Video Game: Kingdom Hearts SOS: The Road To Light

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Krowley, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    It was dark, very dark. There was no light to be found and Kross immediately seized up. Pitch darkness was something he was always afraid of as a child. And that childhood fear was reinforced when his home got consumed by the darkness. The place also felt stuffy, serving as a claustrophobic effect too. And the creaking of the door didn't help either. He turned immediatly, eyes set to a sincere glare as he readied to summon his weapon at a moment's notice. The light from Ananta's flame revealed Base's features. He sighed out in relief and looked at him.."Base, you jarred me a bit, P'tak.."He murmured the last part and heard another noise. He tensed and looked behind him, following behind Base and Ananta and looked over his shoulder to see D'Dear and bed..together. Though Kross didn't understand. He heard Glen with them and then heard base again. He turned his head and looked closely at the picture he had indicated. Neither looked familiar, but he could definitely identify his Master. Did these two mouse characters have anything to do with Master Yen Sid? Find out next post!
  2. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Following Base up the stares, Ananta could tell Kross was tense. He had squeezed her hand quite tightly, causing her to wince. "Kross..." she started, before the lights came back on. "Oh." she said, chuckling and blowing the candle out. Her eyes wandered to the candle and noticed that there were fingers where the flame used to be. She huffed and nudged the arm away with her shoulder. She ignored Glen's words and kept the candle in her hand, just in case she needed it again, and looked up from doing so. Base entered a room and stopped, causing Ananta to wonder why he did so. Looking at the bed, she could see...D'daear and Aden were getting busy in bed. "This...isn't the time to get sexy, you two..." she sighed. When Kel spoke about a picture he had found, she turned to see Yen Sid standing with a mouse. "Why is Master Yen Sid standing with this mouse guy?" she said. "Although, the mouse looks happy." she nodded, pointing out how happy the mouse was standing next to Yen Sid and wearing a red cloak.

    OOC: 3/7 for Adex x D'daear
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
  3. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce crept silently right behind Glen. He had a good idea with the whole aspect of surprise thing. Whoever was in here was at Yen Sid's tower. While they weren't certain it was the culprit, they were a prime suspect. Not to mention, they made off with a book. For all they knew, that could be the book Yen Sid told them to protect. They had to find him and get it back, but bum rushing into it could get them killed if he was as powerful as they were expecting. He scolded Ananta for more or less, likely more, giving away their position and presence. Looking through the door as Base opened it he saw...Oh dear god. Well then. He never knew they swung that way. Maybe it had been done as a result of a game of...truth of D'daear. Ha. Haha. Shut up that was totally funny. But yeah, shipping over, Glen was scolding Ananta, and had put out the candle. "Good thinking Glen."

    Beuce then ducked under a flailing arm as Glen had apparently not known he was there. A small message appeared at the top of Beuce's screen stating that his sneak skill had increased and a bar increased in progress. Beuce looked at it curiously, wondering if he actually did have schizophrenia, and then decided probably.

    OOC: If you count Karina, that's 5/7 for AdenxD'daear
  4. Skyheart Joker

    May 29, 2013
    Inside Danmaku
    Stratos had rocketed out of the mirror dimension and tumbled straight into a wall. "Ow." Good god, that place was messed up. Who knew a place like that could exist inside a mirror? Picking himself up, he dusted off his clothes, which looked way different than before. Where his clothes were a torn up mess before, he now had completely fine green cargo pants, a white long sleeved shirt and a green hoodie on now. Apparently somewhere along in the mirror dimension he had picked these up and completely changed wardrobe. Stranger things had happened.

    Noticing there was a large clamor going on, only to realize that it was the rest of the party doing there usual hokey stuff. Running over there, he said, "man, guys you'll never believ-" looking at the Aden and D'daer who seemed to be "wrapped up" in something he said, "nevermind, you've probably seen stranger." Well that explained what the two were probably actually doing during the battle of one thousand heartless. Looking around, he saw that there were many pictures of their mouse culprit and one of such pictures had Yen Sid. After hearing Base state that they were probably friends, Stratos only nodded...only for Ananta to ask why the both of them were in the same picture and happy together. "As Base said, they were probably good friend. Hell, they could probably even be master and apprentice given how Yen a master after all. While we can't be sure about anything, it's probably safe to assume that the mouse is not the culprit. In fact, he could have even been trying to help Yen Sid out." Stratos began pondering something, "actually, if you think about it, I don't even see why we would have any reason to believe him a threat in the first place. After all, the mirrors that we've been through thus far have all lead to Yen Sid's tower, and this one was even in his room. That could only means he'd put portals to his own realm in trusted places. All this aside, we still have to find this mouse to confirm anything. So then SOS Investigation Squad, let's being the mouse hunt."

