Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    {Myst is right... My Boss Battle Senses are tingling!}

    "You!" Aden hissed. "You think you can just...just waltz through this world, using its inhabitants as pieces in your sick game, and expect to get away with it?" His Keyblade materialized and Aden brandished it threateningly. "This stops here, Aux!"
  2. NikkiNoNo Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 6, 2012
    Homestead, Florida
    Looking around she saw a flight of stairs and engraved in the walls were the words "Western Staircase"

    "Kel, over there." she said pointing to the stairs. "I think we found it." she looked down the hall to make sure no one was coming before she started to move toward the entrance. As she made it to the other side she raised her hand to Kel signaling him to wait. Her long ears twitched as she picked up some sort of sound... It soon disappeared and she motioned Kel to follow. Going up stairs she scanned the area for guards until letting the prisoners go.

    "Wow, this was too easy.."
  3. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Yeah, it's no wonder they've never been able go catch robin hood." Kel said as he continued to look around. Not that he's ever been in a jail break before now. One would think that it would be harder than this.
  4. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Hearing those two words, Luna stood there in shock. Kingdom Hearts!? Who would be crazy enough to mess with such a thing as Kingdom Hearts? Even in its current state, why would anyone mess with it? Luna thought to herself for moment and clenched both of her fists. She turned toward the mirror and Krowley. "This is deeper than I thought. If this Vanitas guy intends to use Kingdom Hearts in his plans, then we might have a problem." Luna spoke out. What does Vanitas intend to use Kingdom Hearts for anyway?
  5. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Kingdom Hearts? Shapur looked up as those two words were spoken. He had only heard about it once in idle conversation. And what he heard wasn't good. This whole experience has just made Shapur all the more curious. He needed to get the details from these people once they left.
  6. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "I'm just going to skip the part where I say something insulting to you and go straight to the part where I kick your butt," Raisor took a firm stance with keyblade in, mouth.
  7. NikkiNoNo Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 6, 2012
    Homestead, Florida
    Unlocking the gates she motioned for everyone to be quiet and not to say a word. In the silence everything seemed to be extremely loud, like when she would open the cell's door. The creaking noise was unbearably loud and she stopped afterwards to listen in if anyone was coming.

    After getting everyone out she went to Kel. "Alright. We'll get them out and hide them. After that we need to hurry to Little John. He is probably close to where Robin is." They all went downstairs, but everyone's steps seemed so loud. Anora could feel her heart begin to race and squeeze. Anxiety.
    Looking down the halls she saw no one coming and motioned for everyone to follow.
    Everything seemed to be going well when she heard the whistling of the vultures and not everyone was on the other side. Putting up her hand she told the townsfolk to pause. they all held their breath and the vulture continued to whistle past them. The bunny boy let out a breath and the vulture stopped. His gaze piercing to where the sound came from. He was walking toward that direction and Anora's eyes widened.
    What to do what to do?
    Looking at her feet she saw a bunch of small pebbles and picked them up. She threw one and it hit a wooden pole, making a clunk noise that caught the vulture's attention. He went to figure out what the sound was and quickly the villager's ran to the other side and Anora hurried them out.
  8. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "I don't plan on making any stops for quite some time. For me, the train of life will continue to move on to complete my experiments. You all however, have begun to irritate me." Aux spoke calmly and without aggression. Their stances had not phased him in the slightest. "Fighting you would result in no valuable data. Your current strength does not interest me, and your hearts prove unworthy."
    Getting to the point, Bambi spoke out. "Why have you returned?"
    Aux looked towards the full grown buck. "To see how you turned out, of course. Though I must say, the experiment did not go as I had planned. You still remain light-hearted."
    Bambi smirked. "You still don't get it."
    Aux's attention had been drawn. "What more is there to understand?"
    As much as it pained Bambi to mention his mother, he began to explain. "That cold winter day when you sent the hunters after my mother, I was in a dark place. My mother was everything to me, and she was gone. But... she's not the only one I hold dear to my heart. My father. My friends. This entire forest holds my heart, and so long as I stand, I will defend it!" he spoke proudly.
    Aux pondered with his fist below the cleft of his mask. "Very valuable data indeed. The subject proves to hold his heart in his home. Eliminate the Home, eliminate the heart."
    "Wh-what do you mean by that?" Thumper asked.
    "Just another phase in the experiment. I can't have you meddling anymore, so please enjoy the company of the other former subject."
    As he spoke those words, a dark staring Ronno appeared. "Ronno?" Bambi wondered.
    "Yes, well it seems the subject held a grudge against me and he attempted to scuffle against me. The odds were not in his favor as he was struck down. Despite that, his heart was still infused with anger and now belongs to the heartless. And since the heartless ally themselves with the strongest, he now follows the man he hates. How Ironic..."
    Aux disappeared through a dark corridor once again leaving Ronno guarding off against them.


    (OOC - I've updated the Battle screen a bit to adjust for new upcoming features.)


    As the party of prisoners continued on, more and more guards were seen passing by to see the alleged capture of Robin Hood. Mainly vulture guards stayed behind to keep an eye out on the locked up prisoners. Though they held crossbows and were well armed, they weren't very bright. Trying to get everyone across unnoticed, the guard from earlier was returning. Before he could round the corner, a small raccoon boy throw a boomerang in the guard's direction. Unaware of the incoming projectile, the vulture was hit clean in the forehead and fell to the floor. The raccoon jumped to catch the returning trip. "Cool, where'd you get that!" the small bunny boy asked.
    "My dad made it for me," he replied. "I lose a lot of toys, so he made one that would always come back," he chuckled. "Alright little ones, we had best get going..." A badger replied. The Badger was Friar tuck, who had been earlier detained for refusing to pay taxes from the Church's poor box. "Hurry now!"

