Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Luna had been lost in her thoughts before her attention was drawn away. "Hey, how was your test? It seems like everyone is talking about it, having a good time. You clearly succeeded so, congratulations." Luna looked up to see Aislinn smiling at her. Luna looked away and down at the ground. "Yeah...My test was...definitely something...But...." Luna went silent once again. Did she want to mention her being one of the seven? Did she want to keep quiet? She was lost in thoughts once more. Seeing Luna's expression, Aislinn spoke once more. "Something else on your mind?" Luna didn't know what to say or what to do. Luna was still trying to process the information herself, let alone relay it to others. Moments had passed before she opened up. "I...I just have a lot on mind right now. I'm still trying to processing it myself." Luna held her necklace tightly as her thoughts consumed her once more. She knew she couldn't dwell on it forever but she couldn't help it. She couldn't write it off and smile as if it was nothing. Another weight had been added to the other weights she had on her shoulder already. What could she even do? "I'm surprised you're not with the others. You should get back to them. I'd rather not keep you from talking with everyone else." Luna smiled slightly before facing forward, her back still facing the rest of the group.
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The group managed to get back to Game Central Stations hub with not troubles what so ever. The weren't the only ones who had gotten through with their world for he had spotted Beuce shortly after the he had called out to them. Stratos had given a summary of what they had done while Ignis did the same for her group. Both worlds apparently had a tournament which briefly struck Kel as odd, but there were two versions of Tron in each world so there being some similarities was understandable. "Probably still preoccupied in their world."

    This was around the time in which Kel had noticed both Luna and Aislinn off on their own and his heading over to where they were. Kel three up a quick wave before speaking. "Hey Luna, you worn out from the world?" It sounded reasonable given that it sounded like they went through a lot more physical activities compared to what he had to do.
  3. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos was a bit confused about what the word, "NPC" meant but all the same, it didn't seem that they had done much other than fighting back in their world. When Ignis finished their statement, they seemed to have a sudden burst of anger as they slammed their fist into a wall, causing Stratos to just say, "oh." Pausing a bit he then said, "well, uh, doesn't sound like that fun of a time there. But hey, at least it's over with, and we're that much closer to becoming masters." Stratos watched as both Aislinn and Kel walked over to where Luna was sitting, and simply stood around with everyone else as he said, "yeah, they're probably still predisposed with their worlds. After all, they were only allowed to go in pairs and there were three worlds to go through. Hope everything's good with them." Looking back towards Ignis, with the blood evident on her hand he asked, "so uh, you alright there? Something happen?"
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Ignis Banner.png
    Ignis looked up at Stratos and then back to her hand. She didn't have anything to bandage it with, so she just had to deal with it. Then she looked at the mess she made and back to Stratos. She wondered how to explain what just happened without getting into all the nitty-gritty details.

    "Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm fine. Nothing really happened in the world, I just remembered something from my own world." She realized she was clenching her fist again and the blood began to drip a little faster. "The guy we had to deal with in that world reminds me of someone from my own personal life that I'd really like to forget, but don't have the luxury of doing so."

    She reflexively threw her fist out again, and shattered more of the glass that reminds from the first smash. She looked at the mess and decided it was probably best to walk away before she broke anything else, including her own hand. She picked a chair of the many that were in the area and sat down. Of course, since her mind was now on that man, she couldn't clam down and just wanted to breaking things, like she did with those guards back in that world. She knew it wouldn't help anything, but every time she thought about that man, she remembered that nightmare from four years ago, and always got angry and upset at the same time. And as if on cue, Ignis snapped yet again.