    It was then that time seemed to stand still while a giant card fell from the top of his vision. When it stopped, it was revealed to be the fool arcana, and the giant text "RANK UP" could be seen, and the SOS Investigation Squad's "social link" had been raised up another level. All of that vanished a few seconds later, and Stratos was wondering if he was crazy or something, but whatever. Completely disregarding that event from ever happening he looked at the group and said, "so, does any actually know what world this house is on? Or like, what's even outside this house?"

    Aden x D'daer
  5. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Aden finally managed to wrestle the flung bedsheet off of himself, only to find that his struggle had landed him on a bed.

    With D'daear.


    Naturally, all of the other Keywielders took the opportunity to see the two of them in this compromising position and make lewd comments on it. Aden flushed a deeper red than he could ever remember being, and immediately started stammering that it wasn't what it looked like...not that he expected that any of them would actually believe him. He could already picture the mocking, condescending smiles and "Oh, I'm sure it's not"s, followed quickly by sideways glances and giggles...

    Aden crumpled the bedsheet into a ball and tossed it aside, quickly retreating from the bed. "S-so, what have you all figured out about this place?" he asked, desperate to change the subject.

    6/7 D'daeaden endgame ship <3
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
  6. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    "How can these clown be controlling so many of them!" Cailyn started to laugh. "There are way too many!" She answered to Roe. "I tried my best I swear!" She tried to give her a small smile. She swung her Keyblade at the guards, trying her best not to look so weak in front of her allies.

    BP Used: 15
    23/50 Guards
    0/4 Guard
    0/4 Guard
    0/4 Guard
    1/4 Guard
  7. Light-Rune Maven Seer

    Jan 8, 2012
    The Aetherial Sea
    "An excellent observation Sebastian." Steel noted aloud from his position; right next to said young man, leaning with his elbow propped against his companions' shoulder. When exactly he had gone through the mirror was anyone's guess. He began to chuckle in good humor, but couldn't help but pause when he realized something: When had he gone through the mirror? He had a very vivid memory of taking a nice casual stroll through the mirror realm, once again behind pretty much everyone else. However, the moments of his departure and arrival were a complete blank. One second he was at the tower, and the next he was in Mickey's house... with the memory of something that never happened. His brows were furrowed in confusion pondering the artificial confabulation, when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Curious, he stood straight and pulled the object out, flipping it open to see his most recent text message:

    "lol. Mindflip~!"

    He silently growled as he read the name of the sender. "Freakin' Robspear..." He muttered under his breath. If he was honest, he really liked said person. It was just that... at certain times... "Ugh!" He scoffed. However, with that first puzzle out of the way, he had time to consider a new one: Where the heck did he get his cellphone anyway? He had first used it when he came out of the first mirror when leaving Central Haven, but before that... and of course, it was kinda weird that he was only considering it now...
    His phone beeped as he received yet another text message.

    "Consider it a birthday present."

    Oh, well that was just great. Not only had the vampiric overlord of butterfly's been messing around with his person, but so had LEONIDAS!

    "You people have no sense of personal space!"

    He texted them both furiously. He flipped the phone shut and shoved it in his pocket. The whole D'daear X Aden thing went completely over his head what with being absorbed in his phone, but he looked up in time to see Stratos get a rank up in the SOS investigation squad social link. "Oh, good. You reached rank 2. I've been around for awhile now but I'm only rank 3 still. I can't really say how fast it'll progress because I don't know how long story mode is. It could be a while." He pondered Stratos following question carefully. "Well, the fastest and most normal way is just to check, like out the window or door." He paused for a moment. "But we're definitely not normal and that's too boring. Let's just blow a hole in the wall." He grinned maniacally as he began to charge an unknown energy between his hands. His eyes facing one of the walls with a dangerous gleam.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
  8. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    Base patted Steel on the shoulder. "Let's keep Property Damage to a minimum of none." He calmly made a counter offer to Steel's drastic take."If there's a problem with lighting a candle, imagine what blowing a hole through the wall is going to do on Glen's and everyone else's nerves." He reasoned with a relaxed air about him. He nodded to the others for taking notice and applauding his find in the photographs. Trusting that his reasoning had done well enough to soothe Steel's desire to needlessly rips holes both through the walls and their stealth oper- He paused. He wanted to make sure. "Now that there's the suspicion that the owner of the home is just as likely our ally, I do not think he would think kindly if we started tearing apart his home. Don't. Blow. Up. Anything."

