Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina watched as Kaida tried to show her how the phone worked. She followed the steps on her own phone till she got to her list of chats which was quite short. "I think I got it. Thanks." Karina replied but she couldn't promise how well she would retain that information. Karina tucked her phone away as other joined and started asking about what they had been doing, Karina just kind of shrugged. "Training mostly. Trying to be somewhat decent at the scythe. Unfortunately I found I don't have an uncanny talent for learning new weapons just like that." Karina glared at Beuce a bit as she said that. Not that she was upset with him but a bit jealous of how quickly he had figured her weapon out compared to the struggles she had been having. ​
  2. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    "Well, in fairness, it's a bit of a niche talent. Under ideal circumstances, we only really need the one, which we're already pretty good at." Beuce said in his defense. He set down a tray containing a fairly loaded salad and a side of what appeared to be chili. He began to eat with the fervor of a man starving, most likely because he was. "Meanwhile, I've been hitting the books pretty hard. If there's enough of a difference in power that some masters can become legendary, while others are just 'oh I mean yeah they're a keyblade master it's whatever.' There has to be some explanation behind it." He took a sip from his unknown beverage and continued to demolish his meal. ​
  3. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Faust asked how everyone was. Kaida followed up by asking everyone what they been up to. Truth be told he had not been up to to much. "Not much." Kel then said, 'I did inadvertently end up helping DJ come up with an update to the security system here.' He found that this was interesting. With the ability to portal everywhere tho he wondered how that would work. He silently hoped that whenever someone tried to portal here they would just end up in a belly of some giant monster or something. It would give them one less issue to deal with. Now they should not have any more surprises hopefully. Karina then went on about, 'Trying to be somewhat decent at the scythe. Unfortunately I found I don't have an uncanny talent for learning new weapons just like that.' He unfortunately did not have any particular helpful information that would help her for the time being so he said nothing. Beuce then said, 'Meanwhile, I've been hitting the books pretty hard. If there's enough of a difference in power that some masters can become legendary, while others are just 'oh I mean yeah they're a keyblade master it's whatever.' There has to be some explanation behind it.' He never thought a book like that would be here. "Did you find anything that might be helpful?" He asked Beuce. If there was anything that could boost there power the better off they would be.
  4. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    An intercom system' blastes on the comm system located across Central Haven. "Conference room in 20 minutes. Shiro and I got an update for you guys."

    Twenty group assembling minutes later...

    DJ activated a hollow grid on the table the order used to use for weekly meetings. As he did, a large map of the lanes between appeared before the SOS.
    "So I've got some good news and bad news." he pointed to two spots on the grid. "Thanks to Yen sid's research, we found out where the final three princesses have been located. Bad news is we could only find 2 of them. Their main hideout is still out of our reach." He pressed the two dots on the simulated holodeck which prompted two images to appear.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "First is Agrbaha; a desert world. The second is Mystic Bayou; an area near a voodoo swampland," Shiro announced. The eight of you can split into teams to investigate each world. "Once youve found the princess and can identify, them, use the beacon app on your gummi phones. It'll notify the Disney station to pick up."

    DJ pulled out his gummi phone. "Thank's to Kel's ingenuity, I've also added another app that can help. Using the mark on Kel's neck, I reverse engineered the magical signature his branding gives off." He activated the app to show only one signal in the room being Kel. "You'll be able to tell if anyone from the Red Society is in the latter worlds. No way to track Hellfire Club members though, so keep on your toes anyways."

    Shiro turned off the manitor. "Young master DJ and I have placed coordinates for each world into our gummi ships at the hangar.While your two teams investigate, we will attempt to attempt contact with our fellow allies in the void. We are also searching for young Master Aux as well."

    DJ cleared his throat. "Ship's leaving in thirty. Pick your teams and move out." His voice cracked at the end, causing him to shut his eyes in embarassment. It was very confident leadership until those last two seconds.
  5. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna overheard the announcement from the courtyard. Phobos, in his fledgling form, hopped onto her shoulder after resting on the space next to her. "Hopefully, this will be good news..." Luna looked over to Phobos as she muttered it. The princess started making her way toward the conference room.

