Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    As he watched Shiro looked to the system monitor as a notification popped up. "Hmm?" He clicked the window as another appeared. "New system update found. Do you wish to download?" Shiro arched an eyebrow. "Well, I suppose it's important to keep up to date." He clicked confirm as another window appeared. "Are you sure? File has not been recognized or approved by the system software...Oh come on I don't need Master Dwayne's approval all the time!" He clicked confirm as the download began. He watch carefully knowing that something was most then likely going to go wrong. He stood ready for to help anyone that needed it.

    Karina did not want help and kel seemed to be doing fine fore the time being. With nothing else to do but to get started with this training and help if the situation came up he turned his attention to the rock titan. The rock titan was slow far slower then the wind at least. He ran at the wall ran and um it and into the air. He forced his way down with an Aerial Slam with the increased wind damage it seemed to do a good number on the rock titan. He was not about to let up tho. As soon as he landed He continued to keep his distance and when he had to get close the titan was slow that he was able to move out of the way before it did to much damage.

    Kel seemed to be doing well considering at this very moment he was somehow very high in the air not to far off from the roof of the training hall. He just had to keep going and once Kel land he could help him but for the time being there was not much he could do considering that could not use there keyblades. There was not much he could to the titan in terms of taking a limb. As the rock was naturally resistant to it. He kept on doing combos and he just hoped that at some point he would just tire the thing out. As the battle continued and went on and on he knew that this would not be the case. He had to finish this before someone got hurt or something happened.

    As he ran and continued to do damage to the rock titan. He felt like he was being lifted into the air. He looked around and notice that the titan somehow manage hit the ground near him which sent him into the air. The titan was close to grabbing him but at the last moment he cast Reverse Aero on the titan. As he landed he held out his hand and thought wind. As was powerful gust of wind from the vortex hit the titan back. The titian and thus making the titian fall onto the wind titan Kel just took out causing more damage then he would otherwise be able to do on his own and he knocked the titan out. At this moment He noticed that Gilgamesh digitize into the arena behind Karina. Of course something went wrong.
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina was waiting rather angrily to be acknowledged. She vaguely realized that Kel had gone through the battle but didn't focus on that. She was just trying to keep the black spots from taking over her vision completely. Karina wasn't one hundred percent sure if the spots were from pain in her arm or something to do with the way she had hit her head, either way it wasn't going to be good. Pain flared through her shoulder and Karina almost felt dizzy a moment as someone tapped it. Turning to look she saw some guy. Karina tried to subtly move to hold her arm, she was in no shape for fighting, but she was wary of this guy as she tried to take a step back watching him closely. "I don't know what you are talking about. Who the hell are you anyways and what are you doing here?" Karina sounded annoyed as she tried to rush through the conversation a bit hopefully he would take the hint and go.​
  3. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Oh right, I don't think we've been canonically introduced. My name is Gilgamesh, a ruthless blade wielding mercenary currently operating under the red society. Of the nequa's red society. Here are my references." He handed her a piece of paper that acted as his antagonistic resume of sorts. "I understand some of you already have sworn vendettas and whatnot but I M looking for a rival to work against." He folded his hands in front of himself as he towered over kel and Karina.
  4. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    This was ridiculous. Really what was this guy doing? Working for Nequa? Vendettas? It was getting too much for Karina to focus on at once. "Yes yes we all have a vendetta against Nequa, but coming here doesn't get you a rival, it gets you killed if you are working for her." Karina stated as she summoned her keyblade from the other side of the room. She gripped it in her left hand taking a bit of an awkward fighting stance given she wasn't left handed at all. "It was stupid for you to come here, especially announcing that you are with her." Karina warned hoping that Gilgamesh would just take that as a cue to leave.​
  5. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    It took a bit for Kel to will himself to sit up and even more so to get on his feet to face Gilgamesh. He was only half paying attention to what Gilgamesh was saying and the bits he did listen too only left a bad taste in his mouth. "You came all the way here for a stupid reason like that, you really are just better off leaving now. No one's going to indulge you here." He said rather unimpressed.
  6. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Y'know I really don't appreciate all the hostility and rudeness coming from this interaction. I mean her I get, but you?" He said shaking his head towards Kel. "SHameful... I've been nothing if not direct, and even resorted to non-violence because I'm a chill guy like that."

    More titanic chaos raged on in the background as gilgamesh continued talking to the warriors. "Now I came looking for a nemesis and I shan't leave until I find one... oh yeah, and bring Alex back or whatever." He cleared his throat before proceeding.