    The more she tried not to think about her past, the more it kept coming up, until eventually her anger bubbled over. She brought her out keyblade and started slashing at the seats around her. She kept swinging everything around her until there was nothing but rubble, and then kept slashing. All the while, Ignis was screaming out in anger, eventually with tears of her own forming and falling down her face.
  5. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce kind of looked back and forth between Ignis and Luna. To be honest, he thought both of them were overracting a bit. "So i take it your parents were murdered by either a window or a chair. Damn them, but they're only puppets for the real villains; Doors." He muttered under his breath, deciding it was best not to approach her. "I uh...I'll be honest, I don't have a clue what's going on with her. Our world was a breeze. We also barely interacted with the big bad evil guy of it. It's probably best to leave her alone for now. Heal her hand up when she's not committing genocide on furniture." He said to Stratos. The air, however, was still tense after the outburst. "So uh...Learn any cool new techniques?" He said, attempting to lighten the mood, if only a little bit.​
  6. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    Andrew turned when Nigo said that it looked like a rainbow throw up in here. Well it was better then the other kind of throw up. Then Felix began to explain the Turbo story to Steel and Glen. A few police then showed up and said 'We're looking for a gltich running around. You haven't seen her have you?' He could not say that they had seen much considering they just got there. He was about to say so when, the walkie talkie went off and said 'Attention all units, glitch spotted at the diet cola mountain. Repeat; Glitch is near the Diet Mountain.' Well that answered that question. Then Felix said, 'I know we have a mission of our own, but maybe you guys could help find the girl. Not to exterminate her of course. But maybe to an explanation on the whole mess.' He did not see why not, but was going to suggest that they split up, but thought better of it when the thought of Nigo going with anyone crossed his mind, yea not the best idea.

    Steel then went on about making looking the top priority to go to Diet Cola Mountain. Then Steel said, 'While it's true we don't where that is, there can only be so many locations in a video game, and it would have to be pretty close if they're calling all units there hoping for immediate results. So what say you all we take the road towards the nearest mountain we can see?' "Or we could just look for the nearest river that looks like it is filled with Diet Cola and follow it up stream," he suggested. "I mean they probably do not call it Diet Cola Mountain for nothing. So it stands to reason that there would be a river coming from it. The best thing to do would be to find high ground and see with we can find a mountain with Diet Cola coming out of it." All mountains that he knew of had some kind of river or water source coming from it. There was not reason to think this was any different.
  7. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future

    Ananta hopped out of her car and ran over to Base, hugging him. "Congrats on winning, Jelly." she said, turning to look at King Candy. When she heard his outburst, she raised an eyebrow and looked back to Base. "So I guess that means we ought to head towards Diet Cola mountain?" she said, peering over to a large mountain. "That must be it." she said, taking it upon herself to start walking over. Whatever was there, Ananta was curious to see what caused the King of Candy to be so upset.
  8. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    Prideful in his win, Base arrived at Diet Cola Mountain with over-sized shades and a royal cape around his shoulders. He unlatched the cape and tossed the shades as they arrived, and looked up to the mountain before them.

    "Personally, I prefer the original recipe. I hear Diet Cola is really bad for you. With that logic in mind, maybe we should turn back now and maybe just go home?"
  9. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Hikaru arrived back at the Game Central Station terminal strip. As he walled across the clean and empty Station, he watched his allies interacting with each other. Trading stories, reflcting on their battle and hardships, it was always something new to discuss when everyone reunited from their individual adventures. He took a step forward to try and join in on the group conversation. Not even making a full step, he hesitated. Drawn back by his own self doubt and own personal matter. Until this point he was never really reflecting on what happened during the events in Castle Oblivion. His own revelations and hidden truths.

    Before sinking too much into a saddened state, Hikaru thought back to what Tron said about what makes copied programs different from others. The connections made. The people met. He looked up to find Kaida and felt his doubt slowly fade. His feet no longer hesitated as he rushed to her. "Kaida! Hey!" He slowed down and smiled to her. "How did everything go?"
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida had been more focused on listening to Ignis, mainly because her attention had diverted from looking towards Luna. She was concerned about Luna, and felt a little responsible for not letting her know in advance but... what was there for her to tell? Or rather, how was she supposed to present it. Was she supposed to walk up to Luna the first chance she got with her hand out going Hello there, name's Kaida. Luna you say? Ah, so you're a princess of heart. No, that was a terrible idea. But Kaida had a feeling based on the way the conversation went that Luna was reflecting in towards her family, which Kaida wished she could tell her that it was likely her parents did not know unless they had associations with outside worlds. She just kind of hoped Luna could resolve it herself a little.

