The one thing most important to me. I'm staying for Naminé, nothing else matters to me."
    "Give it a rest, Riku!" Ria cried, standing up from her step.
    "Like you remember anything important about your home," Riku laughed,"Wait a second, that's right, you don't have a home!"
    Ria sat back down, and sulked, Riku had hit a soft spot of hers, she felt angry, but upset, she didn't want to fight him though, the person who needed to was Sora. He remembered when he and Riku used to fight with wooden swords when they were small, and now realised that they were now using real weapons and not toys.
    "Hey, Riku," Sora caught his attention,"Maybe if I fight you, you'll remember."
    "Go ahead and try," Riku shrugged and got out his sword.

    He was kneeling down on the floor, he stabbed his sword into the ground and brought himself back to his feet.
    "That's too bad," Riku said, bringing himself up right again,"Nothing's coming back to me. Maybe you should try hitting a little harder."
    Sora stood up properly and shook his head,"No, Riku. We need to stop messing around and go help Naminé!"
    "What, together?" Riku asked, pulling his sword down,"That is so like you. You're always trying to worm your way into my heart!"
    Sora got up close to Riku, but stepped back when Riku lunged forward with his sword,"Wait!? When did I try that..."
    "You probably forgot," Riku frowned,"It never mattered to you how I felt!"
    Riku ran off back up the stairs, pushing Ria out of the way, she gritted her teeth at him and groaned, she turned back to Sora and smiled.
    "I won't let you push me away," Sora frowned, as Riku was gone.
    "Thank you, Sora," Ria smiled.
    "Huh?" Sora raised an eyebrow at the girl.
    Ria giggled, she then ran up the stairs after Riku, Sora's eyes widened.
    "Wait!" he called,"What are you thanking me for?"

    In the white room, the blonde girl sat in the corner of the room, on her chair, her head bowed. A black portal was created at the side of her, Axel and Ria stepped out of it, but Axel stopped Ria as he walked towards the girl.
    "What's wrong, Naminé?" Axel asked, she didn't reply, but Axel knew how she felt,"I know eactly how you're feeling right now. Don't get your hopes up."
    The girl raised her head and frowned at Axel, Ria watched the whole thing and said nothing.
    "You should know," Axel reminded Naminé,"Nobodies can't be somebodies."
    Naminé bowed her head again, she knew that Axel was right, there was nothing she could do.

    Sora, Donald and Goofy made their way to the next floor. As they wandered along their path, Sora sighed, he stopped and bowed his head.
    "You know..." he started,"Riku and I... We want the same thing. Both of us... Want to help Naminé. So... Why are we fighting? I mean, Riku and I have bumped heads over stuff in the past."
    "The more you fight, the closer you must be," Goofy interrupted.
    "Yeah, I know that," Sora nodded,"But... He doesn't feel that way."
    "Have some faith," Donald said,"You three... You were inseperable. Sora, Riku, Kai... Kai... What was her name?"
    Goofy tried to think, Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder and shook his head,"Oh... Our memories are fading fast. Sora! We'd better hurry. Riku and you can talk things out."
    Sora nodded,"Yeah, after all, we were never apart. Me, Riku and Naminé."
    "Riku has been acting strange ever since he came to the castle," a voice said from behind them, they turned to see Ria standing there, she smiled at them,"He's been saying how he will find Naminé, even if it means getting rid of you. But... No matter what he says, he's still your friend. Trust your friends, you are going to forget them through the journey of this castle, but they won't forget you."
    "Are you my friend?" Sora asked.
    "If you want me to be," Ria smiled, she then turned and walked into a black portal,"Goodbye... Sora."
    Sora smiled,"Goodbye... Ria."

  20. Kenni-Chan King's Apprentice

    Mar 3, 2008
    Chapter 18​

    The next world they found themselves in was on a boat. They looked around to survey their surroundings.
    "Now, where are we?" Sora asked, looking around.
    "The floor is kinda unsteady, I can hear the ocean, too..." Goofy replied.
    "I know!" Donald cried,"We're inside a ship!"
    "Well, we'd better find a way out," Sora said,"But which way do we go?"
    A fairy then came flying by, twinkling her dusty wings, she had blonde hair and a green dress. Donald screamed as she came flying by, but what amazed them the most is the lion cub that had followed after the fairy.
    "Who are you?" Sora asked the fairy, but she just flew around them, making dust go everywhere.
    "Maybe she's trying to help us," Jiminy said, jumping onto Sora's shoulder.
    "Looks like you're right," Goofy nodded.
    "Sora!" the lion cub cried.
    "Huh?" Sora looked down at the lion,"Who are you?"
    "Oh, no," the lion cub sighed,"This sort of makes sense, but don't you remember me? Guess, not. But, it's your old friend--"
    "Ryoko," Sora interrupted.
    "So, you DO remember me?!" the lion cub cried.
    "No, but I know your name, now, come on, follow her!" Sora ordered.
    They all followed the fairy that was leading them to a part of the ship. Ryoko was in one of the worlds? Who would've thought that?