    Anora learned Strike Raid!
    Kel learned Strike Raid!


    "What does Vanitas intend to use Kingdom Hearts for anyway?"
    Catching note of Luna's question, the mirror replied;

    It is not he, who seeks the power,
    He merely plans his final hour.
    He serves the one who teaches well,
    To absorb the other, and complete the shell.

    This made even less sense as now Krowley wished to ask on the origins of Vanitas and who this man who he serves. His gut thought Xehanort, but he was usually never one to jump to conclusions.
    Your prize is claimed, my service done,
    Adieu to you, victorious ones.

    The face in the mirror faded away revealing the reflections of the people who were staring into it. A brief pause occurred as they glimpsed into the now empty mirror. "We need to go back to the cottage. If what the mirror said is true, we still have time to save her." Krowley ran down the staircase in hopes that if he planned it correctly, then all would go well. Of all the bumps that happened thus far, he needed this one to work.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Vanitas is planning his final hour? But why would he do that? And he serves someone else? If he's not after Kingdom Hearts then maybe who he's working for is. Luna was processing all the new information in her head. Tuning in to what Krowley just said, Luna nodded. On the way back to the courtyard, Luna asked, "What about Vanitas? He might be planning a trap for us on way to the cottage."
  10. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Shapur narrowed his eyes at the mirror. This Vanitas guy is planning his final hour? As in, his death? Why? What could be the purpose in doing that? "Hmm..." He tapped his foot as he dwelt on the information he was just given. It seemed he had more questions than answers. When Luna brought up the possibility of a trap, Shapur nodded. "It is within the realm of possibility, assuming this... Vanitas... knows we beat the mirror and knows that we're headed to this cottage." Shapur crossed his arms. "At any rate, we should proceed with caution. While the chances of a trap are low, it is always better to be prepared." He paused, wondering if now was the time to ask his questions. "Would one of you mind bringing me up to speed? I fear that I will not be of much use if I am kept in the dark."
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Krowley began to explain as he cascaded down the staircase. "Trap or not, Vanitas is after Snow white because she's one of the seven princesses of hearts. I can't believe I was so daft to not consider the possibility!" Reaching the bottom, he lept outside to where Karina was arrogantly waiting. He continued on with his short wrap up of keyblading lore. "Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived, in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps, deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open and the true light will return." Krowley pronounced each word as if he was reading from scripture. "The point is, that the final door to kingdom hearts can only be opened with the hearts of the seven princesses of light. Snow White might be one of them, but the order never told me anything about who they were. It was probably to keep their identities secret, I suppose." He was now leading the group on a full out sprint back tracking through the woods.


  12. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Shapur nodded as Krowley gave him a brief explanation and a story. "Very well. Then our choice is clear. We must secure Snow White from Vanitas and foil his plot. Maybe we'll get an exciting battle out of it too." Shapur picked up the pace to catch up to Krowley.
  13. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Aden was ticked off well and proper. If not now, then he would personally make sure Aux was punished for his actions later. Right now, there was Ronno to deal with. He didn't ask for this, he realized. And now he has to suffer because of what someone else wants. But if what Aux said was true—and as much as Aden hated to admit it, it probably was; Aux hadn't told any outright lies so far—then this was hardly even Ronno at all anymore. Just a shell of what he was, consumed by the Heartless.

    Aden brandished his Keyblade, then swooped in toward Ronno and dealt a strike to his front legs.
  14. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    (OOC - If you see your turn is next, you don't need to wait for me to post. Simply post whenever your turn is prompted. I only control the battle calculations and Ronno. On a separate note, I post on your profiles when it's your first turn in battle. If you wish for me to no longer do that and allow you to watch for yourself, inform me.)
  15. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "Well, there's a heartless here when there should have been a guy for me to beat up on. Guess I'll take it out on you."
    Raisor gave a large swing of his head and knocked the deer heartless across its mid-section.
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina silently joined the back of the group when the exited the building. Listening to what Krowley was saying she realized that she should have probably stayed to hear everything that the mirror had to say. She figured it was probably something pretty important but wasn't sure. She wasn't going to ask, just follow what everyone else was doing. Karina didn't want to hear anymore about how she needed the question so she did the only thing she could think to do and left. As they ran she knew that this was defiantly the start of a new journey and that she was going to leave the past and her home behind her, far behind her.
  17. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    "I do not wish to fight you. But if a quick smack to the butt is what it takes to make you see the light, so be it." Eon swung his Keyblade to strike at the deer.
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    As Luna listened to the lore that Krowley was talking about she remembered how her parents would tell her that same story when she asked for them to tell her a story. "I remember that the seven princess of light had another name. The seven hearts of pure light, that is held by the seven princess are called the princess of heart." Luna was a little curious. "Krowley, just wondering but how and/or who told or found out about that story?"
  19. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Krowley couldn't recall if Luna was at the Land of Departure when he was explaining his origins. "Where I come from, they teach you a lot about this. Anything involving Keyblades, Kingdom Hearts, and anything in between... It's like a school, if you will. They told us about the princesses, but never their names to protect their identities." Still rushing through the woods where they first encountered the maiden, he stayed on alert and on the look out for Vanitas or the Queen. With the potion she drank, she was now presumably in the form of an old hag.
  20. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Ronno was big; their attacks were certainly whittling away at him, but weren't doing a whole lot at a time. Not good. Aden lunged again at the deer's Heartless and struck its side.