    Base left the room to continue his investigation, taking care to make sure the hallway was clear before he walked out. Across the way, he discovered a rest room. It was packed with the usual utensils and appliances. A sink, a shower, a toilet, a red toothbrush in a cup by the sink,bath towels and hand towels. Standard bathroom fare. Base looked into the mirror, and looked back at him looking at him. He noticed how his hair had gotten longer in the back and that his beard was starting to come back through. Once he was somewhere more stable, the stubble would have to go. Pulling his fingertips away from his jawline, Base loosened his tense muscles in his neck and back and looked askance towards the shower curtains. He took notice of the fact that the curtains were egg shell white with dots about a quarter of an inch wide; the dots looked like letters. Were those some sort of backwards, cursive Gs? He stopped wondering over trivial matters and pulled the curtain aside. Nothing to report except for the inside of an empty bathtub, a shower head, and a white rubber duck with a blue old-fashioned sailor cap with a black tie at the base of the hat. He took each observation into considerations about who exactly was the owner of said house. Obviously, someone a bit shorter, since the shower head barely reached past Base's neck line. Then again, it was evident that a mouse lived here. Each clue just gave it away more and more that the one he'd seen run off with that book was the same individual who called this place home. Base stepped across the linoleum flooring to return back to the hallway to make sure Steel hadn't done anything rash. "Again. Don't. Blow. Up. Anything." He drove his point home. "Anything."

    Base searched the kitchen, the living room again, and every room in the house he could find. Each evinced a total absence of the mouse or anyone else he didn't already know. He returned to the others and reported his findings to them.

    "I couldn't find anyone, but the house does seem lived in and well-main-" He didn't get to finish his sentence. Out in the upstairs hallway, a clatter and clash was heard that sounded like wood pounding against wood. When Base rushed to see what it was, he froze up seeing a new room had been revealed. A trap door had been opened in the ceiling to reveal a pull-down staircase (likely what had caused the noise) that presumably led straight up to the ceiling. He gulped. After that interruption and air of mystery, he wasn't feeling so great about checking what seemed to be... an attic...


    23/45 Experienced
  9. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    "Good thinking Glen"

    Glen nearly jumped out of his skin at that simple statement. He hadn't realized anybody was there, and certainly hadn't expected to have someone be standing so close to him. He started losing his balance and his arms began flailing in an attempt to grab onto something. However, Beuce had seemingly gotten out of the way, and he found nothing to get a hold of to prevent himself from falling.

    In the next few moments that followed, all stealthiness and attempts to be undetected went out the window. Glen himself made no noise, no exclamation of any kind due to him still wanting to be careful, but as he lost his balance completely, he fell backwards and down the stairs, making a solid thump on each stair he made, followed by a louder one right at the bottom. He sat up slowly after the impact, rubbing his head for a little bit. "Ow..." he whispered, shooting a glare at Beuce. It was neither the place nor time to go and tell him off though, if there was somebody with ill intent for them in that house, they would have undoubtedly heard his crash.

    He decided to try and get people out, but just as he had started moving, he heard a few thumps, like someone was hitting something hollow. It was odd, and he certainly couldn't imagine any of the others making the noise. He began trying to find the source of it, and soon found himself next to Base once more as a trapdoor was opened, revealing the attic. For a second, Glen did not want to go up and into the attic. It was dark, there was probably some kind of dangerous person up there, and once he was in the attic there was no escape, but then he reminded himself of how he had fallen down the staircase. Chances were, if there really was someone dangerous up there, the reason they knew someone was in the house was because of him, so it was sort of his responsibility.