    And as she was in her thoughts, Hikaru walked over and she went out of her more thoughtful state and smiled, "Hey, it went... well, theoretically it went smoothly. But I guess there was a lot of emotional baggage... Luna found out she's a princess of heart and she doesn't know how to take it... and... well." Kaida nodded towards Ignis and said, "I don't know about her, Ignis kind of only mentioned it after we left the world... oh. Right."

    Kaida crossed her arms and sighed, "They used... data creations of Cat and Etrius... I... I thought it was actually Cat there for a minute..." Kaida looked a bit sad and said, "I wish I had been there to help... maybe there was something I could have done..." she only stayed that way for a minute before quickly going back to a smile and saying, "But I'll be alright... so... anything eventful on your end?"
  11. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku

    Stratos looked onward as Ignis explained that whatever had happened in their world, reminded them of someone from their homeworld. And it didn't seem to be a fond memory at that. Before Stratos could say anything regarding the issue, Ignis proceeded to bash another glass pane, followed by the murder of a lonesome station chair. Stratos looked onward, though, he seemed to be completely unfazed by the sudden and violent outburst that Ignis was going on. Sighing, he said under his breath, "really, another?" As Beuce walked near him, making light of the situation as was normal, he then went on to explain his lack of understanding of what was going on. As Beuce then asked him if he had picked anything new up, the boy said, "well, I didn't learn anything new there, per se. But, I mean I did use this for the first time." With that, Stratos's outfit changed color, becoming a combination of blue, red and yellow, with his keyblade becoming more of a rifle shape than a blade. With a smirk on his face he said, "pretty cool right?"

    It was then that Stratos realized that the slashing was continuing and, not wanting her to trash the entire station before her rampage ended, Stratos looked to Beuce. "Wish me luck," his tone was more business as usual then anything else. Firing a light green light from his key-rifle, attempting to heal the girl's wound, he said, "so uh. I know you're feeling bad but, I don't think beating the furniture is going to help."
  12. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Luna had let go of her necklace as Kel walked over to her and Aislinn. "Hey Luna, you worn out from the world?" She knew she wasn't going to have some time to think about new information for now anyways. She turned to Kel before speaking, "Not really worn out in a physical aspect. It's more... It's more in an emotional aspect." Luna ran her fingers through her hair before sighing. She stood up and stretched for a moment before turning to Kel and Aislinn. "Sorry if I worried you guys. A lot happened and just some new info I have to process. However, now's not really the time to dwell on it." Luna ran her fingers through her hair again before moving one part to the other side. "We should get back to the others. Again, sorry for worrying you guys." Luna bowed before standing back up. She started to walk back to the group with Kel and Aislinn. She looked at her bracelet one more before lowering her arm back at her side. "The world I was in was a little strange though. I saw Anora, Cat, Eon, and even Etrius. But they were all data copies." Luna heard a commotion nearby. She looked over to see Ignis slashing at furniture. A little puzzled, Luna stopped as she watched Stratos run over to Ignis to figure out what was going on.
  13. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Ignis Banner.png
    Ignis continued with her rampage on the merciless furniture. To everyone else, it probably looked like she kind of just went crazy, but in her eyes, it was like she was reliving the worst moment of her life ever. She tried looking around, but she couldn't see anything other than smoke and flames. She saw dark figures moving in the flames, and began to attack them. To her, they were the shapes of monsters that attacked her and her family, and killed thousands of innocent people. She couldn't look at the shadows without remembering everything she lost that night, and caused her to cry with the sadness of losing everything she ever knew, as well as that anger she felt to them.