    Once the group had assembled in the conference room, a hollow grid was activated in front of them and a map had appeared before them. DJ had then notified them that he had both good and bad news. Luna prepared herself for either piece of news. He had then pointed towards two spots on the grid as he told the group that they were able to locate the last three remaining princess. However, only two of their locations were revealed while the last remains hidden. Luna listened intently as Shiro and DJ continued. Shiro had informed them that they would need to split into teams to survey both worlds. Once they were able to locate the princesses, they were to use their beacon apps to notify Disney Station. Luna nodded her head as they gave directions.

    DJ had then introduced a new app for their gummiphones that would detect any nearby Red Society members. Luna praised the two. "That's wonderful news regardless! Hopefully, we will be able to get the upper hand on them." Shiro switched the monitor off as he continued to give them updates. They will continue their search for Aux. Luna's eyes had then turned downcast. No leads on Aux's whereabouts still...... Luna's mind ran back to the moment Aux had disappeared with Whiskey. She had continuously blamed herself for that during the last two weeks along with tackling with the restoration of her kingdom after her world had finally been restored to its former glory. The fledgling on her shoulders poked its head into her neck as if ton pull her from her thoughts. She looked toward Phobos before raising her right hand to pet the fledgling.

    DJ notified the group that their ships would be leaving in 30 minutes before his voice cracked a bit. Luna chuckled a little bit before nodding her head. With that she made her way towards the ship headed toward Agrabah.
  6. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina rolled her eyes at Beuce. Niche or not she would love to not have to ask for help and just know. She supposed that was more conditioning from her homeworld talking. Seeing the men in the armies learn and tried for many weapons and positions to be good at everything. In the end her secret training could only go so far and that was the keyblade. But she couldn't help but think that she would prefer to do more. At the end of the day though it didn't matter because there was a announcement on the intercoms to interrupt their conversation. "Back to work I guess." Karina mumbled as she got up ready to go.

    Listening to the explanation set before them it seemed mixed signals. They found three but only found two but didn't know how to identify them? At least they knew the world and if Karina knew anything it was that trouble would find them, and the princesses of those worlds. With those two things combined it shouldn't be hard to find the person they were looking for and at least they would have some notice about some of the enemies. Now it was time to decide where she would go. The desert didn't sound pleasant but what was even more unpleasant was the idea of having to deal with some sort of voodoo. Karina quickly decided the heat wouldn't be so bad, especially with her affinity for fire. So she turned and followed Luna. "I hope you don't mind me joining you."
  7. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill arrived at the meeting near the end, still feeling the fatigue and oppressive atmosphere from his recent trip into the Void. Finding a seat at the back he propped his stone keyblade against the wall and leaned forward. The mission was relatively simple, well if finding one person in a massive world was simple. One image displayed a massive desert, a single kingdom standing prosperous in the searing heat. The other seemed to be some bustling city surrounded by marshlands, the technology was certainly more developed than Agrabah. Quill knew that his strange appearance would put off anyone in such a crowded area, the desert would certainly be the safer option but...

    The mention of 'voodoo' by Shiro got Quill's interest...the practice of spiritualism was common in his once thriving world. The practice of magic fell out of use in his world after the Heartless began eroding away what humans survived. But if he could find a voodoo priestess...perhaps she could lift his curse. "Hm, Yeah..."

    Quill was walking down to the ship, his blade feeling strangely heavy. Or he was strangely weak, couldn't be sure but still steeled his focus. In the last world, he had suffered from some strange sense of disorientation. But since he and Kaida used their spatial and chronol abilities respectively, he had felt somewhat more comfortable using this new aura. He'd seen into the endless Void and it didn't seem as overwhelming, relatively. Reaching the ship to the Mystic Bayou, Quill rested against the exterior of the ship as he waited for his team.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2022
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    The break had been nice while it lasted, but if they had a update for them then hopefully it was something good that awaited them. In a way this prove to be true when they all arrived to the meeting and given said update. So the last three princesses were found, but only two they actually had the locations of. Sucks, but Kel could only mentally shrug. This was par for course for them so that aspect wasn't too big of a deal. He hoped anyway. Now if they could easily find and obtain the third princess then things would be looking up.