    Nervously, he pulled down the staircase and turned to look at Base. "Think that book's up here?" he asked, but didn't wait for an answer. He ascended the staircase and went up into the attic. It was exactly as he had expected it to look, a plain attic with many things scattered around in it. Everything was covered in dust, and the air smelt really musty, he didn't like it. Climbing up completely into the attic now, he heard a slight creak as his foot left the staircase, relieving it of all pressure and causing it to snap closed behind him. It made him feel uneasy, but he had to keep going. Taking a step forward, his foot caught on an object on the ground, and he fell forward with a loud thump as he hit the floor again and let out a short exclamation of surprise.
  10. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    "There's certainly something up there." Base returned to Glen, but the reply didn't have any effect on who it was meant for as Glen went up anyway. Base flinched at the thought of the soreness that must have come with falling down the stairs, and this thought distracted him as Glen disappeared into the darkness above...and the ladder retracted after him and the trap door slammed shut. Base's eyebrows almost entered his hairline and his breath was caught on a ledge he couldn't reach. "Glen!" He shouted as he dashed to the rescue. The pull string was just out of reach, and Base had to jump for it, but failed all of three attempts. "The shower head was intended for someone under five feet, but the attic was designed for a giant. My wrath will be swift and thorough on any contractor who happens to live here." Finally, he nabbed and secured the string on the fourth try. His success was short lived, as he received a smart WHACK to the head that put him on his back when the trap door re-opened. On his back, another knock was taken to his noggin when the stairs forcibly slid down, and just before it crushed his skull like a grape, the bottom rung merely tapped him square on the forehead. "Swift, thorough...and without mercy..." Base mumbled to himself as he slid out from beneath the ladder and rubbed his sore head before shaking it off and running up the stairs to aid his friend. "Come on!" He called to the others before he too disappeared into the void.

    Upstairs was dark, but his eyes had adjusted and he spotted Glen almost right away. Fortunately, the ladder hadn't repeated its closure when Base went up, but there was something different about the attic. Base couldn't speak he felt a presence. He scanned the assorted packed boxes, knick knacks, and wooden beams that made up the space. There was plenty of cover for something to hide, but what Base spotted with horror wasn't trying to hide. He saw... a shadow. He retracted as it stepped closer. He called his Keyblade, ready to fight, but afraid for his life.

    "Oh my. You are wielders of the Keyblade?" A meek, feminine voice called out from the shadows as the shadow itself stepped forward. It was a mouse, much like the one Base and the others had seen in the tower. Only, she was a girl, dressed in elegant garb and with a small tiara atop her head. It was a stretch, but Base recognized her face.

    "Minnie?" Base wondered aloud.

    "Oh? Oh...uh...why yes. I am. Princess Minnie, but who are you all?"

    He couldn't give them all away. "We're... ummm, librarians." Base lied. "We're looking for a book. Have you seen one around here?"

    "My mind has not been on books, I'm afraid. You see, I'm looking for my friend. This is his home. I've been looking for him everywhere, but while I was looking, the lights went out and I heard loud commotions all around the house, so I hid." She giggled infectiously. "It's good to know that you are all librarians and not burglars."

    "We are librarians, just not from any Library around here." Base explained as if it were the truth. "Do you know where your friend might be besides here? We think he has a book of ours."

    "You must have an awfully strict overdue policy." Minnie again giggled. She wasn't taking them seriously, while pointing to Base's summoned Keyblade with one gloved hand. "As for your question, I am afraid that I do not know the answer. He said he'd meet me here so we could go to the Dream Festival together."

    "Dream Festival?" Base inquired.

    "It's an event held every year in town. As you're here, of course you're welcome to attend, but I really do wish I knew where Mickey was."

    "We'll find him. We just need a little more to go on."

    "I'm afraid I can be of no service." Minnie frowned.

    "That's fine." Base then noticed a small metal box lingering behind the elegant mouse. "Pardon me, Miss."

    "Minnie. Princess Minnie. You really must not be from around here."

    "Sorry. No." Base manuevered around and opened the box connected to the wall. Popping it open, he was relieved to see the circuit breakers for the house. Naturally, from a city world, he made quick work of the device and, with a tiny spark of Thunder magic, Base returned the house to its lighted, cheery state. He knew, somewhere, a dwarf was facing brutal consequence for his actions, but Base had other pressing matters on his mind.

    "Oh, how wonderful." Minnie looked up as the attic was brought out of its dingy state. "Thank you..."

