Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    So, apparently Steel as a concept existed in Limbo. That was cool; He could live with that for now. He was, however, confused as to why D'daear could see him if that was the case? Maybe he was in some kind of alternate universe where he didn't get away from... whatever that was back there? Could anyone see the second Base and Horace behind him? Was reality breaking? Oswald was attacking Mickey, so everything should be okay. Oh wait, he should probably help put a stop to that. Whilst Raisor pulled the rabid rabbit off of the suddenly mute mouse (from surprise he supposed), Steel rolled his eyes: the current condition of this familial phase (or lack thereof) was a sad sight to see.

    Steel suddenly realized that his thoughts were amazingly alliterative.

    "So Ozzie, I don't know if you can see or hear me, but I do know you kinda blame Mick for... well... everything really. It's just... I don't really get that; shouldn't you blame the fickle nature of publicity and marketing? I mean, that's what I blame most of my problems on... that and Robspear."

    It was at that precise moment that maniacal laughter could be heard in the distance, prompting Steel to glare in it's direction.

    "Freakin' Robspear..." He muttered under his breath.
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Because his rper needed to post to get the rewards, Glen began panicking a little. They were captured inside cages, listening to poor poetry and being told that this guy had a huge plan but he couldn't even go into a huge monologue and give them time to get away. They had to get out, and they had to do it quickly. Kross had had the idea of summoning his keyblade, and to an extent that was a good idea. They were locked inside the cage, the giant key unlocked things, but after all this effort to trap the keyblade wielders, would the mad doctor really overlook that fact? Apparently so. However, what the mad doctor hadn't planned out was that someone would be so stupid they would try the same thing over and over again with the hopes eventually it would work. Glen was that someone. Summoning his keyblade, he began attacking the cage over and over again in an effort to escape.
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Karina stood in the cage, watching, waiting for the doctor to draw near as she intended with the insults and such. If he could just get close enough then Karina would show him how black her heart truly was, she would strangle him and loot the key from his dead body. If not at least without his babbling the others could get there to save them before her sanity disappeared even more. The man and his rhyming was driving Karina up the wall already. She couldn't handle it. Who could be acting cheery like that in a situation like this. She knew he thought he had won, but that was far, far from the truth. He had in fact not won in the slightest and it was only a matter of time before she proved that to the man. Now if only he would get a little closer to her. If only. It seemed that her life was full of if only's.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    The fact that they were still waiting for a response from the Mad Doctor reminded Kel of back when they were waiting for Mim to agree to their terms back in Camelot. Mainly just how long they were waiting around. With that in mind, Kel made sure that he was truly comfortable in the cage while he waited. He would try to nap, but not only would he probably miss the Mad Doctor answering his, as well as the others, questions, but with the noise being made from Glen beating on his cage, getting a nap in became very unlikely.
  5. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    "I don't think Steel came through. I will write a song in his memory." Base hung his head, his back turned to Steel and taking in the surrounding area. Truthfully, the battle at the mansion had scrambled his head a bit. He wasn't sure what was going on, where he was, and likely seemed a bit loopy to boot. "I shall have a magnificent tea party, and you're not invited," he said, to no one in particular, before falling to a slump on the floor. Out cold, running around had taken its toll on him.
  6. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Steel didn't say a word. He just stood there watching Base ignore his presence, rudely deny their hosts (along with everyone else) invitations to the apparently upcoming tea party, and then pass out. (Though the offer to write a song was nice.)
    "Ooo...K." Steel managed to mutter. Finding himself at a loss of words, he turned to the 'alternate' Base, hoping for an explanation of some kind. He was not sure if the apparition behind him was his closest ally from another dimension, or just a representation of the sanity said ally had apparently lost. The phantom was apparently unsure itself, as it merely shrugged with a look that likely mirrored his own flabbergasted one. He turned back to face the rest of the people in the room.
    "I'm sorry for... him. He's usually much more sensible and well mannered." He said awkwardly. Maniacal laughter once again resounded, and he again sent a menacing glare in the general direction. It fell silent immediately. He sighed and massaged the area around his creepy little eye ball in exasperation. His face brightened though as an idea occurred to him; something to make up for Base's behavior. "You can come to my tea party!" He invited politely. "I can promise you..." he began as he once more turned his glare into the distance. "... HE won't be there."

