Kingdom Hearts: Last Remnants

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by CrownMoksha, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Kingdom Hearts, almighty source of light. The door of light, ultimate wall defending Kingdom Hearts from darkness. These two sources along with the keyblade has protected Light for Eons, but that light is being threated. Nobies have begun to loss their way and have been consumed by darkness and have became stronger than ever before and have hreated the blance of light and dark. The keyblade and it's chosen one rose up to defeat them but, they were too much for the weilder and one by one, they were defeated. Now few surviving keyblade weilder must work together with the noboides that haven't been consumed by darkness and destroy this new threat.


    1. No Godmodding
    2. You can have up to 3 OC's
    3. Only mild cussing allowed
    4. How you travel around world is up to you
    5. Summoning can come from any where
    6. No killing of someone else's character without their permission
    7. Romance is up to you.
    8. So that I Know you read the rules, post "Last Remnant"

    Characters/ OC Sheet.

    Remnants of the key- The few surrving keyblade weilders
    Nobodies- The original Nobodies
    Anti-Forms- Nobodies who have crossed with heartless

    OC Sheet

    Remnant of the Key





    True Form(Optional):

    Accepted OC's

    Name: Allen
    Age: 16
    Bio: Allen has a strong resentment for letting people become to close to him after watching his brother fall to the Anti-Nobodies.
    Keyblade(s): Redemption, Eternal Breath, Oathkeeper
    Summon: Bahamut SIN
    Other: Weilds his keyblade with telekinisis

    Name: Cyphus
    Age: 17
    Apperance: black hair, black eyes, wears all black (see a pattern?) However, he doesn't wear organization XIII robes. He just wears all black.
    Bio: Thousands of years before KH1, The first keyblade master was consumed by darkness after studying the heart. He went mad with the power and fear of darkness and tried to destroy the worlds. His four pupils (including Cyphus) tried to stop him, and Cyphus finally did, but in the process his heart was shattered into five pieces. One piece was returned to him, and this is what keeps him alive. The other four were turned into his keyblades. After this, he was lost in darkness, and only recently came out of it. As a result of his thousand year sleep, he lost his memory. He now is looking for a purpose, a reason to exist.
    Keyblade(s): Cyphus has four keyblades, but he only uses one at a time EXCEPT when he is in his final form. His keyblades are named Fragmant Heart, Severed Trust, Broken Strength, and Shattered Light.
    Summon: None
    Other: The peice of heart that was returned to Cyphus took the form of a broken crystal and hangs around his neck, resting just over the space his heart used to be. Also, Last Remnant.

    Age:Looks 10, but is 12.
    Apperance:His hair's black, and his eye color is blue. He wears red shoes with white rims, and a red T-shirt with a white coat. He has fingerless gloves, and wears blue jeans.
    Bio:Poke is mysterious. He is childish, but his past is very saddening. His father was one of the many keyblade masters that got murdered, and Poke experienced it right in front of his own eyes. Out of pure anger, Poke summoned his keyblade(He was training with his father when he was just 2), and then easily wiped out the Nobodies. His fathers final words were: "You've surpassed me, Poke...Get out there and find friends, and help the universe!" And then, his father dropped, dead. Poke cried, but he shook off his tears. He took his fathers keyblade, Hikoint(Pronounced h-I-co-E-nt), and then set out on his journey. And all this happened when he was 10.
    Poke had 2 keyblades, one was his fathers, the Hikoint, and the other was his own. It was Lancebow(Pronounced Lan-seb-O). As he journeyed, he found a keyblade hidden in the bushes. He grabbed it, and a mysterious power flowed into him. Now he had 3. He named the new keyblade Ominous Joint. He noticed that it had the power to grant the user to fly. Which meant he could journey to other worlds now. He got a few supplies, and then set off, to help the last few keyblade bearers restore the universe.
    Keyblade(s):Lancebow; This keyblade can act as a bow. Poke simply charges magic(The kind where Sora opens a gate in KH2) in the shape of an arrow, and then he puts it on a small hole in the handle. He faces the handle towards the opponent, and BAM! Archer kid in action!
    Hikoint; This keyblade has a very curved end, making it good for hooking on to enemies. It is also light, which makes it easy to use.
    Ominous Joint; This keyblade can grant the user to fly. It also is able to make whirlwinds.
    Other: Last Remnant.