    "Is it just me, or are all the rooms starting to look the same?" Sora asked.
    "Maybe we're just goin' in circles?" Goofy replied.
    "Some help SHE was," Donald sniped at the fairy who was floating behind them.
    The fairy started to circle him as she seemed quite angry.
    "I think you mighta ruffled her feathers, Donald," Goofy said.
    "Tink, what are you doing!" a voice asked,"You weren't supposed to bring the pirates WITH you!"
    A boy in a green suit came floating down, he was also wearing a green hat with a red feather in,"Stay back, pirates, or this will be the last fight you pick!"
    "Don't be so rude!" Donald scolded,"We're not pirates! We're only here, because... because... Umm... Why are we here, Sora?"
    "How am I supposed to know, Donald?" Sora argued with the duck,"Goofy, what do you think?"
    "Gawrsh, beats me," Goofy shrugged.
    "Oh, for Pete's sake!" Ryoko frowned,"We're here, because we got lost!"
    "Okay, okay, I get the picture," the boy laughed,"Sora, Donald and Goofy, right? And what's your name, little fella?"
    "Ryoko," Ryoko smiled.
    "I guess priates wouldn't get lost on their own ship," the boy laughed to himself,"And you're dressed funny."
    "There you go again!" Donald frowned.
    "Wait, so if you thought we were pirates..." Sora began,"This must be a pirate ship!"
    "That's right," the boy nodded,"You're trapped on the notorious Captain Hook's vessel."
    "Well, if we're trapped, that means, you are, too!" Donald said.
    "Me?" the boy laughed,"Don't be silly. No-one can capture Peter Pan! I'm just lying low until it's time to make my move."
    "Uh, what move is that?" Goofy asked.
    "The pirates kidnapped my friend Wendy," Peter explained,"She's got to be somewhere on this ship. I didn't expect there to be so many watchmen, though. I sent Tink to look for a way round...but all she found was you."
    "I bet I know what Tink had in mind!" Sora said,"If we all make a big enough racket, we can distract the pirates!"
    The fairy flew in front of Sora and nodded her head, frantically.
    "Gawrsh, you musta read her mind," Goofy laughed.
    "So, how 'bout it?" Sora asked,"Let's work together, at least until we get above deck."
    Peter thought for a moment and then smiled,"Well, why not? Of course, I could save Wendy myself, if I wanted to. But you guys look like you'd be stuck with me."
    "Don't you have any manners?" Donald frowned.
    "Oh, come on!" Ryoko growled and then started walking.

    Peter and Tinkerbell flew into a room in the ship and found Wendy. She was standing there, like she was waiting for them.
    "There she is!" Peter smiled, the four others came walking along.
    Peter stood and Tinkerbell floated next to Wendy, as the others came up to them.
    "Peter?" Wendy asked,"Peter Pan!"
    "Wendy, are you okay?" Peter asked, concerned for her safety,"I've come to rescue you with my four assistants! C'mon, let's get off this ship and go explore Never Land! We'll never grow up!"
    "Listen, Peter," Wendy told him,"There's something I've got to tell you. I want to go home to London."
    "What are you talking about?" Peter asked, surprised at Wendy's decision,"Stay here in Never Land, and you can be a kid forever. Every day'll be an adventure. If you go back to London, you'll stop being a kid. You'll grow up and we'll never see each other again!"
    "I know, Peter," Wendy nodded,"But...I still want to go home."
    "I came to rescue you!" Peter said,"And you don't care if you ever see me again!"
    "No, you don't understand!"
    "Suit yourself! And while you're at it, rescue yourself! I'm leaving."
    Peter jumped up and started flying away, Sora turned to see where he was going and then thought about Wendy,"Hey, wait a minute--"
    "There he goes," Donald said.
    "Peter..." Wendy sighed.
    "Not very thoughtful, is he?" Sora asked, turning back to Wendy.
    "What do we do now?" Ryoko asked, looking up at Sora hopefully.
    "Hey, I've got an idea!" Goofy cried,"Why don't we think of something after we get to the deck?"
    "What kind of idea is that?" Donald asked, turning to Goofy,"But you do have a point..."
    "Well, there's still trouble waiting outside," Sora replied, he then looked up at Wendy,"Wendy, you stay here. We'll try to create a distraction."
    "Okay, I understand," Wenbdy nodded.
    "Maybe if you stay here, Peter will change his mind and come back," Goofy replied.
    They turned away from Wendy and ran off, up to the deck, who knows, maybe they'd find Peter, too.