    The two beings behind him face palmed; One had to wonder what Steel's priorities were.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  7. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Raisor did not know how to react to what was going on. On one side was a rabbit kicking and punching furiously at the air, trying to get off his arm and attack Mickey. On the other, Steel and Base were having a strange conversation that made Raisor wish he was dreaming instead of being awake, because at least that would explain the madness that was going on easily. He sighed and wondered what to do. They were stuck in a limbo at this point, with their one source of knowledge throwing a hissy-fit, while the rest of them were off in La-La Land.

    "Remind me to take a very long vacation away from you guys after this is all done." A few beads of sweat fell on Raisor's face, unsure of what to do at this point; whether it be surprised at what was going on, or just take it like normal, and still be unsure of anything.
  8. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    D'daear remained still, becoming an observer in this strange moment that began to bud between Steel and Base, all the while keeping some attention to Raisor holding Oswald by the ears. Stuff was happening.
  9. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    Oswald slapped away Raisor's hands and brushed himself off to land flatly on the ground, still with his agitated scowl at Mickey. "You know what you did you monster!!"
    Ortensia, afraid and confused tried to come him down. "Ozzy... what are you talking about?" She blinked innocently at him and back to the roughed up guest.
    "Tell them... Tell them all what you did three years ago. Tell them that this is all your fault!"
    Mickey held him hurt arm and picked himself up with a sad expression. He looked to the rabbit with eyes of pleading for forgiveness. Eyes that were met with no avail. In knowing this, he took a deep breath and began his troublesome story.

    "It uhh... all began when I bough this mirror, yah see. One day while I was just mindin' my own business, I saw this weird light and-"
    "They know how portals work! Skip to the part where you doomed us all!" Oswald barked.
    Mickey gulped before painfully continuing. "So after I found myself in the wizard's workshop, I found this book, and next to it was this brush and magic ink and thinner. Fiddling with the brush and some paint, I tried to make a self-portrait, and I... accidently made the world tainted somehow..."
    "You mean to tell me our world's a muck because you were touchin' stuff you didn't know?" Horace asked in shock.
    "Wait till he finishes," Oswald warned. "Thanks to that mountain of junk from your house, I pieced together the entire story on my own. Tell them what happened next Mouse."

    "I... I panicked. I tried to erase the Blot by throwing paint thinner onto it, but I spilled more paint on the model in the process. When I heard some one coming, I tried to clean up the mess, I really did!! But I was in such a hurry, that I spilled thinner onto the paint spillage and ran back through the mirror."

    "Well... that blot survived your attempted fix and took the thinner with him. Now whatever that blot is has taken control of our world! And now we have no way to stop it!"

    "Now hold on a minute Oswald! I may have something!" Gus interrupted. The little gremlin was swerving around the one called 'Steel' with a scanner of sorts, noting his different vitals. "It appears this one absorbed from of the ink... If we could somehow replicate the bonding process, we can create symbiotic bonds for all those who wish to join the fight!" he explained with glee. "Perhaps if we were to visit the Doctor! He didn't once for you, he can do it again!"

    Oswald stopped to consider this. "I don't know Gus... the Doc hasn't been all there lately. Besides, I know he's been coming up with his own plans to conquer wasteland... He tried before, remember?"
    "Yes, this is true.... But you stopped him! And while the doctor may be arrogant, he is by no means foolish! if we go, he goes. This is as much a chance for him then it is for us to survive!"

    Against his better judgement, the rabbit nodded. "Alright kid, field trip time."

    "Great!" Mickey said with hope. "We'll find this doctor and fix everything back to normal!"
    Oswald turned and pointed his kingdom key towards the mouse. "We?... WE aren't doing anything together. Me, Gus, and the kid are going ahead. You're staying here. If Ortensia wasn't here, I'd knock you one good!"
    "But I can help. I WANT to help! I have some of the ink too bonded to me to... I just want to make things right."
    "That's nice... but you're too late. You didn't help then, and you can't help now. I only work with people I trust. And I don't trust you." He looked to the rest of the over-worlders behind him. "I don't trust any of you." He looked to Steel to ensure he knew that he was no exception to that rule." He took Steel and Gus through a portal to leave the rest behind.



    Taking note of all their words, the Doctor lamented in sadness over his robotic state.