    Name: Gexln
    Age: 18
    Apperance: Short,brown, spiky hair. Average build, 5"8 in height. Blue eyes,wears an Organization XIII cloak at all times. Basic appearance is my avatar.
    Bio: Gexln once enjoyed killing, purely because he could feel no guilt. Over time, his dark power increased. His element, darkness, was becoming stronger with each kill. However, he began to notice that slowly other Nobodies were being corrupted, enslaved by darkness. He knew he was at no risk of being overcome, but thought that the ultimate test of his strength would be to defeat these corrupted Nobodies. So, deciding to side with what little keyblade wielders were left, Gexln stopped hunting the wielders down and decided to ally with them in order to kill the new threat.
    Weapon: Various darkness elemental attacks, and his blade, Darkness' Sorrow (pic is on my profile).
    Power: Darkness.
    Summon: Gexln releases some of the dark energy inside of himself in the form of a heartless version of himself. The Shadow Gexln can use all abilities that Gexln possesses with the exception of "darkness release"(his summoning move), but is especially vulnerable to attacks of pure light.
    Other: 1: Last remnant. 2: OMFG i've always wanted to be involved in a RP in which Gexln's darkness may be something to help SAVE someone!!

    Name: Xabet
    Age: Unknown, but appears to be in his early teens.
    Apperance: Dark shoulder length hair, green eyes, and wears a long black coat over a plain white shirt, black pants and white boots.
    Bio: Xabet woke up in Castle Oblivion shortly after the emergance of the corrupted Nobodies with no memory of anything other than his name or his ability to fight. Confused and disorientated, he set out to find his lost memories, and got caught in the new conflict.
    Weapon: Twin wrist blades hidden inside his coat, which he can channel magic down to increase their reach or strength.
    Power: Can cast powerful Light spells but doesn't know much other magic.
    Summon: Alexander.
    Other: Last Remnant.

    Bio: Even before becoming a nobody, he had a great affinity to the light and darkness in every world. For his affinity, the worlds granted him not one, but two keyblades, each linked to light or darkness. Once he lost his heart, however, he noticed the corrupted nobodies had started forming. He then pledged to rid the worlds of this new taint.
    Power:Light and Darkness
    Summon:summons several clones of himself, split into either light and darkness.
    Other:Last Remnant

    Name: Zero
    Age: 17
    Bio: One of the first few nobodies to turn into a anti-nobody.
    Weapon: Longsword, Shortsword
    Summon: Twilight Thorn
    Power: Flight
    True Form (Optional):

    Name: Xoram
    Apperance: Looks human, but when he fights his apperance becomes similar to Sora's Anti-Form. Also has a Black wing on his left side
    Bio: Quit Organization 13, but was caught by the Heartless and he pleged himself to darkness to be saved
    Weapon: Can use a Keyblade, but prefers his Fusion Swords.
    Summon: bahamut, Diablo, and the summons that Genesis used in Crisis Core
    Power: Darkness, Wind, and Fire
    True Form (Optinal): Blue and Black palette swap of the Genesis Avatar
    Other: Last Remnant
  2. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011

    Name: Gexln
    Age: 18
    Apperance: Short,brown, spiky hair. Average build, 5"8 in height. Blue eyes,wears an Organization XIII cloak at all times. Basic appearance is my avatar.
    Bio: Gexln once enjoyed killing, purely because he could feel no guilt. Over time, his dark power increased. His element, darkness, was becoming stronger with each kill. However, he began to notice that slowly other Nobodies were being corrupted, enslaved by darkness. He knew he was at no risk of being overcome, but thought that the ultimate test of his strength would be to defeat these corrupted Nobodies. So, deciding to side with what little keyblade wielders were left, Gexln stopped hunting the wielders down and decided to ally with them in order to kill the new threat.
    Weapon: Various darkness elemental attacks, and his blade, Darkness' Sorrow (pic is on my profile).
    Power: Darkness.
    Summon: Gexln releases some of the dark energy inside of himself in the form of a heartless version of himself. The Shadow Gexln can use all abilities that Gexln possesses with the exception of "darkness release"(his summoning move), but is especially vulnerable to attacks of pure light.
    Other: 1: Last remnant. 2: OMFG i've always wanted to be involved in a RP in which Gexln's darkness may be something to help SAVE someone!!
  3. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010

    Name: Xoram
    Apperance: Looks human, but when he fights his apperance becomes similar to Sora's Anti-Form. Also has a Black wing on his left side
    Bio: Quit Organization 13, but was caught by the Heartless and he pleged himself to darkness to be saved
    Weapon: Can use a Keyblade, but prefers his Fusion Swords.
    Summon: bahamut, Diablo, and the summons that Genesis used in Crisis Core
    Power: Darkness, Wind, and Fire
    True Form (Optinal): Blue and Black palette swap of the Genesis Avatar
    Other: Last Remnant
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Both accepted, now if we could just get some more people to join
  5. Lauriam I hope I didn't keep you waiting...