    They got onto the deck and had a look around. The night sky had been drawn over and the stars glistened brightly. The ship was even rockier on deck, mostly because they were outside and no loonger in safety.
    "Whew!" Donald panted,"We finally made it out!"
    "There you are, you rascals!" a voice cried from behind them, a man with a hook for a hand came wandering out, he was wearing a lot of red, but the most noticeable thing was that his red hat had a large, white feather on it,"I'll teach you to stow away on Captain Hook's vessel! Friends of Peter Pan, I'll wager!"
    "Are we his friends?" Donald asked, turning round as they huddled into a group.
    "He sure didn't seem to think so," Goofy replied.
    "Yeah, the way he took off like that," Sora agreed,"He even ditched Wendy."
    "I'm not finsihed talking yet!" the man shouted,"How dare you ignore me and plot behind my back!"
    "He's got MORE to say..." Ryoko sighed, whispering.
    "Uncivilized brats!" the man insulted,"You're in cahoots with Peter Pan, no mistake!"
    "If you say so," Sora turned back and faced the man,"Either way you're going to let us off this ship."
    "And Wendy's coming with us," Goofy finished.
    "Think again, you scallywags!" the man smiled, smugly,"Hook's one step ahead of you!"
    Over on the plank, hanging over the edge of the ship, Wendy stood. How could Peter leave them like this?
    "Wendy!" Ryoko cried, when he saw the girl's dismay, Captain Hook then walked over to the edge of the plank.
    "Any trouble, and Wendy swims with the sharks," Captain Hook said.
    "You wouldn't!" Donald frowned.
    "Believe me, I'd rather not," Captain Hook replied,"After all, I need Wendy to lure out that blasted Peter Pan!"
    "Then I'll just have to take the bait, you old codfish!" a familiar voice cried, and then a familiar boy came floating down next to Wendy.
    "Peter!" Wendy cried with joy when he came next to her.
    "Here I am, Hook," Peter said,"Miss me?"
    "Insolent pup!" Hook insulted,"Today is the day you pay for taking my hand!"
    "Uh-oh!" Peter cried, and Hook ran up to him onto the plank, but Peter moved quickly and grabbed Wendy and flew up with her.
    "WHOA!" Hook yelled, as he almost fell off the edge of the plank,"You've made a fool of me for the last time, Pan! I'll skewer the lot of you!"
    Sora got out his Keyblade and got ready to fight Hook. Peter got out his knife to fight hook, the only person being skewered would be Hook.

    "Thanks, Pete, we owe you one," Sora thanked.
    "Well, at first I thought I'd let you handle the situation..." Peter explained,"But, I couldn't just stand by when things got out of hand. It looks like I might've underestimated you, though. You did good! Look, Wendy, about London... Are you sure you won't change your mind?"
    "Peter, I'm sorry," Wendy apologised,"But I really want to go home."
    "I was afraid of that," Peter sighed,"Everyone grows up--and grownups always forget. First, you'll forget what it feels like to be a kid, and then you'll forget about me."
    "How can you say such a thing, Peter?" Wendy asked,"I'll never, ever forget you."
    "Sure, that's what you think now. But when you try to remember me, the memories will be gone. Your forget--little by little, one memory at a time. Once you're grown up, there won't be a single memory left."
    "Don't say that," Sora interrupted,"Memories--even important ones--don't come back to us whenever we want them to. But that doesn't mean the memories are gone. It's more they're sleeping. So, when the right thing comes along and wakes the memory up, we can remember it. The memories engraved in our hearts never go away. I'm sure of it."
    "He's right, Peter," Wendy smiled.
    "Never, huh?" Peter asked,"It's funny. Grownups shouldn't be able to see me anymore... But I have a feeling you guys just might be different. Okay, Sora! If you say we'll meet again, then I believe you!"
    Peter then flew over to Wendy and lifted her up.
    "Oh, Peter!" she cried.
    "Let's go, Wendy," Peter smiled,"London is waiting. Goodbye, Sora. I'll be waiting to see what you look like all grown up!"
    Peter carried Wendy off and Tinkerbell followed, but then she came back, she flew up to Sora.
    "What's the matter, Tink?" Sora asked.
    Tinkerbell circled them spreading pixie dust over them, she then dropped a card into Sora's hand.
    "It must be a gift from Peter," Sora said, and Tinkerbell flew off.
    "Maybe he's not such a thoughtless guy after all," Donald smiled.
    Just then, a creature fell from the sky onto Donald, knocking him down. Ryoko laughed as the creature just strode off.
    "Another gift from Peter?" Goofy laughed.
    "What's the big idea!" Donald yelled, angrily.
    Sora, Ryoko and Goofy laughed, and then decided it was time to go back to the castle. Sora started to run off, and the others followed.