    Kel couldn't help but to awkward rub the back of his hand when DJ praised him for his ingenuity. He wouldn't call a simple suggestion that he had no clue on how to actually bring to life 'ingenuity', but it works and that was actually all he had asked for really. Turning his focus towards the two ships that they would board, he started to weigh the two options. A desert would that would likely be hot or a voodoo swampland. Honestly those brief description of the two made his choice preeetty easy. A voodoo swampland sounded more unpleasant to deal with than a simple desert. Since his mind was now made up, he headed towards the ship that would be going to Agrabah.
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Lost in her own thoughts, it took her several moments to recognize Karina had walked up to her. She looked over to the girl, snapping out of her trance. The princess had a look of confusion on her face for a quick moment before replying back. "Huh?....Oh!...I don't mind at all. I actually find it comforting you'll be going along too." Luna smiled at Karina. She then saw Kel walking up to the two girls to join them. "You're coming along as well Kel?" Her smile remained on her face as she asked. "I'm glad to know you two will be coming along. Since it's a desert, hopefully we'll be able to find some clothing to help combat the heat." Luna scratched her head as she tried to wrack her head with any ideas. Not that she minded the desert, she was just not used to such dry and hot environments. The princess was more adjusted to being near bodies of water than the harsh elements of the desert.
  10. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    The group arrived into the desert at the peak of night. The night sky covering the vast sands of desert that stretches for miles and miles. Kel, Karina, Luna, AJ, and Beuce has disembarked onto the nearest landmark as a giant tiger's head made of the desert sand. It's eyes glowing a vibrant heated red as a humid and eerie breathe of air escaped it's mighty jaws. The night air still old and blowing against them as the grains of sand toppled over each other. There wasn't much sign of civilation. Only this disturbing cave that faced the five of them could be seen for miles. Stars up above were few and far between, but the little dipper was still in view...


    Faust, Kaida and Quill arrived on the streets of a bustling, party of a town. They had arrived at night time, where they found several world denizens in odd costumes. Perhaps going to a costume party? They saw a small gathering of people lined outside the gate to a nearby mansion, where guests were being led in one by one. Jazz music could be heard coming from beyond the gates, as several costumed people were gossiping among each other.under the night sky. Not many stars could be seen, but the big dipper constellation was still within view.

    The three party members were left in their regular garb as a British voice called them from behind. "Care for a game while you wait?" The voice came from a man in a tuxedo and black and white Mardi Gras mask.he dealt three cards on the table. "Care to try your luck?"
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kel offered a simple wave to the two as he walked up. "Yeah, going to a desert does sound a little bit better than whatever might be lurking in a swamp." Before they had left and even as they were just arriving, Kel was expecting it to be hot to some degree. Not quite scorching, but something at the very least. Instead, when they got there it was a lot cooler than he thought. It was actually pretty comfortable in his opinion. As for their surroundings, well it was just like he’d heard about. Sand that stretched out for miles, no signs of anyone or anything nearby, giant tiger head standing in the distance. ...Well almost everything.

    “I’m not the only one seeing that tiger right?”
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Immediately arriving in the desert world Karina wished she didn't have her coat, or perhaps a change of clothes was required for the hot temperatures that faced them. Well at least she wasn't as bothered as she could be, after all fire was her element meaning the heat ran through her veins. Still Karina used the slightest bit of magic to store her coat in wherever their changes of clothes came and went from before examining the cave. "That certainly is a lions head. And I don't like the look of those eyes." Karina crossed her arms, instantly remembering the damage she had done to herself in training. Was it worth taking this world easy? There was no reason to, she was recovered. Sighing and shaking her head Karina approached the mouth and stared at the teeth. "As long as these teeth aren't real I think it is a cave that we should explore."
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    For the most part, the tiger head was peaceful, Just a large, hardened sand monument to some sort of tiger headed figure. The light beaming from inside the tiger's mouth began glowing a darker red as the party wa examining it further. All of a sudden the tiger head's eyes began to blink, and it's eyes began to furrow in anger. It's teeth gnarling from its open mouthed maw. It's mouth began to spreak as it spoke in a booming, ancient voice.