    Jun 4, 2009
    Nonbinary she/he/it?
    Remnant of the Key

    Name: Cyphus
    Age: 17
    Apperance: black hair, black eyes, wears all black (see a pattern?) However, he doesn't wear organization XIII robes. He just wears all black.
    Bio: Thousands of years before KH1, The first keyblade master was consumed by darkness after studying the heart. He went mad with the power and fear of darkness and tried to destroy the worlds. His four pupils (including Cyphus) tried to stop him, and Cyphus finally did, but in the process his heart was shattered into five pieces. One piece was returned to him, and this is what keeps him alive. The other four were turned into his keyblades. After this, he was lost in darkness, and only recently came out of it. As a result of his thousand year sleep, he lost his memory. He now is looking for a purpose, a reason to exist.
    Keyblade(s): Cyphus has four keyblades, but he only uses one at a time EXCEPT when he is in his final form. His keyblades are named Fragmant Heart, Severed Trust, Broken Strength, and Shattered Light.
    Summon: None
    Other: The peice of heart that was returned to Cyphus took the form of a broken crystal and hangs around his neck, resting just over the space his heart used to be. Also, Last Remnant.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Welcome, we'll start either later today or sometime tomorrow.
  7. Inverser361 Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 13, 2011
    Earth. Duh xD

    Bio: Even before becoming a nobody, he had a great affinity to the light and darkness in every world. For his affinity, the worlds granted him not one, but two keyblades, each linked to light or darkness. Once he lost his heart, however, he noticed the corrupted nobodies had started forming. He then pledged to rid the worlds of this new taint.
    Power:Light and Darkness
    Summon:summons several clones of himself, split into either light and darkness.
    Other:Last Remenant
  8. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.

    Name: Xabet
    Age: Unknown, but appears to be in his early teens.
    Apperance: Dark shoulder length hair, green eyes, and wears a long black coat over a plain white shirt, black pants and white boots.
    Bio: Xabet woke up in Castle Oblivion shortly after the emergance of the corrupted Nobodies with no memory of anything other than his name or his ability to fight. Confused and disorientated, he set out to find his lost memories, and got caught in the new conflict.
    Weapon: Twin wrist blades hidden inside his coat, which he can channel magic down to increase their reach or strength.
    Power: Can cast powerful Light spells but doesn't know much other magic.
    Summon: Alexander.
    Other: Last Remnant.
  9. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Remnants of The Key

    Appearance:Short blonde hair, tall and thin, stubbly blonde beard, Dark jacket, Golden pants.
    Bio: A young Keyblade trainee who was training to fight in the Keyblade war, but was attacked by unknown enemies during his Mark of Mastery exam. He woke up recently and found himself in the throne room of Disney Castle. He stepped outside to find the halls filled with swarming darkness. The darkness swallowed him, but his light shined through. He now seeks answers to who attacked him. He has a bright and cheerful personality.
    Keyblades:Oblivion and a Keyblade called Truth of the Heart. He dual-wields normally, but they
    combine to one in his final form called Oblivious Truth.
    Summon: Chip and Dale
    Other:He sees visions of a girl in Organization XIII robes, and Last Remnant.
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    @Inverser361 Links aren't working on my end.
    everyone else accpeted
  11. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Remnant of the Key

    Age:Looks 10, but is 12.
    Apperance:His hair's black, and his eye color is blue. He wears red shoes with white rims, and a red T-shirt with a white coat. He has fingerless gloves, and wears blue jeans.
    Bio:Poke is mysterious. He is childish, but his past is very saddening. His father was one of the many keyblade masters that got murdered, and Poke experienced it right in front of his own eyes. Out of pure anger, Poke summoned his keyblade(He was training with his father when he was just 2), and then easily wiped out the Nobodies. His fathers final words were: "You've surpassed me, Poke...Get out there and find friends, and help the universe!" And then, his father dropped, dead. Poke cried, but he shook off his tears. He took his fathers keyblade, Hikoint(Pronounced h-I-co-E-nt), and then set out on his journey. And all this happened when he was 10.
    Poke had 2 keyblades, one was his fathers, the Hikoint, and the other was his own. It was Lancebow(Pronounced Lan-seb-O). As he journeyed, he found a keyblade hidden in the bushes. He grabbed it, and a mysterious power flowed into him. Now he had 3. He named the new keyblade Ominous Joint. He noticed that it had the power to grant the user to fly. Which meant he could journey to other worlds now. He got a few supplies, and then set off, to help the last few keyblade bearers restore the universe.
    Keyblade(s):Lancebow; This keyblade can act as a bow. Poke simply charges magic(The kind where Sora opens a gate in KH2) in the shape of an arrow, and then he puts it on a small hole in the handle. He faces the handle towards the opponent, and BAM! Archer kid in action!
    Hikoint; This keyblade has a very curved end, making it good for hooking on to enemies. It is also light, which makes it easy to use.
    Ominous Joint; This keyblade can grant the user to fly. It also is able to make whirlwinds.
    Other: Last Remnant.
  12. Deadly Locke Moogle Assistant