    "Base. Just Base." Despite his royal last name, Base lacked any true honorifics when faced with a Princess.

    "Thank you, Base." Princess Minnie smiled and shook his hand. "If you can now help me find my friend, Mickey, then I'm sure you will all make wonderful additions to the Dream Festival." She was cheery at first, but sighed. "I am really beginning to worry about him."

    Given how sullen she looked, Base began to question just how "friendly" the two mice were. He felt pity for her to say the least. She really seemed to care about him. Base was doubting more and more by the second that whoever Mickey was, he couldn't be a bad guy. He dared not say the name "Yen Sid". If she knew him, it would give them away, and he'd also probably have to break the news that the sorcerer had achieved the status of a lawn ornament. If she didn't know of him, then that wouldn't help anyone.

    "Well, thank you, Glen. Without you, we wouldn't have been able to find our biggest lead so far." Glen nodded to the other person." He began to pace. "Now... if only we knew where to look for Mickey..."


    24/45 Experienced
    7/20 Veteran
  11. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    Watching Base, Ananta had listened to those speaking around her. They all had their points, but it looked like Base was more than brave enough to explore the house. Turning to Kross, Ananta smiled at him. "I'm going to follow Base. It's already crowded enough in here...I don't really like being around a lot of people..." she confided, sighing. Certainly, so many people in the room was making her a tad claustrophobic at the moment. "Don't worry, you can follow me if you'd like." she said, nodding at him. Turning around, she slipped her hand out of his and left the bedroom.

    Base appeared out of another door and was speaking to Steel about blowing up the house. "Oh Steel..." Ananta sighed. "Calm yourself, please Steel!" she called out to him, wherever he is. Following Base, Ananta went downstairs and looked around with him. The house was pretty normal, minus the few appliances that were a tad bit smaller. As they finished looking in the living room, a sound of wood hitting wood could be heard from upstairs. Ananta looked to Base to see what he was going to do. He ran up the stairs and stopped, staring at the end of the hall. "What is it?" Ananta said, standing behind him. Peering over his shoulder, she could see a ladder had descended from the ceiling. "That's scary.." she commented, shaking a little.

    Glen had already ran and climbed the ladder, somehow closing the attic door once again. Base then started to jump for the string to the attic. Ananta was about to help him when she saw the attack door and staircase was not happy. They both attacked and nearly killed Base. Ananta closed her eyes and covered her face, not wanting to see the gruesome sight. Luckily, Base was fine and was able to climb to ladder. Not wanting to be left behind, Ananta soon followed and climbed the ladder.

    Up at the top, she heard Base speaking with another person. The voice was very feminine, so Ananta knew it was a lady at least. Once she stepped forward and stood beside Base, Ananta saw that it was another mouse. She looked just like the one in the picture except a girl. Base spoke her name, causing Ananta to turn to him. "Minnie? You know her?" she said, turning back to the mouse. As the small mouse corrected him, Ananta blinked. "Oh! A Princess!" she said, remembering being told to protect Princesses at all costs. At least, that's what she thought she was told, her memory was a little foggy on the subject right now. Continuing to listen to Minnie, Ananta heard her speak of some sort of festival.

    As Base stepped forward to mess with a box behind Minnie, Ananta decided to step closer. Kneeling down, Ananta bowed her head. "Princess Minnie, what is this Dream Festival you mentioned?" she asked, looking back up at the Princess.
  12. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    As pointed out by everyone, they were in a bedroom. Somehow, most of the boy's comrades confused a certain situation for something that was not meant to be. However, being an oblivious lad to crude little jokes, the implications went over his head. D'daear had gotten up off the floor, and had waved at everyone. "Hey guys-!" he said, but paused as the candle was snuffed out, only to be replaced by some other light source? The young key wielder slid on over to Base's side, and looked at the Photo held by Base. Surely enough, there was the mouse and Yen Sid together. Upon closer inspection, and as pointed out by a few, there were many pictures framed; even one where TWO mouses were together. After observing, he found they all had one thing in common: That Mouse. Rubbing the bottom of his chin with a raised eyebrow, he was ready to deduce who's living quarters this was when someone had already pointed it out. Not bothering with saying anything, he stood still as Base moved past him along with Ananta, and into the hallways; after having spoken to Steel whom was on a odd device(I know it's a flip phone). The couples footsteps reverberated gently throughout the house as Base went to work with investigating. The sound of cups, pans, curtains, and the like could be heard being dabbled with for a while. Eventually, Base came back to deliver his findings. Just as D'daear had initially thought, this house does in fact belong to someone. He was about to say something when a loud clatter emanated from down the hall along with rushing footsteps. Base was quick to action unlike D'daear who had decided to hang back. Upon peering from the corner of the bedrooms door frame, a staircase had already unfolded; literally. Glen had already been quick to work, and had begun to walk up those stairs when it began to close up. Eyes shot open as D'daear wanted to take action, but stopped when Base had been the first to reach a string attached to the bottom of the folding stairs. Relief befell D'daear momentarily as he saw Base had control over the situation.