    He pulled out three roses and began his process.

    "Karina, you and I would be a fair match of strength, but I feel you're too angry and I feel our communication as enemies would suffer as a result. The added daddy baggage is also a hard no on my part. Please take this rose as a sign you will not move on to the next round." He placed the rose on her head.

    "Kel, you're a swell guy who always does right by his friends. You follow the rules, and as an agent of chaos, I think we could very good together. Sadly Hotel called dibs on you and I'm pretty sure you've been out for Nequa longer than my run in this game. For that, I regretfully give you this rose as a sign you will not move on to the next round." He placed the rose in one of his hair spikes, propping it up as if it were in a vase.

    "I'll just wait until Andrew and Faust are finished so I can have a word with them," he calmly replied.
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    This was... whatever this was Karina couldn't handle it in the slightest. She couldn't even comprehend what was going on anymore as she looked to Kel. All Karina knew was she was thankful that he moved on after whatever that was. The rose slid harmlessly off her head as Karina glanced at AJ. "Well lucky for you AJ looks ready to pick a fight. Why don't you talk to him for a while." Karina spoke in almost an amused fashion. At least as much of one as she could muster at that time. With Gilgamesh distracted Karina turned to Kel and spoke quietly so hopefully their enemy didn't hear. "You have to get me out of here. As much as I would like to stab him in the back, I think I might just pass out." She admitted. It didn't feel good to admit to her own weakness, but she would rather that than die here in this stupid training that no one was overseeing. ​
  8. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    He was pretty sure that they had already met Gilgamesh. He went on about being about of the red society. truth be told he was not at all that interested. 'I understand some of you already have sworn vendettas and whatnot but I M looking for a rival to work against.' "You came here for a stupid reason to get a rival. You came to a place full of keyblade masters." He did not really want to deal with this guy right now and it was not any surprise that Shiro was completely ignoring what was going on. He had enough to deal with with his home world people. "You really are just better off leaving now." He was not that impressed with the smart of this guy at all. He had been done with his battle for some time in fact had fished right after kel so he was not sure what that was about. Karina was hurt and getting her a place to rest was top priority. She was ether exhausted from the fright, training, the battle or any of the three. She needed to get somewhere to rest and heal up if needed.
  9. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kel gave Gilgamesh the blankest stare he's ever given anyone after he'd walked away from them before swatting the rose out of his hair. Well at least he was causing them any problems in way of attacking them, just being annoying. So they could just leave him be for the time being. Not like either of them had the strength to fight him anyway. That was especially true for Karina with the shape she was in. He gave her a quick cure to take care of any minor injuries he could see, but the more major ones would have to wait for someone with proper training to deal with. "I might be able to do something to help." He'd considered the option of just walking out to get medical attention, but he didn't want to risk it on the off chance Gilgamesh decided to leave. Screw it, Kel decided to take a more direct approach and tossed his keyblade at the safety room glass to hopefully get Shiro to see both their uninvited guest and the shape that Karina was in.
  10. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    "Good... now there's just one thing you have to do." The area around them went dim "You see in order for me to achieve that level of power, a being of great power had to be attributed to the void... My wife gave her life so I could attain that power. And I've regretted it ever since..."
    He locked eyes at Beuce. "I will be your tribute on the condition that you bring back Eliza alive, He reached behind his cape and pulled out a small music box. Put her heart into this."

    Beuce took hold of the music box out of the man's hands. He paused, looking at it and thinking what it meant. "You know, I don't like you. You're perhaps the least pleasant person I've ever known to be around, but I think I understand you a bit better. Something important to you was lost for you to gain what you have, and you'd trade it back if you could, but you can't. So this is the best you can do." He looked up from the music box to Orion. "I'll make sure it's done."

    "Make your own destiny," he replied as a large pink aura surrounded him, causing him to Vanish.

    Beuce looked down at the box, understanding the weight of what it represented when a thought struck him.

    "Wait, you ******* get back here I can't open portals!" He screamed into what was now the void. He sat down on a rock and pulled out an object from his pocket. "Well, it's as good a time as any to try this out..." He fumbled around with a few buttons on it before it began to make a ringing noise, and he put it up to his ear. "Hey. Yeah. Yeah, it's Beuce. Listen can you like...pick me up? Because I'm stuck here. Yeah. Yeah, I'm on my homeworld. It's like over in the Starway galaxy. It's broken in half, you can't miss it. Well, I'm sorry it's out of the way I didn't choose to be stuck here. I'll tell you when you get here. Okay, thanks. Bye." And he hung up the phone.​
  11. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "You really are just better off leaving now."