    Jun 9, 2011
    Traverse Town :D
    Remnant of the Key

    Name: Locke
    Age: 26
    Appearance: This guy --->
    Bio: At a the age nineteen, one of the keyblade masters sense darkness in him. The darkness spread, but he was able to control it. But a mysterious man tricked him into being consumed by darkness and locked him in the World Of Darkness. He was stuck there for years, and the thought of revenge kept him from becoming insane. At the age twenty-six, he was finally free, and joined the few surviving keyblade wielders, only for his own selfish desire for revenge.
    Keyblade(s): Crown Unlimit, But he only uses it when necessary. He mainly uses a keyblade called "Darkside".
    Summon: Shinryu, the dragon in search for Omega!!
  13. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    OCC: jackdaniel0 accepted, now we start

    BIC: "So, where am I supposed to find the other keyblade wielders?" Allen said eating some sea-salt Ice cream. Being that there was only a hand full of them left it would be quite the journey.
  14. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    The young man groaned and slowly picked himself up off the floor. Confused, he glanced around at his surroundings- a long white corridor with a large, golden trimmed doorway at the end. "W-where am I?" he asked to no-one in particular, shaking himself to clear his head. "I can barely remember name. Xabet." He stated firmly, and started walking toward the doorway. "I guess I may as well see whats outside."
  15. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Elti lay back in the throne, a piece of cheese hanging out of the corner of his mouth. "Man, I love it here." he said to nobody in particular. He stood up and swallowed the cheese. He laughed. "I'm never leaving. I... I just wish I remembered more." He hopped down the steps and summoned his Keyblades. Spinning in a circle, light and darkness swirled around him. He laughed again. "But who cares? If those... things.... hadn't attacked me, I wouldn't be here, eh?" He threw Oblivion over his shoulder, leaving Truth of The Heart at his side. "Hm? What's that noise..." he muttered. "Not more darkness..." he threw opened the throne room doors and stepped out to the hallway.
  16. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln was tiring. He'd been tracking down a rogue Nobody for days, and now he was battling it. The Nobody was barely a kid. The young boy had slightly tanned skin, wild blonde hair, and piercing green eyes. Any other being would've felt guilt at the task of having to destroy the child, but not a Nobody like Gexln. Killing was in his nature. He grinned as he disarmed the child with a small flick of his wrist, knocking the child's knife out of the hand with a clean swing by Gexln with his blade, Darkness' Sorrow. He swung vertically down, neatly disposing of the child before he had a chance to recover. Gexln wiped the sweat away from his brow. "This is the third attack on me by a Nobody in days..they all have the same, dark glow of the eyes..i don't like where this is heading" Gexln said quietly to himself.
  17. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Poke would just be out of Hollow Bastion, messing with his keyblades...again. He'd first pull in trees with his Hikoint, before cutting them in half with his Lancebow. He smiled at each tree that got sliced in half. It hasn't been long since he's actually trained, but he felt he should keep up to strength each day. He was swetting like an overheated inferno, though. He rubbed his head all over, before both of his keyblades disappeared. He then took out another one, before he rose it up in the air. Whirlwinds formed, before they somersaulted and blew against Poke's back. He sighed in satisfaction. "Aaahhh...." When he had enough, he put away his wind keyblade, before taking a look at town. "Hm, so this is it..." He then quickly ran towards the town, eager to meet the different keyblade wielders he was destined to meet, as his father had said.
  18. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Finishing the ice-cream, Alllen got up and left the clock tower. "If I'm going to find the other wielder, I might as well start looking." As he was walking, he came to a whole in the wall and decided to see what was inside.
  19. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    Elti walked through the hallway. "Where did that noise come from?" he muttered. Steeping through a door to a garden, he noticed the noise coming from a small building. Dashing towards it, he broke the door down and yelled, "Who's there?!?" He looked around. He couldn't see anybody. "Hey, Chipper, we have a guest!" came a high-pitched voice. "Quiet, Dale!" came another. Elti backed up. "What on earth is going on..." he said in terror. He was talking to chipmunks.
  20. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Gexln thought carefully as he wandered through the narrow, empty alleyways of Twilight Town. He had used a dark corridor to get there. He stood still and summoned his own Shadow Keyblade, a pure black keyblade with sharp, claw-like ends on it and small spikes around the handle. "I hunt wielders..yet i myself seem to be one..ah the irony" he said quietly to himself. He de-summoned the Shadow Keyblade and continued walking. He walked into the sandlot area. Tired and exhausted from the travelling, he took a short rest on one of the small benches. He sighed to himself as he rested.

    OOC: Just in case anyone wants to join up with Gexln(that's in Twilight Town) i put him there. He probably won't stay put for too long though, so if you wanna join up with him just..well make your character meet up with him i guess. Or you could VM me and we could discuss the idea. Either way's good lol