    "It's so sad / So sad to say the least.
    I was a Toon in Wasteland. Living in peace."

    The doctor wheezed and gagged on his coughs.

    "But my thirst for power nearly got demonic.
    To control the blot, I became animatronic.
    It feels like the end. That's a bad place to start.
    Look at me! I'm falling apaaaaart."

    He opened his chest to show that cogs and springs were snapping out like he was poorly put together.

    "So... This is why you're in a cage without a door,
    I find this method proves that less is truly more.
    You keyblades only open doors and locks, this is a fact!
    So save you little tough guy and girl acts!"

    He walked around as he chanted to them, eventually reaching Karina's cage and blowing a raspberry at her.
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    And the reveal of the Doctor's chest had only served to bring about move question, but we'll save those for later. For now he was more curious about what he had just got finished saying. "Just why were you trying to control the blots in the first place." He may have said 'But my thirst for power nearly got demonic' but there had to be an origin point for this desire to control the blots. Now when the Mad Doctor had mentioned that the cages had no locks or doors, it was precisely then that Kel had just noticed this. You would think that would be one of the first things he'd notice, but guess not.

    With that in mind, it appeared that their keyblades wouldn't help them escape their current predicament. There had to be another way to get out though, keyblade or not. Cages weren't necessarily the strongest things in the world. His pondering by the sound of a raspberry. Kel looked up and saw that the Doctor had chosen to walk towards the cage Karina was in and blow a raspberry at her. This made Kel chuckle a bit on the outside, though on the inside he knew that this was the equivalent of taunting a bull behind bars. In other words, if Karina gets out things will likely get ugly real fast.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "These keyblades aren't just good for doors and locks, we fight heartless with them t-...oh... I wonder...", Kaida decided to try something a little different. The blonde summoned out her keyblade and took a moment to see just how thin it was between the bars. While she herself could not slip through, she saw that they keyblade could since it was thin enough. Kaida noticed the mad doctor seemed poorly put together and she figured, maybe if she could throw her keyblade at him as if throwing a spear, she could hit him hard enough for it to hurt him, summon it back, and then demand to be let out.

    Kaida took a moment and took a deep breath and put her arm back just enough to have energy in the throw (since the cages didn't allow for too much free space but just enough) and Kaida threw the keyblade in the direction of the mad doctor, since he apparently seemed to have his focus on Karina anyway. She hoped it'd be just enough, and if it worked others could get in on it and do the same thing. What was he supposed to do when everyone found a means of attacking?
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Finally he was getting close enough to her, Karina had gotten the mad scientists attention enough to get him close enough for her to get at him. Karina surged forward shooting her hands between the bars of the cage and around the mad scientists neck. She saw Kaida prepare an attack too. This was good. Karina would use her strength to hold the doctor in place and choke him, while Kaida's keyblade would hopefully hurt or kill him. Even if it didn't get them out of the cages she could shut him up while they waited for those who escaped to arrive. "You really want to play that game with me? You will regret it, trust me. I am not a normal girl and you would be wise to learn that." Karina threatened. She wasn't going to let him taunt her like that, there was no way. She would find a way out of the cage, but for now strangling the mad doctor would have to suffice.
  13. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce was mostly silent for the duration of Mickey telling the story of how Wasteland came to be in its current state. So, Oswald was right. He really did screw things up. That still didn't explain why the book sucked them and Mortimer into it. "Oh, okay Ozzy. Sure thing. You go out and find this doctor, find out how to combat the ink, basically do everything for us, and we'll be here practicing our thumb sitting. Sounds like a plan." Beuce said to Oswald, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Look buddy, this might be your world here, but our friends got taken by the ink. We've got just as much of a right to figure this out as you do." He sighed. "I guess if you're gonna go off on your own, then we can't really stop you. Also, i should probably warn you. There's another keyblade wielder in here besides us. He's not with us. A mouse named Mortimer. Seems like he's up to no good. Watch your back."
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Well things got ugly even without Karina even getting out. Admittedly Kel both underestimated her standard desire to hurt/kill things and overestimated that the cage she was in would actually hold her back. Now there she was strangling the Mad Doctor. With Kel himself still being in a cage and the doctor not close enough for him to actually do anything, the only thing that he could do was to watch Karina strangle the mechanical doctor as Kaida assisted by throwing her keyblade towards the doctor. "I get that he pissed you off and all, but you could at least wait til we have a way out before you attempt to murder him." His words may have been directed at Karina, but he fully expected them to fall on deaf ears.
  15. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    "A cage without a door."Kross repeated. This was going to be a problem, a big one. He closed his eyes and twitched a brow, his hair flaring as he tried to keep as calm as possible."You know what your doorless cages can't do?" He asked the doctor in a low and dangerous tone, catching Karina reaching out to the doctor-to strangle him."Defend you from a very angry Karina. You made a bad call, trying to restrain her." He aimed his keyblade at the doctor's chest, the tip glowing a yellowish orange as he prepared a fire spell."You will tell us how to get out of here, or consider your goose cooked!" He warned in a snarl. He wasn't bound to miss with Karina holding him in place."Now!"
  16. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos, like the others, had remained pretty silent for the entire duration of his time in the room. He wasn't sure what to make of the whole thing between Base and Steel. Then again, he hardly ever knew what to make of basically anyone talking with anyone else, so this pair was probably no exception to that rule anyway. Then there was Oswald, trying to basically knock Mickey the heck out. As he explained why everything in this world was basically the mouse's fault, Stratos was pretty readily able to accept that. In fact, the entire situation gave Stratos a strange feeling of deja vu, one that he was able to identify why and could only sigh at the realization.