    Chapter 19​

    Sora stood behind Donald and Goofy, they looked around for Riku or any other unpleasant person to greet them, but no-one was there, Ryoko had disappeared.
    "No sign of Riku," Donald said, still looking around.
    "Maybe he doesn't want to fight you anymore?" Goofy suggested.
    "That'd be nice," Sora smiled.

    In the white room, Vexen, Axel, Larxene and Ria stood. Larxene was getting anxious about Vexen's 'experiment'.
    "What's going on, Vexen?" Larxene asked, anxiously,"Wasn't Riku meant to go out and attack Sora? Where is he? What's he doing?"
    "He's hiding on purpose, to lure Sora in further," Axel replied,"Just trust me on that."
    "Oh, reeeeally, so that's it!" Larxene sarcasticly, teased,"I had no idea! I'm so sorry!"
    "Shut up!" Vexen screamed.
    "The usual response," Larxene said,"People with no hearts really are worthless."
    "Don't forget..." Vexen replied,"Don't you have no heart, too?"
    "Stop it," a voice ordered, all of them turned to see a black portal appear and a the man in the black robe from the very first floor appeared.
    He lifted his hood up to reveal a face, he had pink, long hair and as he pulled the hood up, petals spurted everywhere. He walked towards Vexen.
    "Vexen," he said,"Your plan has completely failed. Don't continue to disappoint us."
    "Disappoint you?" Vexen repeated, angrily,"Don't push your luck! You're only number 11 in the Organization! I, number 4, refuse to take--"
    Vexen was interrupted, the man had held a point to his neck, and he was quiet.
    "Our leader put me in charge of the castle and Naminé," the man explained,"To oppose me here, is to go against the Organization."
    "All opposition is eliminated," Axel said,"That's how it goes."
    "We don't need someone who's only halfway useful," Larxene told Vexen.
    "Vexen, you can not defeat Sora," the man told him.
    Vexen smiled,"You know so little. You only see what's on the outside. You can not conprehend my power."
    "Oh?" the man said, puttimng his weapon away, the roses appeared again,"Then prove it."
    "Pardon?" Vexen asked.
    "I don't want to doubt a fellow member's power," the man explained.
    "You haven't got the heart," Vexen replied, and disappeared into the black portal he created.
    "Taking off like that, I'm sure he's going straight to take out Sora," Axel thought out loud.
    "And I'm sure nobody looks forward to the outcome," the man replied, he walked over to Naminé's chair, where the girl sat in dismay.
    Ria walked over aswell, just in case, the man put his hand on Naminé's shoulder and bent down to her.
    "Well, what now?" the man asked Naminé,"At this rate, your hero won't be around for much longer. But didn't he make a promise to you? Didn't he, Naminé?"
    "Yes," Naminé replied, faintly, the man then grabbed Ria's shoulder and bent down to her, he passed her some cards.
    "We don't want Vexen to be alone now do we?" he asked,"And don't you want your friend to remember you? Don't you, Hara?"
    Ria stared at the man and took the cards,"Yes..."
    She made a black portal and left, she stared at Naminé in hope, but all Naminé did was bow her head.

    Sora and his friends walked up to the next floor, still no sign of Riku anywhere. Donald turned to Goofy and Sora. Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder.
    "Tenth floor already," he said,"We're going up really high."
    "And I wonder how much of our memories we've lost doing that..." Jiminy sighed,"Sora, it's still not too late. Don't you want to get them back?"
    "I can't," Sora replied,"i don't want to break the promise I made long ago."
    "The promise?" Jiminy asked,"What promise?"
    "When I was small. I made a promise to Naminé. 'I'll protect you, no matter what'. But, I forgot it. I lost so many memories and didn't remember it. Even though we promised each other... That's why I'm not giving up. I'll keep that promise from here on in!"
    "I see, I understand, Sora," Jiminy replied.
    Sora got the last of his world cards, and went to the final world, well, he hoped it was.


