Kingdom Hearts III: The Revival (Working Title)

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Soushirei, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Erathe Moogle Assistant

    Jul 12, 2007
    I'm happy. Very happy ^^ A NEW CHAPTER!!! WOOOOT! xD

    I should read it first befoer I post ^^;; hahah
  2. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    <__<... I can't believe I waited this long just to have you kill off one of my favorite characters. OW IT HURTS. This whole chapter was PAINFULLY tense and my bloody heart won't stop BEATING LIKE AN AFRICAN DRUM...yeees, I quite like saying that. African drum, african drum...

    I don't. /:< I'm still dying to know wth's going on.

    Which reminds, I drew a Nobody Zack but I shamefully totally forgot about it so I have no idea where I winded up dumping it. Eh.

    Anyway, lovely chapter as always, Sushi! Keep up the great work.

    (As for the proof-reading thing, I say young lad you should really get yeself a beta. P: I'm not saying your work was drowning in typos, no! I noticed like two, but it'll save you the hassle of having to re-read it over and over and OVER again yourself.)
  3. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I'm fully 0 for 3 right now on the reception of Cid in this chapter. XDD
    Drum Machine!

    I must confess that I've been desperately running away from this side-story, and haven't found the courage to finally complete this mystery. But I will definitely do so within the next two chapters. Some of you may consider the conclusion somewhat anti-climatic (although I will try my best to make it all very sound), but if you all still find yourself unhappy with it, then I'll just have to ask you all to kiss my---


    A beta, huh... hmm. Sounds like it could work, but who to choose? D:
  4. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    LOL what the?! That was amusingly random. Thanks. XD

    I...have no intention of setting foot in that damned room of mine. At least not until that...*spider* I saw there is gone. GONE!

    I would volunteer, but I'm scared of letting you down.
    Though there was this one site I found with a list of betas! But...that was whut, years ago. So no, this comment isn't exactly helping <_>;;;
  5. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I finished Chapter 14. Wtf.

    -- Chapter Fourteen --
    As usual, didn't proofread. In fact, I don't know why this chapter is finished. But it is. So even if half the grammar in this chapter ends up sounding ******ed, you all BETTER LOVE READING IT ANYWAY!
  6. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    O.o sora seems depressed....but i guess thats obvious xD

    another great chapter! keep them coming!
  7. draik88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 5, 2007
    Are you REALLY sure you want to know? O.o
    ...When I first read that you posted another chapter... this was my expression--> [​IMG]

    ...But now that I've read it... I gotta admit, I felt bad for Cid, but now I feel terrible for Sora! I mean, holy crap! Not only does he lose the keyblade, but pretty much his entire identity and reputation! That's got to hurt! I hope he gets to make up for his loss somehow...

    By the way, congrats on getting another chapter out so soon! This one was just as superb as the rest! ^^
  8. TAFKAA8 Banned

    Jul 1, 2007
    I live in the para-Universe.
    Niceness. You really don't need to care about grammar so much. Most people don't notice anyways. Like always I like the way you portray the characters. In the games they are at times somewhat shallow and archetypical. It's nice to see Sora with actually flaws and thoughts. Whatever, good job in my view. BTW I almost laughed when I saw this 'cause of the huge discrepancy in writing times.
  9. draik88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 5, 2007
    Are you REALLY sure you want to know? O.o
    There's a question I've been meaning to ask but I keep forgetting to...

    I'm sorry if it's been asked before but, will Kairi's ability to weild a keyblade come into effect in your story?
  10. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    To put simply: Nope. XD

    In KH2, when Kairi was given that 'random Keyblade' from Riku, I considered that to be nothing more than a prop; a pathetic excuse for a Keyblade if I ever saw one! So from my interpretation, Kairi wasn't, and still isn't a genuine Keyblade wielder. Even if she were to become one, it would take years of experience before she becomes as good as Sora, Riku (and King Mickey!) are with it. Thus, seeing as two years have gone by in peace--with Kairi never really using a Keyblade--for her to become a Keyblade wielder in my fic, and be *really good* at it just wouldn't work out. There just wouldn't be enough time to build her up into a great Keyblade fighter.

    However, she does have something just as equally powerful as a Keyblade (if not stronger), which she will use when the time comes.
  11. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Ridiculously fast update, but I ain't complaining!

    Oooh la la...gotta be hard on Sora's eg--pride <_>;;; I'm particularly fond of the way you really take the time to explain/show Sora's feelings on all this. Though unlike draik88, the whole ordeal with Cid is still affecting me more. D:

    Ah, love ye Yuffie <3. Best part in the whole chapter I'd say - the idea of Leon trying to crack a joke, oh WOW lol. XD
  12. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Yay. Chapter 15. o_o Although it's been about 3 days since I posted the last chapter, this chapter was actually completed in one day. I started it sometimes in the afternoon yesterday and finished it around 4am this morning. XD

    Anyway, this is quite possibly my favourite chapter yet. It's quite a roller coaster of emotions, but I've never smiled so much at anything I've written--as I was writing it. (Maybe not the last part of this chapter, <.< but anyway). Hope you all enjoy it.

    -- Chapter Fifteen --
    I did get a chance to proof-read this one, but there's probably still some errors in there that I haven't caught. Hell, every now and then I'll read older chapters, and I *still* find myself rephrasing some lines or correcting mistakes.