    As it turned out, though, Steel was somewhat special and actually had the ability to fight against the ink blots, and that he, Oswald, and Gus were going to go to some probably crazy doctor to find something out about what was going on with Steel's newfound ink powers. Oswald himself didn't seem to not crazy as he started shouting his complete distrust of the group towards them. Picking himself off the floor, Stratos scratched his head at the situation, as Oswald and the other two began to depart and Beuce started giving some sort of lecture to the rabbit. Turning to the white haired man, with a bit of a look of nonchalance on his face he said, "we're totally going to follow them, right?"
  17. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    As Luna watched as the events before her eyes unfolded, she scanned the room for any sign of an exit out of the cages that held her and the others. She whispered at a volume enough for Mira to hear, "Scan the room for any sign of an escape from this cage alright?". Luna's left iris had gradually changed into a red as bright as blood. Luna continued to search around the room for a way out. Luna turned her head toward the Mad Doctor's machines and looked for anything that would like a way to release the others and herself from their small doorless prison. "What if we freeze the machines with a little Blizzard? Or fry up their circuits with a little Fire? One of those buttons could possibly release everyone from their cages." Mira had suggested her idea to Luna as they both looked toward the machines. She considered the idea as she thought about what to next. "What if we can somehow trick him into releasing us? If that doesn't work, then we'll go with your idea. Right now I don't want to put everyone in danger if one of those buttons are able to destroy this entire place. It's a good idea but it has too many risks to it. Sound good?" Mira responded to Luna with a Yes. She turned her head back toward the Mad Doctor as he was being pulverized by Karina, Kaida had begun to throw her keyblade as if it was a spear, and overheard Kross preparing a Fire spell toward the Mad Doctor. If Karina, Kaida, and Kross kill the Mad Doctor, there might go our only chance to get out of these cages! "Hold on Kaida, Karina and Kross! Don't kill him or cast Fire just yet!!" Luna shouted toward three and then turned her head back toward the Mad Doctor. "There's no need to waste any magic on a useless, dumb enemy like this him. I bet he doesn't know what half of these machines really do. They're probably here just for show." Luna continued to insult the Mad Doctor to see if she could get a rise from him and trick him into letting her and the others out of the cages.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  18. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    "we're totally going to follow them, right?" said Stratos.

    D'daear took a moment to look away from Beuce to give the little boy a shrug. " I cast my vote to follow if it means anything." he said out loud, looking throughout the room. By no means did he judge Mickey for what he had done years ago, but he couldn't help sense an awkward tension as he gave the little mouse a quick glance before continuing down the room. So what were they going to do... A penny for a thought as they say.

    "Beuce is right. They're our comrades. We have just as much of a right to do something to help them out..."