    Chapter 20​

    Sora, Donald and Goofy walked down a castle's hallway, when Goofy suddenly heard something.
    "I hear voices!" he cried,"I wonder who it is."
    Around the corner a beast stood and a beautiful girl in a yellow dress turned away from him. Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder.
    "Ssh," he ordered,"I think something's wrong!"
    "But, Belle, I don't understand," the beast said,"I came here to rescue you!"
    The girl had to think for a moment,"I didn't ask you to come. And it doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going back with you, so you're wasteing your time."
    "Have you lost your mind?" the beast asked,"How can you stay here with that witch?"
    "I've nothing more to say," Belle replied,"Now leave, before Maleficent finds you."
    "Belle..." the beast sighed,"Why?"
    The beast walked down the hallway, Sora and his friends ran up to him, Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder again.
    "I'm not sure what's going on, but..." Sora asked,"Is everything okay?"
    "Don't feel bad," Donald pleaded,"There must be a reason she said those things."
    "Keep your sympathy," the beast sighed,"No-one could ever care for a beast like me."
    The beast wandered further down the hallway, Goofy bowed his head,"Sure wish there was somethin' we could do for him."
    Sora and the others wandered down the hallway after the beast. They came across the library and decided to have a look inside.

    Stood inside the library by a bookcase, Belle stood, when she heard the group come in, she turned to see them. She walked towards them.
    "Who are you?" she asked,"Did Maleficent kidnap you, too?"
    "Uh..." Sora stuttered,"Not exactly. It's a long story. Hey, wait a sec... So you've been kidnapped? You don't want to be here?"
    "No, I don't," Belle replied,"That witch Maleficent forced me to come here. I have no-one to talk to. Books are all I have to ease my loneliness. And then there's him... Oh, I've missed him so much."
    "You mean the Beast?" Goofy asked,"Then, why were you so mean to him before?"
    "Yeah, you really hurt his feelings," Sora nodded.
    "You don't understand," Belle replied, bowing her head,"I can't let him see how I really feel."
    "Why not?" Sora asked.
    "It's just that--" Belle began, but then she heard footsteps,"Oh, no, she's coming! Hide, quickly! There's no time to explain. Hidfe yourselves! Now!"
    Sora, Donald and Goofy nodded and ran into a hiding place. A woman in a black robe, holding a staff walked in, Belle turned to greet her.
    "Oh, good day, Maleficent," Belle greeted,"What brings you here?"
    "He was here, yes?" the woman asked, Belle said nothing,"He risked his life to come and save you. Why do you reject him?"
    "I won't ask for his help," Belle replied.
    "Oh, and why is that?" Maleficent asked.
    "You know very well why," Belle replied, angrily,"I'm not going to fall into your trap!"
    "Then, I have no choice, but to make you BEG for his help!" Maleficent smiled, evilly, she held up her staff and Belle and her disappeared.
    Sora and the others ran out of their hiding place, but it was too late, they were already gone.
    "No!" Sora cried,"She got away!"
    "What should we do?" Donald asked.
    "Help her, of course!" Sora frowned,"What else?"
    Sora and his friends ran through the whole castle to find them, when they finally found them in a hallway.