    Anyway, hopefully you've enjoyed yet another quick chapter update. I have no idea how much longer this will go on. But we'll see.
  13. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    (aw man, took me long enough to finally post.)

    I'm way pissed I have a fucking relative to spoil the reading for me. God, imagine a six year old twat being a downright nag, whining to watch Earth Worm Jim and sitting on your lap while you're trying reading. AND SHE'S STILL BLOODY SITTING ON MY LAP AAAAARGH. TYPING WITH ONE HAND IS NOT COMFORTABLE.

    Sorry, really pissed atm. Anyway I digress.

    Oh la la, that was some drama in this chapter >_> You're right, this IS the best chapter yet and I can see how you managed to get it done so quickly. XD I feel particularly bad for Sora, I kinda see where he's coming from.

    So, Naminé...was Kairi's memories, hmm. I somehow thought she'd be Arianna, but I guess that was just a mere wish. Would've been nice to see something going on, between 'Ventus' and 'Ari', what with the hints you already dropped in this chapter. ...Or is that a surprise for later?! 8D

    You've really outdone yourself with this chapter. I love and you and your work sOoOoOoOoOooo much~~~~~ oooooooooh<333333
  14. TAFKAA8 Banned

    Jul 1, 2007
    I live in the para-Universe.
    Very good, as always. You know, all the same kinda things make this whole thing worth reading. Surprised at the quick update. I hope this becomes a trend 'cause I hate waiting and brooding about it, 'cause I'll never have a good enough answer to what will happen next. Have a nice day.
  15. draik88 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jan 5, 2007
    Are you REALLY sure you want to know? O.o
    Your sudden increase in chapters not only astounds me... but slightly frightens me aswell...o.0;

    ...This chapter was sooooooo DEEP!!! I think I had a slight emotion-explosion!!!!

    "Emotional Rollercoaster" is an understatment... "Emotion Hurl-a-Whirl" was more like it in my case... I really enjoyed the fight between Sora and Kairi... as evil as that sounds, just the way you wrote it... I can't even find the words to describe it. Definatly my favorite chapter so far! ^^ ...I noticed one mistake... but I can't quite remember where it was... if I find it again though, I'll tell you.

    Like I always say, but especially fter reading this chapter, can't wait for the next one! I hope the sudden amount of updates keeps up and it comes out soon!
  16. Darktorith Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 15, 2007
    North Carolina
    What a great chapter but i really think Sora should really tell Kairi about how he feals. I was sure kairi was going to say she loves sora but they just fought and fought untill they wanted to kill each other!
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Well, Sora's at the point where he feels he's completely useless as a member of the team. It seemed to him that the more they unravelled Kairi's past, the more and more unimportant/useless he felt he was becoming. It doesn't make much sense for Sora to be completely downcast about his identity and go "Kairi, I love you!". To tell someone you love them (at least in the way it's going to be intended in this fic) requires a great amount of confidence in one's self, and to see oneself as 'worthy' of being loved in return. I love you basically is a declaration of "Be with me, we can be happy together". This obviously isn't the case with Sora. He feels he Kairi is now very out of his league.

    As for Kairi, she originally perceived Sora's depression as something simple. Everyone gets a little down at times; that's basically how she saw it. But when she realized that Sora was actually serious, she was incredibly shocked that he was capable of believing such things; the Sora she knew wouldn't allow himself to be so bothered by something so 'trivial'.

    The reason they continued to fight was because despite Kairi repeatedly imploring Sora to tell her "What's wrong", Sora adamantly refuses. Kairi doesn't realize that losing the Keyblade isn't the only thing that's bothering him. And despite her best efforts to try to fish it out of him, she basically gets slapped in the face for attempting. Sora basically cut the fish line that was trying to reel him in.

    It wouldn't really fit for Kairi to make her confession here because the atmosphere isn't right. You don't tell someone you love them when they're in the middle of trying to redefine their identity. Sora is far too confused with trying to figure out just who he is now; he's completely unfit to deal with a love confession because then he wouldn't know exactly why Kairi loves him. Or even worse, he won't believe it.
  18. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Here's Chapter 16. It's not quite as eventful as the others, and I was surprised how few events managed to take out one whole chapter. However, I feel that what was covered in this chapter is one of the most important parts of the fic, something I didn't want to rush. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this chapter.

    -- Chapter Sixteen --
  19. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Awww, *sweet* chapter. Loved it XD But then again, all your chapters are awesome, so. Special kudos to the beautiful fighting scenes, it's crazy how you paint a picture so well with words. VENTUS IS DA MAN! (And it's good to have Sora back on his feet again.) Keep up the ridiculously fast updates AND great work! =D

    I'm pretty sure it's "Wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I could", no?

    [Sh!t, you've *really* neglected Cloud and Riku's case. XD]
  20. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    XD The double negative is intentional. Ventus comments on Sora managing to get out of his restraints (being pinned to the rock behind) him. Sora says "He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he *couldn't* get out of those restraints". I just omitted reiterating what Ventus already said.

    XD Thanks for the continued support. I have a feeling things will begin slowing down from here, but we'll have to see I suppose.

    And yes, I know Riku and Cloud have yet to be seen <.<; I haven't forgotten about them. I'm just waiting for the right time... XD