    Gilgamesh spun around to find a short blonde haired boy giving him flack as well. Before he spoke, something strange happened. He saw AJ in a strange light. Everything behind him faded in a white glowing light as cherry bklossom p[etal rained across the sky in his mind.

    How had he not seen it before? While looking at more of the veteran protagonists, he had completely overlookeed the Part 2 survivor... Andrew Jacob Canvasback.
    AJ was always in the foreground but blended in the background. A perfect compliment to Gilgamesh's scene stealing spotlight of a personality...
    AJ spoke with clarity and was always direct. Gilgamesh was outspoken and changed the subject all too often
    AJ repeated everything his allies said before replying to them, while Gilgamesh forgoit what he said ten minutes ago..

    AJ was frustrating order. Gil was uncontrolable chaos.
    AJ's eyes even began to twinkle from Gilgamesh's point of view.

    He grabbed AJ by the shoulders and looked down at him.
    "You. complete. me."
  12. Feliex Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 16, 2018

    Dancing around trying to kite to fire titan was turning out to be a bigger chore than Faust first thought. Even with the volleys of water drenching the magma when he could, which slowed the titan as sections hardened into rock it was not long before it started to melt once again. The whole situation seemed like a losing battle as the restrictions put on his magic seemed to slow it just enough that the titan fixed whatever damage he caused when he readied his next barrage.

    Booking over to the others seeing that they had finished off their titans really meant that he had to stop dragging his feet and find some way to finish off his own. Turning back to his titan just in time to see it began to surge towards him, trapping him between the wall and it. Seeing the mass of lava his instinct kicked in. Jumping head first towards the titan he fired off another Ballonga aimed at where he had planned to land on the titan. The surface cool in a flash of steam as he vaulted over the titan as it impacted against the wall.

    Looking back towards the fire titan something just clicked inside his head on why it was taking him so long to beat his titan. Here he was just trying to play it safe from a distance, hurling his magic at distance when he always did better laying everything on the line and seeing where it landed him. Drawing out the weapon that he had picked last night he prepared to let his magic surge wild and loose. Throwing six of the metal cards at the titan aiming targets to spread out across the hardened patches of rock the cards sunk in half way as he simultaneously let loose an April shower. The localized drizzle slowed the fire titan’s regeneration down as Faust charged forward towards it. Right as he was at point blank with the titan he let his magic truly run wild arcs of arcane lighting coursing off of him. The small cards acted as lighting rods drawing in the energy arcs of electricity coursed across the titan. The surge of magic caused the drizzle to turn into a downpour, the pelting rain drawing a roar of pain from the titan as the magma cooled completely into a shell of rock.

    Looking back at the others once again and this time noticing someone new talking to others he began to drag himself towards the group. Seeing the newcomer grabbing onto AJ as he arrived was quite the sight given the glare that Aj gave the newcomer. Raising hand in greeting Faust called out apologizing “Sorry about the wait. Guess it's just kind of an off-day for me.” Faust held out his hand towards Gilgamesh he continued “not to interrupt your moment with AJ, but it’s hopefully a please to meet to I’m Faust the traveling magician”
  13. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Hello Faust, I'm Gilgamesh, the magician killing mercenary," he said, shaking the man's hand while still being enamored with AJ.
    "Just kidding, I'm not really much of a mercenary these days," he added.