    Belle stood with Maleficent, she was planning something. She smiled at Belle, evilly.
    "What are you waiting for?" Maleficent asked,"Call to him!"
    "No!" Belle cried,"I won't let you hurt him!"
    "Then I shall make you scream," Maleficent replied,"The fool will come running the moment he hears your cries."
    "Enough!" Sora cried, and they ran up to Maleficent,"The Beast isn't the only one you have to deal with."
    "Begone, boy," Maleficent ordered,"You have no business here. Unless, of course, you wish to join in the screaming. Yes... When that brute hears your shrieks of terror, he'll come right to me!"
    "Don't trouble yourself, Maleficent," a voice said,"I'm here."
    They turned to see Beast dragging himself along the hallway, Belle smiled when she saw him.
    "You came," she cheered, but then remembered what she told the others,"No! You mustn't! I told you to leave this place! Leave me alone! I never want to see your face again!"
    "Belle..." Beast sighed.
    Jiminy jumped onto Sora's shoulder,"What an awful thing to say!"
    The Beast thought for a moment, he then sighed,"All right. If that's how you feel, I understand. My hideous form is punishment for being selfish and unable to love. Transformed into a monster, loved by no-one, I only became more selfish. And then I met you, Belle. You're the only person who accepted me. Little by little, you warmed my cold, selfish heart. The memories of our days together are my most precious. I won't cast them aside. So, I'm sorry, I can't leave you here...even if you hate me for it. Consider it my final selfish act."
    "But, why..." Belle replied.
    "Well, well," Maleficent interrupted,"I never dreamed such ugliness could hide so beatiful a heart. This calls for a change of plan. Beast, I shall claim your heart instead of Belle's!"
    Maleficent lifted up her staff and a ball of purple magic or energy appeared around the top of the sphere.
    "No!" Belle pleaded,"Please!"
    Belle ran in front of Beast to protect him from Maleficent, the staff zapped the magic into Belle, she disappeared, and her heart was taken away.
    "Well, so much for the change of plan," Maleficent said,"Belle's heart it is. It seems her cold words spoke little of her true feelings. She loves you, Beast! I can feel it shining in her heart!"
    "You fiend!" Beast growled,"Release Belle's heart at once!"
    Maleficent held up her staff again and disappeared, Beast walked forward and looked around for her, but she was gone.
    "Where is she?" he asked, Sora and the others ran up to him and pointed him into a direction.
    "She went that way!" Sora cried,"That's the way the shadows fled!"
    "What are you doing here?" Beast asked.
    "No time to talk!" Donald frowned,"We gotta go after them right away!"
    "You'd help me?" Beast asked.
    "You bet!" Goofy smiled,"After what you just said, we GOTTA help you!"
    "Let's go get Belle's heart back!" Sora replied, smiling.
    "Right!" Beast nodded, and they ran in the direction Maleficent went.
    Although, the hallways were covered in Heartless, they finally made their way to where Maleficent was.

    She stood in the middle of a stone room, as the others ran up to her. She smiled, smugly at them,"You've done well to make it this far,
    Beast. As your reward, I'll tell you why Belle rejected you. My dark magic requires hearts of utmost beauty. Belle was perfect. Deep in her heart, her love for you shone with uncommon radiance. But she guessed my plans. By denying her love for you, she put her heart beyond my reach."
    "But she saved me!" Beast cried,"She protected me!"
    "She couldn't hide how she really felt..." Sora explained.
    "I've heard enough!" Beast yelled,"Release her heart, Maleficent! If you don't..."
    Maleficent chuckled, but Beast was not in the right sort of mood to play games like this.
    "Witch!" he screamed,"Do not try my patience!"
    "Don't you realise why I am telling you all this?" Maleficent asked,"Did you think it was out of kindness? I did it to erase your doubts. Now, your heart is beginning to shine with love for Belle. The perfect fuel for my dark magic! I shall have your heart, too, monster!"
    Sora and the others got ready to fight the witch standing in front of them.
    "Not if we stop you!" Sora frowned.
    "You dare to challenge me?" Maleficent's eyes widened,"Pitiful fools!"
    She held up her staff and turned into a dragon. A black, green, fire-breatheing dragon.

    A heart came floating down and Beast walked up to it. The heart shone and Belle appeared.
    "Belle!" Beast cried, when she appeared, and walked up to her,"Thank goodness..."
    "Please forgive me," Belle apologised for her actions from before,"I had to be cruel to you. But I guess I couldn't hide my true feelings..."
    "I'm the one who should apologise," Beast replied,"For just a moment, I doubted your love. I never want to remember those feelings of despair."
    "Then, don't," Belle smiled,"Let's replace the sad memories with happier ones-starting now."
    "Belle..." Beast smiled.
    Goofy turned to Donald and Sora,"There they go with the mushy stuff, a-hyuck!"
    "Yeah," Sora laughed,"We'd better give them some privacy."
    "Good idea," Donald smiled,"Let's keep moving."
    They made their way back to the castle, maybe they'd see Riku again so they could talk things out, all they knew was that Belle and Beast were happy again, and that they could continue searching for Naminé.