    The purple haired boy approached the man, but halted a few feet away when the stairs came unfolding on top of the Wise Keyblade bearer. "Oooooohh.....Ouch..." D'daear winced for his mentor. Watching his mentor get up in silence, D'daear soon shadowed him up the stairs. It was there that they all met a mouse dawning a beautiful dress and a tiara. The Boy stood behind Base, despite how innocent it looked. It's not that he was afraid of her, but just that the two seemed locked in conversation, so it was best to just hang back. However, he did keep ears listening. Much was revealed: The mouse was Princess Minnie, the mouse they had been chasing was her friend; and this house belonged to the mouse, the same mouse's name is Mickey, and a dream festival is to be had. Well, that was insightful. D'daear took a few steps forward, giving the small mouse a friendly wave alongside Ananta. Before Princess Minnie could answer Ananta, he made sure to give a FORMAL introduction.

    "Hi, my name is D'daear. A pleasure to meet you Princess Minnie." he said politely. "This is Ananta." he introduced, pointing to the kneeling girl. Raising a brow at the kneeling girl, he looked over to Base whom was messing with boxes. Just as he turned to him, the lights in the vicinity came on, evoking the boy to grin as he looked up to see a light bulb in the attic glimmer before becoming a radiant bulb of light. "Awesome!" he uttered, looking up at the bulb. D'daear's brief A.D.D. caused him to suddenly look at Base thanking Glen, to which the purple haired boy gave a nice thumbs up too. Afterwards, as Glen paced away D'daear moved towards Base, overhearing his words. "Maybe Mickey is outside?" he questioned, shrugging at his own words. "Maybe it's best to ask Princess Minnie on her thoughts."
  13. Kross123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 10, 2011
    Kross watched on as Ananta exiting the room. He looked to the others for a split second. He processed the situation and turned, a gasp leaving his throat before he hurried on behind the two. He wasn't about to miss the action, nope, not now. He came to a stop behind them. He looked from Ananta, to Base, to D'Dear and then to the small feminine mouse. He blinked with shock as Minnie introduced herself and D'Dear introduced Ananta and Base. He walked beside Ananta and bowed waist-deep, putting his right fist to his left breast. He stood straight and smiled at Minnie."And I'm Kross, Nice to meet you, Princess Minnie."He said and looked to the side to Ananta and smiled at her. He looked to D'Dear. He overheard the two and turned to Ananta."It might be a good idea to ask Princess Minnie about Mickey, right? Maybe he knows what happened to Master Yen Sid?"
  14. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Luna had opened her eyes once more to find an unpleasant sight in front of her. Her eyes widen in fear and shock over the state of Yen-Sid. "NO!!!!". Tears rain down her cheeks. She stood up slowly and made her way to the stone Yen-Sid."W-W-Why?! H-How!?" Luna wanted to know what had happened here and who did this to Yen-Sid. She turned around and saw a hologram of Yen-Sid and apparently the message was already played. She played the message again and more tears ran down her face. Luna turned toward the mirror. "This time.........." Luna walked toward the mirror and lifted the right sleeve of her shirt and looked at a mark that had a crescent moon and a sun closing in on each other. "This time....I will take you down and undo all my mistakes. Starting with from the very beginning of this and it starts now!" Luna ran through the mirror and landed what seem to be Disney Town.
    She looked around for the others. Luna saw a group of familiar people nearby. "Found you guys!" She ran up to the group and saw a mouse in a beautiful gown and tiara. Luna's eyes widen in surprise. She calm down and smiled. "You are even lovelier in person Your Highness." Luna put her right hand to her chest and extended out her left arm as she curtsied. "It's a great pleasure to meet you, Princess Minnie." Luna raised her head as she gave out her introductions as she had practiced at Celestial City when she was younger. "I am Luna Kiatespira, one of the top royal knights of Celestial City". Luna thought in her head for a slight moment after giving her introductions, I mustn't show my true status until all is resolved. For now, I'll have to go with your old status. I hope you don't mind, wherever you are. Luna stood up and heard the group as speak of the Dream Festival and inquire about Mickey as well. "I would like to know as well if you don't mind tells us, Princess." Luna looked at Minnie awaiting for her answer.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
  15. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Aden huffed quietly to himself when nobody answered his question about where they were, but instead continued investigating the house. So he wandered around, observing for himself what the others had found. Seeing the several picture frames around the house, he had to stop himself from being surprised that the house belonged to an anthropomorphic mouse. After all, hadn't he seen stranger things since leaving home? He could tell that the male mouse cared very much for the female mouse, given her presence in a vast majority of the pictures. He carefully turned one such picture over in his hand and found a label on the back:

    "Minnie and me - First Dream Festival together! ♥"

    Aden smiled, putting the picture back where it belonged--


    Aden jumped, and his eyes bulged as he fumbled the picture frame. In a surprisingly impressive feat of hand-eye coordination he didn't think himself capable of, he managed to save the frame at what seemed like the last second, and his heart rate returned to normal. Very gingerly, cautious of any more sudden noises, he put the frame down and then quickly backed away from it.

    That taken care of, he went upstairs to investigate just what the crashing sound had been. Eventually he found a trap door on the uppermost level, with a rickety-looking ladder leading up to an attic. He found that Base, Ananta, Kross, Luna, and D'daear (Don't think about the bed don't think about the bed don't think about the bed don't think about the bed) had already made it up there...and were conversing with Minnie, from the pictures.

    ...A princess? Aden immediately bent over at the waist, bowing in respect. "It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness," he said, his attitude immediately shifting to the familiar diplomacy he'd learned from his uncle. "My name is Aden. We're very sorry for intruding on you like this."
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Kaida found herself being pushed back by the guards once again, this time she dodged out of the way before they successfully landed a blow on her. This was clearly a miracle, and she was not going to pass up the luck she was having there. Kaida attacked three more of the guards, including one that Cailyn already had hit, and finished them off. She tried her best to run back over to Pete, but he hid behind more guards. This only seemed to piss of Kaida even more, and she attacked one more guard in order to give herself a clear and straightforward path to the menace.

    Kaida rolled to avoid getting hit by the other guards and she swung at Pete. He bounced back giving a yelp and the guards responded by all attacking Kaida at once. She struggled to get out of there before she felt herself getting hit repeatedly. "Um... hey! Help would be nice! Please and thank yo- OW!" Kaida fell down and held her keyblade up to dodge as she tried to roll out of there.

    xp: 180 words= 9xp

    18/50 guards left
    155/300 Pete
  17. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Raisor looked around. He walked through the mirror and into a strange space. As he walked in, he felt like time around him suddenly began to shift a little. He wasn't sure why, but it almost felt like he lost a few minutes just standing still. It was a strange feeling, that much was for sure. he walked on into a light in front of him, and walked out of a mirror on the other side. He wasn't watching where he was going and ended up taking an extra step too much, and sent his whole body forward to the ground. Lifting his face up, he noticed he was in a dark room. He tried looking around to see where he was, but the room was much darker than where he was before, and the light from a second ago, wherever the heck is was coming from was a good question too, blinded him and now all he saw were spots of light everywhere. He blinked and felt his way around, knocking into a wall face first.
    "Okay, would someone come over here and give me a hand? I feel like I'm about to walk off an edge without knowing like some kind of comedic act." He shoved his face off the wall, trying to get his eyesight adjusted to the space around.
  18. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    The princess was preparing to respond to Ananta's question, but was pleasantly distracted by D'daear's introduction. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, D'daear. Just as it is a pleasure to meet you, and Glen, isn't it?" She nodded her head towards each of the three.