    Hearing a banging on the glass, Shiro took off his headphones and looked at the window to find everyone was finished. "Good jo- I mean.. DANK job fellow masters!" He ended the simulation and opened the doors out of the chamber to let everyone out. Something caught his eye as he saw a large man in armor still in the chamber.
  14. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    He watched as Kel tossed his keyblade at the safety room glass to hoping to get Shiro attention. He really did not think this was going to do much. worse case they might have to brake the glass which would involve super cooling and super heating the glass so that it would break. Gilgamesh then said, 'You. complete. me.' while taking hold of his shoulders. What was wrong with this guy? Seriously Gilgamesh had something going on but for sure knew it was not smarts. He bushed Gilgamesh hand off him. He was not interested in whatever he was going to offer. Go find the black coats or who ever he thought. He really did not care who it was. Before he could tell Kel about the glass Shiro took off his headphones and looked at the window to find everyone was finished. He ended the simulation and opened the doors out of the chamber to let everyone out. Good now Gilgamesh was Shiro's problem. He turned to Kel. knowing that they should go and get some help for Karina.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  15. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Still ignoring whatever Gilgamesh was doing, he let out a sigh seeing the area around them start to return to its base state. As his keyblade returned to his side and vanished, he turned back to Karina and whispered. "Now might be your best chance to leave before Shiro starts the next step of whatever this training is supposed to be." He'd cover for her in the event Shiro tried to object to this, though one look at her should be enough to see that she wasn't fit for continuing.
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Kel at least tried to help, but it didn't seem to help at least right away as Gilgamesh seemed to have found what he was looking for in A.J. some how. A.J. didn't seem to want any of it, but still she was more than willing to leave him to deal with that mess as Faust finally finished his battle and the simulation ended providing a door. "On it." Karina said to Kel as she went to leave. The first step forward left Karina feeling dizzy and nausious. She planted her keyblade into the ground for support as she held back the need to throw up. After a few deep breaths to steady herself again, Karina continued out the door, only making it part way down the hall before swaying into the wall, which left her arm in pain. At least she was out of the arena and the others could deal with Gilgamesh and whatever else Shiro had for them. Meanwhile she decided it was a good idea just to take a break there, in the hall. Sitting down Karina leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment. Part of her wondered if that was a good idea, but she didn't care. Her head hurt. Her arm hurt. And she couldn't even see right anymore, she didn't even think she could find the infirmary if she wanted to. ​
  17. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    “We’ll have to see about that” Faust laughed lightheartedly as he started to fix the bandages around his neck that came loose in his fight. “I've been told that I'm quite hard to kill before. Lady luck really tends to watch out for my neck when I stick it in places I really shouldn’t, but let me know if you want play a game some time to see who lady luck favors more”

    Gilgamesh nodded as he looked around seeing that the group was more or less done with his antics. "Mhhm, mhmm, well I can see you are all busy. Just please give this to Andrew when you can." He slashed open a portal and shuffled on through it, yelling "kill you later!" As he vanished.

    Shiro arrived on the scene and looked around a bit confused. "Wait wasn't there a 5th person who..." he shook his head as his eyes narrowed to Karina. "Well it seems DJ might have gone overboard with the difficulty." He helped guide her to the med bay, taking along the rest of the group.

    He placed a few small devices on karina's arm when they arrived to the medical bay. He monitored his vitals as he watched the monitor. "Well, you overexerted yourself a bit there. But that is to be expected with with fire element. Candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long after all.." he looked to the rest of the group. "Anyone learn anything in their session?"
  18. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    There was a bit of annoyance when she felt Shiro pick her up. He was the last one that she wanted to deal with at this time but her head was pounding too much and she couldn't bring herself to fight him. At least the bed was more comfortable than the floor she had collapsed on. "Overexert? No, it would have been fine if you gave us a challenge or taught us how to use our weapons." She mumbled to Shiro. Even though she was barely keeping her eyes open she still managed to glare at Shiro. "I thought we were supposed to be training or getting trained not another mundane battle that I had to find a way to spice up myself." She continued. She tried to think of more ways to express her frustration but words failed her. Was it because she hit her head? Or was it the lack of sleep she got? Either way whatever Shiro was deciding was decisively wrong. "By the way one of Nequa's people was here. I doubt you noticed." Then she closed her eyes to rest. Everything hurt, so much.​
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    "I learn that my aura seems to have a mind of it own, though I had a feeling of that for a while know." If anything this fight against the titans only served as a confirmation to that. It still didn't help him learn how to better utilize it anyway. "Should we be concerned about how easily Gilgamesh was able to get here." He paused to tap the glasses he'd was wearing from DJ. "I've been wearing these whenever possible so I doubt they used me as a mirror to find this place."
  20. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014


    Shiro arrived on the scene and looked around a bit confused. 'Wait wasn't there a 5th person who...' of course he did not notice because why would he. He would have to talk to DJ or someone else about the lack of security later. 'Anyone learn anything in their session?' He learned nothing other then what has been going on forever and that was that it seemed like some people was not paying attention to what was going on or at the very least did not seem to notice things, or whatever. He was not going to stress about it. The SOS would figure it out together at some point anyways. He sighed internally as it was time to move on. He did not think on it to long. 'Should we be concerned about how easily Gilgamesh was able to get here.' He tuned to kel. "Well it seems like they can portal wherever and whenever they want without restriction so we need to at some point figure out how to stop that. Might be some sort of energy or something?" He said it as a question as he was not sure what it was himself nor how to stop it. It seemed like no matter where they were at they seemed to find the SOS group regardless.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2021