    He lifted a fist up to torso level. "I kinda get that Oswald might be dealing with some trust issues right now, but it's clouding his better judgement... And he's taking Steel with him. I don't know how he got those ink powers, and honestly it doesn't matter. He's one of us, and if Oswald is taking him, then I think we should go too...with or without that rabbits consent." he explained his feels. Turning to Mickey, "You. I don't care what you did, but I do care what you do now. Since we're all in this mess because of you, I think you should take the lead here..."

    A sympathetic smile emerged on D'daear's face while looking at Mickey Mouse.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  19. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    Steel merely raised his eyebrow and scoffed at Oswald's behavior. His grin betrayed his amusement though.
    "Again with the whole 'trust' thing." He chuckled. "Why does everyone assume that everyone else needs to be informed of the lack of trust that they have? If nothing else, it's a tactical disadvantage." He muttered to himself. He barely registered that he was walking with a fairy tale creature and a talking rabbit, Or that a phantasmic clone of his best friend and a horse (that could also talk) were agreeing with him. Then again, such things had become commonplace for him, long, long.... looong before he became a keyblade wielder.

    "So, Gus, how much can you tell me about the ink I absorbed?" He could just ignore the arrogant attitude challenged lagomorph for now; it wouldn't be the first time he had done such a thing. He was curious to learn what the gremlin knew of the subject. However, before Gus could really respond to Steel's question, the group walked into the Mad Doctor's lab and... chaos. Pointless chaos. Karina was banging the doctor's head against her cage while she herself had not escaped, while the man himself was still rhyming with the hatch in his chest remaining open, and Kross and Kaida were pointing thier keyblades at him and shouting demands. Feeling his eye begin to throb, Steel gave a groan as he started to message the area around it with his clawed hands.

    "I don't know these people." He denied. It was true in a way: he didn't really interact with them enough to really be familiar with them or know them on a personal level.

    "I get that he pissed you off and all, but you could at least wait til we have a way out before you attempt to murder him."

    "Except for that guy; I know him." He admitted, only to sigh again. "I'm sure that keyblades could cut through cortosis if they had to; did they even try? Or was it just so obvious a solution they figured he would have covered it somehow and didn't bother?" Enemy swords were a bit of an exception since they had the users' will to back them up. Though if they really couldn't cut through, that was some seriouly tough metal. They would have to watch out for that.
  20. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008

    Mickey shrugged D'daear off and held his shoulder. "Didn't you fellas hear what I said? This is all my fault. I've already done enough damage." He propped himself onto a large couch and sulked sadly. "Besides, he doesn't trust me anyways..."
    Hikaru stepped forward to pat the mouse on the back. "Well... we trust you," he reassured. Base, Beuce, Stratos amd Raisor circled him with confidence. Hikaru took a knee and tried to cheer him up, the good old Disney way. "Mickey, you may not remember us... but we've seen what you can do when you set your mind to it. With the help of friends and teachers, you've done so much, and now you have friends that are depending on you... And I don't know about you, but the Mickey we know, has never abandoned a friend in need." Mickey's feets and challenges had been witnessed very recently by the party in Symphony of Sorcery, Timeless River, and Country of the Musketeers. The same old Mickey put into different scenarios, still managing to find his way in the end.

    Mickey gulped before hopping off the couch. He looked up the boys and smiled. "Thanks fellas... I needed that."
    He walked towards Ortensia and Horace with a determined look. "There's no amount of sorry that could make up for the damage I've done. But I'll make this right, just you wait!"
    The two nodded before Horace jumped to his feet. "I almost forgot!" Horace exclaimed. "Before y'all move out, some feller wanted me to give this to yah Mick!"He handed Mickey a small blue orb.
    Mickey examined the small relic with intrigue. "Man wouldn't tell me his name of what it was. Just said it needed to go to the Kindest heart I could find..."
    Mickey nodded before putting it away. "Thanks Horace... Now lets move out!"



    The Mad doctor cackled as his neck made a clanking sound before his animatronic neck revealed to rise up from Karina's forceful hands. The neck was like a metallic snake as he mocked her.

    "I'm sure you've realized now that I can't be harmed.
    My technical reflexes shall leave you disarmed."

    A quick censor from the corner of his eye caught Kaida's keyblde whizzing towards him, enough to parry it away with his skeletal fist. The blade managed to tear at his rubber glove to show the metallic bone structure that was lying underneath the Doctor's lanky body.
    "All these years I've kept in hiding was to stay aloof,
    I've upgrade myself, and YES! I'm fireproof..."