    When it came to mind about answering Ananta's question, Minnie giggled again. "You're all very curious for book collectors." Minnie seemed to be enjoying a joke only she was in on. "Well, every year, for many years, we've held a festival here in town that spreads good will, charity, and allows an opportunity for others to do good deeds. Everyone does well by the other in hopes that the receiving party will vote for the other individual. At the end, there's a big prize for whoever wins. Meanwhile, there's fun and exciting games for everyone to participate in!" She sighed dreamily. "It's really my favorite time of the year. Everyone's so nice to each other." She said this with no inclination that, somewhere in town, Pete, a denizen of the town, was harassing other Keybladers. "So, if you all stay around, be sure to meet as many locals as you can, and I'm sure someone's bound to vote for you. I believe so." Minnie snapped back out of her dreamy state. "Oh my! We still need to find Mickey, or there really won't be much of a festival at all." An idea crossed her mind, and she smiled brightly that it did. "He's at the fruit stand. He'd have to be. He said he'd repair the fruit shooter since it had gone haywire."

    Base heard this and responded to D'daear's question, "I imagine that's going to be outside. Where else would you fling fruit from something called a "fruit shooter"?"

    Sparsely, the other Keybladers were introducing themselves. "My, Kross, you are quite courteous. And Luna, you are a Royal Knight? I suppose book collectors require some pro-"

    "Okay, we're not librarians." Base couldn't keep it inside any longer. He knew that she knew. "But we do need to find Mickey and the book, so if you don't mind showing us the way to where he might be, could you, please?"
  19. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    Beuce watched the conversation between Base and Minnie from about halfway up the stairs. He didn't approach the princess himself. He figured that someone with a freshly missing arm wasn't the most pleasant sight to wave in front of royalty, and probably not something a librarian would have. 'Oh, how did that happen? Ya know, just a freak reading accident. Those happen all the time right?' Not to mention he'd lost his coat in the battle of a thousand heartless, so he was shirtless, having nothing to conceal the wound from sight even slightly. So, he let base do the talking. From the sounds of things, there was something called the dream festival going on. A contest to see who was the best citizen. Well, that's one way of doing things. That's when they all were invited to participate in the dream festival. It seemed random strangers were allowed to join.

    "Well, If Mickey is at this fruit stand, then i guess we'd better head out." Beuce said, finally speaking up before descending the stairs. However, the opportunity to make a joke presented itself perfectly timed as he descended. Walking over to Raisor, he patted him on the shoulder. "Well if you want to go back to central haven and get it, There's on that's free to a good home." He said, apparently joining in on the jokes about him missing an arm himself. He turned around, remembering to ask Minnie something. "Oh, and also, do you know where i could find a clothing store?" Beuce asked the small female mouse. He needed a new outfit, but so did someone else. If they were going to stick around for the dream festival, he'd talk to her then.
  20. Shiki my waifu is better than yours, thanks

    Jun 3, 2007
    The Future
    "Librarians?" Ananta questioned, looking at Base. What in the world was he thinking, trying to deceive the princess. In any case, Ananta turned back and listened to her describe the dream festival. Listening to the description made her remember a festival of sorts back on her own world. Smiling, she looked up at the princess. "The festival sounds wonderful. I'd love to be able to go. It reminds me of home..." she sighed, standing up. "I'm going to go check on Beuce. See if maybe he's gotten a hand with his injuries." she whispered to Base. Ananta didn't want Minnie to worry, especially since Beuce's injury was so grievous and all.

    Jumping down the ladder hole, Ananta landed on the floor and soon fell to her knees. She was still weak from the battle, but she'd get over it soon enough. Walking to the bathroom, Ananta rummaged through the closet, searching for a first aid kit. Once she had found one, she checked to make sure it had plenty of gauze. Sighing in relief at how many gauze rolls there were in this big backpack, she swung it over her shoulders and turned back to the closet. She grabbed a sheet and stuffed it into the first aid backpack. "This'll make for a decent cloak...for now." she sighed.

    Walking downstairs, she found Beuce and tapped his arm. "Beuce, let me help you." she said, turning around to show the first aid backpack she found. "It's got lots of stuff and I'm sure you'd like to cover that up before it got infected." she nodded. "Also..." she said, taking the backpack off, she pulled out the sheet she had grabbed. It was navy blue and not that big. "Once you're all cleaned up, this could be a cloak of some sort to cover you up." she said. "How's that sound?"