    Chapter 21​

    Sora, Donald and Goofy walked out the doors, they walked along to try and get to the next floor with no interruptions, but that was spoiled when a black portal appeared.
    "Who are you?" Sora asked.
    Vexen pulled Ria out from behind him,"Sora, I'm sorry!"
    "My name is Vexen," Vexen introduced himself,"Time to pay back what you owe me, Sora."
    "Owe?" Goofy repeated,"Sora, did you borrow something from him?"
    "No way!" Sora replied, a little tired of Goofy's idiotic self.
    "Oh, really?" Vexen asked,"Didn't I let you meet up with your old friend?"
    "You mean..." Sora started.
    "Yes, it was me who brought Riku here," Vexen interrupted.
    "Then you..." Sora thought out loud,"You're controlling Riku! And you sent him somewhere!"
    "You will never know where Riku has gone," Vexen said,"You see..."
    He made a blue and silver shield appear, on the top of the shield there were spikes, most probably used as weapons,"Your path ends here."
    "No!" Ria cried, but Vexen knocked her out of the way.

    Vexen slid back across the floor and then stood up,"I see you really don't go down that easily."
    Vexen made his shield disappear, Sora pointed his Keyblade at him, as Ria brought herself to her feet.
    "You think someone like you can beat me?" Sora asked, frowning at Vexen, Ria walked over to them.
    "I wonder..." Vexen replied,"Did you notice? While I fought you, I was searching your memories. And I found what I was looking for."
    He held up a world card and showed it to Sora, Ria ran over as quick as she could.
    "Vexen!" she cried, angrily.
    "This card comes from a hidden memory sleeping in your heart," Vexen ignored Ria, he chucked the card to Sora, and left through the black portal.
    "Wait!" Sora cried, running after him, but he was gone, he then took a look at the card,"A...hidden memory?"
    "Sora, good luck, you'll need it," Ria smiled, she then ran off up the stairs to the next floor.

    The white room, Axel, Larxene and the other man stood, they seemed to be waiting for someone or something.
    "If something happens to Sora," Axel spoke breaking the silence,"The Organisation's plans may be at risk."
    "Do you know what we should do?" the man asked.
    "No idea," Axel laughed,"I'd like you to tell us."
    "What Vexen did is direct treason against the Organisation," the man explained,"Dispose of the betrayer."
    "Can't argue with that," Axel replied, as soon as black portal appeared, he made his own.
    Ria walked out of the portal, panting, the man with Larxene then pointed at Axel's portal, Ria sighed, and ran into it, she seemed to just be running around for the Organisation, rather than helping.

    Sora, Donald and Goofy walked up to the next floor, Sora brought out the card Vexen gave him and had a good look at it, Jiminy jumped up onto his shoulder.
    "A card created from a hidden memory..." Jiminy said,"I wonder what will happen if you use it?"
    "Only one way to find out," Sora replied,"We have no other cards left, we have to use this to go on."
    He ran up to the door and held it up, there was only one way to find out, and this was the only way.


    Chapter 22​

    They wandered into a peaceful, little town, it seemed as if there was a pot of flowers by every door and window in the town. Goofy looked around and then turned to Sora.
    "Gawrsh..." Goofy said,"Where are we, Sora?"
    "Hmm..." Sora looked around,"I dunno... I've never been here."
    "Me neither," Donald said, looking around.
    "But that can't be right," Jiminy said, jumping onto Sora's shoulder,"Up until now we've only been to places in Sora's memory."
    "Maybe so, but I definitely don't remember this," Sora replied.
    "Maybe you forgot this town, just like the other stuff," Donald thought out loud.
    "This is terrible," Jiminy sighed,"Our memories are practically gone."
    "We'll be okay," Sora smiled,"See, look at this..."
    He pulled out the good luck charm Naminé had given him, Goofy smiled,"Naminé's good luck charm!"
    "There's a special memory that goes with this," Sora nodded,"One night, when Naminé and I were little, there was this meteor shower. Naminé started crying. She said,'What if a shooting star hits the islands?' So, I said, 'If a shooting star comes this way, I'll hit it right back into outer space!' I was swinging this toy sword around the whole time. Naminé just smiled and said, 'Thanks.' And then she gave me this."
    Naminé then appeared behind him, Sora didn't notice, she seemed upset,"Sora, I'm so sorry. All this, because of me..."
    "Naminé said she had it ever since she was a baby," Sora continued his story.
    "And she gave it to you?" Donald said,"Wow..."
    "Yeah," Sora nodded and smiled,"So, I promised her... 'From now on, I'll bring you good luck, I'll keep you safe.' I really let her down..."
    They set off through the town, when they stumbled across a forest, they walked through the forest and came across a mansion.