    Ignis began slashing at the shadows, trying to kill them, but every time she slashed, the shadows kept staying alive. She began to hear voices around her, and they sounded like nothing but horse laughter. She couldn't help but feel like the monsters were laughing at her, at her weakness, and she kept attacking the shades. As she kept attacking, she noticed another shade move toward her. This time it wasn't the shadow of a monster, but of a man. It may have been nothing but darkness in her eyes, but she knew who it was. It was the man that sent the creatures that killed everyone, and took her home. She wasn't going to let that man get away with what he had done.

    Bringing her keyblade up, she brought it down on the man. Then, maybe because it was from exhaustion or her fit had run its course, her visions began to go back to reality. The smoke and fire cleared, and the monsters in her sight began to change back to furniture. She was bringing down her keyblade full force, ready to cleave the shadow in two when she realized she wasn't attacking her nightmare, but Stratos. Ignis was just about to strike him, but managed to throw her arms to the side just in time. Her keyblade came to the ground, and managed to make a decently sized cut along it.

    She breathed heavily, still reeling from the attack she had. She had almost attacked her teammate as well. Falling to the ground, she began to cry.

    "I'm sorry..." The words came out between the heavy breathing and crying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
  14. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Luna continued watching the scene before her unfold. It was as if Ignis saw something different than what was before her. Ignis had turned to Stratos. Luna looked at her and it was if her eyes were seeing something or someone that really ticked Ignis off. A sudden memory flashed in Luna's memory. A memory dating back to when she first joined the group, one that Luna wasn't too fond of. Back when Mira was still within her, Luna had almost hurt Snow White but was stopped by the group. Luna closed her eyes as that memory came across her mind. She opened it as Ignis was about to cut through Stratos. "Stratos! Ignis!" Luna started to run over before Ignis realized what she was doing. She stopped in her tracks as Ignis began crying. Luna watched as Ignis continued to cry, fortunate that nobody was hurt. She jogged over to the two. She crouched down to Ignis' eye level. "Ignis.." What could she even say to the crying girl? She didn't know. However, Luna had to try and say something. "Ignis. Look at me." Luna's expression had painted itself into one of seriousness and sympathy. "Are you alright?" Luna placed her hand on Ignis' shoulder, making sure her teammate was alright. "Are you both alright?" Luna looked at Stratos as well checking if he was unharmed as well.
  15. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    "Well, we did some death racing, met a nice program named tron, and managed to overthrow an evil program to return order. You know; keeping the peace and all that," he smiled. Noticing how fighting former allies must have felt, he tried to console her. "You know, we had to fight some of our old friends too. From recent to the beginning of this evil mess. Whoever this Sho guy is must really be trying to mess with us. He even partnered with people we rarely worked with. It's taken a toll on all of us." His train of thought was interrupted with the sight of ignis almost striking down Stratos. "Some of us more than others apparently..." Hikaru watched as Luna rushed to help the two, before being reminded of what Kaida just said. "Wait a minute, Luna's a princess of heart?! " Hikaru took a whole step back on the matter. He first learned of the princesses back in Dwarf Woodlands. The only other possible ones he could have known were the ones the bad guys were after. Snow White, Belle, Alice, and Cinderella. As far as he knew; 2 were safe and the other 2 were captured. By Aux.
  16. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    While Aislinn was trying to be nice and be helpful and talk with Luna, she didn't seem to be that interested in talking. Luna admitted that she had a lot on her mind, and while Aislinn would be more than happy to sit down and listen, providing feedback where possible, instead Luna tried to encourage her to go back to the others. "Are you sure that there isn't something you want to talk about?" Aislinn asked a little concerned. It wasn't usual that people pushed others away without a reason, and Aislinn wanted to see if she could help the girl with it, but she wouldn't allow such things.