    He snarled at Kross' threat.
    "There's no need to waste any magic on a useless, dumb enemy like this him. I bet he doesn't know what half of these machines really do. They're probably here just for show." Luna commented.
    Before he could reply, Oswald charge in with Gus and Steel behind him.

    "Doc! Doc, are you home!" the rabbit yelled out as he marched in.
    The mad Doctor zapped his neck in a powerful wattage to force Karina's hands to release before his neck slithered back into it's socket.
    "You! My enemy has found my-"

    "AHEM!" Oswald interrupted his musical number as he tapped his foot impatiently. "I don't have time for this. I'm not here to start a fight. I just need your help with something." He scanned the room to see all the caged keyblade wielders. "And this will benefit anyone.

    "Hah! You think I need your help! Like some poor uncommon whelp?!"

    "He marched along forward as he began to reason with the charismatic mad man. "Look Doc, you know what happened when you tried to control the blot, and it's taken it's toll on you... I know it's hard. But trying to get their hearts won't work. So long as the blot is in control of wasteland, no one can leave."

    The doctor sunk into a saddened and angered funk.
    "Then all this... My plan was made for not....
    I was to use their hearts, and escape that cursed BLOT!!
    And now it feels like the end, that's a bad place to start...
    All my goals... are falling apart..."

    The Doctor was maniacal and crazy, but it looked like he could be reasoned with. Like he told the others, he just wanted to be remembered again.

    "Not quite, my old man." Gus said, going back to fetch Steel. Steel had made claims as to not being associated with any of the caged prisoners in the room before Gus pushed him forward. "This lad seems to have accumulated the same ink powers as Oswald had. But done naturally! If we could reverse engineer the process and grant it to the other wielders, we'd stand a chance against the blot!"

    The Mad Doctor stroked his jaged beard as he contemplated this for a moment.

    "So what you say, is this young boy infused the ink.
    And this new data may just very be the link...
    But now tell me, when the fight is done and blot is goooooneee.
    Won't we all be trapped without the heart we've lacked so looooonggg."

    The Doctor explained that even if they were victorious, the rules of the heart would still be in play. Only keyblade wielders could leave.

    "Yes, I thought so, and you thought I'd be naive.
    But I have my plan here still put up my sleeve!
    With the hearts of these here wielders, I won't fall aaaapppaaaart!
    I'll use them to create my own Kinggggdooooooommmmm HEEEEAAARRRRTTTTTSSS!"

    He cackled as he avoided being duped by the rabbit.
    Oswald stood stone faced and kept with his argument. "Sure, you don't have to help them. In fact, if you took all their hearts, you're plan would probably work."
    The Doctor's fingers twiddled evilly at having outwitted Oswald this time. "But then what?" The Doctor's grin faded into confusion. "You still won't be remembered... You're like us, Doc. forgotten and left to live out our days in a book of the past. And you still won't be loved..." Oswald had become completely sympathetic to the Doctor and was withing arm's length of him now. "People like you and me... we may not be remembered ever again. But if you leave that way, you're not only throwing away the life you made here, but your life out there will be even more lonely."

    The Mad Doctor had a moment of clarity as to what he would have to do.
    "I'm not saying helping me will make you adored and remembered again... but that's not what love is Doc. Admiration doesn't come for the accomplishments you've done... but for who you are. And the kind things you did." Oswald took his own moment to take a moment of clarity. "I mean... why do you think they like that dumb mouse? He's done a lot of stupid stuff, but people still love him."

    The Doctor panicked and rushed over to his control panel to pull the switch.
    "Doc, I'm not promising that this will make people love you... But..." Oswald took a moment to walk a few steps forward and extend a hand. "It will make WORTHY of their love." The Doctor looked at Oswald's hand and then to the room around him. Caged, angered, and frightened people surrounded by machines and cages. He was alone in his own way. And the remains of his animatronic heart ached at the sight. His hand loosened off the lever and instead, pushed a green button that released all the wielders from their cages. He then walked up to Oswald, shaking his hand with his animatronic hand.
    "Strap the boy onto the table, his ability, I'll unfurl."
    He nodded and stuck out his chest with pride.
    "There is much I must to do to help save OUR world..."