    Sora looked around, the mansion gates were locked, so they couldn't explore the inside. Goofy looked at Sora.
    "What's wrong?" he asked.
    "I feel kind of strange about this place..." Sora replied, looking up at the mansion stood in front of them,"I don't know, but it's getting more familiar as we go on."
    "So, you must've been here sometime, right?" Donald asked.
    "I really don't think so," Sora shook his head.
    "You lost all the memories before," Goofy said,"Like the ones of Naminé... So, maybe you're starting to remember this, too?"
    "Hmm..." Sora thought,"It doesn't feel like that. With Naminé it was like... The time I spent with her just came together from bits and pieces. It's different now. I don't remember this place, but I'm just getting this nostalgic feeling about it."
    "Really?" a familiar voice said,"Nostalgic?"
    A black portal appeared and Vexen stood from it,"Sora, I'll ask you one thing. This feeling. Your memories of Naminé. Which do you think is real?"
    "Naminé, obviously!" Sora replied,"This place feels familiar, but it's obviously just one of your illusions."
    "Memories are cruel things..." Vexen laughed,"You don't just forget them, they get warped and entrap you heart."
    "What are you talking about?" Sora asked.
    "I told you," Vexen replied,"This place is made from your hidden memories. You remember this place in the other side of your heart. Your heart knows this place."
    "No!" Sora denied,"I don't have any memories of here!"
    "Entangled in chains of memories," Vexen explained,"Ignoring your heart is like throwing it away. In that case, Sora, you're not a hero anymore. Just a puppet, controlled by your memories. Yes, just like my Riku."
    He got out his shield from before,"You have no reason to exist here!"
    "My...Riku?" Sora repeated,"No...reason? Give it up! You're the one who changed Riku! Al you're doing is lying to me! I'm not throwing away my heart!"
    Sora got out his Keyblade, as the anger inside him began to boil up,"I'll beat you! And then, I'll save Riku and Naminé! That's what's in my heart!"

    Vexen fell to his knees, he held himself up by his hands,"Trapped by your memories, and yet you still have such power..."
    "I don't care about that!" Sora ordered, he was still angry,"Turn Riku back to normal!"
    "Turn him back?" Vexen laughed, looking up at the angered Sora, he stood up,"All he can do now is fall into the empty darkness. Just like you, Sora! If you continue to go after Naminé, you'll be trapped by your memories and lose your heart... And just be Marluxia's, too!"
    "Marluxia?" Sora asked,"What's he got to do with Naminé?"
    Suddenly, a ball of fire came shooting past Sora, it hit Vexen, knocking him over. Sora turned to see Axel and Ria standing there.
    "Axel?!" Sora cried,"Ria!"
    "Sora!" Ria smiled,"I'm so glad you're okay!"
    "Hey, Sora," Axel greeted,"Did I come at a bad time?"
    Ria ran up to Sora, she had a big smile on her face, Sora looked at Axel. Vexen turned to try and pick himself up,"Axel, what are you..."
    "Just stopping you from saying things you shouldn't be," Axel replied,"And bringing a lovely girl to her friend."
    "Friend..." Ria sighed, turning to Axel,"I'm not his friend... I'm just his friends darkness, trapped in her heart."
    She then glew, and her whole being changed, she was back to being Hara, she walked over to Axel, away from Sora, who had a face of dismay, as he thought he'd found someone he'd lost.
    "Larxene was right, Hara," Axel said to her.
    "Hara?" Sora asked,"Is that your name?"
    Hara nodded and Sora dropped his Keyblade, he grabbed his head and started to fidget. Axel grabbed Hara's arm and pulled her behind him, protecting Sora and Hara.
    "Vexen, I'm finishing you off," Axel said to Vexen, going back to the previous subject, Sora then looked up.
    "No..." Vexen pleaded, turning to Axel,"Wait!"
    "We just exist, we are nobodies," Axel told Vexen,"But your memories and existence end here. Aren't you happy?"
    "S-Stop!" Vexen pleaded, but Axel was showing no mercy,"I don't want to-"
    "Axel, please, maybe he doesn't deserve this!" Hara helped Vexen, even though she didn't like him.
    Axel still showed no mercy to Vexen, he snapped his fingers,"Well, see you!"
    Vexen burst into flames, they sprouted everywhere from him, he then started to fade, Sora and Hara watched as the poor man faded, Sora then turned to Axel.
    "What..." he stuttered,"What the hell is with you people?!"
    "I guess I'm not sure either," Axel shrugged, he grabbed Hara's arm and created a black portal for them, they disappeared into the darkness.
    Sora stood there in shock, but then decided to make his way to the castle, his work was done there, and he'd seen enough.