    Kel came over to join them and Aislinn was relieved. Perhaps Luna wouldn't feel bad for keeping her from the others if more people were here. However Aislinn noticed how that also was responded to with vague answers and more being pushed away. Aislinn started to look seriously worried. "If there is anything-" Aislinn was cut off however by seeing Ignis. It was confusing what was going on, why the girl was destroying the furniture. Given that there was others around Ignis to help however, Aislinn tried to turn her attention back to Luna. "You aren't the only one who saw weird copies of people you know, I saw Xara. I think they are just doing this to get to us though, a test of will and wit. I am sure it is fine." Aislinn tried to encourage the girl.

    Again her encouragement only went so far as what ever was going on with Ignis got worse and eventually lead to her on the floor crying. Luna left then to go help the girl and Aislinn looked to Kel a bit worried and confused. She shrugged at the boy and took off her cloak and laid it on a clear area of the ground. "Come, lay down here and try to calm down." Aislinn told Ignis not sure what else to do in the situation. Chances were people who knew her better would be trying to help more, so once the cloak was on the ground Aislinn stepped back to give everyone space, just observing the small group instead joining them. ​
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Luna had said that she simply had a lot on her mind and Kel had chosen not to press for any more information regarding that. "Not just Xara, Noroz, D'daear and Shapur were there was well. It was probably an attempt by Sho to get to us by showing us our old friends." Kel said. Internally he was just glad that he didn't have to deal with Etrius again, data copy or not. As they walked back the sight of Ignis attack furniture was very strange to say the least.

    Kel had shared Aislinn's look of confusion and while she had Luna had gone to Ignis's side to assist her, Kel headed over to Stratos. He wanted to make sure that he was okay as well as figure out why she had almost attacked him. "You alright there?" Was the first thing that he asked, followed up with him asking. "What happen with Ignis?"
  18. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014

    Andrew turned to Nigo, Glen, and Steel when they got to Diet Cola Mountain. They had somehow got there, how they did, it did not matter. "Well it looks like we are here." He was not sure what they were sopost to be looking for but he was sure that something would happen. There were sopost to be looking for this Vanellope Von Schweetz which he was sure would show up at some point.
  19. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    As they reached Diet Cola mountain, King Candy's guard could be seen patrolling the perimeter. The mountain was very large in exterior.
    With all six of the characters reconvened at the mountain, there seemed to be no sign of a 'glitch' in sight.
    From a small part of the mountain, Ralph was seen pushing out a small little girl's cart. The sugar themed cart was covered in a delectable assortment of cookies and sweets, as the small girl in the driver's seat match the description in the wanted poster.
    "So you sure you know what you're doing, kid?" Ralph asked pushing her along.
    "Of course! Racing's in my code!" the small girl cheered. She smiled as she fiddled with her steering wheel before spotting the group.
    "Uh-oh! Five-0!" the girl alerted Ralph as the giant man panicked. "Cops! Where! I'm not going to the fun dungeon!- OW!" in the scurry, the girl drove right into Ralph's shin and kneeled down. He clutched his ankle tightly as he looked up to the sight of the party. "Oh great, it's you guys," he claimed unhappily.
    "You know these guys Ralph?" she asked, slowly letting her guard down.
    "Not really. Just some mallet mashers I met in the Arcade station. What do you guys want anyways?"
    He looked down to the flyer to see the girl's face on the paper.
    "Hey wait a minute. You're working with that King guy aren't you! You're trying to lock away my only chance at getting my medal back!"
  20. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    "We're doing what now? Hey. If you want my medal, sorry, but I already won! Granted, I didn't actually get a medal, but I'm expecting it by mail within four to five business days. Wait. Everything's digital here. Would I get it by email? Why isn't it here already?"

    Base broke down for a moment before he regained composure. Deep breath. In. Out.

    "I feel some exposition is in order. Could you tell us what in the licorice sticks is happening around here?"

    "Licorice sticks??" Ralph was incredulous.

    "Licorice sticks are Hell. Everyone knows this. Now talk, mountain man."