    It let out painful roars as it winced it pain- Lightning beginning to strike across the sky as the wind picked up. The tiger head began to deteriorate as a young Arabian man on a flying carpet zoomed through the destroyed cave and crashed into the sand dune behind the party.
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Wide eyed and more than a little confused Karina watched what had happened. First of all the cave started to talk. Not the oddest thing she had seen on her travels but still more than a little odd. Second was a boy on a flying carpet who flew out of the collapsing talking cave head. "Well I think we found the infidel... so what now?" Karina asked probably far more casually than this situation required but at the end of the day they had seen and been through everything imaginable, this didn't affect her that much. "I guess we should follow him, huh?" Karina asked sounding more exasperated by the situation than even worried. She looked to Luna for confirmation, the princess surely would tell them to do the right thing. ​
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    It was brief, but there was a moment in which he thought the simple act of approaching the lion's head was heinous enough for them to be called infidels, then some guy came out flying past them. That quickly answered that question that had just formed a few seconds ago. "Probably. If nothing else, we should at least make sure that he's okay?" Hopefully through that they could find a way out of this desert and towards civilization. As much as the night sky was helping with the temperature, it would still be nice to have a clearer idea on where to do before the sun was up.
  16. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Soon there was a meeting about the next worlds. There was some info about tracking the Red Society which would be somewhat helpful. The choice of woulds came up and a swampland did not sound fun so he decided to go to the desert world instead. Joining Kel, Luna and Karina on the trip.

    They soon arrived into the desert at the peak of night. Thankfully it was dark so the heat was not an issue yet. They arrived at an landmark of a giant tiger's head made of the desert sand. The option of exploring the head cave of the tiger came up. He was not sure that was the best idea. Just then the tiger spoke and said, 'INFIDELS! YOU HAVE TOUCHED THE FORBIDDEN TREASURE! NOW YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!' The tiger head began to deteriorate as a young Arabian man on a flying carpet zoomed through the destroyed cave and crashed into the sand dune behind the party. He was thankful no one had decided to explore the cave as they would be stuck under the sand in a cave at this moment. Kel said something about checking on the person that just came out. "If nothing else perhaps they know of a way out of this desert and into town." he said to Kel casually.
  17. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce watched with a similar amount of surprise to the rest of the group. His jaw wasn't exactly agape, but he still had enough of a sense of normality to understand that this lied squarely in the realm of "uncommon". The man seemed to have suffered a high speed collision with the sand not too far off, so the man jogged to his location. "Hey, uh, you alright there buddy? Mind telling us what you were doing inside a giant sand tiger? He also said something about a forbidden treasure you messed with?" Beuce crouched to the dune the man was laying in to get closer to eye height with him. "My name is Beucefilous. Beuce for short."
  18. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    The young man tossed the sand out of his hair before he stood up to answer. He took a couple of spit takes to make sure he got rid of all the coarse granules from his mouth. "Name's Aladdin!" he grinned. "And that giant sand tiger- err... what's left of it anyways used to be the cave of wonders! "My guess was they weren't too fond of this little treasure we found and tried to trap us in there." He motioned over to a living carpet that began digging itself out of the sand. "Luckily we found this magic carpet and flew out to safety. That along with this lamp..." He took out a small golden lamp from his pocket. "Legend has it whoever has the lamp can summon-" He stopped himself before continuing. "Actually maybe I'll just save that for later. "You guys don't look like you're from here. What brings you all the way out in the desert?"

    A small monkey with a fez on his head poked it's head from the sand and did the same. Making it's little monkey noises, the monkey reached down and grabbed a human sized fez before climbing up the man's body and placing it on top of his head. "Thank's Abu.." he said to the little monkey, patting his little head.
  19. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida supposed a costume party was at the very least a good place to blend in. Or maybe not. She couldn't think of what kind of a costume hers would be if she made the lie. She messed with her coat a bit, a doctor perhaps? There was no way in hell that'd work. Scientist might work, if no one was judgy about the sleeves. The thoughts only distracted her so long as the voice called out about trying their luck. Part of the entertainment perhaps? She figured it was a good place to start as any as she walked towards the man, "I'm game, but I'm a bit unfamiliar with the rules of this one. Would you fill me in?"
  20. ClearzerO Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 9, 2019

    Quill's feet touched down on the cobbled streets, almost falling over as the many costumes got him stunned for a moment. Looking down at himself though, he wasn't sure if his appearance wouldn't shock just the same. He could at least- "Huh where'd you come from?" He stares down as a calico cat was using his plated leg as a scratching post. He rolls his eyes bemused and hefts the plump lil guy in one arm, his owner must be around here somewhere so better to hold onto him. That's when the accented voice gets the group's attention. "A game huh? Yeah sure, why not. Tell me though, you part of the party's staff or you do this for kicks?"
    Last edited: May 20, 2023